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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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3333738 No.3333738 [Reply] [Original]

How do I get good in one year? Is there a chinese training routine of some sort or anything like that? I don't care how hard it is, give me something that actually works and I'll do it.

>> No.3333739

if only there were a sticky filled with all the information you would need to get good at drawing wow if only

>> No.3333742

There was a guide like that but I can't find the link anymore.

>> No.3333745

The sticky is shit because it starts with Loomis, which is the worst thing you can do for fast improvement, unless you are very new to drawing.

I said that I need something that actually pushes me 100% all the time, Loomis doesn't do that, it's a beginner friendly time waste. I am also aware that drawing 16 hours brings very little aswell, because it's all about understanding, work smart not hard etc.

>> No.3333747

Grind all of Loomis' books

>> No.3333753

when you put yourself in the mindset of "getting good in one year" you already lost by going down the wrong mental path

>> No.3333762

sauce on your image?

>> No.3333763

The only issue I have is that I don't know how to improve rapidly and I really need that. If I knew, I would prove you wrong, no doubt.

>just draw whatever and look at mistakes

It's a general thing, everyone can improve by that, I need more, I need something that will break me but in the end can make me good no matter what. There has to be something hardcore when it comes to learning.

>> No.3333767


if anyone needed proof positive that loomis haters are ngmi shit tier beginners read this post. holy shit lol.

>> No.3333769

ask /x/? maybe they can get you some demon or some shit, lol.

>> No.3333770

I never went beyond first few pages of Fun with Pencil and I am better than at least 75% of this board. Loomis cocksuckers are unironically the worst trash.

>> No.3333773

prove it, you can't because you're lying. another worked up beginner like op that wants to enter a dragonball z hyberbolic time chamber and improve by getting whipped by a sensei but can't even make it through a "babby beginner book it naht extrem enuff for me abloo bloo"

>> No.3333779

Not him but Loomis isn't a good book for aspiring artists. You spend way too much time on drawing heads as simple balls when in reality it's a bad habit, because heads are not just balls. It's a good book for people who start drawing though.

>> No.3333781
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>> No.3333784

I really feel like most of these people probably spends more time researching the best way to learn to draw than actually drawing.

>> No.3333789

he's fine. people here can't even draw a nose or a face without it looking hideous. they definitely need loomis or a similar beginner teacher. they especially need to read it because they're arrogant enough to shit on it.

>> No.3333790

Frazetta was pretty bad at anatomy (considering how much people he had to draw) so this whole thing is quite funny.

>> No.3333792

OP, do you have any younger siblings you're willing to sacrifice for the ritual?

>> No.3333794


>> No.3333795

Sadly no, but I am willing to sacrifice anyone I know, even all of them.

>> No.3333798

You just revealed yourself as a dumb fuck, it's a known fact that Frazetta wasn't that good but he got popular in the age of shitty art. You can see glaring mistakes in his art very easily if you pay attention.

>> No.3333799 [DELETED] 


You don't even know what you're talking about

Let's see your work if you're better than 75% of the board

>> No.3333801

how good is your life drawing and anatomy?

>> No.3333802

I too want something like that anon.
Some weird Karate kid training that gets you gud even if it's dam hard.

But I think that is just for sports and shit where if you do x, you get stronger, if you do x way more then you get even stronger.

For art we are talking about 100% stuff in your head. So I guess what you should do is find what is that you need to improve faster on your own.

Hell, maybe searching in a lot of places is the answer to finding that sweet formula.

>> No.3333804

I never disagreed with you anon.

>> No.3333806


Frazetta was not bad at anatomy, the guy's life drawings are extremely good. He intentionally stylizes and designs it. If you're talking about shit like extra abs, or muscles that didn't exist or were exaggerated, that was the whole point. He wasn't trying to draw something realistic, he was drawing fucked up barbarians with fantasy muscles.

>> No.3333807


>> No.3333812

There's a lot of useless shit that makes you waste more time than necessary. For example I don't want to read how being an artists is cool and fun and that you can express yourself and inspire others, I just want to know how to draw this fucking leg in a million poses. That's a shitty example though because it's easy to improve your leg drawing but in the end I just want to get to the actually important stuff, spare the chit chat. I am more than sure that there are books, learning materials in general that don't go anywhere else than drawing in its most essential state but I don't know where to look for that. I assume chinks have that since they focus on hardcore grinding.

>> No.3333816

Hmm, look for everything you can get done from here

Literally the only good thing about /ic/

>> No.3333828
File: 232 KB, 563x1000, -2016-2-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you not just flick past parts you don't find useful to you? Also my advice for getting gud in general is to have a very, VERY clear goal about what you want to be doing that year from now.
You mention Chinese training, if you want to be like Ruan or the other render monkeys then you should study specific things and constantly try to make a full/finished piece like what you want to do. Likewise if you want to draw weeb stuff with nice clean lines, or pieces composed like they're graphic design etc, each style or end goal has a different set of stats you'll want to max out this year, and each week try and do a full piece like the end goal one.
Just by doing that you'll cut down on a lot of wasted time. Targeted study for a specific end goal, style, look or market.

>> No.3333837
File: 405 KB, 800x1125, 5a1fb4b2db44f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to be a character illustrator most of all but I am not sure if there's demand for it.

>> No.3333839

google "aguri guide" it's the 1st link

>> No.3333844

1 year is too large of a goal op. Try reduce it down to 1 week, and change from getting good at drawing to getting good at drawing, faces, or environments, or rocks, or noses, etc. Break your large goal into smaller ones. By the time you finish these small goals a year has gone by and you'll see improvement.

>> No.3333853

1 year is all I have left. If I don't start earning money by February next year then I am done and I am done big time. I have a criminal record and I can't work normally but I can freelance easily, Dave Rapoza started like that too. 1 year is all I got.

>> No.3333854
File: 65 KB, 960x757, miles studying.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's certainly demand, but there's a lot of other people going for it too, so to stand out or be sure of work you'll have to be different/recognizable in your style, and a style that people want, or just be very very good.

Look at the work of whoever you like and if you want to go for that kind of style then figure out what it is that makes their pieces great. The colours vary a lot between Ruan, Wei Feng, HGJ and so on, but they all have grat foundations, especially composition and VALUES. Put any of Ruan's paintings into black and white and see just how important it is.

Getting gud and getting paid can be quite different, so you should be aware of the different challenges to each. One advantage of deciding on a style or market early on, as well as quicker gains, is you can work on making your brand; posting regularly and having similar work. Though this varies a lot if you're trying to aim for professional clients or getting a big audience on Patreon/Instagram. Maybe make it so your work is recognizably yours, but also flexible enough to work for different clients, on a sci fi but also a fantasy project and so on. The ideal is for your work to be great technically, but also for people to see it and instantly know it's yours.

But you can start getting good much earlier than thinking about your branding strategy and potential clients. Get good at what you want to be good at, have a blog or somewhere that you can post your work regularly, and build a following of people who know what to expect from you and like the way you do things.

>> No.3333949

What are some good ways of improving values and colors? I don't want to download random images and copy them with no effect.

>> No.3333960

post your work, then we'll tell you what to skip/ work on. Right now you're asking us to help you with a pretty difficult task and you're not giving us vital information.

>> No.3333965

I don't have any personal work, I've been doing studies my whole life and posting studies is worthless because they don't tell you the real level . Everybody can do a good study if he dedicates enough time. I have nothing to show really.

I don't feel like I should make personal work now though because I am lacking on technical level and making shit won't help me, I want to get good technically so I can make my own stuff.

>> No.3333967

posting a study is not worthless. A /beg/ couldn't do a decent study if he took 50 hours. If you can show that you have any core skills then post it. Your life is riding on this right? this 1 year or else it's all over, right?

>> No.3333969

Stop lying OP. If you're life really depends on you making money in a year. Normal people won't choose art. That doesn't make any sense. Get off your lazy ass and take the hard way like the rest of us OP they're are no shortcuts when it comes to art.

>> No.3333973
File: 552 KB, 887x699, Photoshop_2017-08-13_04-45-14.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Deliberate practice is the biggest shortcut there is but it takes to know what do you actually need to do. From what I've seen you can cut the fat and go straight to the business but you have to know what to skip. You don't have to read everything and do everything, that's the point.

Also I choose art because I like doing it in general and my criminal stuff happened because I live a very stressful life. I want to escape it by doing what I like and be a decent human being, I just want to draw.

Pic rel is my "study" I did some time ago. I don't think I gained anything from it, I can't do anything like that from imagination and I am very bad at imagination drawing in general. That's why I am telling that these "studies" are not relevant - I can't do shit on my own.

>> No.3333980

I wish there was a solution to my personal issues but there isn't one at all, I really don't have much time left and I am willing to give everything I got and try as hard as I can. I know it sounds dumb for people who put years into drawing but I really, really don't have a choice here, I need to become somewhat useful after one year, everything else will be a lot harder for me and less enjoyable. If I get to the point where I actually live a life worth giving a damn, then I will be more than happy to slow down and do it "properly".

>> No.3334004

OP there is no help for you if you think Deliberate practice is a shortcut. lol.

>> No.3334026


1.don't browse /ic/ anymore, browse artstation at least once a day, see something that inspires you? Take 5 minutes to study it with your eyes. see what the artist did with the characters value compared to the background, how did he direct my eyes around the piece, etc. don't surround yourself with mediocre art from here, surround yourself with professional art.

2. Think critically about your skill level and where you realistically are. Always ask yourself, "where do I want to be"? Faults in your work will start becoming clear and easier to fix.

3. Don't, waste your time on youtube browsing funny meme videos, or 4chan. Hours will be wasted doing this, when you could be drawing/learning.

4. make your online presence, either today or tomorrow. The sooner the better.

5. Abuse your tools, since you suck at imagination, the more references you get the better, and using things like posemanics or designdoll will be a godsend.

6. You don't have to be good at sketching to make a great piece of artwork. Your piece will look like shit for hours, but if understand what you're doing it will get better.

now, to actual day-to-day scheduling.

Everyday the first thing you should do is spend 30m-1hr on something you suck at.
Do an intensive study on things you find difficult to draw a couple days a week, like 3-5 hrs long.
Make a project for yourself, i.e. design a steampunk scientist, go through thumbnails, find which ones best, get references and work.
During breaks browse professional portfolios/ read some interviews/etc.
Draw 30 second gesture drawings, gesture is very important in all things art related.
Just sketch, no one will see it, just sketch anything you want. Spend an hour a day doing this.
And finally, In 6 months have a portfolio ready, send it to companies you want to work for regardless if you don't think you're ready. There is a high chance of you receiving critiques which is insanely valuable.

>> No.3334029


>> No.3334080

OP, what's gonna happen to you in 1 year? I'm scare

>> No.3334464

thank you senpai
now I am slightly disappointed

>> No.3334507

Can I use CSP instead of Sketchbook, PS, and Painter?

>> No.3334646

It's probably less than a year, I am being optimistic, but I am going to lose my home and go my way with nothing. If I get good at art I can at least catch a job that will sustain me in most basic ways, instead of looking for a minimal wage job for criminals while being homeless.

>> No.3334652


Anon, if you put your eggs in the art basket hoping that with a year's practice you can make a living on it, you deserve to be homeless.

>> No.3334656


>> No.3334658

You're saying like there's an alternative solution. There really isn't, do you think I want to stress myself out this way? Of course you have to spend more than one year, but it's all I got at best. Don't be ignorant, some people don't live in the easy mode. At least I want to try to do something.

>> No.3334662


>> No.3334765


>Draw everyday for at least 4 hours
>Do studies everyday
>Don't draw anime or stylized characters

>> No.3334784

Loomis Hampton Vilppu only
16 hours a day
No fapping
No memes
No youtube
No discord
No 4chan
No reddit

>> No.3334811

>The sticky is shit because it starts with Loomis, which is the worst thing you can do for fast improvement, unless you are very new to drawing.

If you've already read Loomis or you feel like you don't need it, then just move on to the next? Are you a retard?

>> No.3334972

>>If you desperately need money, you can always start to draw furry porn with pampers or something. For stuff like this you don't even need to have a good drawing skills, very very mediocre is enough.
Simultaneously you can level up yourself while having money with drawing.
Moreover, when you will become trained enough to draw sexy human figure, you can change the subject of your drawing from furry shit to hentai with humans.

>> No.3334979

How do I start with furries in a way that actually gives me money? Isn't the whole market oversaturated?

>> No.3334985
File: 429 KB, 800x1116, tumblr_nuuxnavgwq1ru193fo2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The answer you're looking for is right in front of you, you even said it in your own post
hard work
You have to draw for over 6 hours a day
You have to be studying intensely for all of those hours

It is unrealistic to try to draw that intensely for 6 hours a day, that would be like trying to lift a world record weight without any prior training.
Slowly build up the hours, watch Marty Lobdell's video on how to study, follow his strategy, stay committed and you will eventually be able to study for 6 hours a day

don't lie to yourself
always seek the truth
become the best you possibly can

>> No.3334990

There is often a debate about what hard work in art means

drawing mindlessly for 6 hours is not hard work, it is not hard to do, it is not hard work

drawing mindfully, tackling your weak spots for 2 hours is not hard work either

drawing mindfully, tackling your weak spots for 6 hours is hard work

>> No.3335009

Thanks for all the tips, I really, really appreciate that. I feel stronger now and I needed that.

>> No.3335277 [DELETED] 

You don't.

You get good because you love drawing just for the sake of it. You should ask how long you have to practice because that shouldn't be relevant. You would be drawing and exploring new areas to improve whenever you had time and you wouldn't even think of it as a chore.

>> No.3335296

You don't.

You get good because you love drawing just for the sake of it. You shouldn't be asking how long you have to practice because that shouldn't be relevant. You would be drawing and exploring new areas to improve whenever you had time and you wouldn't even think of it as a chore.

>> No.3335598
File: 44 KB, 536x503, DPQBwNwV4AAjaC7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks good I'll follow this. I'm not OP but I'm sick of not living my life to its fullest.

>> No.3335615

you don't get good in one year. especially not if you are a lazy whiny millenial bitch.

>> No.3335616

k m8

>> No.3335618


>> No.3335657

Can anyone explain me what are Sargent studies for? I picked Sargent as an example, it's not limited to him but a lot of people copy his portraits. What should I look at? What am I supposed to accomplish with these studies?

>> No.3335658

considering how dumb of a cunt you are, you deserve to lose everything

>> No.3335661

Fucking Watts aknowledges Frazetta as one of the best figure drawers and inventors ever.

>> No.3335664

My mom acknowledges me to be the prettiest man in the whole wide world. That still doesn't mean anything.