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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 340 KB, 1280x1480, 0228338a-9308-48f8-9911-bc935b923fa6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3327116 No.3327116 [Reply] [Original]

Is your loved one an artist as well? Do you sometimes work together? Ever use them as a model?

>> No.3327120


>> No.3327125



>> No.3327126
File: 446 KB, 680x360, Valentine's.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, not on anything official, sometimes. Helps that he's exactly my type.

>> No.3327130
File: 315 KB, 1917x923, DIIsC1X.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what does he mean by this?

>> No.3327131


You are either married to art or do it as a hobby or you are already an expert that can only master and practice rather than learn

there is no way to have a relationship and be a begginer grinding artist

time and energy is consumed by your art

>> No.3327132

I have a batch of girls I met from college checking up on me regularly. I feel like a wealthy man, I thank my parents daily for my genes

>> No.3327145

Yeah serious relationship with a 6 year old, shes a pro-photographer fashion and weddings.

I draw about 8 hours a day, she always supports me in what I do, pushes me when Im feeling down, gives insight from her own artistic background and I do the same for her. Pretty much blessed.

>> No.3327147

Yeah, my waifu is an artist. She's an idol and often busy, but I can use her as a model.

>> No.3327180

I tried dating another artist, it doesn't work. I do well with writers, or numbers oriented women. Lets be honest, every artist is a little bit flaky. It takes a certain kind of woman to understand that (or the reverse, if you're female), and someone needs to keep the home running - we're hobbiting in our studios.
One of my biggest challenges is finding a gf who understand that art is my passion, it's not going away, and it's not a competition she has to win. I can't deal with needy "come watch TV with meeeeee" women - I'm working! My mom knew, she was an artist - she knew when she called me to come to dinner and I ignored it, it was because I was drawing or painting.
The best relationship I had was with a woman who was a writer - she'd tunnel into her writing while I was working. We'd work in the same studio, and we'd share running the apartment. It worked. Haven't met another like her, so I'm single - and okay with that. I gave up a lot over the years for art, and will continue doing so. A "normal" life is impossible when you're an artist, anyway.

>> No.3327323 [DELETED] 

God I'm so lonely.

>6 year old
Wow, some kinda prodigy there.

>> No.3327372

>there is no way to have a relationship and be a begginer grinding artist

not true at all, the only difficult thing is finding someone who is not scared by your low level ugly drawings lol but if it is someone who understands the learning curve and knows you beyond just that you can make it work. It is very simple at college age.

I did, used to find it easier to date when i was a noob kek because i was younger and more social, it becomes harder with age, not necessarily due to art but for general life reasons, like moving out, change of tastes , saving money, health stuff, etc.

>> No.3327404
File: 270 KB, 1340x1028, wrum.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God I just cannot FUCKING HANDLE images like this. They spark a fucking rage inside me that could incinerate civilizations. Look at that fucking muscular Magic Johnson behind Mister I Shaved Off Half My Hair To Be Socially Acceptable. His muscles are these carcinogenic, bulbous BLOBS that hang off his scrawny fucking matchwood bonelimbs. His kneecaps might as well be giant cleaved chunks of blome thrust inside of his flesh like a reverse fibular bypass. And those giant fucking mongoloid feet are wide enough to curbstomp Kelly Marie Tran's head into a fine powder, which he then can snort, leading to his inhumanly stretched and ecstatic expression that surely indicates he's POZZED fifteen people today, and has his humongous serpentine hamstranglers around his next victim, and each gram of his happiness is equivalent to the growth of the tumors on the side of his feet that COULD, in the most surrealist, dadaist lens of reality, be ankles. And what does Sir Sips-Soy-A-Lot think of this sudden attention garnered from Hulk Hogay? He's overboard and self-assured that his already rubber-band-strong anus is going to get stretched like a colonic odometer from Iceland to Missouri fifteen times and back after getting a massive seminary volcanic eruption enough to render his lower intestine a large pancake made out of flesh with a BOSTON CREME FILLING.

>> No.3327413
File: 213 KB, 523x700, mase003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

seek help. internalized homophobia makes people say the weirdest shit.

>> No.3327455

>serious relationship with a 6 year old


>> No.3327459

Nah she just draws casually sometimes. I always use her as my model for everything.

Age is just a number, same as the number of years in prison

>> No.3327464

You got no stamina my dude. You gotta train those core muscles.

>> No.3327468

Surprisingly sweet post. I hope you all have fun and enjoy each other.

>> No.3327478

Calm down you little weirdo.

>> No.3327480

Yeah. We go to the same art school. It's pretty rad. He thinks I'm better at drawing but that's debatable. He's really shy about showing his work so I haven't seen as much as I would like so far.
He's definitely better at 3D though. Goddamn. <3
Show me more of your work, Muppet. You wonderful cunt. I love you.

>> No.3327487

>Is your loved one an artist as well?
Never, my wife is an engineer and so am I.

>Do you sometimes work together?
We sometimes work together on engineering projects and startup ideas. Otherwise we bitch about work together like normal wage slaves.

>Ever use them as a model?
Sometimes she makes pricing models for me

>> No.3327488
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>> No.3327491

dated 2 other artists. never again.

>first one had extremely low self esteem
>super needy and clingy, also sucked at art but had a weird huge ego about it
>tried to make me draw his art assignments for him for school
>pretty much fucked in the head, started to really believe in "the devil" and the illuminati and shit
>he also tried to cheat on me and lie about it
>dumped him and never looked back

>second one was actually good at drawing (he's a tattoo artist now)
>if he wasn't drawing, he was watching anime and playing video games or working out at the gym
>was literally fine with no sex
>he only spoke in outdated memes
>he had a problem with me sending him pictures of cute cats. like literally got angry
>dumped him too

also all my artist friends are fucked up with various levels of low self esteem, narcissism, anxiety, depression, and serious case of salts whenever something positive happens to someone else. so i don't have artist friends anymore either.

>> No.3327496

>>he had a problem with me sending him pictures of cute cats. like literally got angry

i am a huge cat fag, i want a qt to send me cats all day. i don´t care, cats are fucking awesome .

i fell in love with my last girl because she was a cat lady and that´s how we clicked, the problem is she was also crazy and not good for me. But i still loved her cats so fucking much tough.

>> No.3327497

I'll date u bb. I think cats are disgusting vermin too but I promise I won't get worked up over it. ;)

>> No.3327504

oh my sides thank you for the hard laugh anon

>> No.3327512

are you a girl?

>> No.3328055


>> No.3328059

>Ever use them as a model?
t-that's a good thing to look forward to when i'm not single

>> No.3328063
File: 878 KB, 1198x636, rwby.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>recolored sonichu tier animu girl is his waifu

>> No.3328073

pure fucking /lit/ right here

>> No.3328108

>>he had a problem with me sending him pictures of cute cats. like literally got angry
Reminds me of someone I know. They get upset every time I link them to something, even if it's some common interest we both share and like, they just act all childish about it; either they don't reply to it/ignore it or directly say they're not going to bother clicking the link. So I stopped.
But I still don't get that their problem, I never spammed them with irrelevant information.

>> No.3328128

He's not using his art to put you into submission? Psh

>> No.3328239
File: 726 KB, 700x933, Emerald.Sustrai.full.2059823.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


you can't stop the bug

>> No.3328316
File: 992 KB, 250x250, 9sxHPBx.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>your loved one

>> No.3328320

>he had a problem with me sending him pictures of cute cats. like literally got angry
This is part of the reasons I'm glad to be single. Because I would also get furious at shit like this. But even angrier at myself for getting mad at someone for sending me pics of cats.

>> No.3328335
File: 277 KB, 417x419, 1472248890874.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why are you such a sourpuss?

>> No.3328349

why? my sex friend literally does not talk to me unless she wants to show me cats. texting and communication in general has changed man. people stopped trying to make online comunication a replacement for socializing, so they just send memes and shit.

>> No.3328356
File: 26 KB, 500x375, enhanced-7544-1417474186-7[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related. And that cat's not even cute.

You sort of spelled it out.
But the real issue is that I get too annoyed at small shit that doesn't matter. Which pisses me off even more since I want to be all jolly and nice and all that fun stuff.

But this is not r9k and I'm starting to feel like a humongous faggot for posting this shit.

>> No.3328373

Of course, without my hand, how would I even draw?

>> No.3328411

I have an artist friend that i am into. We ain't an item but he really is a "loved one" to me, though not necessarily sexual. We push eachother, I push him, he encourages me, and there are often days when I keep going just for him when I wouldn't have done it for myself. I don't think he's that good yet, but he began only a couple years ago and I like his charm, his taste, and as a person. I was a former figure drawing model and stripper so if we met, I have no shyness about posing for him. I also love to draw my friends and if he submitted to me drawing him, I'd be golden. I want to create something together with him someday, a great story, great art.

>> No.3328870

I'm an ex-gamedev artist doing freelance and now and my partner is a successful comic artist with barely any drawing skills. Been dating for 9 years, living together for 6 now. He's an excellent writer, but doesn't ever write for me (or anyone else really), I mostly do my own stories. Did a few covers for him though. He's way more popular, but I don't really mind since our target audiences are very different anyway.

The main downside when there are two artists in the house is that you need A LOT of space and there's always clutter everywhere. Both of us need a full sized working station, so that's already two desks, four monitors, pc and a laptop plus the tablets and quality chairs. We also consume a ton of media, so there's a tv with a blu-ray player, gaming rigs plus a shitload of books, albums and comics. Our flat isn't *that* small but I couldn't fit a drafting table or even an easel there. Not complaining though, doesn't take long to clean at least.

All in all I'm very happy to be living with someone who understands how it is to be in the zone and who's supportive and not annoyed when I talk about my projects. I know I can count on honest but fair critique. Some of my exes where very dismissive about my art or only cared when they could benefit from it, but my current relationship feels like a perfect symbiosis.

>> No.3328900

>We ain't an item but he really is a "loved one" to me, though not necessarily sexual.

So he is the gay friend?

>> No.3329392



>> No.3329412

Yeah, he's better than me with anatomy so he redlines my stuff but I have better colour and composition sense than him so I fix up hos compositions and colours. Sometimes it goes vice versa too because we're both decent at seeing. We push each other to study and do collaborative stuff now and then.

I use him as a model a lot. He's actually the basis for the main character of my webcomic (not out yet but working on pages as we speak). I've used him as a model in the past though, and again, vice versa.

I have this relationship with most of my friends too though. Almost all my close friends are artist.

>> No.3329419

>I always use her as my model for everything
Fuck I wish that was me. Lowkey one of the big reasons I want a gf, haha.
Hope your relationship is happy man.

>> No.3329699

Neither of us are gay

>> No.3329725

No. A relationship would just hold me back.

>> No.3329903
File: 2.71 MB, 320x272, cant help a giggle.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

best post I've seen here in months

>> No.3330119
File: 75 KB, 900x900, unnamed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That pic really jogs the noggin a bit

>> No.3331544
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>No. A relationship would just hold me back.

>> No.3331581
File: 82 KB, 680x455, 1377338408083.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3331585

shut up ho