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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 47 KB, 500x346, thumb_carrusel-Hayao-Miyazaki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3349241 No.3349241 [Reply] [Original]

"Anime was a mistake" - Hideo Miyazaki

Even the father of anime says it's shit, why do you guys waste your time learning this trash?

>> No.3349247
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So I can piss off fags like you.

>> No.3349254

>you will never eat miyazaki's shitty ramen after a difficult work day in the studio

>> No.3349258

>miyazaki's shitty ramen
the fuck?

>> No.3349259

>father of anime
excuse me?

>> No.3349265

I stopped watching anime 11 years ago. But the style is great for porn.

>> No.3349365


>> No.3349367

The father of anime is Tezuka you dummy

>> No.3349370

I want him to blow smoke in my face while I watch him play with model planes

>> No.3349375


>> No.3349395

The father of anime is Walt Disney

>> No.3349401

walt disney can't draw for shit

>> No.3349408


>> No.3349409

>the father of anime
O am i laffin

>> No.3349414
File: 89 KB, 500x357, Osamu-Tezuka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the father of anime
Nigger, Osamu Tezuka would have beat his balding, pig-loving, tree-hugging, feminist ass any day of the week if he was still alive.

>> No.3349436

"OP is a faggot" - Hayao Kojima

>> No.3349437

Get over yourselves weebs, no one in the real world knows or cares about that dude. His art looks like shit

>> No.3349467


>> No.3349484

>Most people are ignorant thus it's ok for me to talk shit
That doesn't make your statement any less wrong

>> No.3349487
File: 20 KB, 574x430, 1510745050298.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks comfy as fuck

>you will never git gud in an /ic/ studio filled with anons (non crabs only) who grind fundies all day and take turns making meals and discussing gains

>> No.3349507

he didn't actually say that, you know. it's a meme.
he did, however, allegedly express interest in fucking underage girls. interesting.

>> No.3349639

>I liked Disney, I adored Disney, here before you is a man whose life was determined by Disney. I first encountered Mickey around second grade at an animation festival [Tezuka was born in 1928].

Anime eyes were cribbed from the Bambi movie for one thing

>> No.3349646

aaaand reported

>> No.3349655

saying you reported a post is also against the rules anon-kun

>> No.3349667

>a bunch of people trapped in an office grinding fundies all day
sounds like hell

>> No.3349674

What does that have to do with what that anon said? Walt Disney couldn't draw for shit, so the father of anime if you really want to go there would be one or more of the 9 old men who actually designed those characters and came up with those design choices.

>> No.3349686

I know. The satisfaction it brings is worth the ban.

>> No.3349713

actually the father of anime is da vinci or rembrandt or whatever the old time animators were aspiring to be

>> No.3349724

If they had aspired to be Da Vinci or Rembrandt, they wouldn't have become animators but instead had gotten into fine art. Disney animators were the first cartoonists who took draftmanship to the next level in their field, so they obviously had respect and admiration towards the masters, but that doesn't mean they inspired to be like them.

>> No.3349725

its weird how normal people call leonardo "da vinci"

>> No.3349730

>And then from fascination to emulation, I first followed the comics of Tagawa Suihō and Yokoyama Ryūichi. But suddenly, once I became devoted to Disney, I set out to copy and master that stuffed-animal style, eventually ending up with how I now draw.

except they did aspire to be like them

>> No.3350459

do you always say Claude Monet or is it just Monet?

>> No.3350468


>> No.3350471

Will we ever get the equivalent of the "le 9 old men" in our lifetime ever again?

>> No.3350473

Not in America.

>> No.3350492

sounds weird since da vinci translates "of vinci" the town he was born. But out of all the people born of vinci in this time the world mostly knows leonardo so simply saying da vinci is enough

>> No.3350508

In context it makes perfect sense to just refer to him by his surname, even though it wasn't really his surname it's how people were distinguished, it's for brevities sake

>> No.3350569
File: 42 KB, 750x597, 1517540443363.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Miyazaki was nothing more than a hack who exploited his production team and animation house down to the ground before Disney came along and saved their sorry ass, and Tezuka was nothing more than a regular hack getting his inspirations from regular TV. Go watch his documentary and all you animu faggots will finally get the dose of reality you all need fucked up your ass to wake you up to the works of your so-called "mangaka".

Disney owns your beloved Ghibli weebs, so much as you comic book cucks can't go around praising Marvel movies without sucking Mickey Mouse's big anti-memite nigger cock.

Prove me wrong.
>Pro tip. You can't. :)

>> No.3350571

*Jew hating

>> No.3350724

So comfy.

>> No.3350725

have you ever read milton anon

>> No.3350727

he made 1 note worthy thing, that being astroboy, hes a literal who these days, go suck him off some more you fucking troglodyte

>> No.3350729 [DELETED] 
File: 41 KB, 500x500, DWxwxn1UQAAj96y.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best mistake I have ever seen

>> No.3350833

That's what your daughter will be sending to her 30 year old lover. If you ever have one.

>> No.3350852

You make that sound like it's a bad thing.

>> No.3350878
File: 1.60 MB, 1337x680, 'sex-grooming gangs-AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>30 year old lover

>> No.3351012

He's also a disgusting pedophile. Who cares what this man says.

>> No.3351107


>> No.3351137

woah, soooo edgy. you must be like edgelord level at least, right?

>> No.3351138


>> No.3351169

that's what your mom is sending to her dad

>> No.3351175

what did he do?

>> No.3351193

straight from the horses mouth
take THAT, you weak, pale anime cunts!

>> No.3351194
File: 42 KB, 600x427, B5tWIQbCUAAv9O6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Real daddy here, fuck off

>> No.3351196
File: 34 KB, 448x441, frogwhoremouth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he said that modern day anime is produced by "humans who can't stand looking at other humans."

>> No.3352149

Is there more to this? I need more

>> No.3352200


Miyazaki also said that the Holocaust probably didn't ahppen, and if it did, it was like 2-300,000 jews at most.
So I'm gonna trust him on this one.

>> No.3352629

"You're either talented or you're not gonna make it." - Henry Miyazaki

>> No.3352640

Bill Nolan is the father of the animation style (rubber hose) which is the basis to all western animation and anime. Early animators were considered second rate cartoonists so to say that they were fundies-based autists is retarded which is why I will always say that Loomis is a meme.

>> No.3352652

>it’s another crab thread

>> No.3352687

Well, I'm freaking good at making mistakes. Hell, my entire life is a one large mistake. One more would not make a difference, and I actually enjoy it, so why not?

>> No.3352730

He never said that.

>> No.3352764

He actually said it, but the phrase is out of context. He talked about moeshit.

>> No.3352771

Are there people here who unironically think that anime nowadays is anything but dogshit pandering to teenagers? Really?

>> No.3352776
File: 261 KB, 512x512, 538a4072493e0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Are there people here who unironically think that anime nowadays is anything but dogshit pandering to teenagers? Really?

>> No.3352841

it's easy to think this if you've only seen mainstream anime
it's like listening to nothing but Taylor Swift and Justin Bieber and saying "wow, music is dogshit, why does anyone like this?"

>> No.3352843
File: 167 KB, 460x750, 1496762246429.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nope its strictly this crap now.....SAD

>> No.3352851

I know what the fuck I'm talking about, used to watch alot of that crap in high school too and I got bored when all I saw were the same 3 crappy stereotypes and cliches, characters exiting only to fellate the viewers and the same themes repeated ad nauseam. There is some nice shit but it's just too rare and it's more of an exception than anything, every studio plays it safe trying to milk those shitty otaku. And even the highest rated and praised works a lot of times end up being barely above average. Try reading some fine literature and try going back into that crap, I dare you.

>> No.3352858

Yeah, I agree. Nothing you said contradicts what I said. There's some really good anime, so you can't just sweep the entire medium under the rug because of the vast amount of crap there is. It's the same with music, tv, film, etc.

>> No.3352937

i think it's one of the special features for spirited away or something

>> No.3352939

>He talked about moeshit
I think it was more than moeshit, but moeshit is definitely a huge part of the problem

>> No.3352979

There's a lot more good music, film (not recently), tv, etc compared to anime, even proportionally.

You will need years to watch all good film and properly appreciate it, several lifetimes worth of good music, not even talking about ltierature.

While with anime, you have about a dozen titles worth watching at best. Even the people who are heavily into anime mostly watch it for the sake of socialization with like minded people, rather than the content itself.
The reason is probably that anime is very commercialized, has insane production costs, while still being niche. Of course there isn't going to be a lot of good stuff. Nobody's going to spend millions in funding for an "artistic vision".

While with music, the financial barrier is instruments and recording equipment. With literature, any writing medium. With art, paint and canvas and other materials.
Film has even higher financial barrier than animation, but it also has mass appeal.

So anime is literally in the worst position for any works of artistic merit to come out. Expensive and niche.

>> No.3353053
File: 45 KB, 564x557, 5RE6PAx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>65 replies

>> No.3353378

Well, modern state of Chinese cartoons in general, and moeshit is integral.

Anyway, I'd take his words with a grain of salt. Old people like to rant about good old days. 40 years later modern weebs would whine about how shitty anime is in 2060 and that Attack on Titan and Love Live was pinnacle of anime quality.

>> No.3353444

Is this the same mentality bronies have when they get laughed at in the mall for wearing a pink tail? That they're just shitting on him because they're angry?

>> No.3353696

>half of the replies are calling out the bait.
incredible bait, LMAO.

>> No.3353703

To be fair, the anti-anime people are usually the bronies in this situation. Most normal people either don't care at all about anime or they watched some of the popular stuff like Ghibli movies, cowboy bebop etc and have no extreme opinion about it either way. The people who are obsessed with hating anime are usually very weird looking individuals, who try to compensate for their own autism and strange appearance.

>> No.3353976
File: 104 KB, 766x960, C8WKwnuWsAEz4H0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Taking inspiration from someone else makes you a hack
The absolute state of /ic/

>> No.3353982

he's not the father of anime and he didn't say that. hide the thread.