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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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3324637 No.3324637[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why is this board so negative and toxic?

I thought artists were supposed to be nice

>> No.3324641

Most art communities are nice, /ic/ is just especially shit for some reason, idk why. Even among 4chan it is one of the most toxic shitholes around. The other creative/hobby boards are nowhere near this bad.

>> No.3324645

It's to help you grow a thick skin OP. If you can survive here you can survive anywhere.

>> No.3324647

Because no one here cares about your feelings. The price you pay for anonymity. Now post ur werk, fagget.

>> No.3324648

People go extra hard on crtique and make sure you feel bad at the end of it, but it's to make you stronger I guess

It could be more positive though

>> No.3324656 [DELETED] 

>I thought artists were supposed to be nice
Artists are nice because they have to network and maintain a good reputation. The ones who haven't made it you probably don't even include when you think about as artists.

>> No.3324658

>I thought artists were supposed to be nice
Artists are nice because they have to network and maintain a good reputation. The ones who haven't made it you probably don't even include when you think about artists.

>> No.3324670

I like it. Everyone at my university was too scared to give one another honest crit. I'm mu own worst critique anyway and expect brutal honesty, so I appreciate that here. Just as long as you can back up what you're saying and not just spout, "ugly", i.e., actually give constructive criticism (even "looks horrible because legs don't bend forwards that way fag" is fine).

>> No.3324679

95%of posts aren't critique, it's just shit talking which serves zero purpose.

>> No.3324691

Most art communities have the same culture of brutally honest scathing critiques. The vast majority of artists don't mind them because it's part of the process. What /ic/ does is much different from that. 99% of the time the crits are vague and cryptic, being used only to put the artist down while elevating the "critiquer" to a position of authority. Or it's just people who don't know anything regurgitating memes. "Hey how do I do this?" Sticky, loomis, ngmi, etc. This is all very unhelpful and it isn't conducive to a proper learning environment.
>artists are only nice because they want to maintain their reputation and network
Or you know, people are just nice? You think people can't be kind without some kind of ulterior motive? That seems like a real shitty way of looking an things.

>> No.3324700

This. If you need harsh ass criticism, you will get it here, and you're likely to get better if you focus on the core message rather than just the words.

>> No.3324712

What you see from /ic/ and 4chan in general is the result of there being no personal motive to be nice to people

>> No.3324736

On the flip side I could see that giving way to more honest critique (for some people).

>> No.3324752

Of course I want to git gud, but art to me is a joyous thing. I'd do it for free anyday. But this fucking board has managed to turn that into some joyless, serious, scathing business. all in the most likely doomed to fail journey towards "making it".

And it's not just from critiques, this place is cattier than fucking facebook at times with you faggot's holier than thou attitude, shitting on so many famous artists.

Same thing happened to gaming, I moved away from that when people took that shit too seriously.

>> No.3324814

critics=/ artists

>> No.3324817

because its anonymous and this >>3324814

>> No.3324837
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Are you kidding, this is the nicest and most sweetest board we're just brutally honest, sometimes too honest. You want to know what goes through most people's head when they see your work? It's shit, but they don't ever tell you that it's shit and the rest of them are normies who don't know any better and are simply using you to virtue signal to others about how nice of a person they're pretending to be so they start to act as if they like your work so they could get upboats from others for writing nice comments about your work and for the sake of being first to post when you submit something so everyone can see their avatars when in fact they really don't like you at all! Trust me.

>> No.3324842

>when you combine Dunning Kruger with Stockholm Syndrome
/ic/ not even once

>> No.3324848

>when you reply to bait

>> No.3324853

>When you begin to cope

>> No.3324855
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Hey, at least we are not /co/.
That board is THE definition of pathetic.

>> No.3324877

/co/s actually kinda decent desu

>> No.3324878

artists are antisocial weirdos that sit and stare at paper all day smoking cigarettes and drinking coffee. where did you get nice?

>> No.3324881

Only night time /co/.

>> No.3324893

Artists can be nice, but the people who lurk here and on 4chan in general are likely not. People with inferiority complexes find a place to thrive here. Also a place for the socially impaired, for people with sex addiction who want to learn to draw their fetishes, noobs who see drawing as a possible escape from real life, trolls, and so on. Basically this place attracts plenty of maladjusted individuals. All these people in a critique-based board is a recipe for toxicity.

>> No.3324894

It's actually the worst thing in the world. Worse than that video of the mexican cartel ripping someone's face off with a box cutter

>> No.3324899


>> No.3324906

Because it's filled with your kind

>> No.3324908

I'm nice

>> No.3325000


It's Reddit general of boards, fuck off and stay there.

>> No.3325007

lol, you guys posted in the right thread

>> No.3325008
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bc it mostly isnt artists. look thru some of the threads and ull c that it mostly just dumb fucking weebs who post wanna-be-anime shit.

>> No.3325011

video games have become less enjoyable for this reason. I agree with you about that.

>> No.3325111
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the people you find online willing to talk about art are manchildren that spend most of their time on a computer and not around other people. they come from /v/, /a/, /g/ culturally and have a very shallow perspective on life and the arts. anything foreign to them seems hostile and political. they discover they ultimately cannot do art because it falls outside a comfort zone they have long forgotten exists. they then turn into crabs and start to attack art and art culture itself rather than confront their personal issues.

>> No.3325113

Believe me, it's an improvement compared to 10 years ago.

>> No.3325131

FUCK YOU! I am nice.

Perhaps the artist soul is at its lowest ebb when it is drawn to procrastinate on /ic/ So sad artist, angry artist and crabs happen.

>> No.3325133

why is this board full of whiny tumblrites?

I thought artists were supposed to be independent thinkers or some shit like that

>> No.3325146

People who use this word should be shot.
/ic/ is the way it is because the board is anonymous, which allows people to be honest or just act like assholes without repercussions. This is the whole appeal of 4chan, and we want it to be like this, because people can actually speak their minds, be honest and not care about the fake politeness and excessive political correctness that dominated the rest of the Internet.
Of course, the one problem we do have is that mods don't crack down on genuine shitposters who contribute nothing to this board.

>> No.3325159

There's a difference between being harsh and being helpful.

People here just don't know how to critique in the first place because they've never actively practiced good critique habits.

Also the ability to critique without having to back your claims up with your work also pertains to why this place is shit.

>> No.3325191

I fucking hate that word. The say esports is to blame for that use of the word.

>> No.3325196

You've got plenty of other sites. Stop whining and fuck off.

>> No.3325197

you really don't.

>> No.3325200
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you thought wrong, sucka

>> No.3325204

You're saying that /ic/ is the only place in the internet where you can share your artwork and discuss drawing in general? Woah.

>> No.3325209

show me one place that has any discussion on drawing that isn't purely technical instruction or sucking eachother's dicks.

>> No.3325210

read >>3325209
I was literally giving an interview yesterday on the benefits of an anonymous culture regarding feedback for someone's PhD thesis. You don't get what you get here anywhere else. The issue is, you can't expect to get everything you want from one place.

>> No.3325218

/ic/ is about 25% good though. just don't talk to anyone and you're fine. =)

>> No.3325242


>> No.3325246
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>> No.3325275

>>3324637 (OP)
>Most art communities are nice /ic/ is just especially shit for some reason, idk why.

Everyone who was actually enthusiastic about art has left /ic/ at this point, now the main population that's left are beginners who lack guidance and the aggressive shitposters who drove everyone off the board in the first place.

>> No.3325276

Yeah, back in 2007