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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 158 KB, 555x659, 1342245336535.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3379836 No.3379836 [Reply] [Original]

Why even grind to get good, when you can do tumblr art for 50k notes?

>> No.3379839

>black hermoine

>> No.3379841

didn't even know this was supposed to be harry potter..

>> No.3379842

Why is hermione black?

>> No.3379844

But like... why

>> No.3379847

Oh awesome! they'll be able to redeem those notes for a paycheck right?

fanart is useful to get seen but you still need decent skill to create a stable flow of income. (yes churning out cheap commissions for tumblr followers counts, if you can work it into a decent $/hr)

>> No.3379854

Sjw artists love to make white characters darker skinned for "Equality." Just like making characters fat. Dumb ik

>> No.3379855

with those 50k notes they can make a post saying "opening for commissions - starting bid $3000"

>> No.3379858

>implying those stylized images come out of nowhere
That artist knows how to appeal and draws for a very large fanbase. Trust me, if it were absolute beginner-tier shit, you wouldn't see it passing 50 notes.

You made this thread for attention huh? here's your (you).

>> No.3379866


Uhhh, I think at one point Rowling said some thing to the effect of: "Yeah, okay, Hermione is black if you guys want." Because there's nothing that says she *isn't* black. Hmmm, but I think one of the covers shows her and she's white in that.

I always pictured everyone pretty much like they are in the movies, even before seeing them. Except Snape. I always thought Snape was more chunky with short hair because I was projecting a soccer coach that I didn't like onto him :'D

>> No.3379869

but the notes kinda reflect exposure, right?
I see tons of really good artists with only 150-500 notes per piece. So even if they are dope af, they lack the exposure, which usually translates to less income compared to a big _insert normie artist_.

>> No.3379871

Either way Harry Potter is kind of lame. I feel the same way about Mass Effect. Too many main characters for it to possibly be anything other than a mess

>> No.3379875
File: 715 KB, 1197x900, 1507389923726.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>art for 50k notes
brainlet here who never bothered learning how to use social media, what do these notes mean? Are they like the number of people who mentioned you or shared your page/image or are they a unit of measurement used specifically by Tumblr to gauge the level of exposure from said image or a tier system or the number of likes or favorites or are they unique notes from other people providing a form of input or a suggestion or comment or what?

>> No.3379877

Harry Potter isn't a mess, it's pretty simple and contained. It's a damn children/teen book.

>> No.3379880

I'd say HP is only lame because it's targeted to teens, so it isn't the most sophisticated read ever. I like it because of nostalgia... although I guess I don't like it that much because I have only seen a couple of the movies.

I disagree about the characters. There's one main character and the series is named after him. Hermione and Ron are his sidekicks, and that's about it. Seems fine to me.

>> No.3379881

It's combined likes and shares. The more notes you have the more exposure you get (Tumblr boosts posts with more notes these days).

>> No.3379882

tumblr-tier you mean

I made the thread btw. and that anon is kinda right, it helps that the artist is a girl too. Lately girls have begun charging whoppin 700 bucks for a simple tumblerite character illustration. Lonely men are willing to spend more and more, just not on other men.

>> No.3379885

Sounds too complex to be a simple platform used to share content.

>> No.3379890

well think of

>search "Harry Potter art"
>random posts show up
>sort by popularity
>bam this shows up
>get even more exposure

>> No.3379893

Let's be honest, we've seen how well /ic/ draws. This picture is still better than 75% of /ic/.

>> No.3379896

So how would a newly posted image compete against what seems to be a monopoly where the content that has the most notes gets leveraged and prioritized to be viewed first?

>> No.3379908

If the only reason you even draw are shitty Tumblr notes then yeah, don't even bother.

>> No.3379910

Does it really mean shit?

I've seen many top of the industry comic book artists who barely have any likes on social media compared to local nobodies and it's pretty clear who actually lives from art alone

>> No.3379912

stop being salty and get good, shithead.

>> No.3379918

post your art. cmon. let's see how much better your art is.
let me guess, you won't post anything, right?

>> No.3379921

I honestly don't know. Nearly all social media sites these days adapted an algorithm that takes every like (and lack of action) into consideration.
Imagine following an artist but not liking or clicking any of their posts for a few weeks. You're going to see less of them on your front page. The only people who are going to find new artists and pages will do so by tag searching or through already made connections ("person you liked shared/liked x")

>> No.3379926

Same, recently discovered some AMAZING artists in my area with barely 2k like on Facebook who post a new work once every 8 months. They don't give a fuck because they are all already working on various projects instead of caring about MUH LIKES on some shitty social.

>> No.3379975

literally WHAT do you mean by this?
someone who's /beg/ tier or with an ugly ass style would still have to grind to get to pic related's level anyway

>> No.3379980

It's a good piece.
What does your work look like?

>> No.3379992

There's something that I haven't seen talked about here that's pretty important.
Realism is boring.
Part of the job of an artist is to entertain.
Most people have seen literally hundreds of photorealistic animals and people.
People also do not look at your art for more than a minute.
Posting every week will probably mean you don't get as many eyes.
That's life.
The moral of this story is to avoid art if the sole purpose is to stroke your own ego.
My advice is to post often, stay on the uncanny valley before it dips down, and to convey actual ideas or stories in your art.
The exception to this guideline on realism is rendering.
If you can render realistic materials while still maintaining cute or relatable characters, then go for it.
Studying 3D artists can help a lot with this.
Usually this doesn't take a lot of mental effort and can be done about as quickly if done over time.

>> No.3380169

Realism is interesting, otherwise photography wouldn't be a thing, and otherwise going out and observing the beauty of nature and of civilization wouldn't be a thing. It's boring if you keep churning out the same tired subject, photorealistic animals and people, or HP fan art, for example.

>> No.3380190
File: 164 KB, 800x600, Mittens pondering.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but that is good. it's relatively complete, colour palette is nice, characterisation/bit of worldbuilding is all there, it's got a nice cozy feeling to it...like a snapshot, or a postcard.

if you don't realise why this would appeal to so many people, perhaps you are the one who needs to get good. no one will reblog your contextless anatomy studies anon. sorry.

>> No.3380221

people won't pay for them, 95% follow because they like harry potter, not the artist really. those types of people can churn out rapidfire $25 doodles tho which works out fine. $3000 for a commission is top level artists and top level furry porn artists only.

I have friends who work in AAA industry who only get 10-20 notes on their painting on tumblr, cause its just realistic environments. The work people pay you for will *very rarely* be the kind of flashy work that gets you likes among normies.

followers helps but say people like vetyrr are doing beautiful work, get a lot of followers, but the work itself doesn't have much practical use in the field of games and movies. They can easily sustain themselves with personal commissions and fans asking them to join games, but these types of artists are basically playing a different game.

There is *some* overlap with artists like loish being asked to design characters for games, where if they're unknown they likely would not be getting the job.

Exposure and followers are *far* from a bad thing, but you just need to realize that industry concept/design portfolio work and *trending on internet work* are very different.

>> No.3380223

Except the work required to depict those things are not worth it.
You may as well take a picture.
At least in the context of internet art.
Though just reading that made me want to vomit.
Maybe people just don't want to listen to your pretentious attitude.

>> No.3380227

it's a feedback loop specifically designed to retain its own stability. Unless you were one of the lucky few who grew with the site you're not supposed to make it.

>> No.3380232

Holy shit you're naive.
Are you seriously trying to suggest that new artists cannot become popular on social media?
Just because of an imagined monopoly during the start of the site.

>> No.3380239

The only difference between this and one of those autistic artstation pieces is the lack of time spent rendering

>> No.3380241

they way tumblr artists draw faces in general pisses me off, probably irrationally so, but it still makes me fucking mad.

>> No.3380242

I'm saying that this kind of thing becomes an anomaly, not just because that's how the algorithm works, but because that's always how this works. For a different example you could look at what happens to countries after a war. While they are being rebuilt and there is a lot of 'potential' needing to be fulfilled, people moving up in the world, not just from working to middle class but nobodies becoming millionaires is nothing special, but once the new system is for the most part in place, it stabilizes and there isn't much social mobility for anyone, unless they create a niche for themselves by revolutionizing their field.

>> No.3380253

So you want to justify yourself by saying, "Oh well, that's just how things are."
Notice how I never said that it isn't easier to become well ingrained in a site in it's early days.
Of course it is.
However you've implied that there is no mobility.
The example you've given completely distracts from the main point.
However, I'll entertain it.
Most of Americas millionaires came from the lower poor.
They are hard working people that made a small business.
The billionaires are lower middle class people that did the same, and got lucky.
You do NOT need to feel defeated because you missed one opportunity you may have never had a chance to have.
Sure some people probably took advantage of wartime power vacuums.
That doesn't mean you have to be a pussy and give up.
You're actually being stupid right now.

>> No.3380259

I'm not giving up. I do post my art on social media as frequently as I can, though drawing itself always takes priority over publicity. I just don't have any delusions that what I'm doing is too different from playing the lottery. If I don't make it I won't necessarily blame myself for not trying hard enough.
Being resigned in this way is actually a kind of freedom. It frees you from the expectation some people have of themselves, where they continue to cling to the image of themselves as super stars until their death and forget to live their life because they consider it too ordinary.

>> No.3380268

You stupid fuck.
It's not a lottery.
You can develop the skills necessary to do this.
Start keeping track of what people like.
Post at least every other day.
See what you can improve on.
Don't try to be the next classical artist, it won't happen.
It's not going to happen for you.
Only because of your self defeating attitude.
Have you looked into factory work?

>> No.3380287

>You can develop the skills necessary to do this.
>Start keeping track of what people like.
>Post at least every other day.
Why should I want to become an artist if it means doing art in a way I am totally indifferent to? At that point it's easier, safer and more meaningful to get a job as a teacher.

>> No.3380296

>I don't want to do meaningful work
The entire point is to entertain people.
Maybe you should get a job or accept art as a career.
If don't want to grow up, then that's on you.
I'm done with this conversation.
It's obvious to me that you never will.

>> No.3380311
File: 5 KB, 184x250, thiskillsthedionysius.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The entire point [of art] is to entertain people.
the absolute state of /ic/ in 2018

>> No.3380361

For someone who would bring up a philosopher, you seem to have trouble thinking.
Doing art as a career means you have to put the needs of others over yourself.
Adding [of art] removes the context with which I was speaking and invalidates my point by obfuscating it.
Just because you can post a picture of Nietzsche doesn't mean he would agree with either of us, or that you are validated.

>> No.3380385

My argument was literally (as opposed to figuratively) that, if art means more to you than entertaining people, giving up on pursuing it in the way you find meaningful isn't an option, and that, if you are going to treat art like a career, you might as well get a real job.
Even if you can make a living somewhat reliably as long as you do your market research and pander to a certain demographic, why should you want to spend all of your time and effort pursuing that kind of vapid goal? The only answer I can come up with is that you have delusions of being that one in a thousand artists of this calibre who makes it big and gets to feel like something of a celebrity.

>> No.3380388

>arguing when your points don't even contradict eachother

Obviously it's more difficult for less popular artists to improve or maintain their position, because being more popular means you have more means to continue to be so. But obviously in a fair system it's totally possible for less popular artists to rise to the top, and the whole structure is in constant flux.

Just depends on your pov, if you think success is getting lots of followers instantaneously then yes you need to entertain people (plus any other tactic you can use to manipulate the system in your favour). Personally, my goal is to make enough money to live doing only what I love, so I will only sacrifice my personal fulfillment to the extent that it is necessary for survival.

>> No.3380398

You're simplifying the argument here.
He feels like there is some sort of algorithmic system in place preventing him from becoming a popular artist.

From >>3380385 it's clear to me now in implying that art is not a real career choice, that he's one of those hopeless romantics that wants to be a "real" artist.
If that's what you want to do, then I would strongly suggest becoming a fine artist out of college.
You will not make a good living marketing social media.
Though I have to warn you that if "pandering" to a demographic is your idea shallow vapid goal,
then you are most likely a child that doesn't want to work for a living.
I've met too many people like you.
Don't have any way of knowing though.

>> No.3380433

Well, if he means totally preventing, then no. If he means somewhat preventing, then yes, most of the attention goes to people who are already established, but that's just how shit works out in a fair system.

However, I think someone gave an example of more popular posts being given more exposure by the algorithm based purely on their popularity (ie not just spreading organically through the community). That actually isn't fair and creates more extremely distributed popularity than if the algorithm didn't intervene at all. And so be it (tumblr, twitter, whatever), they want to generate ad revenue so they try to help out whoever will attract the most attention. It's like giving tax breaks to the rich to help the economy, but what anon wants is a flat tax.

Anyways, all of this is ultimately going to be motivated by the desires and values of average consumers and advertisers. Sounds like a good way to generate mediocre art, and something I'd want to stay out of, myself. When I think about artwork that I appreciate, and which gives my life meaning, it's usually not stuff that was most popular when it was made.

Like Brian Eno says: don't get a job. Sounds pretty wise to me, if you have the option.

>> No.3380445

Yeah, personally I would rather start a small business than get a job.
Entry level jobs seem to be more dehumanizing for some reason..

>> No.3380449

Harry Potter is mostly popular for its worldbuilding. It's why the Harry Potter land in Universal Studios is a huge hit.

It's like Star Wars, it isn't just a story, it's a whole universe.

>> No.3380451

When idiots on the internet were making a big fuss over the fact that Hermoine was played by a black woman in the Broadway adaptation, JK Rowling said it was stupid and that she never actually described her skin tone and that she could be black. Its kind of bullshit because there is official art of her but it was fun seeing people throw a hissy fit.

>> No.3380454

Realism may be boring, but people love realistic rendering, lighting, etc.

It's why artists like Sakimichan are making at least $5000 a month.

>> No.3380458

To the artist who made this, it isn't about being able to make something that is realistic, in the classical style or to have a strong foundation in fundamentals, but it was about to make a cute piece of fanart of their favorite series.

Like the other anons said, I doubt that you'll go far in the professional world with this kind of art. But it isn't *bad* (as you're implying), it's just a piece of fanart.

>> No.3380467

this is actually better than most of us can do

>> No.3380472


>> No.3380485

Sakimichan is semirealism in anatomy.
Realism in rendering.
This may have been what you meant, so sorry If I misinterpreted.

>> No.3381062


Book covers don't matter.

But I'm pretty sure there's definitely a description of Hermione's face being a white point in the dark at one point.

>> No.3381069

Yes, JKR (or her fans, can't really recall because she says a bunch of ridiculous things) that Hermione's white face was reffering to her being pale from fear.

>> No.3381080

Grinding is yet another meme here.

>> No.3381223


Ah, well regardless I don't actually care that Hermione was black in one of the plays. Or even if another adaption wanted to do that too. Hermione's key physical trait that is mentioned over and over again is her bushy hair, so as far as I see it they just need to keep that, doesn't really matter if she's black to me.

>> No.3381224


What's more important than them making Hermione black is the fact that THE CURSED CHILD WAS FUCKING TERRIBLE

>> No.3381650

Black Herminone was a popular head canon before Cursed Child, in fact I'm pretty sure it's what inspired the casting.

>> No.3381684

>tumblr pandering = guaranteed income

This is the mistake that Sony made with lady Ghostbusters. The target demo that eats this inclusivity-diversity nonsense consists primarily of retail workers making $7 an hour that can't afford to sustain themselves, let alone cynical "art" that caters to an insular and unmarketable niche.

>> No.3382123

She's black in the official musical.
The book covers aren't canon and get various things wrong.The only mention of skin color is one line saying she looks 'browner than usual' after a summer in the sun. It also says repeatedly that she has messy-ass huge poofy hair. I mean, i dunno man, a lot of people pictured her black reading the books, the only reason to think she's definitely white is the movies which would also have you think Dumbledore screamed at Harry and shook him.

Maybe you just never knew a nerdy black girl as a kid and are thus not inclined to picture one, when a lot of people are.

>> No.3382127

>official musical
...official play rather. But it would've been better if they just licensed AVPM and made an official musical.

>> No.3382144

>it's another 'wank over people who have well-received work because you think you deserve it more than them' episode
If you rage at the things that are popular right now and decide it's the consumers that must be wrong, rather than...i don't know... looking at what other things (that you can do) might be popular with other groups, or looking at ways to imitate the successful marketing of these popular things you don't, you're just shooting yourself in the foot and upping your NGMI factor. You're the aspiring artist equivalent of Skinner going "no, it's the children who must be wrong!"
For example on the second point ('learn from it') OP's pic has very warm and appealing lighting/colors, a number of small background details which keep the viewer engaged and staring at the art even after processing the central characters, and the simple-yet-important inclusion of the artist's site url. All things you can learn from even if you hate the art style and franchise.
And on the first point, obviously you can take two minutes to go on deviantart or any other site and see that there are other audiences who instead are looking for art of complicated sci fi machines, or booby ladies, or video game crossovers, or probably at least one thing that you don't hate and can work on drawing instead to boost your audiecne.

You can only change yourself, guys, not other people.

>> No.3382153

Theres parts in the books that describe her skin as being light/pale.

>> No.3382394

How can people visiting this site be still this naive? Are you some kind of permaredditor refugees?

Its evident jk rowling is a confused old bint that retconned her own shit to fit in with the keeds dees days and her twitter ecosystem in general. She literally Stalin'd the skin off of one of her characters. lel

>> No.3382472


>> No.3382524

>a lot of people pictured her black reading the books
Only wishful-thinking niggers could have pictured her black just by reading that she had bushy hair. JK Rowling explicitly states when a character is black with lines like "a tall black girl". Or when she gives them a very obviously ethnic name, like "Cho Chang". Otherwise you're obviously supposed to assume that everyone else are white British people.

>> No.3382554

>You can only change yourself, guys, not other people

False, people like whatever is popular and whatever is popular is whatever is ((decided))) to be popular. Things like Harry Potter don't explode in popularity because they're good, but because there's a gap in the (((market))) for them and, with the right (((team))), that gap can be filled with lots of shekels.
Art is no different. it's one of the biggest (((money laundering))) operations in the world. For example, there's no such thing as a 'sound artist', pure bullshit. That doesn't mean people won't throw thousands of dollars around to watch a guy on crutches hit a metal frame with a scaffolding bar attached to his y-fronts (you know exactly which video I'm talking about so I won't post it). The same is true for (((modern art))), but it's more blatant. In fact if you've read the Emperor's New Clothes then it's almost like a blueprint for (((modern art)))

>Have something literally worthless (a blue square on a canvas, say)
>Some goy, with more money than sense, is told that only those with the highest of IQs can see what the artist is trying to say
>The same goy immediately buys into it because it's an easy way for him to show off his, alleged, high IQ if he buys it and shows it off
>Other goys, not wanting to appear like they're equally low IQ, larp as if they're also high IQ by saying how great it is and discussing what the artist was trying to say
>Eventually some goy with low IQ (a child in the case of the Emperor's New Clothes) says exactly what it is - a blue square on a canvas

It's really easy to change other people, but very difficult to do on your own.
Think of how race is perceived now from what it was 25 years ago. Did the goys change their well established opinions because they were told to or because they suddenly came to the realization that it was (((wrong))) to notice differences between races? Either way it's low IQ people doing what is popular to larp that they aren't retards.

>> No.3382848

Pretty much sums it up

Don't see why it matters really. Its a book, she left her race ambiguous, a lot of nerdy girls with poofy hair reading Harry Potter probably saw themselves in her and formed a mental image through that.

This artist may be one of them herself, or decided to capitalize on those girls for notes- I don't see the harm in it.

If you don't like it or think its dumb, just ignore it and draw your own stuff. Plenty of people do (like the artist in OP)

>> No.3384766
File: 206 KB, 500x541, hermione skin color.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Because there's nothing that says she *isn't* black
Except, you know, the fucking book.
Rowling is a total hack and notorious for jumping on SJW bandwagons to stay relevant. Her saying that Hermione was never said not to be black is just her forgetting what she herself wrote because she saw an opportunity to get brownie points.

>> No.3384789

You guys are good folks and you're GMI. These points are basically I was trying to say in >>3382144 but probably got to wordy. I feel like threads like this are just self-crabbing; working yourself up to believe ~SJW conspiracies~ are the reason your art isn't popular is yet another excuse to not actually practice, get better, or learn to market yourself..

>> No.3384809

ok I don't care about Herminini's race but think about how fucking stupidly the second part would read if this was actually meant to be 'caucasian' rather than 'pale with nervousness'

>> No.3384814

blacks dont go white when they are pale with nervousness, only caucasians do that

>> No.3384816

You don't describe blacks with the word "white" even if they go pale, that's the point.

>> No.3384818

Shut up and stop posting here

>> No.3384844 [DELETED] 

You can thought. No, seriously, there's numerous fiction where a tan or black person will go "pale with fear" or "white with terror" (I can't be arsed to find one but I'm pretty sure Rue in the Hunger Games is specifically described as black but Katniss uses pale/white to describe how she looks when dying -- could be wrong, but this is a common thing in general, in writing).

I think Hermione is most likely white as envisioned by JKR, but that bit is so clearly not "Harry saw Hermione and she was a white person", it's "Harry saw Hermione and she was white with fear." It just sounds so stupid otherwise.

>> No.3384846 [DELETED] 

You can thought. No, seriously, there's numerous fiction where a tan or black person will go "pale with fear" or "white with terror" (I can't be arsed to find one but I'm pretty sure Rue in the Hunger Games, who is specifically described as black, has a part where Katniss uses pale/white to describe how she looks when dying -- i could be wrong, but this is a common thing in general, in writing. It's like saying a person looks green when they feel sick.)

I think Hermione is most likely white as envisioned by JKR, but that bit is so clearly not "Harry saw Hermione and noticed she was a white person", it's "Harry saw Hermione and she was white with fear." It just sounds so stupid otherwise.

>> No.3384847

You can though.
No, seriously, there's numerous fiction where a tan or black person will go "pale with fear" or "white with terror" (I can't be arsed to find one but I'm pretty sure Rue in the Hunger Games, who is specifically black, has a part where Katniss uses pale/white to describe how she looks when dying -- i could be wrong, but this is a common thing in general, in writing. It's like saying a person looks green when they feel sick. I know this is /ic/ and not /lit/ but surely you guys can get that.)

I think Hermione is most likely white as envisioned by JKR, but that bit is so clearly not "Harry saw Hermione and noticed she was a white person", it's "Harry saw Hermione and she was white with fear." It just sounds so stupid otherwise.

>> No.3384849

You sound triggered, buddy. Go draw something and use that rage energy for a good cause!

>> No.3384868
File: 644 KB, 2000x1334, 2836096-low_res-merlin-v.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sup, m'lady. Just a fellow Englishman, out on a stroll through the shire. What do?

>> No.3384921

>black people in Merlin are inaccurate
This is getting incredibly off topic but...you know there's a black dude right there in real-life Arthurian legend (Morien), unread-anon-kun?

British people of the time (pre-medieval) had a lot of interaction with what they called "Moors" or North African Muslims, who often traveled as mercenaries into Europe. People have been going all over the place for as long as they could run or row.

>> No.3384952

>Harry saw Hermione and noticed she was a white person
No one is claiming her ethnicity was being pointed out there, just that it's really a stretch to claim that it's common to use the word white to describe a black person when pale would have worked just fine. This whole thing is just grasping at straws anyway. It takes serious mental gymnastics to try and justify a black Hermione.

>> No.3384991
File: 90 KB, 768x510, GreekHero.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

literally who?

>> No.3385021

>a lot of people pictured her black reading the books

nobody pictured Hermione as black reading the books and you know that.

>> No.3385026
File: 75 KB, 480x520, TumblrDomino.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tumblr probably did.

>> No.3385287

I'm Indian, with freckles and poofy hair, and I saw myself in her and envisioned her as brown at the very least. It wasn't until I saw the movies that I started picturing her as white.

I'm sure the same follows for a lot of kids. Maybe you should stop assuming your reality is the norm for everyone.

>> No.3385290

god you can't even pretend to be this retarded.

>> No.3385296

I read all the books and there is a sentence that says her white face goes red when shes embarrassed fuck off

>> No.3385297

yeah, they go green

>> No.3385844
File: 361 KB, 2048x1536, T8N0yhX-Amazigh-Khabyle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Morien was half anglo. And Moors aren't black, they are mostly tanned meds with some blondes here and there and some west african mixes in Morocco from the slaver trade (the Tourags have the most, the descendents from they times as slave and salt trade with Mali).
And Berbers mercenaries where only used be other Muslim powers and a few instances in Sicilia and Spain, the only instance of great numbers of blacks in an army in Europe in the medieval age is the slave black warriors than the caliph of the Almhoad used, at around the 1200 in the las navas, some more minor instance where some press ganged sailors or fighters when Muslim towns than used black slaves where sieged. Moor traders where mostly hunted be pirates (or traders than turned pirate) because they wheren't Christian, plus they had a very nasty reputation of slavers so anyone than traded with them was considerd very Un-christian and would be banned to trade with other christians.

>> No.3386098

I don't have freckles but otherwise had the same experience, though I figured she must be black bc I didn't realize there were Indian people in the UK (I was a dumb american kid.) The 50k notes are proof a lot of little kids of other races felt the same way growing up.
This thread's barely art related, it;s a bunch of white guys blaming their lack of success on brown and black girls as usual.

Why people are grabbing one little sentence abt her white face as though that's proof people are lying about what they imagined is missing the point...kids don't read work closely enough to pick up every single detail, and her hair is mentioned a lot as opposed to skin once or twice.

Anon you're fucking retarded if you think everyone imagines a book's cast in the same way. There will be as many interpretations as readers.

>> No.3386099

to clarify i don't think JKR intended to write her as brown or black but, this thread has become "nobody possibly imagined her that way as kids, and are pretending they did for Tumblr Points" and that's just completely wrong.

>> No.3386107 [DELETED] 

>Moors aren't black
not always (especially today), but plenty were. a character specifically identified as 'a Moor' in folklore or old-timey fiction was probably *visibly* Moorish, otherwise it wouldn't have been remarked upon.. unless you wanna try saying Othello was supposed to be a white or Mediterranean-looking guy?

>> No.3386109
File: 191 KB, 1280x1009, Othello's_Lamentation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Moors aren't black
not always (especially today), but plenty were. a character specifically identified as 'a Moor' in folklore or old-timey fiction was probably *visibly* Moorish, otherwise it wouldn't have been remarked upon and/or they would have been referred to using one of the terms for people who looked to be Spanish or Mediterranean,.. unless you wanna try saying Othello was supposed to be a white or Mediterranean-looking guy?

>> No.3386127

Subtle crab, OP, subtle crab. Well done.

>Why even grind to get good, when you can do tumblr art
Been to /beg/, /alt/ or all these individual 'guys look at my art' threads we suddenly have a recent flood of? I don't think people CAN draw as well as OP's pic without a few years of the so called grinding -- look at the hands, the natural poses of the characters, lack of confusing tangents, composition that leads your eye directly to their faces, and the appealing children's-book-style coloring.

It's not like it's stick figure art that they happened to put some tumblr virtue signalling into. This person had to learn to draw.

If anyone disagrees feel free to post some crit of the OP pic's art. I'm not really seeing anything wrong.

>> No.3386132

I wish I could put a bullet in between your eyes

>> No.3386134

easily triggered kun

>> No.3386834

How can someone get so butthurt over a random comment on a Mandalorian Nerf-herding Forum?

good job, anon

Also, everyone in this thread is NGMI.