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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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3404741 No.3404741 [Reply] [Original]

In 50 years anime drawings will be viewed as classics and people will worship it like they do picasso today. Prove me wrong.

>> No.3404747

In 50 years anime drawings will be not be viewed as classics and people won't worship it like they do picasso today. Prove me wrong cunt

>> No.3404748

The anime genre is way too saturated for that, and does not feature artistic struggle or any showcase of unique skill.

>> No.3404755
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Yes and no. The anime you post is too far removed from the art world. however, stuff like murakami's art probably will be because it's anime style art that still exists in a fine art space

>> No.3404765

In 50 years modern society as we know it will have been wiped out by nuclear war and only bits and pieces of today's art will be discoverable. So, you may actually be right.

>> No.3404787

>nuclear war
you're so clueless doomposter

>> No.3404815

If only you knew how bad things will be.

>> No.3404818
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>> No.3404819
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>> No.3404820
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>> No.3404901

More like Disney cartoons than Picasso

>> No.3404954
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in 50 years:
>virtual reality
>incredible technology
>possible birth of frighteningly intelligent AI
>global warming
>unfolding of late stage extreme capitalism
>either life extension tech or massive unprepared death of old timers

and you're worried about anime being taken seriously as an art form. the stupidity of the fans who do this is almost alone enough to discredit it.

anime has value but it's closer to literature than art most of the time. anime illustrations are just autism. and this is coming from a longtime, hardcore anime fan.

>> No.3404996

fine art spaces will not exist in 50 years

>> No.3405010

>late stage extreme capitalism
Isn't this just a reddit meme? What exactly does it entail?

>> No.3405063


Can digital drawings become artifact?

>> No.3405085

Only tasteless morons worship picasso, incidentally it is the same for anime.
Regardless, in 50 years humanity will be reduced to a handful of farmers and hunters who won't have time for your childish cartoons.

>> No.3405101

Nah, furry art will though. Can't wait to see Darkgem's pieces erected.

>> No.3405106

you guys are a really into the postapopclyptic thing, huh

>> No.3405118

there's not going to be a future with the ideals being promoted now

>> No.3405136

Anime has already been around for over 50 years

>> No.3405173

Read marx scrub

>> No.3405204

There's already several books at my university library about anime in general (one about Miyazaki specifically) and I think there have been a couple papers in academic journals about Evangelion. Most anime is too detivative to merit a lot of discussion, but the same can be said about every art form. The major works of anime that set trends will be remembered in some fashion.

>> No.3405216

Hm true, as you said specific works from Ghibli and the golden anime era will be remembered as unique eternal classics, both visually and in storytelling. While there are quite good modern shows nowadays, somehow they lack that specific edge to be remembered as a classic.

>> No.3406421

Works like picasso are upheld as daring and avant-garde even though they're 60+ years old, and will continue to define art. Its not actually about pushing boundaries, its about your art upholding a standard arbitrarily held as pushing boundaries, even though it represents the status quo of fine art, and who knows how long it will stay that way
anime art carries on the western traditions of idealizing beauty and the female subject, except in a relatively new stylized way. It comes from the mixing of two cultures and incorperates a new medium: digital. It's also so culturally influential that its fucking everywhere. Technically speaking, theres nothing more on the cultural cutting edge than muh cantonese cartoon pictures, but fine art started stagnating a long time ago.
Just look at "modern" archetecture. Theyve been erecting the same glass boxes for nearly 80 years now with no cost benefit (no, modern style buildings arent inherently cheaper in most cases than traditional styles) and people still act like its new hot shit

>> No.3406425

Hahahahaha so you were just joking. I get it now. Yeah no one's actually that fucking stupid to be a communist in the 21st century

>> No.3406428

people don't even care much for the actual classic anime that isn't ghibli, you mention galaxy express 999 and they're like, that daft punk movie??? and that's the actual medium not a bunch of doodles based on it.

>> No.3406435

no, late capitalism as a term existed long before leddit

more or less it's just meant to be the decay of capitalism pre-socialism in Marxist theory where you start seeing extreme differences in material conditions between the wealthy and poor due to global industrialisation and automation

>> No.3406441

Well if it's true then I guess we still have a very long way to go, unless normal people like me count as "very wealthy."

>> No.3406444

Marx was wrong about the labor theory of value
His siccessors were wrong about the proletariat leading 'the revolution'
And the frankfurt school is wrong about being able to deconstruct the family and nation to help prime us for a world socialist revolution
How many times do you people have to be wrong and how many millions of people have to die before you fuck off?

>> No.3406446

it is kinda also a way to equate capitalism with cancer, late stage capitalism, terminal capitalism, Drive capitalism, dog capitalism,Dirty numb angel capitalism,In the doorway capitalism,She was a-lipstick capitalism,She was a-beautiful capitalism,And tears capitalism,And all in your inner space capitalism,,and steel capitalism,you had chemicals capitalism,i've grown so close to you capitalism,and you just groan capitalism,she said come over come over,she smiled at you capitalism

>> No.3406449
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lol dude, i answered a question, that's all, do you have to get salty?


i mean it depends what you're specifically referring to

even now the difference in net worth between the average worker in the US and the wealthy is insane, even more so comparing to those in developing states

>> No.3406487

The problem is "anime" is too wide a net to throw.

I've no doubt some anime has been part of a film studies course (Akira, Grave of the Fireflies, The Pokemon Episode Where Meowth Totally Lost His Shit) but just because that's been accepted (by some people), it doesn't mean you get to take your Highschool of the Dead bobypillow to church on Sunday because 'it's art now'.

If some 2070 museum throws a "Art over the last 100 years" exhibit, I'm sure something in a manga/anime style will be in there... but it will be in the minority, and no, you're not allowed to take your bodypillow to church.

>> No.3406574

The only thing wrong with capitalism is that the wealthy are not spending their money because fucking kikes can't let a shekel go.

The system works, the people don't. For capitalism to works all we need is the rich to spend their fucking money, they can even spend it in frivolous bullshit, the only way money can't find it's way back into the workforce's hands in capitalism is if the rich don't spend it.
For socialism to work people have to be toroughly brainwashed to stop being individuals and behave like drones.

It'd be much easier to teach the rich to spend than to teach the poor to not be people. Problem is, the rich are the ones with the power to teach and that's how we've found ourselves in this situation.

>> No.3406581

capitalism is actually dumb though
like if it wasn't an established thing it'd sound like the dumbest shit

>hey, instead of everyone cooperating shouldn't we constantly compete with each other, each member of society trying to destroy their neighbours?

you know what it is..it's crab in a bucket economics. the contention of capitalism is if everyone stays in the bucket then that's stability and therefore capitalism is a working system.

>> No.3406583
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>> No.3406594

>everyone stays in the bucket then that's stability
Sounds more like communism. And ideology for losers who can't compete because they are lazy and useless, yet still feel like they are entitled to the productivity of other people, for some reason.

Instead of figuring out how to procure/grow food and water, make clothes, build shelters, build tools, etc, etc... you just have to figure out a way to make money. So you can pay people who have figured out how to do all that other shit. One resource to gather, many ways to gather it. Oh but it's still too hard!

>> No.3406633

The thing is cooperating has never worked. We are not ants and we can't be ants. And when the people in charge try really fucking hard to make us be ants some fucking poor piece of shit loser with a shitty mustache suddenly becomes the most powerful man in europe and blitzkriegs his neighbors.

Some humans are achievers by nature and you can't even prevent where such kids will be born and wether or not they'll find a soap box to ruin your perfect little card castle of cooperation (that only benefits the upper echeleon anyway).

The problem with capitalism isn't competition, it is once again, the rich not wanting to compete. They want their human cattle to be better for cheaper every day but the fuckers don't spend the money they make off the workforce into bettering the workforce. That is not capitalism, that is an oligarchy of leeches and the one situation where Marx was right about capitalism. It doesn't work when you have a capital vampire that takes but never gives.

Capitalism and communism have the same fatal flaw: allowing some people to accumulate and control a workforce/nation's wealth. We will never have a functional economy so long as some people are allowed to make money without spending money.

>> No.3406638

it works fine, it worked in the majority of communities for the majority of time, it works now in any country that wasn't economically destroyed by a certain super power.

working together doesn't mean that there aren't leaders or prestige or any of the other aspects of human ugliness. it just means the system isn't designed as a fighting pit.

>> No.3406664

>it works fine, it worked in the majority of communities for the majority of time
Hunting-gatherers, thanates, khanates and feudalism had zero social mobility. Rome was closer to capitalism than socialism with all the money in the world going into Rome and staying in Rome while everyone else got fucked. So were merchant guilds.

Pre-industrial economic models were already overburdened when the entire world population was lower than the current population of Murrika.

All we need is a way to force the rich to spend their fucking money.

>> No.3406677

social mobility and cooperation aren't the same thing, or are you saying social mobility is required for a system to work well? anyway i was talking on a village level, most people's lives historically haven't really been affected by overarching systems of governance, in village life the dividers between property and ownership well blurred while one's duty to the community was a concrete and central concept.

i can see you tie a lot of concepts to capitalism which don't belong together necessarily . cooperation isn't antithetical to economy. i'm not advocating for a barter system here.

>> No.3406686

lol you have a fantasy view of village life.
In small towns cooperation ends as soon as the son of the fisherman says he wants to be an artist or the daughter of the innkeeper wants to box. Specially if they actually have the capability of achieving their goals, that's when old folks freak out the most.

>> No.3406695

I can't unsee it , the brownhair's hand is so fucking small as well as her torso

>> No.3406697

Actually you're the fucking idiot here.
Giving a fuck about what OP is saying is not mutually exclusive to the others things you wrote. However this is /ic/ and not /pol/ so we shitpost about /ic/ related stuffs

>> No.3406746

yes, that's what i mean by 'one's duty to community is concrete and central.' you do need to do your job, just like you need to do your job under any system.

>> No.3408903
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>ideology for losers who can't compete because they are lazy and useless
shut up and keep those hands busy, goi. why are you even here when you could be making the monies for your wealthy overlords that have never worked a day in their life.

>> No.3408905

the problem with capitalism is indeed the rich not having to compete. but even worse is the system actively seeks out and destroys any competition. and then the non-disillusioned act like this is some kind of justification that the system works.

>> No.3408907

tfw getting fisted by the invisible hand of the market

>> No.3408997

>50 years
Lol op no.

It would have to be a time where technology has degraded so the sordid hstory behind anime works wouldn't be known anymore. Hundreds of years.

We don't consider paintings done 50 years ago to be classics except in specific cases and even so they have their own genres to helm.

>> No.3410927

all current digital work will look like pixel art to our future selves in only 20 years time. Actual fact.

>> No.3410967

>shut up and keep those hands busy, goi. why are you even here when you could be making the monies for your wealthy overlords that have never worked a day in their life.
>He belives the "jewish oppression" meme, and doesn't see how a free market directly fights that.
And to tackle the "people who have never worked a day in their life", maybe you're right, maybe there are people who've never worked a day in their lives, but that's just because they descend from someone who did work hard, with the purpose of giving their offspring the edge in life. Why aren't you working to give your offspring the edge in life?
Nobody forces you to work for others, fatso. Here's an idea: make something the world wants and build your own business around it; you can even become jewish if you want.

>But that's hurd, I should get money for being a mediocre person.
Ok, well...

>> No.3412717

>people have to be forced to do things they don't want to do
No. people have to do what they have the capability and interest to do. If you want your innkeeper job to be filled so hard make it more valuable and someone will want to do it.

Fucking commie scum.

>> No.3413491

>Prove me wrong.
I will. I'm time BTW.

>> No.3413607
File: 77 KB, 600x600, 1524544095679.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Picasso is absolute fucking garbage though.

>> No.3413628

>even though they're 60+ years old
Reminds me of something I saw inan article expressing similar sentiments about literature.
"Apparently, being a revolutionary experimental writer today means writing like James Joyce did in the 1920s."

>> No.3413683

Worshipped? Sure, but only by those who have interest in it. Not like Picasso. For example Disney's nine old men are absolutely worshiped, but only by those who are interested in animation. Picasso had widespread critical acclaim during his professional life, anime art doesn't, so there's no reason to assume that anime art would develop mainstream critical acclaim in the future.