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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 79 KB, 725x510, fzdexcuses.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3374107 No.3374107 [Reply] [Original]

How many of these describe you /ic/? I know I qualify for quite a few of them.

>> No.3374114


>> No.3374117

tfw you relate to none of them

>> No.3374124

post your work.

>> No.3374128
File: 1.24 MB, 1081x965, 5635463635463546346.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

now you post work

>> No.3374136

that video literally made me pick up my materials and draw to be honest senpai. Nothing ever inspires me to draw than a dude I can see drawing what he wants me to draw

>> No.3374245


>> No.3374250

>got no fundies = start drawing
>get jealous when I watch others draw and I’m observing = start drawing
>got lots of inspo = start drawing
>can’t stand digital, pick up pen and paper = start drawing
>not sure what to draw = start sketching
>I’m not good at drawing = start drawing
>no time to draw, change my schedule to make time to draw
>don’t know how to start = guaranteed to learn with a blank slate
>want to design characters and spaceships = better start drawing since I can’t find what I like
>3D obsoletes drawing = draw to reestablish 2D dominance over 3DPD

>> No.3374269

what video?

>> No.3374282
File: 78 KB, 725x510, excuses.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3374284

I have another one
>Once I've a good healthy schedule, I will start drawing seriously
except this never happens because I always end up falling asleep around 4 am and waking up at 2 pm shit faced, feeling down
Even when I go to bed early I end up thinking for 3 hours, can't find sleep

exemple, right now it's fucking 2.52am
fuck my shit up

>> No.3374287
File: 548 KB, 993x787, april-4-2018-5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

none I draw fruit everyday

>> No.3374290

Show us your concept art Brian
Draw a dragon and knights

>> No.3374299


>> No.3374306

>i posted within 4 minutes
>he still hasn't posted work 2 hours later

>> No.3374312

are you new? saying 'post your work' on /ic/ is code for 'i lost the argument'

>> No.3374316

there was no argument to begin with, are you retarded?

>> No.3374318

And if you actually post your work in response then the loss transfers to the baited

>> No.3374320

and then if the other person posts their work in response, and it's better, the threads over and we move onto a new one to repeat the process, possibly making a new meme in the process a la mercwip

>> No.3374324

you surrendered before the argument even started

>> No.3374326

>possibly making a new meme in the process a la mercwip
This has only happened once. And now posting mercwip is also admitting defeat.

Lesson Summary: never post anything on /ic/

>> No.3374332

Not really any of them though I'm terrible at drawing. I feel like with the first one it's not really an excuse people make for themselves, everyone on this board will tell you you have to grind fundamentals before you're allowed to draw, no one really puts it on themselves.