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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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3319366 No.3319366 [Reply] [Original]

Anybody else got one of these emails? Sounds suspicious as fuck. They want people to do 3 "trial cards". They don't seem to have a website or anything. I've had some assholes asking for free fan art for some bullshit projects before but this one's amazing! Tree pieces of free work? Sure!

Here's the email:

"We, the Paul Brothers, are a young and upcoming company engaged in the development of a new Trading Card Game (playable by cards as well as online). Therefore, we are currently in the process of hiring illustrators / graphic designers to draft correspondent cards.
In general, the designs we would appreciate shall cover themes of fantasy; particularly fantastic creatures (various different animal and human races). Our attention was led to you via the platform “ArtStation” where we were impressed by your art work.
As we intend to work with several artists, we expect (and encourage) that each artist may decide on a preferred main theme to illustrate. We will provide you with descriptions or examples of how we envisage those creatures. There will be nine different races to choose from.
In view of the above-said, we presently imagine the work allocation as follows: We provide every artist who would be interested in a work assignment with a concept on which to base the illustration; e. g. "a water race with the power to control water”. We might also ask for the illustration to include specific characteristics, such as certain physical features, performance of a concrete action or a unique body position.
In any case, we need the illustrations to be colored. We do not have any particular technique in mind yet regarding the implementation of the illustrations, leaving you with a maximum of independence on design and appearance. However, our preferred style would be dark urban fantasy (as realistic as possible) – age restriction 14 years old."

>> No.3319369
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"In the first phase of this project, we intend to get up to 400 cards illustrated including the work of several artists. Each set card should be 5.5 cm wide and 10 cm high, whereas the illustration should only take up the upper two thirds. To decide on style and artist with which/whom we would like to continue, we would ask you to initially create a trial set of about three cards, given your interest (and consent in writing) in building a future working relationship with our company. (For further information, please see below.)
Card types that require illustration:
-- Species (characters, monsters / animals, humans etc)
-- Environments (natural or artificial areas, buildings, landscapes etc)
-- Resources (useful items, weapons, technologies, clothing, traps etc)
Have we inspired your curiosity and creativity? We very much look forward to receiving a confirmation by reply email.
We will then forward our hiring contract to be returned counter-signed by you (via email in advance and original to follow via regular mail) and will kindly ask you to contain a sample of your art work in compliance with the above-mentioned scenery (three trial set cards). In order to avoid that you will be working on a free-of-charge-basis, please furthermore provide us with a cost estimate as per illustration. Furthermore, please let us know the amount of your maximum possible art work output (e. g. five set cards per week).
After having looked into all submissions, we will get back to you as soon as possible.
Should you have any question or concern, please do not hesitate to get in touch."

Guess I'm gonna be rich!

>> No.3319429

not only does it sound suspicous, but the fact that they want you to give them your estimate price for the work is clue enough that they will go with the one who undersells himself the most. So it's probably not worth your time.

>> No.3319460


You're right and there's no way I'd even consider doing anything for these people. People also seem to have a weird idea of pricing for artists. You wouldn't ask a plumber to work on your bathroom for 20h. and expect to pay them 50 dollars/euros. Fuck dis shit. I wonder if there are talented Indian kids who can actually do decent art with that kind of pricing...

>> No.3319519

Either they're assholes because they want to fuck you over or they're assholes because they are morons. They're assholes either way.

>> No.3319521

drawing is not work though....
if you want to make money why not get a real job.

>> No.3319530


The people who fall for this deserve being used

>> No.3319851

Where does it say the 3 trial cards are supposed to be done without commission fee?

>will kindly ask you to contain a sample of your art work in compliance with the above-mentioned scenery (three trial set cards). In order to avoid that you will be working on a free-of-charge-basis, please furthermore provide us with a cost estimate as per illustration
>please furthermore provide us with a cost estimate as per illustration

While it is pretty poorly worded it's fairly clear to me that they want to commission you to do 3 sample illustrations and are asking for you fee for those, NOT asking for free work. Id just ask for confirmation that its what they meant, the rest of the email seems pretty standard TCG thing.

About set fee: unless youre working for Wizards or some other big company most people will ask YOU to come up with a commission fee, since theyre often first-timers doing some Kickstarter project or some shit and have no clue about pricing in illustration industry, or at least know about it way less than the artists. So its nothing unusual. And yeah, youre competing against third worlders that can do the same thing you can but for 10% of the price.

>> No.3319867


You have a point... I'm going to ask them about payment for the three sample cards. If they're willing to pay I'm still going to ask for 50% in advance when we've settled on a design I'll be rendering if we can agree on a price. Thank you for your input.

>> No.3320484

ITT. people that literally cant read with the exception of >>3319851

>> No.3321629

This is how i interpreted it as well. I think people are becoming a little too paranoid about scams and such.