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File: 775 KB, 1276x1375, wonbin-lee-67HG-1-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3458980 No.3458980 [Reply] [Original]

For those who are starting over but have made degenerate art in the past. Are you afraid to upload SFW art only due to people inevitably finding out you draw degenerate shit in the past? Or do you risk starting over from scratch and hope no one will find out?

>inb4 porn art is popular and a thread died fo this
There's a difference between those who draw pin ups/sakimichan copycats and drawing furry, guru, fetish-tier art etc.

>> No.3459009

If your art is good, then you'll eventually find more fans. If people liked your porn art simply because it was porn, then they probably don't care about what's good and bad so you don't need to worry about them.

>> No.3459010

>Are you afraid to upload SFW art only due to people inevitably finding out you draw degenerate shit in the past?
I don't give a fuck about what people think.

>> No.3459017

Fun fact. Most businesses don't care about porn art as long as its drawn well. Heck people have been hired because of their nsfw tumblr pages.

>> No.3459033

And if it was a Dobson scenario where your past degenerate art is horrifying and cringeworthy?

>> No.3459038

Degenerate art or not, nobody is gonna hire Dobson with that that shitty "everybody's an asshole except me" attitude of him.

>> No.3459043
File: 281 KB, 765x540, 1519598485375.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There's a difference between those who draw pin ups/sakimichan copycats and drawing furry
>implying furry isn't one of the most normie fetishes

>> No.3459045
File: 313 KB, 792x1365, JoelJurion_first.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, Dobson's attitude is definitely more of a problem. No one complains about Jurion drawing traps and futa in addition to more vanilla and sfw stuff.

>> No.3459066

I'm not worried because I'm not a faggot like OP

>> No.3459071

everyone who says that is 100% straight up lying

give me 1 (one) example

>> No.3459143
File: 53 KB, 461x600, 9a6e5814893a69ba4f478442cdeb88e5--art-thou-bruce-timm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chris Sanders draws tons of nude pinups. Bruce Timm does too and has done some softcore scenes. Nothing really degenerate, but the point stands. No one cares.

>> No.3459150

I had absolutely nothing of note uploaded and yet I'm terrified of people finding out my past accounts. I only drew a couple pinups, it wasn't even lewd. I don't know why I worry so much.

>> No.3459151

And in terms of artists hired because they drew porn, I guess it's not that common, but Zone was hired to work on Skullgirls because of his hentai parody.

>> No.3459152

Skullgirls is borderline porn tho

>> No.3459244

this is an 18+ board, kid.

>> No.3459247
File: 20 KB, 400x388, 0146293475.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> furry, guru, fetish-tier art

but i got rent to pay

>> No.3459257

I honestly never understood why people are afraid of somebody finding their past nsfw works. Unless it's your parents or somebody who won't understand this part of your life.
Maybe it's a common mentality for a country you live in? Do we have any examples where people got rejected or fired because the boss found their dirty artwork?

I mean look at Japan and China: many companies hire popular artists who did porn in past(or even still do it on the side). Some of them have separate accounts for their sfw and nsfw works, but their style is so memorable I don't think this actually helps in "hiding" the porn.

>> No.3459262

The only example I can find where people have problems with fetish tier art is the religious shitholes, but then again why the fuck do you wanna draw there and not live somewhere else?

>> No.3459376

>never understood the fear
The fear comes from the fact that their past works may be used against them for various reasons, even if such artist's current art may be way different in terms of improvement and particular interests like e.g. character design or environmental art. And regardless how they react to someone finding out, they will always guarentee to be a new head on lolcow or kiwifarms.

>> No.3459448

Weird porn will not hurt you if you are trying to get an art job, unless...

1) ...it’s pedoshit. Nobody will believe you stopped jacking it to children. Change your identity.

2) ...it’s Nazishit. People WILL believe you if you apologize for your beliefs, so you don’t have to change your identity unless you don’t think you can keep up the charade.

3) ...you are specifically trying to do work for family-friendly organizations. Your local church will not want the signature on their new mural to be associated with boytaur cum inflation. Change your identity.

>> No.3459478
File: 1.12 MB, 1183x679, tumblr_o33czgd0TC1uqzzpqo1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rebecca sugar's drawn porn too. it's not as uncommon as you'd think

>> No.3459768
File: 407 KB, 1754x1237, 004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I mean look at Japan and China: many companies hire popular artists who did porn in past(or even still do it on the side).

Uh, Masamune Shirow? I bet he's still cashing those Ghost in the Shell royalty checks.

>> No.3459773

>There's a difference between those who draw pin ups/sakimichan copycats and drawing furry (...)
>comparing furry to guro
most of the furry art is very tame
do people realy react so strongly to it?

>> No.3459814

Kim Jung gi has uploaded some of his more erotic sketches to his Facebook page

>> No.3459862

Other than furry-bashing being a popular meme of the moment, there's a tendency for people to find out that furry porn exists and then act like it's the entire genre, right or wrong. I don't see the need for it. I'm not a fan of loli but I don't shriek about it whenever loli gets posted.

>> No.3459928

>furry-bashing being a popular meme of the moment
>of the moment
>being this fucking new

>> No.3460021


Basically this. Shadman for example is fucked if he thinks he'll break into the mainstream industry. He's wasting time doing shitty meme comics; literally last year he drew some YouTuber's daughter

>> No.3460053
File: 126 KB, 856x704, 1441154621768.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are your seriously implying pros just draw work safe and dont have an nsfw account / keep it to themselves?

Unless you have similar usernames, how is anyone EVER going to be able to find your old work unless you do something stupid like having a work crossover on the same account somewhere?

>> No.3460124

>how is anyone EVER going to be able to find your old work

>draw porn
>take commissions
>anons have your name now
>get an industry gig
>your name is attached to project
>"Oh hey, I got some guro shit from a guy with the same name way back. (link) is your tumblr, right?"
>office drama ensues
Your Gravity Falls incest/snuff porn probably wont come back to haunt you, but that doesn't mean it can't. Rebecca Sugar only got away with it because she has a vagina and therefore is nonthreatening to her peers.

>> No.3460182

Things are so much more relaxed in Asia. I follow a bunch of Japanese artists on Twitter, and most of them use the same account for their professional work and their hobby art. I know of one artist who plugs her work on children's cartoons for NHK while also linking to her loli age gap R18 stuff on Pixiv.

>> No.3460195

He makes thousands a month. Why would he give a fuck about that