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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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3426424 No.3426424 [Reply] [Original]

Why do you hate him /ic/?

You can't deny that many professionals recommend this as a starting point.

>> No.3426432

I think it's because once you're past beginner you have no guidance whatsoever. All the conflict on this board stems from deluded /beg/s learning a little bit from Loomis and claiming that it's the end all solution to all problems. The truth is that how to get REAL good, really professional is beyond everyone's grasp and isn't written in any book. So once you're done learning your little ball and cross exercises you're fucked, AND the only feedback you get is from /beg/s who keep telling you to refer to Loomis because it worked oh so well at getting them to mediocrity

>> No.3426578

I love him so much. He is the bulwark against hordes of pen-users.

>> No.3426616


There are better options than learning from the book no one really wanted to publish at the time it was written.

It was starting point for professionals because 20 years ago there was limited acess to quality art resources compared to now.

Also Reilly school is better.

>> No.3426638

You're confusing a hatred of people pretending Loomis isn't outdated and only popular because his books are easy to find/download for a hatred of Loomis himself.

People don't hate the Beatles. They just don't think they're all that great compared to contemporaries like The Monkees and are tired of morons screaming loudly about how they're the best band ever.

>> No.3426682
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100 drawings, maybe more.

>> No.3426687

There is like one useful page in his head drawing book
He teaches borderline symbol drawing

>> No.3426722

Because most of /ic/ are fucking idiots that read words and copy exercises without really thinking of what they are doing and why they are doing it. So when they go and try to draw they end up doing it wrong because they still don't understand what the fuck they're doing. In the end they give up and blame the book. Reading words and looking at the pictures aint gonna help shit if you don't use your brain and think about what you're doing.

>> No.3426819

He is hated by those who only copy the pretty pictures and expect to improve instead of READING THE FUCKING TEXT.
His words of advice are very valuable.

>> No.3426873

There is no reason to treat Loomis like a bible, where people will always question whether you've *really* read it if your opinions don't fit their agenda. I mean, seriously? You're beating someone up because they didn't read "Fun with a Pencil" carefully enough?

>> No.3426885

This is why I pay attention to the life drawing teachers online like the ones from Disney's studio that teach life drawing for free for employees. This is what the pros are learning from and the pros themselves who are you tubers who teach I get the feeling they are leaving something out for themselves like fzd

>> No.3426962
File: 129 KB, 870x675, you sure u aint bait.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He teaches borderline symbol drawing

>> No.3426969

People drawing without studying
People tracing without thinking

>> No.3426970

>franxx memes leaking to /ic/
profoundly beautiful

>> No.3427167

Go back to /a/ you hermaphrodite piece of shit.

>> No.3427174

I have seen a lot of pros with respectable skills recommend it, yes. However I can't think of any of them that actually learned form it themselves, just thinking hypothetically they might be better off if they had.

Just a lot of theory crafting.

>> No.3427212

Michael Hampton is gooder.

>> No.3427328

His books are useful for both beginners and pros imo. Loomis is a great teacher, but I still prefer Vilppu... I dunno, it feels like his stuff has more substance to it than Loomis', imo.

>> No.3427330

>The Monkees
what fresh autism music is this

>> No.3427463

fite me irl

>> No.3427576

Truth is, no credible art school teaches loomis

>> No.3427589

drawing for dummies>loomis

>> No.3427603

Nobody ever recomended Loomis' book until they became "free".

>> No.3427608

I hate it because /ic/ makes a meme out of everything, so it feels hard to trust that Loomis won't lead you astray.

>> No.3427632

Loomis is not the problem. /ic/ is the problem.
Loomis is one approach, Bargue, Reilly, Bridgman, Hamm, Edwards, Vilppu all offer different approaches. Some slightly different, some completelly different. No approach is the best and all are more useful for certain kinds of drawing.

Stop telling people who want to draw cartoons to study Loomis. Loomis' head construction is shit for abstraction, that's why CalArts and Sheridan teach the Reilly method.

Stop telling people who want to draw concept art to study Loomis. Loomis' anatomy is too subtle and normalized, Bridgman's emphasis on landmarks and large shapes is way more usefull for character design and development.

Basically, stop giving non-advice. Loomis is for people who want to do realistic commercial illustration. For everybody else there's a much better teacher that teaches everything Loomis teaches but in a way that works better for their purposes.

>> No.3427638

Who's the better teacher to go to for the purposes of anime illustrations?

>> No.3427650


>> No.3427653

>Loomis' head construction is shit for abstraction, that's why CalArts and Sheridan teach the Reilly method.
Seriously? Why? What's so special about the Reilly method? First time I'm hearing about this on /ic/ and this is very insightful.

>> No.3427658

No I'm "beating them up" because they're blaming the book instead of blaming themselves for not getting what the book is about.

>> No.3427675

Yet another idiot that doesnt know what loomis is about.
Let me explain it to you so you can understand.
Loomis teaches you about basic construction of the head body etc. Nothing more nothing less. Thats it. Its a starting point for people who want to draw people in general. What you want to do after that is up to you.
Loomis is not the end goal. IT SHOULD NOT be the end goal for anyone. Its just a starting point for the complete beginner.

>> No.3427679

Anyone one that teaches basic construction is good for anime. lol

>> No.3427685

Fuck off with your stupid religion, people are trying to teach how to draw in here.

>> No.3427697

O-okay mr.crab I guess I should do what you say then. I don't wanna get pinched.

>> No.3427700
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Loomis's head construction is simplified and meant to work with the feature-relation plaque every portrait artist was working with at the time because he never expected anyone to want to drastically modify the shape and sice of features. When he was writing his books Snow White was a novelty, animation wasn't a real industry and cartooning was a racist thing of the past.
Reilly developed a more personalizable set of facial planes that not only have stronger correlations but has been found to be much more malleable and apt for cartooning and animation. Looking at it you get reminded of the facial topography of 3D models in a way that Loomis just never could. And treating it as such a topographical wireframe you can adapt it to design just the character you want.

Loomis doesn't work for abstraction because a constructive approach to abstraction didn't exist in his time outside of Picasso's early experiments with cubism.

>> No.3427711

It's funny that throughout this entire bullshit post of yours you're acting on the obviously false supposition that Loomis' method couldn't be used for the (fucking shitty Court Jones-tier) image on the right.

Anti-Loomis crab shills being fucking retarded as shit as usual.

It's funny that people should talk about Calarts teaching the Reilly method when the queen of Calarts herself and Tumblr Thot Rebecca (((Sugar))) name dropped Loomis in a tweet a few years ago and didn't say dick about Reilly.

>> No.3427713

Correction: it was a Reddit AMA (ew)


>inb4 Rebecca Sugar sucks

Whether the dyke is good or not isn't the point, the point is >>3427632 being exposed as the lying faggot he is

>> No.3427714

>false supposition that Loomis' method couldn't be used for the (fucking shitty Court Jones-tier) image on the right.
Do it or shut it.

>> No.3427715

>you would understand if you just used your brain
you would understand if you just used your brain

>> No.3427720

Why would I do that when it's literally already there, buried underneath Reilly's arbitrary superfluous bullshit? You just can't see it because you're not-gonna-make-it

>> No.3427749

Knew you didn't know what you were talking about.

>> No.3427753

People recommend Loomis because he's free.
When they see you actually care they tell you about Bridgman and Vilppu and incentivize you to go to life drawing classes.

But for hobbyists who you just wanna get off your back? Read Loomis anon, that's all you need!

>> No.3427759
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There goes the king of the memes again.

Have fun trying to ascertain what the fuck some drunk drawing with a 10 foot stick is trying to tell you through the retarded shitscribbles he never intended to have published in a book but were stolen by his students who wanted to profit off of his name. I'm sure you'll learn SO much

>> No.3427767

>reading is too hard, the pictures don't hold my hand and I can't feel the shapes because I'm autistic
Quit already. Art is not for you.

>> No.3427777

>"waaah! loomis writes too much waaah!"

>"Bridgman's illustrations are absolutely useless even according to some of the best living artists that still half-heartedly recommend him (Proko, Erik Gist), but just like, read the text bro lol"

Oh give it a rest already

>> No.3427782

>Proko is good when what he says can be somehow interpreted to mean Loomis is the one and only god even if we call him shit all the time
You fuckers are worse than /pol/

>> No.3427802

>I'm completely out of arguments after getting caught making shit up about calarts and sheridan when I've literally never left my parents' basement so here's a nice non-sequitur shitpost yeah how do you like that you little faggot

lovin' every laugh

>> No.3427814
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anyboyd know this book The Human Figure by Vanderpoel

>> No.3427837

Works for me.

>> No.3428447 [DELETED] 


>> No.3428570

I disagree, I think the issue is that it doesnt hold your hand at the beginning unlike Hamm so people expecting to enter knowing nothing and learning from Loomis get hit with a big nice wall.

That being said, Hamm is shit nd a crutch and I dont see how he is recommended now instead of Loomis. He doesnt teach to draw the head from any angle, just some 2 presets. He also fails at teaching you expressions and overall is a really really beginner book.

>> No.3428571

>inb4 Rebecca Sugar sucks
Do you think there's even a single person here who wants to draw like her?

>> No.3428572

>Loomis' head construction is shit for abstraction
And abstraction is shit!

Its more than clear Loomis is supposed to be for actual realistic painters. No one ever suggested otherwise!

>> No.3428574

Left looks like a head, right looks like a piece of shit that didnt need any kind of study. I could sketch that Putin cartoon witthout even constructing the head previously

>> No.3428634
File: 229 KB, 1810x992, gallery abominate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>read loomis
>learn to construct a head wrong
what the heck

>> No.3428659

You faggots literally tell everyone who asks "how do I draw anime" to LOOMIS LOOMIS HURR DURR LOOMIS
No you couldn't, you don't even draw.

>> No.3428667

>You faggots literally tell everyone who asks "how do I draw anime" to LOOMIS LOOMIS HURR DURR LOOMIS

Because that's exactly what they should do

>> No.3428670
File: 116 KB, 640x433, B_01465601.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does book is even helpful
i just learned by instructor and personal experience

>> No.3428679


>> No.3428704

No book can take the place of an instructor obviously. Unless the instructor sucks, then the book is better.

>> No.3428735

May be dumb. But do you actually read the text first try to understand then attempt to copy the pictures?

>> No.3429313

>implying he can read

>> No.3429361

Scott Eaton is a fan of and recommends Loomis. Gallery Abominate is for people who are good artists that have anatomical issues. The point of what he's showing still stands though- you need to learn to simplify the human form (and everything, for that matter) into primitives so you can draw it in perspective.

Perfect poster child for /ic/, you don't get what Bridgman is for at all. Though, first you should practice still life and other basic shit, Bridgman isn't easy to get, takes hard work to understand.

How the fuck are you guys still on step one? Still the same shit attitude, still the same "tear everything apart" mindset. Here's the issue you guys don't seem to understand: Most of these books teach the same exact shit, there might be some I wouldn't recommend but it's more about *learning the basic concepts* and *applying them over and over and constantly course correcting until you get it down so well you know it better than the back of your hand*. Bridgman vs Hogarth, it's a pointless debate because it's more about learning the concepts behind what they teach (taking anatomy and turning it into primitives you can turn in perspective). You might have preferences, but just pick one or hell pick a couple and start practicing. Big fucking surprise people the secret to improving at art is learning, practicing and constantly trying new things (you'll be uncomfortable at first and slowly broaden your scope).

>> No.3429369

Let me explain to you how hard this shit is, since most of you don't seem to get it- So first step before even beginning to improve is getting over yourself, being a good artist requires you can push yourself to work for hours and hours a day (and on the right things, and be willing to take crit and immediately apply the crit). Then, you gotta decide on what you want to do, the more you want to do the more shit you'll have to learn. Oh cool, you wanna do figures, you wanna design them? Do splash pages? You wanna do both? Great now you gotta learn the following - Anatomy (know where the hell everything is how it's shaped THEN you gotta convert into primitives/make a mannequinn so you can use it in perspective), construction (perspective, being able to draw figures in space), composition (shapes, focal point, etc.), value and color (gotta learn how light works, how it works with certain objects, then you gotta learn how to compose with it but still make it convincing, plus rendering) then you gotta take all that together and condense it into a 20-30 hour painting that will look bad, will get ripped to shreds, you'll correct it, then you gotta start all over again and do that over and over on top of all the basic practices you spend hours on each day to get down shit like perspective and anatomy. Most of you guys don't even have the discipline to put in 45 minutes into something and you want this to be your job? This ain't easy, it takes years and a lot of hard work.

>> No.3429405

Preston Blair.

>> No.3429408
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Quality posts. Too bad this place is filled with low effort shitposters with no commitment.

>> No.3429675

>before you can draw your anime girls you must grind nonstop hardcore 10 hours a day

>> No.3429685

Thanks for finally revealing to us the secret to gonna make it.

>> No.3429718

don't remember who said it but how you supposed to draw human face if you can't even draw simple Loomis head?
>can't draw shitty sphere
>but want to draw human face

>> No.3429726

The Loomis head is just a tool to help you see. Just like the Keys To Drawing are tools to help you see. You can draw a human face perfectly well with both tools provided you practice.

>> No.3429810

I don't hate him as much as I hate what this board and its culture have done to him. Fun With A Pencil, Figure Drawing For What It's Worth, Drawing the Head and Hands- all fantastic reads, among some of my favorite in my art book collection.

However, the fact that people parade him as the answer to all this board's art problems is fucking stupid.

>> No.3429892

Because i cant draw well and i blame everything!! Fucckk!!

>> No.3429929

crab mentality