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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 263 KB, 1009x1024, 529386365.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3357087 No.3357087 [Reply] [Original]

No need to make a thread if you only have a single question.

Don't know where to begin? That's understandable. You see, the first time you visit /ic/ you will see a stickied thread with a thumb tack and lock icon. That specific thread has links that will HELP you. Read that first.

Sorry, pressed for time, so im not linking to all the generals. Check the catalog.

Last thread: >>3334384

>> No.3357093

How else can you judge value besides squinting? I don’t want to end up with crows feet around my eyes.

>> No.3357099

blur filter
in all seriousness, assuming it's in color you can just convert it to grayscale and judge from there. if its already in grayscale, then fuck if i know lol

>> No.3357101

For midtones, does KJG use a gray ink brush pen or does he use an ink wash?

>> No.3357112

What are some good sources on non-human anatomy with the end goal of gittin gud at creature design? I only know of Terryl Whitlatch.

>> No.3357119

Can someone recommend good a midtone sketchbook? I can only find overpriced strathmore toned sketchbooks or really shitty kraft paper booklets.

Thinking about just getting loose sheets in bulk and making my own sketchbook but I would prefer a fairly priced premade solution first.

>> No.3357168

Does anyone know of any good artists that simplify hair? Preferably using only line, but simple 2-3 tone rendering helps too.
Just something to help wrap my head around (no pun intended)

>> No.3357170

John Singer Sargent

>> No.3357189

Is there more demand for porn art than stuff like fantasy concept art? Will I live a fulfilling life if I cash in on the market?

>> No.3357216
File: 30 KB, 286x321, 1472003231285.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried using charcoal powder for the first time, and found it revealed a bunch of invisible fingerprints from when I was doing the initial lay-in.
Is there any way I can prevent this, other than wearing gloves or something while I draw?

>> No.3357253

How do you draw unsymmetrical things correctly in perspective?

>> No.3357263
File: 180 KB, 1280x720, page 011_ materials and skills.mp4_snapshot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you're using a pad you can fold the cover like pic related and use that to grab, rotate etc.

>> No.3357569

When copying a picture should I make use of construction or just straight line my way through it.

>> No.3357622
File: 82 KB, 638x652, jeff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck is going on over at watts atelier?
Their forums get 1 post a week.
Their blog is ded.
The last time Jeff uploaded a video to his jewtube was 11 months ago and probably longer for his twitter.
They get all this money from online subs but their website is still a mess and nothing ever updates.
Are they just really really busy with IRL classes?

I'm trying to find art communities besides /ic/ but it feels like the internet died and everyone went to discord/tumblr/twitter/faceberg/IG.

>> No.3357653

Who cares? His methods are shit

>> No.3357656

What if you’re drawing from life?

>> No.3357658

you can use a black mirror, a phone with the screen turned off would do

>> No.3357662

Nobody uses forums of online schools. It's the same across the board; cgma, svffa, nma, etc. Everyone just communicates on facebook or discord now. Discord has killed even 4chans post speed.

As for his updates he pretty much made everything he wanted for the online portion with his "3 year" goal target.
Your mother gave birth to shit.

>> No.3357669
File: 38 KB, 999x683, FF0C2799-468E-4ADE-B8E5-733DB5444D2F.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should this be avoided or is it useful for a beginner?

>> No.3357680

The grid method is a pretty poor way of analyzing references. At best it's equivalent to a paint by numbers exercise used in middle school art class. You're missing out on valuable concepts like form and overall shape.

Care to be more specific? One way you can try is using a simpler shape (usually a rectangular prism) and just flesh it out from there.

Depends on your goals, but if you want to apply construction to whatever you're studying, there are a couple ways to go about it. What I personally like to do is copy directly from reference at first and then try to apply construction to it on the side until I can get it mostly correct. Or if you don't feel comfortable going straight in, you can try to apply construction (especially proportion lines) to get a less unbalanced drawing.

Surprised no one has replied, but it depends on what you mean by "fulfilling life." The short answer is yes, porn is at a much higher demand than fantasy concept art and you'd find a much better source of income through porn. Obviously it's up to you how much you want to dedicate your drawings to porn.

>> No.3357701

Is there exists some kind of "ps brushes for noobs pack"? Default brushes in PS just doesnt feel right, idk how to explain. Or should I learn how to create custom brushes myself?

>> No.3357754
File: 69 KB, 396x788, 2018-03-24_13-37-18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's the point of doing 30-second gesture drawings? feels like im just wasting time with these.

>> No.3357768

Depends on what you're trying to do.

If you're trying to make the best "product" with your current ability, it's a decent crutch but it's terrible as a learning tool.

>> No.3357770

to warm up mainly.
also, it's supposed to teach you about the concept of 'movement' and some other related stuff, rhythm, balance etc. i don't know if that's super useful if you don't have a teacher to tell you which ones are good though. (the only passable one you have there is the bottom left one fyi, the others all entirely miss the point)

>> No.3357863

Who is the best drawer?

>> No.3357897


>> No.3358143

thanks anon. it did actually work as a decent warm up, just by setting a frantic pace, which made for a productive, albeit stressful drawing session.

i have no idea how im supposed to capture movement and rythm in 30 seconds. hmm, maybe all youre supposed to do is get the line of action right.

>> No.3358157
File: 50 KB, 300x258, color-wheel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I approach color?

I've been trying to use it on single pics, but multiple objects mean that there are multiple colors and the whole thing ends up looking like shit.

>> No.3358197


>> No.3358210

Understand lighting and relative colors

>> No.3358254

you need some theory, so read a book 'color and light' by james gurney is good i think. i haven't read it but people recommend it alot.

>> No.3358257

what's a good way to practice proportions? i keep messing those up, regardless of what im drawing

>> No.3358284

It's a good book for theory but lacks practical exercises to get better. I am still looking for exercises that could help.

>> No.3358290
File: 682 KB, 1144x572, merging shapes 10 minutes to better painting marco bucci.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does every digital painting you ever do require references, or do you have to learn to internalise it all?

>> No.3358370

Using references is good even after you learn. You don't always have to use them though. There are construction techniques for that (a very simple example is LOOMIS which is why even though his art books are not realism based are still shared here)

The point of references are multiple:

1) Learn to see things as they are.
>Allows you to draw new things you haven't drawn before.

2) Develop more advanced symbols in your head when you draw without reference.
>Better symbols with greater detail allow for greater range of variables to get creative with

3) Practice skills you might not otherwise notice.
>This could go on and on really

4) Requires the use of the fundamental skills so you develop them further and can apply them in all art contexts if needed.
>Practice Practice Practice, harder practice accomplished = more gain

>> No.3358379

much thanks, anon. i can draw ok, but painting is this new weird oyster to me.

>> No.3358394

Is it better to learn construction first or do something like the Betty Edwards book where you copy what you see?

>> No.3358402

Personally I like the exercises in Drawing on the Right side of the brain first. With daily practices with construction. That way you practice applying what you are learning from life.

>> No.3358449
File: 123 KB, 350x250, beepbeep.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HEY does anyone have a serial code for DesignDoll

>> No.3358459

I've decided against splitting time between different types of art. If I do porn it's going to be what I devote my life to. Granted, I'm comfortable with this. If I can publish several Unity games before I die I'll be happy.


The problem with Gurney is that he's still using the color wheel. Once you understand that it's a color space things make more sense, and it's easier to balance. As for exercises, I'm not sure what you could do besides incorporating your knowledge into what you produce already. Fail faster instead of doing exercises to put off meaningful work.

>> No.3358510

How decent does my realistic, non-stylized anatomy need to be if I want to paint abstracted figuration?

>> No.3358793

or a crack or anything that will actually let it connect to the atelier?

>> No.3358799

Does anyone have that infographic of the successful artists who didn't go to college?

>> No.3358824
File: 27 KB, 506x226, data_018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

which color picker is more recommended for digital painting and why? i find myself flipping between the square and triangle often, and i want to stick with just one.

>> No.3358829

Square because triangle is literally a piece of a square.

>> No.3358831 [DELETED] 

It's entirely personal preference.
huevaluechroma.com will give you a better idea of what they mean.

Square is simpler to understand.
Hue is the circle selection.
up/down is value.
left/right is chroma.

HSV or Lab is my favorite color space.

>> No.3358832

yes, but the square is a stretched out triangle, with lots of redundant dark values.

i'm reading this site and color as a 3d space is absolutely blowing my mind, thank you

>> No.3358833 [DELETED] 

* http://www.huevaluechroma.com/ *

>> No.3358834

the right one, on contrary to what this guy >>3358831 said about the square the up/down is not correct value, it's more of a curve upward and the triangle one actually has the correct up/down value.

>> No.3358836

Can't you just use the Atelier DA codes? I'm not sure since I'm still stuck with the trial. I tried to download a cracked earlier version and it just installed the newest version anyway.

>> No.3358844

a tip is to not focus on figures when you're learning colors. there's tendency to try and paint nudes but 'art them up' with funky colors, trying to apply what you're learning to a not very colorful subject. better to do landscapes or some such where there are a myriad of real and unsubtle color effects you can learn from.

>> No.3358845

yeah, i think the triangle has correct up/down value sliding for colors with mid value chroma peaks. it's more diagonal for the brightest and darkest hues. is there a color wheel with a triangle that adjusts for individual hue value? (am i making sense?)

>> No.3358846

You want to fight, mate?

Just kidding, after I said that I realized it was blackness.

>> No.3359005
File: 627 KB, 1920x1942, 1501288434741.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I draw fat girls? The only tutorial I can find was Doxys, and it just said use less negative space.

>> No.3359245

>the square the up/down is not correct value, it's more of a curve upward and the triangle one actually has the correct up/down value.
>i think the triangle has correct up/down value sliding for colors with mid value chroma peaks. it's more diagonal for the brightest and darkest hues.

im having trouble understanding this. anyone have a link to something that goes in depth on it?

>> No.3359360

Google > Google images > "fat girls" > draw all these refs...

>> No.3359376
File: 223 KB, 1200x655, 1521850764898.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you guys approach studying other artists?

I love how pic related looks in terms of light and color, but I don't really know how to study it. Feels kinda overwhelming, and I can't even pinpoint what it is that is so good about it.

>> No.3359383
File: 153 KB, 768x956, grand central station midcentury.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>use less negative space.
u wot

i've read the art book, that movie scene was inspired by pic. you could do a few greyscale studies of that kind of lighting to start with.

>> No.3359384
File: 61 KB, 900x692, grand central station midcentury 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the background palette is very nice in general in that lang piece, i think.

>> No.3359412

thanks anon. yeah the palette, the colors -- there is something really soothing about it. the overall impression is of warm tones, but theres a lot of cool colors in the foreground. good temperature balance and subtle value relationships might be what makes it so good. im gonna do a value study of a part of it to see what the relationships are

>> No.3359483

Anyone else here has experience drawing dwarf/midget characters, like fantasy races or something of the sort? How do you make it look good and not too uncanny?
Especially wondering how I'd go on about making a character muscular, since you have to "cram" the anatomy in such a small space, not really a problem for the arms but legs and torso seem to suffer from this

>> No.3359546

Is there a decent book on how to draw expressions?

>> No.3359588
File: 1.77 MB, 3650x3033, emotions cedarseedemotions_and_facial_expression_by_cedarseed-ds1wwv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3359600

Thanks! Seems like you really need a good sense of body language for expressions to read well, but that chart should help quite a bit.

>> No.3359719

How to draw exactly like him? I'm 18 and I already have some notions of anatomy but I want to know how can I produce good heads quickly like he does. Thanks.

>> No.3359847

the stuff starting at around 19 minutes? that all seems like a visual library thing, where he's done it so many times he's internalized it to the point where he doesnt need to do basic construction

>> No.3359906

Anyone have some good resourcers on foreshortening, if possible dealing with limbs.

And when I draw the arm in extreme perspective how do I define the size of the hand?

>> No.3359964

>And when I draw the arm in extreme perspective how do I define the size of the hand?
thats gotta be really difficult to do accurately as it depends on the field of view and distance from the picture plane, and the distortions involved with extreme perspectives. id just go with what looks okay and not worry about it.

>> No.3360058
File: 411 KB, 500x506, 1522018547822.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's a good brush or setting to create this mixed paint technique on PS? I'm new to digital and the standard brushes are all too soft. I have a fairly long traditional background, but can't reproduce it at all here.

>> No.3360244

Good recommendation for a scanner? Preferably something small and cheap, I only need it to scan art on printer paper in color. I tried the Genius Scan app on my phone but it's only good for black and white documents.

>> No.3360264
File: 13 KB, 371x398, 1520378788990.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is doing upside down drawings of panels/characters from manga I like valid practice? I feel like it should be

>> No.3360306
File: 1.26 MB, 1023x485, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have any recommendations for which tool or brand of pen would produce this kind of line quality? I currently use Rotring pens to ink which have metal nibs and a fixed line thickness, whereas pic related there is a nice variation and the ink still flows well.

>> No.3360325

just looks like fine liner to me

>> No.3360402


>> No.3360478
File: 309 KB, 1512x1700, samuel-youn-christine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how good at painting do you have to be to have an artstation?

>> No.3360499

Not that great:
just don't expect to get many views

>> No.3360543

How do I cancel a plan I made with a friend last week, because I'd much rather use that time to draw?

>> No.3360569

ask them if they'll pose for you instead

>> No.3360679

that's silly anon. friends are harder to find than spare hours.

>> No.3360716


>> No.3361096

Decided I wanted to pick up drawing. Need a hobby thats not gym or vidya. Hear people say that learning to draw correct proportions is vital before stylizing stuff. Would it be an alright idea to autistically practice figure drawings to start from my head? Or get good at copying things?
Just going w pencil and paper before I invest in a drawing tablet.

>> No.3361191
File: 3.16 MB, 2591x3276, 20180326_151558.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First attempt if you want to take a look. Messed up the torso/crotch
>inb4 bad handwriting

>> No.3361199

Anyone know any good guides on watercolor painting? Couldn't find much myself

>> No.3361670

Should anatomy be started before figure drawing? should i learn most anatomical structures or can i just start drawing people in movement and improve that way.

>> No.3361751

Looking for a pen name, open to suggestions. I'll wade through the slew of shit posting I expect to receive.

Maybe something akin to first name starting with an I and last name with a C?

>> No.3361768

Inky Cunt

>> No.3361794

Good start, but a little on the nose.

>> No.3361882

is there a way to mass download all the images from a hentai foundry account?

>> No.3361897

schoolism has a course with a brazilian guy. it looks neat

>> No.3361949

Where can I get the pdf of heads, features and faces by bridgman?

>> No.3362063
File: 34 KB, 1276x514, angled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does an art shop have things to make the tablet rest on them at an angle? Or where can I buy it?

>> No.3362175

finagle something together out of carboard and duct tape like a man

>> No.3362180

Guess I'll have to, now.

>> No.3362182

It'll be fun

>> No.3362190

you could also do it with wood, it's not super hard or anything, i have a drawing desk thing i made

>> No.3362241

they make plastic prop-up things like that for ipads. have a google you might find something


>> No.3362259

Why not?

>> No.3362376

Lester Corworth?
Liam Crane?
Luke Coons?

>> No.3362599

anyone got any info on the techniques used by upa and hanna barbera background artists? It seems pretty obvious what they did but I'm curious of the specifics

>> No.3362612


>>> >>3362376

>> No.3362626

thank you

>> No.3362637

I need help drawing panties on a character I'm drawing.

I am guessing pure white looks too artificial and I was wondering what color of grey anybody else uses

>> No.3362642

>Would it be an alright idea to autistically practice figure drawings to start from my head? Or get good at copying things?
from your head? no. use reference so you learn proper proportions.

>> No.3362643
File: 278 KB, 1223x1080, Untitled-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have around 200 bucks to spend on new tablet, I liked my previous one (CTH480) the only problem I had with it was it size

here are some I'm interested in, wacom intous seems like the safest choice

huion has a lot of good stuff but apparently has quality and driver issues

I can't afford the new intous pro but I could go for the old version

what do you think /ic/?

>> No.3362664

I've got the Huion 1060 PLUS and it's really big and really nice to use. Sure it has driver issues but I first plug the tablet and then turn on the PC and it works without problems. I only have issues if I worked on the PC for some hours and then plug it in. Just restart your PC.

>> No.3362667

>>3362664 didn't quote >>3362643

>> No.3362686

Brush Pen
Read and do Bargue's exercises and answer your own question
Triangle, even if you don't understand it now
you have three dimensions H V C, why use something with 1 redundant dimension

And for a question....
have you ever painted something and felt somewhat happy with your progress.. and then you open up Arstation and just go bleh

>> No.3362775
File: 146 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you tell where the vanishing point of a picture is just by looking at it, especially in a picture where there aren't any straight lines? Also how can you tell what point perspective a picture is?

>> No.3362782

the huion tablet is great. make sure to install the drivers that are stored in the microsd card, don't go to the website because the drivers on there are buggy as fuck.

>> No.3362784


guess I'm going for a huion

>> No.3362789

I have this problem with my Intuos where the brush won't appear until I'm half way through the stroke. Has anyone else had this happen? How do I fix it?

>> No.3362913

Hey, do you know the exact version of those drivers? I think I'll roll back but I deleted them from sd card.

>> No.3363137

When using layers for digital painting, should you make your base color the midtone, then push both ends of value, or start from one end and work to the other? Advantages disadvantages to either? My value ranges have seemed a little on the high end lately, want to fix.

>> No.3363138

Is CSP worth it? I am literally about to drop two hundo on it. I need an animating program and I despise tvpaint, and this comes with manga and illustration tools, and I like the brushes.. I'm sold already, aren't i?

>> No.3363170

I've gone and lost my wacom bamboo fun tablet that I'm had since 2008 or 2009 and now i don't know what to do, can I get a new pen will it still be compatible back that far?
or I'm also considering getting one with a monitor for like 5 years now but right when i was going to get the monorpice everyone fanned over a bit in here is stopped being available so now i have no idea what a cheapish but good option is because I'm out of the loop if anyone has any place to start for me looking, preferably ones I'll be able to get with or into Australia

>> No.3363171

why not pirate and try it out first?

>> No.3363181

dude/tte wait for a sale for clip studio paint. it has them every so often and the price drops very low.

a pale yellow or blue is what people usually use

the book 'the noble approach' has some stuff about this process, though it's warner brothers.

>> No.3363188

Seconding this question too

>> No.3363215

work with the highest and lowest values from the start and work your way to the middle. this will keep you within a value range.

i think about the ratio of light to shadow. if there is more light, i start with the base colors in light then add shadow colors. if there are more shadows i start with darks then carve out the light colors. instead of thinking in high, mid, and low values, try thinking in terms of just two chunks: light and shadow.

though it really depends on how you work. there is no right way.

>> No.3363292

>the book 'the noble approach'

>> No.3363294

When creating a comic, how do you get a sense of the environment? How do you combine areas so they make sense and make your own world in a sense?
Do you have to draw a layout of roads and houses so it doesn't look like you just threw people in front of different backgrounds?

>> No.3363383

does the last version of photoshop lets you see the recently opened files as thumbs?

>> No.3363409

the latest indesign does, so i assume it would

>> No.3363971
File: 889 KB, 1280x720, ywfd8nZ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im training to be a comic artist, and Im also a freshman at college, and plan on spending the next 4 years here building my portfolio to show to employers once i graduate. Despite not being an art major, i still can practice drawing for like 6 to 8 hours a day because homework and class time is not really that long.
But. I do not have any social life at all except a few friends both male and female. And as pathetic as it is, i do not care about having basically no friend groups. I only want a gf.
So, this causes me to go through a phase where i become part of school club, frat, group of friends, whatever just for the sake of building connections where i could find gf. But, i only end up being apart of one for 2 weeks. I quit when I realize i do not give a fuck about any of these people or these club activities, and i just want to draw.
As a result, I have quit like over 5 clubs already and burned bridges with like 15 different people. I would not care so much, except, i have an everlasting fear of being alone.

Will i be able to find my waifu, even if i do make it and get hired in the comic industry? Will my future friend group be comic artists?

>> No.3363976

I honestly gave up on pirating a while ago when I found coin miners on my computer. But because of you, I will look into it again.

And thanks to you too. Will try torrents until it drops sale

Glad my question got answered

>> No.3363988

how did you find the coin miners?

>> No.3363999

what causes ambient light to be either weak or strong? is it the amount of objects it can bounce off of?

>> No.3364143

anyone here suffering from "hyperhydrosis" (sweating hands) ? How do you deal with it? I have one and it's getting annoying, I can't draw and grip the pen properly.

>> No.3364146

I'm not diagnosed with it but I do have sweaty/oily(?) hands. Usually I just wash my hands with soap every now and then to dry them. If it gets bad, I use dish soap. Dunno whether that works for someone with actual hyperhydrosis but it works for me.

>> No.3364202
File: 368 KB, 2156x1328, 180328c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are these 3 minute gestures alright? Is there something I should be doing differently aside from being more confident with the lines?

>> No.3364213

Looks fine so far.

>> No.3364225

cheers! certainly feels like im starting to get a hang of it.

>> No.3364243

Mindset tips for drawing things you've never drawn before and absolutely hate drawing?

I only typically draw people and very occasionally draw backgrounds, but only of natural outdoorsy stuff. I need to design a fantasy sort of cabin and greenhouse for reasons but just thinking about attempting it or practicing so I can draw it sounds terrible. Straight edges are so boring and painful to bother with.

>> No.3364248

just draw

>> No.3364250

maybe try wrapping your pen in cotton wads and have that soak up the moisture. i dont suffer from excessive sweating, but i wrap a bunch of cotton pads (secured by a rubber band) around my wacom pen just to make my grip less tight.

>> No.3364366

How do you tell someone that puts a lot of effort into their work that a piece turned out bad or mediocre?
found this earlier today https://www.instagram.com/p/BeyUFf3nWnl/

>> No.3364370

start by saying good job, then suggest areas of improvement.

>> No.3364576
File: 29 KB, 647x404, hyperhidrosis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the tips, fellow anons. My hyperhidrosis looks like this. Sometimes my hands are really dry, sometimes it's really wet cause of the excessive sweating. I've had it since I was a teenager. I tried washing, then drying it off, as well as applying anti antiperspirant before going to sleep. Shit doesn't work, it's really annoying because I can't draw properly, the paper and my drawing tablet's surface gets wet. Also I can't draw and grip the pen properly, shit is annoying af.

>> No.3364579

have you seen a doctor about it?

>> No.3364591

Yes I did, she diagnosed me with hyperhidrosis. She told to me try a couple of medical treatments. I first tried putting on heavy antiperspirant but my skin got irritated and I got a couple of rash from using it. So I stopped immediately. My hand sweating is seasonal and it depends on the climate of the day.

I'm a poor fag from a third world country in south east asia, so I can't afford surgery to stop my hands from sweating. Most of the medical treatment she suggested really cost a ton. I wanted to know if anyone here on /ic/ is suffering from the same dilemma as I do. For the mean time I am using a generic antiperspirant to make my hyperhydrosis bearable.

>> No.3364641

I've been experiencing a bit of lag with CSP and I'm not sure how to alleviate it.
I work in absurd res (5000x10000) and it says my memory use is 30% system 5% application and I have 12GB of RAM. Any ideas?

>> No.3364661

don't tell them unless they seek crit. their ego will insulate them from listening to you.

look at some great work people have drawn similar and try to get inspired. or some crap work so you get that 'i can do better' feeling.

>> No.3364679

Do I buy this:
or the new battery-free version:

>> No.3364682

That dude clearly can draw, the fact that the final image looks shite is either stylistic choice or pure brain damage, no point saying anything.

Also do you have a full resolution image? I get the feeling it would look better without the compression.

>> No.3364695
File: 31 KB, 375x500, IMG_1788.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ive drawn traditionally for like four years but im just getting into digital for the first time. i bought a tablet and CSP. whats the best guides to learning to digitally paint, and guides to using csp?

>> No.3364833

I don't, sorry. If you check his page there's just the image version but that's it.

>> No.3364857

Please anon. >>3362913
If you're still lurking in this thread.

>> No.3364865

If you're sketching somewhere and realize other people are looking over your shoulder, what do you do? I worry people will judge me if I'm drawing some naked people for figure practice, for example.

>> No.3364878

Is there an instagram filter pack for photoshop? Some of them are pretty alright.

>> No.3364884

ctrlpaint.org is good and 99% of what is taught is applicable to csp

>> No.3365041

thanks mang. just saying, i dont know what ANY button does or how they work

>> No.3365149
File: 361 KB, 919x720, hannah.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So i just drew a portrait pretty much for the first time since i started drawing (there was couple of attmepts in first couple of months), it is from photo ofc, is it usefull in my retarded anime cartoons if i continue doing that? I enjoyed the process more than i thought i would, yeah i always hear about studies but the word confuses me, im not native in english, maybe this is why, but how is its different from just copying? More though put into it? I think about cutting an smoothing and many more thoughts comes into my head. like bone structure, is this study? what is copying then? Am i overthinking it much?

>> No.3365159

I'm a beginner and a lot of people including my better artist friends tell me just to draw shit.
But i'm kinda afraid of it being shit, so my question is thus: How do I push myself to draw things I know I can't? I want to force myself to make bad art in order to find out what i need to improve, but how do I unfreeze myself?

>> No.3365299

Come on /ic/.

Or are graphics tablets old and busted and everyone just uses iPads/Surface/other general purpose tablets?

>> No.3365309

no one cares if they aren't sexualized and said figures are actually artistically impressive. unless you're in middle school or early high school, then you'll probably get the expected response.

>> No.3365317

I don't know if you should tell him that specifically. the guy is really trying is damndest and honestly, even though I can tell it isn't that good; I don't think anybody that tries that hard is setting themselves up for failure. he's got alot going for him actually.

>> No.3365365
File: 751 KB, 1920x2716, even-amundsen-34-birker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take a look at the work of Even Amundsen. He's drawn a fair bit of dwarves, kobolds, and other fantasy humanoids.
Also just studying the pics of this 3d model might help https://www.turbosquid.com/3d-models/3d-strong-warrior-dwarf-beard/881765

>> No.3365383

Do you guys post your own stuff on Danbooru/Gelbooru/Rule34/etc?

I'm reading the rules and apparently while not strictly forbidden, it's extremely frowned upon.

How can I get my work on there without doing it myself?

>> No.3365392

Drawing portraits of real people will tell you more about drawing real people. You draw retarded anime cartoons by simplifying real people, so yes, it is useful no matter what you decide to draw later.

Question: My lines on tablet are less accurate than my lines on paper. I am drawing from the shoulder for both, using different angles, and the difference is pretty noticeable, mostly on circles. Any thoughts on why that is?

>> No.3365409

Have someone that likes your art enough to post it there.

>> No.3365511

How do you unlearn an art style and start from scratch
I hate the way I draw but I can't draw anything that isnt like it

>> No.3365513

How many people here actually went to /ic/ with zero drawing ability, practice, training or background of any kind, went through the books in the sticky one by one, and saw actual results?

>> No.3365535

you can't start from scratch. style is a set of habits. find something you like and study that and absorb it. get a new set of habits.

there's swimsuit ref. or you could study bone anatomy in public

>> No.3365616

>But i'm kinda afraid of it being shit
it inevitable -- that is just how it goes, especially for beginners. you are going to make a lot of bad drawings. just gotta accept it as a part of the learning process.

try to focus on it being better than what you drew last week or last month.

>> No.3365674

how to rip videos from cgma? I got figure drawing from ron lemen and it's ending but I wanna hold on to the videos

>> No.3365687
File: 3.84 MB, 5312x2988, 20180329_204540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like to doodle. It's great for passing time, dealing with clients over the phone, and just mindless fun in general. Throw a line here, toss in a circle, another line, and bam a few seconds have been used up successfully. It's messy, scratchy, and looks like trash, but I have fun with it. Thing is, the circles start looking a little unsettling. I don't want to give the wrong impression when someone looks to see what has my attention, but I still want to keep the same general pattern. Line, line, small shape, line, and whatever seems fun at the time.
I know nothing about art. Are there any simple styles that would let me dick around with a pen and paper, without changing the pattern too much and without the end result being something weird?

>> No.3365704

I started study drawing few months ago and I think the way I observe the world slightly changed since now I pay attention more into the forms, lights and shadows around me. Another thing made really happy is realize how simple draw stuff after you stick to the basics everyday and keep a routine of it everyday.
I'm here to just the say this to other rookies like myself here: study the basic stuff seriously everyday and change you way of thinking, change your way of life.

Thank you, /ic/.

>> No.3365779

>tfw still can't into light and shadow from life because no color picker to see the value

>> No.3365913

Recommend me some good books on art history

>> No.3365924

I mainly want to learn how to draw cartoony shit. How will I know when it's okay to start drawing and practising those things? I really want to bring my characters to life and tell stories but I'd rather not be trash at it forever.

>> No.3365942

Hey /ic/ this is not completely art related but I was wondering if someone can help me. Since I got serious about my art, I dropped video games. The problems is, I tried other types of entertainment (books, anime, manga, western comics, tv shows, movies, etc) nothing is enjoyable anymore. I also tried to comeback to video games and most of them aren't enjoyable for me anymore either. The thing about video games is in the old days it always inspired me, fill my imagination with plots/stories and characters. But now even this is gone. I need something to bring my creativity and excitement back.

I been trying to figure this out for almost an year now. I really need help. I don't know what to do anymore.I feel like I tried everything.

>> No.3365945
File: 170 KB, 800x1081, 71z4w8AKr8L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


> How will I know when it's okay to start drawing and practising those things?

when you have a grasp of the basic you can do whatever you want

Fun with a pencil by loomis may help you with that

>> No.3365974

You can start now. Just make sure to spend some time studying as well.

>> No.3366014

hey /ic/ quick question for fellow Paint Tool Sai users here, is there a way change the cursor color of PTS? I find it hard to sketch cause I can't see the cursor clearly when the brush size is below 2.6. The only option available in the settings is to whether to change it to a dot cursor or arrow cursor. I tried googling it but to no avail. I'm currently using the dot cursor option if that helps, the arrow cursor distracts me while I'm sketching.

>> No.3366023
File: 429 KB, 832x588, 0438495894523.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know how to ink properly, comp wise?

>> No.3366044

>Thanks for the tips, fellow anons. My hyperhidrosis looks like this. Sometimes my hands are really dry, sometimes it's really wet cause of the excessive sweating. I've had it since I was a teenager. I tried washing, then drying it off, as well as applying anti antiperspirant before going to sleep. Shit doesn't work, it's really annoying because I can't draw properly, the paper and my drawing tablet's surface gets wet. Also I can't draw and grip the pen properly, shit is annoying af.

At least you're always lubed up for when u masturbate. That's kinda weird u must be like part fish or somethin.

>> No.3366062

At least you're always lubed up for when u masturbate
meeh I'm a femanon so it's not worth getting sweat inside my vag. It'll get smelly, I don't want it to smell like rotten fish down there. I'd rather use actual lube instead.

>That's kinda weird u must be like part fish or somethin.
Idk dipshit, maybe you should try googling it?

>> No.3366075

maybe you cut out your friend time and you're lonely. or maybe you've overdone the discipline and you're subconciously seeing these things as a waste of time because they aren't drawing. but your art will suffer without interests to feed it. you will draw boring things. pokemon was based on its creators hobby of catching insects.

could you please explain this question better

>> No.3366076


>> No.3366079

What? It's just 5 bucks worth of difference, get the one with the better specs of course, which is the battery-free version.

>> No.3366090


>> No.3366092

This post is absolutely revolting

>> No.3366093


>> No.3366095


>> No.3366224


>> No.3366323

I was asking how is it that comic artists outline their art so smoothly and if any of you guys have tips on doing line art, since I am so estranged to the concept.

>> No.3366354

Yeah, but it's a new model and there are no reviews yet, kinda worried about implementation of the technology.

>> No.3366408

Should I master gesture before learning detailed anatomy? I suck ass at gesture and would rather continue while practicing it on the side.

>> No.3366549

How do you go about studying and painting materials like leather, metal, rocks, etc?

>> No.3366562

How long have you been practicing gesture?

>> No.3366599

So, is value basically contrast and the difference between lightest and darkest?

>> No.3366625

A day and a half. I feel like I haven't improved 1 iota though.

>> No.3366629

Then I'd say spend a bit more time, maybe about a week. Then move on to construction, then to anatomy.
But that doesn't mean you will be "done" with gestures by that time, mastery of it will take a lifetime. That goes for the other aspects in art too, from construction, anatomy, etc. You'll never be truly done with it. You're just going to have to constantly come back to it to patch holes from time to time again, so remember that art is not a linear process.

>> No.3366723

Thanks man. I just got started after lurking for 3 years and I have a new respect for the people here. This shit is HARD and it's not even close to an exact science. I'm a mechanical engineer and this is giving me much more trouble than learning any type of math. I just wanna draw dragons, nights and cool space stuff, but my trouble with gesture is a bit discouraging already.

>> No.3366795
File: 207 KB, 700x1063, inking guide.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.3366796
File: 784 KB, 1224x1584, inking.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3366799
File: 1.25 MB, 1024x2444, line weight.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3366826
File: 841 KB, 2592x1944, IMG_20180330_161918.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been drawing this doggy character for a while and i swear i saw this type of eyes with a line and a dot on some dog from older anime, can anyone point me to something similar so I can have some reference? I don't want to be copying anything. Really fun to draw this though.

>> No.3366832

I always hated how this used some Jersey Shore faggot as it's example.

>> No.3366842

what's this from?

>> No.3366871
File: 9 KB, 300x300, FnyVkf0e_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is drawcrowd dead?
what happened?

>> No.3366883

is this meant to be ironic?

top one looks like it was made by an /ic/ tard, bottom one looks actually professional

>> No.3366884

>tfw drawcrowd is dead
That sucks.

>> No.3366927

>Color as space.

I'm not sure if I'm understanding this theory correctly, but this just seems like someone took the hue graph and the value/saturation graph and combined them in a 3D graph that's harder to visualize and adds nothing, except for the fact that you can use such terms as "traveling through space" to refer to just picking colors.
Am I missing something?

>> No.3366949

you're confusing render/polish for quality. top one is better.

not sure, found it on ic

>> No.3366981

No the other dude is right, unless you're some kind of turbo autist trying to draw an artistic image of some cables. The bottom one is perfectly fine BACKGROUND artwork.

>> No.3367004

I'm currently trying to learn perspective. Do you guys do the whole vanishing point construction for everything, or am supposed to internalize it until i can draw accurately without it?

>> No.3367041

>you have three dimensions H V C, why use something with 1 redundant dimension
lmao you have 2 dimensions with a square or triangle, if you had a third you'd have a prism or cube. the redundant values of darkness are an issue and that's why i prefer triangle.

>> No.3367057

try some different brush packs out and from there you can create your own. you could also try something like painter or artrage

>> No.3367060

looks like fineliner but gone over several times. you have fixed width but no limit to how many times you can go over the line.

>> No.3367069

ideally you'd learn it all at the same time. unfortunately you have to start with one or the other. i like starting with figure and then supplementing with anatomy but you'll be spending equal time with both. start drawing people in movement but learn the anatomy underneath and it will make things a lot easier, especially shape design. however just learning anatomy can leave your work feeling stiff and clinical. so you have to balance them out.

>> No.3367072

I have that Huion and found the opposite, the SD card drivers were broked and the ones from the website when I installed were fine. The size is great, I hardly have to charge the stylus but I would recommend maybe finding one that doesn't need to have a battery in the stylus since the patent might have run out since then.

>> No.3367073

I feel like I'm starting to get the hang of drawing from the right side of my brain, getting perspectives in order and my face drawings don't look hideous anymore.

But when should I start challenging myself to do full works and not just practice doodles? I want to try to do a full colored page, fully inked (digitally) like a proper fan work you might see in Pixiv. But I'm too scared I would be wading deep into the pool.

>> No.3367076

>Is CSP worth it?
>I am literally about to drop two hundo on it. I need an animating program
It's worth it for $25 for painting/layout tools but not as an animation suite. Give opentoonz and krita a try.

>> No.3367084

Experiment but yes. I like working midtone, shadow shapes, highlights, illustrative/aftertouches. You can always uses levels and other adjustments while rendering. I don't find painting your highlights and lolights first to be a very good idea.

>> No.3367098

how many pieces should go into a portfolio, at a minimum?

>> No.3367215

10 is good. 20 is too much

>> No.3367220

whaaa, you can have too many work samples?

>> No.3367231

I think it's best to showcase your strongest works, then you can supplement it with a link to a blog to show activity. You should focus on grabbing their interest first, having so many works to look through could deter people.

>> No.3367349

For a beginner, it's good to limit yourself to only your best pieces. Better to have a portfolio of 6 good works than 19 good works and one bad one. Often, if you look at the portfolio of a long standing professional it will include well over 20 or even sometimes over 100.

>> No.3367355

I don't have contact with my friends anymore and I usually can't even get replies on here, I'm too shit in socializing in any way. My art is already suffering for it, I'm having an hard time grinding anatomy every day, losing the sight of my goal. I'll keep searching a new hobby. I really need to find a way to have fun somehow again. ...What I'm doing with my life...

>> No.3367369

Does anyone have Doxy's brushes? I want to give them a try but I don't want to put money into them if I end up not liking them.

>> No.3367470

If I were an artist living, say, in 1880, what art books would be available? Or is art instruction a new genre that didn't exist before?

>> No.3367502

sounds like you could use a break. step away from the grind, spend some time reconnecting with people.

>> No.3367517

does anyone know how to download all the images of a webpage in bulk? I'd like to download all the anatomy references images of a webpage on characterdesigns.com It's a hassle to save each image one by one. Can a chrome extension do that? any help or tip are much appreciated. Also thanks in advance!

>> No.3367759

the page is saying that inking often takes the life, contrast and soul out of pencilwork. the cables are merely used as examples.

i'm not sure about then, but i know harold speed's book came out 1914. i'd imagine things like da vinci's notes would have been published at some point after his death.

>> No.3367847

someone knowledgeable in tablets please help

>> No.3367866

for some reason women on this board and /cgl/ have disgusting hygiene

>> No.3367881

What is 3 and 4 point perspective? Where would the third and fourth vanishing points be placed? What sort of picture would one get with these kinds of perspective?

>> No.3367889
File: 58 KB, 1243x317, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, while there's quite a few technical knowledge required in art, it really is a mainly intuitive skill that requires a lot of hands-on practice

Don't forget to mix in personal work with studies. If you wanna draw cool knights, then draw them. Maybe you'll fail on it, but you'll learn a lot and it will give you better understanding on where to focus on your fundie grinding.

All studies and no fun (aka personal work) will just kill your passion

Pic related is an advice from an ex-/ic/ poster that went pro, it really helped me a ton and is probably one of the best advice I've ever heard

Good luck on your journey!

>> No.3367892

Don't bother with those anyway, anything less than 5 point perspective is for the weak.

>> No.3367975

If I were to try to slap my shit on merchandise (t shirts, buttons, stickers, prints) is there anything I should keep in mind? Common mistakes people make that fuck them up starting out?

I'm talking less about the quality of the art itself and more about things that could screw up a print (IE resolution, DPI) / get me ripped off / get me sued.

What are good websites to sell stuff on? I know of Etsy and Redbubble.

>> No.3367995

how can you start comissioning ?

>> No.3368060

make blog, post lots of fan art, make note saying you're open for commissions, make dolla dolla green bokustyle

>> No.3368065

>painting an original piece in 1-2 hours
how is that even possible? takes me 6 hours just to do a half-finished portrait shot. in greyscale. the fuck am I doing wrong?

>> No.3368317
File: 234 KB, 770x1141, 1519839853565.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know who painted this? Someone posted it on another board on 4chan a while back and I liked it.

>> No.3368329
File: 671 KB, 3508x4960, demon1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm confident in what skill I do have.However it's quite limited. What do from this point? I've never approached refining in digital format. Or should I head back to square one with fundamentals?

>> No.3368483

you'd go to an atelier to learn. probably doing barque plates/cast drawings

>> No.3368494

look in to how to run a business. you're not going to want to be sitting on some crazy amount of inventory. who's going to buy your stuff? who's going to stock it? how much time is it going to take you to make it? how much time and money can you spend on marketing? it's a business more than just putting any design on a piece of apparel. in the beginning you'll probably want to stick to limited runs in limited sizes. as demand increases you'll learn what to order.

>> No.3368606

Beatrice Englert.

Also learn to fucking google.

>> No.3368609

Thanks, reverse image search didn't bring me any results,

>> No.3368683

so, what's the story here? will it come back? has Feng made any statements about it?

>> No.3368689

Feng already sold it. Twitter of theirs has nothing.

>> No.3368920

what is your go-to site for reference images? flickr, pinterest, something else? google imagesearch sucks so bad.

>> No.3368921

Pinterest, but it doesn't have everything, mainly stuff to do with fashion, faces, some art stuff, aesthetic stuff.

>> No.3368945

we mini now

>> No.3368946

what's this team shit?

>> No.3368960

how many "fans" did you had when you started ?

>> No.3368979
File: 8 KB, 435x420, characters.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a way to create a rounded silhouette for a character without just making them fat or giving them super weird proportions?

>> No.3368980

How do I actually "loomis"? All that ever gets posted is the word and it makes me feel like I've missed a couple shitposts somewhere that explained the exact process. How much am I supposed to focus on each book? When do I move on? Do I do all of them at once?

>> No.3368981

that's not what fanart means

>> No.3369005
File: 799 KB, 1500x759, RL_Forest_GR_001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do you best develop your sense of color? should I just do a ton of shorter thumbnail-sized color studies, or is there a better approach?

>> No.3369045

You would learn strict precision for observational drawing in an atelier, same as painting techniques. The rest comes from just drawing.

>> No.3369049

why is team peep so gay and stupid?

>> No.3369102

What worked wonders for me was using actual physical paints and not just digital stuff.

>> No.3369104
File: 172 KB, 1280x756, anette marnat 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cut down on edges? painters like ingres have lots of curves

many people who post on 4chan are the type who don't wear deoderant

>> No.3369113
File: 323 KB, 1600x1022, sad_Collapse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where do I start on values/color theory?

>> No.3369130

Pick up any book on proper painting, digital or traditional.

Also, experiment by splashing some color down, not for a drawing, just to see how color schemes can work.

>> No.3369151

square one, you're pretty bad
no offense, everyone starts bad

>> No.3369152

find a community integrate in there somehow as a drawfag
make lots of art and post online
announce your open for commissions or if youre good enough you'll be asked

>> No.3369156

gloves with some kind of absorbing padding inside?

>> No.3369178

I want to get back into drawing and actually learn how to do it properly this time. Would you advise me to just buy a tablet and use that for drawing?:

>I hate using paper and pencils, especially because fuck ups are too hard to correct sometimes and due to the mess
>I don't want to fuck up shading or other detailing sections which would potentially fuck up my whole piece, which won't be a problem with different layers that can't be touched on PS or other programs
>I would scan it in and finish it digitally anyway
>What is the best program for using Wacom tablets to draw with?

Good idea or bad idea?

>> No.3369183

Dude if you want to LEARN drawing you need to use paper. "too hard to fix mistakes"? That's because you're not supposed to be running around on one page of your sketchbook erasing the same line over and over again. You need to fill your sketchbooks and you need to accept that sometimes you will fuck up.
Pieces? Lol m8, begs don't make PIECES, they just DRAW. Pieces can come in a couple years.
As for digital, don't even think about it right now. Take Feng Zhu's advice and draw traditionally, solidly, for AT LEAST a year. By that point you'll have enough money to buy a cintiq instead of some shitty intuous anyway.

>> No.3369185

what >>3368981 said. fan art just means you're drawing popular characters from fiction, like batman, miss piggy, or goku

>> No.3369202

>Pieces? Lol m8, begs don't make PIECES, they just DRAW
Yeah, I cringed when I wrote it. Consider the following though:

>Draw something nice
>Accidentally fuck up something like an eye
>The drawing is mostly done and great, except for the eye
>To fix it would to erase a lot of detail or good work in the process
>Same piece digitally
>Fuck up the eye
>Select the eye layer, fix the eye and continue on

I'm not trying to argue, but wouldn't this be better? I'd also still be learning to draw by using the sticky, but I'd be doing it on a computer instead. It'd just be more streamlined.

>> No.3369207

How do I get faster at drawing and painting (digitally and traditionally)? It's taking me 18 hours to do something that somebody else does in 2 hours.

>> No.3369209
File: 133 KB, 1080x1080, nivanh-chanthara-12366010-10153454788562479-5034226567348107275-o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The BEST outcome would be to be able to just draw an eye well. Every beg artist bitches about drawing 'the other eye' but I don't give a shit about it, I've drawn so many faces that I just draw the goddamn eye.

The computer has some powerful editing tools, sure. It can salvage things better than paper can. But there is a big disjoint between you and the art when using a computer. If you're using a screenless tablet, FORGET ABOUT IT. You will stay a /beg/ for YEARS while traditionalists soar past you.

Even if you get a screen tablet, you will still be slow. When you use a pencil on paper, you are physically scraping graphite onto fibers. You are in physical contact with your work. With just a few shifts in your muscle work, you can change everything about a line.

Screen tablets EMULATE this, but they do not perfectly copy it. There is literally a glass wall between you and your art.

Just look at ultra skilled work artists, take for example my favorite, Jin Kim. Much of his designs for Big Hero 6 were done in pencil, and his amazing linework translates easily into digital when he uses it. But people who learn solely digital cannot backtrack into traditional. Even take Duster132, very popular photobasher artist who does some standard work as well. The included image is from his PAPER SKETCHBOOK.

If you want to be a well-rounded artist, you NEED to do traditional art as a mainstay. If you do digital art solely, you will be crippled by the sterility and planted nature of it.

>> No.3369211

You get faster with time and practice. I think Feng Zhu's thing is 'take the years of practice of a master and that's the factor at which they're faster than you.' A piece that takes a master of 30 years 10 hours to do will probably take you 30, or 300, depending on.

Just practice.

>> No.3369460

>Question: My lines on tablet are less accurate than my lines on paper. I am drawing from the shoulder for both, using different angles, and the difference is pretty noticeable, mostly on circles. Any thoughts on why that is?
bump on this, what do?

>> No.3369750
File: 1.61 MB, 720x2127, 1522349541607.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How credible is this?
I know all these books are a must read but is this order accurate?
>pic related

>> No.3369777

There are some better books for beginners.

>> No.3369784

That's not a list for beginners.
It's a list of books and directives for "getting good" and taking art seriously.

>> No.3369788

No less credible than any other list, this is basically a Feng Zhu style course outline for self study with perspective as a basis.

By no means is it meant for beginners, it's meant for people who want to go pro.

>> No.3369789

i'd say Keys to Drawing, and Drawing on the Right side of the brain is 100% essential for beginners
you gotta learn how to see first, then when you're 50% done, you can go on with the books you've listed.

>> No.3369796

thanks alot anon. I'm pretty /beg/ and started doing the 10drawings/2-3hrs of drawing a day but I'd like to kick it up a notch

>> No.3369811
File: 3.20 MB, 3264x6708, 1522562305195.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What sort of style is this? , i rather like it.

>> No.3369872

Is there a good scan of perspective made easy around? I think I have it somewhere but the quality is so bad it hurts to read.

>> No.3370068

the book is like $10 just buy it.

>> No.3370170
File: 464 KB, 1669x2160, 1522632589826.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I render like this?
What brushes and what process?

>> No.3370179

Hard round/hard eliptical w/ pen pressure.

Practice rendering with pencil traditionally if you want to cut out the bullshit, it'll transfer to digital just fine.

>> No.3370251
File: 160 KB, 1080x817, 234234324.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How the hell do you keep everything accurate when drawing what's in front of you. Everything comes out shitty and distorted whenever I try.

>> No.3370360
File: 434 KB, 1403x2391, 1480631092041.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Saw this posted here a while ago and never found out who drew it. Anyone know?

>> No.3370426
File: 1.45 MB, 1559x1093, 15. Leyendecker, J.C. - Magazine Illustration.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the painting of it looks kind of inspired by leyendecker and other commercial illustrators

>> No.3370436

man, leyendecker drew some busted faces.

>> No.3370447


>> No.3370454

will my drawing skills transfer over if I want to do pixel art? Also, any recommended software?

>> No.3370524
File: 28 KB, 885x492, cad8b5b1b2825775e9f4c9c5fc8fee08-d6x8q2w.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i think he just drew the same model most of his career. maybe his face was just like that

skill will mostly transfer though theres some speed bumps. i've heard good things about 'Hexels' which is a free program

>> No.3370525
File: 341 KB, 960x960, failure.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

could it be a good idea to make a tutorial for tumblr? has anyone else done anything like that? i see the most asinine posts with thirteen thousand notes and i kinda want in.

or should i wait until someone asked me to?

>> No.3370529

just do it, anon. what's there to be afraid of

>> No.3370547

Is it allowed to sell works you made in Clip Studio Paint with downloaded patterns/icons/whatever?

>> No.3370554

Sorry, I should've said followers instead of fans

>> No.3370564

So how do you go about caricaturing/cartooning yourself?

>> No.3370567

It should be distorted, Mike. Drawing from your point of view is like drawing from a 360 degree video.

>> No.3370601

have someone else draw you.

that or look at unflattering photos people have taken. the mirror will make you look too nice

>> No.3370662

I’m just getting back into digital art and progress has continued where it left off... years ago.

Along this drive to self improve, I scored an airbrush kit right under $100. Cheap, but good enough to get experience. After research, my question is there anything else to note while airbrushing? My mediums mostly consist of large vilyl posters 60” x 90” to 12” x 20 posters that a store was ridding of for the new season(free canvases).

>> No.3370738

Thanks a lot!

>> No.3371072

huh I thought I'd need to pay like $50 for shipping but the book is actually available locally, I didn't realize it was that mainstream.

Neat, gonna buy the hardcover.

>> No.3371086

How do you paint semi realistic stubble digitally?

>> No.3371148
File: 263 KB, 1280x933, rotatedboxes_10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a better practice for proportions/eyeballing than the rotated boxes?

>> No.3371162
File: 9 KB, 578x150, f97Bf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The vanishing point is usually on the horizon. If a picture doesn't have any straight lines don't worry about where the vanishing points are just make sure that it looks like you're looking up at everything above the horizon and down at everything below the horizon.

You can tell what perspective something has been drawn in because two or more of it's axis are drawn with parallel lines. Perspective applies individually to every object in a scene. In a lot of scenes objects line up with each other and so they all vanish to the same points but there might be other objects that are rotated at different angles and you need to decide what perspective you want to draw them in. Generally though you want to use the fewest vanishing points possible because it'll make your drawing easier to read (1 point perspective is the simplest and easiest to interpret quickly, were as lots of objects in 3 point perspective all rotated at different angles can be confusing).

>> No.3371395
File: 329 KB, 1280x933, 1522700889153.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

copy paste flip, copy paste flip, copy paste flip.
sure takes a lot of skill do draw one corner.

>> No.3371683
File: 155 KB, 800x800, NewCanvas2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I just got SAI 2, and I noticed that the brush settings are different from SAI 1, so I cant seem to get brushes that other people use because 99% of them use SAI 1, what can I do? Are these settings under different names on SAI 2 or are they gone?

>> No.3371746

how does it teach proportions? looks like a perspective exercise.

>> No.3371752

But pen pressure assigned to transparency? How much transparency?

>> No.3371776
File: 718 KB, 2000x1201, sketches.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm retarded and didn't see there was a questions thread up so I made my own thread. Here it is, copy-pasted:

My interest and end goal I would say with art is to become an environment artist in the entertainment industry. However, while I much prefer the 2D side of things, I see that 3D is really all the rage, at least in terms of environments/props, so I think I'd be more viable if I learned it. I'm still really just beginning with this but I was thinking I'd try to get more experience doing 2D stuff before getting into 3D.

Does anyone have experience with environment work? What are your tips/advice on getting started learning and getting better, along with if and when to start incorporating 3D? Also any software suggestions are appreciated.

>> No.3371787

This may seem like kind of a strange question by are they any guides or books out there for drawing maps? I really do quite enjoy doing it but I would like some helps on making them better.

>> No.3371847

do you not know what FOV is?

>> No.3371999

doesnt answer your question, but i know /hr/ has a map thread right now if you want to rip the images

>> No.3372025

Field of view? Or is it a specific art application of this concept?

>> No.3372048

look at picture from a distance helps

>> No.3372073

Actual maps or fantasy "maps"? If the former I'm sure there should be plenty of resources available, but you might need to visit something like a university library if you want something about hand drafting maps. Though actually googling around I had some luck, so see what you can find.

>> No.3372103

google cartography

>> No.3372112

Any recommended videos or reading material on drawing the torso bending and conforming?
Despite how much torso anatomy material I look over I feel like I just can't get the belly squash to look right when drawing a bent figure.

>> No.3372151

Have you guys ever disliked art as your hobby? I don't mean hate how your art looks, I mean you don't enjoy it in anyway at all. If so, how did you get over it?

>> No.3372154

prokos figure drawing course is good for that. he spends a decent amount of time on the torso/hip connection and how it bends, tilts, and twists.

>> No.3372223

I took an eight year long break, just getting back into it.

>> No.3372229

This comes more from a outside view on it but if its like other hobbies its like this. Either you A) do enjoy the hobby but youve become burned out like ever look at your steam libary and dread starting any game? Its not that you hate gaming now its that your burned out the cure for this is to simply ease back do other things even a day or two not doing it can rekindle the love a bit. The length varies based on how burned out and how much you truly love the hobby. The other option B) is that you never truly love the hobby and are just doing it for an alternative motive. If this is the reason you dread drawing or playing viedogames or any other hobby you need to take a step back and ask your self if you never liked it why did you start? For drawing was it to get a job? To bring your ideas to life? Find what the real reason your doing this hobby and focus on it. If your in art or vidya to make money and you really wanna make money on doing it focus on the dosh. Not saying either of those are even remotely good reasons to do the hobby but you know examples. This is from someone who hasnt been drawing long but has suffered serious hobby burn out before.

>> No.3372231
File: 536 KB, 1125x1500, IMG_OpCa_20180331_153309-fs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm doing traditional.
Yes, that teaches perspective but it was just an example. As you can see from my pic, it isn't ideal and I wanty to improve on that aspect.

>> No.3372239
File: 1.96 MB, 4096x2712, 1516541301110.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I went to /hr/ and found this map which is the kind of "style" im going for. See how its still Europe but its pronouncing and exaggerating the mountains. Thats what I had in mind. Though it looks like im just going to have to look at tons of maps. Thanks.

>> No.3372935

anyone feel like making a new thread?

>> No.3373131

I remember seeing some talk or website, it might have been for GDC or DND thing but it was geographically what makes sense when you're building a fantasy island. Like an archipelago will be an extension of mountains on the mainland and the way water will flow, creating cities, lakes, and deltas. It was pretty intuitive but I can't for the life of me remember what it was. It was here on /ic/ sometime in the past few weeks.

>> No.3373132

maybe this isn't what you had in mind but I found the post with not much searching. >>3349350


>> No.3373989
File: 44 KB, 614x745, 1494855723147.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How am I meant to colour lineart in clip studio; fucking jaggies everywhere unless I pen it in manually

>> No.3374050


Is this exercise good for begs?

>> No.3374113

it's not like there are several different ways to do this. look up bucket fill and reference layer reference