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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 89 KB, 560x783, feng_zhu_fzd_school_of_design-560x783.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3359196 No.3359196 [Reply] [Original]

>Drawing should be your top priority in life, otherwise you won't make it
Is he right?

>> No.3359198


>> No.3359199

Probably not if you want to become a professional basketball player.

>> No.3359202

Everything he says is right.

>> No.3359219


>> No.3359250


>> No.3359251

Sadly yes.

>> No.3359256


Of course he's right.

That's why there's too many artistically furstrated crabs in /ic/ because they like watching anime and playing video games more than practicing art.

>> No.3359264

How do you enjoy practice? How do you fuck up on a drawing time and time again and think to yourself "Haha, that was fun! Time to start again, lmao!"

>> No.3359265

Not everything in life is fun.

>> No.3359271


I feel like I'd take art 1000% more seriously if I had a IRL friend to compete with. It's just really lonely grinding alone. Online "friends" don't work.

>> No.3359276

Art is a skill based competitive field.
You don't need paperwork, You don't need experience. Your portfolio is everything you need to get started. 6-25 Pieces of artwork that showcase your ability to be what they need.

There is no barrier to entry that says: You've got a Masters degree. you are competent for this gig.

Fuck you get good at drawing or do something else. Who gives a fuck.

>> No.3359277

How good are you? Post work and maybe ill be your rival

>> No.3359280

Beta virgins - There is just you, the screen, the tablet. (or sketchbook).

>> No.3359281

Let’s go ask the XKCD guy how much value he had to put on drawing before he could succeed as an artist.

>> No.3359283

Fuck you just trying to help a bro out

>> No.3359289


I'm shit. I can't even draw a box.

>> No.3359292

I dunno, dude. A lot can be said about comparing yourself to others, but what I want to know is does it make you better or not? Does it detract from style or reinforce it?

>> No.3359295
File: 34 KB, 288x336, 1520333392521.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take a step back and a wider look at the process.
Completing artbook, studies, drawings from life etc. may not be fun in itself, but to contemplate your slow improvement measured by the tasks you finished piling up can be very satisfying.

>> No.3359301


You should watch his new video. He gives advice on that.

>> No.3359304

lol you are delusional, it wouldn't make any difference

>> No.3359305
File: 80 KB, 800x600, 1521760750124.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3359311 [DELETED] 

This is stupid. Won't make what? Becoming millionaire like Sakimichan or work for Blizzard or what? If you enjoy drawing you're made it already.

>> No.3359314


how do you know

>> No.3359325

If you cant do something without somebody telling to or pushing you to, you will never succeed at anything in life.

>> No.3359332

By experimenting. Even of youre doing a study. Trying out different ways to render, lines, changing the perspective, seeing how the values flow together etc


>> No.3359333


Your mom told you and pushed you to wipe your own ass when you were 2 or 3 years old. If they never told you how to do that you would have never succeeded being properly trained in shitposting.

>> No.3359336

What is this post? Are you butthurt or did you just want to make that terrible joke?

>> No.3359337



Are you adding fuel to my good joke?

>> No.3359341

Get off of the computer. I purposely did not say "shittyjoke" because i knew you would leap on it.

>> No.3359343
File: 23 KB, 337x450, LbPYjy0fHJz5Oyqo8eQ5cBGv6Atu9QWh_lg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I wouldn't "leap" in your own shit. Now go draw something.

>> No.3359345

Work is fun. Doing a thing and having it work out as intended to some capacity is fun.

>> No.3359348
File: 718 KB, 898x692, 1485879958921.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's true if you want it as a job

>> No.3359356

No shit.
How is it Not true?

>> No.3359359

What the fuck is your problem cunt dont ask questions if you dont want the answer. Chocke on my thick cock

>> No.3359370

It is pretty thick but very very short. As expected of baby cock.

>> No.3360608

Was making great progress in drawing when that was the only thing I was doing. Started working out and it kinda started fucking with my drawing. I'll work through this and be good at both, though.

>> No.3360611

Only if you want to make it within three years or so. Spread it out over ten if you're a lazy ass.

>> No.3360612

lose the fragile ego.
Don't ask for advice if you can't handle the answer and sperg out.

>> No.3360646

>How do you enjoy practice? How do you fuck up on a drawing time and time again and think to yourself "Haha, that was fun! Time to start again, lmao!"

Same thing when playing video games, you fuck up over and over again but it's that one moment when you do something so epic that makes it all worth it. Art is no different, it's just more personal since you're constantly reminded of your self worth.

>> No.3360650

I was so surprised to hear that many students want to became concept artist but don't ever draw.

>> No.3360668

It's easy to find a lot of time for art if you are willing to sacrifice anything else for it, that's why even normal people can become very good at it if they focus entirely on it.

The moment you will need to manage multiple things the difficulty becomes very high for a normal human being. It's very stressful and the chance that you will take large breaks that will put your progress on huge brakes increase by a lot.

It's always the people who overestimate themselves and their own discipline that end up total shitters because they were not willing to sacrifice other things for art and just wanted to do everything.

>> No.3360723

Yes, of course yes.

>> No.3360926

I don't get how this is possible when I have a girlfriend and work 22 hours a week and have to take the fucking bus.

>> No.3360969

wow it's just like DARK SOULS

>> No.3361025

Is this a shit post?

I fucking dream of a part time job so i can fill that time with art

Draw on the bus, ask you gf to fuck off while you draw.

Theres 168 hours in the week

>> No.3361034

>never had a gf

>> No.3361095

When you really enjoy something, you enjoy even the failures, because you look foward to the future.

>> No.3361100

Are you the 13 year old from the other thread or just a retarded beta faggot

>> No.3361206

Where's that One Punch Man workout edited to be for drawing? I'm pretty sure it had Feng Zhu on it, but I can't find it anywhere.

>> No.3361212
File: 119 KB, 732x799, 1494070128333.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3361238

Perhaps art isn't for you?

>> No.3361466

The best part is the "16 hours a day of work" is just a meme used by feng and others to cause burnout among the ranks of would be artists and competitors.