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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 239 KB, 698x682, 1526247474645.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3440019 No.3440019 [Reply] [Original]

I consider Pops to be a bit overrated from how I'd see people interact with him. I did, however, enjoy some of his sketches years ago. But I don't see many improvements and the way he currently draws heads tends to look really inflated/strange. Am I the only one?

>> No.3440022

I haven't liked him since I realized he was a hack.

>> No.3440023

What has you to say this? Could you give a visual or verbal example?

>> No.3440026

>always half-ass copies other images and then just slaps on his terrible faces

>> No.3440028

To be fair, don't a lot of artists already do these things? Not defending the behavior, just wondering.

>> No.3440041

>pops shill
go back to your vk fockin slav

>> No.3440051

Then don't call them artists.

>> No.3440062

Literally who?

>> No.3440065


Leave that delightful little man alone...

>> No.3440081

What's pops' blog?

>> No.3440101
File: 234 KB, 450x533, 1519464323338.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So is pops our new sissy fagboi?

>> No.3440129

pops did nothing wrong

>> No.3440134


>> No.3440135
File: 56 KB, 800x592, 3555407.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao that looks like shit.

>> No.3440136

can someone link me his gallery

>> No.3440138


>> No.3440140

>tfw can't draw like pops

>> No.3440141

I think the overrating is from how he puts up a mysterious persona by barely ever saying anything or responding to comments and casually dropping effortless looking sketches from time to time. I still like his work though

>> No.3440144

go away suka /pa/ blyad cheeki breeki

>> No.3440145

pops is a fucking hack, all he does is paints over photos and slap anime sameface on every single one of them

>> No.3440146
File: 232 KB, 1277x1080, YYM6VmLg2hU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's his twitter.

>> No.3440149

this is much worse than i imagined. All of these look so terrible and he's been drawing on here for how long?

>> No.3440153

stiff as fuck

>> No.3440157

fuck u

>> No.3440161

post work

>> No.3440164

Fuck off, whiteknights. sorry that people disagree over him being in any way a good artist

>> No.3440167

I see something wrong with the heads but I can't point exactly what it is

>> No.3440169

tell me ur adress i come for hit u in face

>> No.3440171

This guy's like Nosebro in two years lol.

>> No.3440176

I like Nosebro's stuff more 2bh

>> No.3440177

fuck off nosebro

>> No.3440178

Guys, it literally doesn't matter. He panders to people who like cute girls, they don't care how good he is or what methods he uses, he will remain this way whether you care or not.

>> No.3440189

You're all doing it wrong. You need to praise these namefags so they never leave their comfort zone. It gives them a false sense of accomplishment. We need clowns like pops and nose to exist as a joke.

>> No.3440191

But his girls look like shit.
Fetal alcohol syndrome.

>> No.3440204

what.. no? Not that it's just completely wrong and pathetic from a moral standpoint, it's literally illegal.

>> No.3440212

is he selling them?
Are you referring to any studies he's made?

>> No.3440216

>Fetal alcohol syndrome.
AKA cute.

>> No.3440432

all my lasts drawing wery fast, old works costs all day spend, new 40 mins

>> No.3440448 [DELETED] 
File: 100 KB, 404x292, ahegaochickenentry.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hi pops, chicken here, rate my art

>> No.3440683

>that OP pic
40 minutes for this? Really? that looks awful.

>> No.3440705

Why are his brow ridges always so huge.

>> No.3440725

lol, if i take off that hair how big do you think her forehead would be?

bretty big

>> No.3440740
File: 43 KB, 187x191, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

u know pops is doing great when IC has to make hate thread

>> No.3440751

he would be considered decent if he would just change that embarrassing hentai eye stylisation and work on his heads.

>> No.3440841

>tfw no hate threads for your art
>tfw no threads at all for your art

One day everyone on /ic/ will hate me and on that day I'll know that I made it

>> No.3440881

post work

>> No.3440911

Imagine being this jealous

>> No.3441575

So I was sitting here thinking who the fuck is pops? Well, just as I saw this thread. I see pops posting art in a discord server I'm in. Small world.

>> No.3441699

I stumbled upon this thread. All I see are people quick to defend Pops and claiming this as a hate thread, when it doesn't seem like the OP himself intended for it to be a hate thread. He just gave his opinion on their work, but he didn't say it sucked or anything compared to Nosebro's thread.

>> No.3441725

Sounds like you don't know how online discussion works at all.
Headlines are always radicalized to an extreme. Did you really expect everyone to participates in the discussion all sharing the same lukewarm opinion?
The OP was clearly a thinly veiled hate thread whether intended or subconscious.

>> No.3441756
File: 245 KB, 1063x1063, 1521256190623.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like those faces. But sadly that weeb is stuck in a comfort zone lazily tracing some photos with chicken scratch lines. Wasted potential, NGMI.

>> No.3442421

Ya, if he stopped tracing and sameface on everything he could be good.

>> No.3442823
File: 2.03 MB, 1065x1415, 1ав039105951.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uuhm i happy, i have thread about me, i love u guys

>> No.3443915

Idi nahui pops

>> No.3443919

looks sycra-esque, also she's squinting

>> No.3443920

>I consider Pops to be a bit overrated from how I'd see people interact with him. I did, however, enjoy some of his sketches years ago. But I don't see many improvements and the way he currently draws heads tends to look really inflated/strange. Am I the only one?

Pops literally doesnt draw anything, he is stealing everything.

I dont like the faggot who takes other people's works, makes them WORSE, and then them claims to have made them.

Pops is tracing, photobashing and outright overpainting everything and these arent even good overpaints.

>> No.3443925
File: 298 KB, 531x717, 1527103332711.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So in other words Pops is becoming /ic/'s very own Illya. We'll be seeing Pops hate threads soon after he makes it when Pops figures out a new form of Chromatic Aberration or filter that normies would eat up.

>> No.3443931 [DELETED] 
File: 106 KB, 530x398, obese schizo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3443932

That's what he literally said he wants to be.

He even posted that Kuvshinov scandal like
>Look fags you can just steal shit and get rich
>That's what I gonna be! Fuck drawing lets steal shit
>3 years later he still cant even draw line art that doesnt look like shit
>You think those are stylish sketches
>They actually his "finished" works he is spending weeks on

>> No.3444032

You’re still better than Illustrat.