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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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3460253 No.3460253 [Reply] [Original]

Last Thread: >>3439282

We have a discord! Invites open every Tuesday at 00:00 (UTC-5). If you do not check in every Tuesday by the time invites open you will be kicked, but feel free to rejoin when you're ready to get gains.

Show me your gains and dreams:
When you started drawing seriously, what was your skill like?
What is your skill now?
What's your inspiration for where you want to be in 3 years?

Let's make some gains:
How much do you spend actually drawing/practicing every day? Be honest with yourself.
How much can you increase your time practicing by? Double it, or add 10 minutes to it, whatever you can commit to. Do no more, no less for a week.
How well did you do?
Check in every day or every week if you want, whatever keeps you going. Don't be shy, post your shit. Face your fears, it'll make you stronger.

Take critiques like a man, know when to accept it gracefully and when it's just abuse and ignore that shit, move on. Become your better self.

Let's stop hoarding resources and start using them, no matter how much the process of getting better can hurt, it's better than being stuck in this mediocre hell.

Let's git gud

>> No.3460256
File: 150 KB, 3000x2121, Last Week This Week.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here are the discord's rules so you don't have to join just to read them:


>This is our gym, we're here to make art gains. Remember where you started, look at the progress you've made to get where you are, and make the progress you're going to need to get where you want to be. We are here to make good habits and improve ourselves every week (if even just a little).

>Be honest with yourself and the chat or this exercise won't work.


>1. If you do not post anything for a week or are not serious at all about improving and only antagonize or distract others, you will be kicked to make room for other people who will be active in the group.

>If you fail, get right back up and try again. You can ask to come back if you get kicked, keep up your schedule and bring back work to post. We will gladly accept anyone with the will to improve, all I ask is that you put in the time and effort.

>2. When you join, introduce yourself. Show your current progress and tell the chat how many minutes/hours a day you really draw or actually study and apply knowledge. There is a page for you to fill out, posted further down in the rules, please fill out all 3 panels.

>3. State your weekly goal of how much time you will be dedicating to practice per day. Do no more and no less than this time.

>4. Be able to take critique, and know the difference between something that is constructive and something meant to be destructive.

>5. Be able to give critique - if you mention something is wrong, show or tell how to fix it. If you notice something wrong but do not know how to fix it, don't try to pretend you know how. Ad-hominem arguments aren't tolerated.

>6. Be civil. Nobody wants a circle jerk hugbox, but nobody wants a toxic shithole either - neither are conducive to progress. You can be blunt, just don't rage all over someone. Taking out your suffering by making others suffer will get you kicked.

>7. Aim to fix your procrastination and git gud

>> No.3460258


>First, fill out the "Where I started, My skills now, Where I want to be" form below. If you do not have something you are working towards, figure it out so that you can complete it.

>State how much time you really spend drawing seriously, or studying and putting the studies into practice. Be honest. If you are upset by it, then work to fix it.

>Set a time you will spend drawing seriously every day, do this amount of time, no more and no less; and keep a log of your hours!

>The minimum time allowed is 15 minutes a day. If you are just joining, start with something attainable for you, and push yourself to do this every day. As the weeks go by you are encouraged to increase your time and keep pushing yourself. You are not required to increase your time every week, instead the focus can be consistently doing x amount of time per day.

>State your realistic weekly goal. Is it to get better at drawing a certain subject? To keep your time consistent throughout the week? Aim your sights at something and shoot for it, do not aimlessly practice without improvement in mind.

>On Tuesdays, we will meet in the channel #weekly-check-in by 00:01 at -5 UTC - Don't miss it or I'll think you're inactive! (If something serious comes up, please message me about it, otherwise you can rejoin later)
Here's a countdown clock, you have from the time it hits 24 hours to the time it ends to post your progress report: http://www.webcountdown.net/?a=A63yYWO

>Here we talk about what progress was made, what troubles were had, your total time for the week, and how well you stuck to your daily time.
>This is also the time where I will remove inactive users and open up invites to the discord so that new users can participate.

>> No.3460262

And here is the Discord invite for today. It will only last 24 hours.

Make sure you do your intro sheet and questions when you join!


If you don't want to join the discord you are always welcome to participate in the thread.

>> No.3460270
File: 1.93 MB, 3000x1954, where i am.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll play

>I just started yesterday, but have been painting model airplanes for years
>I did about 2 hours worth of practice today from the Loomis book
>I'm willing to put in at least an hour everyday, maybe more
>Weekly goal is to stay consistent

I only had Yellow Ochre and Burnt Sienna, as well as a white for painting, so I did the best I could. I'm working on being able to draw better obviously, so I can create a much more realistic type of painting

>> No.3460273
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>it's ANOTHER discord

>> No.3460277
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>> No.3460283

Hey man I only made the discord because the people in the thread wanted it. If you want to participate in just the thread, that's fine too!

>> No.3460303
File: 1.47 MB, 2500x1628, Farts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

alright here you go