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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 346 KB, 533x866, 1515373196894.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3431845 No.3431845[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Art regression

>> No.3431848

i dont need a thread for this i see it every time i sit down

>> No.3431850

>find out about /ic/ and sticky
>constantly worry over fundamentals, not drawing every free minute I have and becoming like the meme comparisons
>two years pass by in a flash
>have become the meme that I feared the most

>> No.3431853
File: 80 KB, 900x506, 527784575.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well c'mon, anon. Let's see your worst fear in art form.

>> No.3431856

Ugh. Went from simple and clean to flat, sexually ambiguous amorphous blobs.

For what purpose.

>> No.3431862

Jerk-off material so niche that only you can produce it.

Wouldn't be so bad if the person didn't waste four years and probably $100k+ in debt to discover it.

>> No.3431864

>not having rich parents to fund your art journey

>> No.3431866

>Jerk-off material so niche that only you can produce it.

Hi, yes, i'm here. did somebody summon me?

>> No.3431867
File: 1.18 MB, 1497x3064, 1525795325852.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3431869

>Last pic
That literally looks like two mannequins with anime heads having sex.

>> No.3431876

Right is what the people want. Left is what the people get.

>> No.3431878


>> No.3431901

Eww. The cheesecake looks more appetizing than the smut.

>> No.3431915

This isn't regression it's just laziness and doing it for money.

>> No.3432274

i could care less about how a person draws, what i do take issue in is that they would actually draw fingers back then, but now they take priority in drawing stretchmarks over the fingers? why?

>> No.3432283

>i could care less
you're american aren't you? the correct phrase is "i couldn't care less"

>> No.3432289


The Tumblr-feminism just oozes off these. I love that this is becoming a recognizable brand for feminist artists.

>> No.3432300

On the left takes more time and effort. On the right takes less effort, you get to draw what you want, and get paid more.
I don't see what the problem is. If my art goes down in quality but I take less time and I get paid more. I'd do it in a heartbeat.

>> No.3432301 [DELETED] 

He just realized that there's no point in putting all the effort into making the right ones when the left qualities are what gets all the attention and commission offers.

>> No.3432304

He just realized that there's no point in putting all the effort into making the left ones when the right qualities are what is getting all the attention and commission offers.

>> No.3432306
File: 173 KB, 908x1200, walt-disney-united-artistis-photofest-croppedjpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That just means you're a businessman and not an artist. And there's nothing wrong with that, but some people legitimately don't care about the money and just want to make enough to get by while making stuff that makes them proud, since that person's pride is what satisfies them more than greed.

>> No.3432309

Maybe he makes good art on the sideline? It's not his problem if faggots only bring up what he earn his money on.

>> No.3432312

I would think, unless this person has a very strict Patreon schedule (Which I don't know anything about them), it would be easier to make the one piece the "good art" rather than spending time making fast art and then free time making good art. Two birds with one stone.

Unless this person HATES the subject matter they're drawing in the first place which is why they rush it.

>> No.3432317

Probably because what you call bad art is what sells for him? People want blank oversaturated erotic images. They don't pay extra for good lighting or backgrounds but think boob size is something they have to pay extra for. They can't put their good stuff out there next to the other as that would just mess up search results. It's about branding.

>> No.3432379

Fuck that, the desire to produce extremely specific porn is a driving force to get better, not worse. You would have to be really uncritical of yourself to be okay with jacking off to your own art when it looks horrifically bad and you as the person who made it especially sees all the flaws.

>> No.3432493

>I don't see what the problem is.
You give excuses, but the art is still shittier on the right.

>> No.3432501

If it multiplied my income by 10 or something, I'd do it too.

>> No.3432512

>If my art goes down in quality but I take less time and I get paid more. I'd do it in a heartbeat.
/ic/- Business and Smut Hucksters

>> No.3432525

>if my art goes down in QUALITY but I take less time and get paid more

They weren't giving any excuses, they recognize it's shittier on the right, they were just explaining why the regression occurred, and why it makes sense.

>> No.3432536

You're right it is shitty. The question is why do you care so much?

>> No.3432540

It's literally in the title of the board.

>> No.3432552

I'd like to read this from right to left.

>> No.3432559
File: 35 KB, 872x579, OnPaste.20180517-195430.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao look what you did.

>> No.3432618

>they were just explaining why the regression occurred, and why it makes sense.
You want people to praise the money and quantity and ignore the art. You are making excuses. Literally.

>> No.3432623


>> No.3432737

I fucking hate this style. It's like they are trying to replicate the "strong shape language" of old cartoons, but without the skill and taste Genndy Tartakovsky have.
Everything has the same fucking shape at all times

>> No.3432767


I think this speaks more of the state of people that actually spend money on art

>can put forward less effort and time on pornography and receive way more attention and money then if you put a couple extra hours perfecting an image that's fairly normal

Like if he put in the effort from the left onto the right & still kept it as porn he may get even more, but I doubt by a significant amount.

>> No.3432770

that's honestly a talent
a challenge for the art instructor

>> No.3432798

But the thing is you can do that type of logic with any art form.

Why bother making music when you can erotically moan into a microphone and get noticed that way?
Why bother with an acting career when you can just be a porn actress or a camwhore?
Why bother getting better as an author when you can just write smut and sell, sell, sell?

Hell, that artist could be even MORE popular if they drew high rendered porn of fanart characters like Steven Universe. If that's all they want going for them is just the numbers game to build up their Patreon.

>> No.3432802

Well obviously because he's found a happy medium of something he enjoys or doesn't frustrate him etc vs "integrity". Porns relatively fun to draw. Plus I think those that draw SFW usually want to simplify their art at some point just to break down time intensity.

>> No.3432804

>muh money
>fuck off
wow, this went to dumb worship pretty fast.

>> No.3432815


What are you even talking about? At the end of the day it's, rarely, purely for money, but I'm saying he's probably doing what he likes in either regards and one produces more substantial income. You must be obtuse if you can't understand it's possible to do something you enjoy AND get money from it. I'm just replying to (I'm assuming) your point that he could just pander/most artist could. Most people don't because they have some sense of integrity they don't want to break, or some goal they wish to meet. Even then the assumption that catering to a fanbase like SU will bring you in more money than just drawing porn of different characters in general probably isn't true at all.

Besides I wasn't even speaking of emotions to begin with, just that there's a general higher paying audience of smut peddlers than people wanting to buy your sfw stuff.

>> No.3432832

>women drama
>muh victimhood
>muh everyone who disagrees with me is irationally hateful
fucking hell

>> No.3433189

Does anyone have that collection of self portraits drawn by an old man who had dementia?

>> No.3433227

>>muh money
Teenager detected
Have fun working retail while drawing your super awesome fantasy shit that not a sole will ever give a fuck about or pay you for

>> No.3433449

>left is before, right is after

No way this is fucking real.
No one is that dumb.

>> No.3433469
File: 94 KB, 389x626, 1515373083455.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anything is possible, anon.

>> No.3433493

What excuses are you talking about? There is no excuse for his shitty art. Are we reading the same thread anon? Am I misunderstanding something here? His art is shitty because he puts less effort and time into his work. Is that the excuse you're talking about? Help me understand you anon.

>> No.3433503
File: 1.18 MB, 1431x1080, samurai-jack-premiere-movie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i miss genndy

>> No.3433509

Season 5 was not that long ago.

>> No.3433522

Im always confused but their captain america.
Is he suppose to be mtf or ftm?
Because I'm told its ftm, so why does she always draw him in feminine clothes with cleavage?

>> No.3433525

I've heard it's because it's their fetish. I would assume FtM because the character is male, but probably the artist just gets off on him having female body, so they just really exaggerate the female body even though real trans men try to minimize it.

>> No.3433537

I never said jack shit about praising them. Stop putting words in my mouth for the sake of justifying your anger. An explanation for something is not equal to a fucking excuse.They never said it wasn't shitty, and they also never said that their habit was a good thing, they were literally just explaining WHY it occurred. I personally don't want to praise the money and quantity, but I understand why the regression occurred. Me saying it makes sense doesn't mean I think it's a good thing.

>> No.3433594

This is a interesting one.
I dont know the artist but you can tell that at some point he decided to say fuck backgrounds and tried to copy Sakimichan rendering style.
Is there a name for that rendering?
I swear I been seeing it more and more each day.

>> No.3433609

One is for a client (applibot) that's known to have high standards. The other is for the lowest common denominator. Really not that hard to work out. Appealing to the LCD will get you more money for less effort.

>> No.3433615

Has anything good come out of CalArts in recent years?

>> No.3433690

On the left you have an art director telling you what to do and you're getting paid a lot of money for that illustration. On the right you're just creating something for the sake of creating, no direction at all.

>> No.3433692

>tfw illustrators really are just monkeys who follow directions

>> No.3433701

Like Iger vs. Disney.

>> No.3433713

0/10 bait

>> No.3433728
File: 837 KB, 2781x810, dc93645255f7a546c86da63841bb091b[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When a desire for a unique style goes too far

>> No.3433731

Well, at least you can't say they don't know their fundamentals.

>> No.3433733

Impressive improvement! Inspiring.

>> No.3433735

How did they manage to perfect drawing like an amateur? That's like some Picasso shit, except legit.

>> No.3433736

I liked these. 1/3 the art style itself has appeal. Otherwise they’ve reduced the figures to being just good enough to tell a story.




>> No.3433739

you can call it semi-realism, but you're right that it got popular because of sakimichan. and given that the guy has a patreon, you can bet on it.

>> No.3433741

No my mans. Artists don't just drop 300% in quality just because you're not working for an art director. The guy got lazy af, went backwards and probably learned bad habits by now.

>> No.3433816

Is this irony?
>Thousands of likes on this shit

I don't understand. I feel like there's an inside joke I'm not getting.

>> No.3433902

Are you actually autistic, can you not recognize humor?

>> No.3433917

Man y'all know you can paint generic stuff to make your money AND paint your passion projects too right?

>> No.3434147

>real trans men
There's no such thing. Every single chick who claims to be "trans" are just overly insecure women who hate their bodies, like all other women, but takes it too far because they think they'd look hotter as a male. Either that or they're just bulldykes with cock envy because they feel insecure about being manly so they try to become failed manlets.

>> No.3434166

dude that's a bullshit fanfiction you got there, It's ok to be a dumb little crab but if you need to go in "this is your life, forget yourself I know it better" territories to win arguments, then just fuck off.

>> No.3434168

>moving goalpost
>imaginary examples of things that could happen but are nowhere close to be real
stop. Just stop.

>> No.3434211

Is this one punchline really so hilarious people can continue to laugh at it for years?

>> No.3434660

yea but it was only 10 episodes and ended very rushed and bland

>> No.3434823

Anime and perverts were a mistake

>> No.3434873

Maybe the artist has a small head fetish.

>> No.3434876

yeah i was pretty shocked when i saw the second pic got 22k but then i remembered everyone on twitter is a drooling retard

>> No.3434896

No he just has more fun drawing these and shitposting

>> No.3435123


>> No.3435127


>> No.3435128

>What you get paid $1000 by a company to make vs what you get $1 from 1000 retards to make.
It's really not his fault.

>> No.3435131

They literally called Cuphead "toxic" because they put too much effort into making it look good.
SJWs want free Starbucks and make /r9k/ pay for it. They're literally everything they complain about Trump, "the alt-right", /pol/, "the nazis", etc.

Everytime you see a SJW complaining about how "those evil racist sexist homophobes" are gonna do this or that to them, be sure that what they mean is they wish they could do such "this or that" to you and everyone esle who is not like them.

>> No.3435133

Some people genuinelly refuse to spend money on better quality products.

>> No.3435140

Because SJW transexualism is not the same as real life gender dysphoria.

>> No.3435257

No, becoming shittier is always your fault, no matter the excuses.

>> No.3435288
File: 73 KB, 2039x1378, sattou.jpg_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sattou has only gotten better. He's operating on a higher plain of existence

>> No.3437648

le boompis

>> No.3437670

>SJWs want free Starbucks and make /r9k/ pay for it

Those /r9k/ bitchbabies deserve to get their lunch money stolen, though.

>> No.3437678
File: 134 KB, 2048x2048, DCfGD7iVwAEWuxd.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off pussy. Even if you were standing tall with good posture, you couldnt even DREAM of achieving sattous heights.

>> No.3437821


>> No.3437827

Will Jasper ever stop suffering?

>> No.3437831


fucking gains bro

>> No.3438651

2nd this

>> No.3439082

Dont fuck with sattou
Dude's a literal genius

>> No.3439138
File: 305 KB, 720x404, from_fuck_off_to_fuck_me.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



Incline Bench 3x10
Flat Bench 3x5
Decline Bench 3x10


Incline Bench 3x10
Flat Bench 3x5
Decline Bench 3x10


Incline Bench 3x10
Flat Bench 3x5
Decline Bench 3x10


Incline Bench 3x10
Flat Bench 3x5
Decline Bench 3x10


Incline Bench 3x10
Flat Bench 3x5
Decline Bench 3x10

>> No.3439582
File: 209 KB, 800x262, 1507955192822.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3439589

this guy is god damn amazing

>> No.3439601

>Whiners whining about whiners who whine about other whiners.

It's a perpetual cycle.

>> No.3439607
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>> No.3439647
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Meanwhile in Korea

>> No.3439661

No way this is real

>> No.3439667
File: 173 KB, 1434x1037, IMG_20180522_211136.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You bet your ass it is

>> No.3439675

>to become more than a meme you must first become the meme.

>> No.3439676
File: 382 KB, 2048x1085, IMG_20180522_212912.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3439678

>the correct phrase is...
Not that anon but you're a moron, attacking grammar rather than providing counterpoints based on the substance of the conversation.

Must be elitist eurotrash. No wonder your homeland is turning into the 3rd world. Your busy being distracted by shiny object rather than fighting important battles.

>> No.3439708

I dont get this, im assuming by the way its phrased that the artist realizes their art has become shit. Or at least I hope so.

>> No.3439717 [DELETED] 

This is what grinding fundies for 6+ horus a day looks like

>> No.3439721

This is what grinding fundies for 6+ hours a day looks like

>> No.3439779

wheres this from?

>> No.3439793

>1 year equal to 4 years to me
Thanks, now i want to quit.

>> No.3439794

What kind of secrets is this school teaching?

>> No.3439798

Demon summoning.

>> No.3439811
File: 151 KB, 800x1216, student010190.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

like magicleaders
digital painting with standard brushes

>> No.3439875

>They literally called Cuphead "toxic" because they put too much effort into making it look good.
Please elaborate. I just googled "Cuphead toxic" and all i got was a bunch of shit about how bad the fanbase is?

>> No.3439879

I stalk a bunch of Korean teenagers on the net and it's crazy how good they are. They're art schools must make them grind like crazy.

>> No.3439880

It's not even that bad. It's just tumblr getting offended on the porn

>> No.3439925

>tfw ya style develops

>> No.3439932

Art of turd polishing.

>> No.3439963

Check Dobson's twitter about the game. He's the one who claimed that, that cuphead was bad because it was too good and thus made hard working artist look bad.

>> No.3439966

the left clearly had more soul.

>> No.3439969

tracing + gimmic coloring/paint strategy that you learn without knowing why it works. Just repeat what you see.

>> No.3439972

>drew for 12 hours a day
>sometimes 16
>average of 112 hours a week

>> No.3439976

time isn't a good metric if you don't say what you are doing. Some streamers do a 10 hours a day routine, and don't improve the slightest in years.

>> No.3439978

Maybe if they weren't fucking streaming they would improve.

>> No.3439981

>Korea has art school for learning to draw cute anime girls
>China has art school for learning to draw cute anime girls
>Japan has art school for learning to draw cute anime girls
>The USA doesn't
What's with that?

>> No.3439987

Scad, Calarts, Academy of Art University etc

>> No.3440006
File: 226 KB, 595x604, 1497157730639.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3440012

Do you know Korean?

>> No.3440016

I would watch CalArts Simpsons.

>> No.3440150

what sort of assbackward excuse is that? "n.n.no being under people's gaze pressure is BAD" doesn't sound like an adult way of thinking.

>> No.3440160

No, the phrase is "I COULD care less", implying that it is indeed POSSIBLE to care less, but I don't even care enough to put forth the effort.

Not that it matters. Use whichever you'd like, I could care less.

>> No.3440181

No, you're fucking stupid lol

>> No.3440267

This is what happens when you become an art whore... And /ic/ is infected with that too! (Just look at all these comments saying "I'd do the same if it make$ mor€)
No Wonder so many of you are drawing furry dog penises all day, fetish art and other weird stuff...

>> No.3440269

>only started drawing at 20

>> No.3440291
File: 62 KB, 1200x811, Dag1yjlVMAAIC8g.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this nigga on drugs pic related

some of them are good but some of them are so bad like in a bad way not bad in a good way which seems to be what everyone is liking about it? I don't know but some of them are nice.

>> No.3440399

No they don't?

>> No.3440429

waaaaaait.. this is 12 months? fuck. i was here thinking it was in years and how unimpressive it was. fuuuuck

>> No.3440430

You can be impressive too if you put in the work.

>> No.3440434
File: 231 KB, 683x536, wut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so let me get this straight. this is what 13-16hrs a day does?

>> No.3440436

No, that's what 13-16 hrs a day and going to an art school that specifically focuses on drawing anime does.

>> No.3440437

Don't forget that the guy attended classes that's also a factor

>> No.3440455
File: 1.83 MB, 500x500, 1499578060694.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

USA art schools have bean heads and photorealism.

>> No.3440457

You can't exclude the fact he's Korean either and likely has good work ethic from studying all the time for exams.

>> No.3440467

judging from his twitter, he still has a lot of beginner problem like portportion and anatomy. He's not out of the BEG phase yet, but he has improved with a great speed. It's all the depend on how much he can improve from now on. I dont know what kind of guidance he has, but it taught him the basic BEG skills. I'm quite curious how he will approach intermediate level within this year.

>> No.3440481

>He's not out of the BEG phase yet
>basic BEG skills
His work is better than 99.99999% of /alt/. And you think he's /beg/ tier?

>> No.3440483

Ignore it, the guy obviously didn't realized that the crabby attitude is not going to reach the gook at all. Sour grapes out the fucking ass.

>> No.3440492
File: 60 KB, 786x643, IMG_20180522_211522.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The twitter of the art school btw is https://twitter.com/dreamfactory00
Here's another one 1/3

>> No.3440493
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>> No.3440494
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>> No.3440495

>the twitter contains the secrets to making it, but it's all in Korean
What are we supposed to do bros?

>> No.3440496
File: 141 KB, 1400x1037, IMG_20180522_211355.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3440499
File: 123 KB, 1330x1120, IMG_20180522_211648.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Neat redlines

>> No.3440502

Why is it called gamecgstudy? Is this style game cg? They do have a lot of korean mobage.

>> No.3440509

the arms on the redline are still t-rex. loomis says the elbow has to meet with the navel for proportion

>> No.3440520

They have a lot of free tutorials of you dig hard enough

>> No.3440584

lol that redline, her arms probably end around the iliac crest

>> No.3440630

Which nation is full of (((them)))?

>> No.3440649

I don't- I don't like it

>> No.3440712

For really?

>> No.3440714

The man in the woods has an awful voice actor. Probably is the student who made it, sounds very young and millenial, not at all a fit for an older gentleman.

>> No.3440956
File: 64 KB, 573x611, 1526044880930.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Korea has art school for learning to draw cute anime girls
>China has art school for learning to draw cute anime girls
>Japan has art school for learning to draw cute anime girls
>USA has art school for learning to draw

>> No.3441080

Does that say 21 days? That's one quick turn around.

>> No.3441089

How'd he get better at drawing and rendering at the same time?

>> No.3441093

He didn't fall for the unfinished and sketch meme.

>> No.3441097
File: 20 KB, 255x307, MrSparkleTSTO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Simpsons predicted it.

>> No.3441110

2 months

>> No.3441114

head is too big..

>> No.3441192
File: 44 KB, 835x214, 20A726B1-84C1-4CDC-BC67-E69984D694D9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3441268

This guy is shitposting in art form and there is literally nothing wrong with that

>> No.3441547

Did he study the fundamentals or just draw from anime tutorials? If the latter, that's some good stuff.

>> No.3441649

I live and work in LA as an artist with many progressives and trans friends and the LGBT community. Nobody is like this. Nobody. Just cut it out with these paranoid, delusional, propaganda-fueled rabid fever dreams.

Examples of insane people on the Internet don’t describe the majority of any group. You need to get out more and talk with actual people on planet Earth.

Cuphead is regularly praised by everyone. SJWs do not think Starbucks should be free wtf. Not liking a politician’s policies and complaining is normal and you’d have to be nuts to say any liberal’s policies are what they complain about Trump. Like never turned off right-wing talk radio and infowars ignorant of what people really think.

>> No.3441678

D-do I have to understand Korean to be able to join these? Please /ic/, I want to join

>> No.3441680

Yes. Let's join anyways.

>> No.3441683

How well do you draw right now?

>> No.3441688

I'm not sure where I stand personally, although I've asked the opinion of others and they say I'm not beginner level. But I feel joining this will help me a lot compared to where my current level is.

I'm a bit shy to post a drawing here in case anyone could recognize it though. Sorry.

>> No.3443318

because theyre focusing on being entertainment instead of getting better

>> No.3443380

Loomis is a meme. Elbow ends at the bottom of the ribcage.

>> No.3443413

and the navel starts at the bottom of the ribcage

>> No.3443499

oh my GOD

>> No.3443521
File: 178 KB, 750x579, downloadfile-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3443541
File: 85 KB, 616x144, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is Rory dead/not an artist anymore? Serious question. I wanna know how someone makes a comeback from this.

>> No.3443674

calarts graduate hundreds per year, but how many name can people remember? They all pay to become the new pedelton ward, but the harsh reality is that less than 1% of them become people, the rest are nobodies that just get the privilege of being in the long credits (unlike those thousands of koreans that are hidden behing the logo of their studio

>> No.3443690

His/her (does anybody know what this person looks like?) demo reel was posted not too long ago so I assume yes.

>> No.3443702

>know how someone makes a comeback
>implying she doesn't have probably legions of adoring fans who will condone everything she does, draws or says for the sake of muh diversity

>> No.3443705

This reeks of fetish art.

>> No.3443708

>be strong independant woman
>marry an ugly rich guy
>leaves with his money once you're bored of him


>> No.3443718

Obvious she

>> No.3443719

Rory is a girl, they did a self portrait before going to calarts

>> No.3443731
File: 380 KB, 422x533, Capture d’écran 2016-10-07 à 07.05.01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure what sex.

>> No.3443734
File: 390 KB, 426x519, Capture d’écran 2016-10-07 à 07.04.47.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rory Cummings-Dise

>> No.3443892
File: 234 KB, 487x442, 1526799250831.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3443893

Nice bait post, that's good progress.

>> No.3443894

but that looks a bit better.

>> No.3443896

Nice and thick.

>> No.3443899
File: 573 KB, 1280x1595, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thigga. Very tumblr but still an improvement.

Rory is probably the most well-known Calarts attendee at this point. When people say calarts, they think Rory. Which is kind of unfortunate, because once in awhile I see a calarts animation that I really like. Pretty surprised by how edgy they let the artists be.

Probably has fans but I don’t think “legions,” the consensus on them is pretty much ridicule. Even trannies hate them because trans dudes don’t like being thicc.

>> No.3443912

Everything is okay except for the really shit wrestling at the beginning. I don’t get why we’re supposed to feel for the girl, she made her choices and chose greed, but I guess continuing to be a shitty person is supposed to be relatable. Their moon sprouts animation from a year ago was pretty cute, I liked it. Kind of surprising that they went from that to the cat video, that one was barely an effort.

>> No.3444006


>> No.3444011

>ugly people draw ugly characters
surprise surprise

>> No.3444066

Can I get by with google translate ?

>> No.3444152

No, to study art in another language you either need a translator or know the language enough to understand the intricacies. It's already difficult to explain in English, imagine in Korean.

>> No.3444257

>"tfw ya style develops"
>last dyke looks like she walked straight out of Steven Universe
My sides.

>> No.3444449

Really says a lot about the person

>> No.3444472

The last dyke literally is from SU.

>> No.3444482
File: 836 KB, 782x550, tumblr_n4k83jYozw1qh8aedo5_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do people not learn how to draw until making a unique style?

>> No.3444492

You need to learn to draw before worrying about style

>> No.3444500

Nobody gives a shit about the name of the artist of that horror, it's just "the fagthat draws the horrendous cap and tony"

>> No.3444517

"dont make the same mistake. Dont wait 10 years to start drawing from imagination"
Overdone meme but you should do both at the same time. Practice drawing and get an art style.Build on both.

>> No.3444557

I fall for this meme. How do I escape this hell? I keep saying to myself the drawing isn't good enough to do rendering and coloring on.

>> No.3444558

anime when?
If bkub could meme himself into TV, he can too

>> No.3444583

Tell yourself it is good enough to do rendering and coloring on.

>> No.3446153

but HOW?

>> No.3446251

Not always.

>> No.3446271

There is no how, only do.

>> No.3446331

>Dare you enter my magical realm?

>> No.3446345


holy fuck what a degenerate piece of human garbage

>> No.3446346

Okay, is it really that straightforward? Given another year or two at that rate, he could do professional tier art. Is teaching people to draw at a professional level seriously as simple as going to a school? What does this mean for the future of art as a career?

>> No.3446350

It's not that straightforward if you've ever drawn at all. It kind of is that simple. Nothing. It's always been that way. Go to school, get educated, get a career. It's only lately that schools became a meme for whatever reason. Note that most people who meme on schools don't even go there. Like CalArts. Maybe only 2 or 3 people who appear on /ic/ have been there.

>> No.3446367

Actually, when you put it that way, that completely makes sense. Maybe all this stuff on this board is getting to my head.

>> No.3446371
File: 849 KB, 906x936, 1526994722256.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>those stretch marks
Christ the horror

>> No.3446389

holy fuck this guys sense of humor is borderline avant garde

>> No.3446424

>tfw is supposed to be trans steve rogers and (trans)? Natasha

>> No.3446430

I believe that they believe that cap has always been female and is pretending to be male. So is a FtM trans. It's actually quite disturbing.

>> No.3446462
File: 22 KB, 960x720, maxresdefault (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This causes me physical pain.

Somewhere under that trash is a decent artist screaming to be let out of that nightmare, but the nightmares never end. The nightmares never end...

>> No.3446470
File: 322 KB, 420x420, ENDME.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh man, this just slays me. I don't even know why it's so funny, but it is.

>> No.3446490

Thanks papa Yoda.

>> No.3446498

Fuck he got me.
Still garbage though.

>> No.3446632

Ask yourself if you'd rather have an amazing sketch with shit coloring, or a shit sketch with equally as shit coloring

>> No.3446661
