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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 79 KB, 640x640, mackenzie_dern_4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3387679 No.3387679 [Reply] [Original]

>lift because I want to use myself as a model
>have tremors afterwards
>can't draw

So that's why /fit/ and /ic/ can't coexist

>> No.3387688

lmao just how many heemsters are there here

>> No.3387692
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>> No.3387694
File: 370 KB, 849x1200, frank_frazetta_selfportraet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/fit/ and /ic/ can't coexist

>> No.3387696

but he was just handsome, not that /fit/

>> No.3387697

How much do you lift

>> No.3387698
File: 651 KB, 1296x955, julie bell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/fit/ and /ic/ can't coexist
>being this much of a pleb


>> No.3387701

Frazetta was such a chad. Super Roman genes
he was definetely athletic

>> No.3387706
File: 335 KB, 750x903, H3257-L82678719.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just handsome, not that /fit/

was fit enough for his time period, hell was /fit/ enough for the art community of today

>> No.3387707

You don't need a steady hand to draw

>> No.3387708
File: 82 KB, 620x777, chadartist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>zero balding genetics
>gun advocate
>feminist rage fuel
>Western supremacist

There's never going to be an artist as based as Frazetta

>> No.3387710

his first passion was baseball so he was pretty athletic.

>> No.3387712
File: 63 KB, 479x600, _borisbio1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>lift because I want to use myself as a model
>>have tremors afterwards
>>can't draw
>So that's why /fit/ and /ic/ can't coexist

this whole post jeez OP you're NGMI with that attitude keep drawing keep lifting and exercising shit isn't instant gratification and success stuff like this takes fucking time and HARD WORK

>> No.3387715

Not good at picking out bait posts but imo sports and lifting is one of the best things you could do to complement drawing. Sports go a long way in instilling a sense of regimentation and discipline that is often lacking in creatives, so in that sense I think doing 3 hours of sports or lifting is is way better than just drawing all the time. Also fitness in general is just good for doing anything that requires you to use your head.

>> No.3387716

fuck What I meant to say was 1 hour of sports or lifting for every 2 hours of drawing is way better than just drawing all the time

>> No.3387718

Just hit 1234 a few months ago.

>> No.3387719
File: 317 KB, 878x686, 1519691373925.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone make a chadposting of this guys post its pure kino

>> No.3387721

It also helps against the ubiquitous sense of insecurity and passivity many artists have.

>> No.3387727
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>> No.3387731
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>> No.3387737
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This guy gets it, exercise in general has been shown to do wonders for the brain and creativity overall makes you feel more confident and better about yourself. Balance it out with a good 7 to eight hours of sleep a night and your gonna feel incredible, but discipline, time and consistency takes a huge role in this stuff. So get to it OP.


>> No.3387750

but he still can't make seiba look like woman

>> No.3387752
File: 488 KB, 1024x543, 80959994.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The greeks had it all figured out long time ago. Shame we've been going around in circles when we always had the answers.

>> No.3387755

>that little progress in 10 years
Maybe he should've drawn instead of lifting after all.

>> No.3387761

have you put down the pen and picked up a chisel?

>> No.3387764

He looks like a 6 month in DYEL. But you're right that that's probably considered big by most artists.

>> No.3387767

Actually never done anything with a chisel unfortunately. One day hopefully

>> No.3387806

This is true as fuck. I've been a /fit/fag for a bit over a year, and the discipline and confidence I've gained from lifting has definitely carried over to my art work ethic. The whole reason I started browsing /ic/ was in the hopes that immersing myself here will keep me motivated to do art, the same way /fit/ keeps me motivated to keep lifting.

>> No.3387809

That's retarded, I lift daily and have zero issues, you should see a doctor or something

>> No.3387833

This. I get tremors immediately after doing heavy deadlifts, but they shouldn't stick around for more than an hour

>> No.3387854

Just draw first and lift later, it's that simple.

>> No.3387867

>The whole reason I started browsing /ic/ was in the hopes that immersing myself here will keep me motivated to do art

... did it work?

>> No.3387884
File: 454 KB, 2470x860, TestIncrease1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The greeks had it all figured out long time ago

the greeks and jfk


pic related has some pretty good tips especially the one about vitamin D, I hear a lot of artist are vitamin D deficient, due to lack of sunlight from not going out. Get the best natural source of and go outside, a simple thing like that can do wonders for your body, look up the effects of vitamin D.

>> No.3388287

Amazing how i managed to not follow any single one of the advices

>> No.3388308

>walking around outside without my shirt on
ugh. Do I really have to?

>> No.3388375

I've never seen so much bullshit in one post.

Nice citations fucking wop.

>> No.3388382

you can drink a little wine or something, normally fixes that sort of thing

>> No.3388422
File: 33 KB, 500x500, 1493202768000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that video

>> No.3388424

While we're on the issue of lifting and tremors. I have recently started to get a tremor on my left thumb, usually after lifting it will get really bad and will last for several hours. I'm beginning to worry it might be something serious, I'm barely 27.

>> No.3388427

im getting close to benching 225 for reps and my hands still dont shake while drawing. You have weak gene anon...

>> No.3388528

I can 100% guarantee that you are doing it wrong if you're getting tremors.

>> No.3388546

put doing exercises will increase your heartbeat shorting your lifespan even more

>> No.3388548


>> No.3388560

You got that backward, dummy. Exercising, especially cardio, lowers your resting heart rate, making you healthier and far less likely to die of heart related issues.

>> No.3388564

He's more /fa/ than /fit/

>> No.3388565

INTENSE exercise, COULD make you age faster.
obviously when you exercise at the intensity of an olympian or professional athlete or do retarded crossfit shit or something, your body will be stressed tremendously and that will have plenty of negative side effects.
However that type of intensity is not something you would ever be doing, so when literally every single physician, physiotherapist, nutritionist etc tells you exercise is good for your health, maybe it is the reactionary clickbait article that is wrong.

>> No.3388568

most of those people don't even have qualifications.

>> No.3388591

Yeah, the entire medical community has no qualifications, but I assume those clickbait writers do. Enjoy your early death I suppose.

>> No.3388610

Where to even start with this mess of an article. Long distance steady state cardio can prematurely age you from the accumulation of prolonged stress on the body. This is not the same thing as high intensity training and HIIT is basically the opposite of steady state so right off the bat the article gets that wrong. The doctor and subsequently the article is also misinterpreting something very basic. It's saying lower thyroid activity is associated with longevity. Your average person in current year's entire endocrine system is completely fucked from terrible lifestyle, poor diet and high eating frequency. The 90 year old Israeli who said “I eat to live, I don’t live to eat” is correct; he's not spiking his insulin all the time by eating frequently, so his endocrine system has probably been in good shape his entire life. Fast (or rather, effective) metabolism is your body's ability to absorb nutrients from your food, so I don't understand how having ineffective metabolism is going to make you live longer, which the article more or less claims.

If you think sitting at a desk 8 hours a day and doing zero exercise is going to be beneficial to your longevity because some 3rd rate news website told you that exercise is bad in some article with wishy-washy science you're in for a surprise down the road.

I agree. Also that's not what the word reactionary means.

>> No.3388618

nice bait thread you fucking faggot

>> No.3388626
File: 92 KB, 600x449, 1521439941939.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also some info on why steady state cardio is bad from our lord and savior (note that he refers to it as low intensity/high volume).

>> No.3388709

Working out is for annoying meat heads.

>> No.3388744

How can you even do a profession like art without feeling the need to do some physical activity to offset all the sitting?

>> No.3388760
File: 1.25 MB, 1369x1266, getjpegwithit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so much rage and misinformation
i will let you be the judge but /fit/ almost ruined my life squatting in jean shorts DONT DO IT
fucked up my abs which took forever to fix and i couldn't stabilize my core and yes it affected drawing

anyways why you should lift (for /ic/ related gains)

-for the gals and their first glance to be like oh ok! but then when you open your mouth they leave obviously. do it just so the average stranger will mire you rather than thinking "the one" will drop dead at your feet and go "oh anon ~t-those muscles" it's just nice to be occasionally complimented on your physique is all. good for your self esteem.

-squat so you can move shit like easels in the art room, it is functionally good. also being able to stand without getting tired.

-BI'S AND TRI'S . curls dont just get the gurls.
i ignored this and my forearms exploded and it fucking made the way i hold a pencil weird.

-get one of those pullup bars and just hang if you cant do a pullup, you'll at least unfuck your shoulder.

-hula hoop. yeah its gay, but uh it helps with making you walk less aspie and have a more natural groove.

-ab exercises are good. your core is key to stabilizing the pencil.
think about drawing a straight line versus a curved line, the straight line requires a bunch of muscles to be in coordination while a curved line can be done with your wrist going idgaf
extrapolate, the more muscles you can coordinate the more control you have.

>> No.3388762


-Balance, ok this is where i am going to be blunt:

if you start overlifting one part of yourself you are going to throw off your drawing.

it is better to be a skinny weaking bro who can draw and is all around proportional than a dude who semi-interested in /fit/ because you are going to through off your natural "whatever" and it will negatively affect drawing.

i wish i could give you some magic workout routine but in general starting strength is good (squats + deadlifts + bench press) i would throw in pull ups and pushups.

you know what if you are going to do /fit/ x /ic/ don't work with weights.
just use bodyweight exercises. anything else is going to throw you out of proportion and it will negatively affect drawing. if you do weights and get too into the /fit/ lifestyle

well it's going to fuck with your mind, being /fit/ is super shallow and being an artist is more than caring about shallow things.

>> No.3388765
File: 39 KB, 472x645, 1521633405271.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I jump rope a few times a week but I don't lift weights. If I had a bunch of extra money and a car I probably would cause I used to be really into it a few years ago. I'm 30 and find it difficult to give a fuck about my health. The first thing I need to do is quit smoking, god damn.

>> No.3388773
File: 41 KB, 217x190, okhandbcub.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks fitanon!

>> No.3388783

Used to be /fit/ but my wrists started to hurt though the advantage is that im happy with myself
nowadays its the complete opposite

>> No.3388857


>> No.3388873
File: 281 KB, 1275x709, isthisreal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/ic/ finding ways to stay in their crab bucket even when drawing isn't related.

Why do you guys do this to yourselves?
Even if we say what that article is 100% true, you sitting on your ass all day shit posting while having a shit diet is much, much worse health wise than anything stated within that link. So stop being retarded.

>> No.3388886

Actually he's not wrong. More heart beats speed up your date of death. Doing cardio causes your AVERAGE heart rate to be lower and so your lifespan increases.

>> No.3388890

you're happy being shallow and dimwitted the extent of your knowledge ends at a barbell lmao go chug your protein shake and watch other men lift faggot

>> No.3389071
File: 76 KB, 468x324, google-search-coupon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I've never seen so much bullshit in one post.

I notice its always citation faggots like yourself that rather have people tell you things instead of using your own damn brain to create your own conclusive evidence, then again that would take something called effort, not much in the case for the people on /ic/

>> No.3389134

Yeah, man, the burden of proof is totally exclusively on those disproving the bullshit and not those trying to prove the bullshit. I can't prove that there ISN'T a Honda-sized teapot on Mars, therefore there must be one if someone tells me there is! I have reached the conclusion that you are a massive fucking faggot. My proof is your entire post right here. Prove me wrong :)

>> No.3389135

Lol, that sounds like Parkinson's or something, Anon. I've never had problems, not even after my deadlifts.

>> No.3389232

Jesus boxman, keep it up.

>> No.3389275
File: 58 KB, 422x404, 8^O.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of the original "strongmen" Eugen Sandow advocated the use of extremely light dumbbells (5lb) to craft his storied physique, however we have learned today that there is utility to using heavier weights as well-not the least of which being the fact that lighter weights take a longer time to reach the "climax" of rep failure than do heavier weights.

Still, in lieu of heavy, expensive weights I currently use 10lb and 25lb dummbells, 3 sets per exercise with the third being a "pyramid" set (start at the heavier weight and move down to the lighter weight at failure) to close out most of the exercises I do. I know that a gym membership and expensive, bulky pieces of iron are not something that everyone can make space for or afford, so take heart in that you can definitely get and see results without a major investment.

I am still an amateur in this field but my gains over just a few short months of wanting to improve my physical and mental state have been appreciable. Lifting weights and other physical activity is a key component in mental health and if you're not doing it now I urge you to consider taking it up. The only thing I would suggest is that you do something every day or almost every day.

Diet is important, too. Protein and iron, lads. Don't be afraid of whole eggs. I eat six of them a day. Eggs, lentils and oats are some of the cheapest sources of complex carbs, protein and iron out there. You should of course eat meat as well if you can afford it or have the inclination!

One of the best things we as adults can do for our health is address any dietary issues we might have, to accept that as adults we are possibly better off eating things that don't taste "conventionally good" to us in order to help us improve the other important areas of our life like our body and our psychological well-being.

How often do you lift? I felt it was a pretty big problem when I started but now that it's part of my routine it's become less troublesome.

>> No.3389916

>How often do you lift? I felt it was a pretty big problem when I started but now that it's part of my routine it's become less troublesome.
Used to do it daily between lifting and kick boxing. Now I just lift 3 times a week because lol i don't want brain damage

>> No.3389923

you write like someone with experience
sorry about that

>> No.3389924

>walking can prematurely age you

>> No.3389926

>f you think sitting at a desk 8 hours a day and doing zero exercise is going to be beneficial to your longevity because some 3rd rate news website told you that exercise is bad in some article with wishy-washy science you're in for a surprise down the road.
nobody is saying this

>> No.3389933

>not going for the 200% option

>> No.3390522

Brain damage is GOOD, redart!

>> No.3390853

>Drinking filtered water
>Calling anyone else for soyboyism