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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 248 KB, 1440x1440, op.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3418375 No.3418375 [Reply] [Original]

IF YOU ARE A /BEG/INNER IN ART, please use this thread to post pieces for critique or ask for advice. We should not have to make new threads or post in the Drawthread with our fundamental exercises.

Feel free to post even the smallest exercise you have done to show you are still trying, do not give up, make someone proud.


>screenshot the image and post that instead

>change camera capture settings to something smaller

>send to computer and resize in MSPaint

→ →
There's a new (and cleaner) sticky in town! You can see it at:


TRY TO BE MORE ACTIVE AND GIVE PEOPLE SOME FEEDBACK - many studies are left unreplied, which is a bit sad and can be quite demotivating for the people that try their best to improve, but are left directionless.


>> No.3418376
File: 1.35 MB, 1271x7339, 96e2feea6bbf8e7ce6646fcc04456d29a49408d92007e7d7876ea20d518b1f62.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Links to many art books including as Keys to Drawing (Dodson), Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain (Edwards), Perspective Made Easy (Norling), Color and Light (Gurney), The Vilppu Drawing Manual (Vilppu) and How to Draw (Robertson).

A website dedicated to understanding the basics and process of digital painting, based in Adobe Photoshop. Library of over 200 free videos.

Free pose library to practice drawing the human figure (as well as a portrait library). Draw at your own pace or set a timer for quick gesture drawings.

Instructional how-to videos covering mostly portrait and figure drawing from fine artist Stanislav Prokopenko.

Croquis Cafe - Timed model poses.

Controversial yet helpful introductory course on the fundamentals of drawing with a focus on understanding the concept of form and thinking in a 3-dimensional mindset while you draw.

>Your local life drawing class
Life drawing is an indispensable tool in your art career. Do not be intimidated based on your skill level - there will always be someone worse than you and someone better than you. Use this opportunity to meet new artists for learning, critique, and growth.

>> No.3418397 [DELETED] 
File: 1.67 MB, 2480x3507, boi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3418401
File: 58 KB, 629x884, boi2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3418405


>> No.3418420
File: 3.42 MB, 3042x4790, Ebony Angel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3418424

can you resize your 3.42 MB and 3042x4790 image to a hundred something kB 635x1000

>> No.3418425

Good ass.

>> No.3418427

I don't think that ass would fit on a lower resolution

>> No.3418434
File: 380 KB, 1668x2097, itwasntgoodanyways.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>little sister got her hands on my unfinished loli drawing
Fucking godammit, not everything is meant to be colored

>> No.3418437

she improved the shitty trace

>> No.3418438

Wrong, upside down drawing

>> No.3418455
File: 158 KB, 1000x1000, IMG_1784.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just did this study of a statue and it looks wierd.

havent finished the gloves, hat and hair yet, but tips for doing that are very welcome.

>> No.3418458
File: 12 KB, 612x408, 825778252.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How would you paint this specific sky?

>> No.3418466
File: 35 KB, 892x745, vase.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm reading right side of the brain.
>can't even fucking do the vase exercise properly
>can't make a single accurate shape on the right side
How do I keep drawing without wanting to kill myself/rage?
sorry but I'm so mad

>> No.3418467

Those are some good anime girls.

>> No.3418469

I honestly think it's because you forgot to put a vertical line down the middle, making it harder for you to compare horizontal distances
but you should move on, even if you get it from your current "decent" to picture perfect, you won't get any congrats for drawing vases

>> No.3418470

What's the most fun way to practice drawing

>> No.3418471

what do you want to be able to draw.

practice it.

but actually im just being a cunt, and i cant for the life of me enjoy learning perspective.

>> No.3418472

Specify the medium first

>> No.3418473

realizing that every bit of practice you do contributes to when you'll be great in the future

>> No.3418474

Your sister is a talented artist!

>> No.3418476
File: 445 KB, 1280x1280, paintover2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

values look too flat, although hard to tell w/o ref

everything is angled too vertically, chin and cheeks aren't skewed downward enough, mouth area is too large overall

>> No.3418477

I noticed this too, thanks for clarifying. I especially noticed the huge lips as soon as I posted it. Will try again.

>> No.3418479
File: 2 KB, 366x357, 2018-05-07-183640_1366x768_scrot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw your art is the cover for /beg/
soul crushing, but it only makes me want to get better

here's an updated black chick
the earring placement in line with the rosy cheeks pixel bothers me, but I can't place it anywhere else without it looking wierder

>> No.3418480

Digital painting on photoshop/sai.

>> No.3418483

You're doing okay on the exercise, do one or two more if you must, but move on to the next one
>>3418469 has some solid advice

>> No.3418485

just say you did it

>> No.3418494

Wut? I want to know how to paint it. If I try to use a soft tool it just looks unfinished and if I use a more dense tool it looks retarded.

>> No.3418501
File: 257 KB, 472x514, Screen Shot 2018-05-08 at 02.10.05.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is the only ref I have for this image.

>values look too flat
does that mean I need to add darker darks and lighter lights? Also how do I avoid making values to flat?

>> No.3418502

Maybe make her shirt either lighter or another color? Your colors got just a bit muddy now and her shirt still has the same issue of blending in a bit much, especially the highlights of her shirt blend into her skin tone.

>> No.3418505
File: 58 KB, 637x895, CompletedGirl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3418522

yes, values are way too flat in their range. yeah, you need to incorporate lighters lights and darkers darks, and pay more attention to their dispersion across the figure.

There's clearly pure white and pure black in the ref, while you have a very narrow band of grey in yours.

>> No.3418568
File: 806 KB, 1008x1378, Study 5 7 18.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i feel like eric lol

>> No.3418613

Are you that anon that made the same comment last time?
If so, sorry bro forgot your advice
I've changed it now, but I'm gonna create some more characters/animations before shitting up /beg/ again

>> No.3418668

Not the same anon, sorry! Just like helpin folks out! I noticed that comment last time but I didnt see too much of an issue then. But darkening everything did really make it pop that those colors are very simillar. Good luck with that tho I think its comin together well!

>> No.3418717
File: 65 KB, 466x634, 78965312.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what do you think?

>> No.3418754

The guy who makes the OP picks the image randomly, don’t be discouraged.

>> No.3418778

Leg cut off.

>> No.3418779

Is she supposed to look like a dwarf or a short thicc girl

>> No.3418781


>> No.3418788

not bad, is it a man?

>> No.3418790

the wings don't read realistically, probably because you crammed them to fit the page (don't do that) so they seem too small to support her if she were to try to fly

>> No.3418791

not that bad to be honest
keep practicing your loomis pal

>> No.3418795

stop being so sensitive, you are garbage just accept it, once you realize you are trash and you need to put a lot of work into this you will handle failure more easily. when you fail learn from it and move on.

>> No.3418804
File: 97 KB, 800x1200, 1524325223247.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Brahs, holy shit, try drawing the eyes first, then the head, it's fucking amazing. I can feel power coursing through me goddamnit

>> No.3418807

Post lopsided head

>> No.3418820 [DELETED] 
File: 1.87 MB, 1836x3264, IMG_20180505_065324752.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3418827

Sometimes I like drawing the hands first, then the arms

>> No.3418832

you are actually madmen what the fuck

>> No.3418901
File: 93 KB, 800x1000, DY_dxcHWsAUB7Pb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3418961

who is this semen demon

>> No.3418966

my mom

>> No.3418969

What can I do to make my drawings less flat? I've studied perspective using grids and such and I know the basics of how it works but I can't seem to figure out how to apply it to stuff like a human figure. Everything I draw comes out really flat.

>> No.3418973

post examples

>> No.3418986
File: 530 KB, 1377x1159, kitsune.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My current WIP

>> No.3418988

you're not varying your lineweights correctly. Things closer to the camera should be heavier, while thickness recedes as the object gets farther away.

Also, taper your lines as they recede across the form you're drawing.

Besides that, the pose is very stiff and will read flat naturally. Do some gestures to loosen up your figures.

>> No.3418990

Head bang on profile.
Wonky ass body covered up by a ton of shit.
Cut off legs.

You probably diddne't plan your drawing at all and that's why you lost track of the form.

>> No.3418993

Ah yeah, the tails should definitely be thinner lined. Thanks, that's usually something I'm better about. Could you show me what you mean with the tapering as they recede part?

Not that it excuses much of the issues with it, I was initially attempting to make it a ukiyo-e kind of thing, thus the stiffness and the profile. I totally failed and just tried to take it from there. I agree I think I need to plan more.

>> No.3418994

Not that I don't naturally have an issue with stiff posing, because I do. I was doing it a bit more intentionally this time, though. (Also failed.) Was originally just going to be a sketch for water coloring practice but ended up keeping it digital. Thanks for the critique guys.

>> No.3419006

I like the face, but soo manny tangets

>> No.3419018

I actually wanted to ask about this. Loomis and others have you draw a circle with a + through it, then project a chin downwards. But I kinda like just drawing the + and doing the facial features before the head shape. I know it's probably bad, but what is the downside of it? Lopsided heads?

>> No.3419021

While this is a good video explaining them, maybe I'm retarded, but I don't see them? I've probably been looking at it for too long, I even tried to fix a few someone pointed out in another thread.

>> No.3419023

if you can draw a good circle, you can then visualise A LOT easier how characteristics on the head should look, and it's a lot easier to get the perspective right as you'll place the + more accurately. It's also way easier to split in to thirds this way.

>> No.3419026

The head dictates the placement of features not the other way around, or well not unless you're shooting for some Quasimodo shit.

>> No.3419043

do you flip ur canvas enough?

>> No.3419044
File: 580 KB, 2057x1705, NoRefP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I tried to do a few torsos without references today. Is there anything wrong ?

>> No.3419046

Yeah. They're all severely handicapped, thanks to a lack of limbs and a head.

>> No.3419050

Is this suppose to be chibi or are you trying to draw a midget?

>> No.3419051
File: 92 KB, 475x531, 2018-05-08-121104_475x531_scrot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3419052

I think you need to go study what people look like when sitting down. Hint: Theres something wrong with the upper body. Can you guess what it is?

>> No.3419055

>So I tried to do a few torsos
Who talked about limbs and head ?

Thanks for that, I never noticed I did this until now actually.

>> No.3419058
File: 1.75 MB, 1297x916, wip.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

current wip
I can't draw anime faces for shit

>> No.3419059

>Who talked about limbs and head ?
I am. Because you're clearly just comfort zoning at this point.

>> No.3419062

Looks like a sloppy trace with a shitty head thrown on top.

>> No.3419063

I am currently studying torsos/pelvis and the start of the arm, that's why I'm drawing it, then I'll study the whole arm, the legs ect.
But yeah the lack of head is purely because I don't want to ruin everything.

>> No.3419092

top right one's crotch recedes too far back, push the whole pelvis forwards

>> No.3419093
File: 449 KB, 693x1237, paula.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

quick wip of paula from earthbound

>> No.3419096

really really do not like these lines
i know its a wip, and i dont know much about anatomy/proportions but that looks fine to me.

the lines are just nauseating.

>> No.3419097

i typically never leave my lines in when it's done. >>3417494

>> No.3419099

But don't you think you'd get the shapes and rendering done a lot better if you had good line work to work with?

>> No.3419116

I guess so, i tend to just not have the patience for it sometimes.

>> No.3419203
File: 170 KB, 632x1214, d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trying some stuff from Design and Invention

>> No.3419207

Almost done with Keys, but after seeing a lot of the stuff in the Feng Zhu "Just draw" threads I'm really inspired. Where do I learn more about using a perspective grid to draw figures/animals/objects in a dynamic, 3d manner? I was motivated to draw before but now even moreso. I wanna be like papa Zhu.

Right now I'm thinking my next step to getting my feet wet in perspective drawing is either How to Draw by Scott Robertson, Perspective Made Easy, the DrawaBox lessons, or Peter Han's Dynamic Sketching. I'm eventually going to do all, but which should I tackle next?

>> No.3419214

Drawabox and perspective made easy are really good in combination I think.

But jesus drawing boxes is fucking boring.

>> No.3419216


>> No.3419253
File: 198 KB, 974x1536, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3419353
File: 65 KB, 214x232, 1525351937263.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>drop pencil once
>completely fucking ruined as every time I sharpen it the lead just falls out
How do I stop this

>> No.3419372

I heard pros use a knife to sharpen

>> No.3419380

dont drop the pencil moron

>> No.3419399

My god man I tried sharpening two of my charcoal pencils the other day and I swear to god I got a blister on my finger.

>> No.3419402

The spacing in your writing is drunk.
You *seriously* need to work on your hands.
I couldn't tell whether she was focused on you (then what's the point of the phone?) or on the phone call (then why not make her completely ignore you for comic effect?)

>> No.3419408

Definitely read through (don't do the exercises in your first read-through) Perspective Made Easy. Don't leave low-hanging fruit unpicked.

>> No.3419409

i have intuos pro and im decent at sculpting, but not that good at drawing, so if i were to learn to draw should i start with learning how draw on paper and then digital or just go straight to digital?
there any difference between the two, how harder is to draw digitally compared to paper?

>> No.3419413
File: 18 KB, 355x244, 61WIlOIZZPL._SX355_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get one of these

>> No.3419417

her scary bad left foot makes me think it's not a trace
her left ribs are too far out, her left elbow is uncomfortably high and too far away from the body, her left leg should be tucked in while her right leg should stretch back a bit more to balance her out

>> No.3419424

Ironically, most of the drawing was done drunk, while the text was done when I was sober.

I was going for the "calling 911 while clearing a corridor for tangos" look

>> No.3419425

the arms are different thicknesses and that's a no-no

>> No.3419433

>how harder is to draw digitally compared to paper?
Like 3.7

>> No.3419439

why don't we stop fretting about the wings and take a look at the UGLY ASS FACE

>> No.3419567

What's the etymology of /ic/'s "crab"?

>> No.3419660

What direction should I take towards being able to draw a figure in a pose/angle I want from imagination? (doesn't have to be very detailed, mostly just expressive and able to look believable)
I'm going through some anatomy and perspective books, as well as construction/form with drawabox, but that'd still end up stiff.
And doing gesture drawings is fine, but it's hard to come up with a gesture for a pose I'm thinking of.
Anything I should focus on, or just keep doing literally all of it until things stop looking like shit?

>> No.3419681

keep drawing people, from life/references to build your head-library until you're confident enough to be able to draw your own.

>> No.3419702
File: 62 KB, 1000x1000, IMG_1796.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you paint hair

>> No.3419703

babby legs

>> No.3419705

just keep doing literally all of it until things stop looking like shit

>> No.3419711

Nah, more like 2.6

>> No.3419717

When someone raises their arm their pec/breast will raise as well.

>> No.3419721
File: 470 KB, 1632x1224, IMG_7602.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

since co lacks a critique thread,i thought this is the only place to get advice.
i don`t want to become a pro,more like a hobby,but i want to get out of deviantart tier drawings.
i want to know what are my flaws here and what to practice so i can draw well.

>> No.3419722

and i don`t know why the pic is at this side,sorry.

>> No.3419727

I've found that if you turn your phone to face down to take a photo, the cameras orientation will change to landscape

>> No.3419733

How To Draw and you won't need Perspective Made Easy. Drawabox is a bad meme so if you're going to do one just do the Peter Han. You don't need to do all of these. Realize the diminishing returns and skip to the next bit, you don't have to finish every book.

>> No.3419739

>this entire post
The absolute state of /beg/.

>> No.3419757
File: 99 KB, 691x803, hmmm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I make sure my hands are not yaoi-hand size or trump hand meme sized because that's what always happens

>> No.3419762

You know the hand bigger than your face meme? Yeah. That. Also is your waifu flat?

>> No.3419764
File: 40 KB, 1200x675, ch_bodybase03.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

learn how to draw actual anatomy and proportions so you won't be symbol drawing dumb shit.

>> No.3419770

There is literally (literally) nothing wrong with flat

>> No.3419777

left is more realistic, kys

>> No.3419795

How so?

>> No.3419804

weird,i can see the pic like a photo here,but suddenly 4chin rotate it.

>> No.3419823
File: 98 KB, 756x1008, rsz_20180508_205644.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lips are fucking hard dude

>> No.3419833

here u go

>> No.3419943
File: 86 KB, 500x605, bbbbb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like her anatomy but can't seem to capture her petiteness

>> No.3419945

the neck is off center and neck/head are small. construct an actual body from the pelvis up. the left arm being almost straight vertical doesn't help things.

>> No.3419968

If you are following a book about drawing and you find some parts tedious or uninteresting, is it better to man up and try to learn those parts even if you are getting no fun and advancing painfully slow, or to skimp quickly, dedicate more time to things you like, and go for the next book as soon as possible?

>> No.3419980
File: 52 KB, 622x661, 51515151.jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it was meant to be a thicc girl
the neck? I'll start to use references, it takes too much time to draw from imagination.

>> No.3420026

Yeah... I nearly can't draw anything without a reference without hating it.

>> No.3420028
File: 49 KB, 574x827, 1525571322936-ic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Quick tips
>15 minutes long

>> No.3420059

It's a common expression actually.

You know that cunt who seems to bring down other people from improving?

Like a bunch of crabs in a bucket. When one tries to climb out, some ass from the bottom pile pulls them down.

>anyway they're all ngmi because boiled crabs are delicious

>> No.3420067
File: 284 KB, 964x1090, 0051.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did a study of a pic I found on pinterest

>> No.3420068

>Eyes first then head
Recipe for proportion disaster my dude
Trust me, you will save far more time laying out the head first then the details.

>> No.3420071
File: 595 KB, 750x794, E9BC67F8-FCCF-4004-8765-4A4CEA8F5301.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what can i improve on? hands are kinda awkward

>> No.3420087

>what can i improve on?

>> No.3420106

for all the people who started drawing later in life i would like to ask if there was a period where you hated your work and when you started to love it. i have fun drawing but i NEVER like any of anything i draw i just want to know that it really gets better after a while. the feeling and thoughts of never being good enough for myself is really fucking with me lately.every sketch is getting to be really frustrating

>> No.3420109

Any recommended sources/videos online about drawing what you see or at least getting the proportions right for whatever I'm drawing?

>> No.3420113

Yeah there is when you accept you've worked hard and stop setting the bar so high. Then you fall into the pit of self despair every time other after when you want to improve and it's not as quick as you want it to be.

>> No.3420115

Do i need all of these fucking circle drawing and line drawing tools for Scott Robertson's How To Draw, or are these basically training wheels?

I spent so much time learning how to draw basic shapes and lines, don't see why i need these tools all of a sudden.

>> No.3420119

They aren't training wheels. They are the real deal tools that you use because manual dexterity will never match up to the perfection of tools.

>> No.3420153
File: 106 KB, 976x1280, IMG_20180508_182821_284.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's an incomplete study, 4 hours in. I did one on a cat about a couple weeks ago and a couple people said to do push my values and use toned paper with black/white charcoal, so here it is. I need to pace myself so I'll finish it up with another 2 hours or so tomorrow.

Ngl, I'm not entirely sure what I'm "studying" in this study. I'd like some feedback at this point in case I'm somehow fucking up. I think my value observation skills are getting better, though.

>> No.3420158

You're studying the interaction of light and shadow on form along with working your observation skills.

>> No.3420171
File: 92 KB, 697x1080, 1525633757638.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ref here

>> No.3420180

id say work in the darks more, in yours the neck darks aren't as consistent with the breast darks as they are in the reference

>> No.3420183

Thank you for the input. That makes sense.

Looking at the image again, I still need to push the values on most of the non-highlight bright areas on the statue. My white pencils aren't very white, so it's kind of a pain.

I also noticed that it looks much glossier than the marble - latex-like, even. I suppose the contrast between somewhat bright and very bright makes things look glossy.

>> No.3420188

Oh yeah, I haven't even touched the breast darks. That's just the paper. The only places i've shaded in so far are the left arm cutoff, armpits, neck, and background.

>> No.3420206
File: 323 KB, 940x1686, Screen Shot 2018-05-08 at 9.03.59 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3420208

Cute Kirino. Anymore drawings?

>> No.3420209

anyone?pls respond.

>> No.3420210

You're doing it digitally, right? I find that if you can't get it right by the initial drawing, just select the hand and resize it.

>> No.3420221

If I wanted to start practicing and drawing people, where's the best place to start?

>> No.3420223

By practicing and drawing people.

>> No.3420226

Yeah but, should I start by doing like gesture drawing or constructing people or just trying to draw them from naked poses people. I'm just kind of overwhelmed by how many different ways to attack this.

>> No.3420227

Just draw them from reference or from life.

>> No.3420228

Its hard to give critique on that. It'd be like a teacher grading a scribble you did on the back of your test when you finished a couple minutes early.

Crossdress and sit in front of a mirror in a way where you can see under your skirt and hold a sketchpad in your lap. Then sketch yourself. Your attention will be drawn to the parts of yourself that you don't like and it'll show in your sketch. There's nothing worse than a drawing that isn't flattering to yourself so it'll push you to be more accurate and detailed

>> No.3420232

I'd say to do more studies of Schulz's work. Your question of wanting to be more than a deviantart tier artist is a bit ambiguous, but maybe try not doing only fanart?

anyone got advice for >>3420067 trying to improve lineart

>> No.3420236

Alright I'm just gonna go out it then from life/references at first. Thanks bois.

>> No.3420237

i actually mixed some scenes from the animated series.
i think at least the characters are...visible,i mean,everyone can see who is who.
thanks,maybe studying more of his works and training the basci like straight lines,circles and other symbols might help.
i took some time to make,mistakes were done,eraser came and etc,no pen used,no ink,just plain old pencil.
i still get the feeling something is off,maybe it's the anatomy,to practice anatomy i eed to keep drawing more of his works?

>> No.3420240

Check out cartooning philosophy and practice by ivan brunetti

>> No.3420262
File: 1.36 MB, 1532x2043, 9866FDEA-38AC-4CA2-A1EB-797A950E29A4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This 2butt is struggling, I’m not sure if the pose is just too un-dynamic to be salvaged

>> No.3420264

Nice 2B.

>> No.3420268

This belongs in MOMA honestly

>> No.3420280
File: 1.16 MB, 750x1000, perspective.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Practicing free handing perspective. How am I doing?

>> No.3420296

>drawing from the toes up

>> No.3420298

thats actually a pretty good axcersize and teaches you to learn how to make your figures more grounded

>> No.3420300

Looks good.

>> No.3420305
File: 35 KB, 467x716, yiffInP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feedback so far, pretty happy with how this is coming so far.

>> No.3420324

What book? Some parts are tedious and uninteresting and you won't get anything out of them. There's no award for completing a book cover to cover. However, what you might find tedious might be very important but we don't know because you haven't said anything. You shouldn't be keeping yourself to one book at a time (but don't lose focus from studying everything and retaining nothing). You can always come back to an artbook and take something away you might not have realized the first time through.

They're professional tools that are an investment which will last you a lifetime. You can use ellipse guides and French curves on a tablet too. I only bought a parallel glider because of the book but when the chance arises I'll buy some ellipse guides and a proportional divider. I use the parallel ruler a lot for making tables in taking notes, quick perspective grids, and measuring angles.

You don't need anything but a straight edge and your head for the book. If you want to continue down the path then the tools would not be a foolish purchase.

>> No.3420355

>15 minutes is too long to invest in improving as an artist
literally ngmi

>> No.3420358

That's so true. How do I become a gmi?

>> No.3420361

draw stuff for a lot of time

>> No.3420365

construct the hands from 3D forms before developing them.

>> No.3420367

If you are improving productively you will start to feel better, are you trying to improve in any way or just doing the same shit over and over?

>> No.3420378

How much is an example of a lot of time?

>> No.3420421

As many free hours as you have per day, every day, for years

>> No.3420422

id say its like playing the guiter

>> No.3420424

I don't play the guitar so I don't know what that means.

>> No.3420425

neither do I but I have a good idea of how much time and effort it takes to sound half decent from having friends who play the guiter and it very much like drawings

>> No.3420436
File: 195 KB, 763x1000, cutelady3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


any advice / critique?

>> No.3420441

The eyes are looking in different directions. Her right iris also looks a little squished? The gap where her hair is parted is too wide.

>> No.3420450
File: 103 KB, 1200x1726, 31f45c_6601527.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gonna call this done

>> No.3420466
File: 1000 KB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_20180509-131658.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello. This is an example of one of my illustrations. It's the first time that I draw a complete illustration with a cityscape in it. Do you have any suggestions on what to improve? Thanks

>> No.3420473

This is one big blur of green and brown.

>> No.3420480

aahh yeah, i can remember i was too conscious to add brown hues. and... I just realized that perhaps I put the wrong adjustment values.. thanks btw

>> No.3420484

I think you need to draw the hair from the hair parting outwards. This way, it seems like you extend the skin color to the hair area (I dunno whether if this is the case though)

>> No.3420488

you drew a rat with tits
hope you are proud of yourself

>> No.3420608

How do I shade with purely black shaded parts and white everywhere else?

>> No.3420609

This is a pro tip passed on to me from my great grandfather who was one of the masters, won't drop names because you wouldn't believe me.

I noticed one day that he had an assortment of brushes unlike the rest, the bristles were thick and raspy but at the same gave anything he used them on an incredible natural flowing texture.
After a few months of trying to replicate his techniques and watching him work I finally asked him how he managed to do it.

The secret he told me changed my life forever, and has lead to a long and prestigious career in the art world. I wouldn't be surprised if you've come across some of my work here on /IC/ or even in the top galleries.

>> No.3420616

By doing it?

>> No.3420617

so you just enjoy prancing around being a vague cunt then huh

>> No.3420628

is this like some copypasta meme?

If not, was the tip to use a certain special brush?

>> No.3420643
File: 414 KB, 981x1401, 050918.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's another. I should really continue with the book. I'm just having fun here drawing cylinders instead of reading.

>> No.3420647

Surely you didn't start at zero only a couple of months ago, r-right?

>> No.3420650

Which values do I consider highlights in this case? Which ones do I shade?

>> No.3420655

>giving (You)s to bait


>> No.3420657

Looks pretty cute anon.

Just done with Perspective Made Easy, would recommend Design and Invention to an intermediate artist?

made these, for reference

>> No.3420667

>Which values do I consider highlights in this case?
Non. Since you can't put a highlight on what's already the lightest value possible, pure white.
>Which ones do I shade?
I don't follow?

>> No.3420670

I can look at a reference and see all the different values, and apply weight on to my pencil according to how dark these values appear.

But there are so many midtones, how do I know which ones to leave white and which ones to shade in black?

I want to use just these two values.

>> No.3420676

I've been drawing for longer but super half assing and growth was nearly non existent. I did actually start putting in effort a few months ago though.

Thanks. Definitely worth checking out. I often see it paired with books like Perspective Made Easy. Good for learning gestures, anatomy in simplified shapes, placement of shapes, and other things I'm still too much of a newbie to understand. I'm not super far into it but I can do a lot better in imagination drawing already.

>> No.3420702 [DELETED] 

Thinking about it, I guess the ones which visibly define planes makes the most sense.

>> No.3420748

I'm trying to learn and sit down and draw but my fucking brain keeps chasing instant gratification
How do you boys avoid falling for your brains ruses

>> No.3420752
File: 562 KB, 1119x1000, BEEGGG.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3420754

Good luck with that, lol.

>> No.3420758

You need to train your eyes to see what you're actually seeing. Read Keys to Drawing now

>> No.3420759

very good, technically sound.

>> No.3420761

Are the later chapters of Keys to Drawing going to teach me how to render a little more realistically? I understand it's not a book about shading and lighting but I hope it provides some tips at least.

I'm wrapping up chapter 3 right now and I'm making an effort to practice as I go using everything I've been taught so far. I focus on the subject, measure using my utensil, draw the big shapes from sight, then the little shapes. Draw in the enrichment shapes such as shadows and highlights.
I feel like I get the shapes down from sight tracing the contour just fine but my drawings still look very cartoony, and I think it's because of my solid lines and how I shade.

I'll try again after work and post results.

>> No.3420767

What's not drawn the way it looks?

>> No.3420777

biggest problems with the reference copy are the bra is moved too far up on her left, her left arm is way too big, and her face. you completely failed to get her bangs correct and her right eye needs to be moved to her right.
your drawings from imagination flow very nicely despite the crappy anatomy
blend the background more carefully, it looks like you gave up for some reason. notice how it gets darker near the top?

>> No.3420785

Just about everything. Work on seeing what you're actually looking at. imo this skill is needed before you jump on any kind of other book or tutorial. It is that important.

>> No.3420787

i think it can be salvaged
it has to do with her sword arm
the hand should be rotated away from you instead of towards you, adjust the angle of the blade so it aligns with the arm, move the hilt a bit forward and make the sword longer

>> No.3420793

her left arm doesn't look right, maybe if you connected the shapes by erasing a bit of the parts where they intersect
her left hip needs to push out a bit more
also ruri best girl

>> No.3420795


>> No.3420796

you should get used to it...

>> No.3420814

No, you're the crab!

>> No.3420819

Desperately need to stop chicken scratching.

This is the most unappealing thing I see /beg/'s do imo.

>> No.3420823
File: 1.05 MB, 1532x2043, 1525831148465.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only thing that stuck out to me was that 2B seemed dwarf sized. Did some resizing in paint

>> No.3420864
File: 1.03 MB, 1212x909, 20180509_1431142.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My second digital drawing. I am pretty bad digitally.
I guess I have to draw more often digitally then
Her right arm is too short and her eyes are kinda fucked up

>> No.3420897

Make cleaner lines and color more neatly too.

>> No.3420902

>I am pretty bad digitally.
you're bad full stop

>> No.3420915

Just curious, are there multiple dudes going around here that have a need to remind beginners they're beginners or are all those posts by you? Can you give an estimate on how often you do this per thread?
Now don't backpedal away from me, reminding beginners they're beginners is not critique and critique is not reminding beginners they're beginners. Be honest boy

>> No.3420920

i think it's other beginners, they just do it institutionally, like children in a schoolyard.

>> No.3420923

Just because you say it isn't Critique doesn't magically make it invalid.

>> No.3420926

Never said it is. Yeah yeah, there's le effect of taking people down from a potential high horse, yadda yadda, who cares, it's lame and I'm curious whether there are a handful of big time losers here or if it's just beginners being easily influenced, as >>3420920

>> No.3420932

How do you incorporate gesture into your drawings not from reference?
Surely you don't draw the gesture of each person before adding form on top of that all the time right?

>> No.3420933

any /beg/ calling others people's work shit is ngmi

the rest are crabs

so disregard it

>> No.3420943

wait i thought the begs calling begs shit are the crabs

hampton showcases the steps for going from gesture to construction very well in figure drawing design and invention

>> No.3420945

it's more of a keep it in mind thing, but you can do a line of action and a few bits and pieces if you want ot make sure of the dynamism

>> No.3420946
File: 50 KB, 500x686, 1524869053708.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is where the crab bucket meme applies.

>> No.3420949

What's this about crab? What does that even mean

>> No.3420965

There's a life drawing session near me, but I like the comfort of drawing at home.

Will I benefit enough from the session to make it worth going and paying for?

>> No.3420981

Just draw nigga, /ic/ thinks going to life drawing classes or drawing an apple in front of you instead of from a photo is the key to it all and you're magically gonna get good as soon as you step through that door

There's a dude in a discord channel I'm in bragging about how he found a life drawing class and how he's gonna get good. Fast forward a month or two and he's still complaining about his drawing skills and nothing has changed.

Just draw man, you'll make more progress doing that than you will trying to find that so-called missing piece to the puzzle

>> No.3420989

They're nice because they require effort and afterwards you can remind yourself that you went through that effort for your art

>> No.3421008

The rest?

>> No.3421010
File: 86 KB, 945x520, aaaaaaaa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

someone please tell me of some way to figure out the perspective? my art starts looking god awful whenever i try to make it more dynamic by adding perspective, and i have no idea how to learn this.

>> No.3421015

Right side of the picture seems slightly out of place due to inconsistent shading compared to the rest. Girl in white looks like she is about to fall off. You put in a lot of effort, I like that.

>> No.3421022
File: 177 KB, 819x439, 1525009557570.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Start with the basics.

>> No.3421026

i know the basics. i just can't translate them into other stuff than boxes, despite starting off with blocky human form.

>> No.3421027
File: 3.54 MB, 4608x3456, 20180509_185956.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks! I'll try to

Yeah, that's why I post at /beg/ lol

>> No.3421028

nvm me


>> No.3421036

Forcing perspective onto something wont make it dynamic.

>> No.3421038

but using the normal, frontal perspective makes things less dynamic and that is a fact

>> No.3421069

>frontal perspective
bro. What is this?

>> No.3421088
File: 17 KB, 652x450, aaaaaaaa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i honestly don't know what the english term is for it but thats what i mean

>> No.3421102

We would use "one point perspective" for that.
Because you only need one vanishing point.

>> No.3421107

yeah, and when i add more, or try moving it, everything that's not a perfect square falls apart

>> No.3421126

>cant apply them to boxes even though i started with boxes
What does this tell you?

>> No.3421142

that you think everything can be reduced to boxes
which is wrong btw

>> No.3421150

right now, all you need to know about perspective is "closer stuff is bigger"
I recommend vilppu drawing manual (or keys to drawing if you really suck at copying things)

>> No.3421155

Not just boxes, boxes, cylinders and spheres.

>> No.3421166

Now do a box in two point perspective, just to show us that you can.

>> No.3421167

Alright, draw a box in that place with correct perspective and we'll go together from there.

>> No.3421170

there we go

>> No.3421172

this, pretty much. cylinders and spheres don't work for me when i try to put them in pespective. do you have any images to show how they behave?

>> No.3421175

how do you get the anatomy and perspective on point?t

>> No.3421178

How about YOU post what you think it looks like.

>> No.3421183
File: 192 KB, 3024x2847, Almindus Mark2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sup dudes

>> No.3421209

Ernest Norling's "Perspective Made Easy"
Scott Robertson's "How To Draw"

>> No.3421263

I don't have a problem with perspective, but I have a hard time figuring out where to start drawing. I assume the head? I also can never tell how big I should make it, and how big the rest of the drawing should be in general

How do I fix this?

>> No.3421265


>> No.3421269

Read Loomis.

>> No.3421303

i'm sure that with enough thinking, you'll figure out the sphere

>> No.3421370

I'm a complete beginner trying to go with the Vilppu manual, but I literally can't keep up with the gesture drawing, with the overhand grip it takes me around 60 seconds to shit out a shaky stickman that barely resembles pose on the reference.

Is there any point in doing this excercise at this stage, or should I start with something different?

>> No.3421386
File: 113 KB, 898x1200, DHZXt42U0AAsQkG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3421413

This will result in years of mindless studies that will lead nowhere

>> No.3421416


oh, /beg/...

>> No.3421427
File: 25 KB, 370x565, 456782412123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3421429

>little baby upset he cant talk with the big boys
Your day will come

>> No.3421449
File: 123 KB, 1440x818, IMG_20180510_000122_169.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone want to tell me I'm not an entirely worthless piece of shit? It would help right now

>> No.3421461
File: 286 KB, 504x746, BustStudy01_05092018.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Made my first attempt at drawing what I see by drawing >>3408920

I'm still stuck in chapter 3 of Keys so I've got a lot to learn still.
I already see a bunch of mistakes with the head proportions and the lips being much smaller, but for a first attempt i'm happy with it.
Any feedback?

>> No.3421466

Would guts cry on an anonymous Japanese cartoon image board for attention?
Or would he just fucking grind until he's good?
Btw the doggo doesn't have teeth like that
Eyes strongly strike me as off

>> No.3421484

I'm not trying to be guts. I want to die. And it's probably all off. I was drawing from my head. I wasn't looking for a replica. I just wanted to get some of my frustration out

>> No.3421490

>Eyes strongly strike me as off
Thanks for the feedback anon
Making the eyes look at the viewer has always been difficult for me to get down for some reason, so that's probably what's off about it. I can't see it when i look at it now but I'm sure in an hour or two I'll be able to see just how off they are.

>> No.3421494
File: 57 KB, 648x802, Capturel..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3421514
File: 201 KB, 500x373, 1521415990622.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Went on for three months when I was 20
>Looking back on my exercise work I was making rapid, good progress
>Quit for three years
>I could've gotten good by now

>> No.3421515
File: 19 KB, 424x409, eye.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice cutie(male), anon.
just one thing that makes me uncomfortable, she has no (noticeable) eyelids, they are kind of thick (pic related is what i mean), also the eyelids have the same values as the hair, even in a cast shadow skin there should be that dark, specially because no other place gets that dark.

>> No.3421524

>comprehension disorder

>> No.3421545
File: 45 KB, 238x281, 1520524338082.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon are you me?
>I went on grinding for nearly 4 months
>then I quit for over 2 years
pic related mfw I think about it

>> No.3421552

1. no rules, only tools
2. yeah I'd say a beginner can do stick figures
3. a five year old kid has more confidence than you

>> No.3421561

So start right now, today, stop fucking around.

>> No.3421564

I think you overestimate five year olds.

>> No.3421567

I think you underestimate five year olds

>> No.3421568


>> No.3421576

I actually started about 4 days ago, and I try my best not to fuck around.
But thanks for the pep talk anon.

>> No.3421596
File: 309 KB, 1000x750, IMG_1801.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

doing this study but am stuck at the eyes and the drawing just looks off.
gonna finish it tomorrow, so bls give me feed back.

tnx 4 the tip, tried to do it better this time.

>> No.3421636

Do the exercises, don't worry about the timed sketch version. Take as much time as you think until you make every mark you want to, within reason. It's normal for your 5 minute sketch to look like someone's 1 minute.

>> No.3421688

do gestures daily and consistently, might sound dumb (like drawing boxes, who does that amirite?) in the beggining do not put pressure on yourself with time, try to diggest the lesson and when you have already built up a bit of confidence move inmediatly to timed gestures and then to the next lesson, keep doing gesture daily as warmup to have a confidence boost, improve your FEEL of the form and your hand eye coordination (granted, only if you think of every stroke you put down) all at the same time.
Some anons say getures are stupid, they are right only and only if you dont think of the process and what you're doing, and this is extremely important, deliberate practice is key.
godspeed anon

>> No.3421696

Is there a particular way to do gestures you find works best?

>> No.3421706

>tfw butchered the picasso stravinsky in the sticky guide and he turned out super thicc

>> No.3421714
File: 69 KB, 1000x750, IMG_1805.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3421727

now add the high key

>> No.3421737

what is that?

>> No.3421771

Not that anon, but my gestures improved from studying this

Also read Force if you haven't already

>> No.3421776
File: 194 KB, 1319x903, wolfothewolf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i think my wolf has autism

>> No.3421784

some perspectives are bad for art
sometimes you draw something realistically how it looks in that perspective then you realize its an ugly angle

>> No.3421788

It takes after its creator.

>> No.3421793

too easy man

>> No.3421805

Force? Is it something I can find in the book thread?

>> No.3421836

Force: dynamic drawing
It's a somewhat popular book so I'm sure you can find it in the mega collection in the book thread

>> No.3421892
File: 172 KB, 1920x1357, javier-mosquera-low-key-light-accent-ok.jpg?1486568065.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't have to but it can make it more interesting. When we're using values there are generally 6 different value or lighting structures:
>high key
>high key dark accent
>mid range
>high contrast
>low key light accent
>full value

Each has their own potential moods. This page is has some examples of the different studies but I recommend searching for more examples of each. I initially learned about this from Ryan Lang's Color and Light where he shows different movie stills for inspiration. Yours is lower key and mid range which is fine but it's always good to experiment with different thumbnails.

>> No.3421899
File: 282 KB, 1217x938, john-grello-marko-proc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more of question how can i get to pic related
any tutorial, online class that explains/teaches the process?

>> No.3421911
File: 236 KB, 965x1283, 1470954865813.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

worry about the top 3. everything else is illustrative eye candy. bargue and learn how 3d rendering light passes work. to do that you can use shortcuts but people will be able to tell everything you're lacking. there's light setup knowledge, rendering knowledge, anatomy knowledge, and fundamentals of drawing.

pic related isn't the exact process but it's an example of the workflow. when you know more you'll be able to tell the difference in the steps he made (and it looks like he omitted color correction and other small steps). you're painting each layer of light like a 3d renderer would and combining it into the final product. it's not nearly as complicated as it sounds once you know what you're doing.

>> No.3421937

My gestures,(1hr class mode session on lineofaction.com) not really good tho im still /beg/ afterall.
Excuse the astoundingly shit quality of the pictures, shit camera and all
not really a particular way, it varies on what way do you like drawing and how the the drawing/reference is set up, for example if the reference is heavy in perspective using volumes might be better than lines only
the most common is to find the main CSI gesture line, proko briefly teaches that.
then there is vilppu, which is also very common and the one i like the most but not with time limits, you have to be very deliberate and skiled to achieve that (correctly atleast).
I've heard this book is really good but never really read it, i think i should get on it.

>> No.3421941
File: 1.58 MB, 1400x1069, shitty beg gestures.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot the damn image.

>> No.3421995
File: 2.25 MB, 4128x2322, 1525924295087842418096.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Transitioning from graphite to colored pencils.
What are my mistakes and what can I do to improve them?

>> No.3422003
File: 2.50 MB, 4128x2322, 1525924611514811423263.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dont understand pastel please help.

>> No.3422020

I wish I had a better attention span

I downloaded all the recommended beginner PDFs and shit but I can't focus on that shit at all compared to video stuff to work along with and having someone talking to me. I'm fuckin doomed.

>> No.3422024

Hint: it's not the medium that's making that look shit

>> No.3422033

Her face is messyyy, in my opinion though, the other parts of her body could use a bit of a touch up, but overall not too bad.

>> No.3422062
File: 603 KB, 1000x595, ratlord9000.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These are some recent things I've done. I only started drawing 2 years ago, and I've never been properly critiqued or told what my skill in drawing is. Though I have lurked this specific board for some time (started last year) >:), making few posts.

>> No.3422095

It can be trained.

>I only started drawing 2 years ago
And drawing when ever you feel like drawing it, which is rare by the looks of it.

>> No.3422104
File: 527 KB, 1024x1024, ashley.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dont think you need to learn the basics perse. Art is a very diverse thing and its about the end product for the most.

If you can draw a nice forest nobody is going to care if you applied art school rules as long as the forest looks nice.

People trying to learn cookie cutters ways to draw is nice and all if thats how you want to do it but people put way too much emphasis on things like loomis and other generic things, just do what works for you, this isnt math or coding where we all need to follow the same rules

>> No.3422108

90% of people don't draw because they don't know what works for them because nothing works for them. They can't draw like their favorite anime artist with one attempt. It must be because of some secret they'll say. At least if you do the same thing as everyone else on this board, other people can help you because they too have done Loomis or Perspective. This is exactly like math, coding, science where everyone needs to follow the same rules or else you'll be looked down upon for trying to do abstract art when you can't even draw from life. No one can draw a nice forest if they don't apply art school rules which are the fundamentals. They aren't just as simple as basics, they are the core of drawing. Art is very diverse, but it's also built upon a foundation in which the end product is held up with.

>> No.3422113
File: 64 KB, 1005x773, owtheedge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I drew shadow the hedgehog OC

>> No.3422114

>No one can draw a nice forest if they don't apply art school rules
This is where you're wrong

>> No.3422121

>Saying basics and fundamentals are cookie cutter ways to draw
You should also tell me why learning addition and subtraction are unnecessary to learning math.

>> No.3422134

meh, in retrospect, perhaps i worded it poorly

what i mean is
you can picture something in your head and draw that like you want it instead of this emphasis on drawing circles and lines then ending up with whatever object you want to draw, besides if so many people are using the same style where is your expression? youre just making generic copies save for the details

>> No.3422135

I have failing grades and I don't have time to draw atm :( I would post all my work, but that shit is bigger than 4mb, I even tried...

>> No.3422137

Except there is a huge disconnect between your mind and reality. People only have vague notions and ideas of objects in their minds, nothing is actually well formed and concrete. Learning to draw is about constructing with shapes and perspective to actually give form to ideas.

Unless you're talented and just have an innate sense of form.

>> No.3422140

yeah i dont have that
i can usually draw what i picture how i want it or i fix some things and it 'feels' right

perhaps its the one thing im not shit at
but theres also a billion different art styles out there and a lot of those dont rely on the rules set
obviously it depends on what you want to draw to begin with but a lot of people seem to be wanting to draw characters or fantasy and that doesnt have to be perfectly realistic you know, and things like a disproportionate upper body can convey a message about said character that you cant express as easily in a simple drawing compared to a description

>> No.3422141

This is like saying you don't need to know music theory to make good music and that it makes you uncreative for knowing "the right way" to make music. Never mind that the "good" things people look up to all have a solid understanding of fundamentals.

Good crab trap.

>> No.3422142
File: 46 KB, 540x720, Winsul Aroth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To give you a perspective, this was the quality of my work, literally 4 months ago.

>> No.3422143

>"the right way" to make music

>> No.3422146

and you havent improved one bit

>> No.3422149


>> No.3422164

if you're doodling for fun then it doesn't really matter. just enjoy it and don't focus on the hell that is improving in art

>> No.3422168




>> No.3422174

I draw because I want to improve tho. All I wish for is to make good art, as anyone else.

>> No.3422219

tnx anon, literally never heard of that.

thread is already dead but just wanna ask, did U mean I add light accent to it, or make an whole the overal thing lighter?

>> No.3422220
File: 300 KB, 1000x750, Untitled_Artwork 4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

an attempt

>> No.3422702

Yea I meant add a light accent. And that's a good attempt but obviously you wouldn't want the composition of that to be cropped. I think you get the idea.

>> No.3422753

thanks for the image anon, i dont use that much layers like that but the result is not that as well, will have a go for sure

still i think everyone know that once you get it its pretty easy, but right now i dont get at all and i just needed some serious course to teach me, i'm kinda getting desperate because although im getting better i beleive is still going slow with all the exploration, i've been browsing cubebrush for a while and have a good selection of classes i wouldnt mind paying for, still i would appreciate a lot if somebody pointed me to something that helped them unless everybody thats is good in /ic/ is self thought or learned in traditional art school

>> No.3422759

Brushes won't help you. Look up what the layers are doing: subsurface scattering, rim light, albedo/diffuse texture, ambient occlusion, speculars, ambient light. Learn to paint light and color, it doesn't matter what brush you use to do that. Color and Light is a short course that shows how to paint some of these materials but you can learn anywhere online how to render. There's a Scott Robertson book called How To Render. You're focused on the wrong parts of learning and won't even try yourself.

>> No.3423227

i never said anything about brushes anon, cubebrush is a site for classes, i just wanted to know classes that you guys learned from, but you recomended that book so im gonna take a look, thanks