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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 138 KB, 800x1000, 1518854263733.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3313697 No.3313697 [Reply] [Original]

Last one three hunny like the Carthaginians.

Last Thread: >>3298260

Post your current erotic drawings and paintings here and provide helpful criticism and advice to others!

Please make sure your posted image is clear, DOWNSIZED TO AROUND 1000 PIXELS WIDE, ROTATED TO THE CORRECT ORIENTATION, and that any unused space is cropped.

Reminder that if you do not want to see degeneracy*, please hide it by pressing the minus button or by right-clicking the thumbnail on the catalog and selecting "hide this thread."

Questions about references for drawing porn will be answered

>> No.3313773
File: 199 KB, 720x448, zarya1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is the guy who got dubs and requested Zarya still around? I'm working on it, keeping my word. This is what I got so far, feel free to comment/critique.

How can I best capture lots of jiggling motion with cleaner lineart that doesn't look like a sketch? My hand does nothing but make quick, rough strokes on this because of all the movement and I feel like really clean lines will make it look frozen. Sketches always capture motion better because of the loose lines but how can I best translate it to tighter linework?

>> No.3314524

Who are the best h artists?

>> No.3314546
File: 146 KB, 628x910, 2_17_18.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thoughts on the foreshortening? The panel above shows the pose in profile.

>> No.3314804 [DELETED] 
File: 951 KB, 1719x3265, jerk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cant color to save my life

>> No.3316130
File: 500 KB, 1400x1074, martial instant loss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speed lines, showing sweat or fluids flying off in the direction of the movement, maybe look at animation smears?

Torso and hips look dead on in both, her right arm second panel looks shrunken and not foreshortened.

>> No.3316153
File: 42 KB, 500x750, ref-10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have some hip drawing tutorials they can post, or maybe point me to some good artist that draw them well, I find them to be the biggest issue when I'm drawing, can't properly figure them out.

Thanks. Here's a ref as thanks,

>> No.3316282

Sauce? Need more of her.

>> No.3316294

Looks good overall but like the other anon said her right arm looks shrunk in the lower panel.

>> No.3316298

I loathe to ask for source on a ref pic on /ic/ but the other anon is right, she's too damn hot
Where'd you find this?

>> No.3316384


It took me 15 minutes but I finally found it, had to find the pin on pinterest, that linked to a tumblr, that linked to a tumblr where the source is.

This is the photographers own tumblr, apparently.


And you fellas better want it for its use as an art ref, I would be disappointed if I spent all this time finding it so you guys can spank your monkey to it.

Don't let me down lads.

>> No.3316470
File: 168 KB, 1000x883, ero.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


any critiques and redlines are appreciated

>> No.3316537

Anatomically speaking, the butthole and vagina are only an inch apart. The butthole is also higher up. Weird advice, but feel your own butt to see where the butthole is in relation to the tailbone and go off of that.

>> No.3316611
File: 292 KB, 1200x801, tumblr_o1h3g3hxKg1uw8eb2o1_raw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks anon. She's got a few more pics on there, but i don't think her name is listed. Shes got that sexy/bitch face thing going where you can't tell if she's angry at you or wants to jump on your dick or both.

>> No.3316755
File: 90 KB, 1000x571, deletelater.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like the arm might be a little off

>> No.3316924
File: 821 KB, 1490x1200, chocolina.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not happy about the dress and shading underneath but I'm not sure how to fix it. Any tips?

>> No.3317016

Dead on as in accurate looking? The right arm is frustrating me considerably because it's in an awkward pose relative to the foreshortening. I still can't get it right.

>> No.3317116
File: 110 KB, 562x635, wip.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How am I doing, /ic/?

>> No.3317123


>> No.3317130

You've got a weird tangent going on which makes it look like the second girl is attached to the first girl's butt.

>> No.3317173

Got any advice? I feel like the amateurish under dress shading/line work is distracting from the cute.

>> No.3317178

it's indeed distracting. I think the reason is the amount of details. Try to simplify the shapes a little more, while keeping a sexiness to them too. For example her chin, cheek and forehead are all done in one round line, while we know it's not that simple.

I am not good enough myself, so I would recommend to study how yoh yoshinari does legs in his more cartoony sketches >>3305916. I like it a lot and I think it would work well with the rest of your style

>> No.3317257
File: 74 KB, 780x446, lineart2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks. I'll take a look at speed lines. And yeah I already kind of experimented with the sweat thing from that little drop flying. I'll just fuck around and see if I can't find something that works.

This is what I got now, appreciate any thoughts.

Nice m8. Your neckties do not look correct though, provided you're just trying to make them look normal and not particular to that uniform. The tie knots taper at the bottom but you have it flipped. Tank top dude in the gas mask's hand looks a bit messed up.

The biceps shouldn't be that convex in that position. Also a sharper higher peak that tapers quicker on the forearm.
Can maybe try a redline attempt myself if that doesn't help you.

>> No.3317286
File: 593 KB, 1500x1151, galko instant loss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Right now it looks pretty static, like she's trying to hold a really uncomfortable pose rather than moving from momentum. Also that face made my morning.

Instant loss is pretty fun to draw.

>> No.3317287


>> No.3317418

>Right now it looks pretty static, like she's trying to hold a really uncomfortable pose rather than moving from momentum.

Well the idea actually IS that she is pretty stiff besides her ass. Like she is grabbing onto some bed sheets really tightly or something and her body is rigid but her ass is jiggling everywhere getting it from behind. So I want to try to convey movement in the ass.

Anyone feel free to sketch in some ideas.

I'll probably try to go with a combo of some kind of motion lines and flying sweat or something.

>Also that face made my morning

Lol glad someone else likes it. I figured it might be considered too derpy but I am a supreme sucker for ahegao and stupid face.

>> No.3317926
File: 73 KB, 724x870, 6d720c1905[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I shade something?

>> No.3317983

Approach it logically. Look at her butt. If you can't tell literally take a ball, turn off the lights and shine a flashlight on it.

>> No.3318016
File: 185 KB, 1140x708, 20180220_202307.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is her butt drawn incorrectly?

>> No.3318021
File: 1.30 MB, 843x1272, meh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone please help salvage this hot mess? This is why you don't draw while drunk.

>> No.3318023

the vag is off center

>> No.3318024

Tits are being held together by invisible bra but if that's the look you're going for then you nailed it

>> No.3318050
File: 858 KB, 1500x2000, Cynthia Final.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok i did it thank you

>> No.3318059

Heads don't to that though...

>> No.3318060

shhh, wait for him to polish it some more stupid and then tell him that way he will remember to not do it again. Well it's too late now because you opened your big mouth.

>> No.3318064

the vag should be move to her right?
invisible bra is not what I want. how should they look?

>> No.3318067

Are you sure? Some people are more flexible than others.

>> No.3318073

the problem actually is that the shoulder should be overlapping the head a lot more from that angle

>> No.3318080

I've never used this thread before, but can I ask for some critique on some /d/-tier shit? Namely, tentacles? Not sure how crazy you all get in here.

>> No.3318086


>> No.3318089

post it.

>> No.3318102
File: 206 KB, 500x690, XXX01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure. I'm aware that there are currently two assholes (I'm really fucking tired). I'll be adding in more linework to the tentas as well. I have a roundabout way of working that maybe isn't the best- adding in things bit by bit and switching between sketching, linework, and color as I get impatient.

>> No.3318110
File: 598 KB, 856x984, 2accfcb3d22ee728f68363a7c802df18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looks like Jeffr's style

>> No.3318113

does she have 2 anuses? looks like it to me senpai.

>> No.3318132

>the vag should be move to her right?

>> No.3318163
File: 3.09 MB, 900x900, sketch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i made her torso too long but im digging how off it looks. anything i should fix before i move on?

>> No.3318219

The breasts aren't attached correctly, they look like they're on top of the rib cage. Anatomy issues in the arms and hands. It kind of feels like you intended to compose a shot looking up at her and you botched the perspective.

>> No.3318247 [DELETED] 
File: 1.50 MB, 1369x1517, Tetra.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How's this look? What do I need to work on most to improve my art?

Thanks. I'll try it again and check out this yoh yoshinari guy.

>> No.3318411

>How to draw Zarya from Overwatch
>1. Draw a male bodybuilder. MALE. This is important.
>2. Make his waist thinner and hips wider. From now on it's Zarya, we'll call it "her".
>3. Add breast and butt implants. The size depends on you, there's really no limits or standards for this.
>4. Make sure you drew the male bodybuilder's face. Done? Now give it bigger lips, add stylized eyelashes and change hair to that of Zarya's. Remember to erase any facial hair except eyebrows.
>5. You're finished!
I wish this wasn't true, I wish your pic was just a caricature and I wish Zarya was prettier, but she's literally designed like that in the fucking source material.

>> No.3318420
File: 2 KB, 125x70, 1510177912641s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What do I need to work on most to improve my art?
stop drawing toddlers fucking you sick faggot

>> No.3318428

except they do you stiff fuckers, have you even tried before posting or are you actually made out of stone

>> No.3318430

i asked him if it was a toddler too and he said it's a character from OoT that looks like a midget
also stop making posts like these because you are asshurt some content doesn't appeal to you, when this is a critique board for actual mistakes, not "whatever I don't like"
also stop saving thumbnails.

>> No.3318446
File: 192 KB, 690x915, cap2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Work on progress and all critique welcome. I didn't use a reference, so that may have been my first mistake.

>> No.3318467

I think it's just me, but her neck seems broken

>> No.3318520

Draw Zarya how you want to her look yourself. Pretty simple solution.

You're buttmad over nothing.

>> No.3318538
File: 583 KB, 800x1150, 2smart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do jap artists give characters such huge heads and make it look good?

>> No.3318542
File: 298 KB, 1050x788, 5a6b1d3f0eb56f71f11ad0e007f0a1ec.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i got my first patron today im so happy!!! need to draw some actual hentai next time but i wanted to do something fast because im swamped with work right now
also need to learn how to draw boobs better :(

>> No.3318543

You are polishing a turd. Learn some basic perspective and anatomy before you attempt to draw figures.

>> No.3318546

Honestly here Tatsumaki's head doesn't look correctly proportioned. No, it doesn't look good.

>> No.3318549

pedo shit has to be eradicated from existence. stop defending that shit. the 'midget' and '2k year old dragon' excuses are complete bullshit. everyone know this, except you I guess.

>> No.3318551

give your characters some cranium.

>> No.3318552

Give them more cranium

>> No.3318558

i'm not defending it, i dislike pedo shit too, but quite simply keep that shit like "eeeeeeewww pedos/furries/etc" out of this board, this is the critique board and all art regardless of content should be welcome here and deserves to be critiqued.
wether or not what he draws is illegal or immoral doesn't matter here

>> No.3318708

I have (some) $

>> No.3318719

big hands to match

>> No.3318727

>wether or not what he draws is illegal doesn't matter here
Actually it does. The site can be shut down for allowing distribution of illegal materials which is why they've been putting forth so much more effort to remove that stuff when it crops up. There is also the matter that whether anybody likes it or not the site's own rules say that and furry aren't allowed to be posted here so if you have a problem with it being removed for either of those two reasons you have to take it up with the admin and not the anons who are following the site's rules and helping them meet their legal liabilities by not posting those things or by reporting them.
Different anon btw.

>> No.3318759
File: 209 KB, 627x1107, pose8tl2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made this one of my GF, based on a picture.
I'm a beginer at digital painting, I did this with photoshop. What u guys think?

>> No.3318781

I don't mean to be rude, but it looks like you traced over the picture.

Here are some things I noticed:
-Think of hair less as individual strands and more as "clumps", if that makes sense (perhaps someone else can chime in with a better explanation of this). The top of the head looks a bit better in this regard in that you can see the direction of the hair, but it doesn't look like an attempt to draw every single strand as on the left side.

-The body has some nice colors in it and the skin looks natural. Nice job on that. The hair, however, looks a bit flat currently. Take what you did with the skin- using "cooler" shades for the shading and "warmer" shades for the highlights. The yellow on the top is a nice start for highlights- you might try a purpley-burgundy color to shade the right side of the hair with. Make sure it's less saturated than the red- since it's in a slight bit of shadow it will not be as saturated as the hair on the left or at top.

-The lineless style on the hair as contrasted with lines on most everything else is a bit jarring to me. If you like lineless hair, perhaps try just outlining some major parts of it (again- the "clumps"). I hope that makes sense.

-Do keep using that nice texture on the skin- it keeps it from appearing flat without being overbearing. Textures are good to experiment with as long as you don't get too crazy (imho).

>> No.3318783

>Actually it does. The site can be shut down for allowing distribution of illegal materials which is why they've been putting forth so much more effort to remove that stuff when it crops up.
Lmao do you actually believe this
>There is also the matter that whether anybody likes it or not the site's own rules say that and furry aren't allowed to be posted here so if you have a problem with it being removed for either of those two reasons you have to take it up with the admin and
I don't give a shit, the art and critique board shouldn't ban some types of content for dumb arbitrary reasons, the porn thread didn't ban furry and loli until some time ago and before that those two types of content were never spammed or otherwise a problem.
>not the anons who are following the site's rules and helping them meet their legal liabilities by not posting those things or by reporting them.
Those are called mod cocksuckers and so are you for even thinking anyone here reports posts for "helping them meet their legal liabilities". This isn't a fucking forum

>> No.3318784

honestly man this looks like shit and I feel secondhand embarrassment

>> No.3318791

Different anon, but illegal materials are a serious issue and should be treated with the appropriate level of gravitas (yes, I am aware of where I am posting). It is absolutely the responsibility of the poster to keep in line with the rules of a site, whether they deem it unfair or otherwise. If you don't like the rules, you don't have to be here.

Any site does in fact have legal liabilities, as well as other social repurcussions. Take a look at one of the more well-known chans that had its site delisted from google searches because it was known to host borderline illegal, if not outright illegal, content. Whether you agree or do not doesn't change that fact.

>> No.3318799

Do you guys sign your porn, or leave it blank? I can see pros and cons of each.

>> No.3318839
File: 543 KB, 1000x859, nier 2 S.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i got more cranium

>> No.3318951
File: 953 KB, 685x1000, 2-14 sketch done small.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3318954

Broken legs, tiddies is the wrong perspective and personally the face, especially the eyebrows is unappealing.

>> No.3318961
File: 721 KB, 1200x1686, hagata e minos comic1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Need some help to how make it feel more "comic", in the sense of disposition of the characters and ways to create reticules. I use photoshop/sai. Anyone here could share your thoughts?

>> No.3318997

Heads are big. Novices tend to draw heads too small. Yes those heads are oversized but less than you might think. Also yeah big hands and feet for balance.

>> No.3319026
File: 766 KB, 907x1209, E99DADBD-F62A-4CBB-8270-CEE6D6143454.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know this isn’t actually porn but I’m learning to draw female faces for the express purpose of drawing porn so I feel it’s appropriate. This is a study I did this evening. Drew the head on traditional, took it into a drawing program and tried to fix some of the issues by overlaying the model and transforming my original drawing. What approach do you guys think I should take to learning faces/heads? Trying to apply the Reilly method but w/ limited success.

>> No.3319044
File: 1.67 MB, 540x540, 1519152855352.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did this look okay? Nobody said anything to me....

>> No.3319059

I think it looks fine for the most part. The only thing that I can think of is that if the perspective is a true profile then you would only see one cheek -- but I think the way you've drawn it is more appealing.

>> No.3319068
File: 329 KB, 1347x753, zaryacolor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dubs guy, you around? Here is your Zarya request. Not going to P a T unless someone can point out something major. Overall I kinda like how it turned out but there's always shit I miss so feel free to critique.

Main thing is was asking about was capturing motion. How did that turn out?

One thing that bugs me is that the coloring on this looks different on all three of my devices... On my main computer where I draw the color looks like how I want it. On my phone it looks too saturated and on my shitty old laptop it looks washed out and everything is like fuchsia tinted. Oh well. Hope most people can see it as intended.

>> No.3319072

Not dubs guy, but sadly most devices aren't color calibrated correctly, which is generally why they all show color slightly differently. There are other factors too, like how good your display is and its color gamut, but generally calibration is the main culprit. Older displays probably aren't as accurate either.

>> No.3319077

both drawings look as though you don't know where the planes of the face are, you may be using reilly's construction but you're not taking away the most important part, proportion.

>> No.3319096

I would start by studying real female faces and move into stylization/a cartoony look from there. Once you understand the basic structure of a face (especially in how it generally differs from a male face), it becomes much, much easier to stylize, exaggerate, and draw from the imagination.

I know it's cliche advice, but you'll be a much, much better artist if you can grab the fundamentals from real-life studies rather than studying other artists' styles first.

One thing you could do is make a point to do a page of sketches- make sure to study the head from different angles too. Once you're satisfied for the day, take what you've learned and see if you can apply it to something stylized/cartoony/whatever. You might also focus on one thing solely one day- noses, for example. Faces are hard and there's a lot to learn.

>> No.3319101

thanks for the advice guys. I will definitely try applying the reilly construction method to some photographs to improve my understanding of the head/face.

>> No.3319105

Is there a porn pose site that has different sex positions to study from I'm tired of watching various vids of shitty porn trying to find a certain angle only to get nothing but a boner out of it

>> No.3319107

Not expressly porn, but 'line-of-action' has a section on their site with a place where you can select nude models only. It's more pin-up type stuff but there are some great photos to practice with.

>> No.3319121

ty anon...

>> No.3319124
File: 139 KB, 1015x1700, 6DFCFBC4-DA60-48F8-B0F7-1A56BCFC9CD3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanna learn how to make erotic art.
My safe for work stuff has way less attention.
I should probably be in the beginner thread though

>> No.3319142

Bigger hands i think would be better for your style.

>> No.3319177

It's frustrating but it does look the worst on my 5 year old secondary laptop and the best on my 1 year old main computer so I won't stress about it too much.

Lol didn't see this. If you pay me I'll draw you Zarya however you want m8 haha.

>> No.3319181

Would someone be so kind to post tutorial on drawing attractive anime/western style faces? Proportions and any icons used, looking for something that’s quick and basic to draw but still registers in the brain as hot.

>> No.3319210
File: 392 KB, 886x1052, 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nearly 3 years in and this is all

>> No.3319228

here comes the airplane, open wide for mommy

>> No.3319255

Too bad neither me or anyone has to give a shit about being banned or this site's "legal liabilites" and I'm glad too some anons posting content without giving a fuck about some idiotic rules only enforced recently.
especially when literal child porn has been posted many times in the past on this site, I don't know what the fuck you're talking about "legal liabilities"

That's a very slight difference dude, MORE cranium. look at the size of the average anime girls' head, it's closer to the proportions of a baby's face.

>> No.3319256

Useless aren’t you mate?

>> No.3319312

>Too bad neither me or anyone has to give a shit
Grats for the jackass attitude, shithead.

>> No.3319338
File: 67 KB, 560x655, Photoshop_2018-02-22_09-35-51.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

got a deadline to hit but still unsure of what to do with the bigger boy. gonna have the smaller one all tied up hopefully, maybe give em some kinda weird fucked up prince albert with a chain running loosely to some nipple piercings, big collar with a leash might be cute too. scream at me if you see anything glaringly off so far. i censored any parts this site might find objectionable

>> No.3319345

Care to give us a link to your work, my good sir? Seems interesting, although you may wanna reshape the bigger guy's ass.

>> No.3319348

don't be an edgelord trying to prove some stupid point about the furry ban. next time just erase the muzzle instead of censoring it.
art wise this looks really nice. the bottom char's legs look a tad too long. hopefully it's just a design or style choice.

>> No.3319349

Butthurt aren't you mate?

>> No.3319361

Your approach should be to learn actual human facial features and proportions and then stylize from there.

For cute females make your eyes down and away.

>> No.3319371 [DELETED] 

Not him but the anti-furry and even the anti-pony rules are deprecated trash-especially in the context of a board about art, don't defend shit moderation choices with your limp-dicked finger waving you pathetic rulecuck faggot.

>> No.3319398

yeye, it was jus a quick sketch to get idea/scale down, if i draw him there i'm defs gonna make his ass hella nice lookin. also apologies, no site... sorta my trademark around here

eyyy, i'm one of the least edgy people you'll find round here, friend, jus bein a bit cheeky while genuinely trying to attempt to avoid a ban, plus it's much quicker to mosaic the furry bits than to redraw them completely! also yeah, i tend to draw longer legs and shorter torsos cause i like the way it looks and also gotta balance out the proportions of making the head larger so that proportionally the legs are still just over half the character height (i still defs overdo it a bit tho sometimes hahaha)

heyheyhey, no need for the mean words, they probably just misinterpreted my joke as much more mean spirited an snide than i had intended, it's p understandable considering the general demeanor of most people on this site...

>> No.3319411

ok ok. replace edgy with cheeky I guess. I just think you don't need that kind of attitude, that's all. let your art speak for you instead of steering some unnecessary controversy.

>> No.3319635
File: 2.77 MB, 3001x2545, 2012-12-300242web.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3319639

That would make an interesting album cover. Is the colored paper scrap, or did you add in the yellow on purpose? Doesn't look bad to me, just curious about the history/thought behind it. The drawing style looks nice, reminds me of figure drawing class.

>> No.3319646
File: 248 KB, 707x1000, Sussie75.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Toughts, redlines?

>> No.3319648

thanks. It actually is two different pieces ps'ed together. The drawing was one and the other was a painted construction paper. lol an Album cover what would be the name of the band?

>> No.3319649

nice. seems ready for the next step

>> No.3319665

the puss is all wrong. would most likely be spread in that position since the legs are pulling it open. also if its spread it looks much more inviting! im also concerned about the little diamond shape thats underneath it, is that the vagina? if you google "girl on back legs spread open" you will find lots of suitable reference. the area underneath her puss also has some weird tangents going on, its just kind of confusing to look at.

>> No.3319882

Even if you are going for the anime small neck thing, that neck gets smaller as it reaches the head, its not supporting shit.

>> No.3319964
File: 123 KB, 272x400, crop 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How is the anatomy?

>> No.3319983

Torso looks a bit long. The area from the clavicle to about the bottom of the rib cage has a lot of issues imo. The breasts aren't really attached correctly and the sternum is basically missing. I'd also say that whole area is cramped into too small a section of the upper torso and that's probably what's making the torso look too long overall.

>> No.3319999

I think if you gave her larger breasts it would even out. Her lower torso looks too big as is now.

>> No.3320000
File: 168 KB, 1200x809, Bestiality1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Working on a symmetra picture. I had an old sketch and wanted to do something with it. Her face kinda bothers me though.

>> No.3320002

Not too bad anon post the finished one.

>> No.3320026

Hm, would moving her breasts down a bit do the trick? Where are good resources for finding real life images with similar poses? Referencing anime art hasn't helped me grasp what I'm missing.

>> No.3320028

I couldn't help you with references but yes bringing her breasts down would definitely help. That's basically what I meant when I said everything is cramped up, it's all taking up about half as much space and distance on her torso as it should be.

>> No.3320048 [DELETED] 
File: 225 KB, 653x619, Screenshot from 2018-02-23 14-04-59.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does this colouring clash too much with the faces? I'm still trying to find the right balance.

>> No.3320093

Right looks fine, left would look good except the sharp edges on the shadows look weird compared to the soft shadows everywhere else. Also buttholes are gross please don't draw them.

>> No.3320141
File: 155 KB, 900x675, ff.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

need some feedback. i'm super un confident when i draw females. does this look ok?

>> No.3320152


>> No.3320153

The hair looks like she's wearing a mop.
Her upper body is too big for the legs lo it looks like her upper and lower half are two separate entities.
Some of the shading doesn't really make sense (random dot on the leg), maybe you could say that it's part of a style, but I don't think you're executing it well enough for it to work.
No balance in the pose at all
This one is a bit more subjective, but I just don't think those eyes look good at all

Summary of the biggest problems
>upper body proportions compared to lower body
>awkward pose

Try finding a reference and redrawing it; try to noticed the mistakes in the original as you redraw it.

>> No.3320157
File: 2.20 MB, 800x1200, 36f43850d8794e7ea8ad979ee892e1e2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks i guess..cant say i agree with some of your crityques.but thank you

>> No.3320163
File: 68 KB, 900x675, ff.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


pose okay is a awkwards, rotated her..thank you again.

k made her legs wider to match torso..thank you.

hair, well its kinda style and like the eyes too, its just style.

>> No.3320169
File: 155 KB, 900x675, ff.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

chnaged eyes...thanks

>> No.3320170

>well its kinda style
It's an attempted style. There's a style you were going for but you're not there yet.

This is better. Still a long way to go, but better.

>> No.3320172
File: 106 KB, 1082x1440, dda4767f5664cdc3c5e0c1773b543cb5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gave good critique, however they are missing one fatal flaw that killed this piece. your pose is bad. the shoulders and hips are not aligned properly. you have them parallel but they should always be at opposite angles. move around and pay attention to how your hips move when you tilt your shoulders to either side. your hip will rise towards the shoulder you are pushing down and pinch the area between, and stretch on the other side. because your figure's right hip is raised, her right shoulder should be lower. personally i would scrap the piece and start again, there's too many errors with the foundation to salvage it. the internet has a plethora of reference photos you can study to understand anatomy and proportions, just google nude female figure, or look through the nude female category on quick poses.

>> No.3320173

thank man..im probobbly going to trace then, because if this doesn't look good, then theres no point in wasting anymore time trying to get better. ive spent years just to get results like that

>> No.3320185

>ive spent years just to get results like that
Not him but that's how it is man. It takes years to get okay, years to get decent, and more years to get good. Some people do it faster, some people take ages, but nobody does it overnight. How much time you invest depends on your needs. If you just want to cobble together a quick representation of a scene you want to fap to, nobody will care if you trace or photo manipulate or whatever. Hell you can even sell that stuff if you change it enough and are up front about the fact that you're selling manipulations and not drawings. If you want to be seen as an artist and a craftsman you have to put in the time, there are no shortcuts. In my opinion it has to be done without even worrying about how much recognition you'll get you have to do it because you enjoy the process of creating the image and getting better at doing it feels rewarding on its own, otherwise I don't see how anyone could stick with it long enough.

>> No.3320200
File: 144 KB, 419x325, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i frankensteined her to show a better gesture. no tablet so i couldn't redline, sorry about that. but really your problem is that you aren't paying attention to measurements and proportions and are rushing into rendering. make sure your pose makes sense, make sure your proportions are correct, and dont make beginner mistakes like misaligning the shoulders and hips! just analyze your work, and when you have a solid foundation then you can render.

>> No.3320204
File: 175 KB, 900x856, ff.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is before I read your reply.

update...jesus chirst..its mad how bad those previous versions are. i think im getting closer to something good?

>> No.3320209

thanks bro. yea i need to stop being a cunt and take my take

>> No.3320211

That looks a hell of a lot better than the first thing you posted. Still a little off though. I know her head is supposed to be ducked down or something but her neck looks too short, I think the head needs to be a little higher. The pose is still off balance... personally I would tell you to work more on all the fundamentals than go through and try to fix this one piece by piece. I'm sure someone will help you edit it some more though.

>> No.3320220

This is good progress. Don't worry too much if you end up not fixing everything in this particular piece but keep it up.

>> No.3320232
File: 235 KB, 800x1280, Screenshot_20180223-022459.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I gave this a try.

>> No.3320266

Her torso is incredibly long. Use your own body as a reference, go to a mirror and do the pose and see where your elbows end up in relation to other landmarks. Man or woman, basic anatomy and proportions are largely the same.

>> No.3320288

Good foundation. Finish it, faggit.

>> No.3320392

suck some more Mod dick, faggot. good job trying to ruin this board.

>> No.3320404 [DELETED] 

GTFO little whiny bitch. Grow up or ksy, seriously.

>> No.3320405

GTFO little whiny bitch. Grow up or kys.

>> No.3320408

this is AW-FUL in EVERY possible aspect of figure drawing.
learn your fundamentals. you are drawing literal turds with arms and legs.

>> No.3320411 [DELETED] 

t. Mod

>> No.3320413

this looks much better, yeah. but the problem is that you were spoonfed into this. you aren't actually learning anything here. you are just being hand hold into fixing one pic.
it's basically the fish analogy all over again. help a man catch a fish and you'll feed him for a day. teach a man how to fish and you'll feed him for life.
here you're just being helped to catch a fish dude.

>> No.3320427

woah you certainly showed him

>> No.3320445

whoa he certainly showed me before i showed him

>> No.3320459

I guess he nailed the fact you are a kid. you insisting about arguing shows that.

>> No.3320462

>literally can't stop replying
Asshurt as fuck
go ahead, reply to me more, show me how willing you are to shit up this thread

>> No.3320522


Cool, thanks


Thanks for the (you) but I disagree about the puss, the diamond shape is part of her anus
And the tangent lines are some of her fingers, I'll see if i can clear that up

I do think my puss looks abit flat still tho, I hope to improve that with the coloring


Fully agree, I'll edit that, thanks

>> No.3320523

>literally the only one that is replying, kek
not the same anon, dumbass.

>> No.3320534

>no! I don't wanna follow your dumb rulez! You can't make me, stupid mods!! Now I'm gonna throw a tantrum! That will prove I'm smarter than all these dumb mods and that I don't have to follows the rules and that there's nothing they can do about it - except banning me!!

>> No.3320551

>i don't wanna
and in fact many people don't give a shit about posting loli and furry on this board.
for which i'm grateful
keep whining, retard.

>> No.3320562

you're making all the same mistakes as the original poster. hips and shoulders do not align like that, its a bad pose

>> No.3320563

It doesn't matter what many people do or don't give a shit about all that matters is what the mods and janitors give a shit about and they give a shit about the fact that it isn't allowed here and that's why it keeps getting deleted. The only one whining and complaining about anything is you about everyone else has accepted and abides by and doesn't complain about.

>> No.3320573

In one sentence you said it doesn't matter that people don't care, they keep posting and it keeps getting deleted, BUT ALSO that everyone abides like a good boy. so good job contradicting yourself
>The only one whining and complaining about anything is you about everyone else has accepted and abides by and doesn't complain about.
You're right that I'm the only one whining but only because other people just post their work be it furry or whatever, and don't care to discuss this issue.

>> No.3320663

>this issue
There is no issue. Pedo stuff is banned like on 90% of other sites on the internet and that's it. Stop whining.

>> No.3320674

like I said banning art from the art board because some people are asshurt is stupid, you can't deny this shit
>muh pedo
yeah except first it's fucking artwork not literal CP, it might be illegal material in some countries but it doesn't change the fact it's not even close to being the same thing. Also the ban involves furry too, so go ahead and try to explain me the "legal" or logical reasons as to why that should be banned from this board. protip there are none
>stop whining
Too bad I'm not the one "losing" here because clearly some artists don't give a fuck about your retarded rules and still post content, THANKFULLY. Again, you are the one whining here

>> No.3320684

Regardless, it's not allowed here. The people who run 4chan have deemed that they don't want it posted on their site in the case of the pedo shit and deemed that they only want to allow furry shit to be posted in select places. When someone posts it and breaks the rules it will probably get deleted and neither you nor anyone else who is breaking the very clearly stated rules gets to complain and call the mods cucks or whatever for the fact that they're enforcing the rules that you agreed to by coming here. When you use the site you agree to the rules in the terms of service and also acknowledge you'll be punished if you don't. The. End. If you don't like it go to 4 times 2 chan or something.

>> No.3320688

>neither you nor anyone else who is breaking the very clearly stated rules gets to complain and call the mods cucks or whatever for the fact that they're enforcing the rules that you agreed to by coming here
too bad I am doing it right now, cuck
>When you use the site you agree to the rules in the terms of service and also acknowledge you'll be punished if you don't. The. End. If you don't like it go to 4 times 2 chan or something.
too bad me and others are going to post anything we want and there ain't SHIT anyone can do about it, as it should be
I don't care if you can't post furry/loli in any board ever it should still be welcome on /ic/ because it's art like any other.

>> No.3320700

>and there ain't SHIT anyone can do about it
except report and delete it. And if you keep posting it you'll eventually be permanently banned so..

>> No.3320782
File: 31 KB, 689x985, Screenshot_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any advice would be nice

>> No.3320783


Head and feet look rather big mate

>> No.3320785

I really like how the face look, but you need to work in the anatomy, the proportions are a bit off, look for some reference.

>> No.3320786

Is tracing real women/pornstars and then drawing an anime face on them a good way to learn to draw? I'm a total beginner, I don't wanna get super good just decent enough to draw fappable degenerate porn. No time for Loomis - need to cut corners, find shortcuts.

>> No.3320788


Try it and find out

>> No.3320804

>no time for Loomis

Eating Cheetos and gaming is pretty demanding isn’t it m8.


>> No.3320813

Anyone interested in a request?

No dubs this time, just throw it out there if you potentially want one. If I get more than one request, I will pick my favorite. If I only get one I will just do that one. If I get none th-thanks..

Same rules as before:

-nothing that violates board rules (furry/creatures, loli)
-no poop, gore stuff
-no gay
-single character but floating stunt cocks are OK.

This is the last one I did.

Don’t be shy lads.

>> No.3320826

>there ain't SHIT anyone can do about it
you sound like a 15 year old rebel. this board is 18+. oh wait, I forgot you are a rebel, the real deal.
rofl. GTFO.

>> No.3320832

Why did you make her cross-eyed?

>> No.3320833 [DELETED] 
File: 756 KB, 900x900, lottebarbarmpits_small.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to call it done now.

I tried making them both a bit softer.

>Also buttholes are gross please don't draw them.
They can be cute

>> No.3320864 [DELETED] 

This is a whole new level of kinky that I didn't find attractive until this day
>They can be cute

>> No.3320937

its not that bad. i'd say you're exaggerating a tad.

>> No.3320938

hahaha i like how you're right. it's too true. thanks man. but i did learn a bit, just need to take my tume on sketch before renderign.

>> No.3320944
File: 322 KB, 1856x1326, IMG_20180223_205131_193.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know if this is the correct thread for this picture, but I assume you people would know better how to fix this, I rather ask now that is an sketch rather than scan it and inking it when is more difficult to fix.

>> No.3320947

With that mindset you won't accomplish anything.

>> No.3320950
File: 256 KB, 900x1201, fuckit.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


ok i tried tracing.

here I traced can you even tell? not really. fuck it because is tracing even bad? i don't think so. its better than drawing from your head.

>> No.3320970 [DELETED] 

this is some fucky shit

>> No.3320975 [DELETED] 
File: 185 KB, 800x1068, 1519372324875.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

web comic anyone?

>> No.3320982

Try drawing it again without tracing. Then look at your traced version and compare them spot any mistakes. Do that if you want to learn to be able to draw without references.

>> No.3320986 [DELETED] 

I can't tell what this is implying

>> No.3320991 [DELETED] 


implying that it's fucky


fucky shit

>> No.3320993
File: 355 KB, 512x512, Evie_profile.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Draw evie from paladins sucking a veiny black cock.

>> No.3320994

this is not a request board. GTFO to /aco/ or /i/
We don't need the sorts of you here.

>> No.3320996


>> No.3321011

i've got a request. bich.

how about you leave. now.

>> No.3321017

on it.

>> No.3321019


>> No.3321034


Any help guys?

>> No.3321042
File: 206 KB, 518x904, CLIPStudioPaint_2018-02-23_20-50-07.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3321067
File: 814 KB, 1856x1326, 1519442008698.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3321076

>Buttholes are gross
Wait, does that male me weird for liking them?
Which viewpoint is more common, a like or a dislike?

>> No.3321085

Curious, if you’re using just those three colors, what tools did you use for rendering? I’m beginner level dog shit at rendering

>> No.3321086
File: 3.22 MB, 1856x1326, 47vyn59.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Normies wont notice it desu

pretty good

Use a scanner next time tho
or retinex in gimp

>> No.3321113
File: 9 KB, 230x800, DP3cMd0UQAA0LVy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Krita's default blending brush (brush name is blender_blur)

Block in the solid shading and then go over it with the blending brush to smooth it out.

>> No.3321121

Is each color on a separate layer?
I know, noob question.
I just switched to digital after sketching my whole life.

>> No.3321122

It’s so soft and appealing looking, I must have more

>> No.3321127

This is actually the first time I've tried having them on separate layers, so I'll describe how I did that. For the final version of the image (>>3320833), I ended up using just two colours rather than three to keep it simple.

>create a layer and fill in the flat base-color
>create a second layer with inherited alpha (ctrl+shift+g in Krita) and fill in the shading
>smooth all the shading with the the blending brush
>create a third layer and add in solid white for shininess

The inherited alpha means that the shading doesn't appear anywhere the base colour layer isn't.


>> No.3321184

>eventually be permanently banned so..
are you new?
yeah because you totally can't evade bans
also go ahead and ignore the fact there are guys that post REGULARLY furry on this board and have been for a long while
you can't do SHIT faggot. it doesn't stop people from posting furry on /v/ let alone here.

put more effort into it retard

>> No.3321253
File: 209 KB, 719x599, Sleep x Paralysis x Curse page 2 v43643.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does this look manga-ish enoug?

Still trying to figure out tones in Clip Studio Paint.

>> No.3321281
File: 1.11 MB, 2000x1100, LalisiaForms.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looking for feedback on this. 30 minutes sketchwork as per personal challenge.

Also, because I can, fuck/kill/marry?

>> No.3321282

You really need to go over your anatomical references, so many things are off-putting/odd on this. I'm not usually the one to call out "lrn2anatomy" and such but you might want to focus on this before worrying about the shading technique of mangas.

>> No.3321284

I can't help but enjoy the sketchiness of the piece. It reminds me of concept arts. The face is the only thing that doesn't fit, everything else is pretty great so far.

>> No.3321287

Should I ditch the 3d model tools in this program and study more anatomy then?
Tbh I been feeling like I need more practice too.

>> No.3321289

The issue with 3d model tools and assisted drawings is that if you rely on it, it's only as good as the 3D artist that made the ref material, or as good as the tool's quality. The best I can recommend is looking for nude packs of women posing naked in various poses of varying complexity. 3d.sk siterips are pretty handy imo, but it's up to you.

>> No.3321328
File: 510 KB, 1182x1822, Liliana.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Work in progress

>> No.3321364


Thanks, I'll have another VERY similar (you will understand when I post it)


Yeah, is just that I was drawing it at an angle and didn't noticed until I took the photo, I have a portable scanner but is not with me right now.

>> No.3321397

Already explained in this thread. I like ahegao and stupid-face.

Alright, I will give it until tomorrow morning after I wake up. If no one else requests another option I like better by that time, I will do this.

Relax bro.

>> No.3321407

Thanks so much!
I’ll try that on my next piece.
Is me, by the way. I am terrible at lineart and coloring but hoping to get better.
Also it turned out I already followed you on pixiv and didn’t realize it

>> No.3321611


I agree they were way to big AND long, but wouldn't she still have love handles? I mean, curved outwards?


I think the shading is good but aren't the arms to long? the neck to short and the torso to deep?

>> No.3321681

mah nigga

>> No.3322502
File: 1.20 MB, 1500x1180, La Brava sketch page.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks, I actually try to keep tighter line work generally, since I ink a lot. I think I was gonna paint that though so I allow myself to be loose.

>> No.3322521
File: 246 KB, 2048x1644, New Canvas 01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3323019

You have some nice rhythms going on. Looks like you had fun with it.

>> No.3323102
File: 222 KB, 525x866, gobbo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I, too, like shortstacks

>> No.3323160
File: 407 KB, 721x886, Capture3333.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First time painting along with my very first (almost) complete piece. Would greatly appreciate all thoughts before I continue.

>> No.3323162

thats got to be the most disgusting looking flame ive ever seen.

>> No.3323165

Shut up nosebro, you never have gone further than sketch state.

>> No.3323292
File: 695 KB, 1057x1500, sharc_teroshortstack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're pretty good.

>> No.3323352

Stiff pose. Check her hip angle. Angle it down from her weight bearing leg and give her torso a pinch to emphasize that she is shaking her hips as she walks. Exaggerate. Especially with Unrealistic characters.

>> No.3323413

How come there's never any male short stacks? Does it just not have the same appeal?

>> No.3323436
File: 28 KB, 512x512, mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone know any places to find good reference pics? I'm hoping to draw porn where both parties are visible. digging though porn is irritating. Most of the time it's female focused.

>> No.3323438

digging through *live action video porn

>> No.3323439

i like them and whoever disagrees is a faggot because my opinion is holy word and factually correct

>> No.3323444

what an asshole.

>> No.3323452
File: 20 KB, 112x112, sad cat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i was just joking, sorry

>> No.3323460

I dunno, I feel like I've seen it before, but the "scene" is mostly people wanting to fuck female goblins so it's not too suprising.

Be the change you want to see I guess?

>> No.3323471
File: 97 KB, 391x682, Screenshot from 2018-02-26 11-14-17.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not sure about this one so far

>> No.3323511

I have drawn a couple male ones actually. Maybe I'll do some more sometime.
I just wondered why I was so alone with it ;_;

>> No.3323518

I use /gif/ and look up the source for those short vids that I like.

>> No.3323589
File: 240 KB, 999x937, 0ni.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well i know how i feel about it. your stuff is hot, dude

wip, obsessed with best monster

>> No.3323614
File: 510 KB, 829x577, Screenshot (29).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im really proud of this because it was a do-over of a previous slapped together idea, but critique is welcome

>> No.3323690

Her right arm is too short. If she put her arm down resting position her fingers would reach maybe a bit below her butt cheek. The tips of the fingers should reach about halfway down the thigh. It is not a position. (And the arm would not appear greatly foreshortened in that position and angle). I would personally make her hands a bit bigger too. I think it would balance her head and bottom heaviness out more. Looks good otherwise.

>> No.3323698
File: 2.14 MB, 1278x1400, test.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this passable as an amateur color attempt?

>> No.3323702

Skin feels dead, largely because of the single skin tone. Add in different color temperatures to stimulate light hitting the translucency of skin and just how skin isn't just one color.

If you're the typesetter/translator, it's "every time" every time.

>> No.3323763
File: 168 KB, 630x734, 0ni2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ah hell you're right, thanks for catching that. trying out different proportions seems i overlooked some basic stuff.

i stretched it out a bit more and it feels better for now. i'll take another look at it tomorrow with fresh eyes

>> No.3323764


>> No.3323817

Actually wouldn't mind drawing malestack domming larger women, I assume though you're more interested in the men.

Post them here when you get the chance!

>> No.3323823
File: 216 KB, 630x734, proportions.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it's fine for the most part, but just needs some more adjustments on the proportions.

Maybe you were just going for something more exaggerated, but here's my attempt.

>> No.3323827

oi mate, her bush is growing a bit too high there. Women dont have stomach hair like that. Not up to their navel.

>> No.3323862
File: 879 KB, 1200x1200, bonuscake.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I think I'm done. Icing looks kind of shitty but whatever.

>> No.3323866

the table has the wrong perspective. We are clearly looking up at her but we are staring directly at the table

>> No.3323880
File: 130 KB, 704x704, Screenshot from 2018-02-26 19-26-26.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought it might look fine if you assume her knees were bent, but maybe not.

Does this look better or worse?

>> No.3323887

Oh right, just now noticed that shes hiding her arms behind her back, I guess she has to have her hip lifted if that is the case. But her tits are still hanging downwards so it doesnt look like her body is tilted back.
Man its complicated. You have to weigh your options here, either ignore that she is hiding her hands then you should ajust the table a little bit more, or you adjust the table and change her hands too, or you show that her knees are in fact bend and she is tilting back by also chaning her breasts. I really like the picture but to make it flawless you might have to get complicated. Sorry for making things that hard. Maybe just ignore what I said and move on to the next.

>> No.3323897

Yeah, I might just cut my losses on this one. Thanks for the help, though.

>> No.3323968

its a fetish thing bro

i was indeed going for something exaggerated, but i do like the correction in the hips.. though i'm not convinced on the head? looks quite large

>> No.3323970

So you are like gay or bi and like women having male hair?

>> No.3323974

wouldn't say its quite that; though there might be something to how assertive i find it.

i'd say i'm just a fan of the vintage beaver.

>> No.3323976
File: 676 KB, 721x522, dissapointment.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

b- but why up to the navel

>> No.3323989

some of them actually do, and god damn it's hot

>> No.3324003

Still not there. You may not be seeing it because her legs are cut off so it is skewing your sense of proportion? Fingertips go halfway down the thigh. Straighten her arm in your head. It's reaching to the end of her butt.

And the other guy is right the ear is too small.

>> No.3324193
File: 1.81 MB, 2000x2600, tempo drunks lol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3324283

>Post them here when you get the chance!
They weren't porn though. In fact they didn't even have any genitalia. Maybe I'll draw some actual porn ones though and post those.

>> No.3324606
File: 264 KB, 2000x1145, cavewoman-pov-side-by-side.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Process so far, so many layers.

>> No.3324717

Looks like that small cranium autist except decent.

>> No.3324807
File: 868 KB, 1200x1200, bonuscakeb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

alt version

>> No.3324849
File: 447 KB, 1000x1000, niuncensor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this one's an easier read

kek. i thought the same

big bush comin thru

>> No.3324857

Damn, I thought the same thing.

>> No.3325080 [DELETED] 
File: 286 KB, 1080x935, sai_2018-02-27_10-00-47.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3325199

I think the eyes are too small/centered. There's too much space between them and the edge of her face. I think that's the most noticeable issue.

>> No.3325211
File: 1.81 MB, 1545x1657, Tris and Tempo1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like the eyes and mouth are fucked- IS the head too small?

I was toying around with a bad sketch yesterday and made this I'm trying to understand 'squish' I such at it.

>> No.3325228

Thoughts? And no it isn’t traced.

>> No.3325264


There is nothing in this picture that warrants a fuckton of layers. As it currently is, you would get by with a layer for the background, a layer for the lineart, and a layer for the flat colours. Streamline your process, it will help you in the long run. As for the drawing itself, it's prettt bad. Did someone tell you it looks traced? That is because the figures are stiff and unnatural as fuck. Do more gesture drawings. You also have some fucky foreshortening going that adds to the traced suspicion. Do hip studies and perspective studies. Do studies on what makes an appealing face. Study how hair looks. STUDY ANATOMY. Your colours are all kinds of horrible, the areola is not a perfect hot pink circle. Etc. Etc
Etc. Study.

>> No.3325302

You will never be able to UNDERSTAND how soft tissue works if you don't first understand perspective. That's what your artworks lack the most.

>> No.3325316
File: 294 KB, 1080x930, sai_2018-02-27_17-22-04.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it better now Anon ? I did what i can but im still not satisfied we it, i feel like there's something weird.

>> No.3325321
File: 172 KB, 700x973, understanding perspective.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Perspective? is that math shit?

>> No.3325326
File: 45 KB, 480x680, 1516479597254.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3325342

Agreed, I should endeavour to fixing that and streamline it.

No one said anything of the sort, I just wanted to be preemptive about it. I agree that it looks stiff, and I have some ideas to deal with that.

Part of the goal is a replication of another artists style, so I get the understanding that the face seems off. Not trying to replicate true reality, more comic book style really.

agreed, and that was certainly a base color. More to work on though.

Thank you very much for taking the time to type that out. Screencapping for future reference.

>> No.3325353
File: 531 KB, 1013x1575, tumblr_p4tgoajiKy1utvit0o1_r1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you really get popular without knowing much about anatomy?

>> No.3325357

Gotta get some ointment for that rash, son. Animu or no animu, that's some serious condition she's got going on back there...

>> No.3325358
File: 929 KB, 1080x360, IMG_20180227_170528.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's better than drawing from your head

Piece of shit you couldn't be more wrong, drawing from your head is the best thing, if you keep tracing your art will become basic and boring, because your creating a style from just copying reality.

>> No.3325359
File: 90 KB, 497x409, kirkdou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you have fuck you style like gashi gashi or John Kricfalusi

Then again, they do know anatomy and mostly do cartoony stuff as a stylistic choice

pic related is John Kricfalusi

>> No.3325362

the guy looks weird, dude. you spent all your work making animu look pretty that you forgot to spend a little more time with the guy in the pic.

Give him some love, add some pubes, and make his lower half look, like the lower half of his body. That's what throwing you off.

>> No.3325363

hey calm down. I know the valium hasn't kicked in, but there's no need to call him a piece of shit.

>> No.3325368
File: 52 KB, 640x617, 1519375044926.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Getting triggered by a basic care free insult

>> No.3325370

She needs an ass in the pic, bro. She looks like she's standing up and giving him a tit job. And not all faces are money shots for the camera, she can do with a worried look on her face or her mouth wide open. Cavewoman's a hot piece of ass, be sure to show that more if you choose to continue with this work.

I can draw you out some pointers if you'd like, but after I come home from work if that's cool and you're still around.

>> No.3325371

>Triggered reply


>> No.3325382

I’ve been monitoring these threads like a hawk so I’ll still be around.

I was thinking about that in reading the others guys response. Definitely need to do more with the face, been playing it too safe.

>> No.3325395

Why has the skill level decreased so much in this general?

>> No.3325405

You got here.

>> No.3325453
File: 31 KB, 347x631, page_012_red.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3325460
File: 94 KB, 1803x774, dfgsdfgsdhdfgh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ocassionally, I get bitten by the bug of eroticism

>> No.3325462

nice fucking face

>> No.3325487

Thank you for the inspiration

>> No.3325496

nice feets stealing that pose

>> No.3325563

Like the other anon said, give the guy some love too. He looks absolutely half-assed.

>> No.3325612

You use very cold palettes in your paintings my dude, try using warmer hues with the characters being the warmest part. Cool light and very warm shadows can do wonders. It's for the appeal's sake, remember, cold makes dicks shrink.

Try putting an overlay layer filled with dark orange on top and playing around with the opacity, see how it affects the atmosphere.

Nice colors. The issue with her lower region is not the bush itself (it's a mighty fine bush, might I say) it's that you left out her pubic arch completely.
There's a staircase design to this area, you can even feel it on yourself: soft belly > hard bone > soft genitals. The bony arch shows up on the surface as a panty-shaped desaturated depression, it's fairly visible on my previous quotation, and it makes the vag look extra soft by contrast.

>> No.3325630
File: 2.00 MB, 2000x2000, Terry_torture_2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3325758
File: 28 KB, 564x609, cee1a124682a76f4a2b8a802e82a0a45--frank-frazetta-ink-drawings.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to agree with >>3325612 completely.

Pic related is a prime example of what he is talking about. There is that belly that connects with the front of the hip and then dips with a mound of flesh that makes up the crotch/vagina.

Frazetta renders/draws that a lot and he does is expertly.

>> No.3325763
File: 256 KB, 1000x1021, hmm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im disturbed...

>> No.3325785

>Cool light and very warm shadows can do wonders. It's for the appeal's sake, remember, cold makes dicks shrink.
I'll try to keep this in mind, thanks.

>Try putting an overlay layer filled with dark orange on top and playing around with the opacity, see how it affects the atmosphere.
Thanks, that's a pretty useful trick to know.

Do you think that >>3320833 suffers the same problem? I'm wondering if it's mostly caused by the background in >>3324807

>> No.3325787


>> No.3325863

Love it. I might add a few small line "notations" where parts of her body and especially the tentacles hit the ground. The body feels grounded, but it's difficult to tell if the arms and legs are floating in midair or laying down on something. If she's instead floating through the water, maybe the add small streams of bubbles? Nothing too over the top, just something small to ground the pic to the shape around it. Really like where you're going with it though.

>> No.3325869
File: 305 KB, 1500x1500, cavewoman-povcritique.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I flipped it and went over it to play with the idea of fixing it somewhat.

(reupload to a smaller file)

>> No.3325871
File: 166 KB, 1500x1500, cavewoman-pov2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then I decided to redo the whole pose from scratch. Only the mouth used any reference.

>> No.3325876

i see exactly what you guys mean. I did feel a bit confused painting the area. I've got some studies to do i suppose.

thanks for the feedback !

>> No.3325919

the artist of the pic you posted I think has a fairly solid understanding of anatomy. He's at the least able to contort his bodys in visibly pleasing ways without looking too stiff or falling apart with complex positions.

>> No.3325967

You are making the basic mistake every impatient beginner artist makes. You jumped into figure drawing instead of first learning perspective and improve your hand to eye coordination with simpler stuff.
Congrats for giving up a few months from now. Trust me, this is what is going to happen. Failed beginner artist 101.

>> No.3326162

thanks for posting your work. this really makes me realize that these are the types of people this board is made up of and that i shouldnt take anybody seriously on here if i dont know their work. wew.

>> No.3326164

GTFO dunning kruger. Seriously. You have no idea how fucking bad your art is.
Listen to this if you want proper advice -> >>3325967

>> No.3326184

Can’t give up if I draw every day, rain or shine.

>> No.3326186

Vongrauen you degenerate

>> No.3326189

That's what all failed beginner artists think.

>> No.3326197

Doubt many beginning artists actually think, that's the problem.

>> No.3326198

My point exactly.

>> No.3326203

>My point exactly.
Now that just makes no sense senpai.

>> No.3326218
File: 282 KB, 1700x1664, cavewoman-pov3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well further work on it. Just need to get the girl figured out, the guy can be adjusted.

It might just come down to angle, I love drawing perspective stuff. Even if I am terrible at it, just need guidance.

>> No.3326221

Also, new thread when?

>> No.3326338
File: 1.40 MB, 1737x1237, LalisiaV2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Complete redesign of >>3321281

Any better/worth some attention now?

>> No.3326423
File: 166 KB, 509x810, lillie43.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

couple of concerns. if i'm trying to make a plump, small butt.. what's my main issue here? i think its in the width of the hips, though maybe the twist? should we not be seeing so much of the lower back?

>> No.3326550

Flipping the image won't help this out too much, because it's only mirroring the mistakes to the left. It's a good chance to see what you still need work on, and new problems to correct can arise as well, like the stiff neck. Go back and loosen that a bit, don't make it too rigid.
See, now going back and starting from scratch helped you, because you found a better expression, and Cavewoman's dropped her arms back to hold her tits in place, which seems more realistic than your first try. Try it yourself, pretend to hold imaginary tits in your hands and you'll feel more comfortable, right? Keep working on this, man. Experiment some more, you're on the right track. It's not a finished drawing yet, but it can be.
You're good here, but watch out for that dick and how it's positioned. Cocks bend back when they're getting tit fucked, so don't let that perspective throw you off. The neck line's a bit better, but her head is still a bit stiff, cock it to the side a bit—pun intended. And remember that tits don't wrap around like that unless they're a B cup or smaller. Cavewoman's got some nice double D tits, use those to your drawing advantage and let them titties engulf the cock. :)

>> No.3326584

Ya, I was trying to find a balance with the size of the cock in relation to the tits. Yet it seems my issue in drawing Meriem (even 3 years ago) always seems to be not drawing her tits big enough.

Now that I'm looking at it again I am most certainly not doing her double D's any justice.

Thank you.

>> No.3326621


Also, the breasts seem a tad too far apart, making her upper torso seem a little too wide.

>> No.3327029
File: 156 KB, 509x810, lilbutt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think the biggest issue is the center. When the part where the two butt cheeks connect takes over too much, it makes the ass look huge. You'd need to tone it back a bit so her actual crotch shows a bit.

Maybe something more like this?

>> No.3327129

Hmm the proportions definitely look more in line with the character, that bum just fits on there nicely. i wanted a bit more oomph but its hard to argue against a cute butt like that. i'll see what I work out.

thanks for your time it really helps.

>> No.3327802
File: 77 KB, 736x723, 7e2ef23b100aba9973461686a69ef742.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3328118
File: 619 KB, 3339x1133, asdsadds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

open to crits/ redlines

>> No.3328392

Interesting.. Sort of abstract.. You should really color in the black guy though.. he looks like an invisible man right now...
Is this traditional media? what kind of paints is it?? is it on a canvas?? so many questions.

>> No.3328539
File: 181 KB, 1052x1800, cavewoman-pov2b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I'm not complete and I'll need to clean up the lines and give them some weight. Her left arm needs a little touch up to give it a bit better perspective or the muscles themselves need a little more refinement. Colour will change, just using it to help differentiate.

Found a video of Danni Ashe giving a titfuck for the reference on enveloping the cock.

>> No.3328543
File: 136 KB, 1500x928, warmup25s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since I was looking at her vids and using them for reference I came across one of her other vids and paused it to draw from. Might use this pose for something later.

All eyeballed, colour work as well.

>> No.3328566

Her right should is too large and out of place. Will have to re-arrange it. Plenty of work left to do.

>> No.3328582
File: 406 KB, 1113x1133, overwatchmercy2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


i see its oil

line'd out

>> No.3328583
File: 246 KB, 1113x1133, version2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3328651
File: 735 KB, 2000x2500, sexy boy pratice.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just some warm up sketches.

>> No.3328672
File: 172 KB, 530x843, gob.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

got some somewhat messy sketch book stuff

>> No.3328673
File: 303 KB, 691x948, centauress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

horsepussy inc

>> No.3328735
File: 650 KB, 1113x1133, fggf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


update then a fap then a sleep

>> No.3328790

bitch wtf, this looks better than 90% of the stuff here

post her face please

>> No.3328904
File: 2.93 MB, 1836x2914, 20180114_212346.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So how's this?

>> No.3328949

* too much space between left (her right) eye and edge of the face
* right (her left) shoulder is too big
* boobs look like balloons tapped to a surface
* the space between her crotch and her waist needs to be increased, she technically doesn't have hips so much as her legs just attach directly to her waist

>> No.3329169

Also she has a to small cranium and her right arm (from our perspective) is completely broken. And i dont know if i agree with your vision of abstracting the knees. Looks quite ugly to me. Also why her index finger on the left one so long? Her navel is too low probably, but you also forgot the hip so.
Also all the other stuff the other anon said.

>> No.3329271

Two anuses and pussy in the belly. Make the lower anus the pussy and you're good.

>> No.3329285

Holy shit lolis on 4chan? Alert the presses immediately!