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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 314 KB, 542x960, MN86JEA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3421338 No.3421338[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Looks like there's a little trouble in paradise for Jakub Różalski...

>> No.3421340
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>> No.3421342

The poor mans Stalenhag at it again!

>> No.3421343

just stop

>> No.3421344
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>> No.3421347

I didn't make that thread, I just discovered this shit today myself. Actually the situation is kind of only just developing now, with Jamey Stegmaier having posted a statement to a Reddit thread 4 hours ago.

>> No.3421349

no one cares about concept artists trash because concept art is photobashing by definition
Jesus Christ this is 4chan 2018

>> No.3421353

Reddit artists are the lowest common denominator. Him and Miles Johnston and whoever the flavor of the month cutesy illustrator is can shove it, honestly

>> No.3421354
File: 7 KB, 222x227, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sorry can you repeat what year it is again, I didn't quite catch you the first time.

>> No.3421361

Always fun to watch art thieves get busted.

>> No.3421365

any dust tactics art books?
reminds me of machine krieger

>> No.3421371

Unless this guy has a pinterest or something where all his references are posted in one place, this some next level dedication on the guy who's trying to discredit him. He must have wasted hours looking for all these pictures. That alone shows personal vendetta.

If anyone here actually believes he's tracing and not just referencing, then what the fuck does "heavy referencing" look like to you? You can tell just by looking at it that it wouldn't match up if you tried overlaying them. There's nothing wrong with having a reference of a tiger or a guy riding a horse if you can't paint one from imagination.

>> No.3421373

That's some next level shitposting you got going on there.

>> No.3421383

You don't underestimate personnel vendettas from underage and shizos. There is one guy who stalk hgjart and report all his account while pretending being "real him".

>> No.3421388

Forgot to add
>Jakub art without the help of tracing
>Shows art from 5+ years ago
Really?? This is an idiot.

>> No.3421395

haha o wow.
Please tell me this guy is famous

>> No.3421396

Nobody cares about this shit. If Ilya Kuvshinov is any example, this guy will be making six figures on patreon in a year.

>> No.3421401

>w.w.who care, he make money!
Hey a CN boarder, didn't expect castrated fucks like you outside of /co/

>> No.3421406

>a tracer is making money
ilya kuvshinov makes video process from start to finish.

>> No.3421408

Nobody really cares about this shit except autists and buttmad slavs. Kuvshinov is popular as fuck on pixiv and twitter among japs right now. And this >>3421406
tracing meme is half-truth.

>> No.3421411

Yeah you guys gotta get over this "tracing is bad" thing. the fine arts community is more or less over it, why are illustrators still so butt hurt about it

>> No.3421443


So what if his earlier work is different or not on the internet any more? I don't see how this point is anything. Yeah it seems he has tried to get away with photobashing/heavy referencing but that point is bullshit

>> No.3421465

some things are contrived, it is not bad to have a reference, the bad thing is to trace it or not to modify it (to leave it practically the same, although obviously in some cases this can be bad too). The only thing is that several things about those images are probably not copyright-free.

>> No.3421474


The most retarded example was that he used reference to paint a specific city (Krakow I think) Like no shit, you'd need reference for that. And it wasn't even traced.

Anyway, I always thought he was a mediocre artist so not surprised.

>> No.3421482
File: 343 KB, 404x385, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of the comments on that thread sums it up perfectly:

>"There is no art police coming for people who trace photos, photobash, use references, or any other "cheats"."

Tracing isn't cheating. Tracing isn't dishonorable. To suggest that one particular process is better than another is utterly laughable. Nobody gives a fuck. Nobody cares about your process. All that matters is the final result. The amount of ass blasted art 'purist' in that thread who think Jakub is breaking some sort of unspoken artist code of honor is astounding.

The only credible criticism in this entire discussion is whether or not he is tracing copyrighted photos. However, there is a vast amount of free, royalty-free, public domain images online for personal AND commercial use. Tracing those is no problem and completely fair game.

>> No.3421511

t. tracer trying to make his ""process"" socially acceptable

>> No.3421513

So we are giving this guy a pass even if he traced from other artists? I have been okay with photobashing and heavy reference but red pill me on where the line actually is?

>> No.3421517

>heavy referencing
/ic/ cannot tell the difference. Jakub did not trace, this is a smear campaign by a fellow Polish artist who's mad that he's coming out with a book.

>> No.3421529

alright, he's not tracing, but is using heavy reference of other artists work okay? I can understand doing this with photos but not with other artists work. Even Feng Zhu says to never use references from other designers and draw from real life and always assumed this situation was the reason for it.

>> No.3421534
File: 49 KB, 558x436, pikadrink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i care more about the plagiarizing of concept art
if i had "made it" and some autist who cant draw so much as a background character without tracing it started profiting from my ideas id be pissed

>> No.3421541

>So we are
Not your army

>> No.3421543

profiting from someone else's work by directly referencing it is kind of evil. it would be one thing to sell fanart of something, but drawing a pikachu and claiming that you designed it yourself is crossing the line

>> No.3421547
File: 55 KB, 440x960, snLplqq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im here to settle this once and for all

>> No.3421550

>I know the guy, this is Polish artist
The guy who "called out" Kuvshinov didn't hide like a little bitch. Looks like someone really buttmad about this Jakub guy

>> No.3421551
File: 152 KB, 800x698, concept-art-tutorial-and-myth-busting-hong-ly-uncharted-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3421554

The biggest problem I have is some of Jakub's mechs seem to be stolen directly from other artists, that's the worst offense here. I could care less if he referenced or traced some horses or pigs or whatever.

>> No.3421555

no it isn't, but that's not what he's being smeared for. whoever is after his ass wants him branded a tracer of photos. The "stealing original ideas from other artists" is bullshit. Plein air, snow scenery and mechas are not original or copyrighted ideas. He admits that he's mad as fuck that Jakub is getting a special feature on artstation and getting interviews by Kotaku. Smells like jealousy

>> No.3421558

this is a great example of taking inspiration from and transforming your references
thanks anon

>> No.3421562

how aren't mecha original ideas lol

>> No.3421565

>these arent original ideas
>plen air
>snow scenery
uh huh
oh no no no

>> No.3421583
File: 1.34 MB, 1796x1022, overlay.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so uh a lot of people in the reddit thread are saying the major problem is that they are traced which isn't okay as opposed to reference which is okay but in pic related it definitely isn't traced

>> No.3421589

If it already has a word to describe it it's not original, bruh

>> No.3421591

>i'm just going to copy what others post so i fit in...

fuck off, kiddo...

>> No.3421605

Nobody cares, tracing is industry standard. He'll continue to make more money and produce more works at a faster pace than you retarded crabs who do nothing but try to bring others down. Spoiler: nobody outside of this autism echo chamber cares if you use some tools to expedite the process.

>> No.3421609

t. tracer

>> No.3421611

it's only a standard in the concept art industry, but it seems like he was doing illustrations for promotional works for a consumer audience and not art directors in a production setting.

>> No.3421613

there was some lady whose career got killed because of stuff exactly like this, less even.

>> No.3421618

you mean Cris Ortega?

>> No.3421620

t. crab, go ahead and throw your tablet and rulers in the trash can, those are all tools too


Who? Nobody, there are bigger named artists who autists have tried to smear time after time with this bullshit, and they're doing better than ever. Just look at Ilya, he's doing better than ever and his career is only growing.

It's standard in all fields, the only difference is people didn't care/have the tools to find every last reference. No one cares that you made every single stroke yourself, the end result is the only thing that matters. No one cares that this tiger looks a lot like this tiger from a photograph besides crabs trying to bring other people down.

>> No.3421623

>Just look at Ilya, he's doing better than ever and his career is only growing.
Ilya made a public post saying that he never traced, only did master studies of anime screenshots to learn their techniques. I don't even mention it anymore because /ic/ hates him and wants to label him a tracer no matter what, but he isn't. His career is growing because he makes video process from start to finish where it's impossible for him to trace.

He's not an ally of yours nor is he a "successful tracer" for you to name drop in this losing argument. You have nothing to your defense.

>> No.3421625

where do you think this mentality of "I did this all by myself" come from? Seems kind of childish

>> No.3421626

>he makes video process from start to finish where it's impossible for him to trace.
So does the guy in the OP you moron, it even explicitly explains how you can do that while lifting straight from references.

>> No.3421628

>anime screenshot
>master study


>> No.3421632

Link to vid? I'm not dissing the dude's work, but I've looked for process videos of his before and there doesn't seem to be any, which is a pity because I'm curious about what brushes he uses and he seems to be very secretive about them.

>> No.3421657

Bump for this vid; I want this fag's brushes.

>> No.3421687

>it's le current year
Eric, simply eric

>> No.3421702

Jakub makes image tutorials, not recorded videos.

sorry, somebody always points it out when i use that word, but there's no other way to describe it. they're studies of other artworks for the purpose of learning. just like someone would do a study of a Ruan Jia piece to try to emulate his style.

>> No.3421709

/ic/ dont understand because they dont draw

>> No.3421730
File: 830 KB, 722x1000, REFref.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the internet learns how art is made for real real and not play play

>> No.3421735
File: 16 KB, 236x188, 6366b33c63de355fd67a5a2f94be0590--alfons-mucha-art-nouveau.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3421740

You're missing the point completely. What you're posting is photobashing, but what Jakub is doing is tracing over other artist's existing artwork, and that's shitty.

>> No.3421743 [DELETED] 

no he isn't. his work even looks derpy compared to the references.

>> No.3421746

nigga this >>3421735 is by Alphonse Mucha who died in 1939. How the fuck is he going to photobash?

>> No.3421748

That's obviously a reference, but I was referring to the first pic you posted, and you know that. Don't be obtuse.

>> No.3421764
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>> No.3421777
File: 63 KB, 700x450, b0bab8e2513c8ad271b046d3727df6fb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Classic illustrators like Elvgren and some contemporary ones like Alex Ross use reference properly. They aren't slave to the shapes and they position limbs freely and design whatever they need to design to fit their vision.

>> No.3421787

Photobashing is obviously worse than tracing.

>> No.3421795

A lot of his mech designs are completely stolen tho, nobody seems to care about that

>> No.3421814

That's interesting.
It's weird how using a reference became so looked down upon.

>> No.3421818

>I'm a REAL artist.
>I would never use such tools to create my MAgnum OPus.

What a cuck.

>> No.3421823

I guess the difference is that these guys would pay models to pose for their references. But I wonder how many of them would still do that if they had the vast array of images available on the internet back then.

>> No.3421828

>have never used a balopticon in my life
am i going to make it

>> No.3421829

i blame algenfpleger

>> No.3421832


No, that's not the point at all. The point is that their illustrations aren't copies of their reference which is how mediocre artists like Jakub use reference. James Gurney is another good example with his use of maquettes. Yes the Jakub way is easier, but it produces inferior art.

>> No.3421834

Tracing over layers is the modern balopticon

>> No.3421962

Another issue is that some of the artwork he 'referenced' are copyrighted (disney) and by using these images in production work he has opened up his client to legal liability.

That's why even if you trace or heavily photobash, for production work you need to make sure you have licenses for all the resources you use, which he obviously didn't do.

>> No.3422011
File: 534 KB, 298x700, noarm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

first one was just reference too.

I don't think you know what you're talking about. In fact, I'm 100% sure you don''t.

>> No.3422051

what did he do

>> No.3422070

I hope Jakub Rotajowkowski or whatever his name is makes a million dollars a month on Patreon. Couldn't give less of a shit if he traces everything. Maybe the tracemasters will become a faction to rival the photobashers.

>> No.3422072
File: 3.52 MB, 1439x1429, 15214563765200.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

take a load of this faggot
there is no Trace Police -yes.
but that doesnt change that people in general will view tracer as a lower level artist
>nobody cares
for you

>> No.3422075


literally only the sorts of art nerds who post on /ic/ care about this. your average normie will look at his art and say "lol I couldn't even trace a stick figure." this will only lower him in the eyes of aspie art grognards like you and me.

>> No.3422078

Muh realism fags lose again

>> No.3422105

Isn't that just Ruan?

>> No.3422116

>Implying he isn't actively tracing and painting over photos

lol you guys haven't seen his one pixiv livestream where he had to paint without any reference right?

>> No.3422119

well sure, but his follower count says otherwise

>> No.3422122

how? he's literally taking the designs that someone else came up with. Stop projecting tracer

>> No.3422129

>Literally paints over photos, attaching his ilya eyes on the face

for fucks sake.. you must be joking. Someone pls post that sheet and deviant comment

>> No.3422131

support his patreon then you fags

>> No.3422155


But he literally provided proof that this guy is directly painting over photos and other artist's work, which is even worse than tracing. If it's just tools, no rules, why are you so afraid of being labeled by the "tools" you use? I'm sure no one will think less of you if they find out that you cannot draw and are basically just making pretty looking collages.

>> No.3422159

>Nobody gives a fuck. Nobody cares about your process.

If really no one cared about this, how come that every single one of these "artists" always tries to hide the fact that they trace or paint over photos? Clearly THEY must think that people care, otherwise, why bother and not just admit your actual workflow instead of going through such lengths to even create fake process images?

>> No.3422176

Link to reddit thread? Maybe i better spend time on that subreddit than here.

>> No.3422181

>all these tracing cucks trying to defend their shitty crutch
no matter what, you'll always be C class "artists".

>> No.3422185

I hope you make it anon without tracing and show them all who's what

>> No.3422203

Norman Rockwell traced and a lot of his peers looked down on him for it. But today, nobody remembers those artists' names.

>> No.3422218

that doesn't make tracing less gay though

>> No.3422221


Also Rockwell didn't trace. How the fuck would you do that with a canvas lol? He referenced photographs directly and altered them here-and-there but he did stick pretty damn close to them for the most part. For one thing and for what it's worth I think the photographs were in black and white though. Comparing that to a modern photobasher is ludicrous.

>> No.3422226
File: 355 KB, 800x453, 1521733279950.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3422227

There's a thing called reputation and it's very important for an artist. His is ruined now.

>> No.3422228

he didn't use canvas, he also didn't stick very close to the references, you must not be very detail oriented.

>> No.3422245

>b.b.but fame
Literally not an argument. Keep those oestrogen related comment for yourself.

>> No.3422248

that looks like shit though.

>> No.3422253

>Tracing isn't cheating. Tracing isn't dishonorable.

>> No.3422257

>not even deniying
Your pedo elephant show is going to get thorn appart, just llike OKKO did. Just saying. You are an incompetent leesh, don't expect to last long in a dying company that will soon need to cut the costs, again.

>> No.3422261


It's the only argument, loser. "Success is the sole earthly judge of right and wrong."

enjoy your eternal buttflusterment about those mean cheaters being more successful than you while you grind anime studies in your dingy apartment. at least you'll always have these threads on /ic/ to rage against successful artists.

>> No.3422283

He doesn't have a Patreon you colossal faggot.

>> No.3422300

Once you're labeled as a tracer your reputation amongst artist is tainted.
As long as the mentalities don't change you will be seen with a bad eye.
Tracing isn't honorable and this is why everyone try to hide it.
The guy in the OP got found out, he's tainted. Cope.

Illya got BTFO by sakimichan of all people, he is tainted too.

>> No.3422312

Meanwhile Donato Giancola traces openly and even includes those techniques in his tutorial videos.
It's not about the tracing, it's about the fact that he lied and isn't able to achieve this kind of quality without tracing. Once you're gud, tracing just becomes a method to speed up your process.