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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 1.55 MB, 2522x748, jazza.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3362094 No.3362094 [Reply] [Original]

So, i dont even wanna hate on Jazza. But what the actual fuck is this?

Didnt he release a paid tutorial on anatomy? Maybe he should stick to drawing spiderman.

Only thing i get from this is just that im surprised how far u can get while still chicken scratching like hell.

>> No.3362121

is this the true power of just draw?

>> No.3362130

is not chicken scratching, is just repeating lines.the drawings are messy and ugly but its different issue.

>> No.3362138


>> No.3362140


He draws cartoons and his audience are children. So don't criticize him too harshly for his drawing skills.

You should be more critical of moderndayjames, he can't paint and he talks like an art master in his videos. I'm not hating on him and I watch his videos and livestreams for entertainment, but I just don't think he's good enough to be teaching.

>> No.3362149

>Only thing i get from this is just that im surprised how far u can get while still chicken scratching like hell.

I'm guessing that you are very far from being good at drawing.

>> No.3362159


>> No.3362161

what's wrong with him? I've checked and he is pretty solid. I've heard he has only 2 years of grinding and only self taught

>> No.3362203

i dont see a problem with him either

>self taught
yea, no. Without knowing him that much, he seems like a person that just read scott robertsons book 3 times and then says the same shit that scott did, but in half the time. Kinda same with the foundation patreon.

>> No.3362205


>> No.3362209

>the state of NA art students

>> No.3362212

i meant having a youtube channel and getting promotions and shit, not art wise.

>> No.3362217


I don't think he's good enough to teach, and you can see this with his design sense which is subpar when compared to Sinix or Feng Zhu. I highly advice anyone watching him to take his advice with a grain of salt and not copy his designs.

>> No.3362238

This, I fucking hate moderndayjames.

>> No.3362252

I'm guessing that his "chicken scratches" are much better at designing his ideas than your manga lines are at designing yours.

>> No.3362270

> I highly advice anyone watching him to take his advice with a grain of salt and not copy his designs.
Well, that kinda holds true for watching Feng or Sinix too.

>> No.3362297

at least Feng has years of experience working in the industry to back up his teaching, compare that to Moderndayjames. He thinks and talks as if he were a art master, but most of his designs look like shit. He's not capable of teaching yet.

>> No.3362312

Yeah, I hate moderndayjames, because his quick success and progress highlights my own shitty work ethic and bad habits. He teaches at Brainstorm while I still struggle putting a box figure together in perspective.

>> No.3362327

oooh we have a white knight fag for MDJ here. While you're at it, you can go suck his dick then you fucking faggot.

>> No.3362345

go back to his Youtube channel and Discord, afterwards kys.

>> No.3362374

if you watch jazza and take anything he does as anything more than a joke you deserve to be as shit as he is

>> No.3362518

I really like modern day james. So maybe he did just read HTD 3 times, but y'all read it once and still can't draw shit.

>> No.3362562


>> No.3362572

>So, i dont even wanna hate on Jazza.

Of course you do. It's the entire point of you making this thread.

>> No.3362585

>Has a drawing book about anatomy
>Has never done life drawing


This finally ruined any credibility Jazza had for me. Life drawing may not be strictly necessary for learning to draw, but you absolutely should not be creating books about drawing the human figure if you aren't experienced with drawing it from life. Jesus Christ.

>> No.3362627

Crabs will get mad at you for saying this but seeing How to Draw in video form has helped me so much
Of course his designs aren't that good, but it's up to you to learn how to sift through advice and take what you need instead of copying him blindly

>> No.3364262

>le never chicken scratch ever, my art teacher told me so meme
chicken scratch is fine for sketches before you're quite sure what you're doing as a way to think on the page. You can always pop a sheet of tracing paper over it and clean it up on a second pass or do what's pretty much standard in comics industry of having a seperate "penciling" and "inking" stage. That isn't even to mention that in comics the illustrations exist to serve the story and convey information, their being technically correct takes a back seat to if the composition does its job. Even in comics that try to have a high level of visual fidelity, this is where there's a sharp difference between the intent of art in comics and in concept art or advertisement. Grinding fundies is a pit of despair and has little to do with the ability to actually complete projects.

>> No.3364282

Just watched a few of his character design videos and it seems that he has a really underdeveloped visual library. He probably never studied how things look irl and just drew things from his head based on capeshit and WOW. Everything he does is very basic. I guess it's alright for the kind of childrens coloring book "style" he is going for

>> No.3364302

But Scott Robertson has supplementary videos to his How to Draw book

>> No.3366304

Definitely have a ways to go in terms of character design, and i'm still spending a lot of time working on my weak points. Sorry to upset anyone!


>> No.3366324

post proof

>> No.3366349
File: 11 KB, 390x86, PIQmLpD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He said he doesn't use 4chan so I don't think he knows how to use a tripcode. Hopefully he never does so he doesn't enter the crab bucket.

>> No.3366350

damn is that a response to this thread?

>> No.3366353

Yeah people in his discord linked it. I only lurk though. He's seems like the kind of dude who is genuinely nice and positive.

>> No.3366360

I read it up, that poster might actually be him since this thread was linked directly to him just a few hours ago. Also, that's not a tripcode, just the name field that every newfag uses, so it's not unusual

>> No.3366361
File: 408 KB, 320x246, wave1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

getting ready for livestream!

>> No.3366363

Hey man, I just want to let you know that I don't hate you. I watch your videos and livestreams for entertainment. I don't think you're good enough to teach but don't let my opinion stop you. I'm happy for you that you're able to pursue your passion and you're able to monetize it.

>> No.3366365


>> No.3366372

I dont think i'm good enough to teach either haha I only started making videos to help myself learn and have a solid schedule, brainstorm and the opportunities just happened as a result. I still feel that I'm in the early stages of studenthood. Best of luck to you all :D

>> No.3366392
File: 7 KB, 218x232, 1512534535448.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ur a bro James, love the vids

>> No.3366396

ptove that its you.

>> No.3366411

I posted a GIF of me waving just before :D

>> No.3366416

I don't think I have seen any finished pieces from you.

>> No.3366420

I like your videos, 4chan is mad at everyone so don't worry about it

>> No.3366421

Nope, once the book is finished, I'll be focusing a lot more on finished drawings and traditional guoache paintings.

As of now, the closest to public finished works I have are what are on my instagram. But I've been at this for a very brief period of time so once my Brainstorm courses are finished I'll be doing a lot more of that and pass of some of the youtube responsibility to the new guys :D

>> No.3366434

Based on how much effort goes into making the videos appealing and how hard you were shilling the channel in its early stage in facebook groups etc, I'd say your main goal was monetization.
Nothing wrong with that, just be honest with yourself. People respect that.

Your vids on environments are pretty good and you've clearly helped a bunch of people, so I wish you success. Just please no more muscle anatomy

>> No.3366440

Understandable, I try not to take it too personally but it does take some getting used to.

Anyways, I'm always open to constructive criticism so feel free to PM me on discord.

But if you say "I fucking hate moderndayjames." doesn't give me much room to imrpove ;D

>> No.3366456

God you're shit at art. Really. I wish I could beat you to death with the Mona Lisa that way that shitty painting can look like your shitty face after I pummel it to a broken mess. Fuck you. Dirty kike.

>> No.3366465

i dont agree with your ideology in your videos, but i am impressed on how much youre improving

>> No.3366466

You're great man, I think that people here really underestimate you, instead of focusing on polishing your turds to sell them to the masses like a Sakimichan you actually worked on getting those fundies down first.

Now I'd just suggest to try to develop an appealing style, do more master studies, sacrifice some accuracy to make your work look better, you'll get to pro levels in no time.

>> No.3366522

sincerely, fuck you and your shitty art tutorials ModerndayJames.

>> No.3366534

This, fucking kek haha.

>> No.3366538

If this is really you: excellent work, you're one of the best art channels on youtube. As someone who has been doing this professionally for a while, I still learn things from you.

>> No.3367442
File: 765 KB, 504x504, 1522316203721.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How did this thread turn from a Jazza hate thread to a ModernDayJames thread.
Is this a shill in disguise?

>> No.3367454

cause ModernDayJames is a shitty artist who speaks and acts as if he was an art god who has already worked in the industry for years. He is too full of himself. All of his designs looks medicore, generic and shit. He's not even good enough to teach. All of his die hard fans thinks of his tutorial as a holy grail to everything. And if you try to criticize his teachings, they go batshit mad on you. Try lurking on his discord and you'll see.

There are tons of artists out there who are more capable of teaching compared to him.

>> No.3367463


chad genetics
virgin technique

>> No.3367629

after reading criticism about his character designs, he proceeds to delete and make some of his videos on Youtube private. What a shitty artist kek.

>> No.3367633

I was doodling from imagination while watching youtube and i shit out something better than that... maybe i should start a youtube channel..

>> No.3367645

I have never seen a "die hard fan" of moderndayjames. He's got a fairly small youtube channel with some decent sinix-tier videos. In most of the ones I've watched, he actually acts like a student himself, trying to learn from far better artists by trying to break down their techniques as best as he can. Seems like this whole thing is entirely in your head.

>> No.3367651

post it

>> No.3367652

Fucking do it, man. Don't just be a bitter faggot talking on /ic/ about how good you are, there's plenty of those, go out and actually do something. That's what it takes to transcend the bucket.

>> No.3367659

thing is, he is good enough to teach the fundamentals he specialises in, which is perspective and form building. sure he re-hashes other artists techniques, but thats all you need. just think of him as a vessel for technical knowledge rather than a well skilled artist.

>> No.3367660
File: 64 KB, 600x800, 20180331_032518_Film1-600x800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like I said just sketching while watching youtube but y'know
Im not bitter. Didnt I just say "maybe I should start a YouTube channel"? I have a pretty good idea for one actually but I'm not tellin

>> No.3367840

I also didn't say you are, but it's what you can become when you stay on /ic/ and never take on a project.

The figure is good, you might have it in you. You have to catch up on lower legs and feet though, and give a bit more space to the crotch area, so it doesn't look like she's trying desperately to hold pee. Gives off the feeling of tension and nervousness.
It's also still just a study, a study that only has value to you. If you want to give some value to your audience as well, you'll either have to finish it or use it to communicate/demonstrate some idea, eg. the gesture goes like this, female belly is drawn like this to look soft and healthy, tilt the major masses like so to come up with interesting poses easily. Communicating something of value with your pencil is what will make your videos worthwhile.

>> No.3367865

Ive met jazza hes a manlet. Was much shorter than me i was surprised cus he never comes across tiny in his vids

>> No.3367900

Hey guys, moot here. Proof, because look I put my name in the name field. I'm also going to put a smiley in my post because that will suggest I am not a typical poster. ;D

>> No.3368123

Holyshit Moot!

Why did you leave us for that slit eyed chink?

>> No.3368133

That's not surprising, at all. You should be able to tell from his regular art that his fundamentals are extremely lacking. If Jazza was a nobody and posted in a draw thread, you'd tell him to go back to /beg/.

He's not successful because he's a good artist, he's successful because he has a decent work ethic, good camera presence, as well as a professional attitude towards his clients. As far as I can tell, he's worked pretty hard for what he achieved so good on him, regardless of artistic ability.

There are many artists even on /ic/ that are miles better than Jazza probably will ever be (judging by his progress so far) but they lack the professionalism and marketability he has, making the skills irrelevant as far as commercial success is concerned.

>> No.3368145
File: 15 KB, 225x225, 1442033860471.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey faggots, Shadman here I heard you were talking shit came by to tell you all that you're losers, you're nothing, you're never going to amount to anything and quite frankly you should do the world a service and kill yourselves nobody likes you this is the underbelly of the internet and a cesspool of bitter angry nerds I hope you all suffocate under your own toxicity you talk shit about other artists yet you're mediocre and probably have never had a commission before either you're so pathetic it is laughable. Fuck you.

>> No.3368146


Show proof. I want a wip of your work with your nazi costume as evidence.

>> No.3368164

I wasn't really asking for critique, it wasnt a study I didnt use reference. Just posted because dude asked.

>> No.3368174
File: 29 KB, 499x359, DL4MaQTX0AATvId.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll Fucking cum on you're faggot ass face you stupid nigger

>> No.3368176

Lol, I wouldn't doubt this is actually Shad's melodramatic ass.

>> No.3368194

>gets triggered by hearing some strangers talk shit about his art
>proceeds to tell his bashers to fuck off and kill themselves
>proved that he's a dipshit

what a pathetic artist, fuck you and your worst than trash art Shadman.

>> No.3368201

>Show proof
His name is in the name field, how much more proof do you need?

>> No.3368309

Dad please log off before you leak the nuke codes.

>> No.3368471

You ask for a crit by default when you post an artwork, it's called the "Artwork/critique" forum, remember?

>> No.3369612


This really is moderndayjames, he confirmed it in his liverstream. Go there right now if you want to confirm. He's live.

>> No.3369817

hi mom im on tv!

>> No.3370362

can you give me a link to his livestream? I was late and I can't seem to find it on his Youtube or Twitch channel.

>> No.3370418

I don't understand the benefit of moderndayjames videos it's a watered down noob version of Scott Robertson HTD. Seems pointless honestly.

>> No.3370479


>> No.3370864

lmao brainlet detected.

>> No.3370867

I mean, are you saying that artists should not aim for monetization?

>> No.3370871
File: 71 KB, 532x493, 1504972109607.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mean 15 video doesnt go as in depth as a whole book? Are you telling me a dude whos been drawing for about 2 years does not have the same level of skill as an well established professional who has published books?

>> No.3370896

a 15 minute video*

>> No.3370899

There's no way james has only been drawing for two years. His work from a year ago in sketching environments is far too advanced.

>> No.3370908

There's no clear line where you start drawing "seriously", pretty much everyone has been doodling since high school etc.

Always take it with a grain of salt and focus on the content they're producing rather than what they say.

>> No.3372495

>Nothing wrong with that, just be honest with yourself.