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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 298 KB, 698x601, Screen Shot 2018-04-23 at 12.18.04 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3399591 No.3399591 [Reply] [Original]

I dont know if you guys follow yandere simulator but the main artist for the game is fucking terrible. every character she draws looks autistic and their anatomy looks so off that it makes me want to shoot myself looking at this shit. please someone tell this artist she is fucking terrible.

yanderedev just grabbed some random bitch off the internet to do his work. i cant even.
pic related. hand in this picture looks like its been run over by a semi-truck. This is suppose to be a legendary indie game and this is the kind of shit tier art he gets?

>> No.3399593

forgot to mention the artist's name:
most of her stuff on her deviantart is plagiarized


>> No.3399594

What does this art have to do with the actual game? I thought the whole thing was interactive and not some vn shit, not that I would play it either way.

>> No.3399595
File: 93 KB, 480x621, g.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3399615

Its a volunteer not someone he hired
See >>3399595

>> No.3399619

I mean he probably picked her because she had a following, which logically would increase his audience since lonely orbiters would even deep into the trash of a female artist

>> No.3399627
File: 278 KB, 638x573, Screen Shot 2018-04-23 at 1.01.05 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whoa whoa whoa

she had absoulutey NO following when she started yandere simulator. her art was absoulutey atrocious. i have no clue why he can't hire professionals when he's making a shit ton of money off his youtube videos.

this is how bad she was back when she started the game dude:

like the yanderedev dude only chose her because she was the only chick paying attention to him at the time it seems. he is 30 years old and still a virgin so it is reasonable he'd lurch after hiring any girl who showed any remote interest in him.

>> No.3399632

Why are you so obsessed with that guy and with what he does?

>> No.3399636

OP is talking about the -artist's skill level- here who's currently working in a popular game.

>> No.3399638
File: 1015 KB, 1489x1348, 1502441934997.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably one of the kiwifarms losers again.

Last year they even made a thread on /ic/ where they posted poorly made "redraws" they created because a pandering fetish game had sexy and busty character designs. Hate that forum so much....


>> No.3399643

because he doesn't pay anyone

Not really ic related, but yanderedev's encyclopedia dramatica is a fun read.

>> No.3399651

Probably because he used to shitpost and throw fits on a shit-flinging blackhat boards such as /v/

Legends say that said board will erupt and explode like a volcano when someone mentions his name

>> No.3399656

Also anon/op is probably a regular there when that happened

Think of an angry war veteran

>> No.3399658


the crazy thing about this whole situation is that kjech is actually the GOOD artist of yandere simulator yet he is somehow dissected the most. why are they only noticing his work and not the work of SRealms or momoki or this Mulberry person? they are both far less talented than kjech.

i have no problem with Yanderedev. i respect him. I have a problem with the volunteers, and especially the artists of the game acting as if they are the same level as him and act as if they are god's gift to the earth when they are literally just random jackasses off the internet. they were not 'selected' they just sent an email to him and he said 'sure' because no one else around. instead the volunteers try to disillusion people into thinking they have special talents over other people and that everyone else is a piece of shit. the reality is, anyone could have worked on Yandere Simulator if they were around and if they would have asked. there is no special background they had to have, they didn't have to have any previous professional experience as he makes it seem.

fucking kill me i need another beer

>> No.3399682

you just sound like a very angry virgin who doesnt get any attention and is salty some weeb girl is happy to draw some stuff for a weeb game.

>> No.3399739

YS isn't a legendary indie game, yanderedev. Quit saying that.

>> No.3399757

yandere sim is just a psuedoscam ran by a lazy neckbeard, this art is better than the game

>> No.3399766

shitty artists get their work put on projects because it is either <<<cheap>>> or <<<free>>>
why is this so hard to understand

if you think that every dev with money will actually put it back into their game-
please leave this site while your innocence is still in-tact. and keep telling yourself that's what they do

>> No.3399768

This guy is correct. He gets +$4500/month on Patreon. According to that site,
>"$3500 is my monthly salary. The rest goes to the development of the game"

Like what? Monthly salary for doing nothing? and "the rest goes to development" when your staff are doing charity work for you?

>> No.3399773

who cares, fuck off back to kiwifarms cunt

>> No.3399780
File: 3.68 MB, 4160x3120, IMG_20180404_234530.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Ha, I remember that thread too. Funny stuff

Apparently the farmers made a few more posts since then:

This is supposed to be Ayano

>> No.3399783
File: 238 KB, 960x1280, IMG_20180409_205957.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3399801

He prob means the rest goes towards paying artists/tools/marketing or whatever. The dude should be paid and 3.5k is low for programmer.

>> No.3399810
File: 998 KB, 1502x1063, 776331c7f3302f712c272f57ef4147b2acab4fb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought Kiwifarms was against, Tumblr artists, feminist game design and stuff like that. I was under the impression they were like EDF2. Guess I was wrong
I mean the original art isn't good, but their redraws stripping the characters of all sexiness is just as bad. This one is the worst.

>> No.3399816

>yandere simulator
maybe because it's a shit game

>> No.3399817

The guy has the programming skills of a 12 year old indian kid writing in python without documentation and the planning skills of an alzheimers patient with ADD.

>> No.3399875

Plagiarized how?

>> No.3399883

free and cheap

>> No.3400496
File: 704 KB, 1134x784, Screen Shot 2018-04-23 at 7.11.11 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she draws the eyes too close together. It doesn't look right even when you take into account "muh style"

>> No.3400501
File: 735 KB, 1024x576, blue_reflection_by_mulberrydreamer-dbq3ag1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


i mean it's cute but there's something "off" about it that gives the classic "deviantart fan art" vibe

>> No.3400512

why do artists do this? take cute characters and make them fuck ugly?

>> No.3400519


>> No.3400521


>> No.3400533

Yanderedev is a shit.

His artists are shit.

And the kiwifarms people who try to 'fix' the designs are also shit.

Literally just fucking stop. The game will never be completed and the volunteers are wasting their time, but maybe they'll get a bit better from mass-producing all of this worthless art. Or worse, idfk.

>> No.3400544
File: 171 KB, 632x1264, 4f9d609ee2d2d82f6c1b4710e7a7d142-dc70nob.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

found this on her deviant art

the foreshortening on the blue girl's arm are is fucking awful

it looks like a mutation

>> No.3400791

I can see the Kiwifarmers have come out of the woodwork in these later posts.

>> No.3400855

didn't he have a different lead artist? wtf happened?

>> No.3401063


>> No.3401108

Is the purpose of these redrawing to be bad?Because they look boring and uninspiring as hell, just not at all fun to look at, when you have the original next to them?

>> No.3401234

Woah, woah, woah, you expect a man that siphons money off patreon and does as little work as physically possible while also demanding people do the highest quality possible work for him for free to make quality content? You should email him so he makes ten more videos whining about how his feelings are hurt and it's delayed the game while he collects ad revenue.