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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 22 KB, 267x323, 1515948980525.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3294539 No.3294539 [Reply] [Original]

>27 now
>no desire to create anything even though its my job
>job actually offers me a good deal of creative freedom and pays well, too
>when i was 17-22, i'd draw shitty webcomics for countless hours even though i'd never make a penny off it

Maybe there is something to the "starving artist" thing

>> No.3294541

Sounds like you're burnt out, son.

>> No.3294547

post your work

>> No.3294550

post your webcomic

>> No.3294551
File: 172 KB, 1000x1171, DBWqVv5U0AAVE8o.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dont give up!!

>> No.3294554
File: 42 KB, 791x260, 2015-08-14.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fell for the do what you love meme
>everyone always realizes too late it makes you hate what you love

>> No.3294564

First you listen to this.

Then, you shut up and you begin drawing. Drawing what? Whatever. Draw the monitor in front of you, draw your coworker, draw your pencil or your half eaten food. Then draw the same things, but in a different setting. then you keep repeatin gthe process until you are creative again.

>> No.3294619

It's not a meme if you're good at the thing you love.

>> No.3294642
File: 573 KB, 1550x2048, 294B549A-BB07-415B-8A14-14F578D81D9C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are burnt out. You should have paced yourself

>> No.3294644

Real talk why do you post this shit everywhere

>> No.3294647

Ah!! Lol

It’s motivation

>> No.3294814

>Maybe there is something to the "starving artist" thing
More like "millenial crybaby" thing.

>> No.3295299

I can't afford to be burnt out. My career is in shambles soon

>> No.3295300

Do a four-panel about the shambles that is your life

>> No.3295393
File: 656 KB, 1109x1500, birdiecomic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's kind of edgy but it actually helped me a lot. Thanks anon

>> No.3295414


>> No.3295418

fucking this. You will always end up hating your job. Never make your dream a reality so when reality sucks you can always escape reality in your dream

>> No.3295423

Hey, OP, can you make this >>3295418 into a comic?

>> No.3296841

>barely any skill
>spend hours drawing goth gurls, fantasy shit, animals, comics and had fun doing it
>now 28 and "professional"
>acquired skills
>paralyzed by blank canvas and completely unable to muster any form of creativity

how do I unfuck myself

>> No.3297675

Lol I just turned 29 and I'm in your same boat, but with photography.

Used to love it and do it all the time, now I do it professionally and make a good living from it, but I have zero drive to do it. I already have 5-6 jobs I'm behind on editing.

So instead catching up on that I started getting more into drawing to try and switch careers sometime in the future.

Assuming you don't want to change what you do, I'd say experiment with new mediums, subjects, styles, etc.

Maybe try drawing a children's book, or do some watercolor painting on location, or try sculpting. Something to give you a fresh perspective on things. And if you have the money you can catch up on what you need to do, then take a break from things for a bit

>> No.3297708

OP here. I've gone back 2 basics in an effort to rekindle my interest for art. I downloaded a bunch of videos and books.

I've found it impossible to draw unless it serves a purpose, I've given up on doing anything for pleasure, since i get no pleasure from ignoring my mountain of owed work. For visual inspiration though i'd make a twitter and then start following artists.

Thanks, sucks you're in the same boat though. Sometimes i wonder if it's just age as well. I used to be sharp as a knife, now i'm dulled and every little newb has more passion and skill than me

>> No.3298407

>be teenager
>all I wanted to do was draw, create fun comics, draw anime and vidya fanart.
>liked coming up with original characters and story ideas, but never really could plan out a story
>decided I either wanted to do comics or animation
>at 18, ended up going to the Kubert School, an art school that specialized in drawing comics, cuz I thought that's what I really wanted to do
>during school, get discouraged because I was learning how to make my work look more "professional"
>not against criticism, but it hurt to constantly be told your work isn't good enough yet
>portfolio reviews with big comic companies like DC and Marvel, few students get offers right on the spot, I'm just told I'm good but to keep working on my art
>graduate at 20, not really sure where to go at that point, not even sure what kind of artist I want to be or what kind of clients to look for because I have barely little of everything in my portfolio. Like only a few concept art pieces, a few illustration pieces, 2 sets of comic book sequences, etc
>3 years after graduation, an alumnus from Kubert School who worked at a casino game company got in touch with me that he was hiring artists who knew Adobe creative suite for a new mobile game team
>got hired, worked there for 3.5 years
>still tried to find freelance work on the side
>even started a webcomic project which led me to get a table at New York Comic Con for the first time in 2016
>January 2017 get laid off from job
>haven't found a new one since then
>now 28, still not sure what kind of artist to be or what to draw
>really enjoyed working in studio environment for social reasons, and for financial stability
>have thought about now pursuing something like storyboarding, since I really want to work for an animation or video game studio but still not 100% sure if that's what I really want to do

>> No.3298415

My biggest issue at this point is that I don't really know what I want to do in my life. I know I want to do something with art, but I don't know what to do with it.

Everytime I tell myself "Maybe I want to pursue storyboarding" I get worried that maybe I should invest my time creating comics instead, or illustration, or concept art, or cg modeling. Everytime I pick a path, I'm always worried I made the wrong choice. If I want to get comic book work, I need to build a comic book portfolio. If I want to do children's books, I need to work on a portfolio with the type of art book publishers look for.

And the worst part is, I have severe art block when it comes to ideas and subjects. Oh work for DC Comics? Only thing I creative thing I could think of is another generic pinup of Catwoman or Poison Ivy.
Start my own webcomic? I drew 7 comic strips in the past 4 years, all because I have trouble continously coming up with new ideas for comics or stories.

I'm 28 now, and until I figure out what I want to do, or do manage to land a job at a big studio doing... something, I've gone back to a cheap CUNY college to pursue a degree in Design and Digital Media in the meantime.

>> No.3298592

If you're female or willing to pretend to be one (trans) marvel will hire you right away.

>> No.3298607

>pretend to be female

Don't you mean, pretend to be Asian?

>> No.3298646

Do you have a dream project, Anon?
What is a thing you want it to exist badly, but no one else seems to be interested in doing, or no one even gets how it should be done.

>> No.3298668

I've wanted to create my own comic series.
I must have had 5 ideas I've come up with since I was a kid. I've created the characters, I've come up with the basic concept, but I don't know how to flesh out the story. Or characters I've come up for that story may not be needed in the plot. Again, it goes back to not being able to continuously come up with ideas. That, or I'm just a bad writer.

Sure, I could try to collaborate with a writer, but I wouldn't be sure how to set up that kind of partnership.

The other thing I really want to do, is work for a big name animation or game studio. Like Disney, Dreamworks, WB, Cartoon Network, Nickelodeon, etc. Not sure doing what, but with my background in drawing comics, I'm leaning a lot towards storyboarding.

A couple of years ago, a friend of a friend was pitching his cartoon idea to Nickelodeon. They had a connection with someone there and said they needed the entire first episode to be boarded as part of the initial pitch.

So I did it and ended up doing over 650 boards. I really enjoyed doing that, so I wouldn't mind pursuing something like it. So far that was the only real storyboard work I've done.

Unfortunately the pitch fell through, and with the creator's permission, I'm allowed to upload the boards to my portfolio and use them to apply to storyboard jobs, although he's still looking to pitch the show to another network, so I'm wondering if it's REALLY ok to do that to just apply for a storyboard job at... idk... cartoon network.

>> No.3298671

I guess in a nutshell, I enjoy creating my own characters, and I'm able to draw a comic or storyboard from someone else's script, but I have trouble coming up with my own stories.

>> No.3298691
File: 154 KB, 500x488, smoke-dmt-re-evaluate-reality.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DMT should do the trick. try lesser stuff if you're pussy.

>> No.3298696
File: 311 KB, 900x1318, o-POOH-900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>children's books
I wanted to do that but then I realized all the artists I like are dead and the new styles look terrible

>> No.3298731

>new styles

You mean the Disney-ish Tumblr style?

>> No.3298744

I know what you mean about wanting to make a comic but being a bad writer. I have an idea on where to start to get better at it, but it's just so less enjoyable than drawing... I would say find a friend who likes the same stuff that you like, pitch him the scenario you would like to draw and see if he has something similar he wants to write. I was fortunate enough to have a friend like that, but comics are hard, making them is the easy part, marketing them is hell, we could never figure it out.

That said, it seems you already found what you are passionate about, and you already have a foot in the door. So go ahead, fill your portfolio with concept art and storyboard and send them out.

Have you thought about pitching a cartoon yourself?

>> No.3298746
File: 39 KB, 599x555, 1517518865072.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>can count as "made it" in any sense of the word
>want to yell at anon above for half-assing everything since he'll never get anywhere
>realize i'm doing that right now

It's an abstract kind of feel

>> No.3298904

at least you made it