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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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3363166 No.3363166 [Reply] [Original]

Why doesn't /ic/ like to talk about Pre-Raphaelite art? Or anything that isnt web comic faggotry?

>> No.3363175

It comes up, but the anime crowd is winning these days, they've managed to drive a lot of people that are into traditional art away. Besides, they don't know anything about it, or the history, or the techniques, so they just attack it anyway. I mean, thuse little turds attack and insult Michelangelo, because he didn't carve women with 60DDD boobs and anime eyes.

>> No.3363178

Why doesn't /ic/ ever just make a thread about the topic they feel is not represented enough? Why instead always make it some passive aggressive whining about random, unrelated stuff like webcomics or anime?

>Hey /ic/, let's talk about Pre-Raphaelite art, shall we?
This increases the discussion of Pre-Raphaelite art on /ic/.

>Hey /ic/, why are you all such stoopid faggots and prefer WEBCOMICS over Pre-Raphaelite art?
This does nothing but shit up the board and actually makes even people who would have liked to discuss Pre-Raphaelite art take a contrarian stance just to spite pathetic victim playing faggots like yourself.

>> No.3363182

A perfect example of what I'm talking about. This isn't an art forum, it's just another 4chan troll mud pit.

>> No.3363184

fuck off

>> No.3363185

I doubt you even understand the pre-raphaelites, it's just more pretty girl to you, anime in disguise.

>> No.3363191

It doesnt get attention otherwise and you know that.

>> No.3363192
File: 842 KB, 1443x1600, hunt's painting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty much yeah, but too be fair like 90% of the brotherhoods painting were of pretty girls.

>> No.3363210

but the pretty girls are almost incidental, they're just there because the prb were literally bros.

>> No.3363217

does that mean they slept with the hookers then painted them?

>> No.3363229

i think they mainly painted quite upstanding ladies.. they stayed close to life, that's part of their manifesto, so their models are still known and easily recognised, most of them were artists in their own right as far as i recall.

>> No.3363234

right, theyre not whore if theyre poets.

>> No.3363250

i sense you may have a problem with pretty women

they painted girls
no artists and poets
>whores who write poems
well elizabeth siddal from ophelia for example was a poet and a painter but her day job was as a milliner
>whore who makes hats

>> No.3363252

>Christina Rossetti: the Female Queer Virgin
>If the Oxford Movement provided a means for opening queer religious spaces through the elevation of identities based on religious chastity, later Victorian writers demonstrate the impact and evolution of that theology. Purity is eroticized in the works of Christina Rossetti and Gerard Manley Hopkins. The sacred space of virginity became a means for glorification of the self as writer, queer in her/his separation from society. In the literature and life of Christina Rossetti, we find a woman who entered Victorian Anglo-Catholic discourse as a champion of female virginity. Although the feminist component of such a position cannot be denied, a justification of the queer single life is a crucial part of Rossetti’s argument. At a time when other Victorian Christian women praised motherhood, Christina Rossetti maintained that the solitary life in devotion was the better portion.

>> No.3363254
File: 107 KB, 1200x699, Arthur_Hughes_-_The_Rift_within_the_Lute.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The biggest whore yet.

>> No.3363262
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>> No.3363277

are you allowed to pick a historical waifu? sensitive neet virgin poet, yes pls

>> No.3363278
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>> No.3363282

>Like Emily Dickinson, spinster-poet on the other side of the Atlantic, Christina Rossetti liked to imagine what would happen at the moment of death and after, as though to prove that there was a difference between her minimalist life and death. She was not afraid of death-- quite otherwise. It seemed a passageway to a better, brighter, and more vivid world.
Let's exhume her.

>> No.3363288

i think it also says in that article that her brother did actually exhume his wife to get back the poems he wrote about her and dramatically buried with her.

>> No.3363290

shut up about the slut.

>> No.3363648

Nah they just seduced married women.

>> No.3363653
File: 773 KB, 648x1024, Frank_Dicksee_-_The_Sensitive_Plant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but the pretty girls are almost incidental
I doubt that, from what I've read they were as obsessed with girls as /ic/ is. However with the PRB it was more of a 'feminine beauty' thing, while on here it's just lust and cuteness

>> No.3363656

>muh feminism, faggotry, and childlessness
So progressive. Truly ahead of her time.

>> No.3363859

>painted by several top rockstar tier artists of the period
>celebrity bohemian

Sorry anon

>> No.3363864

Rick and Morty on hiatus is taking a toll on you, ain't it?

>> No.3363886

How many long curly-haired medieval princess looking bitches can you paint? I get that every period/movement had certain trends of idealization but I feel like the pre raphaelites were creatively stunted.

>> No.3363952

Well you see, Anon, back in medieval times, Pre-Raphael times - if you will - there were still a lot of witches around, and they had a habit of preying on artists, making the artists paint portraits of them over and over until their life gave out. But then the Ninja Turtles came around and set them ablaze with the glory of Christ. And then artists were free to put toilets in museums.

t. art historian

>> No.3363962

Thanks for your opinion on pre-Raphael art.

>> No.3363964
File: 516 KB, 1623x806, duh-Vinci-compilation_update1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

caution. this is what may happen when you discuss historic paintings on /ic/

>> No.3363975

>Europe around 1700
>pigments were fucking expensive, rare, hard to find
>painting was well respected, culturally based, a proper job

>illustration teenie faggot with no art history knowledge goes into store and buys oil paints with moms money
>"meh it's dirty and messy and hard!"
>back to grinding fundies and loli masturbation
>goes online, sees people discussing old paintings
>"meh you can do that easily nowadays!
>"animu is so much more advanced! anyone can buy paints and paint, it's literally easy!"
>"why even paint?? buy a bamboo!"

>> No.3364011

thanks for always making every thread you show in unbearable to read

>> No.3364017


>> No.3364158

She wasn't homosexual, that is "progressive" spin.

She was never married. She didn't go to an American high school and take Suck And F*ck 101. There was no pill in the Victorian Age, believe it or not.

>> No.3364347
File: 113 KB, 678x815, Dante-Gabriel-Rossetti-Venus-Verticordia-1864-1866.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But they were just the /ic/ of their day. Faggits drawing cute girls and complaining about classical art.

>> No.3364442

> falling for obvious troll posts
You guys are retarded.

>> No.3364479

Cause it's dumb u stupid ass god damn do we have respect for the mastas? Yeh but that shit is so fuckin outdated u gotta get with the times and evolve with the rest of society fuckin punk ass bitch and have a little fuckin fun with it too that's the point ur supposed to have fucking FUN DOIN IT. If Leonardo was reborn in our world he's probably be like Scott Robertson Alan watts Jimi Hendrix and bill gates combined and we'd probably have some cooler video games.but that ain't real so fuckin stop being so obsessed with fucking old ass shit god damn u just trying to sound smart but if u were actually smart you'd be more focus on what's goin on right now

>> No.3364488
File: 788 KB, 2620x1973, John_William_Waterhouse_The_Lady_of_Shalott.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why were the pre-raphaelites so obsessed with redheads?

>> No.3364491
File: 99 KB, 523x900, Arthur_Hughes_-_Forget_Me_Not.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Contrast mainly, Arthur Hughes went through a blonde phase if I recall.

>> No.3364494
File: 415 KB, 1913x925, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Almost all paintings I see of this movement are with redheads though.

>> No.3364495

pre raph bros had good taste

>> No.3364496

Well who knows, maybe it was just another way of being contrarian since everyone had pitch black hair like Victoria had.

>> No.3364499

I was just curious and read the wikipedia entry and even a couple of other articles and they don't seem to answer this.

>> No.3364501

>“I think we got to know Rossetti pretty well … I had a good deal of talk with him, always excepting the times when ladies with beautiful hair came in … It did not signify what we were talking about or how agreeable I was; if a particular kind of reddish brown, crepe wavy hair came in, he was away in a moment struggling for an introduction to the owner of said head of hair. He is not as mad as a March hare, but hair-mad.” - Elizabeth Gaskell
A quick image search found that Rossetti, got a hard pee pee from red hair.

>> No.3364516

As much as I like Pre-raphaelites, it's really not possible to paint nowadays like that - they used difficult medium based on eggs, so just imagine the small when paintings were made. Also you need to be 100% autistic and I mean it in bad way.

/ic/ just isn't autistic enough.

>> No.3364522
File: 51 KB, 346x400, h5_08.162.1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they used difficult medium based on eggs
I don't know much about this movement but my guess is that they used an egg based medium to try to recreate painting before the use of oil in the renaissance. But it looks like artists like Waterhouse still used Oil>>3364488 which looks beautiful, whereas the ones that used an egg based medium tend to have a more water color like and flat look.

>> No.3366334

I don't know anything about art, but paintings by Pre-Raphaelite's seem pretty dry and flat like a really detailed illustration from a story book or like the product of those apps that turn photographs into paintings. Again, I don't know shit. My favorite artist, Vonn Stropp is compared to the Pre-Raphaelites a lot, so maybe there is something I am missing.

>> No.3366337

huh. You have a point

>> No.3366355

Why do obnoxious cucks like you have to make accusatory bait threads like this, rather than simply making a thread about Pre-Raphaelite art?

>> No.3366382

it's called egg tempera don't talk like it's some crazy thing lol. you can get egg tempera now, it's not rare or anything you buy it in tubes like anything else, and it's easy to make too and there is a modern equivalent which also happens to be the cheapest paint there is.

>> No.3367775

thats why he said just make a fucking thread about it

>> No.3367790
File: 69 KB, 595x842, 1480924773017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Becaus its old and boring lmao

>> No.3368423

A few of them painted in watercolour.
Most in oil.
Most of their paintings are HUGe, what are you on about?

>> No.3368425

he meant the smell of them