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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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3326533 No.3326533 [Reply] [Original]

Is it possible to improve and creat great art under intense life stress? I've noticed that on days when I feel as if life is throwing all it has at me, my art suffers. It's as if I regress by over a year in ability. and it can go the complete opposite too when I'm feeling great.

For the past few years as things have gotten worse I've found it totally impossible to draw happy everyday life things because I can't even relate to them anymore.
Drawing emotions in faces is challening now after all the broken relationships.

If things continue to get worse I worry that I'm going to regress further and no longer going to be able to improve at all

Has anyone gotten good with a failing marriage, mental illness, etc?

>> No.3326543

>Is it possible to improve and creat great art under intense life stress?

No, and you should seriously re-evaluate yourself and find out what's giving you that feel; it's not just in art it will affect you across the board on everything else because of your state of mind. And before someone points out Van Cogh, no he was not successful in his life time he was absolutely miserable everyone thought his work was shit and it indeed was and he was dirt poor and died a lonely and unhappy man.

>> No.3326600
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>Van Gogh was not successful
>one of the greatest artist in history
>world-wide fame
>amazing work; influenced artists and non-artists even upto this day
>amazing life; powerhoused through extreme emotional fits for art and life, turning it into tons and tons of original paintings, all in a short period, despite everyone hating on him for being too modern for modern.
>he wasn't successful because he didn't make the goi goi bank.

>> No.3326602

You should probably try killing yourself, it may just make your art more valuable as an asset

>> No.3326608 [DELETED] 
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>> No.3326617

It's the truth, Van Gogh was worth more dead than alive he only got well known and famous from his life's story and his value is dependent on whether he was going insane at the time of the paining or not. He was never successful in his life time and had lots of trouble selling his paintings nobody would buy his work. He was also a closet weeaboo with muh style very much like you faggots so I can see why you would think so highly of him when in fact his work is objectively shit so do your art a service and an hero.

>> No.3326619

What the previous anon said was true though, and it isn't about money. Gogh was misreable, everyone though he was dispicable. He never got any respect for his work in his lifetime, and his family worried for him a lot. If you're interested about knowing a little about him I recommend you read his letters to and from his brother. It's been collected into a book called "Dear Theo"

Hit me real hard, because you can feel his great sense of wonder and intense disappointment when you read his letters, they're intimate in a way. And suddenly it's all over because the guy killed himself.

>> No.3326623

most artists are worth more after they are dead. and you're strangely testifying about historical events that even experts don't know. ok then, kid. we know you don't get art but there's no need to shit up threads with your autism. your family should be helping you with that.

>> No.3326628

I don't want to be like Van Gogh, the only reason he's famous is because of his life story, if you took away the character and just showcased the art nobody would be able to differentiate it from a million other amatuer artists. He was miserable and achieved no self satisfaction.

>> No.3326629

>the only reason he's famous is because of his life story
Try explaining that to the weebs who believe his style and form of painting has some form of significance.

>> No.3326632

yes, he was miserable. is anyone debating that? the intensity that made his artwork also contributed to his suffering. the point if you've forgotten is OP asked if it was possible to create under such intensity. the answer is yes. more often only under such conditions if we're talking about art and not business-hireable illustration.

i've even heard arguments for the skill of old masters being due to such shitty life conditions and artistic greatest was a guaranteed fail or die trying measure.

>> No.3326635

>self satisfaction.
so you want to be a porn 'artist'.

>> No.3326639

>Is it possible to improve and create great art under intense life stress?

You can if you don't dwell on it.
Separate your emotions from your actions.
Remind yourself that your stress has no bearing on your drawing.
Focus on your work and expel unrelated negative thoughts from your mind.
Think constructively. If you're feeling bad about your work, don't just think "this is bad, I suck", think about what you're not happy with and what you can do to improve it and then act on it.
Maybe take up meditation or something if the stress is real bad (this might be a meme but a lot of people say meditation is good for dealing with stress and negative thoughts/emotions)

>> No.3326671

This is relevant:

If you do want to draw draw what makes you happy.

>> No.3326697

Van Gogh's best works were produced when he WASN'T suffering, idiot.

>> No.3326703
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well argued. sir. i stand corrected.

>> No.3326706
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What if what makes me happy is illegal to draw

>> No.3326710
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No such thing.

>> No.3326716

Tell that to the judge

>> No.3326726

Good post.

>> No.3329462

>Is it possible to improve and creat great art under intense life stress?
No. I'm a computer science student and I have a job. I've found that most of my improvement comes during summer breaks. I take too many "breaks" during the semester to focus on projects and assignments.

>> No.3329471

Draw sad shit anon, who cares, as long as you keep doing it and studying you are golden

I love Dark Souls and Silent hill and they are deppresing as fuck, draw spoopy shit some time and whats up


he was´t particularly successful while he lived, no, he also would not get a job in the illustration industry of 2018

two very different things anon