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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 401 KB, 1282x1170, ruan-jia-2017-10-24-5-30-42.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3340146 No.3340146 [Reply] [Original]

Stop right there crab! Chinese patrol here, you know what's up. Confess all your dirty art secrets.

Who did you scam, who did you lead on the wrong path, who is the 100k insta/twitter person you are trying to toth, who are you being fake-friendly with? Oh, and that crush of yours that you're trying to win over with art, he/she rejected you, right? You better don't do anything funny crab-kun.

>> No.3340157

I stole drawing and sold designs, on DA and Twitter, that I stole for two years straight until somebody noticed and then I feaked out and deleted everything.

>> No.3340161

and people look up to this guy. jesus

>> No.3340162


>> No.3340165

laughing my fucking ass off

>> No.3340175

The crab meme is a conspiracy developed by crabs so that the term loses its meaning so that the culture of this shithole drops even further.

>> No.3340184

damn boi.. how much you make?

>> No.3340185

i try to study from real photos, study from various artists, and when im practing i try to not use any references. I dont have any friends. I started a art college here in brazil but everyone is more focused in doing politics than art and will not get corrupted by the left. So i still wont have friends.

>> No.3340193

I draw more than I post on /ic/. I know. It's terrible.

>> No.3340195

C'mon anon, where is the dirt. The chinese patrol wouldn't have stopped you otherwise

>> No.3340196

Dude same thing. I got away with a good chunk of change.

>> No.3340202


I have a handful of popular yt/insta/twitter girls that I'm trying to impress with art. I kinda stalk them online to see what anime or game they are really into atm, and then I "casually" slide in.

>> No.3340206

With auctions and simple "adopts", around 1500$ and with customs (I took a drawing and recolored it on Photoshop to match what people were asking for.) 2000$. Not that much for two years.

I hope nobody will ever know who I am because it was pretty big. I was young so at the very moment someone came to me saying "hey but it's not yours!" I just stopped everything.

>> No.3340209

Well? Is it working?

>> No.3340215

snib snab!

>> No.3340235
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holy shit anon, are you serious?

>> No.3340261

dog = women
onion = me

>> No.3340417

>Oh, and that crush of yours that you're trying to win over with art, he/she rejected you, right?
And the worst part is I'm still supposed to draw some commissions for him.

>> No.3340420 [DELETED] 

why do homosexuals feel the need to tell the world what they are

>> No.3340423

I encouraged someone to draw only anime and ignore basing anything on real life once cause I hated them and wanted to see them suffer from stagnating art years later.

I don't regret it though, that guy was a douche.

>> No.3340425

are you trying to joke that I'm gay or did you get the analogy mixed up?

>> No.3340427

If he was dumb enough to take advice from you then he is NGMI by default. Odds are though that he now just think back and see your advice as a proof you were a dumbass.

>> No.3340440

Eh, I'd never seriously give that advice to anyone. Just that guy in particular, he really got on my nerves.

>> No.3340612
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I crushed a malaysian man's dreams and turned him into an embarrassment to himself
Checked on him a few weeks back on twitter and he was depressed-posting. I kinda feel bad. Expecting people I come in contact with to sperg out and hurt themselves is a big reason why I can't bring myself to post anymore, I've realized.

>> No.3340643

Damn. Well to be fair it sounds like he played a big part in making him an embarrassment to himself, too. A lot of the people here are super spergy be careful who you get close to.

>> No.3340654

I spent two years artneeting and didnt accomplish diddly squat. I scoffed at industry positions while coveting them. I never did anything more than doodle in my sketchbook and a few photoshop painting studies. and the root of it all? I spent too long being spiteful at my parents and the world, and wanted to backward maneuver myself into a position of power while making it seem like I barely tried.
I have committed grave sins, Father. I wish to repent.

>> No.3340657

I know exactly what painting this... painting is referring to.

It's better to... not zoom 200% on the faces sometimes.

>> No.3340658
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>the origin of the beast revealed
Wow. I never thought I'd find out what the hell that guy's problem was.

>> No.3340660

I thought malaysia fucked off for good. Haven't seen him around in forever. I was kinda glad. Hope he stays off.

>> No.3340677
File: 15 KB, 397x455, 1474251904087.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chabs, is that you? Anyway this whole array of shitposting all started back when /pol/ was having a bout of autism with Ebola-Chan which later gave birth to OC fags creating content. Malaysia-Anon seems to be a victim of the bout of autism from /pol/ he fell in love and became obsessed with Christ-Chan and took it upon himself to draw his own OC comic books of various adventures based on her, all the while getting praise and attention from /pol/.

Nobody at the time could of anticipated the level of obsession Malaysia-Anon had, and unfortunately Malaysia-Anon was just as obsessed for the Artist who created Christ-Chan and Malaysia-Anon went berserk when said Artist decided to ditch the OC and basically told Malaysia-Anon to fuck off.

From that day on it was the beginning of a grand shitstorm that went on for years, don't feel too bad though you're not alone I admit I was partially at fault for spouting Loomis at him until he actually made comics about me and that squidgirl which always ended up with him fucking me.

Come to think of it I am also at fault for bringing him on /ic/ and starting a ruckus lel.

>> No.3340685
File: 59 KB, 505x588, Bkl6B1rCcAAENWj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whenever people aspiring to be drawfags ask me how did i get so good , i just tell them i studied a lot then they usually if not always ask for any recommendations , i gladly give them dozens of books and say i studied from these and now im this good , but the truth is that those retards will waste their youth and probably failing trying to understand those memebooks while i making mad dosh using 3d doll , sfm , hone- errr i mean my hardworked skills heh.

>> No.3340695

whats this one?

>> No.3340709

well done, fuck this retard.

>> No.3340712
File: 105 KB, 400x375, 3508bae02d92ded9ded6d4c1bc7348a3_400x1000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we got another one Shlomo

>> No.3340725
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I'm not that anon but im sure he was trying to say fun with a pencil.

>> No.3340733

Ye, its me

>> No.3340738

Regardless of what happened I sincerely hope you're still drawing and constantly honing down the craft just let bygones be bygones.

>> No.3340765
File: 37 KB, 234x244, me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


so are you gud now ? can you post any recent work i want to know if /ic/ actually helps or i'm better off by myself

>> No.3340769

absolute human garbage. I hope karma gets you soon enough.

>> No.3340776
File: 202 KB, 831x758, muh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ah this guy
I tried starting drawthreads on /pol/ back in 2017 right after the winterball threads got banned to try hype some interest in art
It actually went alright for a week or so with good content coming. Think you know what happened, eventually mal boy comes in and stirs shit around, ventually everyone just leaves.
You know for those few weeks of bliss I thought he was dead, guess not

>> No.3341051
File: 300 KB, 1181x1861, 20180310_234946.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

idk man I just lurk, but yeh, I've been drawing.
No matter what you do, try to balance things that you enjoy with shit that challenges you, is not combine them. Whether that's loomis or life drawing or anime titties (preferably all of the above) that's up to you.
I have fallen into the redraw trap though, rip
double rip

>> No.3341145

are you gay?

>> No.3341306

Sei como é? Sua aula é interrompida por coletivos feministas tb? Hushauhsaus
Eu não sou exatamente contra, mas rola uma lavagem cerebral foda nas universidades públicas

>> No.3341315

yes, the utmost of cock worship faggotry. god i love dicks

>> No.3341319


>> No.3341353

Bem, é bem triste na realidade. Não há discussões ou free speech, paredes todas estas pichadas de esquerdismos e feminismos radicais, ninguém se importa, ambiente totalmente hedonista, sem preocupações em auto-melhora, porém uma preocupação fora do comum em "igualdade", arte totalmente sucateada e ideologica, a feiura é o padrão. Não é atoa que quando você diz que faz artes visuais em uma faculdade publica todo mundo já lhe olha de forma discriminatória ou sem seriedade, uma grande piada. Esquerdismos assim só se afloram nesses ambientes pois não há estudos científicos, não é um ambiente onde indivíduos se preocupam em ascender socialmente, pois se não correm o risco de virar a elite opressora não é mesmo? É um lugar onde indivíduos tentam se igualar um ou outro, e em quem tenta diferente, você já deve saber, é intitulado de nazista, sexista, misógino, racista e por ai vai. Uma pequena maquete de um estado comunista mesmo. E ainda vejo americanos reclamando das faculdades deles, eles que não sabem como é aqui hahaha. Entrei esse semestre e sinceramente não sei se irei conseguir ir ate o final nesse ambiente totalmente toxico.

>> No.3341365

The internet is better than college.

>> No.3341387

Its indeed, but society still give privilegies to people with degrees, even in Art, its a way to not be a homeless if you fail. In countries like Brazil this absurd is more evident, where everyone need to conduct in a standard left way, so degrees are fundamental to pre judge someone believes to keep feeding the system. Colleges here are free and completely linked to the State, so if you wanna teach Art, or this is what is left to you because you failed in get in the industry in a country miles away, what its not that hard if you are 0.5% lazy, you need to obey certain politic ideologies, no matter how technicall good you are, or your portfolio.

>> No.3341653

so is your crush gay too or are you just trying to win him over

el goblino

>> No.3341743

I think I know, but I'm not sure.

>> No.3341794
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>> No.3342148

I am not gay. That wasn't me >>3341315
Can't lie though I do have some cock worship tendencies. Anyway I can't win him over he already said no. I just have to finish his fucking drawings and move on.

>> No.3342192

lol he commissioned u? Don't give up anon, slide a few dcks into the drawing

>> No.3342242

He commissioned me before I told him. It was before I even realized it myself. I already feel like I humiliated myself enough I'd rather forget it happened. And in the end shouldn't I rather want somebody who actually wants me not somebody who doesn't? I don't want someone who's just going to ditch me at the first opportunity. We're probably both better off.

>> No.3342901

those dead faces...

>> No.3343356
File: 264 KB, 1600x1067, 1518241951885.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3343396

I run photos I've taken into a program to paint over it for backgrounds and then claim I did it from scratch.

I also just paint/blend over photographs of
people and then call it "semi realism" lol

>> No.3343412

So you're basically the son of Craig Mullins and Maciej? You must be making tons of money.

>> No.3343458

phew.. usually it's the other way around, a normie commissions someone he's into, but not because he is in dire need of artwork.

You got it, they come and go, stay true to yourself.