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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 58 KB, 655x960, miaow2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3409257 No.3409257[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

new ruan jia piece

>> No.3409262

I like it. Frontals are nice.

>> No.3409276

Lifeless as always.

>> No.3409282

looks like something that is very detailed, but very little life or energy is in it, like what >>3409276 says

>> No.3409287

He could be the absolute art god, yet everything he does is boring as fuck.

>> No.3409291

post your work

>> No.3409297

Cool statue

>> No.3409299

Thanks :-)

>> No.3409316
File: 1.81 MB, 1708x2499, 5e475b33ly1fqvrsu2bkoj21bg1xfqv5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

b i g g e r

>> No.3409336
File: 2.18 MB, 1708x2499, BIG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3409357

finally a good one again

>> No.3409361

>merc wip

>> No.3409368

It's getting close.

Rendering for the sake of rendering with out any attention payed to design. It's obviously painted well, the guy has tons and ton of hours studying and making art, he knows how to light and render forms. The design is horrible. It almost looks like he was required to give her typical Ruan Jia hair cut but couldn't figure out a good way to keep the hair and make a cool looking helmet.

Other than render porn, which is meaningless for selling your art, I dont get why IC is so obsessed with this artists. The image has no story, no action, nothing going on. It's basically concept art for a weird/crap looking big titty space suit. Even the gun is boring.

>> No.3409383

is the face supposed to be a reflection in the vizer, like the picture is from a mermaids point of view or something? it looks like it's supposed to be inside the helmet but it sorta doesn't all the same

>> No.3409403
File: 315 KB, 1250x745, 1479237467387.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im guessing his just trying to experiment right now, but jesus it really is looking lifeless and bit bland

>> No.3409404

and once again the guy renders a boring piece of generic sci fi using the same old boring tricks with the eyes and hair.
No composition, no story telling, no design no nothing.
Also the helmet makes no sense

>> No.3409408

this is trash

>> No.3409417
File: 2.69 MB, 2208x3496, Tsukasa_Jun067.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why is her hair so tattered

that aside the genre of voluptuous anime babes in cool space suits really has many more interesting examples

>> No.3409418

I like this one a lot more, more story and stuff going on. Even in this one though the minigun is just a photo ref of a mini gun with little additions or inventive design to change it. Same with her costume. Also weird the mini gun is shooting (ejecting shells) but there's no muzzle flash.

Great painting skills, light and rendering. Just really boring/forgettable images, not much of an illustrator.

>> No.3409429
File: 228 KB, 776x1119, 1469823061768.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

blank, dead eyes - checked
dead composition - checked
non-existent or shabby backdrop - checked
content: pretty to look at for 10 sec, shallow in every other respect - checked
and finally "look! it's some new RJ crap!"-title - checked

i so wish this cum gobbling fanboi OP could get banned for shitposting his RJ masturbation material every week.
"admire it, like I do! … agree with me!!"

>> No.3409430

Came here to post this.

>> No.3409437

RJ is the perfect example for artwork that is like a joke about blondes:
it's shallow, dumb and naive, completely stereotypical, still somewhat nice to look at and finally it loses all it's appeal within a second.

>> No.3409442

>agree with me!
You're doing the same though anon, off yourself

>> No.3409448 [DELETED] 

i'm not telling anyone to agree with me. i can see why people like RJs artwork and I'm not judging, except, I do believe they have to be brainless, shallow pieces of worthless meat. But But since this board is called "artwork & critique", I do believe you butthurt snowflakes need to toughen up a bit and accept the fact that there are other opinions out there.

>> No.3409449

i'm not telling anyone to agree with me. i can see why people like RJs artwork and I'm not judging, except, I do believe they have to be brainless, shallow pieces of worthless meat. But since this board is called "artwork & critique", I do believe you butthurt snowflakes need to toughen up a bit and accept the fact that there are other opinions out there.

>> No.3409479

sniff it Feng Zhu lol

>> No.3409493

No you're doing the exact same buddy-o
>He's bland and a bad artist and if you don't agree with my holy opinion you lack a functioning brain
how are you this stupid and hypocritical anon

>> No.3409497

do you see a new thread every fucking week that is about posting random shit by RJ and tearing it apart? no. it's the other way around. an insane, clinically obsessed RJ fangirl is shitposting his crap every fucking week.

now piss the fuck off.

>> No.3409509

I don't see what that has to do with you being a dirty hypocrite, fuck off you maniac.

>> No.3409519

aaand wer're back with another "look at the newest RJ turd that got posted on his twitter account!" thread ...

>> No.3409522
File: 378 KB, 534x486, 1455571650680.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How petty are you anon holy shit hahaha

>> No.3409523

4 u big boi

>> No.3409526
File: 3 KB, 125x125, 1507276038854s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

off yourself relativist scum

>> No.3409530


"it's ok
to spam a board with your personal taste without acepting diverging opinions
it's ok
but don't tell me RJ might be overrated
it's ok
to not like things
but don't disagree with me, because RJ is the god of art because I say so and I will keep opening meaningless, pointless RJ threads every week on regular until the end of this board and you need to stop complaining, bc my opinion is more noble"

>> No.3409532


This level of pleb RJ white knighting. You know this artists, that you want to fuck so bad, doesn't know you or give a shit about you standing up for him on 4chan....right? And doing so doesn't improve your own artwork or life. lol. Your not even addressing peoples specific gripes with RJ's art. Such a loser.

>> No.3409536

"new ruan jia piece"

so WHAT? you're so fucking pussywhipped by that shitty fucking artist, you can't even fucking open a thread ASKING for anything or DISCUSSING something about it. all your ever write is "look at it! i like it!"

at least for the love of god, get something across! say why you'd suck the smegma off of this dude who looks like an old chinese woman with a leather jacket, say why you like a picture and get trashed for it. but don't fucking open a thread with "new ruan jia piece", you fucking loser! nobody GIVES - A - FUCK

OP pic is literally on par with merc_wip!

>> No.3409543

This level of pleb RJ hating. You know these artists, that you want to shit on so bad, doesn't know you or give a shit about you talking shit about them on 4chan....right? And doing so won't improve your own artwork or life. lol. You're not even pointing out actual flaws and just say you hate his work and think everyone who disagrees with you is a brainless monkey. Such a loser.
Also learn how to spell lol, fixed some misspellings for you bby thank me l8r <3

>> No.3409544

you know everyone realizes you're samefagging right

>> No.3409547 [DELETED] 

>inb4 the RJ fangirl is going to "no u" and "post your work" in defence of her faggotry

>> No.3409549

>inb4 the RJ fangirl is going to "no u" and "post your work" in defence of her faggotry
already in the "reverse-replies" phase. i can hear the sobbing.

>> No.3409553

Sorry to see you have to 1up me every time to try and compensate for your beta male behaviors, good luck in life man and try not to get too invested in what other artists are doing you petty man child.

>> No.3409554

>You're not even pointing out actual flaws

>le overwork everything man
>le lets rip off alredy exhausted fantasy aesthetics guy
>le what is composition kid
>le only know one way to harmonize color dude
Only /ic/ crabs enjoy his works.

and >>3409429
and >>3409276, >>3409287, >>3409282, >>3409361, >>3409368, >>3409404

>B-but You're not even pointing out actual flaws
and this comes from the very same person that porbably shits up /ic/ with RJ crap for months already. and that same person has been given a shitload of points why RJ is an overrated, shallow fucking hack.

and, typically, his fanbois are always excusing it with "but it's just a wip!"

>> No.3409555

>le greentext
learn how to speak you autist

>> No.3409556

post your work that is in the spirit of your beloved RJ, who is so intellectual, talented, inspirational, sooo original and never resorts to stereotypical ripped-off imagery.

>> No.3409558

lol. Classic. Losses argument, attacks spelling/grammar. Oh my brainlet, you are far too stronk for me. I give up...I want to suck RJ's cock now as well!

>Such a loser.
Yes we're all losers for not creating a love fest thread for out favorite artist then whiteknighting hard when people inevitable say, "don't like it".

You got me real good anon. lol

>> No.3409560

resorting to deflection now. how about you start checking grammar of all the posts? looks like you ran out of arguments to support RancidJia

>> No.3409561

Shame I have to say this again, sorry to see you have to 1up me every time to try and compensate for your beta male behaviors, good luck in life man and try not to get too invested in what other artists are doing you petty man child.

>> No.3409562

oh wow! now he/she/it's actually repeating itself in defense!

>> No.3409564

Again, sorry to see you have to 1up me every time to try and compensate for your beta male behaviors, good luck in life man and try not to get too invested in what other artists are doing you petty man child.

>> No.3409565


see you next week with another thread about "Ruan Jia's polished turd #2.387.489"

>> No.3409566

And again...
Sorry to see you have to 1up me every time to try and compensate for your beta male behaviors, good luck in life man and try not to get too invested in what other artists are doing you petty man child.

>> No.3409569

"What he does is not "painting", it's "kitsch reminescent of painting" … I can see him jerking off in Photoshop for some half hour over this shit, changing crappy brushes here and there, changing the saturation of the color, cause that's such a nice easy trick. And then, at the end, he takes the sharpness tool and just sharpens up some little stops here and there (red arrows) to give it some cool finishing touch, like he learned it from some other digital art idiot. I can't take this shit seriously. And you guys and OP fall for it like the creative cucks you are."

>> No.3409571

you are still samefagging

>> No.3409573

Hahah. We broke him, from reverse posts to just repeating the same sentence over and over now. Must be some butthurt 14 y/o who's crushed no one thinks his higher levels of taste are worth two shits.

The sad part is as far as RJ posts go this was by far the most respectful one I've seen up until the white knight got involved.

>> No.3409575

Hopefully it'll stick now.
Sorry to see you have to 1up me every time to try and compensate for your beta male behaviors, good luck in life man and try not to get too invested in what other artists are doing you petty man child.

>> No.3409578
File: 82 KB, 634x900, 123712834612.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>autism is increasing
"better cowardly report the anons that hate on RJ using my 'special site function', otherwise I will have to cry for another week"

>> No.3409582

her boobs look the the bottom of a dick head

>> No.3409585

pretty much

>> No.3409588 [DELETED] 

>>3409523 tell them how to be nice with a cute video
>>3409543 reverse what they say, boo hoo
>>3409544 it's impossible that more than one persons hates RJ
>>3409553 autism lv 1
>>3409555 deflect as a grammar nazi
>>3409561 autism lv 2
>>3409564 autism lv 3
>>3409566 autism lv 4
>>3409571 it's impossible that more than one persons hates RJ, attempt No. 2
>>3409575 autism lv over 9000

saved the thread in case OP is cowardly false-reporting or deleting it again. there is a pattern.

>> No.3409590

How dense are you fucker
Sorry to see you have to 1up me every time to try and compensate for your beta male behaviors, good luck in life man and try not to get too invested in what other artists are doing you petty man child.

>> No.3409591

I don't like RJ, I can just tell a samefag
this is probably you as well seeing that you're obviously mentally ill

>> No.3409602


read this over and over again until you understand it (i know you are slow):


>> No.3409606

>Sorry to see you have to 1up me every time to try and compensate for your beta male behaviors, good luck in life man and try not to get too invested in what other artists are doing you petty man child.
Sorry to see you have to 1up me every time to try and compensate for your beta male behaviors, good luck in life man and try not to get too invested in what other artists are doing you petty fangirl.

>> No.3409616

how embarassin

>> No.3409617

>Sorry to see you have to 1up me every time to try and compensate for your beta male behaviors, good luck in life man and try not to get too invested in what other artists are doing you petty fangirl.
Sorry to see you have to 1up me every time to try and compensate for your beta male behaviors, good luck in life man and try not to get too invested in what other artists are doing you petty man child.

>> No.3409623

the only thing fucking embarrassing is the pack of spam-whores for RJ on this board.

>> No.3409639


Sorry to see you have to 1up me every time to try and compensate for your beta male behaviors, good luck in life "man" and try not to get too invested in what other artists are doing you petty fangirl.

>> No.3409643

They literally have zero arguments tho

>> No.3409646

Sorry to see you have to 1up me every time to try and compensate for your beta male behaviors, good luck in life man and try not to get too invested in what other artists are doing you petty man child.

>> No.3409648


Sorry to see you have to 1up me every time

>> No.3409652
File: 66 KB, 601x625, 1481494835678.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3409653

Sorry to see you have to 1up me every time to try and compensate for your beta male behaviors, good luck in life man and try not to get too invested in what other artists are doing you petty man child.

>> No.3409659
File: 7 KB, 203x249, ruan chad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How big is this guys dick /ic/
I think it's at least 2,5 inches.
Making it by drawing everyday really comes with its perks

>> No.3409661

Sorry i have 1upped you every time

>> No.3409663

What I absolutely love about him is how he manages to make everything look like clay. Like everything has that coarse texture to it, wich is a great contrast to the gloss of most other fantasy illustrators. How does he do it?

>> No.3409665

he does look like a generic chinese granny with a leather jacket and a pencil neck. he might even be paranoid about straining his pretty little hand and wears protective, warming gloves bc of that

haha so funny, so funny!

>> No.3409669

Sorry to see you have to 1up me every time to try and compensate for your beta male behaviors, good luck in life man and try not to get too invested in what other artists are doing you petty man child.
Can't be bothered anymore with a dense fucker like you, despite telling you this simple thing so many times you still don't seem to understand what I'm saying.
Of course someone who likes to bash on Jia this much can't have an IQ higher than 90. Again good luck to you dude hope the world wont be too mean to you.

>> No.3409671

Holy shit juanfags need to calm the fuck down

>> No.3409672

Sorry i have 1upped you every time

>> No.3409676

I really really hope you're baiting and are not as autistic in real life

>> No.3409692

I only see this guy mentioned whenever I visit /ic/ and if I had to describe the images I would call them variations of a single boring fanfic girl.

I'm guessing OP is just this ruan ji guy showing off his stuff.

>> No.3409697

but in OPs mind, RJ is the most important artist of this world. he is "the industry leading" granny in his respective field (scifi zombie sluts in armor). I do believe OP is the pedophilic Nambo 90% of the time RJ is being spammed in here.

>> No.3409754

woa you're literally a maniac. Socialize more.. or rather don't

>> No.3409757
File: 1.01 MB, 1550x1054, rondo-of-the-moon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He has some good stuff. I think this is his best.

>> No.3409759

>you're a maniac hurr durr! not counterarguing, bc i can't!
oh pls open 10 more threads about RJ did this and RJ drew that slutty image etc

>> No.3409771

well you firmly established the op of these threads is a troll. so good on you baited-hard guy

>> No.3409780

i hope so

>> No.3409781

when i was a 16 year old twink just starting out, this is the piece that really sold me on digital art. still one of my favorites to this day, although i've generally moved on to more painterly stuff.

>> No.3409795
File: 60 KB, 620x800, barbie_starwars_doll_xxx_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3409800

who wore it better?

>> No.3409802

He is objectively getting worse.

>> No.3409803

gotta say, barbie face actually looks lively in comparison.

>> No.3409807

i wonder if they set up barbies eyes so the focus distance is about the distance of a little girls face were she holding barbie

>> No.3409811

dats deep, bro
deeper than the entire catalogue of lewd zombie sluts by RJ, for sure.

>> No.3409840

i like the extra hand you put in

>> No.3409848

i don't get that reference

>> No.3409872

it's not a reference
there are three hands, count em
am i missing a reference?

>> No.3409973


I don't like how he shades the faces, always make em look like some kind of doll

>> No.3409974

It looks like a 3d model from the 90s

>> No.3409981

I just entered the thread and saw someone post a maniacal comment, there is nothing to argue there?

>> No.3409995
File: 2.99 MB, 6000x3177, 1443879120660.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT ruan jellyfags who will never even reach 10% of his rendering ability so they resort to flaming others xddd

>> No.3410003

I'd rather be doing lifeless shit like Ruan Jia with those fundamentals instead of amateurish shit for masses

>> No.3410010


He's obviously good, but why is he worshipped here? All his paintings look jagged, like they're not blended or something.

>> No.3410011

I wonder if Sharty Shoefarty likes Ruan Jia.

>> No.3410015

It's his older works that cemented him as a digital art God.

>> No.3410017

>I'd rather be doing lifeless shit like Ruan Jia with those fundamentals instead of amateurish shit for masses
worst part is, you're probably serious. then again, i'd hate to know somebody like you personally. most of my artist friends would gladly play russian roulette alone in a room rather then being an unimaginative, stereotype-spewing fantasy fartist as your "godlike" hyped Ruan Jia faggot.

>> No.3410029

Epic response friend, both you AND your friends must be such cool and epic intellectuals :O

>> No.3410034

I bet you and your "artist" friends are all absolute garbage though.

>> No.3410036

MASSIVELY over-rated.

Why do some of you go on & on about this guy?

>> No.3410037

Obvious samefag. Yeah OP we get it you want all that slice ridden micro dick so you can acquire the same tasteless "style" and unoriginality

>> No.3410039

… and I do mean it, like you're probably serious with this >>3410003
this is really the exact opposite of everything I want to achieve and that's honestly bewildering to me, the fact that someone in the creative field can have this kind of aspiration.

>> No.3410040

are there any .psds of his stuff out there? or at least full rez

>> No.3410044

>I bet xyz
yeah how much you wanna bet, faggot?

>> No.3410046

Fundamentals are everything you fucking retards, this is why Ruan Jia is a god and you are some random shitters. Think about it - why would people look up to him if he were as boring as you describe it? Fundamentals.


>> No.3410049
File: 123 KB, 800x450, brainlettttt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who hurt you as a child anon?

>> No.3410050

>are there any .psds of his stuff out there?
not knowing that Ruan Jia archives his works in 8-bit .gif on USB sticks eith skull designs

>> No.3410054

friendly reminder that the only people who look up to Ruan Jia are people who are content with looking at cheap scifi shit artwork, chicks in lewd armor, avid fans of "Avatar" and loli porn and other degenerate peter-pan-tier "I'll never grow up!" - genres.

>> No.3410056

Still better than your shitty anime portrait.

>> No.3410063

Not even a good paintshoop lmao

>> No.3410070

you've been handed a books worth of reasons why your idolized RJ is producing empty, brainless imagery that is entirely functional, repetitive and only finds usage in concept art. the very nature of concept art is being a throw-away media on the step to the finished work - a game, a storyboard for a film, etc.
it is a nieche genre that happens to be adored by a lot of autistic, anti-social individuals and you can count yourself in, seeing that you keep spamming up /ic/ with your desperate calls for approval of your shit-tier taste.

will screencap this, as Nambo has reported me once again. what a fucking chicken shit he is.

>> No.3410146

She's a robot, right? That's why she looks like a posed corpse.

>> No.3410155

look up RJ works. all his girls look completely dead.

>> No.3410162
File: 88 KB, 350x350, 1514269210030.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>new ruan jia piece
>118 replies of actively propagating butthurt
Stay golden, /ic/

>> No.3410164

what does that even mean?

>> No.3410183


a fangirl in denial

>> No.3410187


An autist unable to see skill

>> No.3410199

proving your complete ignorance once again.
I see skill, but what I don't see is content, appeal, soul, life … there's a huge, obscene nothingness that every image by this hyped shitstain emanates. looking at his pictures is like taking an old gum from underneath a school table and chewing it for an hour. it's stale and completely bleached out.

>> No.3410205
File: 220 KB, 987x874, steve22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where is the long axis curve

>> No.3410214

dude you're stuck in the Renaissance age, were already passed the whole everything has meaning part. ruan jia doesn't have to labor around trying to come up with an insightful painting that will trigger some kind of remembrance. just look at sakimichan, its literally ruan jia 5.0 but without the rendering/lighting god traits.

>> No.3410278

This is really boring to look at.

>> No.3410292
File: 22 KB, 437x431, DU9pCK_WAAAf6aO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck you i cant unsee it now

>> No.3410295

nailed it

>> No.3410306
File: 56 KB, 313x254, 1481565174935.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i mean, it's ok-
>merc wip

>> No.3410322

Uh what do you mean?

>> No.3410323

I don't know what is sadder, people who like art for purely superficial reasons or the talentless nobodies who are so broken they can't even handle the fact that people enjoy stuff.

>> No.3410342

You could have posted your work. But you didn't. Because you're SHIT. Even worse than Ruan Jia. Jesus Christ that's pretty terrible.

>> No.3410345

again, how much you wanna bet?
it doesn't compare, though, since I'm not a basement dweller drawing lewd girls on the computer for days.

>> No.3410347

I bet 1 rare pepe. Now put out or shut up. Flash me bitch.

>> No.3410353
File: 120 KB, 841x1191, 1520763900905.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you owe me one rare pepe and it better be super rare

>> No.3410356

Wow the rendering is 10x better than ruan jia but its also 10x more soulless

>> No.3410371

wow I take it all back anon you are the greatest artist I've ever seen on /ic. I have no pepes though lol I lied get fucked you'll never find me

>> No.3410373
File: 1.29 MB, 993x558, star wars mild headache.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also by me

>> No.3410374

all of his stuff is stiff as hell

he needs more gesture practice

>> No.3410379

>when people keep rendering even though the core of the drawing is soulless and dead

why? if it looks like shit in the sketch then it will never get better, regardless of how much you keep rendering it

random vilppu sketches that he spent 5 minutes on are better than Ruan's stuff

>> No.3410381

thats nice

>> No.3410386

The hair certainly looks much better.

>> No.3410391

This just looks really boring.

Its rendered well, but this image has no story, no dynamism, just nothing I haven't seen before.

Like why is her expression so vapid and empty. She is decked out in a robot suit and and plasma rifle but she wears the expression of a scared anime girl?

If people like this more power to them, but looking through this guys stuff, for as technically polished as it is, his art is just a vacuum of creativity.

>> No.3410403

This is the only valid criticism of RJ I have seen on this board

>> No.3410435

some of the trash on /beg/ has more soul

>> No.3410441

he would benefit immensely if he stopped painting for a few months and focused on animation fundamentals. this is stiffer than frankenstein

>> No.3410450

who ever thought putting a revolver there would make sense

>> No.3410469

Nobody cares what you consider valid. It's shit all over.

>> No.3410696

What is so good about this for everyone go bananas on it?

>> No.3410915

presumably someone with a working set of cock and balls

>> No.3410931

thanks for the answer. I will have to check those out then.

>> No.3410936

>no dynamism

stopped reading there

>> No.3410941

no you can see hair coming out the bottom of the halmet

>> No.3410947

whats that

>> No.3410950

oh yeah i see, i thought those were mirrored panels

>> No.3410958

this is one of the dumbest designs I've ever seen.

>> No.3410959
File: 74 KB, 655x960, anime1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i think the girl looks a bit out of place maybe a little change like this? idk

>> No.3410978
File: 76 KB, 655x960, anime1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i also thought, what if she was a sea dweller coming up onto land

>> No.3410983

I hate to say it but it's a little boring compared to his other pieces. As a composition by any artist, I think it'd be a little boring.
It seems like its trying to be dramatic by being simple, but it doesn't suit his style because his style is just way too gestural and complicated.
This is an improvement, actually. The warm colors look better imo.

>> No.3411000

>"I don't wanna hear it, nah nah nah!"

>> No.3411043

He's right y'know, learn to write first

>> No.3411045

Hm that's not too bad actually. Did you play around with H/S and curves?

>> No.3411046

Not him but he's right you know.

>> No.3411067

>He's right with being a pussy in complete denial, I am too

>> No.3411074

>"I don't wanna accept someone else's opinion, nah nah nah!"

>> No.3411083

stopped reading at >"I
I generally stop reading when I'm afraid that my pretty little world could be shattered by other standpoints, much like >>3410936
and >>3409257

>> No.3411113

souless chink art

>> No.3411223

>merc wip
>blank, dead eyes

>> No.3411238

This is one of the coolest designs I've seen.

>> No.3411328

I'm usually all for rule of cool before functionality, but what on earth is the purpose of this 90s landline phone wire going into her eyepatch, connecting it with the back of her neck? There's even some fucking apparatus on the side of her head whose sole purpose seems to be to hold that useless fucking wire in place. This IS an incredibly stupid design and the fact that it is so well drawn makes it all the more hilarious.

>> No.3411330

>This IS an incredibly stupid design and the fact that it is so well drawn makes it all the more hilarious
You can pretty much say that about everything metal gear. It's incredibily stupid but weirdly well done

>> No.3411346
File: 2.28 MB, 2214x3496, Tsukasa_Jun035.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe it's some sci-fi targeting camera? but the design is a bit ridiculous just for the random studded belts out of any 2000's emo kids wardrobe, then again it's obviously more pornographic than practical

>> No.3411363

rj btfo how would he ever recover

>> No.3411399

>McDonald food is trash and junkfood
>/ic/ pleb: "McDonald btfo, how would they ever recover."

Enjoy your trash. Nobody's trying to take it away from you.

>> No.3411406

i'm sure Mcdonald shareholders will cry themselves to sleep because of your post

>> No.3411415

that's the way to defeat his analogy about art, mention money, because everyone knows wealth is the arbiter of good taste, not some kind of planetary ponzi scheme, nah ah, they rich because they better

>> No.3411432

This doesn't make any sense in this situation because Ruanjia IS objectively a million times better at art than you and everyone else ITT and he is not rich either.

>> No.3411437


>> No.3411444

When you know yourself and love yourself you don't have to attribute good art to some outside force and impose and gatekeep it around other people. Your own personal opinion should be enough to decide what is and isn't good art, but because you don't think highly of yourself, you don't put much worth in your own opinion so you resort to some form of rules or outside status.

>> No.3411445

so in spite of his pleb taste and meme rendering he isn't even rich.
Don't sell your integrity unless yo're going to make some money kids

>> No.3411452
File: 30 KB, 418x362, anime1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nah just a filter and i painted like a little fish bowl thing for her helmet and just changed the layer mode until it fit in, but the main thing was just the warming filter, i think it looks good because the warm colors aren't affected much just the cools, so it tightens up the palette and shows off the beautifully painted materials a bit better, but that's just my guess

>> No.3411461

As long as I don't have to eat their food I don't care. I wish you would show the same consideration about what art you shove in people's faces.

>> No.3411473

He is very rich idk where you got him being poor from.

>> No.3411479

yeah he can affort up to two bowls of rice a day

>> No.3411494

now we know who the ruan jelly fags are lmao

>> No.3411515

lmao show me your work thats so full of life and energy then anonfag

>> No.3411524

This seems like a case of concept artist syndrome, their job makes them draw a simple pose that's just easy to read for the 3d modeller. The drawings tend to be rendered well but lack much of a story or emotion. It's what a lot of talented asian artists get flak for in the western industry.

>> No.3411525

You guys ruined the composition. Taking away from the focal point which is the face, throws the picture right off.

>> No.3411528

t. the chinese fangirl with broken english

>> No.3411530

I feel like it's the opposite with the warm colored one. Before the eyes were striking but the face didn't stick out.

>> No.3411531

who cares, the face is just gookplastic

>> No.3411533

its literally a pink haired girl holding a gun and staring forward

>> No.3411548

facts: Ruan Jia came on the scene, inspired a bunch of literally underage kids to git gud, they are now bitter young adult NGMIs, idol worship turned to scorn. Same thing happened with McFarlane fans back in the day.

>> No.3411554

are you color blind?

>> No.3411569

It may be anime style but the face is fairly life like and conveys very subtle but strong emotions. Why you people can't see that is beyond me, maybe you're blind with hate and jealousy.

>> No.3411581

>face is fairly life like....
It looks lifeless like a robot, no expression, a bank thousand yard stare. Why you people can't see that is beyond me, maybe you're blind with hate and jealousy.

>> No.3411585

>thousand yard stare
>literally the expression that is most strongly associated with profound and typically irreparable trauma and loss
>no expression

Fuck shit and eat it.

>> No.3411591
File: 38 KB, 345x438, sheldon disgusted.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3411596

Keep refusing to look beyond the surface and resorting to childish behaviour, you're clearly better than Ruan. Can't even see the fact she's preparing for a battle, mentally and physically, probably has mixed emotions which would be why one emotion is not evident and takes a bit more time and thought to notice.

>> No.3411601

Pushing the pose would add nothing to this piece and only change what Ruan is trying to portray.

>> No.3411604

probably the first time a ruanjiafag has used the 2deep4u excuse lmao
Tell me more about the psychological intricacies of his stiff generic fantasy elves anon

>> No.3411606

it's not portraying anything.
It's not even a pin-up

>> No.3411622

Are hue brind or retardeded?

>> No.3411624


>> No.3411633

Pls post some pictures this generic elf you speak of because I've never seen an elf as a space marine before. Any good artwork tells a story just like I said before, it takes some thought though. And there is clearly movement throughout this piece. And if she's standing at attention,,on guard, or any number of other reasons she's not going to be slouched, hip pushed out or gun on shoulder. Have you not seen a soldier standing before? Have you not seen a guard standing before? It doesn't take much to realise these things.