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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 971 KB, 950x1543, DA (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3355109 No.3355109 [Reply] [Original]

I've been taking art seriously for 3 years, and a year ago somebody said that I was good at drawing because I made this figure drawing without reference during math class. At the time, I believed him because I actually thought what I drew was good. 6 months before that, one of the hottest girl in my class told me that she was impressed by my drawing skills despite me not asking for her opinion. You can imagine the amount of self-esteem I get from these compliments.

Fast forward today. I still have those drawings and I can only look at them in disgust. The proportions are wrong, the rhythm is crap, the anatomy is awful, and I couldn't shade properly. All of these is obvious to me now, what I don't understand is how normies could be so impressed with awful art.

Is there a ceiling to how much you can improve until normies can't tell the difference between good art and mediocre art?

>> No.3355116
File: 60 KB, 990x495, objective-vs-subjective-990x495.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Art is subjective, everyone has there own taste.

>> No.3355118

>Is there a ceiling to how much you can improve until normies can't tell the difference between good art and mediocre art?
What do you mean by that?
Of course ignorant people will appreciate or find appeal in mediocre art, that's no secret. They like it because most of the time they think it's an innate thing, that you somehow grew up drawing like this and that they can't possibly ever get to your level.

>> No.3355126

art is subject to fundamental laws of aesthetics. those laws aren't subjective.
what you are mistaking for "subjective" is simply bad taste some people have.

>> No.3355127

>At the time, I believed him because I actually thought what I drew was good.
>Fast forward today. I still have those drawings and I can only look at them in disgust.
You developed a more critical eye. Something normies never develop, because they don't go through the art process artists do.

>> No.3355134

pic related i assume?

>> No.3355194


No, it's not mine. I just didn't know what picture to attach.

>> No.3355208

only words

wheres the proof?

>> No.3355214

Yeah it is a shame, but a lot of low IQ people are roaming this board.
They know they're stupid so they go the "artistic route" to tell themselves that they have some inner talent. Yet what they don't realize is that how good you draw is strognly correlated to your IQ.
A low IQ person (lets say below university average; <125) simply won't have an art "career". They'll just upload some mediocre images, scribble some unfinished stuff in their sketchbooks and never get anywhere and boom they're suddenly 35 years old without any reallife skills and with little to no followers.

>> No.3355215


I'd like to know those laws.

>> No.3355217


why u mad tho?

>> No.3355219

millions of professional art critics.

>> No.3355224

I completely agree.
I can't stand dumb people.
Google 8 principles of art, cretin.

>> No.3355247

Ah yes, appeal to authority. Looks like you lose the argument, anon. :^)

>> No.3355267

Most people don't care that much about art, but they still enjoy it. Simple as that.

>> No.3355269

Oh, you're a very edgy rebel. Let me guess, you're in your early 20s still living with your parents, right?

>> No.3355291

>do good illustration
>10k a year barely scraping by absolute stress

>start doing porn
>15k followers after 100 posts, each took 2 hours to draw
>commission requests every morning, $100-$200 each
>patreon fills up fast as fuck, 1k a month no problemo
>buy mom big presents for birthday
>rent a comfy new apartment
>take vacations with gf
>no more worrying about bills
>clients are chill and relaxed
>life is good

why the fuck did nobody tell me this earlier????????? fuck you /ic/!

>> No.3355322


>I can't stand dumb people.

No u

>> No.3355337

I simply can't believe someone so dumb would make it. You're probably full of shit.

>> No.3355471

I'm honest to fucking god, actually Francis of the Filth.

>> No.3355473

>Sources = 0
Ftfy, go watch R&M some more.

>> No.3355476

>I'm cognitive dissonant!

>> No.3355481

>why do people, who never delved deeper into something, and who have no idea about advanced techniques because they never delved deeper into this subject, find bad stuff good: the post
Seriously, they have no idea about the proportions, the rhythm, the anatomy and the shading. No one did until they started studying drawing a bit more. You can't show me anyone. So, get your head out of your arse and think for just a split second you absolute mongoloid.

>> No.3355486

How do you take payments because paypal bans porn?

>> No.3355494


clients are aware of the necessary discretion. just put 'illustration' or something like that.

>> No.3355651

can you post work or one of a very similar art style / level
i want to see what type nets up to $200 commissions because i'm not sure if i want to draw more more japanese anime style or western semi realistic for porn
inb4 furry

>> No.3355695


Why so hostile and did you read the OP? He said at the end:

>Is there a ceiling to how much you can improve until normies can't tell the difference between good art and mediocre art?

Maybe you should practice how to draw and how to read anon.

>> No.3355800

theres your answer

>> No.3355813

not if its through patreon.

>> No.3355841
File: 54 KB, 500x552, w-whats-wrong-r-rronald-kun-are-y-you-craivng-m-my-mcnuggies-27680120.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3355846

>this is your brain on autism

>> No.3355856

Shading and details are the only criteria normies use for judging whether something is good or bad. They don't understand what hierarchy or gesture or form is. It's called being artistically illiterate.

>> No.3355859

>tfw only focus on gesture and form, but not shading and detail
So I've been doing it wrong this whole time. Thanks anon.

>> No.3355860

Yup, we've all been dong it wrong.

>> No.3356310

Post your work. Then I'll post mine. Let's see who's more autistic.

>> No.3356323
File: 111 KB, 1890x387, 1426472976586.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Lets start with the premise that, people will classify things as good or bad.

>That art is shit
>That art is good

We all generally agree that some things are better or worse than others. You might eat a cake and think it's magnificent, and someone else not so much. You might eat another cake and think it's is only okay, But ultimately most sane people would agree there is better or worse art (otherwise why practice)

Lets think about that for a moment... the application of what is more good or less good, is on the basis of some greater principle (that of what is good), that even when unequally applied between different people, or different cakes, is still used as the measurement of it's value.

Simply in the admittance of 'taste' ( which is an assessment of Better liked or Worse liked art) there exists criteria to critique it with. From those criteria you can make an objective assessment. (fundamentals of Art)

As humans the trick then becomes learning and recognizing these things so that we can better apply it. Subjectivity comes from differences in this experiential, learning, growth process.

>> No.3356328

Fucking AMEN to that.

>> No.3356329


Take a look:

>> No.3356347 [DELETED] 


Get off your high horse saddle with a dildo nailed to the seat, anyone can make art if they give a shit enough. Art is as simple as a matter of practice, nothing else, snowflakes.

>> No.3356360

Contrast, rhythm and harmony are the three main ones. They are the principles used in natural design (how plants grow, how trees are scattered, how water waves repeat themselves), and since we've been living in this environment for millions of years, our brains are molded through evolution to find this "appealing".

You can find architecture, painting, music, dance, creative writing, product design and many more to try and mimic those natural principles, from ancient Roman bridges to art nuveau in Barcelona.

>> No.3356366

He's talking about art gains. But this can be applied to any field desu. A smarter person will have it easier grasping new concepts, compared to someone that is slower at understanding things. This is completely normal. You really shouldn't be upset because of this lol.

>> No.3356467

>what I don't understand is how normies could be so impressed with awful art.
Maybe you should learn to read. It's right there in the text, after he listed all of the advanced techniques they have no clue about.

>> No.3356475

My IQ is too high to watch that trash

>> No.3356483

Point in case.

>> No.3356607

literally autistic

>> No.3356738

For what it's worth, people compliment my semi-blind contour sketches.

Maybe people are just trying to be nice and encourage you.

>> No.3356937

Normies dont give a fuck about the technical aspects of drawing and wont notice any errors in an image at all necause they haven't trained their brain to.
They just see a pretty picture and go me like

>> No.3357145
File: 495 KB, 432x398, 1490488105650.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All of these is obvious to me now, what I don't understand is how normies could be so impressed with awful art.
>I dont understand how people with little to no technical know-how are impressed
Because its an artistic skill, and many people, for better or worse, treat any aptitude as an interesting and good thing you fuckwit.

You arent special because you "care" more than "normies", youre just more educated in this one specific thing. You sound as retarded as a mechanic that thinks he's better than anyone that cant rebuild an engine, when the vast majority cant even change their oil.

>> No.3357171

>Yet what they don't realize is that how good you draw is strognly correlated to your IQ.
>A low IQ person (lets say below university average; <125) simply won't have an art "career".

You might have been right if people were judged solely on technical skills. Nowadays it isn't hard to find some stickfigure drawing tard rake it in, while your highly rendered alien drawing in 5pt perspective gets ignored

>> No.3357175

They can’t identify why they like a piece so they’ll try to attribute it to things they are familiar with, like content, mood, theme, and automatically like things with similar content etc despite being problematic in terms of composition, color theory, value.

>> No.3357177
File: 504 KB, 650x482, behh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>guys I just DON'T UNDERSTAND, how can people be impressed by things they have little to know technical experience with??? Fucking NORMIES, everything they like is SHIT, they can't see what's really good like ME
OP, the only thing worse than being autistic is being autistic with your head up your ass.

>> No.3357183


>> No.3357185

It's more that, past a certain point it doesn't matter normie or not. If your overall art is good enough you can say, you didn't botch the anatomy, you drew a fantasy character that doesn't have normal human anatomy. You didn't fail to adhere to some pseudo-arbitrary rule of composition or gesture, you boldly ignored it. It's all relative

>> No.3357188


You're an idiot because you don't know the main point of the post.

>> No.3357663

>implying proportions of the related pic are not complete trash either way

>> No.3357666

Imbecile. Get off your high horse, your IQ does not matter, if you cannot think outside the box. It sounds like you were bullied in school and are now trying to comfort yourself with the thought that you are a genius and they will never know art. You sound autistic

>> No.3357667

Warn me more. My opinion stands, and I'm not going to sugarcoat it for anyone.

>> No.3357681

Actually we're reporting you for tripfagging mostly.

>> No.3357743

Chill your tits Satan, thinking outisde of the box requires a high IQ. I didn't inted to offend anyone, I just stated some facts.
You calling me imbecile is irony.

>> No.3357798


>> No.3357809

>your IQ does not matter
>if you cannot think outside the box
I'm pretty sure a high IQ helps you think outside the box.
You seem like a butthur stupid person that feels attacked. LMAO

>> No.3357821

>Why do normies love shitty art?
For porn, they probably get off more to the idea of the scene / fantasy rather then just the art itself.
Its why people like Shiin and Transformer DDS make a lot of money despite having god awful art. People like the narrative.

>> No.3357841

Every artist draws mostly for the normies. They draw to catch the eyes of as many people as possible; if they didn't, it would be a hell of a lot harder to sell their skill.

>> No.3358012

"I fucking hate this cake" is an objective statement
"This cake is undercooked" is an objective statement
"The filling is canned trash" is an objective statement
"The whipped cream is rancid" is an objective statement

>> No.3358073

People use different standards depending on the context, you sperg.
In a class enviroment people are usually measuring you to themselves and the rest of the class. If you asked them if you were as good as a pro most of them will probably tell you no.

You are not some kind of special genius OP, you are just clueless about social dynamics.

>> No.3358092


>> No.3358159
File: 140 KB, 320x240, giphy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Real talk came into this board thinking positive... now leaving more sad and alone about drawing than I ever did from word of mouth or experience. Well this low I.Q normie degenerate with shit taste and shot skill is going to find a new thing to do and drop art I think the world/web doesn't need more shot tier wanna be artist... legitimately kinda figured artwork board would have lead assholes and more people with more open-minded understanding that all art is subjective and no matter what art school rule of thumb you go by sometimes doing what you feel is okay or doing things wrong makes your art more flavored or unique bit from what I can tell apparently fuck that noise be perfect follow the rules or you worthless. (Yeah I k ow nothing I say matters reeeeh piece of shit normie fag I know I am and more)

>> No.3358351

Welcome to /ic, and speaking with all of the lovely users here also known as d/ic/ks.

While the abrasion from the sheer about of shit posting may be hard to tolerate, there are useful tidbits of fundamentals for beginning artists. Most people here are beginning artists...

You will find the prevailing philosophical, political, cultural thinking here will differ drastically than most of the art world. As such you will be exposed to an environment that can help open your mind to people you disagree with. Mostly depressed angry people. (You'll need to have a thick skin and not take what people say personally here) Like everywhere else on the internet.

To quote from a book on writing that seems to epitomize the approach taken here on /ic Constance Hale writes in the book Sin and Syntax

> "Rest assured, you'll get your [fundamentals] here, on the theory that it's better to know rules than to stay clueless. This...will show you how to avoid bone-head mistakes, but, more importantly, it'll show you how to make some sinful mischief. IF ALL THIS SEEMS a bit paradoxical, get used to it...[Art] is paradox... [Art] dwells in contradictions, dabbling in the eloquence of tradition, the intelligence of goofy grammars, the decadence of dialects...When style complements substance, when technique is put into the service of [rendering art then, art] can plunge deep and pulse with life."

>Implying here that you become more diverse from learning fundamentals first and then style (which naturally develops as you learn fundamentals). Rather than the opposite approach taken nearly everywhere else which is Do whatever first and then maybe learn the fundamentals.

The question becomes, Will you keep going even if the standards /ic/ sets seems out of reach? Or will you settle for less and the comforting voices that lull and sing in stagnation?

>> No.3358356


>> No.3358371

Oh please, the standards of /ic/ aren't even good. So many fantastic artists out there that don't live up to the /ic/ standard but are still great. The problem with /ic/ is that most people here never get past the fundamentals.

Then, those same people try and impose their rules on artists that have already made it and clearly know their shit.

Please don't be discouraged. Take some time to explore artists you like on Twitter or whatever and re-discover why you want to do art. I think that the people on this board that don't understand that there are multiple paths to being successful at art just show how much they're not gonna make it.

>> No.3358377

People are nice to each other in most irl situations if they saw you do something interesting like drawing of course they will give compliments this is how people become friends.

Do you have problem understanding social interactions?

>> No.3358382

because most people don't train themselves to notice off proportion in art like artists and designers do. The quality standard for the 'makers' is always higher than the 'consumers' generally

>> No.3358385

Oh Please, improve your reading comprehension and try again.

>> No.3358387

any skill that takes practice people will see it and be amazed. If you see someone tossing pizza doe you'd be amazed. this post is retarded

>> No.3358392

>You are not some kind of special genius OP, you are just clueless about social dynamics.

Fucking this

>> No.3358410


>> No.3358461

>he believes in subjectivity
you're spooked, son.

>> No.3358464

I bet you still draw like carp. But nice try, son.

>> No.3358608

Your mom might think your cooking is good, but Gordon Ramsay will probably spit it out. Because he's been a chef for like 30 years or something.

Fucking useless thread

>> No.3358895


You've been replying to this thread more than a dozen times now. Get a life, loser.

>> No.3359170

A lot of artists are drama queens. You seem to be on the right track, anon.

>> No.3359414

this is way underappreciated

>> No.3360836

>Asks "Why do normies love shitty art?"
>Admits that a year ago he too believed what he did was good
>A year later after probably practicing art and improving deliberately he wonders why one who does not draw at all would think that it is good even though he himself took a long time to realize it himself even after drawing for several years.

You're not going to see the errors as well as someone who practices understanding and making art when you don't indulge in it yourself. Why is that so hard to understand? You didn't even realize it and you obviously spend a longer time with art than they ever will, so why would they?
You treat 'normies' as if they're some seperate entity that you're nothing like, when you had the exact same mentality. Only difference is you're seeking out information and are learning from your mistakes.

The initial question
>Why do normies love shitty art
throws me off because it's so stupid. Especially considering you experienced why they do yourself, then turn around to ask a question that has the answer right in your face.

>Is there a ceiling to how much you can improve until normies can't tell the difference between good art and mediocre art?

This is a better question. I started drawing a year ago and before I had no experience doing it I'd look at any drawing that I couldn't do myself and consider it good. When you aren't educated about art it's not like you can't tell mediocre from good. It's just that your bar for what is good is lowered.
You'll still be able to tell if something is shit. It's just that if it's somewhat decent, then it'll be good to you because you can't do it and that must mean it's good.

>> No.3361854

show normies a study and they'll think you're an art god

>> No.3361963

To annoy you.

A. Normie

>> No.3362118

>ITT: r/delusionalartists

>> No.3363564

>lets say below university average; <125
You really need to specify the degree you are talking about when you say shit like this.

>> No.3364813

Cry some more faggots.

>> No.3367243

>8 principles
There are only 7 anon.

>> No.3367247

I see psychological banter, premises and assumptions, but I'm yet to see the proof.

>> No.3369525

...Why wouldn't they be impressed? When the people around you have some talent it is nice to see. You don't need to be a pro, just above average. They knew it was good for you to feel confident in the sense of continuing your art, and liked seeing what you could do. Generally beneficial behavior for the group, makes both parties feel good.

>> No.3369853


>> No.3369894


Agree, my IQ is 86 and I have no idea what the hell am i doing when drawing and i just draw shit and have never improved in over a decade.

>> No.3370425

How can you not understand how they find mediocre art appealing? I mean right in your post you said that in the past you also thought it was appealing. I mean, just remember yourself during that time.

>> No.3371494

I'm going to ignore everything here and just say that guy's art is really shitty, at least his pin ups/figures, should stick to do background and landscapes, he way better at that