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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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3343621 No.3343621[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How do I start web comics?

>> No.3343625


>Start drawing web comics

>> No.3343636

>just draw
>just trace
Seem to be the hottest options on /ic/ right now.

>> No.3343643

Can someone explain this to me, don’t get the joke.

>> No.3343648

You see, people who actually can do it don't ask such questions. They just start. You must have the spark or you'll never succeed

>> No.3343649

In Monopoly, you can go to jail if you land on the "Go to Jail" square. You can either pay to get out ($50), roll a double, or use the card in the comic.

>> No.3343654

OK but that doesn’t explain why he’s going to use the card in this comic.

>> No.3343662

because it's useful
Have you ever played monopoly?
In jail you lose a turn, so getting out for free is nice

>> No.3343669

pretending to be a tard is getting old

>> No.3343691

these cartoons about raping ugly children are really weird, maybe i'm too old for the internet, but i really can't imagine myself finding them funny even when i was 14, i guess they're like your version of dead baby jokes. anyway, kids these days amirite, remember when newgrounds was the funny edgy thing on the internet for kids. 1000s of original cartoons and games. now it's 'lol they guy wants to fuck his daughter!'

>> No.3343705

You need a sense of humor.

>> No.3343706

just draw camp >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> just trace camp

>> No.3343709

a sense of humor like yours is what got trump elected

>> No.3343717

But the pedo was on the other platform?

>> No.3343724

And again I say you need a sense of humor if you don’t find thy comic funny.

>> No.3343731

>you need to have pathetic standards for humor, like me

>> No.3343739

i find shadman iffy but this comic was funny to me. if you don't like it it is perfectly reasonable
let people have their own opinions pal. i laughed at the comic but im not sperging out over who doesn't like it

>> No.3343743

Where in the comic does it remotely suggest rape? How did you even come up with that conclusion what mind process took place? and you're saying "kids these days amirite" I guess you visited newgrounds "back in the day" a little too much and I sincerely hope you go look for some help or counseling.

>> No.3343749

you put both something i did type in quotes and also something you inferred, i don't understand your "mind process" either.

>> No.3343757

Neither newgrounds or Shadman are funny

They are both corny shit

>> No.3343769
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>> No.3343814

A platform is not a person

>> No.3343826
File: 149 KB, 500x773, shadman-18751046[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sure, here.

>> No.3343843

There is no reason to dislike Shad is art is getting a lot better

>> No.3343868

The platform in it's entirety is filled with unfunny GARBAGE

>> No.3343885

Well it's a good thing then that a huge chunk of it isn't comedy. Also Tankmen is the shit, fuck you

>> No.3343908


>> No.3344059

Show your work.

>> No.3344086


Seriously? Guy...

>> No.3344095


if something this fucking corny gets a 4.4/5 on newgrounds then that website is fucking garbage

literally middle school tier banter

>> No.3344134

>middle school tier
Isn't that their main target demographic?

>> No.3344141

Show me what you consider a funny web animation, then

>> No.3344153 [DELETED] 

i have never touched a girl or woman before. i am now at an age where to be without any sexual experience is considered, rightly, perverse. my awareness of my condition suffocates my every waking hour of life and i am rendered totally crippled in a spiral of exponential impotence that deepens each day and takes on new, darker shades each month. my mind is consumed with the vacuum that the abscence of adolescent sexual or even emotional attention from the opposite sex hhas left and the reality of the unrequited nature of my status of life paralyzes me on a metaphysical level. i long continual for the most childish forms of affection while being developed enough to know such things are fictitious. lately i burst into tears every time as i lay in bed and wait for sleep, which has come to be nothing but an unhelpful narcotic that momentarily relieves my existence of its imppssible state, to put an end to the unending process of a memory consumed by missed opportunities. even looking at a woman such as in ops pic fills me with such a profound sadness that i lose all instinct and urge to communicate with anything external to myself.i wish to be a body without organs. i am a husk mimicking human behavior. i just want to have held someone's hand at some point in my life. and i know my position to be so hopeless that, even if some girl were to show interest in me, i would not want to put her through the embarrassment that a relationship with me would entail. i am resigned to my fate, and i feel no semblance of absolution

>> No.3344174

It counts as rape in the courts bro. Even if his daughters "consent"

>> No.3344177

If that's so then why has there not been a federal prosecution?

>> No.3344185

this, i dont understand why everyone is suddenly ok with tracing

>> No.3344197

Gotta cope with being bad and tracing is a way to
seem not bad.

>> No.3344199

clearly, I probably find strange to see all this just lately

>> No.3344201
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>> No.3344217

>create comic
>put on internet

>> No.3344228

I used to have the original files, but I probably lost em.

>> No.3344799

/co/ has a weekly webcomic thread with some great resources in the op.

Also, please do not neglect your story.

The story is what is going to keep people going back. Your art just needs to be good enough so that it doesn't take away from your story. To find our that threshold, seek out other popular webcomics in your genre.

I'm not saying not to have great art or not to try with your visuals, but if you have great art and your story goes nowhere, you will lose readers eventually.

>> No.3344972

>learn wordpress or wix
>get hosting and pick hillarious and original domain name
>lern to comic panels or 4 koma at the very least
>lern to humour, black humour, mind fuck, sarcasm and satirical humour etc.
>put ads
All you need
Then you can automate tweets, fb, insta and all the trash website to spread your cancer.

>> No.3344982

Starting it is the easy part. Finishing it is hard. Unless you have a bullshit 4 panel so relatable gag strip, in which case continuing it is the hard part.

>> No.3345011

Fuck off and get a sense of humor Shadman comics are funny.

>> No.3345267

if you think this cornball shit is funny you are literally too young to be on 4chan

>> No.3345292

Pls explain why they're funny and not some childish joke written for the sake of being edgy.

>> No.3345409


Nah this is not done to arouse 14 year olds, this is bait for a special kind of breed entering their thirties without having had a meaningful conversation (not even relationship) with a grown woman.

>> No.3345536

shut up retard lmfao

>> No.3345707

I don't think this is aimed at teens actually

>> No.3345812
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Fucking pedos deserve to get their heads on a pike, sucks that this guy is actually "hire-able" & decent at composition

>> No.3345825

Literally just post shit on a Facebook page. If you want to go the next step use a web host like Weebly or whatever and buy a domain name. That's like $50 max if you already have a tablet.

I have a way tiny modest following of 4,000 people and I still draw like ass.

Content is honestly more important than art quality. Just look at XKCD or Cyanide and Happiness.

TLDR: Don't be a faggot and just do it.

>> No.3345826

How is Shad a pedo? There is no proof he's a real one.

>> No.3345869

I wasn't saying he's a pedo, I just really hate pedos and wanted to make an unrelated side comment on Shad.

>> No.3345913

being in jail is the best move during the end game of monopoly. you're a shotcaller in jail, while everyone else is getting fucked in rent money

>> No.3345970

Could be all the child porn he draws. Dumbass.

>> No.3346023

why are all those children wearing so much eyeliner?

>> No.3346136

Why couldn’t Shadman kill himself

>> No.3346777

Is it so hard to explain the joke to him you insufferable cunts?

The joke is that he molests the kids and gets out of jail for free with the card.

>> No.3347126

I don't like shadman's art but I do like how he gets moralist normalfags like you absolutely bootyblasted

>> No.3348238

Did you fall for bait or did I fall for bait? I guess only (you) will ever know.

>> No.3348267

shock value to inflate his audience numbers

>> No.3348298

*porn value to titillate his pedophile customers

>> No.3348475

i dont think you understand what child porn is or why its bad by definition if you think shadman putting down some lines is child porn, i think this act of trying to appear morally virtuous without any logic behind it is what moronic kids on the internet want to call 'virtue signalling' but instead they just say that about anything they dont like so ill make up for it by using it correctly on you

>> No.3348551
File: 618 KB, 1000x848, JessicaRoseA-RS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think Shad is shit at drawing so I'll show mine.

>> No.3348557

youre both shit. especially you, i remember your shitty fat fucking dwarfs you fucking dike

>> No.3348558

left leg seems weird
post work

>> No.3348560

Lol those were commissions. 99% of my work is. Red line it if you have a problem with it.

>> No.3348562

At least shad shows emotion. This girl seems completely unfazed by that massive tentacle up her ass.

>> No.3348565
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>> No.3348568

Owning child pornography and molesting children are horrible crimes. Being a pedophile is very unfortunate and that's out of your control. I know I'm thankful that the closest thing I have to a fetish is being aroused by female armpits.

Very nice. I could easily see masturbate to this.

>> No.3348570

your. art. is. shit.

>> No.3348572

>no argument
>no valid criticism
>just ad hominem

>> No.3348853

It's dyke you stupid faggot

>> No.3349763
File: 730 KB, 558x1581, 1518083593147.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah Shadman isn't a paedophile, that's why Dafne Keen's lawyers had to send him a cease and desist and threatened to sue him in order to get him to stop drawing pornography of a literal 11 year old. Totally not a paedophile.

>> No.3349764
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>> No.3349783

Shadmans an actual pedo and needs castrating for sure

>> No.3349840

That wasnt a three year jump for mode.

>> No.3350044

draw a comic then upload it to the internet

>> No.3350049
File: 147 KB, 324x389, 1519990807264.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
