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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 492 KB, 1024x1355, flowers_vi_by_pastelchu-dcatwhs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3416674 No.3416674[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Experimentation with color and form is the hardest thing to do.

>> No.3416675

>waste of color, because you are too stupid to use colors thin and achieve the same effect

fixed the title for you.

>> No.3416682

Experimentation with color and form in a meaningful way is even harder to do.

>> No.3416690 [DELETED] 
File: 3.03 MB, 1500x942, highquality.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you can't even get past childishly squeezing fat blobs of color on without giving them any form.
and you talk about it being hard, because you're struggling with the most basic shit.
have you actually looked at your own work with a critical eye? you trick yourself into believing that this shabby technique is somehow enough to make for a good piece. it's not, it's completely falling apart, colorwise and composition and everything else on top.

>> No.3416697
File: 3.03 MB, 1500x942, highquality_2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you can't even get past childishly squeezing fat blobs of color on without giving them any form.
and you talk about it being hard, because you're struggling with the most basic shit.
have you actually looked at your own work with a critical eye? you trick yourself into believing that this shabby technique is somehow enough to make for a good piece. it's not, it's completely falling apart, colorwise and composition and everything else on top.

>> No.3416723

my mom says its a good painting though

i am gonna sell it to someone for 300 dollars

>> No.3416770
File: 340 KB, 1024x800, your_mouth_takes_on_my_grin_by_annamariadel-dbvb8ie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

learn to paint so you don't have to resort to cheap paint-wasting gimmicks to achieve basic forms. when you can paint the image you will have way more options for being 'creative'.

>> No.3416791

>itt people who don't know what impasto is

>> No.3416846

i spent 150 dollars of paint on this painting

it was not easy

i barely got it to work together after 20 hours of painting

>> No.3416906

>>hoping that messy, unplanned and lazy application of thick paint equates to high value "impasto". This is impasto of the lowest form. A baby could shart a more interesting arrangement of colors.

b8 or joke

not sure what your image is supposed to convey. Interesting texture direction and all that, but it's unclear.

Hey everybody, why is the medium the star of the show rather than what the fuck you're trying to depict.. is the point to make money? Impress your mom?

Study the masters or go home. Gimmicks are for failures.

>> No.3417390

>use a cool valid painting method name to justify my shitsperiments

yeah and i call my tp wipes action painting …
anything's a painting if you're brave enough

>> No.3417430

nice, very consistent light for so many colours and so much impasto.

the red and purple on the vase are particularly beautiful together.

>> No.3417545

Please fuck off Cumbum

>> No.3417570


Great samefagging OP

>> No.3417909

thank you. the light is important to an artist.

>> No.3417923
File: 45 KB, 800x450, iu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3417951

>experimental art
>using paint
For fucks saaakkkkkeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

>> No.3418122

Reminder that OP person unironically wrote this.


>> No.3418172

>"They said I was a loser, and I would eventually drop out of RISD because I wouldn't be able to improve and handle the work load (I could handle it).
>They said they looked at my profile picture, and that I was ugly mongoloid, and I had small sexual organ."
c'mon guys! that wasn't nice at all!

but ok now, here's one of the threads he was probably writing about:


and here is the one that triggered him the most, i guess:


fun read, if you are a bit masochistic.

>> No.3418205

This is very ironic because that painting is trying to mask lack of structure and messy tonal values with 'interesting colors'.

>> No.3418297
File: 123 KB, 479x760, LARGEGelitin_Untitled_4dfad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3418454
File: 1.01 MB, 2968x1668, IMG_4468.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I a better artist then chun bun lads? I actually get scared cause chun bun paints a lot and he's not really getting better, it's like what can happen to an artist when they just flatline.

>> No.3418456
File: 1.24 MB, 1668x2968, painteier.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Oops i messed up.

>> No.3418457

Jesus fucking Christ nuke this fucking thread

>> No.3418460

>Oops i messed up.
yes, insight and self-critique is a humble first step.

>> No.3418478
File: 160 KB, 651x900, 20180502_220812.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like this thread is still alive for some reason.

I made this. Advice on how to make the next one better plz.

>> No.3418523

this is me chunbum

this is just bad... you need to use acrylic and be more gentle with the paint

I like this better. Colors are weird in this one


Guys, you guys just dont understand my experimentation with color.

you dont know what you dont know.

>> No.3418598

>you guys don't understand my color choices

worse, we don't care

>> No.3419149

>you need to use acrylic and be more gentle with the paint
you are in no position to give advice, young padawan. you haven't got shit coming. just because you're comfortable painting with plastic colors, doesn't mean everybody is.

>> No.3419170

>Guys, you guys just dont understand my experimentation with color.
have you actually re-read your entire rant about being blocked in 4chan? what do you feel, when you read it now?

>> No.3419226
File: 848 KB, 1535x2054, 6E7E5152-98FC-4FCA-9C63-ABA0111A426D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chun, you need to improve

>> No.3419231
File: 95 KB, 800x450, iu__ K.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>loser telling loser what to do





>> No.3419233


Pot, meet kettle.

>> No.3419236

I know the only reason y’all say that to me is because I am black. I am infinitely better than all u

>> No.3419240

you are both blind to your own amateurish mistakes.

and don't make this about skin color, you dickhead. your sorry excuse for your lack of talent.

>> No.3419244

What amateurish mistake do I make that is not intentional. Nobody good paints like rebrambt. This is not the classic era. I am one of the top people on the site. I fuck the top tattoo artist in the National. She has the accolades to prove it. As long as I inspired her I am happy. Y’all are the ones that ngmi. Chun has a better chance of a career. None of y’all take art serious enough

>> No.3419282

i remember you yelling on here "ILLASTRAT DOESNT PAINT FROM REFERENCES!"
and showing your low-tier insta, which happens to be full of cheap black celeb paintings from references.

you have no credibility. and no talent. now you are trying to make a point that you are banging a "tattoo artist".

get the fuck out of here.

>> No.3419286
File: 216 KB, 960x706, D647C044-0F32-47D8-88AA-99E16D9E6363.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most of my paintings aren’t from references.

>> No.3419295
File: 6 KB, 185x179, schnörkel-schablone-design-eps-vektor_csp40711546.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>backpaddeling a LOT
you are a lier. you lie about your painting to make it more legit.

and you resort to the most decorative, beginner-tier ideas to finish a shitty painting.
"ok, i'm gonna copy this photo of this chick. yeah, nice. so, what background am i gonna make? childish distorted landscape? nah, did that too often. let's make some meaningless curls come out of the two corners."

>> No.3419298

Man, shut up. You are SOUNDING childish. I work my fucking ass off. You are probably a neet that’s ngmi. I shouldn’t really be associating with you. Let winners be winners.

>> No.3419306

>You are probably
unlike you, i remember the shit you've been talking about your art and i'm not resorting to projection, lies and baseless assumtions.
you are a lier. you lie about your art. you are not to be trusted. that is one aspect. but on top of that, you are a shitty hobby artist and you completely blow your work out of proportion like a madman. your painting is fit to hang in the corridor in the toilets of some mediocre bar or pub, that's it.

and let me tell you one thing. you wouldn't be getting this much shit from anons here, if you were realistic about your shitty, basic painting skills and if you didn't lie for petty reasons, trying to make it seem like you painted them from imagination. you are a complete lier and a little sorry-ass princess when it comes to criticism.

>> No.3419341

And you are PROBABLY a Neet that’s ngmi

>> No.3419359

bravo! stupid as ever!
is your mommy proud?
do you show these threads to your tattoo gf, for reassurance?

>> No.3419398

I am showing her now. She told me to ask you to post your work

>> No.3419426
File: 1.55 MB, 800x1067, applez.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i kind of want to get back into painting but it's so messy and expensive :-/

>> No.3419429

did she tell you "no honeybunny! your painting is great! look at what these people are posting! they have no idea about painting!"

like your mom used to?

thing is, you probably don't see how pathetic you are.

>> No.3419443
File: 1.38 MB, 1229x1228, BA9C51F8-CB1F-432A-B01A-FE5AA8CF9E5F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would she date me if she is a stellar artist and I am a shitty one? She is literally the baddest bitch in NC. She got accolades. She could have ANY nigga...literally. I am a NEET. She makes a grand a day cash. It ain’t the dick. She ain’t feeling my head up like momma. She sees potential

>> No.3419447

All non rep is basically a gimmic tho. You need like an IV full of chill pills dude.

>> No.3419475

Basic tattoo artist. Not good enough for my shop.

>> No.3419488

have fun with that landwhale, my dude.
reality check: copying sailormoon isn't exactly outstanding. then again, copying is the main criteria of becoming a tattoo artist. at least she is honest about using references, unlike you, you lying little manbaby.

>> No.3419492

You probably have shitty tattoos.

>> No.3419493

I work at most likely the most talented shop in the world or very close. You couldn’t hack it here at Evil Genius. We have 5 star ratings on Facebook.

>> No.3419518

i have none, for the simple fact that i believe they are nothing but a stain, dirt, a damage on the skin. your body is not a notepad for scribbles, yet you use it that way. tattoos have become a fashion statement, empty, stupid, dull, westernized, rid of aesthetic.

it means nothing to me. i hate tattoos. but to be fair, if you really make good money out of it and enjoy what you do, go for it. good for you.

i've seen too many angels wings on backs, tramp stamps, skulls, star designs, misspelled meaningful quotes ….. there is nothing more stupid and haphazard to me than the decision to get a tattoo.

>> No.3419574
File: 248 KB, 1378x980, 20180508_102905-2016x980~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this the /paint/ general? I'm crossposting from the draw thread b/c few people there ever seem to mess with oil paint.

I'm trying to make the jump from charcoal. This is my first to not wind up a smudgy mess.

>> No.3419594


P good! You seem to have your brush economy down fairly well but I think you could do with some softer edges here and there

>> No.3419599


Also push your darkest and lightest value just a bit more. Keep on trucking, this is heaps and loads better and visually more interesting than anything OP ever (will) produce(d).

>> No.3419666

I also like this. It's always impressive when you can see the individual brush strokes and they how they do their job perfectly.

>> No.3419683
File: 81 KB, 480x480, 1521784905963.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is not something to be proud of. The best artists of all time used references. You are not Leyendecker. Rockwell. Mucha. Cornwell. Pyle. Loomis. Harry Potter.

Saying "My paintings aren't from references." is the same thing as saying "I don't know what I am doing nor do I take my art seriously enough to learn how to get better."

Know who else don't use reference? Children. People that sketch and doodle. Hobbyists, amateurs, and people that need to find any excuse they can to deal with the fact they aren't very good. "But but but I don't use reference! But but I don't use digital! But but but but but but but I don't just paint one thing!"

>> No.3419685
File: 1.36 MB, 2220x2774, IMG_1036.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's up bitches

>> No.3419756


I would say you're on par. But you are probably going to be a lot better than Cum soon if you actually try amd study.

>> No.3419772
File: 217 KB, 1200x1200, comp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

agreed, like what is this an anime fourm?
I like it, feels like the lights and darks arent very contrasted tho but might be the image quality.

Here is mine from the last couple weeks, I mostly draw.

>> No.3419776

Was a limited palette just to warm up for later stuff, tried out Naples yellow as my lightest color but it really washed everything out. I coulda slathered on some Prussian blue but meh. Do you think I should do a Prussian blue outline? Are the values differentiated enough where a dark outline on the objects would bring it together or leave it as it is?

>> No.3419886

the funniest part is my gf went to risd, and she says she remembers him as a whiny faggot who couldn't take criticism there either

>> No.3419906
File: 934 KB, 2560x1920, 0326181734a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kettle boxman!

>> No.3419967

uh huh

tell me her name

>> No.3419975

Jesus, chun...

>> No.3420239

guy looks like a fucking nutcase

but the picture behind the shitty one, to the right, looks mildly interesting. the first one is not worth talking about.

>> No.3420272
File: 185 KB, 900x698, the-swallows-tail-series-on-catastrophes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


that is me ty
that painting is a study of dali's last painting
"the swallowtail catastrophe"

>> No.3420275
File: 515 KB, 1629x1241, IMG_20180508_221120701.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


my attempt

>> No.3420390

Maybe I'm its the lack of white for me, I use alot of zinc white

>> No.3420394

I wish your whites were cleaner.

>> No.3420412

there is nothing new to be found from paint.
we have hundreds of years of blood sweat and tears going into this and you toss it aside.
>hurr why can't we figure this painting stuff out??? gibbe money pl0x
you people are purposely ignoring art history when you do this shit

>> No.3420414

degenerates doesn't even begin to cover it
this whole class of people needs to be sterilized

>> No.3420462

you think I'm nuts?

>> No.3420645

i knew that it had the aura of a great work. too bad for you that it is a copy of Dali.

sorry to say, but there isn't much to be found >>3420275 other than the faint rest of a great, original idea.

>give up already, because i say so!
yeah, ngmi telling people to ngmi. what a great idea.

>> No.3420842

Alright chun, I’ll bite.
Explain to me what it is that you’re trying to convey with this piece. Although it’s clearly not representational, even abstract painters like Rothko and Pollock have answers for these sorts of questions: explain to me your choice of colors; your composition. Don’t even try to bullshit with all that ‘for its own beauty’ crap because it isn’t beautiful. It’s ugly as fuck.
But even ugly art can still be art if there’s meaning behind it. What’s the meaning behind the choices you made beyond ‘experimentaion’ Because mindless experimentaion produces empty art. Tell me what this piece means, and maybe just maybe I’ll consider you an artist. A shitty artist but an artist all the same. Abuse right now, your mindless experimentation has no more depth or beauty to it than a monkey throwing his shit at a wall.
Don’t let me down faggot.

>> No.3420853

I was digging the vase but those flowers look like one of those pieces that kids make from fucking recycled melted bottle caps and that whole area is incongruous with the rest of the strokes.

>> No.3421642

I tried to capture energy and vitality that is possible to capture with pure use of color. It is formal and abstract in nature and cannot be reduced to some meaning.

If you get it you get it. If you dont you dont.

>> No.3421731

okay but what I'm asking is how you think your use of color coveys that energy; like how pollock's color palette is drawn from native american art.
If you can't answer the question, then your colors are essentially just picked arbitrarily. Your 'experimentation' which is based entirely in color, has nothing behind it beyond what you happened to have in your tubes at the time.
Are you starting to see why people say your work feels soulless?

>> No.3421956

use of color has nothing to do with how it was inspired or the history behind it.

Color in and of itself is the reason why the color was used that way.

It's not picked arbitrarily. I went through tons and tons of paint trying to get exactly the color I wanted that would work visually and be pleasing in a harmonious manner.

Am I starting to see that my art is soulless? Not in a billion years.

>> No.3422050

there's no meaning behind tho colors though. They're just colors. At it's core, green is really no different to yellow or blue, but an artist gives them significance in the way you use them. If you're entire argument is based off 'I think it's pretty' then I have two points for you.
First, it's not experimental in the slightest. You're not using color in new or innovative ways if you're just slapping what you think looks nice on a canvas. That's what people have been doing for as long as pigments have existed. That's what cavemen did.
Second, if literally nobody on this board (your target market, since let's face it, most of the world isn't your friends or your teachers and if they're the only people you want to reach with your art then you have no business wanting to be an artist) thinks your color choices are garbage, then you are clearly doing something wrong

>> No.3422060

you make absolutely no sense.

"if nobody on this board thinks your color choices are garbage, then you are clearly doing something wrong."


>> No.3422285

>Replicate what's already been done or you're worth nothing
Y tho