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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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3418023 No.3418023 [Reply] [Original]

Ive been seeing lots of artists dealing with depression and I sometimes feel it too. Is there a way to make the pain go away?

>> No.3418043

>abloo bloo bloo
Look in the mirror and ask yourself what the fuck do you want, stop living in the past and get over it.
>gf broke up with me
Fucking kek. Here I was thinking you probably suffered a trauma like Rape or seen someone close to you die or served in the armed forces and went through some horrid shit but no its about crying over some roast beef. Start lifting more faggot.

>> No.3418048

Go to therapy. Done and done.

>> No.3418049

Actually my pet hamster died but same difference.

>> No.3418212

thdark confirmed for ngmi

>> No.3418226

Girlfriend leaved him after, just read the dates.

>> No.3418248
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Thdark, don't turn into Jacecuck. BELIEVE

>> No.3418294

painfully relatable.

>> No.3418328

she left you because youre a loser and she wasted 5 years on you when she coulda been trying out black dick

>> No.3418333

Stop being such pussies, damn

>> No.3418336

I had severe depression until I took ketamine. I do it once a month or so now and it keeps the spooky thoughts at bay.

>> No.3418339

the gf left him after he got diagnosed with depression. that's actually a really shitty spot to be in, try to have some compassion.

>> No.3418342

/ic/ just enjoys to see good artists suffer
tall poppy syndrome

>> No.3418517
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>> No.3418529

He can take solace that he at least got a gf and not be some faggot crab who never knew what happiness is.

>> No.3418540

i always wondered,do the people that make remarks such as these go through truly fucked up shit in life? like were you guys molested and torutured nd bullied? yall make it sound like youve been through hell and back and back to hell again like guts in berserk

>> No.3418830

Keep drawing?

>> No.3418845
File: 123 KB, 451x609, 1522951881547.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Depression is literally a first world problem that is caused by having a terrible lifestyle in 99% of cases.

>> No.3418846

>dude people are on their phones all the time isnt that deep

>> No.3418862

Yes, and it's making people depressed.

>> No.3418899

Started taking medication and took my ass to therapy. It'll probably never go away for good but helps you function better as a person. You don't fuck around with mental illnesses.

>> No.3418926

Enjoy being sedated by your lobotomizing drugs

>> No.3418936

don't you guys have something else to do like watch jordan "deepak" peterson videos

>> No.3418946

Why do idiots always confuse symptoms with the cause of something?

>> No.3418987

mammals can be happy without the last two, indoor pets exist.
I'm depressed and only do the last two. I used to go out more, but I felt very anxious in any verbal situation.
this guy is a brainlet.

>> No.3418996

i think you have a very loose understanding of depression

>> No.3419003

And I think you're stupid if you don't believe diet and lifestyle contribute heavily to depression.

>> No.3419007

>Trusting womyn

>> No.3419008
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Why doesn't depression occur in the animal kingdom or (to a larger extent) in the third world?

>> No.3419016

with that logic, nobody would be depressed. did you forget there are other variables? environmentals are the least.

>> No.3419017

and youve experienced both?

>> No.3419031


>> No.3419035

ah ok cute, listen to a literal nobody

>> No.3419038

>How do you overcome depression

>> No.3419040

Nice fallacy. Also on what planet do you live where researchers become famous for their findings?

>> No.3419048

i bet youre the type that believes everything when told by, or believe any article from the web.

>> No.3419064

the fuck are you saying, retard.

>> No.3419066

back from a 6 months depression art block, you can't really do anything about it.
The best is forcing yourself doing training/studie sketches of non creative nature so you don't feel like you are relearning art from scrath the next time you have actual inspiration. There's a really bad spiral of not drawing when you are depressed, it makes you worse on top of feeling worse, and it fuels each other.

>> No.3419082

If you have a depression you don't talk about it on social media.
He is just attention whore.

Go see a specialist, medication can help a tons, you can have a normal live.

>> No.3419087

Keto, aka ketogenic diet. Overconsumption of refined/simple carbohydrates is definitely negatively impacting health, but imo it's a sub-ideal diet due to lack of dietary fiber and the role of carbohydrates in the production of muscle glycogen. It is however a better diet than what most people in the West are eating.

>> No.3419095
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i started eating healthy and dropped pretty much all sweets save a little candy here and there, i drink plenty of water, and i het outside a ton, as i actually enjoy to. depression been getting worse, maybe from stress.

>> No.3419098

just be urself bro, go talk to some girls and make new friends

>> No.3419120

I went to therapy for the first time last year and got put into a mental clinic.

>> No.3419127

Elevated cortisol is a big component of depression.

>> No.3419129

Carbs are not just candy.
Skip bread, pizza, pasta, potatoes, rice and instead eat more green veggies, flesh and oily fish.

>> No.3419130

wrong. Stop reading women magazines.

>> No.3419132

phone habits are definitely getting worse. And please before going the whole "you dais that about TV" routine, TV did lots of arm itself, and is how you get obese people dying while melted to their couch fabric.

>> No.3419133

>no depression in the third world
>what are drug, crime, and suicide by jumping in the factory machines
It takes quite a lot of fanaticism to apply "noble savage" logic to third world that are ridden with unhappiness and despair. Try to travel outside the fence of your 3 star hotel next time you go to Asia and south American, fatty.

>> No.3419227
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1 / 2

I guess if anyone posts here once a year and expects not to have gossip/drama/bully threads still being made about them from time to time they've got another thing coming, eh?

Anyway, with regards to depression of the chemical imbalance variety let's talk about diet first because there's a distinct possibility that whatever you're eating is calling you mean names in your sleep and you're waking up butthurt because of it

Eat greek yogurt: Chobani non-fat plain with a scoop or two of protein powder (so it doesn't taste like you're eating a bucket of sour cream from Taco Bell) is the best. Eat like a pound of it a day, that sounds like a lot but it's only 3 of those small serving cups-not even 400 calories after the addition of the whey (I eat two pounds myself, it's kind of nasty but I'm kind of autistic so it doesn't bother me). Plain greek yogurt has low calories and a shit load of protein-but just as important is the presence of "probiotics", bacterial cultures that live in your SHIT and make everything seem to kick a little more ass for some reason:


Eat whole eggs seasoned to taste, they're amazing for you in every single way. Don't believe the cholesterol meme created by the GLOBALISTS (unless you have a preexisting condition).

Eat lentils, they're the perfect staple food. They've got protein, complex carbs and anemia-slaying-iron. Sound exotic / potentially gross? They're beans, yo. lmoa.

Best of all, you can still eat what you want, sometimes. Eating food that's good for you 80% of the time isn't the tremendous sacrifice it seems like it is from the outside, but having the will to start can be tricky when we've conditioned ourselves over a lifetime to believe that every single meal has to be a one way ticket to Flavortown


>> No.3419237
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2 / 2

Exercise: You don't need heavy, expensive weights. You need to move a very specific part of your ass until you can't easily do so anymore. Find 2 dumbbell or body weight exercises here (https://exrx.net/Lists/Directory)) for each of your major masses and limbs (chest, back, arms, shoulders, legs, waist) and just do them spread out across 3 days of the week, at least. It takes less than an hour, watch some cartoons while doing hammer curls, I don't know. Figure something out. If you don't exercise fairly regularly your brain and body aren't going to be on good speaking terms with eachother and it will either cause problems or exacerbate problems you're already having.


Last but not even close to least: Stop defending what doesn't work (what you've been doing) and embrace the possibilities that change provides.

When someone suggests something like for example I don't know, diet and exercise to you which we both know 99% of you fuckers literally never tried or even entertained the idea of trying don't dismiss it outright like you know a goddamn thing about what you're talking about.

Depression is kind of a mysterious thing and absolutely nothing is guaranteed to work for YOU the individual or even alleviate a fraction of your suffering that's true, but you owe it to yourself to try whatever our scientists', physicians' and nutritionists' current collective understanding of the phenomenon tells us to so you can get your life back or maybe even start living for the first time. Try not for a day, not for a week or a month. Try for as long as it takes. Don't eat a single bowl of oatmeal and do one pushup and think you've got everything figured out, smartass (you'd think that would go without saying but many people actually think just like this, and these are the people that are well and truly screwed).

I sincerely hope this not-so-subtle troll thread ends up helping somebody

>> No.3419258

Model drawing
>no time to think too much
>always a result after 2,5 hours
>actually did something

>> No.3419267

because they are occupied with survival. The things you believe cause depression are very clearly symptoms of it and not the cause. No one just wakes up one day and goes "you know what, fuck friends and having a social life, from now on I will become a recluse."

>> No.3419296

>The things you believe cause depression are very clearly symptoms of it

Nope, they’re causes. We know they’re causes because when depressed people stop doing them, the depression usually goes away. There’s such a thing as chemical imbalance and such a thing as depression that can’t be treated by lifestyle change, but the majority of people claiming depresssion would have relief if they got their lives straightened out.

>> No.3419308


what the actual fuck.

Feeling down is not a disease. What is wrong with people these days.

"Oh did the mean girl call you a bad word? Do you need a pill to help you get over it?"

>> No.3419318

show peen, wifebeater boy

>> No.3419329

is this the reason why i dont see him on ic anymore?

>> No.3419333

Did he even post regularly? I only remember that one post.

>> No.3419348

Depression is a tool. Do you use it as an excuse?

>> No.3419506
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Oh yeah, and one more thing. Stop drinking soda or cut way the hell back. If you don't do anything else at least do that, you'll be surprised what that alone can accomplish in some cases

>regards, friend of formerly obese man who'd done just that pretty much exclusively, uncucked himself (in the literal sense) lost a shit load of weight and is now happily married

y don't u show ur bob and vagine 1st fgt

Personally I hope he never sees this thread or any like it and has left this place far behind-at least for now while he tries to get his head screwed back on straight. You can't face the feral crab-men of /ic/ and come out unscathed without having your wits about you.

>> No.3419525

i don't have bob or vageen

>> No.3419530

>sub-ideal diet
what's a better diet?
i mainly use keto for weight loss and mental clarity

>> No.3419538

There is a large for-profit pharmaceutical industry that has a vested interest in telling that your problem is the result of brain chemical imbalance while selling you brain chemical imbalance correcting drugs. European countries with socialized medicine also prescribe these drugs, because they tend to copy what America does and also the ineffectiveness of the system leading doctors to consistently take the path of least resistance. SSRI prescriptions have doubled in the last 10 years.

What people don't realize about their brain chemical imbalances is that they're the result of what we put into our bodies and the stimuli from our environment.

>> No.3419540

One where you can eat complex carbohydrates, fruits and vegetables. I lift and I just don't get good perfomance unless I'm eating able to load some carbs. Being in ketosis is good though, I do OMAD for that purpose.

>> No.3419556
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...b-...but that's GAY!

This. Complex carbs from lentils and oatmeal etc. are GOOD, simple carbs from refined sugars are SHIT.

>> No.3419564

Depression isn't a single thing with a single cause. In order to properly treat depression, the key is to understand why someone is depressed to begin with. It's cause can range from anywhere from simple nutritional deficiencies to having a shitty childhood that broke you, to simply having the wrong career, etc. It's important to know the difference and question all possibilities, in order to find a solution. Medical care in general, even outside mental health, has a terrible habit of throwing pills at everything when main causes of various conditions can often be addressed via lifestyle changes. There is no harm in addressing lifestyle changes to better your health, if you are serious about wanting to fix a problem. If lifestyle is not enough, then obviously the depression is caused by something else, however, this does not mean lifestyle changes should not be attempted. Bettering your life and health should always be a priority.

You say that shirking lifestyle is a symptom of depression, this is true, however, you should consider the fact that depression itself is a symptom of a bigger problem. Depression is always the result of something else that has gone astray in your life. It's not THE problem. The same way you can give keep giving pills to someone for their blood pressure, or you can tell them to change their diet so they won't have blood pressure problems to begin with. The pills are easier, but your shit diet will eventually cause more problems than just the blood pressure.

>> No.3419634

Jordan Peterson literally pushes psychotropic drugs left and right in his books and lectures. It's one of the most loathesome things about him considering he occasionally has something interesting to say.


>> No.3419657

It's not about the cause. It's about the idea of treating it as an unnatural problem. Companies have always tried that but people didn't use to be stupid enough to go along. The point is that you are supposed to manage something that trivial without drugs if you are not a reject of nature.

What Europe does depend a lot on the individual countries. In the northern countries there's a lot less incentive for pharmaceutical companies to push drugs as hospitals a state driven for example.

>> No.3419665

best way is to avoid people like they are the fucking plague. If you do this, then they can't fuck you over.

>> No.3419689

You are an idiot. I was a perfectly healthy person with a social life, a girlfriend, a brilliant university career, a loving family. At some point shit just started going down and I got to a point where I was suicidal 24/7. Everything was fine before that period, and my lifestyle was impeccable. Depression actively destroyed all remnants of the life I did before, it isolated me from everyone else and made my life hell. Now I'm trying to rebuild and it's hard as fuck, seeing imbeciles like you makes me angry

>> No.3419693

But what made you depressed

>> No.3419697

>becoming literal king of the world where women around the world dress only to cater to your tastes.

I mean, there are better fates than a life of slavery but at least I didn't get HIV/Syphilis from cheating on my girlfriends/fiances/wives like you fucktards did.

At least I'm not dedicating my life to someone I supposedly despise.and ending up looking like a pathetic piece of shit to every other girl in the world.

I'm so tired. I'm so bored.

>> No.3419700

got really sick with ulcerative colitis, couldn't pass the last batch of exams, my father died, GF left me, some shit from childhood like bullying and sexual molestation started surfacing again for some reason and I had to go back to live with my mother cause no money

now I'm still depressed as fuck, I've been in therapy for years and I barely function, I'm starting to lose my grip on reality and I'm starting to forget basic manners with people / can't talk that well to people anymore
I used to be a perfectly normal person

>> No.3419724

>Feeling down is not a disease.
it is, there's many cases of depression that comes from abnormal chemical in the brain, it's not different from diabeetus or any hormone problem.

>> No.3419730

I know what Keto is, and you just prove to be a complete retard to both force it in the debate for no reason, and now putting it on a pedestal when it's another woman magazine scam based on noble savage nonsense and biblical stupidity like "your ancestors lived 300 years". Just kill yourself, fanatic piece of shit.

>> No.3419743

>woman magazine scam

Women are, of course, ignorant sheep incapable of any action not overseen by male guidance, but it’s really the men’s magazines that have been pushing keto.

>> No.3419748

This doesn't really work because you can't avoid one person and that's yourself who will fuck you over.

>> No.3419759
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>> No.3419766

That does not make it a disease you goof. Pain isn't a disease either. It's a natural symptom of that you fucked up and learning to deal with it is part of growing up. You are going to become a useless tool otherwise.

>> No.3419779

>t. Mr. Internet Tough Guy

>> No.3419789

Stop being such a fuck-up when it comes to common sense. Check out this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1vLsZ_dXFAg
It's about congenital insensitivity to pain. Those people need to move through life wearing protective gear because whenever they fuck up they just keep fucking up. When you do something similar to mental symptoms then it's your surrounding that need protection against you because when you would normally get depressed from a bad conscience you just take a pill and ignore those symptoms like a sociopath.

>> No.3419793

Depression isn't real.
You just have shitty life either temporarily or forever.

>> No.3419796

you're retarded

feeling like shit for weeks, months or even years on end is not normal, period

I don't even understand what point you're trying to make, it's normal to feel pain and not feeling any pain is a disease, but feeling pain 24/7 is also not fucking normal

>> No.3419799

If you feel pain 24/7 then you got a serious problem you need to solve.

The thing about pills is that you build up a tolerance to them so you then need to move on to stronger stuff eventually. You'll end up a junkie or worse if you don't confront your problem and rearrange your life completely.

>> No.3419800

Also forgot to tell you. You are the fucking retard here.

>> No.3419813

>genetical diseases aren't diseases! My woman magazine told me I can just heal with prayers and soii milk!

>> No.3419815

just stop, you are having a complete meltdown there. Literally posting irelevant garbage at the moment. It's sad.

>> No.3419818

>My depression is genetic disease!
t. /ic/

>> No.3419821

That post seems to upset you. Why don't you take a pill to calm you down?

>> No.3419824

sensei should be stickied on /ic/ desu

>> No.3420123

It appears to be a genetic disease that somehow spontaneously exploded in prevalence during the last 40 years. Changes in our health and lifestyle during that time are a correlation fallacy. Believing anything else is akin to reading womens magazines.

The fact that you got ulcerative colitis should tip you off to the fact that you don't have an 'impeccable' lifestyle.

>> No.3420134 [DELETED] 

I hope you recover and get better soon. Are you seeing a therapist?

>> No.3420233

>but that's GAY!
i know, mate

>> No.3420256

This is why people who act like the world is ending for petty shit like muh gf get annoying

>> No.3420384
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>The thing about pills is that you build up a tolerance to them
There are sooooooo many diseases out there that require people to take pills their entire lives.

You're kind of fucking retarded though, you know that right? It would be like telling someone with diabetes type 1 that they are weak and need to rearrange their life before they get addicted to their medications. It's just something they have to do for their entire lives because they are sick. That's how chronic illnesses work. They don't go away.

There are so many mental illnesses out there and you cannot deny that they are very, very real. Parkinsons, alzheimer's, dementia, clinical depression, and soooooo many more that come from chemical imblanaces or physical wiring of the brain is off (inability to create the right chemicals, or receptors can be fucked up.)

The problem you are having is that you think the human brain is being managed by sheer fucking will alone. It's not. It's just another organ and it can fuck up all the same. People like you seem to be incapable of grasping the concept that you are not your mind, you cannot will mental illness to go away. Meditation, changing habits, environment, and more will not fix the problem. The mind can get sick and it takes medicine to fix it.

>> No.3420397

probably bait but whatever.

Not only are you people incredibly ignorant about the subject at hand, you completely lack basic empathy. You're just not intelligent enough to have a conversation about these kind of things because if you weren't completely fucking retarded you would realize how little you know about this shit.

Read a fucking book for once in your shitty little lives.

>> No.3420399

>There are sooooooo many diseases
>clinical depression, and soooooo many more

More "o"s doesn't make your argument more convincing senpai

>> No.3420402

>Parkinsons, alzheimer's, dementia, and soooooo many more
>Parkinsons, alzheimer's, dementia,

The words are right there fucktard. LIke, right the fuck there.

I am surrounded by the dumbest mother fuckers to ever live.

>> No.3420406

Surrounded by sooooooo many dumb motherfuckers

>> No.3420410

you cant build a tolerance to every drug

>> No.3420413


I don't care. I don't want anyone. I want to be left alone. I want to go home. That is all I want.

I do not need friends that treat me like this, that's all there is to it.

>> No.3420498
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not that anon but that's not how you get ulcerative colitis

lifestyle choices can aggrivate the sickness, true, but it's actually one of those sickness where people aren't sure where it comes from, it just happens even if you have a perfectly normal and healthy lifestyle, and it's probably hereditary.

this is going to sound crazy but doctors and scientists probably have this figured out better than your favorite twitter/youtube fitness guru guy that thinks he knows how sicknesses work.

>> No.3420500

it's astounding how much people worship this guy as a genius when he's basically deepak chopra but for conservative christians.

he even says new-wave postmodern bullshit that he says he loathes so much

but to each their own i guess.

>> No.3420504

keep enjoying your depression boyo

>> No.3420511

Depends how long you are together. A partner leaving you is almost like a parent dying or like trying to wrench yourself from a crack cocaine addiction. And that's no joke, they share the same neurological pathways. Only difference being only crack cocaine with remind you of crack cocaine, while almost everything like you streets you walk and the bed you sleep in is a grim reminded. I don't think Im a pussy or anything and I lost a close friend to cancer, but that shit didn't hold a candle to my ex leaving me.

>> No.3420535

>The fact that you got ulcerative colitis should tip you off to the fact that you don't have an 'impeccable' lifestyle.
Wow you're fucking retarded. It's genetic. It runs in my family.

Please kys

>> No.3420548
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Maybe one day modern medicine will find a cure for this mysterious illness.

>> No.3420553

Congrats, you just proved them correct.

>> No.3420563

>listens to joe rogan once

>> No.3420564
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Today I learned probiotics and fecal transplantation fixes your genes.

>> No.3420567

>when depressed people stop doing them, the depression usually goes away
When people cure their depression, they stop doing those things. It's the other way around.

Only about half cases of depression are caused by trauma, the rest comes to you out of nowhere, like flu or diabetes.
Both examples can be equally crippling, they are just treated differently.
>start lifting
That might help a little, but it won't cure a mental disorder.

>> No.3420579

Flu and diabetes do not come out of nowhere, they have very easy causes to identify. Exercise literally changes your brain chemistry and what hormones your endocrine system produces.

>> No.3420587

>go to psychiatrist
>"doc, I think I'm depressed"
>"just lift, faggot lol"
>pay $100

Damn. Maybe I should be a shrink

>> No.3420622

You are just dumb as a brick.

>> No.3420681

Psychiatrists/psychologists have a financial incentive to prescribe you pills and get you going to therapy sessions, so of course it would be silly for them to give you advice like that.

Not an argument.
Depression as a result of your endocrine system:

>> No.3420682

Exercise (specifically weightlifting)'s effect on the endocrine system

>> No.3420690
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(cont'd because of the stupid spam filter):

pic related is the article the spam filter wouldn't let me link for whatever reason.

>> No.3420739

>bro just lift
>it's all in your head bro
>it's just big pharma and big therapist conspiring against you to keep you ill dude
>haha just pick heavy things off the ground and put them down again
>haha bro
Stop. This shit is outright harmful.

>> No.3421414
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I think to deny the profound curative properties of certain dietary considerations combined with exercise in the face of both scientific and anecdotal evidence is incredibly foolish, but contrary to that guy I also think that no option should be off the table when it comes to someone's full recovery in this regard.

Therapy might help someone who feels that they don't have anyone trustworthy to talk to, particularly in a structured environment with someone intelligent enough to tell them what they might need to hear.

Drugs might help alleviate an existing chemical imbalance whether that's something that had originated in the womb itself or is an environmental one, however:


>weight gain
>suicidal ideation (the irony)
>various long term sexual side effects

The point shouldn't be that therapy and drugs are bad necessarily (profit incentive notwithstanding), but that neither seeking therapy nor taking drugs preclude the kinds of lifestyle changes that are recommended by professionals across the spectrum of mental health related field, espeically when these lifestyle changes could reduce or potentially eliminate a person's reliance on therapy or drugs and they cost very little ( >>3419227 pic including the foam mats was just over $200).


>Gordon and his colleagues analyzed 33 clinical trials

>Across the board, they found that strength training was associated with improvements in depressive symptoms such as low mood, a loss of interest in activities and feelings of worthlessness, regardless of a person’s age, sex, health status, specific exercise routine or improvements in physical strength.

>[it] may be particularly effective for those with greater depressive symptoms

>> No.3421420

>100% of the people for who that worked agree on my magazine so it's true for everybody even though statisics proves only 0.0001% of the people actually get cured that way!
I bet you use homeopathy against your AIDS too

>> No.3421432

>telling people to try correcting their lifestyle first and see how that helps is harmful
>telling people that they will never ever ever get better and the closest thing they can ever experience to healing is through expensive drugs that have dangerous side effects is not harmful

>> No.3421538

Depression is a mental disorder.
Obesity is a lifestyle issue.
It's possible for most to get through depression with a combination of meds and therapy.

>> No.3421572

Fat people with depression should lose the weight and see if that helps before they resort to drugs that typically will make them fatter anyway.

>> No.3422583

>There are sooooooo many diseases out there that require people to take pills their entire lives.

And they build up a tolerance and have to move on to stronger stuff you sperglord. It's a common issue any doctor deal with.

Even if it is plainly obvious that you have no clue as to what you try to play smart on and that you are just shitposting I'll still help you out with some basic facts: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Drug_tolerance

Now go ahead and make an even bigger fool of yourself.

>> No.3422750

This... society is so cringe these days.

>> No.3422758

Oh RIGHT, I'm just supposed to kill myself
Thanks for the brilliant insight, ace

>> No.3422761

Can you please take a word from someone who is depressed

My doctor gave me pills AND made me adjust my lifestyle
It's hard to believe, I know, but that's how it goes

>> No.3422782

A therapeutic shroom and/or ketamine trip will almost guarantee success.



>> No.3422797

Hm. Yes. I think it's okay to let yourself be sad sometimes when life is shitty. Embrace it without letting it become who you are. It is only part of who you are. There are many other parts.

This too shall pass.

>> No.3422799

Ironically, thinking that the only solution might be illegal / out of my grasp makes me even more depressed

>> No.3422805

Dude, don't worry about responding to this troll.

>> No.3422823
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>almost guarantee

>> No.3422835

It’s only out of your grasp if you’re trapped in California, Idaho or Georgia. Everywhere else, spores are legal.

>> No.3422843

I'm in Europe in a country where everything is illegal

>> No.3422848

Take a week off in Amsterdam.

>> No.3422863
File: 187 KB, 825x886, OBEY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post your work


thank you, that's kind of what I figured would be a standard practice

>you have to be "obese" to have an unhealthy lifestyle

That's just not true and I know that from first-hand experience. I spent most of my 20s as an unhealthy, unhappy but ostensibly "normal looking" person, and it was only until fairly recently that I decided to change things. I still have plenty to be unhappy about-in fact as I've gotten older (32) I have many more things in my autistic life that would otherwise be a source of fear, insecurity and despair. Once you start getting into your mid to late 20s that's the danger zone wherein even if things were bad for you before, they're likely to get a hell of a lot worse as you start to visibly age.

I'll agree that writing off professional help is wrong, but so too is denying the well-documented benefits of exercise and diet. If you never get your heart rate up and your muscles see long term disuse you're basically letting your body die, and if you leave your body in this state of permanent life support/hibernation mode you can't really be surprised when you end up "living in your head", can you?

It's not that esoteric of a concept, I understand the skepticism, but the changes I'd made myself have really helped me personally and I feel like it's important that people share their anecdotal experiences if it can potentially help others. If you have the mental clarity and courage to finally admit that you need help, you already have what it takes to begin a new and healthier chapter in your life-as any ethical doctor or therapist would suggest you do.


>> No.3422956
File: 192 KB, 360x512, 1525428016944.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Depression is literally a first world problem that is caused by having a terrible lifestyle in 99% of cases.
This is only true for women and nu-males.

>> No.3422963

You use the depression to make fucked up art pieces that make people go "holy shit". Then you start drinking more alcohol. And making more weird art until the day you finally get the courage to blow your brains out. Then because you're dead your weird art has all sorts of important significance. And eventually a shitty educational documentary will be made about your life but only like half of it will be accurate.

>> No.3422973


Stop reading there. It's almost like the biggest red flag that someone is a leaf or a cock sucking S O Y boy.

>> No.3422982

>That weird moment when /ic/ turns into /fit/ for like a day and a half.

>> No.3422985

Yall is pretty normal in Merica. But we do like onions.

>> No.3423316

>girlfriend of 5 years
>closest friend

I'm 28 and this happened a couple times to me.
All you gotta do is give it time. In my case I gave up on women. All I care about now is drawing, money, and my family.
Before I would get the desire to find other girls but since my last break up the desire has completely stopped. Its a waste of time to love, really. You can get happiness by chasing dreams and ambitions. The sooner you learn that the better.

>> No.3423365

Have you tried not being a bitch?

>> No.3423375

I think OP thinks that being a bitch is coded into his dna.

>> No.3423380

>gave up on women

Do you jerk off/watch porn or no? I'm approaching 28 and I notice my libido dropping. Maybe it's a good time to just cut that shit out cold.

Not sure if it helps with disregarding women or makes it more difficult.

>> No.3423395
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I hate to say it, but most art I see is a manifestation of needs that can't be met.
Depression likely comes with art because you're using it to avoid some deficiency in your own life.
While you may not believe this, I can give you some pointers on depression.
The best method that works for me is to identify what's making you depressed, while consciously making sure your needs are met.
According to Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs, you can't focus on certain things if you're primitive needs aren't met.
Sleep, Nutrition, Hygiene, and Exercise can help.
Develop a routine, and stick to it.
Make sure your sexual needs are met as well.
Make sure you're part of the community to socialize.
Then work on your overall goals.
You may not be able to fix what's depressing you, but pretty much everything has a bright side.
Find it.
Sometimes art can even be a coping mechanism.

>> No.3423429

Don't need to disregard them, just don't make them the goal. If you get a partner, don't build your life around them, because they can leave you anytime for any reason.

>> No.3423535
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correlation doesn't imply causation and also it doesn't say in what way western lifestyle and diet affects its incidence

>> No.3423604
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>> No.3423609

>loving a female
women basically consider you gay if you do this. never understood why guys do this. they want a sociopath player. having 1 girlfriend just makes you "needy" and dependent on them, which they despise.

>> No.3423616

>Why doesn't depression occur in the third world?
>crime and suicide rates are off charts
>no depresion in 3third world lol am i right felow kekistani xDD
Fucking moron

>> No.3423631

see >>3420564

>> No.3423640

Assuming us females dont want a cute clingy bf, only chad girls like big strong fags, i just want a cute neet boy who i can chill with.

>> No.3423654

Diabetes is genetic in most cases my man, but that's not the point.

Your brain is like a computer that goes something like this:
>if (exercise) {
> release.serotonin (6 mg)
> }
Depression changes the structure so that instead of 6 mg, it only releases 3.

The solution you propose is to double the exercise, which WILL get you back at 6 mg - but won't make the illness go away.
What meds do is inhibit the serotonin release to stay out twice as long, hence the name "serotonin inhibitors" (antidepressants).

...and continues to do so for 4-6 months until your brain restructures to release it normally on its own.
Do you understand now? Psychiatrists are doctors, not just some charlatans trying to scam you for money, and seeking professional help is a question of life and death.

>> No.3423660
File: 65 KB, 461x445, 1476410601400.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if (exercise) {
> release.serotonin (6 mg)
> }

>> No.3423676

Type 1 diabetes has a genetic component to it, type 2 and prediabetes do not and are easily reversible. As mentioned previously exercise fundamentally changes the brain and endocrine system, it has a deeper effect than merely reward neurochemical secretion. See >>3420681

>> No.3423699
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Based practical adviceposter

Also seeing as this is /ic/ - my 2 cents is that pain is fuel for art. Your pain is a vitally important part of what makes you alive, and without it there'd be no depth to reality. Discomfort, fear and pain are the negatives which give meaning to the positives. Any artist that's depressed should be grateful not to be numb or dead, but alive and able to feel the full range of what life is, and maybe create some beauty out of it. I would not want to live without pain.

>> No.3423703

darknet, bruh

>> No.3423704

>Your brain is like a computer that goes something like this:
>>if (exercise) {
>> release.serotonin (6 mg)
>> }

How deep are you going to dig that grave? You are fucking retarded. Every time you post is a complete proof of that, and yet you come back with even more stupid shit to say.

>> No.3423765

Sure bud.
Walk down the street sometime, and look at all the women with their "sociopath players."

>> No.3423766

Stay depressed fatty.

>> No.3424018 [DELETED] 
File: 44 KB, 885x162, ganbare.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They say "we're all gonna make it", and it looks like today might be his big day. If it isn't, I'm there will be more opportunities for him in the future I'm sure. Good luck lad, you've earned it.

>tfw no mutually shut-in gf to NGMI-and-chill with


>> No.3424019
File: 44 KB, 885x162, ganbare.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They say "we're all gonna make it", and it looks like today might be his big day. If it isn't, there will be more opportunities for him in the future I'm sure. Good luck lad, you've earned it.

>tfw no mutually shut-in gf to NGMI-and-chill with


>> No.3424026

Those men are beta orbiters. Women don’t really sleep with them, they’re just stringing them along.

>> No.3424077

Have you considered that your thoughts of beta orbiters, chads, and alphas. All that nonsense, is just your way of coping with your own emotions?
I hope someday you learn to let these things go, before you regret holding onto them for so long you can't live a life without that jaded negativity following you around.

I wish him the best.
Exercise does help cope with depression though, it may not always help eliminate it, not all depressions are equal, but living a healthy and active lifestyle does help your mood.

>> No.3424103

The trick is to be stone cold. You should ignore your emotions.

Research ways to stop emotions and then try to implement them.

It also helps with art. I feel like a lot of bad art is from people getting emotionally invested in their piece. If you get rid of your emotions you can see stuff objectively.

I have no friends, no gf, work a tedious job and don't exercise at all. Yet I been able to focus just on art for two years about 9 hours day when not working, 16 hours a day when I have a day off.

Its my birthday today and all I have done all day is read anatomy books plus some zbrush. Yet I feel nothing.

>> No.3424220

You can't just "turn it off" you bone head

>Yet I been able to focus just on art for two years about 9 hours day when not working, 16 hours a day when I have a day off.

post your work, I'm curious

>> No.3424272

People really need to not get so attached to other people.

>> No.3424933
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A serious question - do you need depression to be an excellent artist?
A month ago I started taking meds and the strangest thing happened - I stopped daydreaming.

J. Peterson said to stop daydreaming is the easiest way to kill creativity. I kept tons of notes about things I wanted to draw and now when I go through them, it's almost as if they were written by a different person.
I'm losing touch with myself and becoming a normie, a person who laughs and talks to people - which is all I ever wanted, but now I'm legit considering getting off meds and falling into depression, because I don't think I can live without drawing.

>> No.3424945

I will attempt to give you a serious answer even if it feels a bit silly.

Sounds like you are just making excuses and it doesn't sound like your depressions made you an excellent artist to begin with.

It doesn't come to you like some latent super power you can activating by daydreaming a result. It take a lot of studies and actual work involving trial and error. Not just day dreaming about success and tidbits without context.

The key is motivation. Sounds like whatever drugs you are taking could be killing those and making you apathetic or something like that.

>> No.3424949

I've personally found the medication is good only for getting you back on track, and isn't a fix-all sort've deal. I quit my medicine myself after about 8 months or so of being on it, just because I didnt like what it did to me. If it's putting you in the position that you're able to begin working on things again, begin moving forward, then it's doing it's job BUT it isn't something that's gonna be the end-all-be-all of depression and you're gonna have to figure it out alone, off medication, at some point or another.
Your mental health is a pretty good thing to keep in check and look after, so even though it makes you into a zombie (well, it did for me), make sure you get yourself in order and then you can begin to work on your art and things like that again.
Just for a tidbit I quit my medicine not more than a month and a half ago and because I quit because I thought I no longer needed it I'm far, far more productive than I've been in the last decade and I'm spending almost all my days drawing. I'm pretty happy with where I'm at.

also barely ever jerking off is fucking garbage but owel

>> No.3424953

Yes. Being sad over a gf leaving you is one of the biggest first worlder spoiled babby problems ever.

>> No.3425008

Thanks for your answer.

Though I don't think it's the case, studies and hard work will improve your technique and draftsmanship, but it's creativity I'm worried about - coming up with ideas to draw and telling stories that are meaningful.
There's no book for that, it's a matter of character and intellect, or something in between we're not even capable of seeing.
Thanks tho, every thought is much appreciated.

Thanks for sharing your journey. I suppose I'll try some more kinds of meds and drop out after 2-3 months, see how it goes.
>barely ever jerking off is fucking garbage but owel
Haha and I thought I was paranoid... did that get to normal after you dropped the meds?
I might want to have a testosterone balance checked or smth, idk.

>> No.3425010


As I said in >>3423699, depression or sadness is a part of the full range of emotions that constitute life. If you reduce that range, you reduce the experience of living. Many antidepressants inhibit dreaming (or daydreaming) because they are inhibiting the subconscious - either directly by altering neural function or by depriving it of input from other parts of the mind.

The question you need to ask yourself is whether you want to be a depressed but original and creative person with the potential to channel feeling and experience into art, or do you want to be a normie who does normal things and never really feels too much of anything? I wouldn't judge either way. It's your life and only you can define what's important.

>> No.3425028

Pretty much what I feared, that I'd have to choose between being healthy and being creative; oh well. Hopefully I'll manage to strike a balance that enables me to keep drawing without wanting to put a gun in my mouth 24/7.

>> No.3425034

>it's creativity I'm worried about - coming up with ideas to draw and telling stories that are meaningful

Ideas are cheap and meaning is subjective. Masturbating about MUH CREATIVITY is just another way to waste time instead of putting your god damned pencil on the god damned paper.

>> No.3425050



The idea does not matter, it is the presentation of the idea that matters.

Jordan Peterson has created nothing in his life. He is just a pathetic alt right lecturer.

>> No.3425086
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>normie pills

>> No.3425087


Strike a balance if you can - while you're on meds you can build new relationships or habits that make you happy, then try keep those habits as you come off the meds rather than falling back into a pit. You may find that as you change your behaviours you also change the theme of your subconsious process and you'll find creativity in positive things rather than just emo shit. Try to work from a spectrum of moods.


No hate but art is a lot more than just the technical ability to apply ink or graphite or whatever the fuck to paper in a pleasing fashion. Without creative ideas there's no reason behind it and the process becomes a form of technical masturbation. You're putting the cart before the horse. But that's okay, masturbation is fun regardless of how you do it.


The idea is all that matters. Presentation is just the lipstick on the pig.
>Jordan Peterson is alt-right
You don't have a clue about the alt-right or Jordan Peterson.

>> No.3425095

Anon I don’t know shit about depression but I do know about mental illness in general.
I have panic, generalized anxiety disorder and OCD traits and I’ve had it since I was 11.
I was afraid to go out of my house even, but cognitive behavioral therapy + a psychiatrist if you need it makes for a kickass combo.
Now I still obviously suffer these things but I kinda made it. I work in a well known studio making stuff that I like and I’m a functional adult.
Don’t be afraid of not making it or whatever, and posting your mental struggles here is probably not the best idea but I think anyone can be functional with professional treatment (and that doesn’t necessarily means antidepressants). I hope you’re okay.

>> No.3425117

>A serious question - do you need depression to be an excellent artist?
Depression is the condition where you don't enjoy anything and have trouble getting out of bed. It's not the same thing as being sad. So, no depression is not good for art gains or anything else for that matter.

Also your meds are turning your brain into porridge.

>> No.3425153

Thanks again for the input.

Yea, pretty much. If you suffer constant sadness or social anxiety, you might wanna give it a try, psychiatrists don't bite. Before lexapro I could barely talk to women, now I can hold a conversation while being pretty relaxed.

>> No.3425157


Damn, man. I was making fun of the guy I was replying lmao. Of course lifting doesn't make anything magically better. I've done psychiatric sessions and they really helped. The medicines really helped with refocusing yourself to the things that matter and looking at shit at a different light.

>> No.3425490

>Without creative ideas there's no reason behind it

No, that’s wrong. Nobody needs creative ideas (and feel free to define what a “creative idea” is at any time) to make great art. Getting pretentious about your vision doesn’t make your art more Artistic.

>> No.3425552

Depression isn't sadness though. Depression is more like a lack of feeling and deep, deep apathy. Do you just sprout bullshit as a part time job, or do you do it full time with benefits? You sound like a new age guru.

>> No.3425562

question: are you predisposed to have depression, as in it's genetic, or is it something that happens overtime due to environmental factors and warped view of yourself?

>> No.3425573

It can be either and it can be a mix of both.

>> No.3425584

>depression or sadness is a part of the full range of emotions that constitute life
You have NO fucking idea of what you're talking about. You should be ashamed of yourself, because your ignorance is disgusting.

>> No.3425593
File: 125 KB, 736x731, wheel-of-emotions.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying you do.

>> No.3425597

You are a fucking retard if you believe that sadness and clinical depression are the same thing. Seriously kys

I really hope this is bait because otherwise you're a fucking retard

>> No.3425607

>Seriously kys
>disagree with someone online
>they must die
You should be ashamed of yourself, because your ignorance is disgusting.

>> No.3425619

>deliberately provoke people with depression by spreading dumb bullshit about how being joyless and wanting to die is a natural part of life
>get snapped at
>”whoa wow stop being so toxic”

>> No.3425632
File: 52 KB, 380x600, DFqwaDiXsAAlm1A[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A serious question - do you need depression to be an excellent artist?


>> No.3425637

I think in some sense you need some form of emotion to create art. When you are depressed you lack emotion and will to do anything.

>> No.3425639

It's literally like the 2015 movie Inside Out

>> No.3425645
File: 1.77 MB, 1600x900, Sadness_at_the_controls.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot image

>> No.3425646

Well if you're serious and this is not a troll post, I take antidepressants. I also have regular therapy and take Medical classes through my health care provider. I tried drinking and using drugs to help with the depression, it only made things worse. I still have depression, and I still enjoy a casual drink from time to time, but today I'm dealing with my issues. There are many tools and resources available to help you deal with depression. If you're a true artist then you're most likely going to be depressed, depression and art just seem to go hand-in-hand. Eventually you get used to it, and as you learn new coping mechanisms you can better cope with your depression. It's not a hopeless condition, we do get better, and whatever you do do not use drugs and alcohol to try and alleviate the feelings it just makes them worse. You might even end up like me trying to kill yourself. I went through a lot of childhood trauma, it's not my fault that those things happened but it is my responsibility to handle it like an adult. If you know a problem exists and you don't do anything about it you don't have a right to complain. Find a community, volunteer somewhere, and try to just do one thing different a day. Before your head hits the pillow ask yourself, did I live in the best way possible today? If you didn't, and find one thing you can do different tomorrow to make the next day better. For any of you suffering from depression please don't kill yourself, you're going to hurt everyone around you it's never worth it. Good luck.

>> No.3425728

I really hope this is bait because otherwise you're a fucking retard

>> No.3425751

The retard is the whole "go keto and be happy, sport is the answer to any problem because my mom's magazine are always right" shitposter. If you defend him, you aren't jsut a retard, you deserve actual death punishment.

>> No.3425760

I realize there's a difference between clinical depression, and just feeling a little down, but would exercise hurt in any case?

>> No.3425763
File: 80 KB, 750x1087, its_genetics.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>regards, morbidly obese 27 year old anime avatar numale that takes more medication than his grandparents ever did and still blames it on "genetics" because he can't admit it's his own fat ass fault he's a loser with a shriveled yellow 5 penis lmao

>> No.3425776

>S..shut up anon. I'm just big boned.
It seems kind of hard to believe as far as we've come, people still can't remember high school health class.

>> No.3425886

never trust a tarzan mullet

>> No.3426397

If that's the case, why are mentally ill and miserable people so overrepresented in the art community? Shouldn't it be the exact opposite?

>> No.3426404

>You don't believe my magic you are FAT

Amazing come back you got there.

>> No.3426430
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>> No.3426741

>actual science
>"women's magazines"

You're not only a fat diabetic twat but you're illiterate too lmao

>> No.3427276


Kind of topical but it seems like a lower carbohydrate diet (keto) is confirmed to reduce type 1 diabetes patients' reliance on insulin and symptoms


>> No.3427277


Posting on twitter on yourthat your girlfriend broke up with you is beyond pathetic. Doubly so if it's your account for posting art. FFS people, get some integrity.

>> No.3427444

Are you me....

>> No.3427464

Found the sheep leftie that parrots the group think. How about you do a smidgen of fucking research on the guy before you cry wolf.

>> No.3427471

Agreed. Even crying about it on your private facebook is kinda pathetic.

>> No.3429972

depression tells you that you're a loser
stop being a loser
never feel depressed again

>> No.3429983
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>> No.3429994
File: 84 KB, 905x905, omae wo kurosu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You just had to bump this gosh darn thread again didn't you. How about you leave people alone and get a frickin' life for goodness' sake

>> No.3430024

i have depression and taking meds helped, but i think making friends and learning how to talk to people helped the most because it made me get out of my room and also out of my own head, which i think is great for depression. if youre around yourself too long youre gonna get sick, you have to get out even if its just somewhere small or for a bit

>there really are a lot of people that are just completely stupid about mental health in this thread, huh?

>> No.3430025

Because those artists aren't just suffering from depression, but usually have more severe mental disorders, some of which give them bouts of mania. A lot of them also use drugs to cope with their problems, which give them temporary bursts of energy and creativity. This is particularly common among musicians and writers, many of whom tend to burn out and die before reaching old age.

>> No.3430028

>there really are a lot of people that are just completely stupid about mental health in this thread, huh?

not an argument

>> No.3430921

But now he knows what happiness is and cannot feel satisfied without gf.