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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 795 KB, 2048x1653, F583E10D-1FD5-47E1-ABD9-0ABE322A1191.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3375785 No.3375785 [Reply] [Original]

I have no idea what happened to Bokuman. His art siginifcantly degraded withing a year. Now all he draws are pin head deformed women with t-rex arms. What other artist did you used to admire until they went to shit?

>> No.3375789

both shit

>> No.3375792
File: 41 KB, 498x341, 1516967993464.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How could anyone possibly find this appealing
Regarding your question, I don't have any such artist in mind, luckily

>> No.3375808

well, its porn so lower standards, moar money.

Those t rex arms on asuka though, kek. Maybe their rushing their work OP.

>> No.3375843
File: 679 KB, 2048x2048, 58FD685F-5E49-46C5-BE24-AE929271EE14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bokuman’s tracer in 2016 vs 2018

>> No.3375846

this cannot be

>> No.3375858

They both look like fat downies

>> No.3375877

oh dear

where did it all go wrong

>> No.3375880

What happened to this guy?

>> No.3375885

this is what happens when you let your personal fetishes dictate your art

>> No.3375886

He didn't get worse you just improved your taste in art. What once looked good to you in the past now looks like shit.

>> No.3375888

either someone killed him and is trying their best to imitate his art, or he sold his account.

>> No.3375937

why do her tits look like water balloons in the right panel?

>> No.3375946

glad i'm not the only one who thinks bokuman's art is trash

idk what the appeal is, his anatomy is pure trash and the faces are ugly

>> No.3375990

In the past there was some semblance of proportion. Look at this >>3375843
2016 was unarguably decent and 2018 honestly looks like a completely different and way shittier artist. How did he lose all sense of anatomy?

>> No.3376719

He draws too fast nowadays.

Whenever I watch a Murata livestream, he is always erasing things that aren't "perfect" from his perspective. Once some artists get good, they get complacent. Not everyone is Kim Jong Gi and never makes a mistake once the pen is on the paper. Some of these guys should still considering erasing mistakes.

>> No.3376744

. The trick to be kim Jung gi is to first draw at the speed you are comfortable at. Them reduce that speed by 20-30 percent. ( if you draw super slow this might be bad advice)
You can do this by ghosting your lines, no BALL POINT OR PENCIL. ACTUALLY A BRUSH OR DIP PEN IS BEST.
Gel pens, or felt tip pens work real good also.
Then the final step is to pretend that if you make a mistake you'll die, if you do thisncorrectly this will put your body in a state of right or flight mode.
Humans have done some ridiculous shit in this mode.
This doesn't work if you are suicidal,you can also simulate this by drawing in front of others. Especially if you don't wanna look like a bad artists in front of those people.

Only do this if you are already good artist, and know what to do.

This is hard even for me, I've been able to do This a couple times but you gotta put your self on " death grounds".
Basically do this: ( cheesy I know but it gets the point across)

TLDR: " And this is to go even further beyond

>> No.3376749


>> No.3376750

My "art" has gotten a lot worse. I used to just copy templates and sometimes even trace. Every since I started getting serious and trying to grind fundies, my characters look like deformed mutants. No I will not post my work.

>> No.3376767

Jesus Christ.

>> No.3376781
File: 595 KB, 1280x720, move.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.3376796

Depending on the kind of artist, and not talking about anyone in particular, it's usually one of two things:

1. Hack artists who trace, copy, or otherwise rely on the decision making and aesthetics of their betters, decide to start doing more of their own original work. Old fans notice they are severely deficient in certain skills, but misconstrue it as a degradation. This happens very often, and it's honestly not a bad thing.

2. Good artists who start to explore the extremes of their technique or aesthetics, without concern for how palatable the results are for the general public. This is a platonic ideal. It expands the field for future artists.

Realistically, an artist could go through both of these phases at different points of his career. The only commonality is that non-artistic folk can't tell the difference. These are not always downward trends.

>> No.3376819

damn, thats unfortunate

>> No.3376850
File: 498 KB, 1400x1082, my_old_style_by_bleedman-d59v520.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When I was younger, I used to really like Bleedman's stuff, before it got all super shiny and ultra moe.

As an adult, I don't really care for it much anymore because my tastes have changed, but it still looks better than his current stuff. I never read his comics but I'd look at the artwork, and all the recent stuff just looks so off to me.

>> No.3376856

I'm pretty sure that kind of stress motivation shortens your lifespan.

>> No.3377110

This is the correct answer, and why his/her? Indiegogo failed.

Example of a cash grab.

>> No.3378222

>kim Jung gi
Never heard of him bu i just watched him draw and its fucking magic.
Guy must have amazing memory.

>> No.3378381

'artists who got worse' generally means 'artists who started drawing for profit and thus no longer spend more time on an image than is financially worth their while'

>> No.3378411

hes just exchanged old flaws for new ones in an attempt to move on. the left's hips are completely disconnected from shoulders

>> No.3378750

Looks like he was trying to copy Doxy by working with cam girl/fetish models to collab.
Except Doxy’s fundraiser went fantastically because he is nowhere near as lazy. Bokuman did nothing to make his fundraiser appealing. It was basically just e-begging.

>> No.3378752

My guess is he was tracing shit and got confident in his skill.

>> No.3378807

sakimi desu, dont know why but her art now look so bad compare to 2 years ago

>> No.3378849
File: 490 KB, 272x213, Tompreston_ZOOOOOM.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3378863

lets be honest, she is better at everything but her art become souless, there was a line between drawing for fun/passion and drawing because its your job, that she crossed.

>> No.3378869
File: 367 KB, 1129x736, this is your brain on calarts.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rcdart is the literal definition of getting progressively worse and letting your fetishes overtake your artwork

>> No.3378889

>dont know why
It's pretty damn obvious. She clearly isn't spending as much time on it (and I wouldn't be surprised if she hired ghost artists for rendering) because she needs to consistently shit out new stuff. People here always love to point out anatomical flaws in her artwork but it's pretty obvious she herself knows it, just doesn't bother.

I would genuinely be surprised if she actually wasn't burnt out.

>> No.3379083

Though you have the right idea, I wouldn't describe that as "fight or flight". It's THE ZONE and it's a real thing:

>> No.3379093

>muh feefee
did you read the thread subject?

>> No.3379095

This is easy mode but true. And the artist is so proud of this it becomes sad

>> No.3379098

increased volume for a public that is only demanding you do stay the same. Happens to a lot of comics artist too, once they get paid to write their own book, art takes a dive to keep the deadlines and please the public.

>> No.3379122

fine artists too. lichtenstein etc.imagine the pressure if people are buying the stuff off you for $250,000 a piece

>> No.3379125

"The Zone" is an embarassing memeification of something that isn't as cool and pretentious as it rea it. It's just being concentrated enough to something that it's easy to do. Like yuo were supposed to do all your infancy when acing your homework, your lazy shit.

>> No.3379134

Flow isn't concentration, it's a balance between learning and applying earlier lessons.

>> No.3379155

to be fair, even though flow isn't a meme his definition is better than yours.

>> No.3379160
File: 74 KB, 724x1024, 1519479893365m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dont say this is that happend, but i went through fase when before i was heavily referenced everything, hands, colors pose, whatever and i did like 6 sketches to select from and through time i just dropped this and start drawing more and more from imagination and doing ink without sketches at all, it hurt my art so bad, but it was much more fast and enjoyeable and i learned a lot, like a year later i was on lvl i was started, like in finished art almost zero progress but i was drawing 10 times faster (and this is what important i thnik now, especially for commissions) and more important i didint chore myself and doing art become more enjoyable for me, so maybe this is what happend to him?

>> No.3379183

But now everyone nows her, so she won

>> No.3379211

No, the "Zone" isn't a conscious behavior it's just when you learned something and you don't need the wiki page anymore, or think about it at all.

>> No.3379212

>if you are known for being bad you win at art
>winning at all
So this is how Calarts sells you that whole "fuck art, be like us" cult... Explains the OKKO twitters too. amazing.You are so little things in the end.

>> No.3379226
File: 330 KB, 608x456, 1348425126586.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3379236
File: 1.07 MB, 1508x1636, 1351381150788.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think any are bad, just that the most recent one is worse.

>> No.3379239
File: 889 KB, 485x692, 1346632706420.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Going digital was a huge step back for his art.

>> No.3379246

Leave Kaiji aloooone!

>> No.3379255
File: 104 KB, 704x669, FI4YumW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Going digital was a huge step back for his art.
Not just his art.

>> No.3379258

are you sure its both drawn by him?

>> No.3379266
File: 202 KB, 860x481, 1446167551145.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well he's always done character designs, AND promotional art for Dragon Quest, so I think he drew that DQIX. If you are asking about the top image, then I got more.
Then again I got a theory that some artists just don't draw anymore, and someone else does it for them pic related

>> No.3379313

fuck off /v/, that cherry picking game doesn't work there, keep it to troll /co/

>> No.3379315

Unlike crabs he has range and doesn't draw a fantasy rpg like he'd draw a fighting story for young teenage boys. chocking isn't it?

>> No.3379326


>> No.3379338

thats not what I meant, it just looks like it took a dip in quality for some reason.

>> No.3379392

Except it doesn't, you are just cherry picking work from different franchises on different platforms. He did simple chibi in the past and can do complex art in the present. But you have a narrative to follow there, it's ovbious to everyone. We can go on /a/ to see your vendetta threads too you know.

>> No.3379395

I dont go to /a/. I was just wondering if the example was cherry picked and perhaps maybe drawn by another artist for the promo of the second game. So I just wanted to be sure if it really was drawn by the real artist.
What the fuck?

>> No.3379440
File: 1.08 MB, 1448x960, 1351373738111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>different franchises on different platforms
no He designed characters for all Dragon Quest games. You can see how they look different >>3379236

Here's his old Chrono Trigger artwork. That's also RPG

>> No.3379459

but it's a fight scene again

>> No.3379462

Me. When I forget to draw one day.

>> No.3379483

This is retarded 'advice', humans always perform better when they are relaxed as opposed to stressed.

>> No.3379524

>He designed characters for all Dragon Quest games
Each game is a different project with different people and intent. Try again.

>> No.3379530

holy fuck that last pic is everyone supossed to be the same person

>> No.3379563
File: 735 KB, 448x565, 1351374137948.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So you're saying that drawing fight scenes effects the way his art looks worse when made digitally opposed to his old works? Very interesting.


>> No.3379566
File: 211 KB, 837x1150, 1346624675482.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think so, it just shows off character classes. Then again Toriyama always had like a set of 10 faces for characters he would just recycle. It made making games easier, and most npc's throughout DQ series look the same because they have that iconic look now.

>> No.3379738
File: 1.43 MB, 1600x791, dragon_quest_vocation_by_naruttebayo67240-d3dkdn4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3379932


Is he going towards that Kunaboto/Metal Owl/Nated anatomy? What is it called idk.

>> No.3379982

You can't "no" a fact of the world, kid.

>> No.3380050


>> No.3380063

If your hips are connected to your shoulders, you should probably see a doctor about that.

>> No.3380118
File: 2.52 MB, 500x211, aScoGm7[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if your hips aren't connected to your shoulders then you should see a doctor, because you've been halved

>> No.3380192

This cannot be the same person.

>> No.3380207

Are you perhaps...
...playing at being an idiot?

>> No.3380237

Maybe instead of focusing on other artists degrading in quality, you could actually do work.
Of course that'll never happen, will it OP?

>> No.3380504

he was never good to begin with

>> No.3380707
File: 226 KB, 1152x706, Masamune Shirow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss his color

>> No.3380776

Right looks better

>> No.3380811

Nah, you're being dazzled by detail.

>> No.3380985

I think old Shirow's arguably much better than post-earthquake one, but image on the right is fine, you can find much better examples out there to illustrate the point.

>> No.3381668

I liked Gashi-Gashi way way more before he discovered tumblr. Now he's not much different or even better than most artists who use a typical soft and round style.

>> No.3381673

jeremy bernal

>> No.3381719


>> No.3381746


I like the old traditional manga style in general. The one on the right is rendered really well and has alot of great subtle colours. Left is just a better composition though and has a nice looseness to it. Sometimes people just go a bit overboard with the mech stuff now and you look at all the parts and your eyes glaze over. Looks weird with the old school anime face too.

>> No.3381750


I don't think it's so much to do with digital, he clearly just wants to work in a more simple style, probably to get stuff done faster. I'm sure he was much more ambitious 20 years ago when he did the Chrono Trigger stuff.

>> No.3381826
File: 624 KB, 1866x1172, improvememe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

definitely yev-san

>> No.3381834


>> No.3382010

fukumoto's wonky style is something he turned into an asset. extremely economical and identifiable. there's no pressure for things to be attractive so he can go nuts with making people as ugly or sharpnosed as he wants - there's a lot more visual variety in his characters' faces than your typical manga artist.

the art isn't the draw anyway. it's the depths of humanity through gambling.

>> No.3382232

why yev

>> No.3382268

>Looks weird with the old school anime face too.
You nearly sounded like you could criticize without feefees... nearly.

>> No.3382293

How is this even possible

>> No.3382353
File: 61 KB, 1199x848, b4andafter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol I dont know but its pretty funny

>> No.3384827

Is this really the same artist?

>> No.3384845

This can't be the same artist.

>> No.3384869

Jesus christ it's not just the face it's the entire expression. Almost as if he ctrl + c ctrl + v the thing. There are four characters with the same features and expressions

>> No.3384884

So can anyone explain how it is possible to get worse at art?

>> No.3384906

Anon here >>3376796 explained it pretty well and I agree.
It's either unskilled artists that appeared better than what they are because they relied on others, or artists that changed their style/started to experiment with things they haven't before and because they're not in their comfort zone anymore their art looks like shit.
I don't think there's a single artist that's capable of drawing and painting everything flawlessly, art is a constant journey.

>> No.3385008

this what happens when you don't fall back into a formula and just freestyle it until it "feels" right

>> No.3385016

>watching too many animangos, not being inspired by anything else
>only sketching and half coloring, never finishing anything for real
>"looser" linework

>> No.3385017

I just go by the that one NDC porn panel and call them Gorilla Women. That's what a John calls Brawler Bunny when she's offering herself.

>> No.3385107


>> No.3385147

so they didnt get worse at art at all, theyre getting better. that makes more sense to me.

>> No.3386584

Both are just turds.

>> No.3386746

Actually, anxiety leads to ingenuity while relaxation leads to complacency