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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 217 KB, 409x408, GMI.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3294366 No.3294366 [Reply] [Original]

Who here NEET? How else can you normies make it if you don't grind your fundies for 10 hours a day?

>> No.3294368

i am. but i only grind 1 hour a day because i'm a lazy sack of shit that's ruining my own life.

>> No.3294369


>> No.3294371
File: 22 KB, 301x250, 1510241761138.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i only draw as a hobby
i have no intention of making money off it or "making it"

>> No.3294373

NEET for 3 years now. Barely do any drawing.
I was really gifted an opportunity of a lifetime and I wasted it away on video games and fetish porn.
Suicide imminent.

>> No.3294374

I barely have the energy to leave my bed, let alone draw. If I could, I'd draw for hours on end.

>> No.3294375

shoot for 4 hrs minimum, usually get around 6
also lift and play vidya and guitar, I've found a good balance of drawing and other stuff

>> No.3294376
File: 573 KB, 1550x2048, DE928744-F7BE-468C-B22F-40D045C5B70C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only paint 8 hours a week. I mostly rest. When I was young I drew all day in school. My grades suffer. Art school was grueling but now I can coast. Y’all niggaz are stupid to think u have to force it. Either u have it or u don’t. I am not saying kill yo self but if u don’t have it don’t think u will by drawing 10 hours a day.

>> No.3294377

this as fuck

>> No.3294382

Art is my career btw. I am a vendor

>> No.3294387
File: 83 KB, 600x424, Bmk-PaGIQAAopyT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NEET by will of parents can only be dragged on for so long. Some get away with it for years (like me, and quite likely OP) and if that's the case you're in the best position to just work your hardest every minute possible before your folks get sick of your ass.

The thing is, most NEETs are lazy. You really don't need 10 hours a day to make progress. 4 hours is plenty for the working norm and quite literally you can find ways to squeeze in extra hours such as waking up early and drawing on lunch break in your sketchbook.

I get an hour lunch and 2 generous 15 min breaks.

>> No.3294405
File: 130 KB, 1280x720, mazui_denpa_onna_to_seishun_otoko_-_02_5190bbaf-mkv_snapshot_14-03_2011-04-22_22-19-20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NEET for a decade
full studio
tons of studying
draw for hours, usually into the night
never under pressure
explore whatever i care to
never bother to share work
show my childhood drawings whenever someone asks

>> No.3294406

neets have all the time in the world but no motivation, wageslaves have barely any time but are motivated

>> No.3294411

post work

>> No.3294414
File: 786 KB, 966x2887, neet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NEET here as well brother. Feels hella good to make amazing progress while the dumb WAGEKEKS are out making money and having a life lmao. Tick tock wagies it's time for bed, time to make mr. rosenberg that money!

>> No.3294415
File: 113 KB, 904x541, childs-drawing[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3294416

Damn, that pic is just depressing all around.

>> No.3294423

What are fundies and how exactly do you grind them anyway

>> No.3294431 [DELETED] 
File: 1.66 MB, 3167x2174, gfhfghf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not me.

here you go.

>> No.3294432

read the sticky thread newfriend

>> No.3294494

neethood is okay, but i have a very broad knowledge and no coherent portfolio to speak of and am constantly frustrated

>> No.3294500


No one take advice from this anon, he's proven to be quite unreliable in advice and knowledge

>> No.3294512
File: 32 KB, 739x598, zlhfbqxfsr6y.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I like this perception some neets like this one actually has.

Doesn't know the true reality of having the right emotional maturity to balance things in his life, thus mentally paints pictures of the lifestyle they oh so dreadfully fear to be one of some kind of trap that they had successfully not fallen into.

The illusion will all come crumbling down on them, and they will know discomfort they couldn't imagine. discomfort much worse than the already established depression and mental imbalance that comes from their pornography abuse.

>> No.3294520
File: 257 KB, 1200x798, 000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish. But I would siapoint daddy and mommy vey much. I'm not even that good so I can't prove anyone that I have potential, so i'm stuck studying stem

>> No.3294521

As a NEET I make the best of my time (don't play vidya, only watch TV for half an hour), but on the downside I have to deal with constant interruptions and noise

>> No.3294522


>> No.3294537

I was, but I got severely depressed, my parents where always pestering me to find a job, I hid from my anxieties by playing videogames all the time, and I became socially inept.
Flash forward to now where I have a job. I live in a shithole apartment and both my roommates are leaving in 4 months, I'm stuck with a shitty busboy job, my skill as an artist has hardly improved, and though I have more drive to do shit, I get extremely anxious whenever I try to work on my portfolio and end up just sketching some quick shit and throwing it away.

I just hope I die quickly.

>> No.3294584

that's the attitude, people on this board would do well to follow your example

>> No.3294585

get a job you dumb neets

>> No.3294586

you should look at the image that went with that post, you missed the joke entirely.

>> No.3294626
File: 303 KB, 598x714, 93257326.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>had tons of free time in school
>waste that time playing video games, watching anime and browsing imageboards

>after that NEET for 5 years
>waste that time playing video games, watching anime and browsing imageboards

>now going to college and having barely any free time
>suddenly develop an interest for art

>> No.3294636

looks like;


>> No.3294653

Aren't neets wages slaves? How else do they buy stuff.

>> No.3294683
File: 29 KB, 371x697, 001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

started recording my sessions this is how much i spent last week and now this week

>> No.3294684
File: 29 KB, 396x385, hot choco pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Interview with the universities alumni
>He knows what he says might not even reach me but says it anyway
>"Anon, I seriously recommend you stay away from this place. I also recommend that if after a year of serious thinking you still want to pursue an arts degree then take an Illustration course instead. Just do anything other than signing up here if you want to improve at all."
>Get consistently turned down by every other university yet all my other no talent /fa/ art friends keep getting in.
>Seriously makes you think.
>Realize I'm not doing the best financially.
>If I was in that program right now I would have either dropped out from not doing boring assignments, drop out from financial problems, become mentally ill or all of the above.
>Be now.
>Work occasionally while everyone still in uni
>Slowly climbing corporate ladders and frequently jumping ship for jobs that pay more or have cool sounding titles to slap on my resume
>Never say no to my coworkers or superiors, get stepped on because I need those references.
>See a spark of hope, might be able to get my foot in for a position that pays 50k salary soon
>Stay comfy inside drawing all day and watching anime.
>My mom is perfectly fine with me staying as long as I want and continues to support me.
>I might actually make it.

>> No.3294686

I'm not gonna lie, but now that I've gotten a social life, art has become so difficult. I come back every day exhausted after partying and shit that I can barely draw anything lmao

>> No.3294695


>> No.3294705

ill last rat, do you sleep?

>> No.3294713

No. I troll and work on art. I’ll sleep when I am dead

>> No.3294746


>> No.3294747

NEET is translated as "Not in employment, education, or training." Think about this very carefully.

>> No.3294756

Ahh I forgot the employment part. Anyway how do they buy stuff with no job? No way their parents are gonna give them a place to stay for free and buy them stuff.

>> No.3294761


>> No.3294774

>No way their parents are gonna give them a place to stay for free
not if youre mexican

>> No.3294775

sounds like you have bad parents.

>> No.3294778

You still have tons of time in college. Wait until you start working to see what it means to have little free time.

>> No.3294779

>No way their parents are gonna give them a place to stay for free and buy them stuff.
i'm 23 and my parents do just that. they're supportive and believe in me making it though.

>> No.3294783

what program do you use?

>> No.3294785

parents or welfare.

i'm neeting for 3 years now feelsbadman. so much regret

>> No.3294811

You aren't NEET if you're Training to be an artist anon.

You're a normie.

>> No.3294823
File: 17 KB, 346x346, Legends meet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This holy shit.
I dunno if dropping uni was a good choice to avoid debt and still draw/get good, or a bad choice in that I will have no degree in animation.
Either way I'm a jobless fuck who's being pushed to get one, but all I wanna do is draw and drink.

>> No.3294838

its just some swf(flash) stop watch, i just start it up everytime im working on something.

>> No.3294856

>1 hour a day
>all I wanna do is draw

>> No.3294873

Now I never said anything about 1 hour a day, my dude.
I may be a lazy shmuck but I fit on average 5 - 8 hours of drawing in a day so that I don't go completely insane. Maybe 2 - 4 if I'm playing a game I love (not a lot of those anymore which is good) but apart from the vidya games and the 1 hour thing I'm essentially that anon. Should've clarified that perhaps.

>> No.3294879

Working from home here. It beats both NEET and traditional wage slaving in terms of energy left and depression levels imo.

>> No.3294887

You work freelance? Any advice on how to get into that sort of stuff?
I asked around and a lot of people, particularly family, say that you need work experience to get any kind of work.

>> No.3294890

this picture is so fucking wrong

>where is the 40 min drive to work and then again 40min back to home from work
>where is the time for all the need of going to the toilet and cooking food and eating
>where is the time for taking a shower and dress

it's more like 3-4 hours left to do for things i would actually want to live my life for it's really retarded how i need to waste 20 hours a day just for 4hours of enjoyment

i can't understand people that work and i will be a neet for the rest of my life or kill myself i nothing is there to sustain me anymore

i thought i could pick up drawing and make some money through commissions so i can stay a "neet" forever even tho i wouldn't be a neet anymore if i take commissions but atleast i could choose how much i want to work each day and when i want to work but i'm just a depressed failure with no motivation and no discipline since i basically just can end my life any time without any regrets there is nothing holding me back so why even try in the first place

>> No.3294900

Unironically spend a day or two checking everything on the freelance and workonline subreddits.

>> No.3295014

You're not a NEET but kudos to you regardless. Best wishes.

>> No.3295017
File: 311 KB, 2048x1447, artcucks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wagecucks BTFO

>> No.3295050

Spent 5 years doing my "dream job", that is 2D art for adventure games. Left completely burned out and wrecked after company changed owner and management went to shit - weekly crunching, delayed pay, constant supervision. But the worst was probably when they decided the rehaul the entire last quarter of the game, months before release. Seeing your good work go down the drain, only to be replaced by hasty half-assed job was soul-crushing.

After that I took a year off, lived off savings with a little help of my partner, but my mental state didn't really improve and my skills actually deteriorated because I allowed myself too much leeway, thinking that I'll have time for everything in the future, once I'll feel better. Hint: I never did. I had to spend weeks relearning a lot of stuff, so I actually wasted twice the time.

Now I'm mix freelance with selling my crafts/art and I'm actually doing okay. I don't make nearly as much as I did in gamedev, but I feel much happier and safer, can actually explore whatever interests me and still get some time for vidya or whatever.

>> No.3295058

Show us your work, my dude!

>> No.3295061

The mistake you guys are making is you aren't seeking a mentor.

I tried this with something and it just blew my mind. The teacher knew how to improve drastically in a way I never would have ever considered on my own. It was like I was given some big secret that everybody else practicing solo didn't have that made me improve 10x faster. That's why going this alone is so pointless when a teacher can do this for you.

A teacher know exactly how you should practice to get good. They know exactly how to inform you to get past roadblocks you have in your improvement.

Grinding for 8 hours a day doesn't matter if you're not grinding in a way that's actually going to make you good. In fact i've seen ppl from /ic/ who succeeded and got jobs at studios who said the grinding for 8 hour mentality was actually bad. When you try to improve at something it takes effort and brain power and a lot of sustained concentration. You can't do that for 8 hours. You're spending like 5 of those hours burnt out from the first 3 barely learning anything at all. Just get a teacher.

>> No.3295071

Did they teach you how to draw from imagination?
Also post work

>> No.3295073

My work isn't really that great. I'm just lucky that my job took me through like 6 different games, plus the ones I did through freelance, so now my resume looks impressive, but actually isn't, because some of it is just a single location or overpaint of 3d render.

>> No.3295077

did all of us get memed into thinking art was a good idea back in 2012 or something theres so many 20 something year olds among the neets here

>> No.3295078
File: 2.30 MB, 3377x2424, img096.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fair enough.
Sort of the same thing with a portfolio I made for a university before I dropped out.
Now that feeble thing is all I have. Now I'm just practicing drawing/animation to no immidiate avail, but it's the best I can do for now.
Pic related is something that they somehow thought was good enough even though I drew it up looking at the reference in school one day.

>> No.3295087

how unironically refreshing

>> No.3295128

There is no point and I should just die *drinks*

>> No.3295131

>Typing like an actual monkey
You have brain damage, thats all

>> No.3295147

blame conceptart.org

>> No.3295154

23 year old Mexican here, can confirm that this is the norm here, you kind of stay with your parents until the moment you decide to move away after securing a new home of your very own and social security, or you fuck up and get some kind of teenage pregnant for being a horny retard, then you have to move away and get married.

>> No.3295156

mind if you show me your portfolio im just curious what it looks like, maybe u could look at mine and give some advice? heres a disposable email, if you wana be private about it


>> No.3295163
File: 60 KB, 720x540, yCclN[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kinda similar to being Asian, except you're always tied to your family no matter what. Shit sucks.

>> No.3295174


I thought I was very much numbed and desensitized from years of using the internet but this tugs on my heart strings something fierce.

>> No.3295177

I wish I can relate, but I guess it helps to not have a batshit insane mother.

>> No.3295178

holy shit too real my friend

>> No.3295296

>NEET with depression

10 hours is impossible

>> No.3295307

It's wrong because it's not accounting that adult males between 16 to 30 don't need 8 hours of sleep unless you're a fruityboy. You can get by with 6 hours and 5 hour energy/coffee the rest. You need to to this if art is what you want to be doing later in life.

Depending on what job you do you can draw on the job or draw during breaks. So that equates to at least 1 hour. Before that you have the 2 hours I mentioned earlier from less sleep. That's 3 hours.

So in total your potential of hours is indeed 8 to 10 hours (even more if you're something like a security guard) as a work norm. Of course there are errands, taking a shit, shower etc but anyway it's very possible to do 6 to 8 hours.

Feng Zhu recommends 6 hours by the way. That's for self study people.

>> No.3295317

Dang, guess I'm a fruityboi ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

>> No.3295318
File: 36 KB, 268x265, 1500615405371.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Filthy NEET here. 5 hours on good days. Days when I feel like killing myself, it's 1 hour at best.

>> No.3295320

cut back on the hours you take it up the ass and you'll get more hours for drawing then

>> No.3295322

Half the time I'm unemployed but I do have skills and a bit of money now

>> No.3295336

Gonna go from 16 hours of drawing to 19+ hours of drawing, thanks anon.

>> No.3295342


I'd say 'my pleasure' but that's trending on your fruity tendencies.

>> No.3295371

you are right i'm in my late twenties and i need 10 hours of sleep sometimes even 12+ hours or just sleep two days straight.

but could just be my depression and people that are actually normal functional can get by with 6hours every day

>> No.3295388

>Realize how shit it looks and lose the motivation to continue
>Repeat this

>> No.3295391

Thank you, that was brilliant.

>> No.3295413

post work

>> No.3295426
File: 184 KB, 1548x671, demmme 38.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NEET here! Grinding fundies and taking a̶n̶i̶m̶e̶ ̶t̶i̶d̶d̶i̶e̶ commissions on the side to sustain. tfw bout to make it! Just keep drawing what you like and apply your knowledge alongside ample reference. Mastery comes with time!

>> No.3295559

wtf are you me?

>> No.3295608

>No way their parents gonna give them money
They do. Lots of neets live with their parents into their late 20's and older.

>> No.3295613

nightshift 5 nights a month pays my bills. I live more or less the neet life.

>> No.3295659

>grinding anything

The only thing they're grinding is their hippocampus - right into mush.

Ive been there.

>> No.3295671

cutting back on sleep is longterm probably the single dumbest thing you can do for overall productivity and creativity. 8 hours is ideal for your body, both too much sleep and too little sleep will mess with your testosterone levels and lead to depression, demotivation, feeling tired all day etc.

>> No.3295812

holy shit you are a stupid person

>> No.3295813


Sleep your 8 hours on the weekend. You can sleep plenty when you're dead.

>> No.3295823


Why do you want to be less productive? I fail to see the value.

>> No.3295830

you talk as if you actually do 8-10+ hours, but i seriously doubt a shitposter like you does anywhere near that.

Literally no one is going to wake up after 6 hours of sleep on a work day and immediately draw for 2 hours right up to the time that you leave for work. Then use up all of your break for it too. You're also not taking into any account the time used to shower, cook, drive etc. Working people can not do 8-10 hours, it would be too mentally exhausting for starters.

>> No.3296299


My schedule is 7:30 pm to 8:30 power nap
9pm to 1:30 am sleep then wake up, stretch, shower, dress w/e
5 mins before 2am start drawing
2 am to 6:30 (~5 hours 30 mins) clocked in
6: 30 walk my dog for 10 mins
7 am to 8 am anki reps
8 am go to work
shitpost on my phone/at my cubicle during break

So that's about 6 hours 30 minutes of sleep and 40 hours guaranteed by the end of the week for drawing.