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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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3343060 No.3343060 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.3343086


>> No.3343088

List at least 27 artists that did this. I can name 2 from Facebook

>> No.3343089

oh look another faggot frog poster

>> No.3343090

T. Cancerous normie opening emergency commissions

>> No.3343099

What does it mean?

>> No.3343115

Stay mad and stay broke

>> No.3343131

I've seen atleast 10 people do it on instagram/tumblr (mostly the latter)

>> No.3343132

People who do this seriously deserve to be hanged.

>> No.3343171

This is so stupid. Why not be open for work all the time instead of only when you're about to die of starvation?

>> No.3343185

NGL, it's a really BAD idea to try and survive on commissions. I see a lot of artists with mediocre art trying to make a living off of it- and this is really rude to say probably but, they probably shouldn't be selling art at their skill level. I mean unless they market really well....but their idea of marketing is literally using pity to get people to buy things. This is where emergency commissions come in.....

>> No.3343192

>wow I refuse to work a real job but want money and my /beg/-tier art just ain't sellin'
>EMERGENCY ALERT I am starving, my mother's in the hospital, my dog needs heart surgery and I was just diagnosed with cancer, pitybux now welcome!

>> No.3343239

You dont have to buy it

Why does everyone care so much, youre not getting points for writing a post about your opinion here on the matter

>> No.3343511

>Post is full of guilt-tripping, saying that they need the money very SOON, they can't spare to wait
>Due date comes
>Turns out they just needed money for an anime con

>> No.3343520

>and this is really rude to say probably
Then don't say it, faggot.

>> No.3343524
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"i have a skill i am known for that is marketable in any way. i will now use it"
>reeee what a faggot

>> No.3343557

lmao I appreciate this thread.

>> No.3343563

Calling it an emergency commission and attaching a person sob story / money problems to it is basically an admission that you DON'T have a skill you are known for that is marketable, or at least that there is no demand for it.

>> No.3343612

what a bunch of whiney fags

- t. survives on commissions alone

last time I posted art anywhere or updated my portfolio was many years ago . although now i'm wondering how much more i'd be making if i was a shameless bitch and just spammed my pityharvesting everywhere due to a complete lack of self-awareness

>> No.3343623
File: 244 KB, 605x3313, funny-comics-owlturd-comix-adulthood-life-shenanigansen-29-57d7fe79bd8c2__605.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But anon I got hit with LIFE pretty hard

>> No.3343628

not rude at all, it's the truth

>> No.3343630

Pessimistic is realistic.

>> No.3343642

>Person keeps on reblogging a post about needing commissions to fix her mother's car
>Someone asks what happened to it
>"I was driving it while I was drunk, and I wrecked it lmao the car is really important to my mom"
>Nobody bothers to donate or commission

>> No.3343659

>it doesnt matter if i scam people! They dont HAVE to buy my bullshit!

>> No.3343661

This isnt even bait. Try harder.

>> No.3343668

A pessimistic view on life is superior:
either you're right or can be positively suprised.

>> No.3343679

having no expectations at all is the only true way to live though

>> No.3343685

Harsh but true. Most of these artists only ever do $40 OC/fanart commissions for random people. It's fine as a supplementary income, but not something to live off. They have no professional skill to offer companies, so instead they rely on building a false sense of familiarity that can then be exploited. If an artist constantly blogs about how hilariously inept and/or unhappy they are - that's probably the reason why.

>> No.3343701

The only problem with most self-professed pessimists is they use it as an excuse not to try instead of trying and not caring about failure.

>> No.3343711

Thats exactly how it works

>> No.3343783

>"guys my rents due, my cat has an eye infection that i cant afford to treat and I just used uo the last of my meds pls give me money :^(((("

>> No.3343790

This happened to me and i was fucking livid.
Fucking retarded made this long winded post about how their health was failing, they were about to be evicted and that they wefe starving and of course i felt sorry for them. Once the due date rolled they were perfectly fune and then a month later they did the exact same shit again and then a month after that until it just became routine

>> No.3345178

his name is pepe, ok?

>> No.3345191
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fuck off

>> No.3345212

Announcements like these are just a great filter to figure out who you should never commission. Unreliable, non professional kids.