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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 480 KB, 1280x1277, 1526376008055.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3429459 No.3429459 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.3429471

To normie fans it doesn’t matter

>> No.3429472
File: 18 KB, 500x322, pep_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

those ghibli "inspired" pieces look really lifeless

>> No.3429476

He probably just traced those images without thinking about certain aspects of what made them good. Has he gotten better about this?

>> No.3429484

>80% of his current patreon audience don't know about this

is this one new? I think there were some different examples before

>> No.3429492

You're telling me I could've been making 160k a year just tracing shit god damnit

>> No.3429498

Who's that ? Ilya ?

>> No.3429501

>tfw kr0n succesfully rebranded himself so nobody associates his shitbaggery with his name anymore
it's not fair

>> No.3429502

Shoulda not listened to the shitty crabs here. No one outside of this shithole cares. No rules only tools

>> No.3429512

Yeah, that's why you make 160k a year tracing anime screenshots.... oh wait.

>> No.3429519

If you want to build a table, a hammer would be a tool. If you steal someone elses table, that table did not become a fucking tool in creating said table.

>> No.3429525

yup, normalfags don't care if you trace as long as it looks overly appealing to their shit tastes

>> No.3429531

The fact that none of these artists ever admit that they are tracing should tell you that this is bullshit and that they themselves do not believe that no one cares. Some even go as far as faking process images. Why would they go to such lengths if no one cared that it was traced?

>> No.3429538

What if I paint the table a bit?

>> No.3429542

And that's the difference between stealing and copying. If you had a machine that can copy a table, it would be a tool in creating a table.

>> No.3429644

>buy a table-cloning machine
>copy a table
>«Hey guys look at this awesome table I've engineered myself»

>> No.3429688

well clearly it's possible

>> No.3429697

Obviously it's possible, but it's not realistic. There are very few artists who can make a living off of traced fanart and Ilya is not just another example, he's the very peak of that particular "career path". Yet when you say stuff like "shouldn't listen to the shitty crabs here, so you too can make 160 grand a year like Ilya does" you are implying it is not only possible, it is a realistist option and a better choice than the alternative, which is just not the case. There are far more artists who can make a good living with their art who actually have developed a valuable skillset than there are artists who get by on tracing alone.

Even in the same fucking category of fanart illustrations, Sakimichan, who can draw without having to rely on tracing, is vastly outperforming Ilya in terms of commercial success.

>> No.3429712

>two Kron threads
nuke this shit

>> No.3430491

Even 2 nukes will be not enought, or maybe the skills of the nips come from radiation and rice diet???

>> No.3430497

Illya is pretty damn lazy though. It doesn't look like he spends more than 1-2 hours per day working on his shit and he still gets 160k.

If he worked as hard as artgerm/sakimichan he'd be up there in terms of $$$

>> No.3430523

I'm not a fan of Ilya but I do find his style more appealing than the other two, while I find Sakimichan slightly better in terms of composition, with Artgerm in between them. Maybe if you combined the three, they'd make something amazing...

>> No.3430672
File: 268 KB, 600x832, 513.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mean: high traced work + messed up anatomy + rendering high as fuck + patreon shills here and there.
You might have something here anon.

>> No.3432844

The Kiki one is the worst offender. She looks like some glam whore now.

>> No.3432878

Ilya threads should be a bannable offense

Is always the same cringey, retarded, naive "criticism" from entitled beginners

>> No.3433225

Most of this thread is criticism of him tracing and being an asshole, not his art. They should put this shit on tumblr or something though where more people can see it.

>> No.3433244

Not tracing, but accurate copy. You can download all his videos and see everything yourself. Tracing is outdated forced meme.

>> No.3433257

while he can1t come up with subject the art he does is still way beyond your skill level

>> No.3433260

it has been posted on tumblr. problem is most people just dont see the problem because theyre not artists themselves. also, he rebraned himself as ilya now so there's less of an association too.

>> No.3433286


Stop with the tracing talk altogether for fuck sake. It's such a fucking middle school tier mindset to assign some kind of moral judgment to tracing. Tracing is not ever the issue. It's not hard to copy the shapes of a 2d artwork to a close enough match. It's stealing work from other's that's the issue. Whether you trace, grid or eyeball to do so is a moot point.

>> No.3433412

Woah, what?
Isnt that Illya's arts?
Are you telling me he traces??
If thats true then fuck. I always looked up to him.

>> No.3433520

I don't really see any form of tracing in the OP's picture. Just very well done redrawings of already awesome pieces he choose to enhance in their own way. These are pretty much iconic enough to be recognized.

>> No.3433523

This, just because you draw over another layer doesn't mean it's tracing, it's just referencing. The pixels don't even exactly align

>> No.3433524

Jesus Christ, no wonder I found it incomprehensible how good Ilya was for his age. He was literally cheating on fundamentals and going apeshit on rendering.

>> No.3433526


>> No.3433624

>cheating on fundamentals
>going apeshit on rendering
Like, are you people fucking retarded? What do you fucking think rendering is? Like, for fucks sake.

>> No.3433633

Alright, this is fucking me up really bad.
It might not be tracing but fuck man, did he seriously had to copy it like that?
I myself copy a lot of poses from other arts for my drawings but he literally draw the same character in the same way displayed in the original material. Even if he did not trace its still really bad and makes me lose some of the respect I had for him.

>> No.3433637

not that guy but rendering is not a fundamental.

>> No.3433643

it is, tho

>> No.3433650
File: 428 KB, 900x2815, bYapnRM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw one of your favorite artists ever who is one of the reasons you got into drawing actually copies arts from other people and sells it like his own

Hahaha this is rich! I'm being the poor shit that I am would rather starve than do something like that, and now I find out Illya of all artist been doing that for years!
Fucking hell you can't even trust the people you look up to! Even when I was a little kid copying drawings I felt bad about it. Fuck this gay planet.

>> No.3433651

what, exactly, do you think rendering is if not a collection of fundamentals? How could you render something convincingly without knowing what the fuck you were doing?

>> No.3433666

he made it better dumbass, as if any of you could do it

>> No.3433680

>he made it better
I think I will find some arts to "make better" too.
And get rich and famous while I'm at it.

>> No.3433684

>made it better
>gives every female his favorite ayylmao sameface

>> No.3433686

I fucking hate that artist, I hope one day he or she wakes up and lose all his abilities to draw and paint anything.

>> No.3433693

then go do it, and stop pestering with your ridiculous bullshit this board

>> No.3433695

green crabs

>> No.3433697

I don't think you get it, retard.
What he did was STEAL art and sell it for his own profit.
But your stupid comments I'm guessing you are not an artist yourself and doesn't understand the problem.
He is lucky for getting away safely.

>> No.3433717

then go to the police, and get him incarcerated. pretty sure you'll be judged as an accompice if you won't

>> No.3434383

There is literally no downside. Just copy under an alt and make a shit ton of money. Make sure to keep your first account original. That way you can make money, be called a piece of shit when found out, and still have a good reputation.

Only thing stopping you is people here who you forget about in 10 minutes. If I was good enough I definitely wouldn't let these moralfags guilt trip me. Copying is lame though. I wouldn't do it myself because I'd rather make my own things.

>> No.3434394

I understand the problem. I just don't want to see this thread every week. You'd think people would just stop after a while but no joke, people here are autistic.

>> No.3436283
File: 1.71 MB, 1300x1563, Screenshot_20180519-220140~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not kr0n obviously, but now I've become intrigued with painting over images and saying it's your art. This is obviously a trace/paint over, right?
I'm now just wondering if there's a sure way to tell or not.

>> No.3436354
File: 64 KB, 720x723, ad_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It probably is, lay it over the original and see if they line up.

>> No.3436374

In each of those examples the original is better so he should just make his own stuff instead.

>> No.3436383

Just wondering but, shouldn't you be able to draw something to that accuracy anyway? So why is it treated as proof of tracing. Most artists who have been trained classically can draw proportions 1:1 especially easy in digital.

>> No.3436390

Eh, sort of. I'm sure you can get near 100% with a lot of patience, but a lot of artists are just slightly off to the point where it doesn't really matter.

Either way, the artist in question clearly doesn't have a strong grasp of their fundies. Def traced if that's the case

>> No.3436397

nope. they don't draw portraits 1:1, they accentuate the beautiful elements and simplify and such.

i have a super complex analogy.

in music harmony is where a bunch of notes sound nice together. the thing that determines whether or not they sound nice is the ratio of their frequencies, and how simple that ratio is. so if it's 1:2 that sounds nice because it's simple, if it's 17:37 then it sounds dissonant because it's too complex and your brain can't resolve the pattern easily. the same thing occurs with visuals, if something has simple proportions then it's prettier (more harmonious). so when you're drawing your subject they may have a 17:37 proportion in there but the artist will use a similar but simpler ratio, 20:40 (which is 1:2 again) to keep the picture looking nice. it's an unconscious thing.

>> No.3437515

Ugh that pisses me off.. This guy's whole Instagram is in this "style" and he sells prints of them st anime and comicons. In the Facebook artist alley group I'm in, someone asked how much we all made at our first convention selling. He said $2,500

>> No.3437534

>wahhh stop making money
Fuck off crabs, nobody cares that you made every line yourself, only the end product matters.

>> No.3437563

Except when you pull shit like tracing photos, you're taking someone else's work (photography) and usage of someone's face and profiting off it. I doubt these people ask the models.

>> No.3437589

>I doubt these people ask the models
It is rape then?