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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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3341027 No.3341027[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>want to get to know an artist better and be their friend
>send them messages and comment on their work
>they straight up ignore me
>meanwhile artist friend does the same
>gets immediate response
>they become friends within the hour
>is invited to their private discord club
I thought the stuck up artist was a meme. Do these people seriously act this way and not want anything to do with you unless you can draw well?

>> No.3341031

who wants shit artists as friends? git gud and maybe senpai will notice you

>> No.3341034

lmao what a pleb. Know your place, pleb.

>> No.3341039

>who wants shit artistscas friends
You cant just discriminate against people because they arent good artist
>just git gu
Well im trying but i cant devote 14 hrs a day to drawing like I want and get better.

>> No.3341043

ew what the fuck is that

>> No.3341045
File: 83 KB, 720x960, 1520207067510.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Their not stuck up, your just a randomer, the artist either is uncomfortable with your constant insistence on friendship, or they dont want to be friends with you. Friendship isn't something you can ask for, and the artist friend was probably more compatable with them, like having common interests. I think you need to understand that just because their an artist you like doesn't mean you can be friends with them, they probably will think your just interested in their art (like you are, because otherwise you wouldn't have posted on here if all their good for is their art whats the point of being friends)and wont want to talk with you if you keep messaging

Having people dm me everyday to be friends and when i don't reply they get angry and if i do they will ask for free art after a 30 minute conversation

>> No.3341046

Dude 4chan isnt for you if your going to get triggered by simple shit

>> No.3341048

First of all, I dontwant to be friends just for their art. They generally see. Like an interesting person and just wanted to talk but they dont even respond. Making up assumptuons why someone would want to befriend you and rationalizong that they only just want something from you is childish and a bit narcissistic desu.

Also how would you make someone uncomfortable just by doing basic greeting like hello? Even more confusing is when someone you know does the exact same and gets a positive reaction. It just sounds like artists are snobs that just only want other good artists in their circle which im fine with that but atleast they can just tell me outright instead of ignoring/blocking me..

>> No.3341049

What did i say that implied i was triggered? It should have been a normal reaction to that kind of behavior. Normally people dont act like this. Its shallow as all hell.
Its like im explaining this to teenagers that don't understand basic social skills.

>> No.3341052

You dont sound very experienced with the internet desu , I'm an experienced artist, and you can make what ever assumption you want desu, but it does make artists uncomfortable to be messeged regulary by someone you don't know, but goodluck kid the speed and anger in your post was visable from a mile away
*gasp* el goblino

>> No.3341053

Normal normal normal, why are normies like this jesus

>> No.3341054
File: 52 KB, 640x617, 1519375044926.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fags stop replying to this lonely fag

And op link the artist or gtfo you cant say all artists are fucking snobs, as it makes you sound un experienced like you've never met an artist.

>> No.3341055


>messaged regularly
Where did I say i messaged them regurlarly tho
You sound genuinely upset over my posts and I cant for the life of me figure out why.

>> No.3341057

Because you seem mad that people don't want to chat and waste time on random strangers. Do you realize how many other people he gets that are like you? I would never, ever add anyone that isn't of any value to me, there's no point.

>> No.3341059

OP, the mistake you're making is thinking you're owed any time or consideration from a random internet stranger.

You're not.

>> No.3341060


Im not lonely, i have plenty of non artist friends ob discord whom I met through my interest in music and vidya. They were all pretty rleasy to talk to and approach and eventually we became friends.

Artists im beginning to realize are a completely different thing though. Many of them seem to have a variety of mental illnesses and hang ups about interacting with people. Even saying something like "hello" is perceived as some kind of nefarious plot to do them harm

>> No.3341061

>cant spell
>doesnt understand social cues
>blog posts on /ic/

Ive had fuckers like you spam me for ages 'wanting to be friends'

Its extremely egoistical if you to think you can just insert yourself in some ones life, and demand they deal with you.
You are asking an artist to take time out of their day to deal with your spam and dumb comments.
You want to be friends with the artist because they seem interesting to you, but what do you provide to them?
When im in online communities, im looking to bond and talk shit with pther artists and nothing ruins that like some autist sperging about being friends and causing drama.

Just be chill and stop pushing yourself on others, or honstly just fuck off.

You sound completely obnoxius from just these posts. No one cares about your dumb friend drama

[Spoiler]if this is you drtom, kindly fuck off[/spoiler]

>sage goes in every field for this shit thread

>> No.3341063

Fuck dude he gets it, Why is it so difficult for you understand? You call me narcissistic for acting how i have to to people to generally harrass me to be friends with them, i literally dont get you? Its quite easy to get desu

>> No.3341064

Artists are busy with work you retard, they are not like your teenage friends who play overwatch and masturbate to some shit and that's their whole life. There is no point in adding random people who have nothing in common with you.

>> No.3341065

If I had that same attitude to meeting new people then id be a friendless loser.
Some of my best friends are people i met online and I would have never known them if I shared such a toxic view point towards people

>> No.3341067

I have a job and so do most of my friends.
fragile egos is something else that seems exclusive to artist it seems

>> No.3341068

Dude your really just acting so retarded im starting to wonder if this is bait

>> No.3341069

>saying hello to someone is harrassment
>thinking the only reason people talk to you is because they want you to draw them something

>> No.3341070

Fucking relatable, i think i love you

>> No.3341073

You dont get it, so stop acting like everyone else is fucked for understanding it, you sound so fucking stupid your probably playing fortnite while sucking your own dick rn

>> No.3341074

>You cant just discriminate against pe
Yes, you can, git gud or piss off.

>> No.3341075

You sound so idiotic and obnoxious, please just stop trying to push this usless point, i have no idea how posting here on an art board woukd fix the fact that you want to push into people lives, and you keep saying its not because their artists, but the op was talking about artists not chefs, not kazoo players, jesus your a fucking hypocrite get off your high horse.

>> No.3341079

You sound like a a very hateful and lonely human being.

>> No.3341081

What on earth...?
How is anything i said obnoxious and hypocritcal????
Why are you so angry?????

>> No.3341082

> be on 4chan
> EXPECT everyone to be on your side


>> No.3341084
File: 216 KB, 1080x1850, 20180311_134033.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you want some evidence op, heres a guy who messaged me and then when i told him i wouldn't draw him body references for free he called me a furry fucktard and then cried to me asking that i let him follow my nsfw account, this is the aftermath of that, tell me, would you reply?

>> No.3341085

>hey, do you take requests?
>nope, sorry
>but I saw that you did a request for anon
>that was for a friend I don't do request for just random stranger's
>wanne be friends?

>> No.3341086

He's angry because its so obvious to understand yet you dont get it? Id get pissed if it was me telling you, but its not so goodluck

>> No.3341087

General rules:
>It's better to have no friends than shit friends
>You have to be someone to be friends with people who made it in any capacity
>Even then you are not guaranteed to befriend someone

If you can't understand this, leave this board and never come back. You are too naive.

>> No.3341089
File: 131 KB, 400x400, 82dbfda8d317e02eb9c93c633a5cf209.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People like op push the cool people out of communities and it fucking kills me.

>> No.3341091

Well im not anything like that person and wouldnt behave in such an explosive reaction.
Assuming everyone is like some nutjob furry or something is pretty insane on its own.
Why on earth do I even need to explain this

>> No.3341093

When did normies start looking at friendship in such an desperate and aggressive manner,, jesus makes me glad i have artist friends instead of idiotic normalfag ones, best decision of my life.

>> No.3341095

You never know what happens if you reply, you don't gain anything by replying and you might lose something, so it's simple math really.

What am I supposed to gain from people like you really?

>> No.3341096

friends are for crabs

>> No.3341097

But where in any of my posts is anything he said relatable to me though

Hes projecting and piling all of his negative interactions onto mine which is something that I fail to see the logic in and hes getting really angry over it.
Its absolutely mental

>> No.3341098

Messaging an artist with nothing, but hello would make the artist ask why the hell their messaging them and would either think their a weird kid who wants friends or a random guy wanting art, tell me another reason they would message an ARTIST other artists can message them and talk about art and be friends, but the way you talk to them must not be that good.

>> No.3341101

>yeah but whats in it for ME????
I....I cant really answer that.
You sound like a sociopath honestly and I dont approach interactions with other people that way.

>> No.3341102

>Is a shitty entitled person and also a shitty artist, is ignored by good artist
>Non shitty person becomes friends with good artist.
>I don't get it.
Normies need not to apply here.

>> No.3341103
File: 1.36 MB, 1280x1536, 1520716662068.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All of it anon you seem very obnoxious just from the posts, i mean i wouldn't be friends with you,, no offense.

>> No.3341104

Again youre conflating a completely neutral and basic human greeting with some intention to harm you and trying to explain to you why this is irrational is getting exhausting..

If you have any doubts behind their intentions dont you think responding would be a more efficient way of handling as opposed to imagining all these different scenarios and assuming why this person wants to talk to you?
If they are some kind of weirdo that just wants free art of their OC then they will be easy to block or whatever.

>> No.3341105

What is wrong with you? Like generally? You keep calling everyone else in this thread mental or a sociopath for telling you what they have experienced, and how it normally goes? So why are you attacking them.

>> No.3341106


>> No.3341107

Flat out ignoring them could also trigger some obsessive, stalkery behaviour though. I found the by far best option is to simply give a short reply, depending on the type of message you got, keep it simple and polite and maybe mention you are a bit busy, then if they decide to reply again, you can ignore them and they usually won't take it personal.

>> No.3341109

Im not attacking anyone wtf????
Your post was quite literally the textbook definition of how a sociopath views relationships with other people.
As for the other anons posts their overall views of interacting with other people is too abnormal. They either think someone messaging them just wanting to talk is a malicious ploy or see people as mere objects.

And somehow im the crazy one

>> No.3341110

I usually just match with a hi

>> No.3341111

Im laughing, being a professional artist and wasting your time on random normies messaging you is normal? Why cant people reply or not reply how they want? Why do they have to reply? You seem like normal fag op, go back to the hell hole you called out of, i think i hear them calling you

>> No.3341112

>Entitled OP is met with an undesired result and is too autistic too let it go.
Let it go dude, better luck next time.

>> No.3341113

>still replying to this autistic fuck

He won't get it. He wants to just talk teehee like other people owe this to him. He is used to people who have nothing in their life and they can talk all day. As someone else mentioned, people like OP are the reason good artists become more withdrawn, they don't want to deal with some random shitters. Personally I am going to block any retard who PMs me from now on, if OP is the indication what these people are like. Keep spamming your autistic shit on Discord you fucking useless sack of shit.

>> No.3341114

Dude this isn't the same person why do you keep saying you sjsks

>> No.3341115

Um ok bye i guess

>> No.3341117

Thank god

>> No.3341118

Well ok then.
Next time just say youre a different anon then.

>> No.3341119

Are you one of those people who use psychology as a tool to leverage themselves in arguments? Just asking for a very prestigious art friend, he says he wants more randoms in his life because he hates being so busy with his art career he’s rather spend most of his time talking to his thousands of followers every day and offering them free art.

>> No.3341120

Hoe would you even do that

>> No.3341121


>> No.3341122

Are you ok :^0

>> No.3341123

Oh my god you cant be a real person
This must be bait

>> No.3341124

Report this thread and move on, for the love of god.

>> No.3341125

Hahah yeah op im fine its just that you think everyone is crazy for not hsving your view and you seem like a 12 year old who has no understanding of the human attitude or the internet

>> No.3341126


They probably feel your neediness.

>> No.3341127
File: 389 KB, 610x580, loool.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I literally didn du nuthin

>> No.3341128

You know just because its the norm o line; doesnt mean you have to conform and act like some kind of neurotic wall shadow

>> No.3341129

Even normies aren't this shitty, OP is just a delusional retard who thinks everyone owes him attention.

>> No.3341131

You seem blinded and wont listen to anyone around you, you seem more like a sociopath than anyone in this thread normie, but ik you wont listen to anything in this post except for the sociopath part and you will reply with 'whattt i did nothing', but now you wont because you feel self conscious about me saying what tou were going to say, so easy to predict and now you will say thats not what you were thinking.

>> No.3341133

Yeah true, i really don't get how he doesnt understand so bye it was a good laugh, but its boring when they literally dont get it.

>> No.3341136

Nobody owes you shit, especially not such an annoying shitty person like you, who thinks they're entitled to positive reactions and outcomes, that refuses to admit that they might be wrong for subjugating random people to their own standards.
Have some humility; the world doesn't revolve around you.

>> No.3341137

I think weve gotten a bit off topic here....

My initial post was about how my artist friend was immediatelty recognized by the artist I wanted to talk to and did pretty much the same thing I did. The only contrasting difderence between us is that hes a good artist and im not. So is it not too far fetchex to reason that why they would not want to even speak to me is because they share the exact same views as you soxiopathic asshats?

>> No.3341139

This post is so thickly ironic i can almost take a big juicy bite out of it

>> No.3341140

Then why does it have to be an Artist? Find yourself some normie friends that have similar interests.

>Even more confusing is when someone you know does the exact same and gets a positive reaction

Maybe that someone is having an interesting profile, does some interesting shit, or seems like a more reasonable and chill person altogether.

I'm sure you are one of those people who reblogs furry porn and some normie humor/political shit on tumblr. No one is interested to get into a conversation with such individuals, especially not a decent artist who has obviously better things to do. Like avoiding toths as example

>> No.3341142

Point in case.
Glad that I'm not you.

>> No.3341143

Jesus christ you people arent from this world