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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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3389626 No.3389626 [Reply] [Original]

I'm so lost rn. I have been painting digitally for +3 years. I have the feeling that I have past the beg tier, and I was starting to get somewhat confident with my level. Yet I can't never EVER finish shit. There's something bugging me, there's something that could be better, an edge to correct, a small spot in the wrong layer, something to render that I'm not quite sure how to. That's how I have spent like two months, trying to finish things or details, that are completely invisible to my friends/peers but to me they look like huge crap. I've been working for like 2 months only in three pieces, yet I can't bring myself to say they're finished. Im slow af with corrections, but I simply don't know how to be faster... Any advice with this? Should I sign up on psychologist therapy to stop being a coward and just upload the goddamn thing and start working on something else? Any tips rendering tutorial courses available online, aside scott robertson and the ctrl paint site? Anything is going to be fine. pls

>> No.3389662

just like any other thread, post your work. that way we could give valid adivce

>> No.3389679

Generally, working this way is really bad for practice. Time your work and just call it when you're out of time. If you want to have some pet piece that you pick away at you can, but don't get held up in perfectionism. You learn more by painting something 100 times than you do painting it once, even if you spend just as long either way.

You can definitely overwork a painting too. I'd rather do a new painting every couple days than do one a month and have it maybe not turn out.

>> No.3389681


>> No.3389691


Another thing I should add is that you should try to approach painting like a graphic designer for a while. Simple shapes, efficient use of strokes, less is more. Don't go crazy picking away at something forever laying down strokes and then blending away, laying more down, blending away, etc. You end up just playing in mud after a while. See if you can paint without even blending, just lay tiles down. Plan everything out beforehand so you don't get lost.

>> No.3389693

Drink some booze, and then go draw a picture.

>> No.3389695

I think you're right. I mean, it's a logical thing, I should paint more and try to get faster and not let all the shitty details and stuff get to me...

Do you know any exercises/course to do this? How much time is enough for a portfolio piece? I do many studies a week, but I feel like it doesn't help with this specific problem.

Maybe I spend so much time on one painting because I have never gotten past the fear of starting a new one. Anytime I start something, at least the first two hours I feel like crap until the thing kinda resembles a human or whatever

>> No.3389705

buy me some booze anon, i'm broke. </3

>> No.3389807

Post work fag

>> No.3389811

lol do not do this its a bad idea, or maybe i just drank too much too fast

>> No.3389812

Actually good advice, one time I got tipsy and drew and made a small breakthrough

>> No.3389879

>start a piece
>get high hopes
>realize its garbo
>deal with it
>finish it asap
>find flaws
>takes notes of flaws
>use information to avoid making same mistake

>> No.3389883

post your work

>> No.3389934
File: 2.16 MB, 2500x1510, past.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

3 years is a long time, post your artwork so we can help.
And since you are so upset about every artwork you could not finish, post them as well, surely this thread going to be ugly once you post them. but since you are looking for a change or any help from /ic/, is better to get yourself bloody right now right here, instead of consuming by depression for the rest of your life.

Here are my artworks, everyone on /ic/ can try to help you out, but only if you post yours, your call.

>> No.3389937

jesus with that kind of progress i would kill myself instantly

>> No.3389952

Pretty good progress, famalam, do you have blog or anything?

>> No.3389960

>almost 20 years and still this bad

>> No.3390013

>spends 20 years exclusively drawing anime
can you imagine

>> No.3390020

Lucky me, lost my sanity before doing anything stupid.

You can check out this post >>3371912
Thanks for showing interest mate, appreciate that.

>almost 20 years and still this bad

>spends 20 years exclusively drawing anime
Not a big deal desu, there are probably millions of manga artists spending their whole bloody lifetime griding on anime.

>> No.3390081

Post Your Work.
You know what to do, but you're just avoiding it because it's out of your comfort zone.

>> No.3390091

if spending time "finishing" does not increase the quality of the work by a huge margin it's time to stop. i.e. 8 more hours and the painting gets .5 percent or especially it gets worse, it's time to stop, call it done and move on.

You need to get good and making the work comprehensive and "complete" so you can send it out in a "finished" state at any time. like don't leave the background undone for an extended period or have a character with no face or arms, at the very least block everything in before moving forward to polish.

>> No.3390094
File: 864 KB, 1280x1707, 1507910099361.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't get why people are shitting on this guy
at least he's drawing better and I'd say he's made it in my opinion

>> No.3390120

I really like the bottom right one. You need to work more on your anatomy my bro.

>> No.3390123

Yoiu 3 have instantly reminded me how awful /ic/ is

>> No.3390155


>> No.3390156

>oh noes someone's being mean

>> No.3390191

this is yours? dayum brety good goy!

>> No.3390212

Is alright, that's how internet and 4chan goes, and that's why I'm here, to learn how to deal with different people's opinions or bollocks. and I find out these kinds of posts are like a reminder that I need to always stay humble, not to mention my art are still a bloody joke compared to my mentor's.

Thanks for the notice mate, indeed, the issue is killing my art, but I've been struggling to solve this problem for a year, maybe is time to try out the art course.

Aye, but just part of it (゚∀゚)
Now, lets wait for the OP to post something if he/she is still around the board.

>> No.3390299

Give yourself deadlines that you need to stick to. If you're starting to run out of time than just rush to finish it. This teaches you to both work faster and also not take your work too seriously

The best attitude to take is "this looks like shit but that doesn't matter because I'll do better next time"

>> No.3390313

Good improvement man.

>> No.3390408 [DELETED] 

that's pretty cool, I bet you have memories tied with each picture. It's crazy to believe you were working with digital when I was only 6 years old (2002). Thanks for sharing.

>> No.3390420

that's pretty cool, I bet you have memories tied with each picture. It's crazy to believe you were working with digital when I was only 8 years old (2002). Thanks for sharing.

>> No.3390531

Thanks everybody so much for their advice. I will definitely keep the "own deadlines" rule and I will try to just stop mingling with small details and stuff...

thank you so much for posting your work! amazing improvement btw, so many years into it but so worth it. Your post gave me so much courage. Have you ever wanted to quit? I feel like quitting at least once every two-three months, my mindset is just terrible. Congratulations on your work, don't listen to the others.

will start taking notes on my mistakes, never tried it. and try to make more artwork as well so I don't get disappointed so often when I get "high hopes"...

Yeah, I'm getting the idea my stuff is at the point where it simply gets worse after putting in more time, you're right. Also I do this all the time, I always leave background or certain details for many hours without polishing, I see why it's not a good thing. Thanks for the advice.

>> No.3390591
File: 694 KB, 802x491, ic-thing-helppls.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not sure if anyone will read this- but I decided to post one of the portraits I'm very stuck with (the 2018 one) and a bit of my progress. I'm sure I'm going to get hate but maybe I'll get some advice, so I'll risk it...
What are the things that look rough and what is already ok-ish? Should I leave it as it is and just start another piece?

It's my first time I post art on the internet since I was like 12, hope I'm uploading it right?

>> No.3390889

tfw you're so irrelevant you don't even get hate...

>> No.3391012

Wait a minute, you are the based krenz translator anon aren't you?

>> No.3391378

The reason that I posted mine was intended to inviting you to post yours, but since we all on the internet, nobody can force you to do anything. Still, I strongly suggest you post your artwork (especially the worst one.).
If you find yourself still cannot break through, /ic/ could still be your best shot if you don't pay for the art course.
>Have you ever wanted to quit?
Never came up with that thought but sort of, drive myself insane around 2006, I was deeply believed that "just draw" can lead me to success, eventually the pressure build by my ignorance crushed me, you can see there's a gap between 2005 and 2016, that's how broken I was, I still draw, but all of them are like the shitty version of Pollock art.

>don't listen to the others.
Thanks for the advice, I can see what you're saying, but somehow I disagree.
Forgive me that I might be making you embarrassing right now, but hear me out, here's my opinion: Not saying you need to become a mindless artist by always listen to others or a masochism, sometimes other people's opinions could be your chance to break through an art block, all you need to do is post your work, collect the comments seems constructive(regardless they are negative or rude.), and analyse them, don't accept them right away, think twice before you take it, and maybe do some more research.
My first time to show artwork to others for criticism was in 2016, paid for the art courses and ask my mentor give me suggestions, it was scary but helpful.
After all, a lot of bollocks will happen in everyone's life, including yours and mine, anons are all nice people from all over the world, you can learn how to deal with the lunatic on /ic/ so you will know how to deal with the real-life cunt.

Thanks mate.


>> No.3392027

I just posted some of my stuff and got no response though. I made two posts because I don't know how to board yet.

Also, really good insight about how to deal with people on ic. Thanks for your comment, it's people like you that make me post and read stuff here.

>> No.3392131

Ty for posting progress fuck the crabs

>> No.3392228

This is actual quality. nice, wish i can get to that level if not better
i really hate /ic/ however. these guys are examples.