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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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3461867 No.3461867 [Reply] [Original]

Is it possible to become good enough to be paid for your art in 1-2 years? Whether it be commissions or working professionally in some way.

I'm a 23 year old NEET living with my parents doing nothing with my life. Art is the only thing I could even begin consider myself passionate about, but I've never applied myself. Could I get to the point of potentially make a living off of art in 1-2 years practicing hardcore, 6+ hours a day every day? Or isn't there a limit to your gains even if you put in heavy hours?

>> No.3461868

there is literally no point in asking this if you haven't even started.

start grinding fundies and drawing a bit for fun, if you continue with it for a while then come back and ask.

>> No.3461870

some guy's trying that here.

>> No.3461871

>make a living off of art in 1-2 years
>6+ hours a day every day
No. Algenfpledger managed to make a living off his art by practicing 12 hours a day, everyday for 4 years. Six hours is not "hardcore". Anybody who will tell you different from here forth, does not live off their art and has no fucking idea what they're talking about.

>> No.3461875

Who said I hadn't started? I draw every day.

We'll I did say 6+. I have a lot of time on my hands.

>> No.3461885

It takes 4 years in a formal course of study, working the equivalent -at least - of a full time job. You won't have the benefits of that, so expect it to take longer.

If you're a NEET, go to art school, ffs. What, you have something else more important to do? Do you know how many people would give anything to be in your position?

>> No.3461897

>Is it possible to become good enough to be paid for your art in 1-2 years

It's possible, though you'd have to draw for 8 hours a day and be mentored in a good atelier.

Since you're 23 years old, I would recommend you getting a job first and potentially moving out. Psychologically you'll feel better that you're providing for yourself which hopefully would help you make better art.

>> No.3461901

It's not like I'm a NEET from a rich family, anon. My parents let me live here and provide food and stuff but they aren't going to pay for me to go to some fancy schmancy art school.

>get a job
You're not wrong, I'm just not mentally capable at the moment. So I thought I'd try and do what I can from home.

I appreciate the advice and insight from everyone.

>> No.3461902

>not mentally capable of work

what makes you think you're mentally capable of the grinding it takes to git gud?

>> No.3461903

I have severe (seveeeere) social anxiety. No friends. No prior work experience. Can hardly handle conversations with people I actually know. Much less an interview for a job and then actually working with other people. Hence the NEETness.

>> No.3461904

same, anon. and i'm already living off my art (though on the low income side, cause i just started as a professional), you can do it.

>> No.3461908

Thanks, I appreciate the encouragement. Even f it's not possible in a year or two it's something to work on while I try to improve on my anxiety.

>> No.3461911

social anxiety is a meme, man up you pussies.

>> No.3461912

how did you convince your parents to finance your "art" journey?

>> No.3461913

>while I try to improve on my anxiety.
oh no lol, that just gets worse with the seclusion :-)

>> No.3461914

>I'm 18 and my mom is already trying to kick me out
you got it good

>> No.3461915

I'm in a similar situation, though the circumstances are a bit different. I've been drawing (self-taught, never went to an art school or anything like that) for a long time and only recently started doing commissions. It's not huge money, but it's definitely better than nothing.

I also know a person who started drawing in his mid-twenties and got better than me just in few years. All it takes is passion to draw something, strong will and self-control.

>> No.3461917

Actually yes.

>> No.3461949

I kind of did just that OP. Started grinding hardcore beginning 2013 and started getting work (in the $200 - $400 range per illustration) around early 2016. Been a fulltime freelancer ever since, although a lot has changed since then. More of a business guy now.

But knowing what I know now, yes it can be done in 2 years. You'll have to aim for the low hanging fruit (furry porn for instance) but you can make a humble living after 2 years of methodical dedicated study.

>> No.3461981

Don't do it man. Those years will never come back and you'll have a hole in your resume. I started studying at 25 and now I'm 30 and I've failed at making it. Now I'm having an extremely hard time finding menial jobs because my resume has this gap. I legitimately want to kill myself because I see no escape from this. Don't waste your time, do art as a hobby and look for a real job, get into a real career.

>> No.3461992

Didn't bbcchan do it?

>> No.3461994

Ten years ago, possibly.
Today there's no way, not with how saturated the industry and how stiff the competition has become.
Without knowing you I'd say you'll need at least 4 years or more of hardcore practice and experience.

>> No.3461995

lel, porn doesn't count
It's what you do when you fail at everything else. And even then you should have enough dignity to do something else.

>> No.3461996

why didn't you make it? did you get critiques, did you study? how many hours did you do a day on average? post work.

>> No.3462008

How did you expect to make it within five years? Comedians usually put in 10-15 years before they make a name for themselves and you expected to make it within five, with drawing and painting out of all disciplines? You were delusional.

>> No.3462011

I studied but I was self-taught. I set out to make comics. I think I didn't make it because I didn't receive directions from an actual teacher and partly because... I don't know but I feel like I have trouble learning in general, I make the same mistakes over and over.

My work is in this thread >>3452370

Yeah I was delusional. There's no way I could have reached a professional skill level in 5 years. I tried making comics but they look awful, I can't get an audience because of the quality of my work.

>> No.3462025

how did you fuck up studying that bad????

>> No.3462030

Hmm so the general consensus is the porn route is the ultimate disgrace

>> No.3462031

>I was self-taught
so am i, and i'm >>3461904 don't blame being self-taught on your lack of progress. there's endless tutorials on the internet. you can even pay for or torrent instruction videos from professionals and teachers. there's even patreon now, where if you just pay a comic artist $10 a month, you can ask them any stupid question you have, and they'll *actually* answer you. there's no excuse to not get good in this internet age, unless you're just dumb.

>> No.3462042

>5 years
no way, you must have been doodling for an hour a day

>> No.3462045


If you don't mind me asking how much do you charge as a starting professional?

I'm going to need an artist soon as my PoC has just been accepted by a distributor and I'll need some proper art to cover the placeholder art.

Literally came to /ic/ to scope out the prices I should be looking at for a starting out artist. Also, when doing art for a project would you be more willing to accept a standard fee or %royalties from sales?

>> No.3462049

Fucking retards over here. 12 hours a day for 4 years? That's 17k+ hours. You're insane if you think that's what's needed to get good. You can get to professional, payable level in less than 3 years of deliberate practice ~3-4 hours a day. But deliberate is very important here. Just drawing 3 hours a day won't be enough (you will improve with that, but not as fast). The key is to have a clear outline of what you'll be practicing. So you might do only buildings and perspective for 3 months. Then you do nature for another 3 months. Then you do animals and creatures for 3 months. Then you do human form for 6 months. Then within the human form you only do clothes for a month. Etc. Doing this will get you good in under 3 years, I guarantee that. Unless you're a brainlet, but I think this board is already beyond saving because most people here are low IQ and utterly hopeless.

>> No.3462051

>It's what you do when you fail at everything else
Is this what /ic/ believes?

I personally always wanted to draw porn and had a lot of ideas, but didn't start doing it until I got better at drawing anatomy and genitals.

>> No.3462057

>Doing this will get you good in under 3 years, I guarantee that.
Oh? Are you talking from experience, bigshot?

>> No.3462063

Post your work

>> No.3462096

Yes I am. Are you talking from experience? Did you actually try to deliberately practice consistently and observe the progress you made. Because if you didn't your opinion isn't worth much. You just spout off what other successful artists have done without knowing the slightest thing about their methods and consistency etc. I can GUARANTEE, that if you're reasonably intelligent and capable of learning, you could get good in under 3 years with only 3-4 hours a day if you practice deliberately and planned out.

Let's break that down. I pointed out above that you should practice things one by one and dedicate more time to things that you're bad at and less time to things that you're good at. Do you really think you wouldn't become a ~pro level plant/wildlife artist in 90 days 3-4 hours a day. If it takes you 30 minutes to complete a drawing, that's over 800 drawings in those 90 days. You would need to be a moron not to become VERY proficient (pro-level proficient, and pro-level quality) in those 800 drawings. So that's just one thing, plants. Then you take another 3 months and you just draw buildings, architecture, cities, perspective, structures, that kind of thing. Again, that's 800-1000 drawings of just buildings and structures. If you can't get good in 1000 drawings then you should honestly just quit. Then human figure. That's a big topic and arguably the most important one as humans are often centerpieces of most art. So you take 6 months there. That's just under 2000 drawings. Again, if you do 2000 drawings of humans in various poses and you aren't GOOD (pro or near pro level good), you are literally mentally retarded. Just go work in a factory or something.

The same applies for every other topic or theme that you'd like to draw. I'd add 2 months or so of just fundamentals to the beginning of that journey just to strengthen those connections (again, 2 months, over 60*4=240 hours of practicing fundamentals. more than enough)

>> No.3462100

I've posted my work here many times. I don't want you no lifers to track me down and harass me and my fan base just because of the opinions I present here.

>> No.3462113

Dave Rapoza made it in 2 years having no prior experience.
But according to him he was drawing and painting all day

>> No.3462120

You’ve posted your work before, so repost it.

>I don't want you no lifers to track me down and harass me

This retard argument has been debunked a hundred times, but what the hell, I’ll do it again: if you’re actually good at art, you can and will already have created plenty of work that doesn’t look like your “usual style”.

>> No.3462127
File: 45 KB, 569x412, 1514217194777.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have no need for validation from this board and I've already seen a friend's whole online business tarnished because of vengeful and retarded idiots. People don't like the truth, and they don't like to hear that they CAN do something. You and most people on this board spread the meme of "12 hours a day for an absurd number of years" because it's a great reason to give up. People see that and go "Welp, I won't be an artist then". But if they knew the truth is actually somewhere in between -- you need hard work and persistence but it's not out of reach for a normal person, they get scared because then they'd actually have no excuses left. I firmly stand behind my statements and I've gone through it all. You'll either take my advice or you won't. Again, I assure you that you don't need 12 hours+ per day for 5 years, or anywhere near that amount. It all of course depends on what your goal is, and even after 2-3 years of 3-4 hours a day you will still have room for improvement, but if we're talking about making money from your art and producing art of consistent appealing quality then yeah, you don't need anywhere near what you are saying.

>> No.3462128

>one guy
>general consensus

>> No.3462130

Sure anon. As for me, I'm better than Ruan Jia and Krenz combined into the perfect aesthetic style. I have over 2 million fans on instagram, and make more money than sakimichan. I won't show my work though, I don't want you no lifers to harass me or muh fans!!

>> No.3462141

>it's a great reason to give up.
You don't sound very ambitious for a guy that "made it". Every big pro will tell you they draw at MINIMUM 8 hours a day. Ruan Jia said in a youtube interview he does 9-11 hours, only because if he does more than that his hand will get injured. Feng Zhu of course did 16 hours, and algenfpledger went from complete /beg/ to working for Magic the Gathering by doing 12 hours. Doing 3-4 hours a day for 2-3 years might get you some pocket money from commissions to pay a portion of your bills, but it's not going to give you the equivalent of a stable career.

>> No.3462154

its not based on that one guy, I've seen it being implied plenty of times.

>> No.3462168

You're not Ruan Jia, you're not Feng Zhu and you're not algenfpledger. Is it really in any way useful to you to hear how they made it? Examine your emotions, does it inspire you or does it make you even less excited and pretty scared because you KNOW you'll never do those hours? For most people it's the latter, and thus it should stop being posted because it's 1) not a universal truth and 2) not likely to help.

I don't know what this board's definition of "making it" is. I have a stable income that affords me a good life, all from my art. I'm certainly not super famous like the people you seem to idolize but I do alright for myself. And I did it after 3 years of what I already wrote. It's been 6 years now since I started this journey and I've been making a nice living for 2 of those 6, but even after 3 years I had maybe a half-salary, certainly enough for a student or someone who doesn't pay rent.

Unless your contention is that you need to do 11-12 hours for 5 years to become Feng Zhu or Ruan Jia, in which case I have no idea because I'm not them and it's entirely possible that they did that to become what they are. I know they're certainly better artists than me. But what's the point of comparing yourself to LeBron or Cristiano Ronaldo or Feng Zhu or Bill Gates? They're literally 0.0001%. I'm happy even being 1%. So I guess I'm not insanely ambitious, no

>> No.3462176

Hah. I wish I had your nerves, arguing with this board... Hopefully some anons figure you've got a point.

inb4 samefag

>> No.3462181

>So I guess I'm not insanely ambitious, no
well there ya go. personally i'm not aiming to make a little above minimum wage. It's entirely possible to go beyond that, but only if you actually put in the work. I did 9 hours yesterday and have 4 hours today so far. I can't imagine digesting the enormous amount of information you have to learn about the fundamentals with only doing that amount of time per day, for 3 years. You just can't. 4 hours is only enough for me to do maybe 2 anatomical photo studies.

>> No.3462184


Having a lot of time on your hands doesn't mean having the discipline to use that time well. My experience with NEETdom was that I actually wasted more of my time than when I'm working, because having more time made it less valuable to me.

Dip your toes. If you can go 6+ hours a day for a week without burning out maybe you stand a chance. Most people can't. If you're doing this trying to make a living in a short timeframe you'll probably make yourself hate art anyway.

>> No.3462189


How are you going to deal with employers and clients in art, then? If you're going to get a job as an artist that requires GETTING A JOB as an artist. You have to socialize and network in art too. And clients for commission work are arguably more intolerable than your standard employer because they're often entitled and flaky.

>> No.3462194


>4 hours is only enough for me to do maybe 2 anatomical photo studies.

What do these studies entail? I hope you're not wasting your time just copying and rendering photos, because the rendering is time consuming and generally just teaches you how to render.

>> No.3462195

Talking to someone in person, and sending an electronic message are vaaaastly different.

>clients for commission work are arguably more intolerable
that's not true. even if you do come across an intolerable client, just dump their ass. no big deal.

>> No.3462206
File: 766 KB, 924x1010, Screen Shot 2018-06-02 at 10.51.20 PM-Recovered.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

identifying the muscles, like this. sketching, and rendering it yes. rendering is important.

>> No.3462208

>blah blah blah words words words

Nobody will find you based on an example of your work that you never posted anywhere else, done in a different style. Put up or shut up.

>> No.3462209

That was more than ten years ago. The industry has changed.

>> No.3462212

From where?

>> No.3462214

I don't know. I am almost about to give up.

>> No.3462219

everywhere including here. only people that are into it are okay with it. irl people are the most harsh about smut. its seems fun to me but its not something i want to known or do in the long run, so ill probably quit it if i even make it skill wise.

>> No.3462220

You really should give up. You’re not willing to be honest with yourself about how little work you actually do, which means you won’t ever actually wake up and work harder.

>but muh five years

Mostly spent crying and masturbating, not drawing.

>> No.3462225

Whatever floats your boat, I don't have to answer to you.

>> No.3462228

calls everyone a retard, realizes you need to be a brainlet if you need 17k hours to git gud, still thinks it's insane some people need to grind 12h/day.

what's going on here

>> No.3462229

Apparently you don’t have to answer to yourself, either.

>> No.3462231

you're not the 1%, the way you describe it you might be the 5-10%.

>> No.3462232

>rendering is important.

It is but if you're spending hours of your time doing it when your goal is to learn anatomy you're probably not learning as much anatomy as you are rendering. Especially if you're just copying a photo, it's pretty mindless busywork. Most of the important work of a piece is usually done before rendering even starts.

>> No.3462235

Is it so hard to believe that sometimes you put the work in and you don't get rewards? I didn't work smart probably, I don't know what the fuck my problem is. I only know that I put the hours in, some days I would draw 20 pages of shit, and I'm still bad. I'm not blaming anyone but me, maybe I'm just a brainlet. Why the fuck do you have to be so salty about it

>> No.3462239

Oh wait it's because you're /beg/ and you still haven't put *any* work in but from your armchair you need to believe that effort and results have a perfect 1:1 ratio
I forgot I was on /ic/ after all

>> No.3462246

Bullshit aside anon,
You can do it. You can probably start asking for commissions in a drawfag thread on a different board, or at reddit.
It won't be a living wage, but you'll be getting some pocket money to start upgrading your equipment. Or you can save up to start taking online classes or subscriptions.

Once you get that out of the way, you'll have some basic things to put on your resumé. You can then start sending out portfolio pieces to art professionals in line with what you want to do. They'll tell you what to fix, work on, adjust, and hopefully how to get started working big time.

There you go. I've laid it out, you just gotta do it.

>> No.3462252

what exactly do you think is being learned during the rendering...? You learn how to shade the muscle bumps, how their planes react to light. This is also where you can show the boxiness of the wrist with hard shadows, or the roundness of the breasts with soft shadows. It's literally learning anatomy. They're not two seperate things, everything in art has a relationship with one another.

>> No.3462255

>a little above minimum wage
Last year I did $65k before taxes. That's not a little above minimum wage. Like I said, I do ok for myself just from art which is more than 99.9% of aspiring artists can say.

>> No.3462260

You just uncovered that your work is incredibly inefficient. What >>3462232 is 100% correct. You're spending countless hours finishing a drawing instead of starting new drawings and learning. Your practice is not efficient if it takes you 2 hours to do a single drawing. There's nothing wrong with doing one 100% complete, meticulously rendered drawing per WEEK maybe, but that kind of work has no place in a daily work schedule. Your time would be better spent elsewhere, and your progress would increase exponentially. You don't have to listen to me, but I make money doing this you don't

>> No.3462266

It'd be easier to answer if you would just post your work. Why do people who ask these questions never show it.

>> No.3462267

that's funny, anon. now go back to beg

>> No.3462269

Why would you be like this, though? I gave you solid advice and your response is that. Assuming your goal is to also make money from art, why wouldn't you listen to someone who has achieved that very thing? Your attitude is all wrong. Feng Zhu won't save you, NGMI

>> No.3462275

>I didn't work smart probably

I’ll concede that you spent ten hours a day seven days a week for five solid years doing random brainless scribbles, but I would like for you to stop misrepresenting it as honest studying.

>> No.3462277

Hey. Mind posting your work and how/what you practiced? I suspect that you're either
a) better than you think and had unrealistic expectations
b) studied inefficiently or not nearly enough

Not here to make fun of you, but to help out. We might find a solution for your problem - I still believe you can do it, so don't give up now!

>> No.3462281

i'm pretty sure he didn't drew as much as he claims he did.

how many people actually accurately track their time spent drawing? and how much of the actual time spent drawing was efficient?

he says he knows he put the hours in, but before i started tracking my time saying shit like "I drew for 5hours" was completely false and was more like 4hours with poor efficiency--which effectively meant less than that even.

>> No.3462468

I don't intend to be a permanent shut in and never fix my issues. I do want to be "normal" eventually, but I also know it won't happen overnight. So I'd like to at least spend the time improving myself in areas I can.

>> No.3462517
File: 232 KB, 1300x869, bloodborne2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My work is in this thread >>3452370
I mostly practiced comics cause that's what I wanted to do. I was really active in those 5 years and I drew at least 3 hours a day consistently. I produced loads of sketches and gesture drawings. My figures are ok for the time I spent on them. But I have a problem with faces that just doesn't go away as you can see in the thread.

My stuff in general has an ugly style because I wasn't trying to imitate anyone in particular, I mostly liked Moebius back then but that's it.

I just drew and drew without a real aim in the end besides getting good at figures and perspective.

>> No.3462540

>My stuff in general has an ugly style

It doesn’t. People keep dragging your style because they’re faggots who shit their pants when people draw anything other than moeblob animu.

Your problem with faces is feature placement. Literally all you have to do is sit down with some construction reference materials and internalize them. That’s gonna require boring copying and memorization, but it’ll be good for you.

>> No.3462555

your style is ugly because it comes from improper use of line weights. Line weights should suggest form and light, not like a half-assed fairly oddparents where figure silhouettes get thicker outlines. It works for cartoons where the shapes and detail are simple, but not for a more realistic style you are going for.

What I would call your stipple/hatching done everywhere for texture muddies your picture because it also doesn't indicate light either. Pick a light direction and any face hit by the light would be devoid of any texture lines save for a couple to indicate slight plane changes or cracks/grooves and build them up as you get to darker surfaces. They should also lose volume as you get to smaller objects, such as your tree in the background. As the branches get smaller you maintain the same volume of texture lines and it starts to just look like muddy noise.

>> No.3462596

No one sane is gonna throw thousands of dollars at some random guy on the internet. For any noteworthy project, they'd want to meet and coordinate in person.

Unless your plan is getting by with wallflower and porn commissions.

>> No.3462602

Your advice is shit desu. I did exactly what you said for years and what i have to show for it is making good sketches and occasionally nice lineart and I have no idea how to color or render because I always skimped that process under the idea I should shoot out more drawings.

Piece of shit advice desu, if you'll never practice how to render something, you'll never know how to render it just because you sketched it a million times. It just doesn't work that way. Every step of the drawing needs to be reiterated and repeated to become memorable and part of your routine.

>> No.3462716

that just means you actually didn't learn anything from your sketches. You are not supposed to just get good at sketching and expect to be good at rendering, you are supposed to understand form from your sketching, then rendering shouldn't be too difficult to grasp

>> No.3462784

It's not nearly as bad as you make it out to be. You could easily get commissions with your skill level, especially since you seem competent with figures.
As for the style - it's a bit generic, but far from ugly. Maybe study some artists you like and see how they approach faces. I think it's cool you're having a western comic style, btw

You could've gotten better in 5 years, but you could as well not be nearly as good. You are where you are, make the best out of it.

Short note on the drawing - Don't spend so much time hatching things in background. Rule of thumb should be giving the most important subject of your drawing the most detail. Spending this much time on an unimportant tree is not only a waste of time, it also lessens the readability and focus of the drawing.

Also what >>3462555 said. This would immediately improve your drawing a ton and also save you a lot of time.

Good luck, hope you don't give up yet.

>> No.3462815
File: 145 KB, 902x695, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your work is fine. Like you said, you don't like the style. That's easy to change.

Eyeball your favourite artist's work with the intent of copying what makes theirs good and do master studies of theirs. Over time, your art will morph closer into their style. Then find another good artist. It's time consuming but always works and works better the more you do it.

>> No.3462817

Stop asking yourself how can you make it with putting in the less possible effort. Instead ask yourself how can you put in as much effort as possible.
Making it = working hard

Learn to live for your art if you really want to succeed.

>> No.3462953

>6+ hours every day for 2 years
>Least possible effort
I appreciate the sentiment but I wasn't asking what the least amount of work I can do to be an artist is, I was asking if you could feasibly make money from art in 1-2 years of hard work.

>> No.3463021

Some extra money with commissions, surely. A decent living? It's very unlikely.l, but ultimately depends siley on you. I wouldn't bet on it as a primary source of income. Learn a decent trade, anon. Considring you're a NEET you should learn to care for yourself first, instead of using art as a means to ditch your responsibilities.

>> No.3463677

Convenient bullshit. Any retort to what you say will just be met with "lol you just didn't get it".

I understand form fine or I wouldn't be able to make it look convincing with a sketch anyways. I have a hard time with rendering not as a concept but as a technique. This will not be learned by NOT doing it.

>> No.3464274

2 months to get in the habit of drawing so much without burning out
1.5 - 2 years to make a living off porn
3 - 4 years to work in the entertainment industry
sfw commissions/patreon is more dependent on your ideas/marketing than skill