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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 71 KB, 720x834, Screenshot_20180310-113026.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3339629 No.3339629 [Reply] [Original]

I wanted to know if anyone tried it, and if it was useful. I'm thinking about buying it but it's really expensive and I don't want to buy it for nothing. And what are your thoughts on cubebrush ? Do you find him good ? Pic related.

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/bluefley00

ART School: https://cubebrush.co/mb/products/mmfwyq-tRBD/art-school

>> No.3339637

Hm idk, I really liked his way of explaining when he was doing free vids, it was more of a straight to the point approach. His painting skills are not bad either, it's really down to preference. 500 might be too much for some, but given the prices from universities and other art schools it might be worth to pick up for beginners

>> No.3339642

I didn't knew he did free vids before, I have to check this out.

Yeah 500 is way too expensive for me. But I like the fact that his drawings are stylised and not 100% like real anatomy.
I heard that most of the times, lessons like this was just somebody drawing a big painting and talking about how to draw in the background. And I don't want to pay for that.

>> No.3339643
File: 52 KB, 1034x783, 1509800720885.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll just repost my response from the archive but update and revise it a little.....ahem...

Mark Brunett is a con man who opened up his sister site to con idiots to buy brush packs and "tutorials" and basically you're fucking stupid. How? Read below, (((TEACHERS))) absolutely HATE this man.

After the success of cubebrush LLC, Mark sought out to open BrushBoost LLC, all rights reserved, to make 100% of his sales without the middleman, without the affiliate cuts, and a higher marked up price to what it's truly worth. He seeked the value of scamming beginners and so he removed what was once free on youtube, to putting it on his now paid site. The nature of quitting blizzard as a 3D texture artist to use this credential as a marketing ploy to make him qualified to teach 2D art is just another marketing scam.

>cubebrush art school? BUT BUT it has to be good! Right?

Peop---I'm sorry, retards is a better word, love the idea of being held in hand from point A to Z. Cubebrush art school will not do that for you. It's taking advantage of what you wish was real; a school to get you from A to Z in the industry. Nothing exists like that, unless you're prepared to spend at least 15k for online education over a long duration.

>this is what you're spending your $$$ on
>someone copying straight out of loomis and doing a bad job of it.

That'll be $50 please. Oh what's that? Want term 2? Hold on let me copy the content off a tutorial on cgp and reteach it to you for a premium price.
>he copies from CGP? say it isn't so
He was caught on CGPeers downloading tutorials. This is well known. I forget his username but someone else here might know it. He outright outed himself on the comments section.
tl;dr version
Basically he rehashes stuff to sell it at a premium price. It's all a scam.

>> No.3339677

Nice try Fengzhu

>> No.3339678

Ctrl paint is where you should be buying tuts from

>> No.3339692
File: 7 KB, 130x138, 1448665287205.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm totally not this Feng Zhu character you speak of.

>> No.3340125

Cheers for the interest! I'd definitely recommend you ask in the Cubebrush forums where all the students are posting, should give you a much better idea asking peeps who are actually taking the course =) https://forums.cubebrush.co/c/art/artschool

You can also grab the first Term to check it out and upgrade later, or I'm happy to offer a refund if it's not for you. I don't want your money if you're not happy with the content!

What is going on with you buddy? Genuinely wondering if I know you? Did I ever offend you somehow? I'm curious why you continuously go around repeating this every chance you get. Seems like you put a lot of efforts in for.. what? Please do tell. Happy to help if I can.

Also fortune cookies are not a great source of facts, might want to use Google instead ;)


>> No.3340142

I'm surprised that you actually responded. That unexpected. I'll ask a few questions in the forum thanks !
And I want to know, are your lessons illustrated ? I mean, not only you drawing a big painting and explaining how to draw faces while painting landscapes ? Are you actually showing what you're teaching us about ?

>> No.3340147


>I don't want your money if you're not happy with the content!
Translation: I don't want your money if you can clearly see that I'm scamming the naive and can see through what I'm doing. I'm only after the facebook crowd of generated leads who have too much money in their pocket that they don't know what to do it with.

>> No.3340148

why are you tagging me? I was in your favor

>> No.3340150

You see this is who he wants. Someone who is dumb as you.

>> No.3340152

He wanted to tag >>3339643 I believe.

>> No.3340153

>I'm curious why you continuously go around repeating this every chance you get.
Because it's true? If your in the business of digital content selling everyone does this? You pretend to want to help them but you keep making "for beginner" stuff because you need them to be dependent on your "tutorials" to sustain the train. This is marketing 101 for snakeoil men. And by the way I'm a seller on the site so I make a good portion of that /beg/ dough.

>> No.3340159

I have Google alerts for certain keywords, 4chan is not my preffered way of communication for sure but whatever works ;)

ART School is pretty different from my other courses if you've seen any. It's structured very much like a real school. Each class is different but generally there is theory first, then a demonstration on how to apply that theory. At the end of most classes, I include a longer demo which is basically me working on assignments explaining as I go. So yep to answer the question, it's all illustrated and the focus is on the fundamentals.

>> No.3340163

Because I'm a N00b at reddit, apologies. Meant to tag the other guy.

>> No.3340164

Is it true you have a CGpeers account or is that other guy just shit talking you?

>> No.3340167

watch as he does not answer you

>> No.3340170

I find him mediocre. Everything in that course you could just learn on your own with some books and free websites, hell even NMA would teach you everything he does and it's a lot cheaper (and is taught by industry pros that know what they're doing), but hey if you want to give him your money that's up to you, man. Just don't get butthurt if you find it was a waste of money and time.

>> No.3340174

It's not, but I'm not about to change your opinion seeing you've invested a lot of time and effort in making it public. Consistency principle.

But more importantly, you're a seller on Cubebrush?

>> No.3340176

Is Google alerts for certain keywords common in the industry?

>> No.3340177

his username is "bluefly"


Ironically he set his paranoia level to ultra high settings so you can't see his stuff anymore. But it's clear he is taking stuff and it's not a dummy account as there are comments on his seed ratio. He is also a member for 5 years and that tutorial was posted 3 years ago.

Explain yourself, mark. Or did I just.........wait for it? BODY BAG

>> No.3340181

It's common for narcissists

>> No.3340186

>But more importantly, you're a seller on Cubebrush?
Don't worry about that. Explain the things I brought up.

>> No.3340190

Yeah that seems accurate. The username in the OP is bluefley. Different wording but I don't think that's a coincidence?

>> No.3340208

Well, he can redeem himself and return the bodybag by un-paranoia-ing himself and reveal the torrents. Nothing to hide nothing to fear, am I right?

You hear that, Mark? I'm giving you the rod to shove up my ass so far right now you can make it happen.

>> No.3340213

No that's the one thing he's actually got right (except the username is bluefley). I do in fact have an account on cgpeers, it's the only way I can reach the pirates directly and keep a tab on what's being pirated.

It's essential in business yes. The more information you have, the better.

>> No.3340216

Are you the kind of unskilled hack that Paul Richards talks about?

>> No.3340221
File: 26 KB, 400x400, e4y.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I do in fact have an account on cgpeers
>only thing he's got right
Nigga I'm right on everything until you unhide your torrents. That's two body bags on the first degree.

>> No.3340222

Also you're stupid to think /ic/ will buy anything of yours. Nobody here has money, go advertise on facebook like you usually do while sending us sellers those special "emails" on pulling in extra sales for the month.

>> No.3340224

How much influence does 4chan have on businesses?

>> No.3340247

Hey mark. I'm gonna take what you said, compile it into nice little infographic, and spread the image with paid adsense if you don't reveal those torrents. I don't care if it's gonna cost me $100 ppc I'll do it to tarnish your name if you don't reveal those torrents.

You already said some bullshit about you fining this thread with the power of "google".

>> No.3340250

And you already said enough things that don't add up. It's too late to delete your posts I'm already working on the graphic.

>> No.3340266

holy fuck i love you. i knew he was a shit person to begin with, he looks russian afterall, dont trust them. and his girls are sameish and ugly.

>> No.3340272


>> No.3340275

mark brunet


brushboost cubebrush artschool bluefley bluefley00 terms

cubebrush art school review

You see what I'm doing? I'm tagging the SEO so that when people search for your "school" this thread will be first in the search results. I recommend people use KEYWORDS for this con-man who loves to search for his own name every hour on a paid service (not true).

>> No.3340277

I thought that shit looked fucking familiar!!! No wonder his lessons are all fucked up and in a weird order, too. What a piece of shit.

>> No.3340279
File: 193 KB, 1029x840, lovely.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the great thing about using 4chan to advertise your "school" is the free advertisement long after the thread is dead. That's right, the archive is great at indexing the keywords, keeping the link nice and healthy form the grave.

And I don't have to pay any money for this. I'm only getting started, mark.

>> No.3340281

damn is marc and feng really in here or am i being bamboozled

>> No.3340284

Feng was the one who took down cghub so that everyone can flock to his website. The timing was too perfect.

>> No.3340285


Fuck yes please deliver

>> No.3340287

What the hell happened to my innocent thread...?

>> No.3340290


You did this to yourself, Marc Brunet cubebrush founder and founder of Brush Boost

Marc Brunet portfolio

Mark Brunet cubebrush art school cube brush


>> No.3340292


"ART School" I love how you put that in quotes, Marc Brunet. Google search review of cubebrush art school is it worth it? Is cube brush cubebrush art school worth the money? Red it

>> No.3340293
File: 291 KB, 1500x844, big_3e0f3065e1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was worth it when it was on sale for like $150 when it first came out. There's only 3 terms out right now so you're better off spending that money elsewhere like NMA since you'll have access to more stuff immediately for cheaper.

Wait for a sale or until all the terms are out.

>> No.3340294
File: 79 KB, 625x471, d5a385bbaf87211a108ba20cb50242fe2c47627d7f8519c83ad4abef84a2d395.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3340295

Character - Arts 3D computer graphics - Topic

Worlds challenge world challenge The Art of War - Book by Sun Tzu cubebrush

Hey! I'm looking for people who want to talk and study together. The level your art is at does not matter. Just cool people to hang with! I live in europe/sweden.

Cubebrush ART WAR 2 discussion

Finally a dope forum I can use to post everything! :smiley:

Here's what I'm working on right now, just started this, need to get back to making speedpaint videos damnit.

Recorded up till now, let's see what happens. @cubebrush

>> No.3340297

>mark brunet
>brushboost cubebrush artschool bluefley bluefley00 terms
>cubebrush art school review

>> No.3340299

Now for phase 2 of my plan. Tweeting directly to cubebrush this thread. I didn't want to have to go to phase 2, Mark, but you leave me no choice.

I'll be kind and wait 5 minutes for that torrents reveal. Otherwise things are about to get messy.

>> No.3340303

>but but how will he ever reach thousands of people

Oh you poor thing. I'm going to pay someone to do it for me. Silly goose. This will stick on googles web search guaranteed. I bet my mothers life. You have 3 minutes.

>> No.3340308

>t. has no idea what education normally costs

>> No.3340311

Dude's a scammer and anons got triggered

Pretty good sign you shouldn't give that guy your money tho

>> No.3340312
File: 187 KB, 1334x971, not a joke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


$40 - $50/month on new masters academy...plenty of other options etc

this nigga thinks I'm joking. I'll give you 10 minutes grace period before I lay down the bucks cause I gotta walk my dog.

>> No.3340318
File: 207 KB, 1920x1152, DUM4gmhX4AAnYzz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's going on here guys? or should i say.. girls?
this is too much drama
ain't nobody got time for this
Get back to drawing you lobsters

>> No.3340322

>The question isn't "why can't I draw" it's "why the bloody hell can anyone ever draw". THAT's the question you should be asking.

>> No.3340325

...you know what you are right

Why am I biting the hand that feeds me /beg/ $$$ each month? I guess I forgot to take my mental meds.

You win this time, Marc Brunett founder of Cubebrush LLC all rights reserved.

>> No.3340328
File: 110 KB, 1000x847, 1483880232813.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3340331

Put down that Loomis and read the Gulag Archipelago.

>> No.3340350

>implying girls are the only ones that make drama
>thinking calling anons "girls" will rustle their jimmies
>blatantly trying to cause drama and take attention away from people calling you out on scamming

Does this mean you're a girl too now since you're trying to start drama? Or are you just a misogynist who's lashing out because someone's made you feel insecure, and maybe a little scared?

Take your time on this one, buddy. Don't hurt yourself too much thinking about it. I'm looking forward to your well thought out response. :^)

Bonus points if you don't use dead memes this time

>> No.3340354



>> No.3340357

I don't know about you guys but all this drama is making me sleepy. I think I'm going to head to bed, good night.

>> No.3340361

Marc you dodged my question entirely what the fuck? You pussied out on me.

>> No.3340364

it's minutes to 4pm in cali

>> No.3340365

I don't understand this thread. Who is mark and who are the others?

Give yourselves names for god's sake.

>> No.3340369

He quit well paid job at Blizzard, then risked a lot opening Cubebrush. I suspect it didn't get him enough revenue and now he tries this approach. I personally don't hate guy at all, but I don't like his work too much, (probably a matter of taste), also I don't like his personality judging from his YT performance. I hope he get's his act together, after all he even had to sell his car at one point.

>> No.3340371

Okay, maybe while you sleep you can process what you did wrong and think about the repercussions for stealing and reselling other artists' videos

Night night, sleep tight, and remember: If something's troubling you, just ignore it and it'll go away! That's how you got rid of your conscience when you were scamming people, right? Surely it'll work when you've been outed.


>> No.3340372

Hi Mark! We won't be giving you back your position at Blizzard. You know that already, right?

That CGP drama was a bad move, bro.

>> No.3340379

>mark using the crab meme

Yuck, this meme is dead to me now. Also this is like the 5th pro this month exposing themselves on /ic/ as a shitter.

>> No.3340381

I'm sorry I mean this year.

>> No.3340384

Marc, the whole point of 4chan is anonymity. Did you not understand that you were responding to a 4chan thread or something when you got the notification that you were mentioned here and came running? lol you goober

>> No.3340388

I'm not mark???? I just lurk often here and this thread is just fucking confusing compared to others. Like you're responding to random people, calling them mark, then others do the same. Can't you like, respond to me with all marks responses and yours but separately ? I'm really trying to understand.

>> No.3340389

Which ones were those? I've been missing out

>> No.3340390

>I suspect it didn't get him enough revenue

He's making at least 50K/year on those tuts, lad.

>> No.3340394

and lets not forget he takes a cut from each store owner so 50 to 100k estimate

>> No.3340398

Probably not.

>> No.3340399

That's probably not enough to live in the ghetto in Cali.

>> No.3340401


That's also true.

>> No.3340402

50k before, or after tax? How about running expenses? Either way that's half what people make here at Blizzard. Cmn Mark.

>> No.3340404 [DELETED] 

Screw you Blizzard. You too, anons.

>> No.3340409

There is a trade off to the whole "make money while you sleep" thing. Not sure if it really is worth quitting your job at Blizz, though.

>> No.3340412

Yeah I mean, it pretty much discouraged me. And I don't like drama at all. I'm thinking about deleting my thread. I didn't wanted all this to happen...

>> No.3340413


You can't delete it. Even if you could it's archived. Anyone who is a regular to 4chan for at least a week knows this. So, you're really Marc?

>> No.3340415

Doesn't matter if you delete it, it's archived, and honestly if it disappears then someone is going to just start another one, so you might be better off leaving the thread and just hiding it, but that's up to you, OP.

>> No.3340416

Nah, I'm the progressanon, the one that put her progress thing everywhere and is currently asking about chickenscratching. Oh well. I'll do like >>3340415 said and just go away. Have fun. Once again, I didn't wanted this to happen.

>> No.3340430

Drama might suck but I think it's good to get the word out about scammers taking people's hard earned money that could be spent on actual learning.

Have you tried checking out the free videos on ctrl+paint, btw? Might help with the chickenscratch problem.

>> No.3340435

Oh my god thank you anon! I didn't know that ctrl+paint was something. Another anon mentioned it earlier but I didn't bother to check this out. But now that I'm doing it, I realize that it's free and it has a lot of resources! A few things about chickensrcatching too. Thanks again.

And yeah, I mean, it got pretty big but at least I know why I shouldn't buy it.

>> No.3340438

>5 years and that tutorial was posted 3 years ago.

Wait a second....

>it's the only way I can reach the pirates directly and keep a tab on what's being pirated

But....when was cubebrush released? 2013? You've had an account for nearly as long as CGP was even around. Your account is literally grandfathered. You weren't making paid content that long ago. So the excuse that you were "keep tabs" on pirated content is a flat out lie.

You just exposed yourself, bro.

>> No.3340439

Its a shame and I consider it rather telling that businesses like Cubebrush don't first make people aware of the free alternates, its clear then that they're only interested in milking the naive rather than actually helping them learn.

>> No.3340442

I'm glad put awareness in your head. This in no way effects Marc (or me) though. Nobody here has money and Marc was stupid as fuck in deciding to post here. He basically baited himself.

>> No.3340444 [DELETED] 
File: 76 KB, 1387x674, seaved.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

woops 2015? Or was it 2016 because there was some kind of grace period? I don't fucking remember but I know it wasn't 2013 or 2014. Your account is old almost 6 years old.

>> No.3340445

actually it was 2016


>> No.3340468

I am Marc Brunnet


>> No.3340472

Can you prove that youre marc

>> No.3340498

Did you torrent and repurpose other people's work to make your concept art for Blizzard? Or was that the only original work you've done in a while?

>> No.3340887
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>So you are saying girls are the only ones that make drama
i didn't say that and that's that
>thinking calling anons "girls" will rustle their jimmies
based on the replies i would say it did
>blatantly trying to cause drama and take attention away from people calling you out on scamming
I'm not even marc

>> No.3340889

I read the second sentence as:
>Mark Brunett is a con man who opened up his sister to con idiots to buy brush packs and "tutorials"