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3324063 No.3324063 [Reply] [Original]

Anybody procrastinating due to lack of knowledge of what to do? I can't tell what I am supposed to learn now, some things are too easy and understood, some are too hard and there's a missing link between them and what I know already. Don't know what that is.

I wasted 2 years now and I still can't proceed. Don't listen to "self taught memers", go to school, at least that way you will know how to improve. So much time wasted on thinking and still no results...

>> No.3324068
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Fly high little bird

>> No.3324073

That's what happens when you study preemptively just for the sake of studying without having any goal or purpose with your art.

>> No.3324076

It takes a very high IQ to learn on your own.

>> No.3324116

I don't get it.

>> No.3324121


>> No.3324124

same, bull shitters keep bull shitting

>> No.3324126

excite=/ inspire?
this guy must be terrible with logic

>> No.3324127

I just want to be good at everything

>> No.3324129

The issue is that drawing doesn't have a linear path so it's easy to get lost. I really don't understand it.

>> No.3324139
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not everyone considers copying some instructor's methodology an improvement.

>time wasted on thinking
yeah, you're just bad at life. it has nothing to do with being self taught. if you're trying to 'think' your way through art it's no fucking wonder you have no gains. a pro athlete will rarely stop practicing and they sure as fuck won't expect thinking during that time to produce results. art is pretty much the same way for technical skills.

>> No.3324140

Dont get that at all. I always have a dozen ideas that i could do if i had the time for it. If you really have no Imagination at all, just Sketch random shit from the Internet

>> No.3324142

>Anybody procrastinating due to lack of knowledge of what to do?
The solution is to finish a piece and after you're done to analyze it so you know what to study


You're approaching it the wrong way, you can't just study a ton and hope that everything will stick. Doing finished pieces is a major part of getting gud

>> No.3324151

Emphasis is on THINK.
Now try again

>> No.3324164
File: 289 KB, 720x960, roflnubfaglol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Draw kawaii anime girls instead of studying anatomy or form

>> No.3324168

You're supposed to do what you want. And when you run into problems with what you want to do you will fix them. And when you want to study you study. Just be honest with yourself about what you want, and the quality of your work. Everyone learns differently. If you hate Loomis then don't do Loomis.

Have fun.

>> No.3324170

yeah sure lol, my point still stands fagboi, now try again

>> No.3324176

Not him, but how does your point still stand? "Inspire" and "excite" are interchangable in that quote, the important part is as that anon pointed out the word "THINK".
"Draw what inspires/excites you, not what you THINK should inspire/excite you" It's pretty logical what is meant by that.

>> No.3324190

its like you dont think i know what he said. i can read dipshit, its still isnt any more true. simply because hes putting a fault on an emotion like excitement. yeah i get that he could be talking about a trend that goes around and everyone jumps on the band wagon, but its like he thinks inspiration in itself is its own thing. it comes from everywhere and its too contradicting. one is an impulse the other is not, but in the end it doesnt even matter, hes just wrong.

>> No.3324210

>its like you dont think i know what he said.
Well clearly you didn't understand it at all. I don't even know how to properly explain it to you because it's just so self-explanatory, I'm honestly dumbfounded that you genuinely don't get it.

>> No.3324214

Are you seriously an idiot? Your first post was
>excite=/ inspire?
>this guy must be terrible with logic
So clearly you read that quote and didn't understand it on any level, thinking it was about excitement being different from inspiration. Someone pointed out to you that this wasn't the case and you respond "hurr I know but my point still stands!"

Now you say "hes putting a fault on an emotion like excitement" and "but its like he thinks inspiration in itself is its own thing", proving you didn't understand it at all. No offense, but you are really fucking dumb, man.

>> No.3324225
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>> No.3324249
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I'm having the same problem. Especially I see a lot of people recommending How to Draw by Scott Robertson and I think it's really important to get a good grasp on perspective but I hate the overly technical approach.

I don't want to use 3000 lines everytime I need to draw something but at the same time I see that the people who recommend it don't use as many of them themeselves. I want to get to that level as fast as I can so I don't know how to approach the book to reach my objective in the shortest amount of time. What exercises should I do? How should I do them? How many times?

>> No.3324259

you guys are really pushing it with these algorithmic paintings and drawings.

It's a bit inconsistent with how it's rendered though. The glasses are very, very accurate and the way the glass frames over the eyebrow isn't the way an artist would have done it. Same for the way the hair's watercolor bleeding doesn't really seem to have much thought behind it, more like it's imitating something else.

>> No.3324331

Get yourself a copy of Perspective Made Easy, it's like $9 on Amazon (or free in the book thread)

I just started reading it and it seriously lives up to its title. No complicated technical shit, just a bunch of short chapters explaining things in very simple terms, with short sentences, a big font, and old timey cartoony sketches. It's honestly so plainly written that a kid could understand it.

I breezed through more than half of it in like an hour or so and had a few "oh shit that makes sense" moments.

I haven't finished it yet, but I skimmed through it and towards the end it covers downhill/uphill perspective, shadow perspective, three point perspective (although I think the main focus is on one and two point), using repeated objects in perspective, and more. From what I can tell it really does cover everything you need in less than 200 pages (which is probably closer to 100 because again, big font and lots of pictures).

Seriously, read that shit.

>> No.3324533

You don't use the 3000 line approach all the time. The book clearly says that the more accurate you need the final drawing to be, the tighter the construction requirements. You don't even need to be that accurate for aaa level concept art, but knowing how to do it sure helps with simple construction.

>> No.3324664

>2 years
>So much time wasted
kek. you are so adorable. people spend decades and you think you wasted -so much time-
fucking imbecile.
you know why you're never gonna make it. because you're dumb, lazy and impatient.

>> No.3324739

Can someone give a legit advice instead of just bashing op

>> No.3325134

dumb questions deserve to get dumb answers or to be bashed.

>> No.3325701

Word for word, this is almost the exact same problem i had about a year ago.
The mistake I made was trying to get into the technical aspects of drawing without ever actually making things that I enjoyed making. My thinking was that if i got really good at drawing on a high technical level, i could basically draw anything i wanted, which was true, but I was going about it the wrong way.
How it really works (at least, for me) is that you draw something you enjoy making first, look at it objectively, and THEN start studying certain things that you think you need to work on. By doing this, you can connect what your learning to what your actually working on instead of just thinking in terms of memorized theory. Use your art as your sort of "anchoring point" and then start learning technical aspects, but not as a means to become a better artist, but as a means to making your art better.
Instead of thinking of it as "Learning the technical aspects so that i can become a better artist so that i can make the art that i like"
Think of it more in terms of "Making the art that I like and then studying aspects that are weak so that i can improve the quality of my art" with the underlying byproduct being that you become a good artist.

I don't know if that's any help at all, but this really helped me out in terms of how to approach the 'learning gap'.

>> No.3325712

Already went throught it. I know my fair share of basic perspective, I also know how to do and apply the exercises in the book.

I know how to apply the knowledge in the book, the point is, how much should I do it? I can make a perfect car using 2000 lines and underlays and I can make a quicker and probably less accurate one using only the two vanishing points, I don't know if it's worth exercising in the first manner or using it only when I'll truly need. My aim right now is just to improve, sure as hell not to sell and make finished products.

>> No.3326195

>"Learning the technical aspects so that i can become a better artist so that i can make the art that i like"
This is exactly what I'm doing right now, if I draw for myself, it always looks shit, so I just grind books and to be fair, my work has improved...sightly.
Are you saying that if I draw for myself and work on the weak areas that I spot is a better method of improving rather than grinding technical aspects?

>> No.3329021


i feel like all of you are forgetting that art is a creative pursuit, its not just about grinding fundamentals and studying, its thinking about WHY you make art. what do you want to say o do by making art? do you use it to express yourself in ways you can't with words? or reach people in a way you can't without it? to move someone? do you want to make people laugh? its not just about having skills, there are many artists who can draw soulless art, but they do not grow from it as a person. art can be used as a tool to develop your own mind, if you are asking yourself the right questions.

>> No.3329041

hurr durrrr

>> No.3329079
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>Anybody procrastinating due to lack of knowledge of what to do?

That's not how drawing works, idiot.
Just fuckin' draw.

And stop being a crab. Even professional art schools would treat you as such. You'll just be given assignments, draw them out, and keep at it.

The only missing link is your brain and you being a bitch. Remove the bitch part out, and you're cured. Now stop being a bitch, OP.

>> No.3329089

Put down the books. Step away from the books, and start drawing.
These books aren't teaching you how to draw, they are teaching you how to grab your current shitty art and how to make your current art better.

>> No.3329097

I do porn commissions and I have worked on indie game projects, done a bit of pixel art and graphic design etc for a couple of years. But I haven't done what I actually *want* to do which are classic illustrations in sci-fi and fantasty. I have extremely specific tastes to what I find visually appealing. Yet I am afraid to do it. It's so gay and weird.

>> No.3330793

>just fuckin' draw

Yeah, let's draw circles for 50 years. Just draw, am I right? Don't think, just draw.

>> No.3330954

>Missing the point

If your idea of drawing is simply drawing circles all day, then by all means go for it. Some people want to draw the perfect circle, I guess.