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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 1.09 MB, 1440x1440, op.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3395630 No.3395630 [Reply] [Original]

IF YOU ARE A /BEG/INNER IN ART, please use this thread to post pieces for critique or ask for advice. We should not have to make new threads or post in the Drawthread with our fundamental exercises.

Feel free to post even the smallest exercise you have done to show you are still trying, do not give up, make someone proud.


>screenshot the image and post that instead

>change camera capture settings to something smaller

>send to computer and resize in MSPaint

→ →
There's a new (and cleaner) sticky in town! You can see it at:


TRY TO BE MORE ACTIVE AND GIVE PEOPLE SOME FEEDBACK - many studies are left unreplied, which is a bit sad and can be quite demotivating for the people that try their best to improve, but are left directionless.


>> No.3395631
File: 1.35 MB, 1271x7339, 96e2feea6bbf8e7ce6646fcc04456d29a49408d92007e7d7876ea20d518b1f62.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Links to many art books including as Keys to Drawing (Dodson), Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain (Edwards), Perspective Made Easy (Norling), Color and Light (Gurney), The Vilppu Drawing Manual (Vilppu) and How to Draw (Robertson).

A website dedicated to understanding the basics and process of digital painting, based in Adobe Photoshop. Library of over 200 free videos.

Free pose library to practice drawing the human figure (as well as a portrait library). Draw at your own pace or set a timer for quick gesture drawings.

Instructional how-to videos covering mostly portrait and figure drawing from fine artist Stan Prokopenko.

Croquis Cafe - Timed model poses.

Controversial yet helpful introductory course on the fundamentals of drawing with a focus on understanding the concept of form and thinking in a 3-dimensional mindset while you draw.

>Your local life drawing class
Life drawing is an indispensable tool in your art career. Do not be intimidated based on your skill level - there will always be someone worse than you and someone better than you. Use this opportunity to meet new artists for learning, critique, and growth.

>> No.3395680
File: 23 KB, 500x450, 454364634366346346.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how bad is it /beg/?

>> No.3395691

>soyboy wearing bedazzled leotard
if you can't be assed to use a reference, at least go back to anime girls

>> No.3395701
File: 1.12 MB, 1622x3606, jeannu_by_thew0rldtraveller-dc97308.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made a Jeanne, and I'm aware that there's many mistakes, help.

>> No.3395702
File: 1.01 MB, 1597x3234, Medusafate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made a Medusa too a few days ago.

>> No.3395706

do inner thighs really look like this? it looks like youve forced a thigh gap in there by just making her thigh more concave.

but im a literal /beg/ too so idk what better criticism to give

>> No.3395714

her legs look like noodles

>> No.3395717

You're right, it does look like there is a forced thigh gap on top of legs just being broken in general due to that; being too thin above knee area, uneven thighs, etc.

Dude, if you want to do your thigh gaps, learn to draw proper legs first and then add thigh gaps. The one you drew just now is a massive fucking extreme. Her arms are uneven in length, and her eyes aren't looking in the same direction.

>> No.3395720

Oh, and right. Her left hand, the one that's holding whatever that stick is, the grip portrayed is way too weak. Move the thumb behind the weapon and make the fingers more ''even'' in the grip.

>> No.3395722

Both pair of legs look too long.

>> No.3395753

shouldn't you learn to draw without reference as well?

>> No.3395766

Not when you're starting out. You need to build up your image library and study reference so you actually know how to build things.
If this isn't the next thread's op image I will be sorely disappointed.

>> No.3395780

That makes sense. So when should one start drawing from imagination?

I've been drawing for like ~250hours for context and am total scrub.

The only way I can make a decent copy(for my standards) is if I use sight-size and draw bunch of lines and go really slowly. If I do it by measuring comparatively(something most people suggest), everything's an abomination.

>> No.3395783

why not keep going with the way the produces good pictures?

>> No.3395793
File: 213 KB, 1000x875, IMG_20180417_212725_662.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3395795

i like it. i feel like the lines on the hair and lips should be less pronounced.

>> No.3395813

Proportions are off and your line efficiency is bad.

>> No.3395935
File: 89 KB, 1200x627, unimpressed lizard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm taking the first DrawABox lesson to learn the fundies, but I keep going back to drawing from the wrist without realizing. I also was superimposing and ghosting lines with a mechanical pencil for like two days before I read further and saw that a fine-liner pen is the optimal tool. I have one and that's fine, but trying to train myself to draw from the shoulder is a fucking chore.

>> No.3395938

drawing from the shoulder is a meme and meant for bigger canvas than A4

>> No.3396017

draw both sides in tandem instead of one way after the other.

>> No.3396021
File: 284 KB, 756x1008, IMG_1703 - Copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3396023
File: 226 KB, 756x1008, IMG_1702 - Copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vilppu chapter9.
Also, I know I need to work on feet, hands, anatomy and values, any tip will be nice

>> No.3396024
File: 265 KB, 756x1008, IMG_1707 - Copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ref from Aliexpress.com

>> No.3396025

Is it normal to not enjoy drawing because you're so bad at it?

>> No.3396028

Once you have finished studying with a good book on figure drawing, and a good book on anatomy, then you can start drawing from imagination, because that's what those books are for. Of course you can always draw from imagination for fun when you want a break. I recommend Hampton's figure drawing book as he explains the entire process.

>> No.3396052

unironically put that drawing down until you're not horny anymore

>> No.3396056

my compromise as a beginner:
hold an index card in your elbow pit, get close up to the desk, and keep your wrist locked
if you haven't been drawing from your elbow, it should feel somewhat natural
most importantly, DO NOT listen to that faggot when it comes to motivational stuff

>> No.3396061
File: 148 KB, 800x570, 1524039560792.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ye, lower your own standards and get over it.

>> No.3396087

If you can get the length of two intersecting lines correct and can angle lines perfectly, then theoretically you can copy any set of shapes in the world. See if that works for you.

>> No.3396097

literal fucking kids can enjoy drawing, so you just admitted that you're worse than a kid

>> No.3396151
File: 64 KB, 451x576, 982BE082-63D9-4334-8410-408A485C294D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure if this is the right place to ask, but can anybody tell me whose method this is?

>> No.3396165

Looks like Michael Hampton

>> No.3396184
File: 901 KB, 3264x1836, 20180408_013139.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it bad the my art style is inconsistent?

>> No.3396189


>> No.3396190
File: 384 KB, 563x902, batgirl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

resize and rotate please
her "earwings" don't quite match up
otherwise there's not enough to comment on unless you're drawing a bj scene in which case the dick is farther down

>> No.3396194

It's by Kevin Chen, from way back. I don't think he came up with the method though. It's just the prevalent way to teach drawing through construction.

>> No.3396203

what? No that was just a quick sketch. I'm just asking, is it bad my art style is inconsistent?

>> No.3396213

>judge the consistency of half a drawing
your art is schizophrenic but layered, with a touch of wanderlust and a hint of the will-o-wisp

>> No.3396223

The drawing was just to get someone's attention

Maybe I'm was saying it wrong. Each time a person drew a picture all the art style are different and how that person produce a different drawing with the style as their previous one?

>> No.3396241

oh i see
it's better for beginners to be inconsistent between drawings since experimentation is key to improving

>> No.3396285

literal fucking kids enjoy a lot of things, they have no sense of taste

>> No.3396290

if nothing short of the old masters is good enough for you, give up now

>> No.3396291

Fully rendering one eye before even starting on the other one is not recommended

>> No.3396295

Bro your first issue is not reading thoroughly, the draw a box lessons are not even that long. Read everything

>> No.3396323

It is, but honestly speaking not by much.

>> No.3396364
File: 33 KB, 373x524, 2018 04 20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any tips on drawing cute/sexy scaly girls?

>> No.3396367


>> No.3396368

but I want to start doing furry commissions

>> No.3396397

again, dont

>> No.3396403
File: 3.31 MB, 2125x1191, wat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try to get your angles and big shapes in place first, that's why your proportions are so wrong from the beggining. You dont have anything to make correct relationships with so it comes out like that

>> No.3396443
File: 2.84 MB, 1069x1801, Screenshot_2018-04-21-01-16-15-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any thoughts?

>> No.3396456

Should the contour of whatever I'm shading be darker than the shading?

>> No.3396466


>> No.3396523

if you need an art critique imageboard to encourage you as a beginner, how bad off are you going to be when things actually get hard?
give up you unmotivated shit

>> No.3396529

Yes. You just have to make the grind and get through the hard parts.

>> No.3396555

But why?

>> No.3396558

I've heard it is bad to start learning drawing digitally, is this true?

>> No.3396560

There’s a learning curve and it’ll take you longer to grind fundies

>> No.3396563

what are fundies

>> No.3396566

I don't need encouragement from y'all, I just asked a question. Quit your projecting.

>> No.3396570

>is it normal to not enjoy drawing?
>n-not me of course, asking for a friend haha
your friend is ngmi btw

>> No.3396576

You shouldn't outline your pieces with a dark line if that's what you're asking.

>> No.3396577

>Feel free to post even the smallest exercise you have done to show you are still trying, do not give up, make someone proud.
This is deceivingly wholesome, considering the actual culture in /beg/

>> No.3396639

Last thread where a guy drew stick figures for gestures and the crabs got shit on? Inspired me to experiment with gestures and I was so happy with the results I might just fap to my stick figures.

>> No.3396706


i think the body you drew looks fine but the neck + head looks atrocious

>> No.3396713

This place is not nearly that bad, you are too soft

>> No.3396719

one arm is noticeably lighter than the other
the base of her neck should be placed lower
most importantly, make the pose yourself, left arm behind body and all
see how hard it is for your right arm to grab on? that means the pose your picture has is also unrealistic

>> No.3396775
File: 75 KB, 624x774, cancer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have only practiced the gestalt

>> No.3396779

time to break out the pencil and paper, buddy

>> No.3396780
File: 124 KB, 831x636, cancer2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3396852

Should I self teach or find a tutor /ic/? Are the resources on the w/ic/i enough?

>> No.3396856
File: 3.77 MB, 3024x4032, 20180421_090521.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm really bad at loomis. But these are better than the first 3.

>> No.3396914

when shading should i be changing from soft to hard pencils etc or stay with one for the whole drawing

>> No.3396952
File: 401 KB, 1000x1000, IMG_1705.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dunno whether to post this here on in /draw/, since last time i posted there i was told to go back here :I

but either way, did a 2-hour Mauro Belfiore study.

wanna finish it later but idk what would be the best way to go about doing that

>> No.3396967

The whole point of Loomis' cartoon guys is to make you doodle them for fun whenever you can untill you get used to construction.
Showing them to anyone is pointless.

>> No.3396970

one tip i can give you that worked for me is to avoid parts that you don't know how to draw in full figure.
Take your time and focus only on this parts until you will understand them and then try to add them to figure.

>> No.3396972

Study lizard skin, git gud with figures and sexy stylized ones, check other good artist that do that kind of stuff. Profit?

>> No.3396974


>> No.3396976

not that guy but the op does say:
>Feel free to post even the smallest exercise you have done to show you are still trying, do not give up, make someone proud.

these dont look 3 dimensional, try reading up on 'symbol drawing' and how to avoid it.
>>3396967 is right about the doodle part, these dont have to be large, u can make tons of tiny versions.

>> No.3396977

Meh, its not that bad. Proportions are fucked and your anatomy needs to improve. So just get back to fundies mate.

>> No.3396978
File: 71 KB, 500x550, 3235525352352.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how about now?

>> No.3397007


>> No.3397021
File: 61 KB, 1108x682, 112.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Simple perspective stuff, how am I doing?

>> No.3397022

I don't know your goals in art but you should try to freehand these things. Using the line tool will only hinder your progress in the long run. Otherwise it's looking correct.

>> No.3397029

Oh i knew someone will say this. My freehand is fine, trust me. I just don't wanna waste paper for such simple stuff.

>> No.3397031

Okie dokie.

>> No.3397037
File: 247 KB, 1620x1620, IMG_20180320_122508_159.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just random sketch

>> No.3397044

And yet I have received good advice. Not so pointless. Cheers.

>> No.3397047
File: 603 KB, 1048x1663, Logos.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3397099

>You dont have anything to make correct relationships with
That hurts in more ways than one.

>> No.3397127

self-teach, then take classes when you feel really stuck to fill in the gaps

>> No.3397133
File: 549 KB, 871x1200, color_study_mk2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quick color study.

>> No.3397137

From what I've seen, people say to steer clear because of the undo function or the fear of using digital painting as a crutch for bad linework or because you can do fundies with a pen just as well.
And I beg to differ. In real life, you can erase pencil markings, you can paint, and it really is easier clicking "Save as" instead of taking a picture, resizing, adjusting the brightness and contrast, and clicking "Save as" (try it anyway, the results will look better than you think)
I spent way too much time working with a mouse out of laziness and mouse skills don't transfer that well to pen skills. So if you know you're going to be posting a lot of stuff online, then a tablet isn't a horrible idea.

>> No.3397141

not really a color study, i think you'd just call that a sketch, or a light study if you insist on it being a study. just quibbling for the sake of quibbling though.

the clouds kinda read backwards, the white looks like the negative space and the sky poking through looks like blue clouds. apart from that the whole thing is biased towards warm yellow, don't know if that's intentional or a photo filter or what though. the puddle comes off very nicely and it's all very nicely painted.

>> No.3397158

When you get angry beginners screaming at you to fuck off to /draw/, that's when you do.
I see you drew from reference. If I looked at it for a second, I would think "digital painting", cool. But the head is really distorted and the torso is at the wrong angle, detracting from the haughtiness of the original pose. In general, when you finish a contour, overlay it onto the reference image and see where you messed up and fix it before you start painting. The point of drawing from reference is to build your visual library and to increase your ability to handle a pen without going through "draw a circle 10000 times" autism. But if you only use it to make your drawings look prettier, then you don't learn anything.

>> No.3397177

I'm a beginner, but I think I remember from a high school art class: hard pencils for planning and detailed construction, soft pencils for shading

>> No.3397192

drawing from imagination? learn construction, maybe from loomis's "fun with a pencil"
also the ears are really big

head shape is wrong, nose is wrong, arm is wrong, shirt collar is completely wrong, go overlay your drawing onto the original and you can see for yourself. also a polite suggestion to spend your time drawing 5/10 girls and inanimate objects instead of grouchy fat boys in stock photos

like that's going to make him any better
I can already see the exact same thing in a blurry photo, rotated at 90 degrees

>> No.3397203

you also often smoosh down the tooth of the paper with a hard pencil to make the soft pencil a solid tone

>> No.3397260
File: 98 KB, 857x732, draw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i cant beleive i quit school for this

>> No.3397261

looks like something out of rocky horror
hair is lazy

>> No.3397264

you're not doing that ass justice
get it round, fat, JUICY
your limbs need work too

>> No.3397269

looks like my eroge boyfriend

>> No.3397304

Anyone here got experience with community college art classes? There's a campus nearish to me and it's my only option for live instruction.

>> No.3397307

They'll walk you through the most basic of fundamentals, but the instructor will walk around and point out the most obvious things that need fixing when it comes time to draw. So you will get some individual, personalized instruction regardless of your skill level.

>> No.3397308

Try learning constructive anatomy you fucking ngmi. Git gud. Shitty gestures alobe wont gwr you anywhere

>> No.3397311

nude life study would be the only reason to go to one

>> No.3397337

its all in the face and scales. i dont draw scalies but ive seen that literally all everyone cares about are the color/pattern of their scales and their face.

>> No.3397342

C-Chris, is that you?

>> No.3397399

he should be fixing proportions and adjusting angles instead of memorizing bodypart latin
these things build on each other, you know

>> No.3397410

fucking furries
>the tits and ass are great, 10/10 face, sexy af pose, but what about the SCAAAAAALES

>> No.3397412

>absolutely no construction
its like you didn't even pay attention to the book and skipped ahead to the final produck
read nigga read

>> No.3397413

I constructed, then rubbed out the construction lines.

>> No.3397418

the top teeth are at a weird angle
protip: the top of the mouth never moves

>> No.3397424

never use rubbers.

>> No.3397427

then the only thing I can recommend is keep grinding and eventually you'll git gud, still, work on construction

>> No.3397435

He literally says in the book, I know because I read it, to rub out construction lines.

>> No.3397438

you just leave your construction lines on everything? or is this in the context of grinding fundies?

>> No.3397442
File: 100 KB, 454x807, 20180421_184348.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Long time lurker, thought i should finally give drawing a try, 2 years of engineering classes made more lazy and depressed than ever so i am trying art classes from next year. Here's a rough sketch with a reference, will do one from imagination next and after that I'll get into a Loomis book.

>> No.3397444

you're gonna make it

>> No.3397446

>engineer who doesnt measure

>> No.3397453

you know what
the original is so wonky that not drawing exactly is an improvement
but that means you should find a better reference

>> No.3397462

dont encourage mediocrity
its just a man standing with weight on one leg

>> No.3397469
File: 49 KB, 709x777, Clipboard01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, I've been trying to learn how to draw eyes for the last hour or so, here's the effect.

>> No.3397473

No fun.
No sir.
You should not enjoy drawing.

>> No.3397485
File: 393 KB, 1000x1000, Untitled_Artwork-23.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>When you get angry beginners screaming at you to fuck off to /draw/, that's when you do.

I did the thing with the overlaid orignal at the start and fixed the biggest stuff (to small arm, ect), but I maybe should have looked at more stuff.

also tried 2 fix the face.

>> No.3397487

appreciate the tip my man

>> No.3397492
File: 104 KB, 171x335, isthisit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was having trouble imagining the body underneath, but I think I got it
Would this be the correct pose?

>> No.3397493

That sounds pretty helpful, honestly.
Nearest life studies near me require driving for 1.5 hours. It's not nude and it's self-study, so there wouldn't be anyone there for guidance other than other artists. Plus it would cost more for 2 months than the community college class would for a semester.

>> No.3397497
File: 1.34 MB, 2592x1936, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still lif. Thoughts, please and thank you?

>> No.3397506

you did what you could
just keep in mind what you learned for next time, okay?

>> No.3397511

It's a bit squashed.

>> No.3397530
File: 273 KB, 990x673, 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just got a tablet and made this in 5 min in the "Figure Drawing Practice"
There's so much wrong i just don't know where to start, should i just keep making these until i understand the bodies, should i go for a piece of the body at a time

>> No.3397536

I appreciate you, anon

>> No.3397539

Why would you only spend 5 minutes on it then post it

Literally what is the the point

This is like trying to make a chair from a few planks of wood on 30 mins then posting it for critique, fucking useless

>> No.3397543

i was told to draw poses in timed intervals, did i got memed in school?

>> No.3397550

I'm not even good at drawing, but the way I see it, what you can do in 5 minutes isn't indicative of what you can do at all. When you draw something you want to look good, you'll spend time on it. So why not spend time on practicing to get to that point too?

>> No.3397556
File: 113 KB, 585x232, flow.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you're practicing gestures, you missed the point of the exercise, which is the big ass red line in pic related
you're supposed to be doing these quickly btw
see >>3387650 and >>3387989

>> No.3397565

Pretty much sums up how /ic/ misinterprets exercises.
They'll believe any mysticism you throw at them.

>> No.3397566
File: 502 KB, 720x750, DXFvrc_VoAILsjw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ye i really missed the point, i'll try again

>> No.3397573

nobody wants to open that shitty document you stupid fuck, it was fine when I didn't have to sift through 63 pages of irrelevant bullshit. dumb fuck.

>> No.3397582

It's 15 pages anon.
Not saying it's any better than the current one, but jeez it's not an encyclopedia.

>> No.3397609
File: 242 KB, 1152x648, 20180421_201253.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the rushed drawing from imagination. So lazy, didn't even bother to draw a single tree. Supposed to be a sea monster swimming towards the light and then crashing headfirst into a cliff under a lighthouse. And now I realize how childish this is. I'll try something else later

>> No.3397641

im having a lot of trouble drawing, can someone help?

>> No.3397646

I really appreciate your tips - thanks!

>> No.3397682
File: 93 KB, 696x890, draw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

theres a good artist in me somewhere
and ill find it before im dead

>> No.3397684

One thing I see people posting in response to someone asking how to draw something is to do "studies" of an object. How do you do a study? I got that it involves drawing something from a reference of what I want to study, but what should I be looking for while I draw it? And how do I know when I have studied enough?

>> No.3397688

chicken scratch is bad

>> No.3397698

I just realized I'm the same as all the shitty artists I always laughed at before I started to draw. I'm just gonna start this one over. How the hell do you sketch? I know its for the rough idea, but most of the time I just undo the line until I get it """right"""
My motivation is also taking a turn for the worse. The sticky says "take one section at a time" but frankly I'd rather just take all of them right now, but I know that that wont have the same effect, so all I can do is draw shit out of my head, hell, even my drawing from reference, which is nearly tracing, is fucking shit. I can't even copy. This is pretty much the first thing I drew out of my head, the other stuff is pretty much just copies, which is definetly not my goal, I'd rather somehow get good at drawing and just copy the artstyle from a doujin artist. Not even to draw doujins, its just that I fuckin love that artstyle. I have thousands of ideas of something I could draw, I can pretty much picture the finished piece in my head already, but getting it on paper? Nah my hands are fucking broken.
I'm honestly spiraling into madness at this point.

>> No.3397718

Draw stick figure representations of what you want to draw to tide you over. I feel a lot better now that I captured my ideas on paper.

>> No.3397732

I've been having trouble transitioning to using a tablet can't seem to be comfortable on it.Any tips or I will just get used to it?

>> No.3397734 [DELETED] 

have you tried eating shit maybe

>> No.3397750

No but I'm sure I fucked your mother.

>> No.3397755
File: 96 KB, 704x552, wc1-warlock-large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is warcraft 1 concept art

>> No.3397761

why do u sound upset

>> No.3397876
File: 86 KB, 591x778, uhhhhhhhhhhhhh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

am i that bad

>> No.3397883


have you seen the game?

>> No.3397892

What doujin artists do you like?

>> No.3397903

Ohh boy.
The one I'm talking about is Bloody Okojo
But there's also Homonculus, Yakumi Benishouga and Sage Joh.

>> No.3397966

anyone got male back muscles references that aren't gay porn? Just some nice relaxed muscular backs.

>> No.3398000


i did this exercise yesterday and my head also looked off (it was 3/4 of the size it was supposed to be!) but the rest looked fine and the rest of urs looks fine too!

>> No.3398062
File: 107 KB, 667x770, nobunobu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do i draw nipples

>> No.3398064

big circel, smaller circel inside. hope this helps :^)

>> No.3398105

Should I be starting with the torso or the head when drawing a figure? I've seen some stuff here and there suggesting to draw the torso shape first.

>> No.3398108

how to take photo like that?

>> No.3398116

I'm quitting my shitty retail job in a few weeks and plan on using my new free time to better myself, search for a new career in my degree field, and take up drawing.
The last time I drew anything other than shitty stick figures or whatever was a self portrait in an entry level art class in high school, nearly 10 years ago, that I was quite proud of.

I have this nebulous goal of some day being a sort of renaissance man, and I'm taking up art as my first foray outside of education. I'm literally going out to buy a sketchbook and to see if I can find some recommended reading at the used bookstore tomorrow.
Wish me luck anons.

Does anyone have any good advice outside of what's in the sticky? Books I should definitely look for/avoid, etc?

>> No.3398128
File: 39 KB, 362x238, boobies.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

source: https://rule34.xxx/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=2684581

>> No.3398131

Got a blog or something to contact you. You can do it, I believe in you, anon.

>> No.3398156
File: 109 KB, 1014x584, bargue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3398158

No, I dont have a blog (yet, hopefully)
Thank you for the encouragement.

>> No.3398160

Keep on drawing! It might take you a few years to reach that level, but you'll see that you can do it the more you draw and get better.

>> No.3398170 [DELETED] 
File: 1.99 MB, 1750x1200, construct.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also here's my guess at the construction

>> No.3398172

It's a very good attempt. They're more or less in the right place. It's more important that you finish the overdrawing and what comes out of that. Are you planning on coloring as well?

>> No.3398175
File: 147 KB, 625x838, sketchnobudone.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, I'll try to use your advice for the line art the sketch is done now and I'm ready to hit the bed desu.
There's quite a bit I need to fix actually, so thats gonna be fun tomorrow

>> No.3398183


>> No.3398185

This is my first day actually going into the basics and looking around here (not the first day drawing though, been doing that for a few months already) and I'm honestly getting kinda unmotivated if I just look at all the shit that gets done here like its nothing.

>> No.3398186
File: 792 KB, 1000x686, construct.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry, I'm also learning how to construct, which was why I said it was a "guess"...

>> No.3398189

I mean your guess is still better than my knowledge of nothing, so I'd rather take that to make my "art" just that little bit "better" instead of just being stuck at my current skill level

>> No.3398197
File: 324 KB, 512x603, oh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then again I'm already losing confidence because I can see all the flaws and the comparison to other peoples art, considering the fact that its pretty much a copy makes it even worse.
How long have you been learning art for? (like the actual fundamentals and stuff, not when did you start to draw) I'd like to know considering that you're (probably) a bit more "reachable" when it comes to me achieving that.
Anyway, im tired as hell, hope the thread is still up later..

>> No.3398199

How can I make you regain confidence? How about not comparing your art and just enjoy your drawing being something you haven't done before?

>> No.3398204

Don't know. If anything it's probably my ego that's the problem, or maybe not, not really sure. I mean I definetly enjoy drawing it, but as soon as its finished I just have that feeling of "oh yeah i pretty much copied it and it still doesn't look that close, this sure is going good"
Guess I'll just have to get myself through that until I am actually at the level where I can say "yeah ok thats pretty close, for only using a reference this time."

>> No.3398208

I just realized that I completly forgot the hair, lmao.

>> No.3398229

I've been "learning" (re: shitposting on /ic/ when I should be focusing on my schoolwork) for two weeks after a decade of actively staying away from drawing, so you shouldn't compare yourself to me. Also skimming through Loomis's "Fun with a Pencil" and learning how to trace over something on a separate layer in paint.net will make what I did look pretty obvious. Construction is important though and serves as both a plan for your drawing and a model to move around into different poses.

>> No.3398230

You shouldn't be taking ages to do a figure study, but in the beginning don't worry about timed poses when you're heavily learning. something like that could easily take you 10-15 minutes to do a rough equivalent of someone else's 2 minute sketch. don't worry about it, do it until you're done with it within reason. rushing through won't make you improve.

>> No.3398449
File: 1.87 MB, 3264x2448, 1524385849845.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First time in a long while.

>> No.3398483

I apologize for the way the image posted but it's the image is of a breast

>> No.3398488


>> No.3398489

Am I a fag becuase I appriciate the male form? I'm practicing figure drawing and I actually enjoy drawing all the muscles.

>> No.3398491

You're a faggot for asking that question

>> No.3398492

ABSTRACT! Sell it to a museum

>> No.3398495


>> No.3398496

Draw the whole torso at least if you're going to draw breasts. They are connected.

>> No.3398505

No. Unless you jack off to men.
If you rape women, then you're a cishet

>> No.3398540
File: 91 KB, 297x396, unknown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got told anatomy is really messed up here but I pretty much copied whole body from a reference and changed just clothes. I can tell that perspective is kind of wrong, like, hips look disconnected from the torso etc, but it's not as bad as I was told it is.

Ignore the right arm, I'm going to fix it as soon as I have time to finish the drawing, I just quickly colored it so I can see such mistakes more easily.

>> No.3398575

there'a bit of a funny thing going on with her pelvis, and that hand is atrocious. i think most people would notice the hand so fix that up and it's fine really. then do loomis and draw it again in a few months.

>> No.3398585
File: 81 KB, 610x613, sloth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried drawing a pretty girl but she ended up looking a bit like a sloth.

>> No.3398586
File: 615 KB, 1439x1776, 1524192703720.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3398601

the actual photo looks even more like a sloth

>> No.3398611

Is it normal that there's one particular song that just makes me motivated as fuck? I've been drawing for 4 hours already thanks to that song.
It's not even something art related, just more to my passion.

>> No.3398672

How interesting. If I try to draw with music on I lose focus.

>> No.3398681
File: 18 KB, 370x352, impossible.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's impossible to make her look good with only lines
pic related is what an edge detection filter on her looks like - awful

>> No.3398742

can anyone point me to a book/tutorial on how to draw legs on a figure so they don't look like they're floating?

>> No.3398779

Loomis addresses this in his figure drawing book.

>> No.3398785


After years of practice I still can't seem to draw what I see. The perspective will always be off at least slightly. Any advice?

>> No.3398800
File: 231 KB, 700x888, kenthumbsdown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it salvageable?

>> No.3398805


>> No.3398814
File: 265 KB, 700x888, salvage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is it salvaged?

>> No.3398826
File: 4 KB, 63x69, =).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not the same anon, still

>> No.3398884
File: 59 KB, 500x375, 85b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are all these beginner books like that?
"practice doing the pose/drawing the figure in this image several times" nigger the only reason I did read the book is to learn HOW to do it.
What are some books that are more suitable for a beginner, and actually do demonstrate how to do the things it's supposed to teach in an informative way? preferably step-by-step

>> No.3398889

Keys to drawing

>> No.3398897

Steve Huston: Making Every Mark Count

>> No.3398905

Compare how and why you are off. Then compensate. If you don't hit your marks you have to compensate.

>> No.3398912


The problem is I arguably compensate too much which prevents me from getting better. Like I know almost why it is wrong when I look at it but I can not for the life of me drawn and correct what is wrong if that makes any sense.

>> No.3398918

Keys to Drawing is a prime offender desu

>> No.3398931

So let me get this right, my goal is to, instead of drawing what I see, draw everything in symbols and lines, right? Like instead of a head and a girls torso its one circle (depending on the style a triangle-like shape underneath it) two curved lines for the neck, a rectangle for the torso with 2 orbs in the upper part, right? Or am I still to retarded to get it?

>> No.3398932

reduce what you see to basic shapes and progressively get more detailed as you go

>> No.3398958 [DELETED] 
File: 1.72 MB, 4032x3024, 20180422_143702.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello /beg/, I am just wondering, how do i give this beetle look less flat? Thank you.

>> No.3398964

Practice cross-contour and increase the contrast when shading

>> No.3398982

>drawing one tit sideways
lol apply yourself

>> No.3398986

You try and inevitably fail and learn from that, don't expect yourself to do it well from the start. No book will tell you how to make it good the first time.

>> No.3398987
File: 163 KB, 800x450, 20180422_013325.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

started trying to do body and practicing. feel like its shit but at least i stopped drawing anime to learn something that i feel like i am really progressing in

>> No.3399009

How long will it take to go from "complete beginner" to "average tumblr artist" in skill if I practice for 12 hours every day?

>> No.3399019

This is becoming a meme at this point. You don't learn from your failure if you don't know what you did wrong in the first place.

>> No.3399021


you fail because you don't know. now that you know that YOU DONT KNOW SHIT. You start to look for the solution.

rinse and repeat.

If you keep doing the same mistake expecting different result. Then you have a bigger problem.

>> No.3399022

Two years.

>> No.3399023

draw 50 series

>> No.3399026

>the solution to this question is the answer
you really like hearing yourself talk, don't you

>> No.3399028 [DELETED] 
File: 1.85 MB, 4032x1960, 1513071276505.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all of my lines are so messy. i'm struggling to just use the ruler. i'm often doing a line multiple times.
the worst part is a line will look right the first time, however i realize a problem with it 10 minutes later.

btw, will getting actually sketching paper reduce the smudge marks everywhere? they're kind of annoying.

>> No.3399030


man, you're dumb as shit...

>> No.3399033
File: 571 KB, 1577x545, 1506914319463.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My first drawing ever, i completely fucked up the proportions and now he has rabbit fangs. I'm sorry fans of the show.

>> No.3399036
File: 1.05 MB, 1000x747, 1520234695249.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all of my lines are so messy. i'm struggling to just use the ruler. i'm often doing a line multiple times.
the worst part is a line will look right the first time, however i realize a problem with it 10 minutes later.

btw, will getting actually sketching paper reduce the smudge marks everywhere? they're kind of annoying.

>> No.3399039

You picked a really good reference. In fact, try drawing him and other Tartakovsky characters for a while, half of the time upside down, so that you can master the skill of copying shapes perfectly. It's a very important skill to learn. And if you need to see what's wrong with a drawing, just overlay it onto the original reference.

>> No.3399046

>You start to look for the solution.
and guess where I decided to look for that solution... yeah, that's my point
I didn't say I was looking for something to make me good from the get-go, I just complained about the supposed books for beginners having nothing of value for someone who for example wants to fix his problem with drawing the human figure and/or proportions, and just asked for a book that has a more detailed explanation of the process, instead of just telling to copy another drawing until you get the hang of it, I could do that on my own but that still wouldn't solve the actual problem. I just used figures as an example and I did like how Figure Drawing for Artists handled that, step-by-step beginning with the fundamentals and basics, and was looking for something similar for other things like perspective/rendering...etc

>> No.3399048
File: 599 KB, 1285x876, asdfghj16.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i would say that do not make their heads too round. scalies have a lot of shapes in their skulls, eyebrows and snouts.

>> No.3399055

Hello /ic/, for exercises, what would be the logical progression in terms of books/concepts?

>> No.3399057


>> No.3399068
File: 2.21 MB, 3136x4224, IMAG0521.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After studying I tried to do different stylised heads. Can you help me pointing out what's wrong and what mistakes I keep on making?

>> No.3399070
File: 2.10 MB, 3136x4224, IMG_-r4ob6l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3399076
File: 1.56 MB, 3513x4684, IMG_20180422_223805.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These both took around 40 mins each. I dont think these should take that long?
I seem to always get stuck on construction and even when I settle on my construction it turns out wrong.
Shit's getting me down. I started like a month ago

>> No.3399085

Roast me.

>> No.3399090


you dont want to waste paper for simple stuff? are you fucked printer paper is cheap

>> No.3399126

break out of that comfort zone and lose that frontal sameface (biggest offender is that the eyes just stay opened the same amount, although the flat brows and mouths don't help either)
three-quarters views, profile views, autistic screeching, ahegao faces, facing downwards in depression, getting slogged in the face, hysterical sobbing, "that's the wrong hole!", "i hate eating my vegetables!"
the neck on the mouse girl is also too long

>> No.3399128

you hide behind the anonymous tag so that you don't show how embarrassing you secretly are underneath. you're too dumb to actually post things correctly

>> No.3399131

don't stress out about how long it takes to make something or how bad it looks. both of those things get better after you've drawn something 1000 times. the trick is to draw stuff that's fun or rewarding enough to want to draw it another 1000 times.

>> No.3399132
File: 3.27 MB, 1518x1073, Untitled-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello, can I get some critics please?
Here are some observation and gesture practice. The skulls and gestures are from photos while the statues are from real life.
Do they look fluid enough? I think I'm starting to get the hang of making thins look less stiff thanks to gestures. I'm also concerned whether they look 3D enough. I put on construction boxes as best as I could and I think it helped add depth but I definitely need to practice more perspective I think.

>> No.3399135

work on line stability

>> No.3399138

Lookin pretty good anon. I'd say the main things you could focus on would be line confidence and shading. I think shading with some good hatching would make your pen drawings look sick.

>> No.3399139

Thanks for the tips

>> No.3399143

Thanks. Is there a specific training to help with that? Or is it just something that comes with time and experience? I can do cleaner drawings if I try to sketch it with pencil first and take longer time but for those under 10 mins sketches it's pretty difficult to plot out the lines right away.

>> No.3399190
File: 164 KB, 877x592, sketch1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trying to get used to tablet.How did I do?

>> No.3399204

how long does the sucking absolute ass period last? i'm asking because i have never drawn before and rn i'm trying to do rock studies like encouraged by fz but i'm having quite a hard time making them actually look like rocks (using pen/paper). i'm super new but i'm curious how long it's gonna take to make my rock formations look like rock formations

>> No.3399207

It never ends.

>> No.3399223

but i want my rocks to look like rocks ):

>> No.3399224

You can learn all you want and you'll still be shit if you never draw. You are going to have to fail regardless. Learning is a process of taking in information and applying it, as long as you continue to seek out knowledge you will grow.

>> No.3399231

Too bad sugar nips.

>> No.3399238

how to shading with a pen?

>> No.3399244


>> No.3399247
File: 237 KB, 667x1201, yawnchun.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3399248
File: 410 KB, 750x1980, paluthicca.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3399273

drawabox.com teaches this, basically he talks about ghosting your lines before you draw them

>> No.3399282

Hello /ic/, total noobie here. I read through the sticky and i'm considering purchasing "Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain". Just wanted to ask here before doing so, is it actually helpful?
I know most board stickies are outdated, idk what the situation is here.
Thanks in advance niggas

>> No.3399288

Keys and Right Side are both good, Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain gets a little slander here but imo it was much more helpful than Keys, but I think it's a matter of personal opinion.

(You could download the pdfs for free and see which one you like better)

Good luck and draw every day

>> No.3399314
File: 65 KB, 936x568, sssssaa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cant seem to understand how color works, tried my best coloring it.

>> No.3399321

forearm thicknesses don't appear to match up? left shoe doesn't seem to be shaped right, right hand is really messed up

really hard to find something wrong with this one, but is something off with her hair? her left side looks papery and the right has a tuft that just ends halfway

>> No.3399352


the problem is value not color. learn value first and worry about color later.

>> No.3399355
File: 45 KB, 810x1000, try2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried

>> No.3399363

use a bigger brush for coloring in the skin, it looks like shit

>> No.3399397
File: 2.85 MB, 1836x3264, 20180422_225236.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How the fuck do I draw expressions?

>> No.3399409

Unironically Loomis, pretty sure he had a page or two about expressions and the levels of expressions in Fun with a Pencil , then you can base it off that I guess.

>> No.3399505

I've got basic shapes in perspective down but I'm not yet ready for gesture. What book(s) should I be on to bridge this gap? Some kind of introduction to the simplified human form or something.

>> No.3399509

do I start

>> No.3399512

just draw

>> No.3399518

I did, and it looks like piping hot dickhole.

>> No.3399521
File: 29 KB, 512x394, 1520352542754.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

draw it again but better

>> No.3399527

michael hampton,figure drawing,design and invention

>> No.3399528

I'll draw better than this nerd

>> No.3399529

>Picture for ants

>> No.3399530

Anyone got decent pics for studying/practicing off of? Like anything that has an awkward or strange pose.

>> No.3399836
File: 301 KB, 2448x3264, New Doc 2018-04-19_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Learning to mannequinize figures.

>> No.3399838
File: 707 KB, 980x1462, img250 copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm so fucking lazy

>> No.3399845
File: 1.90 MB, 1080x1419, IMG_20180423_082910.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shitty cat sketch

>> No.3399896

you're skipping a very important lesson on the right foot

>> No.3399901
File: 141 KB, 800x600, artmore.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3399906

what tutorial did you use?

>> No.3399915

what do you want to draw?

>> No.3399924

Yeah doing this I realize that the feet and hands are gonna be a trial of their own.

>> No.3399925
File: 615 KB, 1200x1289, tree studies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3399932

have you tried fucking clicking on it you idiot
what, are you looking at the thumbnail?

>> No.3399937

he still needs more thumbnail clicking experience, pls understand

>> No.3399938
File: 126 KB, 1222x881, Dazw_k0UMAAm0Pc[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shh, you're not in danger here.

>> No.3399940

I'm a complete beginner and I want to draw portraits in graphite/charcoal first and foremost.

Obviously I'm doing studies (loomis/drawabox), but I'm gonna go ahead and try to draw some real faces today.

What's best to keep in mind while drawing? Other than the obvious things you get from books, if anything?

>> No.3399979
File: 299 KB, 1629x950, JW.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haven't done value studies for a while. This time i didn`t add extreme values and it`s still look not bad.

>> No.3399988

none, just drew from random pictures

>> No.3399989

looks cool, but noting like reference pic

>> No.3400048
File: 215 KB, 1185x798, Two, nothing wrong with me .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do i git gud in shadowing, grayscale, drawing, inking, just everything /beg/ ? pls help

>> No.3400073

add more detail to the hair contours, move the left pupil a bit closer to the center, nose tip should be shifted up, shiny part of nose should be a bit more to his left, lighten up the hair connecting the mustache to the beard, and you just fudged the neck, so fix that up

>> No.3400075

don't polish turds
if your initial sketch is garbage, post it here and shade in a tracing instead

>> No.3400097
File: 2.15 MB, 1243x929, balls.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drawing balls, harder than it looks. advice?

>> No.3400102
File: 32 KB, 600x372, color-fundamentals-value-18.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

from https://design.tutsplus.com/articles/improve-your-artwork-by-learning-to-see-light-and-shadow--cms-20282

>> No.3400110
File: 598 KB, 2160x1280, icpost.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

doing some figure drawings, total /beg/ started few weeks ago, critique? thx

>> No.3400120

>few weeks ago


>> No.3400129

You need to pay more attention to proportions and how things connect to each other.

>> No.3400141

thanks bro

>> No.3400145
File: 166 KB, 750x1000, 111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've never been able to draw due to fine motor control issues, but painting is really relaxing. Other than fluid acrylics, what are some abstract techniques that don't need too much precision?

pic kinda related I like fluorescent paints

>> No.3400147

the elbow is weird also.
interesting design but please spend more time on correcting proportions and shading evenly. it feels middle school tier

>> No.3400151
File: 1.32 MB, 2160x1280, redattempt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i feel like my redline is going to get shit on more than your drawings
oh well

>> No.3400160
File: 352 KB, 675x900, Optimized-20180423_201825.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I thought today I'd try my hand at my first portrait. I'm on day 3 of drawing, but not too many hours clocked, as can be seen. Ultimately I want to draw black and white portraits.

This is meant to be tilda swinton but I'm going to tell people it's a neanderthal or something. Anyway half way through I lost motivation and experimented with a 6B and tissue instead. I enjoyed it regardless of the result.

It's early days. I'll get there lads.

>> No.3400163

the smoothing isn't that bad

>> No.3400166
File: 2.54 MB, 4224x3136, IMAG0524.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tried to do some 3/4 faces while I was bored in class, tips ?

>> No.3400174
File: 37 KB, 648x1152, WhatsApp Image 2018-04-06 at 19.29.17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hi i made this drawing recently, and i like to get some tips or feedback about them.

>> No.3400178

looks alright, it could benefit from more rendering
details, shadows, etc.
avoid symbol drawing like those dumb crosses in the center of the teeth
also the skull has no chin

>> No.3400190
File: 411 KB, 1233x648, drawing-anime-expressions-midokos-expressionsxunq-on-deviantart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you >>3399068?
give your characters emotion, and stay away from dreamworks face

>> No.3400270




>> No.3400318

i should have posted the references,you're editing the poses lol
thx anyway

>> No.3400476

that's very encouraging for me if I can guess out a pose without needing a reference
and as you can see, some people are very impressed with your progress

>> No.3400532
File: 63 KB, 800x616, tennis ball brush.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

painting on a really large scale will enable you to incorporate fine details without needing as much precision
consider trying this
not sure what you mean by "techniques", acrylic is a medium not a technique

>> No.3402224

i tried my best and that's what matters, right

>> No.3402226
File: 765 KB, 1280x1024, gnome portrait.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck image didnt go through