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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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3422351 No.3422351 [Reply] [Original]

I'm a Korean myself and capable of reading Japanese, And I plan to translate Japanese/Korean anime drawing books/tutorials to English, Do you guys think it could be a viable business for me?

I'll open my patron page, translate tutorials on youtube or blog and if i can get permission I'll work on books too.

I'm neet anyway and failed to enter art college and only one thing I can do better than other Koreans is English, I'm really desperate for seeking some job to do.

Protips : Loomis is being praised like some god here as well.

>> No.3422353

I doubt there is much of an audience for that. Outside of a handful of weebs on /ic/, not that many people care about japanese tutorials, which are usually just a regurgitation of western material anyways.

>> No.3422356

Then I'm fucked lmao

Maybe I should look for some night shift job like convenience store clerk.

Learning art was both the biggest mistake and greatest choice in my life.

>> No.3422357

Give it a shot, and post your releases in the artbook thread since actual decent deliveries garner boatloads of (you)s you'll probably also get a support or 2 from there each batch.

>> No.3422359


>> No.3422360

you'd have to offer up pirated PDFs if you plan on releasing the translations yourself, which patreon wont allow. not in the slightest.
if you want to translate someone else's book and distribute it legally, youd have to ask to work for them. and then they have to see if releasing an english version of their work is even worth it ect ect

i appreciate the idea (for selfish reasons), but you didnt do a whole lot of research on this, did you?

>> No.3422361

Actually it may be lucrative if you can market well. But there's copyright issues when it comes to published books, I'm not sure how you would handle that one

>> No.3422376

Then I should mix up(more like mess up, precisely speaking.) tutorials and make it PDF.

I'm gonna use some paper company to contact authors using my father's status as a comapny owner.

>> No.3422378


>> No.3422379

just do it properly and legally. nobody wants their tutorials stolen or used without permission, it's disrespectful anyway

>> No.3422380
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That could work well. There are so many jap tutorial books i want to read. Can you translate this one?

>> No.3422383


>> No.3422385

No these losers should just learn the language.

>> No.3422387

I'll start by writing a tutorial by myself anyway. I studied anime drawing for years after all.

>> No.3422390

Title says The art of quick character drawing in private anime academy style

>> No.3422394

Be honest, the japanese are hiding secrets aren't they? There's no way Loomis or whatever other meme around here is gonna lead to good anime drawings.

>> No.3422396

Thanks... now every page in the book

>> No.3422397

While loomis is praises in here I was told I should 'grow up' from loomis. So I think it's true at some point.

>> No.3422399


>> No.3422403

Can you show how good your work is though?

>> No.3422404

Are the Asian artbooks really that different? The screens people post here make it look like they're the same techniques but with anime instead, like those old How to Draw Manga books we'd get here.

>> No.3422413

No, Never. There is a reason I totally fucked up my art college entrance exam. I'll make a page on medium.com and '''quote''' drawings for '''context'''.

I'm not even slightly better than usual /ic/ users.

>> No.3422414

Translate Stonehouse and I'll suck your dick (no homo) (slightly homo)

>> No.3422416

>Do you guys think it could be a viable business for me?
No because very few weebs, let alone weeb artists, buy anything.
>I'm really desperate for seeking some job to do.
>...my father's status as a company owner.
And what company is that, that he can't get you a job in it?

>> No.3422417

>The screens people post here make it look like they're the same techniques but with anime instead.

That's right. Lmao

>> No.3422419

>my father's status as a company owner
He is selling shoes online.

>that he can't get you a job in it?
He went bankrupt.

>> No.3422422

>is selling

>> No.3422423
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>He went bankrupt.
like father like son

>> No.3422426

Then why would you think of making tutorials? You need skills for that

>> No.3422427

Do like those art blog on instagram, theres a market for tutorial material there. and you're posting new shit for english speaker. think your self as freebooting and ask ppl to support you on patreon is doable on instagram but not here

>> No.3422433

>which are usually just a regurgitation of western material anyways.
Yeah no, you're bullshitting
Look at pixiv tutorials

>> No.3422434

Well, It will be more like 'essay' than 'tutorial' then.

There are fundamental differences between Anime and Western art, starting from philosophy, traditional beauty standard, to visual perception.

Btw, I should start by sending direct messages to anime artists. Hopefully some of them would agree to split the profit.

>> No.3422475

patreon is a bad choice for what you want to do, but maybe gumroad would work for selling translations. in any case, I really doubt you can make stable money this way. why not just work as a general translator? knowing korean/japanese/english seems pretty good? aren't students always looking for english tutors?

>> No.3422480

Not that it matters, but do you live in Korea or in the west?

>> No.3422484

I live in Korea. Actually I've never been to any western country lmao, I want to visit America or at least Vladivostok once.

>> No.3422489

My English is not 'that' good to be a general translator and knowing Korean/Japanese/English is literally nothing in Korea. Maybe you will be recognized as a 'smartass' if you additionally master Chinese.

>> No.3422500

Cool. Westernized Koreans are a common sight, but seeing English speaking Koreans or Japanese people who live in their home countries is rare. I hope you stick around.

How good is your Japanese, btw? Are you fluent enough to translate from English to Japanese?

>> No.3422508

>How good is your Japanese?
I achieved JLPT N2 currently and now am working on JLPT N1.

I can read manga and anime without any translation and every time I post on Japanese thread they don't notice I'm a Korean.

>Are you fluent enough to translate from English to Japanese?
That's fucking easy, Japanese to English would be a bit more painful.

>Westernized Koreans are a common sight
Can you elaborate?

>> No.3422509

Just how hard do Koreans work that knowing three languages is nothing?

>> No.3422517

That's nothing if people consider studying 6~10 hours a day is very normal.

>> No.3422520

>Can you elaborate?
Koreans who have moved to the west (usually the US) are a common sight online, because they obviously adapt to a western mindset and speak English.

East-Asians who live in Asia, usually don't speak English very well, and tend to stick to websites where they can speak their native language. There's very little communication between native Asians and westerners online.

>> No.3422522

>There's very little communication between native Asians and westerners online.

That's not true, There are like tons of Japanese on /int/. Most of them are low quality shitposters though.

>> No.3422586

Tfw no qt Korean friend who lives in Korea and speaks English properly

>> No.3422588

pixiv tutorials translate them pls

>> No.3422719

pay him

>> No.3422792

I would be more than willing to pay for your translations of some of the Asian tutorials and books. People out there definitely hold knowledge that goes above and beyond Western comprehension. I'd be really curious.

>> No.3423012

Dude, why would you even mention that you've been drawing anime for years if you're not going to show us?

>> No.3423286

There are some Patreons owned by people illegally translating Korean webcomics and sharing them online. They don't share the comics on Patreon, they upload it somewhere else but they let their readers know "Hey! If you like what I'm doing, come support me on Patreon!". Those illegally translated korean webcomics even get posted by other people on illegal manga reader sites, so I guess there's a sliiiiiiight possibility OP can do it, but of course, a whole lotta risks as well. I guess it depends on how you package your Patreon to make it look like you're a good boy, and where you actually post the goods.

>> No.3423294

Should've done what I did and learned software engineering in college, work 4 hours a day for $150k/yr like me, and then get good at art grinding fundies and drawing hot anime sluts.

>> No.3423295

Lets see some of your work.

>> No.3423301

Probably shit, not worth the bandwidth to upload
Literally me, except I'm Korean like OP but not a failure
Are you in the valley?

>> No.3423376

At first I thought you said "doujins". Drawing books? Really nigga?
If you can translate japanese/korean to english then theres a million better things that will net you more money on Patreon.

>> No.3424046


>> No.3424063

There's one guy who translates Chinese isekai light novels for money, but I think the market for translating manga is already oversaturated. There are just too many hobbyists doing it for free, but if you can find you niché, sure, why not.

>> No.3424137

I mean, you could find a niche market, or some be a dedicated/personal translator to someone

But don't expect to make banks outta that, for a lot of reasons

>> No.3425749

Bump for interest

>> No.3425778

I think there's demand for it. I would love to see more Clip Studio tuts translated for sure.

>> No.3425792

> software """"""engineering"""""

>> No.3425813

Something tells me you don't work four hours a day as a software engineer.
Unless you're job is built upon bullshit and a dying company.

>> No.3425818

I'd support you

>> No.3425828


I'll tell you a secret.

translate korean webnovels to english and make a patreon. release 3 to 4 translated chapters per week.

that's how people make money with translation. if you pick the right novel it's you're gonna get a lot $$.

check out novelupdates and browse through the popular novel and check out their patreon.

use that money to fund whatever the fuck you want to do until you can make money with whatever the fuck you want to do.

there. good luck.

>> No.3425832

For some reason I didn't think about stealing unknown work.
Pretty solid plan if you're a scumbag.

>> No.3425938

일단 돈이 필요하고 한-영-일 이 가능하다면 오히려 역으로 영-한 번역은 어떄? 번역 프리랜서로... 아니면 그것도 스펙이 필요한가? 헬조선은 역시 힘들지.....

I think your plan is a feasible plan. I mean there's a definite niche for western people wanting to draw in the anime style. Maybe if you do your own tutorials and maybe work with artists to export their artbooks to the western market it might be a good idea?

>> No.3426903

The problem is that most Japanese don't really learn to draw from reading art books. We just copy whatever manga or anime we like since we were kids. And some talented people start to work directly as assistant of pro. There are art schools of course but their teachers are 2nd rate artists at best. You can't really teach how to draw manga in a school. You can learn every rule and technique of manga if you copy a whole manga tank.

でもバズったチュートリアル 画像等を英訳してユーチューブで解説するとかはアリだと思う。しゃべりがフレンドリーならファンもつくだろうし。がんばって! (てか三ヶ国語できるのにどうして受験落ちるの?! そっちの方が信じられない)

>> No.3426906

sounds like a great idea actually, go for it

>> No.3427633

You could definitely make some good money on corners of the internet like /ic/ that desperately want content like that but it's too niche to live off of

>> No.3427640

What do you mean by "copy a whole manga tank"?

>> No.3427787

>working on JLPT N1
>on Japanese thread they don't notice I'm a Korean

>> No.3427821
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>he doesn't have a tank full of manga

>> No.3427824

tank=tankoubon 単行本

>> No.3427952





>> No.3427954

영한 번역 시장은 너무 포화 상태여서 힘듬

>> No.3427996


>> No.3428026


>> No.3428277

space jin, look him up on danbooru or something

>> No.3429274


>> No.3429278

Are you the guy who used to translate comics on /a/?

>> No.3429305

I translated some comics on /k/ but nah, I've never posted on /a/.

>> No.3429316

OP are you a girl, I'm lonely and want a gf.

>> No.3429376


>> No.3429395

but how small are you? like if you put on corseted dress and make-up..maybe>

>> No.3429422

I'm 183cm, kys.

>> No.3429434

too bad, you're cute

>> No.3429493

Seems there are a few posters here who want Japanese books that teach you to draw in a Japanese style. Sorry, but I'm going to burst a few bubbles here.

I own many Japanese drawing instruction books as part of my larger collection of Japanese books. Almost none of them touch upon how to capture an anime or manga style, and here's why: None of them were written with foreigners in mind. They're not going to point out to you how Japanese style is different, because that's the baseline they're working from.

The information in these books tend to fall into 3 categories- fundamental drawing, materials and tools, or CG workflows. The CG ones are very useful, but they're not going to teach you drawing style. The ones that cover tool usage are mostly about tools you aren't going to use. The ones that teach fundamental drawing are essentially identical to western books on technical drawing.

Even books that are officially translated into English are sometimes more misleading than helpful, because the translations are done by non-artists. You end up missing nuance due to overly-literal translations. For example, the term "manga" often just means "cartooning", in reference to constructing from imagination. It's not meant to seem mystical or exclusive or uniquely Japanese.

Study the artists you like, and study your western foundational drawing books, with a bit more emphasis on animation/cartooning. Your love of anime will inform your aesthetics, your foundations will let you execute your vision competently.

>> No.3429511

Wow, Your post is actually informative and helpful, thx

Btw, Is "constructing from imagination" that weird for western artists?

>> No.3429532
File: 872 KB, 480x2520, mike judge on the howard stern show 2015.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is "constructing from imagination" that weird for western artists?

I think construction is a surprise largely to hobbyists who spent all of their time in high school art class drawing still-lifes. That's the extent of public school art education. Even during my own high school years, only the most rudimentary perspective was taught in the most advanced drawing classes.

Things like perspective and construction are still widely taught in fields that are practical trades. My old high school engineering drafting teacher could probably draw circles around my art teacher. For the Japanese, animation/manga is a profession. Everything they learn is practical by necessity.

>> No.3429537

i learnt 1 & 2 point perspective in primary school when i was like 9, do they not do that everywhere?

>> No.3429556


I don't know how schools are like now, but I think there's a difference between doing something and understanding something, and my art class teacher did not truly understand, I guess is my point.

Somewhere along the line, art academia decided it didn't need to be practical or rigorous. I've had art teachers flat out tell me "illustration is not art." Meanwhile, other non-art fields that incorporate art in a practical way have retained their knowledge. I learned diagonal projection and station points doing blue prints in my CAD class. My biology teacher is a better observational artist too because she recorded specimens. They all had better technical skills because they drew with purpose and objectivity.