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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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3336482 No.3336482 [Reply] [Original]

Should I go to uni? I'm lonely practising at home and I think I can handle the £9k debt.

>> No.3336486

anyone can handle the £9k debt.
you only have to start paying that interest-free student fee back once you EARN ENOUGH money to make a living from your art. not sure how much exactly, but this is true for England and Wales as far as I know, not sure about Scotland. So, by all means, if you want to study, do it.

>> No.3336491

*interest-free state credit ... it's something like that anyways.

>> No.3336493
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Don't go to uni, you can learn everything at home, you can even get AAA jobs from home without school connections now with how the internet is, art station and all.

Most art courses are godawful anyway, and I'm talking modern art shitting paint out of your vagina awful, no marketable skills taught whatsoever. And the ones that are good aren't teaching you anything you couldn't have learnt on your own anyway.

Another thing, if you think "I'll go to uni and study because it'll force me to get the work done so I don't have to be disciplined" don't fucking do it, I made that mistake and it was years of last minute procrastination and suffering because I didn't actually have the discipline to do the work of my own accord. Develop the discipline to get shit done on your own and you'll be better off in the long run (and 30k less debt)

I personally don't trust the student loan system, why would anyone set up a system that has an extremely low chance of making them any money back? That's like economic darwinism. Especially since nobody has been on the loan long enough to see how it realistically all plays out over the 30 years. It might be fine but it's shady as fuck in my opinion.

>> No.3336494

One last thing, never do anything in life if you're not absolutely sure you can do it
you 'think' you can handle the debt is a bad life strategy that will end in regret
Plan your life, prepare for anything that can happen (within reason of course, do actually get shit done in the end)
and don't make dumb mistakes
most of all don't feel pressured to go to uni, that debt is going to take a good chunk of your life to pay off, what difference is a few years to properly think and prepare yourself?

>> No.3336496


>I think I can handle the £9k debt.

No, you can't.

Just go on to new masters academy or an atelier, you'll save more money and time.

>> No.3336497

you don't study to learn techniques nowadays, you fool. if you want to learn techniques you go online or get a book.
the whole point in studying art is the EXCHANGE WITH OTHER YOUNG ARTISTS and TEACHERS. you make artist friends for life, you inspire each other, party with one another, tear each others work to shreds, if needed, kick each others asses to get better, organize exhibitions ... THAT is the point in all that.

OP, don't listen to this noob.

American art uni =/= European art uni

>> No.3336502
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Where can I study that won't break the bank or treat me like a complete baby or indoctrinate me with post modern poz? I don't want a politicised art course. I went to "the best" UK art degree and it was depressing, life drawing once a week for a term with only 6-9 attendees out of course classes of 400, the teachers were depressing as fuck and hadn't drawn anything in 10 years or drew worse than /beg/ (it was "their style"), and everyone was attempting to be a half assed Quentin Blake (i.e. without the skill) or some kind of tumblr "no rules" quirky style. I asked the teacher for some advice on learning perspective and he literally couldn't answer me, I had to explain what I meant by perspective drawing. Not to mention the lectures taught us that Sue Coe is the pinnacle of illustration and the pre-raphaelites and neoclassical artists were just male-dominated excuses for painting porn and we should have given back all the greek statues from "post colonialisation", and that an African mask is 10x more valuable and interesting than a Botticelli. Needless to say I found it incredibly depressing and it really crushed the enthusiasm and life out of my art, especially when I was given a fail grade on a huge body of work on Aubrey Beardsley (for context, I was a straight-A student with prize winning essays at my previous school). Sorry if I'm moaning, I wasn't alone in demoralisition - most of the bright young things on my course seemed grey, deflated and burnt out by the end of second year, when I threw in the towel and quit.

Is there any institution that just deals in skill, like the Art Renewal Centre but a little less stuffy? Somewhere a comic book artist might study? That teaches the raw basis of drawing, somewhere an intermediate /ic/ guy might have fun? Or do I just teach myself at home? I feel like I am a year or two away from being hireable, and I'd like to write my own graphic novel, and I like the idea of going back to a university/academy. Help!

>> No.3336506

You can do that on the internet for much cheaper
not and argument

>> No.3336516

you have no idea what you are talking about
i've studied for eight years, finished now. i wouldn't have met some of my best friends that i ever had in life, if it wasn't for uni. we are organizing exhibitions, we've started renting studios together, partying together still. none of this is possible over the internet alone.

>> No.3336524
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Okay, I KNOW I can handle the £9k debt, I've saved up a lot of cash from working and crypto. I could pay it up front, not that I would, and I plan to skip the UK to a foreign country anyway, which makes the idea of a student loan you never repay or the gov't writes off if Corbyn seizes power is more attractive than dropping £12k a year on an incredibly rigid ARC course (which from what I've read are a minefield of mediocre, clones and traps for wide-eyed Americans larping as renaissance painters).

The money is no issue, but the pozzed courses, childlike state of suspended growth and maturity and lack of education at a lot of UK courses really threw me when I went to one a year ago. Is there anywhere skill-based for a reasonable price or student loan in the EU?

>> No.3336525

>I had to explain what I meant by perspective drawing.
maybe you didn't understand what you were talking about yourself.

I think your problem is that you are mostly into illustration and comics. think of it what you will, but they generally don't appreciate if you do -only that- at art unis these days. if all you want to do is comics and illustrations, you really don't need to study, that's true.

>> No.3336526

And are you making any money? Have you picked up any serious life skills or stories beyond >one time we did an epic all nighter and went to the student's union! to inform your work? Tolkien survived the Trenches.

>> No.3336533

we've had around 15 group exhibits, trips to 7 major cities throughout Europe and Russia and, as i said, we have finished the course and have now moved into studios in small groups. we have learned how to present your work, be clear about your theory (if you have one, not necessarily), create a proper printed portfolio, approach art spaces and galleries etc.
we've partied hard, yes. but we got shit done as well. but it's whatever you make out of it. if you are lazy, uninspired, more into illustration and commercial art .... you can go somewhere else. to work freely as an artist, you need to be based and connected with peers and get some insight into how things work in that area. you don't get any of that sitting at home, ordering Loomis from amazon and scratching away at your tablet all day.

>> No.3336534

parrot is the new crab.

>> No.3336535
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I went to an "illustration" course, asked the teacher if there were any books or any advice on how to construct basic perspective, and he literally didn't know what I was talking about. The librarian knew instantly what I meant, as did my coursemates, but the course tutor just said "I don't know, try the library" - lo and behold, the only instructional book was Loomis (PBUH).

That's what I'm asking. Is there any institution that teaches skills you'd need to draw properly? What do you mean "you don't need to study"? I'm not looking for a crutch to discipline or motivate me like >>3336493 warned (thanks bud, wise words), I'm more looking for the environment and company to learn in and the resources like anatomy lessons, print studios, lectures on colour theory etc that used to be available on art courses a few decades ago (I've spoken to older artists about this). Has it all gone? Have these teachers quit and the courses been subsumed?

Also, I know /ic/ advises learning at home, but I'm a pretty sad guy without socialisation and interaction, and like >>3336486 said, EU student debt is not the same as US.

>> No.3336541

>8 years of student life
manchild detected
I would kill myself if I was at an art college for 8 fucking years, christ

>> No.3336544

>What do you mean "you don't need to study"? I'm not looking for a crutch to discipline or motivate me like >>3336493 warned (thanks bud, wise words), I'm more looking for the environment and company to learn in and the resources like anatomy lessons, print studios, lectures on colour theory etc that used to be available on art courses a few decades ago (I've spoken to older artists about this). Has it all gone? Have these teachers quit and the courses been subsumed?

i see, i see. well, forget all i just wrote here

i thought you meant actually doing art. you sound like all you want to do is illustration and comics and whatnot.

>> No.3336547

you can kys without going through that, my humble advice to you.

>> No.3336549

>not art

What are you on my dude? Do you think I was talking about Jackson Pollock finger painting "fine art"?

>> No.3336557

read again. you don't need to study, if all you want to do is illustration. none of this >>3336497 is necessary for illustration. as an illustrator, you don't need a gallerist, you don't need to exhibit your work publicly, you don't need to discuss it in an exhibition context.
like this guy >>3336502 demonstrated: illustration artists in fine art courses are simply in the wrong place.

>> No.3336562
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I am that guy. I said I did an illustration course, not a fine art course, and it was still "muh style" post modern bullshit.

If you think you don't need to study to improve your art, why on earth are you on this board? Is this how fine art graduates make use of their 8 year student debt, in "discussing exhibition context" with "gallerists"? whad de fug :DDD

>> No.3336565

find some illustration academy, my boi
you aren't made for art

>> No.3336566

So in other words you pay $30,000 to have friends and be babysat for 3 years, then rent a space to show your work? Great deal!

>> No.3336571

Post your work
If you don't think you need to work hard, practice and study and learn skills from previous great works and artists, then good luck to you. I hope all that discussing you did makes up for it.

>> No.3336572

fun fact, studying is free in my country. feel sorry for you. in the US, you can't even go to College without throwing a shitload of money on the table. education only for the rich, great concept!

>> No.3336573

>If you don't think you need to work hard, practice and study
like i ever said that

>> No.3336575
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>> No.3336576

Actually, poor people can go to college for free. It's a given rich people will pay to get in though. They sometimes even donate money to get guaranteed access. It's what people usually do after that decides everything. Education is more focused on theoretical and ethical discussion rather than practicality. They don't teach you how to survive after school, just that you might figure it out on some whim.

>> No.3336577

What exactly did you learn at your babysitting class?

>> No.3336582

Ignore them. As you can see with the guy who replied to you these guys aren't skilled. They think displaying a toilet bowel makes them an artist. I recommend you sign up for one of the online course like NMA.


>> No.3336585

Thanks buddy! Steve is pretty cool

>> No.3336602

>toilet bowel
your advice and knowledge is literally bowel movement.

>> No.3336603

more than you ever did, also in terms of social skills.

>> No.3336612
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well is it any good tho? im from denmark and even tho education is free, its just not that good, or at least not very professional. Wish i could study in US.

>> No.3336613

you could have done that on the internet for much cheaper

>> No.3336616

I guess because you got your head that far down in a toilet everything outside looks like shit to you.

>> No.3336618

>we've partied hard
so yea, you probly arent that good at art.

>> No.3336629
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the edge one reminds me of this

>> No.3336632

yeah sure
i bet you know it firsthand

>so yea, you probly arent that good at art.
nice deduction, sherlock! awardworthy.

it's a case by case thing. some universities suck ass, some are really good. i was fairly content with mine. i loved the professors work, even more now unfortunately, because now i don't have the time and opportunity to have discussions with them so much anymore, although i could go to them anytime (they are really open and see you as a collegue). to be fair, i've seen some shit unis abroad and i went on exchange to a UK based uni and it pretty much sucked. all they ever did was tell their students "you are an artist now, because the three years are over!"

>> No.3336633


>> No.3336634

nice scheme, but the "stronger - weaker" is bullshit. Texture can be very contrasty if used in the right context and combined with color. and why is shape so far down? makes no sense.

>> No.3336637


>> No.3336646

Post your work please! I'm really interested in what they learn in Europe, considering art school :)

>> No.3336651

>poast yer wirk
nuh-uh, sorry m8

>> No.3336658

Why not? :(

>> No.3336668

because ---> >>3336659

>> No.3336684

I won't tell anyone :)
I thought you'd be used to criticism from your course anyway?

>> No.3336715

>Going thousands of dollars in debt to make some friends
come on man you can just meet like-minded artists in your area online or at exhibitions for free

>> No.3336847

if you're good enough you can do that organically and then just rent a place to exhibit

>> No.3336913

It took me longer to process what was different the further right I went, so there's some merit to saying it's "weaker"

>> No.3337142

criticism, yes. not REEEEE type crabby shit like you'd read around here. There's a reason why "post your work" is a meme.

can you also have a studio for free where you work, hang out, paint, order materials, occasionally sleep when you work late?

when you're 19 and passionate about art, going to a university as i just described is about the best thing you can do. you are surrounded by like-minded people, some of which you can't identify with, many you can and make good friends with. if you never go to a uni, you won't get that as easily, you'd have to work hard for that.

>> No.3337279

What the fuck do you need a studio and materials for? the art world is all digital

>> No.3337284
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>be american
>have to pay 10k+ in 6 month
>tfw 2k for 1 year


>> No.3337343

>new masters academy
not op. Thank you for recommending this, I was not aware of it and it looks fantastic.

>> No.3337390
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>What the fuck do you need a studio and materials for? the art world is all digital
hurr durr

let me guess, animu porn faggot?

>> No.3337440

>Should I go to uni?
What do you want from it?

>learn technique, learn traditional art, learn realistic art
>concept artist, illustrator, selling prints, facebook fame, fanart, patreon, instagram fame, personal projects, indie games/projects
Stay at home and focus on self studies. Possibly atelier or shorter courses. Whore yourself a bit for fame. Honestly though, if you haven't made it after a year or two I doubt anything will happen.

>enter the industry,
>learn a craft, create games in groups, accept that you're a wage slave but with a creative title, make movies, if you can accept any other title than concept artist
Try university. Learn to work in groups, learn to deal with feedback and guidance from real people. Learn to hit deadlines, how to deal with superiors that may be lacking, learn to manage your time accordingly. Be forced to learn stuff you are not personally interested in.

You may have other reasons, just my two cents.

Our company have very few artists that didn't go to university. We exclusively take in juniors and interns from schools, never by skill alone. We take freelancers and senior level professionals from merit, but rarely into lead or director roles.

If you want to work in a game/movie studio, I recommend searching linkedin. Try search your favourite studio and your required title. Check which of the people in search results went to university and you may get an idea.