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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 33 KB, 893x465, templkfkftgktkkg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3311911 No.3311911 [Reply] [Original]

If y'all were on the fence about getting CSP, now is a great time.

>> No.3311936
File: 458 KB, 256x256, 1513962771807.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is EX worth it for normal illustration?

>> No.3311941

Serious question, is this any worth over SAI or PS or krita? Dont feel like spending money but I heard its great for drawing doujinshis.

>> No.3311942

I'd like to know as well but I'm also gonna do some simpler webcomics on the side.

>> No.3311943

What if I already have manga studio?

>> No.3311997

So why should I get this over Krita?
I'm a noob so explain what's better about this over Krita.

Also Krita barely takes up resources which I like. I only have 4GB of RAM on my tablet

>> No.3312013

Ex has only more features for anime and comics

>> No.3312062

If you like Krita, keep using it, I have both and I still prefer Krita. Clip Studio has some nice default brushes for inking stuff and much better vector drawing shit, that's basically it.

>> No.3312071

CSP has built in animation support and mannequins.

There's a fuckin demo guys, just DL it and see if it's for you, you've got five days till the sale is over.

>> No.3312085
File: 560 KB, 600x800, 1518714730120.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw pirated both

>> No.3312087

Pirating isn't hard you know, all of us could do it.
I think what CSP's company is offering is well worth the amount they're asking, so I paid for it.

>> No.3312091
File: 332 KB, 711x758, L1XnLwd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this. plus you dont get access to the free shit they offer if you pirate

>> No.3312111

>tfw buying a new copy of EX is the same price as upgrading to EX from pro
otherwise been pretty good so far

>> No.3312157

i use mspaint for drawing, convince me to buy this

>> No.3312172

This isn't one of those new subscription software shit is it? I know a few other companies are adopting this under the guise of "support".

>> No.3312179

No. Pay once get it forever. I wish more companies offered such deals for their programs. Adobe's subsciption services are a joke.

>> No.3312180

I tired to buy it and it just showed me an error message that they aren't allow to sell this to the chinese. I get australia is close to china but still. Guess I won't be buying it.

>> No.3312187

Makes sense to me. Otherwise everyone would just buy Pro and immediately upgrade to EX at a discount.

>> No.3312189

No. And subscription programs like that are a massive scam that's only "ok" because big companies are doing it.

>> No.3312191

Very tempting deal. How good is CSP for actual painting? so far Ive been using SAI 2, and with custom square brushes with textures and rotation locks its worked fine, but there just seems to be more to brushes than that from what ive seen on PS

>> No.3312196

I'm poor and would rather pirate first. Could you guys give me a proper comparison of Sai, PS, Manga Studio, and CSP?

My computer has an input delay when I draw in Photoshop but has all the tools I need while every other program is smooth but doesn't have enough tools and is more specialized and specific. I often just switch from program to program, but I'm getting annoyed with not being able to use just the one.

>> No.3312200

Think of it this way. CSP is like Photoshop geared more for drawing/painting while SAI is like Photoshop lite; with all the excess non-painting features cut out.

>> No.3312206

Hmm.. Oki.

Does CSP have any bloat to it? I dont really enjoy the feeling of heavy duty software. What I liked most about sai was how lightweight it felt

>> No.3312207

>Could you guys give me a proper comparison of Sai, PS, Manga Studio, and CSP?
SAI is lightweight. It has all the basic features you'd want for digital art, but lacks more advanced and helpful features of other programs. It's advantage is in its ease and overall stability.

Photoshop is the industry standard. It wasn't ever made for art specifically, but the many tools and functions it has have made it very popular. Particularly good program if you ever want to print physical copies. It's also the most bloated and expensive and has switched to a rather dumb subscription model.

Manga Studio and CSP are really the same program. It's like SAI in that it's like a stripped down Photoshop, but it adds a lot of features and tools for digital artists SAI simply doesn't have. It's sort of in between the other two.

Each have their own strengths and weaknesses. Just start off with whichever one appeals to you most. I recomend either SAI or CPS as SAI is cheap and CPS goes on sale often and can be upgraded from the cheaper version if the tools of EX appeal to you.

Not terribly so. It runs faster than Photoshop in any case based on my personal use. It can be complex coming in from SAI, but it won't take too long to get beyond the learning curve.

>> No.3312419
File: 321 KB, 555x594, 1516102778454.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>paying for software
>paying for specialized anime drawing software
>falling for "specialized anime drawing software" meme

>> No.3312422


begone crab

>> No.3312426

Thanks, gonna stay with my FOSS

>> No.3312427
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>calls someone crab

>> No.3312429

Most drawing programs have stabilizers these days anon. Shitpost in a faster board if you must, but forced ignorance is easily dealt with here.

>> No.3312431
File: 54 KB, 695x699, skkvilpcock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Oh so you're an idiot as well. Only an idiot doesn't know the purpose of what a stabilizer does. I'll be nice and inform you so you don't make yourself look extremely stupid next time.

The stabilizer is there to help you mimic the friction of hand to paper as in the real world. By default, a low stabilization is actually ideal but you raise the number for greater control as if you were pressing on your paper to stabilize for increased precision.

>> No.3312434

Get a job you worthless NEET.

>> No.3312438
File: 2 KB, 225x225, PS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No thanks, I already have the only program I'll need as a professional :)

>> No.3312439

Man, I've read some dumb shit on this board.
But do you actually believe the drivel you wrote? What the fuck?

>> No.3312461


Google the definition of stabilization.

>> No.3312463

everyone take note of this. csp is fucking garbage. "drawing program" my ass

>> No.3312464

Google the definition of dunning-kruger effect.

>> No.3312465

its called a stabilizer to stablize your shitty wobbly lines that your weak ass gazelle arms/wrist cant control, otherwise u have professionals that draw well off in photoshop including anime line art faggo

>> No.3312466


Just did, saw your art right next to it.

>> No.3312469

Do you have a form of stabilization in real life, yes or no?

>> No.3312471

no thats why stabilizers are unethical it has nothing to do with "mimicing" anything its a terrible auxiliary

>> No.3312472


Well you're wrong. I rest my case, crab.
>thats why stabilizers are unethical

Literally go on pixiv right now and you'll see all the "professionals" have their stabilizer set to their preferable number. To have it on 0 because some /ic/ moron says it's for people with a grandmas hand is what a misinformed individual would say.

>> No.3312474
File: 193 KB, 1464x808, testing134.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll even go for you. 1 random click and...?

>> No.3312475

kid, ive done plenty of line art on photoshop and sai with 0 stab im sorry your arm is shit at control
you dont know what youre talking about, now begone faggo

>> No.3312476
File: 150 KB, 1144x580, testing444.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Sup gramps. Feeling retarded yet?

>> No.3312477
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>> No.3312478
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>> No.3312480

retarded for what? not using handicap plugins? literally anything worthwhile is done in Photoshop that doesn't have an existing stabilizer, you know why? because its un fucking necessary, the only people who complain about this are the ones with terrible control and having a cintiq completely makes this utterly useless


feeling retarded yet?

>> No.3312482

You have no way to prove there isn't a plugin being used. The pro Japs use cintiqs and still use stabilization. You're only handicapping yourself.

>> No.3312483
File: 26 KB, 390x473, ss+(2018-01-12+at+03.22.55).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Most drawing programs have stabilizers these days
But MUH STABILIZERS is only argument weebs have when they shill their SUPERIOUR WAIFU GENERATION SOFTWARE.
>it's uhh ehh uhhh better for lineart and uhh ehmm don't have all the functions you don't really need and uhh umm PHOTOSHOP IS ACTUALLY A PHOTO EDITING TOOL HAHA XD

>> No.3312484
File: 12 KB, 258x245, 354deaa3770912621bb816da070346ab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>posts anime

>> No.3312486
File: 24 KB, 419x351, 1506100539667.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thread about a sale on anime software
>not bringing up professional artist who are established in THEIR industry
>muh (((industry))) standturd
Now I know you're shitposting. But it's understandable; you're regurgitating everything you've been told and you hold onto others beliefs as fact without doing your own research. Such is the life of a crab on /ic/.

>> No.3312490
File: 58 KB, 480x480, 3744009-2590023-oh-you-make-me-cry-laughing-meme-rage-face-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thread about a sale on anime software
>anime software
Wait, you fags actually take this marketing gimmick seriously?

>> No.3312492
File: 60 KB, 512x671, LovesShadow2_Sandys.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

have any notable (web?)comics been made with this software?

>> No.3312509

Yes but piracy offers the same thing for free, it is objectively the better deal.

>> No.3312511

lol wat, uve never used a cintiq before have you

>> No.3312512

I have one on my desk. Try again lol.

>> No.3312515

ur a lost cause banana boi, have fun with ur handicap plugin

>> No.3312521


Have fun shitposting in another thread reciting things /ic/ beginners told you.

>> No.3312523

Whenever I want a line to look a certain way, I simple draw it that way.
On paper, on my cintiq with Photoshop, on whatever.

>> No.3312534

Nobody gives a shit about your process. I dislike using stabilization tools too, that doesn't mean I'm an overall better artist than those that use them. Plenty of artists use 3D models too and you might call it a "handicap" but in reality no one gives a fuck if you do or don't. You can train your hand to draw nothing but straight lines for a year - someone with a ruler will get the same job done in a under a minute.

>> No.3312539

Whenever I want a line to look a certain way, I simply draw it that way.

>> No.3312546

Faster and cheaper than Photoshop
More complex brush engine
Anything can be a vector layer to be scaled and distorted without pixelation
Better animation timeline
Tools specifically for comic paneling and creating rotationally symmetrical designs
Stabilizers so I can draw my waifu better

>> No.3312547

Post your franchise.

>> No.3312549

> I'm gonna post ebin memes
> That'll show 'em!

>> No.3312552
File: 40 KB, 1080x1350, 27576515_142681356543648_678105826287681536_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no tooltips

uninstalled right there

>> No.3312553
File: 308 KB, 1220x2485, franchise wip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3312578


that's a decent portrait
and i usually hate digital

>> No.3312585

>More complex brush engine
LOL u must be new.

>> No.3312593

ttly xD

>> No.3312607

Can you really only animate in EX and not Pro? I thought you could do it in both

>> No.3312612

You can, but I think Pro is only a second.

>> No.3312615

I'd prefer supporting companies so they keep making programs better and offer good prices than pirate it. Come on, it's not like it's $100. It's not even $50. Even a jobless teenager can get that amont of cash easily and pay for this program.

I understand you, I used to pirate a lot when I was younger. But $25 is nothing and I don't have to deal with having problems with updates, fishy sites or shitty cracks. If drawing is something you do very often, it's worth it.

>> No.3312621

I feel like the cursor lags worse than PS, is there something I should tinker with?

>> No.3312622

Go to Preferences -> Tablet and try changing the priority.

>> No.3312640

>literally has no argument

>> No.3312660

The stuff in your image are distributed for free, though. I have some of them

>> No.3312936

Turn off your adblocking. I got redirects too until I allowed the right scripts.

>> No.3312968

>look mommie i shitposted on /ic/ real good can i get tendies now

>> No.3312969

>have any notable (web?)comics been made with this software?
Menage a 3 and all the Pixie Trix webcomics are drawn with it.

>> No.3312980

wow... youre so funny

>> No.3313100

Should I just get pro if I don't plant on making comics?

>> No.3313109

>banana boi
fucking kek

>> No.3313269

Literally how, all the tpb links are dead

>> No.3313393

so basically this program draws for me and all i have to do is trace?
if so lol, guess im buying it

>> No.3313407

why do people buy things who cares if its cheap if you can get it for free

>> No.3313409

I like to support products that interest me.

>> No.3313433

Do you know how economics work, by any chance?

>> No.3313493

photoshop has a stabaliser now....

>> No.3313545

pirated it and can also access the free shit online

>> No.3313586

Is CSP worth it for 2s animation? Or there exists better software? Is Corel Painter for animation comparable?

>> No.3313588

2d animation (corrected)

>> No.3313605
File: 65 KB, 1280x720, DrawingFreehand.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>things sai and csp users can't do

>> No.3313618

Apparently Krita's animation tool is great, I haven't used it yet.

>> No.3313625


>> No.3313649

Well the cheaper version allows only 24 frames total, so you're not wrong with "2s".

>> No.3313822

Lmao get on cgpeers scrub

>> No.3313825

>First thing site shows me is my IP


>> No.3313848


I hated the timeline so it's no good for me. But you can give it a shot, pretty sure it's in the trial version as well.

>> No.3314045

OP is based

Always avoided sales because it was only for the pro version. Glad I finally own EX.
Its also an upgrade for me from Manga Studio 5. The new features are so small but make a HUGE difference. I also tested on my Windows Tablet and touch support is surprisingly excellent.

All I hope for now is a sale for Design Doll and I think I'd have all the software I need

>> No.3314047

Every site you browse gets your IP. That's how the internet works homie

>> No.3314058

>krita barely takes up resources

>> No.3314060

Yeah I know, but most sites aren't in your face about it.

>> No.3314439


Draw with their left hand?

>> No.3314527

krita has built in animation support too

>> No.3314550
File: 189 KB, 1440x390, jp clip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, what do I do about this? I don't remember selecting a language when installing, but is there a way to make it English?

>> No.3314551

It asked what language you wanted in the install.

>> No.3314552

Damn. Can I change it from here or do I need to reinstall?

>> No.3314559

>paying for programs

>> No.3314574

Anyone else using Medibang for comics and Krita for everything else (like painting)? I would just use Krtia for everything but Medibang comes with awesome resources for making comics.

I think MSpaint's text tool is probably even better than Krita's.

>> No.3314588

We get it, you're proud of being a parasite. We got the message the first time.

>> No.3314611

I could never find a working English crack, so I just bought it anyway. 25 bucks isn't too much. I can make that back in a quick sketch commission

>> No.3314759

It doesn't make any sense.

You wouldn't get any discount by doing as you suggest since the price for buying pro and then upgrading combined should be the same as just buying a new Ex. The way it is now they are giving existing customers a worse deal and that's a pretty shitty move on their part.

>> No.3314773

Oh, I thought you meant that buying EX or buying Pro and then upgrading to EX come out to the same price, and that's a problem.

>> No.3314780

Learn to read.

Currently you can buy the Ex which includes Pro for the same price an existing Pro customer needs to pay to upgrade to the Ex features. Pro already have most of the Ex features.

There's literally no reason to upgrade. If you want Ex and got Pro then just buy a new Ex which already include Pro. That's the problem.

>> No.3314787

That's what he wrote. The post he replied to thought existing pro users would get a benefit if they subtracted the pro's price when upgrading from pro to ex.

>> No.3314927

Is it normal for CSP to take up more resources than PS?

>> No.3315108

Is there any reason to use this over photoshop other than price or because it runs on your toaster better than photoshop?

>> No.3315238

The price certainly helps but there are a lot of other factors. I'm very familiar with PS from a photo editing, manipulating, and designing standpoint. Try the demo and you'll see, but it never really feels like you're in a program made for painting (not a knock on any of the things you can make with PS/any painting program). I'm not using as many keyboard shortcuts and layers to do normal things, and the tool/brush defaults by default are a lot better and easy to customize/surface customization options. It lets me focus on the work and not how I'm trying to get around the limitations of the program. How vectors can be integrated for linework allows for some really cool features like adjusting weight after you've drawn a line. There are enough unglamorous quality of life features that make the $25 well worth it, and you can export it to Photoshop to finish up there. I've used some programs that already had some features like Krita but having another resource with the Asset "store" is always nice to have for inspiration.


Painting with transparency is another feature I like (using the brush you have selected to act as an eraser instead of having to import the brush as an eraser). There's other features you can find demos of on youtube but those are what sold me on buying it. I will say there might be some performance settings I have to tweak but there are some occasional slowdowns.

>> No.3316240

I just bought it. If it wasn't for your thread I would've missed the discount, so thanks for making me save 20€ anon.

>> No.3316275

Is the animation in csp good? Since Im considering getting EX, otherwise I just take PRO and animate with other program.

>> No.3316283

Test it out before you try. I replied to another anon above, the timeline is utter crap, very unintuitive. Just give it a shot and try for yourself.

>> No.3316285

Krita has the best animation timeline, CSP's is shit but it's a step up from photoshop's

>> No.3316291

...and by best animation timeline I mean that in the literal sense-not just vs CSP and Photoshop. I have used every mainstream animation program out there (besides Cacani I guess) and Krita shits on them all in a big way just by being so damn simple.

>it's basically flash's timeline but drawing frames are considered "exposed" until they're broken up by another drawing frame

Holy FUCK that's good my dudes.

For what it's worth CSP's isn't that bad and the program itself is extremely light weight and stable. Might still be worth it while Krita's kinks are ironed out over the next three or four years, but I kind of don't think so.

>> No.3316292

No, not particularly.

>> No.3317146

>Painting with transparency is another feature I like (using the brush you have selected to act as an eraser instead of having to import the brush as an eraser)
Fucking THIS.
When I bought it I pointed this out to my friends and they laughed at it and thought it was totally pointless. I didn't understand how potentially useful it was then either but now I use it all the fucking time. It's so much more convenient to be able to turn any brush into an eraser and it helps a ton rendering textures. Same thing with the gradient eraser. There's just so much more control.

>> No.3317590

I bought it and I like it, but I do miss Krita's easy brush managing system. Being able to make my own brush pallet and accessing everything I need on the fly without switching tabs was god-tier. Might have that in it too but I've only had it for a few days so I haven't explored everything about it yet.

>> No.3317703

Just design your own brushes or copy the ones you like into a single tab. Stuff like water color or oil painting is just brush features and those attributes don't need to be restricted to the default tabs.

>> No.3317717

I ended up going back to Krita. Couldn't be assed to get used to a new toolset that I found to actually be lacking compared to Krita, if you can believe it.

>> No.3318325

What did you find lacking? (Krita user slowly migrating to CPS here)

The only thing I found lacking is gmic (can use gmic-qt though) and painting in different colour spaces

>> No.3318332


Yeah but you still can't save your brush sets right? That's pretty ridiculous.

>> No.3318739

Tokyo ghoul

>> No.3318937

They are still there when you load it up again. I don't know if you can make a new category though but personally I've just converted the oil brush set into my own custom set that covers everything I need.

>> No.3318963


the 'manga' part of manga studio is literally just marketing, you don't need to use it for drawing anime you retard.

>> No.3318967


And I can bike to work on a unicycle, so what?

>> No.3318972

Pretty sure Tsugumomo is, but with a much older version

>> No.3319182

>upgrade to ex
>hold shift on startup becauase after a year of use my lazy ass had my brushes and settings all fucked up and mismatched everywhere
>UI is now dark, oooh
>But it's also fucking lagging the shit out of my strokes which it didn't do before, I can't make a file over 2000 some odd by 2000, the DPI changes how big I can make the file, can't go up to sizes like 5000 anymore

What the fuck did I do?

>> No.3319195


What I mean is you can't save your brushes into a single file like in Photoshop, which makes backing up, sharing and importing brushes a hassle. I periodically back up the CELSYS_EN folder to backup the brushes.

When you import brushes you need to either import then one by one or by dragging and dropping the individual .sut files into clip studio. It's messy.

>> No.3319196

You can change the UI color in preferences atleast

>> No.3320063

Fuckin rekt

>> No.3322511

You did not buy the JP one, right?

>> No.3324512

I paid 20€ for CSP because I can't afford CC and didn't want Adobe to shit on me for using pirated photoshop.