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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 1.78 MB, 1919x1052, krita.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3357799 No.3357799 [Reply] [Original]

Are you enjoying the new version of Krita?

>> No.3357803

is Krita good PS analog?
t. newfrog

>> No.3357807

What's better for both sketching and painting, Krita or Photoshop ?

>> No.3357865

Never used Photoshop but the only thing that's really stuck out as lacking for me so far has been the text tool. Apparently it's been improved in the new version, though.

>> No.3357885

dunno what version i use, are there any good new features?

>> No.3357888

I've been using it for 2 years, originally had both krita and ps. Krita has everything, only caveat is it crashes sometimes depending on file size/your specs, but it saves back ups so it's not a huge issue.

>> No.3357889


tldr go read it

>> No.3357893

python scripting seems neat. not a very good programmer myself, hopefully there will be a place where peolpe upload scripts

>> No.3357923

well, tried the new colorize mask. program crashed : /

>> No.3357931

That's a shame, it's the one feature I've been looking forward to.

Seriously, it's gamechanging for animation unless there's some secret technique I don't know about.

>> No.3357941

brainlet here
to update, do i need to download again?

>> No.3357963

yeah, download the installer. itll overwrite your old version

>> No.3357975
File: 266 KB, 1478x646, test.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Krita is better for both drawing and painting, it has a built in line stabilizer, perspective tools, pop-up palette, more brush customization and twice as many blending modes.
Photoshop is more reliable, which is just one point, but a major one.

Background saving and multithreading alone will speed up the painting process quite significantly.

here's a vid

Works just fine for me, it's just not exactly intuitive, so you gotta read the documentation. Also hit 'limit to layer bounds' otherwise the processing is slow as hell.

It's pretty damn sophisticated - it closes gaps in your lineart, takes antialising into account and then exports a group of layers organized by size, named (!!) and locked by transparency, all set up for rendering.

See pic related, I used the worst possible lineart as an example and it handled it pretty well.

>> No.3357997

Kickstarter supporter reporting in

Yes I am enjoying it but I'll focus on the problems I've been having.

For some reason it stopped allowing me to right click "remove frames" in the file I'm working in (the bug started in 3.x) but I found out later if I click the button on the animation docker it work. No harm, no foul.

When I render animation it looks like frames are generated as files regardless of what setting you choose in the end (i.e. image sequence/video etc.?) and the files "disappear" later (!?). This caused a crash when I forgot to set the frame limit to a normal number, because it was generating these files to my desktop despite the video location settings defaulting to the folder where FFMPEG was.

ALSO I'm not sure how to set the maximum frame number. If it's really just dragging to the right and the frames are generated that's ok, however if you scroll back to the left they disappear (even if there's active frames) and it made copy-pasting over 100 frames at a time a problem. The timeline needs to be able to scroll freely while dragging frames and-just assuming I just haven't missed it-a means of just setting a max frame limit in an input box would be preferable. Currently if I put "500" in the "end" form it does extend the default timeline out a bit, but not the entire way.

Otherwise I'm very happy with how Krita has progressed. If it were more stable (it did crash once, the in-software playback is borked at times and I haven't tried it yet but I wouldn't be surprised if the in-software audio playback is screwed up still) it would probably be the best software for animation that currently exists for hand-drawn stuff.

It's not as feature-rich as ToonBoom but it also doesn't have a retarded timeline that randomly creates exposures for no goddamn reason or like photoshop/csp have the individual animation frames senselessly tied to individual drawing layers. It's got an almost perfect timeline so keep that shit up. Just need more stability

>> No.3357998

That painting mask thing seems pretty cool.

>> No.3358109

So Tvpaint or Krita for animations?

>> No.3358128

If you're an amateur (and you are) then Krita is the way to go for practicing animation concepts. While it has indisputably the most user-friendly timeline of all the animation softwares out there you still run the risk of it crashing so I don't know if it's ready for prime-time yet.

>> No.3358131

bubu photoshop has better filters

>> No.3358134

Holy crap, that's amazing.

>> No.3358135

Ok thanks man. And yes I am, but not for long... If my idea works out, I might become the Ruan Jia of animations!!!

>> No.3358139

>tfw im still using paint tool sai

>> No.3358158

so famous on /ic/ but entirely unknown to everything else, noice

>> No.3358169

Its awesome. For the array of things Krita can do, the quality and forethought for each one is astounding. Read a pixel art book that praised another programs feature (fill outline), wanted to use Krita and bam! something similar is there (fill grow selection).
Krita needs to be used more for sure.

>> No.3358177

one day ill be like illustrat *v*

>> No.3358223
File: 118 KB, 1506x805, krita brush editor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My favorite part about Krita 4.0 has to be the new brush editor. They completely revamped the brush editor as you can see in the first 20 seconds of this video.


You guys remember how shit the brush editor menu used to be? Other than the live stroke preview, they've finally added a reset button to restore a brush present back to it's original state if you modified it. Also they made it very easy to create new brush present icons.

Now I actually feel comfortable creating new custom brushes or just doing things like adding a temporary texture to a brush I'm using.

>> No.3358233

>multithreaded brushes
That's it I'm updating even if I only got here today to look for references

>> No.3358235

Does it still run like dogshit on Windows?

>> No.3358258
File: 3.74 MB, 6884x3274, krita_4_0_default_brushes_by_deevad-dc6n16a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also the new brush set should be mentioned. Deevad helped completely revamped the Krita default brushes and now the default brushes aren't shit anymore. The new default brushes contain almost every type of brush an artist would want/need now.

If I was a new Krita user, I wouldn't feel like I would need to download any custom brushes.

Krita has been working pretty fine on my windows machine. I don't see any major differences of performance between Windows or Ubuntu anymore.

It's the OSX version that's still kind of bad because of Apple's bad implementation of OpenGL.

>> No.3358259

These are some cool brushes.

>> No.3358263

>watercolor brushes
>pixel brushes
holy shit yes

>> No.3358289

Multithread brushes are indeed awesome, now if they multithreaded the rest of the program...

>> No.3358364
File: 163 KB, 1032x774, krita_watercolor_set_v1_01_by_grindgod-d6z262t.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The default watercolor brushes in 4.0 are pretty okay but this is still the best watercolor brushset for Krita to me.


Also this guy recently released a watercolor brush set for Krita that takes advantage of the new mask brush feature. It seems to require that you adjust the blend modes though.


>> No.3358366

duh, it's a photo editing software, that's the one thing they're supposed to get right

Looks good, thanks for the tip

>> No.3358390
File: 673 KB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_20180324_182405.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3358413

desu, your chromatic aberration is on the scant side

>> No.3358433

So, in all honesty, is this better than Sai paint?

>> No.3358436

Different softwares. Try both of them out.

I personally like Krita better than SAI, I know plenty of people who prefer SAI over Krita. Really up to you.

>> No.3358438

its pretty versatile, i suspect with the new scripting, there will be some nifty additions soon too

>> No.3358439


>> No.3358463

I would rather use Medibang than Sai. It's nearly as lightweight as Sai but has a lot more features. Especially for comic artists.

But I personally use Medibang for comics and Krita for painting.

>> No.3358552


This is great because I no longer need to use gmic

but I personally prefer CSP's solution with reference layers. its just faster https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=owAOJ-Q5sws

>> No.3359257

yea, sai's brushes are not all that capable

>> No.3359285

Okay I finally want to start getting into digital, too bad that majority of the tutorials are for Photoshop. What are the best resource to start learning on Krita?

>> No.3359286
File: 53 KB, 250x283, 250px-Towering_Pillar_of_Hats.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im getting major genuine shill vibes from this thread.

>> No.3359287

its free you dum dum

>> No.3359307

You dont know how...things work, do you.

>> No.3359331

True. So make a counter argument, shill your own favorite software, engage in the discussion.
That's what the thread is for.

They're almost the same thing, the only main differences to get used to are layer grouping, brush customization and hotkeys (which can be set to Photoshop-compatible or customized to your own workflow.)

David Revoy publishes good Krita tutorials, aside from that, Ctrlpaint.com is all you need.

>> No.3359347

does anyone here use the palette? whenever i try to delete one the program crashes

i do

>> No.3359363

So then why did you make that dumb post

>> No.3359366

Prefer subscribing for software you dont even own? Krita is free and open source

>> No.3359368

because you did

>> No.3359377

The Krita devs were once caught shilling their software here, so it may as well be the OP

who cares anyway, softwares are just tools, all of them have their pros and cons.

>> No.3359418

>shilling free software
at least it's not Aaron Blaise shilling his pricey tutorials

>> No.3359453


>> No.3359460

Apple not being able to use G'mic (and still not being able to) is a bummer. I also get some weird pressure issues with my Huion tablet on Mac that I don't get on windows. I get the pressure issues in Krita but not Photoshop, so probably a weird driver issue.

>> No.3359539

as a longtime photoshop user, i absolutely despise how krita’s bucket tool handles antialiased edges and seemingly inconsistent fill behavior. it makes coloring large swaths an absolute pain in the dick.

>> No.3359573

what filters?

>> No.3359586

it can act weird if youve set the threshold too high. other than that i feel it does the job

>> No.3359590

Same. Not being able to undue mistakes in the brush editor was one of the biggest flaws and fixing it has been a long time coming.

Wish I could fuck around in Krita a bit more but my crappy computer only handles SAI with no lag. Still, a new computer booting into Linux may be on the horizon and at this point I wouldn't mind switching over to Krita at all. It finally seems to have everything I've wanted out of it (except for stability, of course, but if you ctrl+s every five minutes out of habit it's not such a big deal)

>> No.3359591

i'll stick to photoshop for the time being

Probably, the software is good enough by now, but it still lacks the popular embrace, and the good things it brings: a wide assortment of plugins, tutorials, help from the community, adoption in industry workflow, etc.

>> No.3359594

>Probably, the software is good enough by now, but it still lacks the popular embrace, and the good things it brings: a wide assortment of plugins, tutorials, help from the community, adoption in industry workflow, etc.
Nice circular logic.

>> No.3359639

Playing with the settings fixes it. Or use the new superior colorize mask feature

>> No.3359660

No, it just means you don't want to make sacrifices just to jump to the newest trend. the wiser choice is always be a bandwagoner, and benefit from proven, wildely supported tools

>> No.3359812

The default brushes are a lot nicer that what other software ships with, but still not better than what you can get from hunting down custom brush sets.

Unfortunately I had it crash on me so it's not there yet in terms of stability. The blend mode behavior is also strange (such as overlay).

It could become a top dog after a couple more years of development I guess.

>> No.3359854

What custom brush sets would you guys recommend?

>> No.3359867

I've always had a bad taste in my mouth in regards to Krita, i remember a thread years ago when it was first released where some dipshit told me i was stupid for using photoshop over krita because "only one of those applications is made for painting, the other is a photo editing software". That and the Krita threads ALWAYS seem like shilling. Every fucking time.

Show me some pros using krita and i might start being interested.

>> No.3359878

dont use krita then, why bother posting if ur not interested

>> No.3359897

>hat and the Krita threads ALWAYS seem like shilling.
how do you guys determine shill threads? is it just because you dont like whatever is being discussed an cant for the life of you image that others do?

>> No.3359993

Does Krita have a tool comparable to liquify?

>> No.3359995

Yeah, it's under the transform tool. I don't really know how it compares to Photoshop's liquify tool but it works.

>> No.3359997

So it’s just on the level of the warp tool, or is there more to it? Liquify is incredibly powerful.

>> No.3360004

I dunno what the warp tool is, but feel free to check this out: https://userbase.kde.org/Krita/Manual/Tools/Transform#Liquify

I actually like the Cage tool a lot. Gives you a lot of control.

>> No.3360007

no, theres also a warp tool there. the liquify works resonably well. can be a bit slow on large areas though

>> No.3360009

Who's the best concept artist using Krita? I want to see some nice pieces done with Krita, but there is zero.

>> No.3360010

if you depend on the liquify tool to make decent art you need to brush up on your skills

>> No.3360020


>Who's the best pencil artist using [pencil brand]? I want to see some nice pieces done with [pencil brand], but there is zero.

>> No.3360023

Thanks, I thought there are no examples after all.

>> No.3360025
File: 35 KB, 516x381, Color-to-alpha[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it has this color wheel and value picker by default without having to install a buggy POS plugin. This is literally the only reason I use it over photoshop.

>> No.3360031

>Thanks, my question was pointless after all

>> No.3360034

there are no examples because it is a hobbyist tool at best. Get back to PS if you are a pro. CC 2018 shows that Adobe is improving things, Krita and alike will get even more obsolete with time.

>> No.3360035

what are the advantages of that color wheel?

>> No.3360039

Thanks, since CC is subscription based I am opened for alternatives, but I don't have enough time to invest into testing new core software. I was hoping another professionals did and maybe dumped PS for Krita or other, but apparently nope.
Not really, but that's fine. I hope you will make it someday, anon. I really do.

>> No.3360052

Something something the square color picker extrapolates certain regions so you just get a more bloated color picker. Honestly it's really not that big of a deal.

>> No.3360053

>Not really, but that's fine. I hope you will make it someday, anon. I really do.

I'm finishing my second fully backed kickstarter comic project, I've used CC, Krita and CSP and they've all had features that helped my workflow (I'm personally enjoying CSP the most), I didn't need to find "pros" using a software to validate its worth, thats just silly

>> No.3360055

>kickstarter comic project

I still hope you will make it someday, anon. I really do.

>> No.3360057
File: 42 KB, 560x378, ColourPicker-AllColours[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can actually visualize color schemes on the wheel and the triangle makes so much more sense than a square.

Photoshop's color picker is just unintuitive.

>> No.3360059

ah okay, thanks. so if im really used to the square picker in ps it's not going to be worth the bother i take it.

>> No.3360060


Thanks, and looks like your little break is up. better get back to work, busy man.

>> No.3360065
File: 22 KB, 552x414, 26804876_1047290665413796_5076420102926906232_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're right, gonna get a coffee and enjoy rest of a day working with PS!

>> No.3360073
File: 1.43 MB, 480x270, 9dbe27f370e7e4680e0c535c225314a0.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

of course. old habits, they die hard

>> No.3360088

no other software has it yet. weird, because ps's liquify is old af

that said, krita's liquify is half decent. unlike photoshop's one, it runs like shit on my machine, but when i'll get a new one someday, it might become usable.

>> No.3360091

probably because its hard to emulate, and probably because they patented some shit

>> No.3360173


>> No.3360177

That said if you open up Q'Mic in Krita you have a shit ton of filters.

>> No.3360202

I used krita once. It was so bad that my penis fell off and ran out the door

>> No.3360215

Coolurus has been out longer than krita existed, never had an issue with it.

>> No.3360276
File: 71 KB, 327x480, 1496822409305.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i remember a thread years ago when it was first released where some dipshit told me i was stupid for using photoshop over krita because "only one of those applications is made for painting, the other is a photo editing software"
And you still remember and are mad about that? Holy fucking shit, dude.

Also Krita wasn't released a few years ago. If you take a gander at its development history it's actually fairly old.

How do you shill an open source program made by a non-profit? Yes they do take donations but they're hardly making hand over fist. So you're not only a petty dolt who let's the littlest thing put a chip on your shoulder, but incredibly paranoid as well.

>Show me some pros using krita and i might start being interested.
I don't want you using it. It's pearls before swine.

>> No.3360278

I used it in like January and I found it really really laggy. It stuttered a lot. No idea why.

>> No.3360281

Give it another try. 4.0 added multi-threading which is suppose to be much faster.

100% correct that it used to have terrible lag.

>> No.3360309

The newest update to Krita made it a lot more intuitive to use, and overall comfortable.

But I can't get comfortable with it, because the whole application lags horribly at 10k pixels in Krita, whereas in Photoshop, I could go up to about 30k pixels before I noticed a dip in performance.

>> No.3360313

fuck off

>> No.3360377
File: 256 KB, 1561x857, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Using Krita for almost a year, switched from Photoshop because got tired of windows.

Photoshop, being a tool for photo editing, was never specialized for artists. Krita got: 6 color selectors, stabilizer, assistants (Lazy Nezumi is better, but it also not free eh), organizing tools, multibrush (woahdude) and SUPERIOR brush engine variety. It is a lot more fun to draw in Krita.

But as of previous versions (barely tried 4.0 honestly), it was really slow with big documents and big brushes. Sometimes weird behavior managing color profiles. And it still got bugs. Advanced Color Selector is lier.

Overall, Krita is 10/10 for personal use. Probably better consider PS for proffessional work.

>> No.3360426

You drew this? I drew this.

>> No.3360450

Why would you still consider PS better for professional work after you just ranted about how much better Krita is?

>> No.3360465

1. he most likely works for Krita
2.I'd say it's widespread usage and the popular .psd format makes pipeline work very simple

>> No.3360479

So any good new features for animating?

>> No.3360520

>stuck verifying on macos
>all the solutions to this problem require an .pkg which krita doesn't have

>> No.3360523

Maybe I will try Krita when I'm experienced with digital painting. But so far the huge amount of guides for photoshop just make it a must have for any beginner.

>> No.3360614

I just noticed that the brushes i usually use to color is missing in Krita 4.0
I forgot the name though, it was a standard brush with purple color (i think it was basic_mix and basic_mix_wet?). I really like them
There are couple of brushes like that in default latest Krita but it feels different, and with the old default brushes i can just blend without chaning em, i mean, i still can, with the new stock brushes but it's harder because it doesnt really suit my pressure preference

Guess i'll edit it or find the old pack

>> No.3360619

The old brushes are still there, you have to go to your resource manager and enable them.

>> No.3360620

The old brushes should still be available but disabled by default according to their release notes.

Deevad did a livestream where he goes over every brush in the new preset collection, maybe the one you need is still there.

>> No.3360623

ah i see, i thought they're gone and overwritten..
i'll try to find em, thanks

>> No.3360624

Being slow is kind of a big deal

>> No.3360631

t. brainlet

>> No.3360635

t. brainlet

>> No.3360640

t. brainless

>> No.3360661

I was messing around with Krita the other day and it seemed like some of the brushes got really sharp and pixellated as they scaled up. I wasn’t even making them “large” but it was still there.

>> No.3360673

You dont have to use PS to employ PS techniques.

You can just watch the PS tutorials and use the same or similar tools in any image editor available.

If anything PS is poor on features for painting and every other package has the PS tools and more.

>> No.3360713

Just pirate PS already.

>> No.3360728


>> No.3360736

Here you go. Just use google next time.

>> No.3360748

How does Krita handle layer modes ?
I've used PS for everything for a long time but I'm new when it comes to digital painting.
Is there an equivalent (or the same) to color dodge, multiply ... ?

>> No.3360765

Decent print quality requires high resolution documents, so i would rather use fast and stable software. Missing deadline because "mah favorite krita can't deal with 10k by 10k canvas" is kind of dumb. PS got all tools for drawing, anything else is a bonus.

>> No.3360801

Fuck yeah, it FINALLY works on macOS. Before, Krita was lagging like shit and my 2017 iMac. Literallly unsuable. Whatever they did fixed the issue entirely.

>> No.3360829

Just install it the regular way from the website. Then try to launch it, and when it fails the first time because macOS doesn't "trust" it, go to System Preferences>Security & Privacy, and at the bottom you'll see a message that Krita was blocked from launching because Krita devs don't have an Apple developer account. Press "trust anyway" and you're good to go.

>> No.3360841

There are color dodge, multiply, even soft light and overlay. They look same, but can't confirm they are exactly same.

>> No.3361003

Nah. PS is severe overkill for my shitty anime fap bait. Plus Krita is more intuitive.

>> No.3361010

ive seen that the brushes now run on multithreading, perhaps that's it

>> No.3361028

>Krita is more intuitive
Doesn't matter if you already know PS.
If you don't then learn it already instead of waiting until you get a job.
Also what >>3360713 said

If PS is an overkill just don't use features you don't need.

>> No.3361047
File: 63 KB, 1024x782, 1491455884743.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

help, i cant find anymore the Reference image docker, where the fuck is it gone?

>> No.3361074

They removed it because even the devs thought it sucked. Currently working on rewriting it

After using CSPs equivalent of a reference docker... It really did suck

>> No.3361084

does have something akin to corel painter digital watercolors or sai engine ?

>> No.3361085

Nah. No reason to go out of my way to pirate it unless it offers something that Krita doesn't (that I will actually use)

>> No.3361154
File: 13 KB, 256x256, 1517258847510.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh well, thanks for the info

>> No.3361511
File: 159 KB, 1920x1080, kritawatercolor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is nice, tried to unleash my inner weeb and make a background with it but fugg I'm too addicted to just blending colors now.

>> No.3362288


>> No.3364702

CPS > Krita > Said > Photoshop > Gimp

>> No.3364841

Note to animators, the animation timeline gets fucked in this version so watch out.

>> No.3364890

Mind elaborating? Krita is my primary animation software at the moment.

>> No.3364940

I downloaded 4.0, and for some reason it still has the same problem which prevented me from using 3.x:

Pressing space (or a dedicated button set up on any wacom device) doesn't allow me to pan the drawing space, instead it switches to the pan tool, which I then can move the canvas with, and afterwards I have to press another button to switch back to brush mode - which is just plain retarded and horrible for the workflow.

Also the software still has weird language settings, it's a shitty mix of my system's default language and English, even though I selected English as the language Krita is supposed to be using.

And, worst of all: the UI doesn't scale correctly - on my main monitor it looks fine, but as soon as I move the window onto my wacom, it becomes a clusterfuck of horrible icon sizes and half-filled toolbars.

No wait, even worse than that: uninstalling and reinstalling doesn't help to fix any of these problems, because they store the settings for it somewhere on the system, which doesn't go away once you uninstall. And I'm not talking about the appdata folders, those I also had to manually delete - no, there's some other hidden folder containing settings, which fucks up everything.

>> No.3365008

That's pretty strange. What OS/tablet do you use? I can't speak for the second issue, but my spacebar lets me pan around the canvas without switching to the pan tool and the UI looks fine on my Huion.

>> No.3365040

How does this compare to Clip Studio Paint?

>> No.3365647

Yup, learned it the hard way : it crashed while working... (I guess I'll look for TVpaint or a CS6 animation plugin)

>> No.3365656

If you play your animation just once, you lose the ability to delete key frames.

>> No.3365700
File: 310 KB, 950x673, pen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a way to simulate a brush leaking ink if you hold it still? Similar to how pens will have larger ink blotches at points where the pen was held still or put on/lifted off the paper.

>> No.3365818

Oh that? Here's a workaround I'd found: press the remove frame button in the timeline docker.

>> No.3366061


Her art is not bad but I find it ugly for some reason.

>> No.3366100

There's a brush parameter called Airbrush that when toggled on will make the brush draw on the canvas even when you are holding it still or nearly completely still.

>> No.3366253

>new version of Krita

Rad, does it shit its pants at high resolution painting still? It can be crammed full of features, until it doesn't have such poor performance on a modern, high-end 3D workstation that it makes me feel like I'm back in 2004 using Photoshop CS2 on my ancient laptop, it's going to be useless.

>> No.3366262

Wacom Cintiq 13HD

>> No.3366267
File: 280 KB, 800x777, rekt_sequence_wip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn, the colorize mask actually works. I remember being similarly awestruck by the G'mic filter, but this shit is twice as powerful and tailored specifically for illustrators.

The default engine brushes are more than twice as fast, so that amounts to something. My potato laptop got a breath of fresh air.
Large canvas sizes and tall layer stacks are still an issue tho.

One thing I like is that it's not actually "getting crammed with features", the development is more focused on working with what's already there and improving performance, which is the right strategy. I think Krita will only gain more following in the near future, maybe even at the expense of Photoshop and CSP.

>> No.3368169
File: 94 KB, 836x448, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck are these files that are created along with the files you actually want to save? They're not hidden files and they don't go away after krita is closed.
Is there a way to disable them from appearing, because needing to delete them every time you save will get annoying as fuck.

>> No.3368181

Yes, fellow artist! I too am loving Krita! It is truly the only program for artists that want to make lots of money!
Tell me more!

>> No.3368182

The fucking shilling is out of control fuck off shit dev krita is a poor mans art program.

>> No.3368209


who pissed in your cereal?

>> No.3368210

Yeah, you should be good goys and get a Photoshop subscription that you'll pay for the rest of your lives.

>> No.3368368

Backups. It's a good thing. Just delete them after a few months

>> No.3368374

Sai and Photoshop users are bigger shills have have been doing it for years. Who gives a shit

>> No.3368381

Nobody friend! My cereal was delicious thanks to the intuitive interface and superior brush engine of Krita™!

>> No.3368428

Tip: Use any selection tool to select outside of canvas, then select crop tool and hit enter to resize canvas instantly.
Much more intuitive than doing it through file menu. Re-introduced in 4.0.

What are you doing in the krita shill thread if shilling krita grinds your gears, m8?

Haven't figured out how to hide them either, but you can also drag-and-drop them into Krita if you somehow overwrite/delete your main file. Saved my ass a couple times in the past.

>> No.3368434


I, like you, very much enjoy my Industry Standard Adobe Photoshop Creative Cloud™ subscription starting at just $9.99. For such a low monthly price I have access too all the same Adobe Photoshop™ features that professionals in the art industry use daily!

>> No.3368446

>implying I use Photoshop

Dumb fag

>> No.3368465

>implying anyone gives a fuck what you use

>> No.3368476

This guy obviously does you illiterate fucking retard

>> No.3368485


I see the photoshill is trying to cover his trails.

Too bad you're not the only one with shill-senses.

>> No.3368490

I love the Adobe Photoshop Creative Cloud™! Such a great deal for a few dollars [$9.99 a month ,shipping fees and taxes not included]. It has allowed me to grow as an artist along with my iPad Pro™ (use coupon code: "freeearbuds" when you order your iPad Pro™ today to get free complementary earbuds!).

>> No.3368491

>he spent the time typing this
>he thought it would be funny


>> No.3368492

Get out of here Krita shill.

>> No.3368824

why not use a vector picture editing program like Inkscape or something for text?

>> No.3369221

Does anyone know if there's an option to keep backups in a specific folder? I don't like them littering all over the place.

>> No.3369331

>both drawing and painting
what's the difference

>> No.3369370

Drawing is based on line, to accommodate it, the software needs good stabilizers, brush density and a brush engine that simulates real ink. CSP is a good example.
Painting is based on blotches of color, for which you need good blending, smudging, texture and variety of interactive brushes that simulate watercolor, oil etc. Corel painter is the best at that.

Krita and Paintstorm are probably the two softwares that pay attention to both aspects.

>> No.3369380

Does it work on Ubuntu?

>> No.3369387

>using linux for creating anything related to art

>> No.3369457

You don't have to simulate paint, pal. It's a digital medium. In my experience, all complex simulation of brushes does for painting is make results less predictable. Photoshop's mostly no-frills brush engine is always completely consistent compared to stuff that tries to simulate real media, and that's the opposite of a bad thing because complex brush engines have never made getting the desired end result any easier.

>> No.3369464

Half of using physical mediums is getting interesting textures unintentionally, if you want your work to have spontaneity with boring default Photoshop brushes, you can't pull it off.

>> No.3369475

There's enough features in the brush engine that you can customize brushes to unintentionally (or intentionally, because that's part of the appeal of digital anyway) create texture and it's straightforward enough that you can do it on the fly and make something practical out of it. The majority of real media simulating brush engines I've used, for all their cpu taxing complexity, just have brushes that blend and coalesce into a bog-standard "digital" look anyway and yes, that includes Krita.

>> No.3369476

Yes, but the default package repositories never have the latest release, so use an appimage or add the dev's ppa to your package source list.

>> No.3369641

>Krita, Inkscape, Blender
We have the full package without spending a penny.
Enjoy your forced updates, data spying, bloatware, cluttered up registries strangling your CPU and Gates' corporate cock up your ass.

>> No.3369664
File: 31 KB, 775x501, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>full package

>> No.3369683

Look at this! *waving around filled trashcan* I've really got the full package, without spending a penny! Enjoy your rent and utility bills, homefags!

>> No.3369768

I hope im not Team peanut butter

>> No.3369791

>trying that hard

>> No.3369823

I honestly feel like when there are posts with people complaining about shiling it just proves that programs like krita are becoming more relevant.
whine all you want but krita is here to stay. I'm personally CSP but I use krita on specific situations

>> No.3371764

Nowadays, simply paying for your OS and production software isn't enough to hold software producing companies from leeching off you. You still have to give up all your privacy, contact list info and maybe watch some ads in the meantime.
So why pay?
Now tell me something witty about my trashcan not being advanced enough to spy on me.

>> No.3371773

Every time I update krita it deletes my brushes.

>> No.3371798

>give up all your privacy, contact list info
Buddy, that's not an OS feature. You do that by using the internet. How many VPNs are you behind?
>Now tell me something witty about my trashcan
Ah, so you admit you're clinging onto a trashcan. Interesting.

>> No.3371801


>> No.3372081

More and more people in the industry are using sketchbook pro, I feel like photoshop won't be the industry standard anymore

>> No.3372178
File: 57 KB, 500x386, 1475247162991.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I feel like photoshop won't be the industry standard anymore

>> No.3372205


agreed brother

Posted from my Blackberry™ Device

>> No.3372217
File: 14 KB, 261x199, 1454654161446.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Posted from my Blackberry™ Device

>> No.3372272

much more stable than the last version, hopefully i'll be able to use it for real work soon and finally not have to put up with adobe's shit anymore.
how do you get grayscale proofs to work?

>> No.3372280


I think you missed the irony, Homer.

>> No.3372286

Well it's close to PS in UI quality and it's open source so you aren't going to get botnetted like you will with Sai. So yes.

>> No.3372288

>shilling open source software

No one is getting paid to do this. It's literally because people actually like the software.

>> No.3372300

Yeah, I heard Krita only has one Mac developer, how can they afford shills if they are already understaffed?

>> No.3372502

In the industry, Photoshop is used in:
Digital painting, texture creation, 3D material pipelines, anything that involves photomanipulation, design, web design, graphic design (interfaces etc.), animation
Sketchbook pro/Krita/CSP/Procreate can be used in:
Uhh, painting? Animation sometimes?

All self-labeled "painting" software seems like a toy by comparison. It'll let you paint digitally in a slightly different way! Wow! What a feature! Sounds like something you'd only seriously buy into if you're struggling with digital painting. Being able to do one thing slightly differently, typically at the cost of less features and worse performance literally cutting down the quality of canvas you can work on/size of brush you can work with, doesn't seem appealing to me, but I've never had a problem figuring out regular digital painting. I've never heard anyone argue for a painting feature from any one of these packages that is actually necessary or useful enough to drop all the photomanipulation features and other toolkits from Photoshop, any time I hear about another software having something actually useful it's already in Photoshop, with the only exception being the recently added line stabilizer that I have very little use for anyway.

>> No.3372512

As do you. What are you implying? The myth about proprietary software code having higher quality was busted, like, a decade ago.

Adobe is hiring the chinese and indian coders for cheap, it's hard to expect them to perform well. So, trashcans. You paid for yours. I took mine for free. We're still both hobos raiding cans. Except I'm keeping my money.

>> No.3372531
File: 486 KB, 499x375, 1496679793224.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>missed the irony

>> No.3372544


>typically at the cost of less features and worse performance

Anon, photoshop is a notorious laggy resource hog. You're right on features but that software performs abysmally, which is one of the main reasons I stopped using it.

Anyway, photoshop is great for tools, and since it's all in one place it makes sense it's industry standard. You can have a dozen people doing different jobs do it all competently in photoshop. The problem is the people who insist that a versatile, multi-purpose software is supposed to be unbeatable at every task (and /ic/ is FULL of these people). It's flexible, but there are better specialized softwares.

It can do everything you need it to, and yeah, if you're a decent artist you can make good art with virtually any tool, but the insistence of some people that photoshop is the be-all-end-all and completely shut their eyes to its many flaws are intolerable.

>> No.3372573

Other software is consistently worse at scaling up on serious workstation systems in my experience. If I ran Krita and Photoshop CC 2018 on a cheap laptop with a 2k*2k canvas intending to work at canvas resolution Krita might run better, sure. If I did something at a higher resolution on my workstation intending to work at 50% zoom (which I do, because it's a pain to zoom into something to do detail and have to work with the individual pixels), other software runs into issues before Photoshop. Brushes typically start to lag at smaller sizes and the canvas size typically starts to cause issues sooner than it would in Photoshop.
That's my experience, but I've tried a lot of other software over the years.

I thought we were talking about Linux, the operating system where you couldn't upgrade to a better art trashcan than Krita or Blender or access a whole range of specialized software even if you wanted to?
Your "fully featured" trashcan straight up doesn't do things that I, and many others, need it to do. It's not fully featured.

>> No.3372603

>only has one Mac developer
That's actually true, and the funniest thing I ever heard. How did this even get so popular when it's so unprofessional? And even more amazing, how is the software so good? I'll still use it over PS any day because I don't need any of the extra """features""" that Adobe shills keep memeing about.

>> No.3372606

>Your "fully featured" trashcan straight up doesn't do things that I, and many others, need it to do.
>the operating system where you couldn't upgrade to a better art trashcan than Krita or Blender
Speaking about Blender, there's full spectrum of professional 3D software for Linux. Surely you didn't know that, but that's ok, you can't see much from the bottom of a trashcan.

>> No.3372608
File: 391 KB, 1646x972, Screen Shot 2018-04-03 at 3.59.30 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They don't even have a mac developer license lmao

>> No.3372614

>keeps throwing around the word "trashcan"
You're paying a subscription for your trashcan lmao @ ur life faget

>> No.3372975

I've still only been referring to Linux as a trashcan, try again.

>> No.3373072

You're 16 years late to the party. These days everything rotates around open codebase, with android being top OS and significant part of windows apps and libraries being ported from linux.
In other words if open source is a trashcan, you're still eating from it anyway. Reevaluate your life and stop being an edgy child.

>> No.3373075

Because Inkscape is laggy and not intuitive
t. not him but...

>> No.3373181

Well what (Custom) brushes do you guys use?

>> No.3373193
File: 563 KB, 780x1820, krita_brushpack__updated__by_radian1-db2pvri.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my favorite custom brush set (Used to be deevad's before it got merged into Krita 4.0)
The double brushes are also pretty nice for people who are coming from photoshop.


Also Hushcoil's brushset is pretty nice too. I mainly use brushes from their pen&pencil brushpack.


>> No.3373833

I don't give a fuck what you're referring to, I am calling your adobeshit a trashcan. You fucking trash man.

>> No.3373899

are these compatible with 4.0?

>> No.3374058


>> No.3374079

Second link is broken

>> No.3374234
File: 29 KB, 225x350, 1522097232441.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there something like Ctrl Paint for Krita?

>> No.3374456

One thing the Krita devs really did right was maintain brush compatibility for every new version that comes out. I downloaded brushes that was made for Krita 2.9 that still works fine on 4.0

The 2nd link works fine for me. If it still doesn't work you can try the gumroad link which allows you to still download all the brushes at once for free.


You can use the CtrlPaint lessons fine with Krita.

This guide tells all the Krita equivalent functions to the photoshop functions Matt uses in his videos.


>> No.3374822


>> No.3375448

What a fucking nigger

>> No.3375455


>> No.3375466

Only thing stopping me from migrating to Krita is photoshop's liquify

Seriously, such a useful tool both for early creative exploration or fixing finished renderings. Is a shame nobody has been able to copy its functionality yet

>> No.3375469

Krita has it too.

>> No.3375477

>fixing finished rendering

lazy fuck

>> No.3375478

i know, i've tried: is all jerky, slow, and useless for the kind of refined, precise, subtle work you can do with photoshop's one

i generally like krita, but i've got to be objective about this.

>> No.3375490
File: 23 KB, 639x619, 1518625509532.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mainly use PS and I really like it. Not enough to make me change, but I see they're adding more and more features so I'm keeping an eye on it. No performance issues, no crashes.
I have a problem with it though, it doesn't work with my dual screen setup because the retarded QT coding detects it wrong. I didn't have this issues with either PS or CSP, and I don't know how to fix it because of the limited options.

>> No.3375544

more like WACK! ayyyyyy lmao brb

>> No.3377225

I was just playing with Gimp 2.10 RC1, and i have to report that its Warp tool works just as good as photoshop's Liquify, so that would make a case for using open source alternatives in my particular workflow.

anyway, it would be great if Krita people would take note and copy Gimp's great implementation

>> No.3377957


krita should never copy anything from GIMP

literally their name

>> No.3378306

IIRC Paintstorm has it, but it's called warp for some reason.

>> No.3378321

>it has a built in line stabilizer, perspective tools, pop-up palette, more brush customization and twice as many blending modes.
So exactly like photoshop cc 2018

>> No.3378323

Fuck off photoshop has color wheels

>> No.3378405

photoshop isn't free

>> No.3378414

yes it is

>> No.3378421

>not getting the Colorus extension for PS
has a built in blender, mixer, color history, and sliders for the RGB

>> No.3378423

>paying for software

>> No.3378708

He never claimed being free was a pro. He listed a lot of features that photoshop implemented during the last years but he doesnt even know they did.

Finally I pay like 3 bucks monthly for photoshop/illustrator. It also gives me access to the full kyle brushes and 20gb cloud service, onlineportfolio, etc. You can pay 3 dollars instead of 10 if you use a vpn to make the account in any thirdworld country where the sub is cheaper.

>> No.3378764

>pay for a vpn
isn't that illegal, though? you could as well just pirate it

also, it's USD$22.80 /month, just for photoshop, in my third world shithole, or $34.20 USD /month if you don't wanna pay the whole year

>> No.3378788


Why would you use Kritawhen there's Clip Studio?

>> No.3378792


I get that anyone good could produce great art in Krita but all the featured art is absolute bottom of the barrel dogshit. How on earth did they think it was a good idea to market their software with this garbage? Atleast they have a cute maskot.

>> No.3378852

>How on earth did they think it was a good idea to market their software with this garbage?
It's an open source project so there isn't that extra incentive to try and sell a product. That said, the software has potential to become something really great, it just isn't there yet.

>> No.3378985

Because Krita's better. Really. You can't convince me it's better, some other anon tried and I wasn't seeing it.

>> No.3379185

I've used Krita and CSP extensively and I prefer CSP. I wish I was using it 100% of the time instead of 95% of the time

>> No.3382619

Does anyone know if Krita has any way to tag layers?

For example, if I have a filter mask applied to several different layers, I'd like to be able to quickly modify/toggle each one as if they were all within single folder.

>> No.3382785
File: 178 KB, 1408x1234, color filter layers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This sounds like what you might be looking for?

>To assign a color label to your layer or layer group you have to right click on the layer and choose one of the given colors from the context menu. To remove an already existing color label you can click on the 'x' marked box in the context menu.


>> No.3383251

Thanks. I knew about color labels but I didn't know you could filter by them. This might be what I need.

I just need a way to be able to quickly toggle visibility of all layers of a specific color. Hopefully the new scripting system can allow for something like that.

>> No.3384227

The eraser side of my pen no longer works, I am using a Thinkpad X220T and the original Lenovo digizer with Arch Linux. Does anyone know how to fix this?

>> No.3384233

It happened to me. Has it been replaced by another tool? Does opening a new page fix the issues?

>> No.3384242

It now works just like the pen side and after restarting nothing changes.

>> No.3384243

Bug Fix 4.0.1 is there.

>> No.3384245

That was fast krita-dev senpai

>> No.3384251

I miss the refrerence image docker. Pureref is okay I guess but I feel like other doesn't integrate into my workflow as much as Krita's native ref docker.

>> No.3384255

Just wait till they recode it and make it better. Previous one sucked

>> No.3384297

I'm gonna wait for 4.1 because I miss my ref image dock
shitty chink tablet that works with Krita and Sai 2 in terms of pen pressure and sensitivity.

>> No.3385321

You can try nightly builds with new ref tool.