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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 41 KB, 630x250, DriveSTSHeader.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3290304 No.3290304 [Reply] [Original]

> tfw anxiously trying to start my CalArts portfolio/ sketchbook.
> Tfw idk what I'll do if I get rejected
> SCAD, I guess
> Tfw I don't know what I'll do if I get accepted without scholarships offered because the industry meme school costs a house.
> Tfw have family that lives in the area of the college, quite literally
> Tfw so close I can touch it.
> Tfw tfw.


>> No.3290307
File: 360 KB, 500x375, 1471303639727.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>been to art center 3 times
>3 hour drive
>accepted portfolio
>cant get loans

>> No.3290309

Here's a plan...
>Go to college and major in EE
>Get minor in Business/Finance
>Work as EE for 4 years
>Go to art school
>Try and get job as artist using business skills along the way.
>If fail go back to EE
>If success become artist!

>> No.3290315
File: 1.29 MB, 195x229, 1489238528610.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>twice the student debt
>man this art isnt paying enough to deal with this seven years of college debt
>guess Ill be an engineer to pay it off
>no longer an artist, and with twice the debt

>> No.3290318

Shit, why can't you get loans, anon? Make too much? Parents make too much?
Too long in college?
I'm already approaching my associates by the end of the year, fuck me right.

>> No.3290334

No one to co sign

>> No.3290336

Reeeeeee! Why?

>> No.3290383
File: 546 KB, 1000x499, Screen-Shot-2017-10-17-at-2.59.58-PM-1-1000x499.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3290391

Don't rush into a 100k debt
take your time and contemplate what you want to do in your life, even if it takes you over 10 years
that's serious money

>> No.3290393

Don't worry you won't get in anyway

>> No.3290400
File: 997 KB, 1638x2120, 9C778C1F-320E-4901-8606-8ED2629AA63F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never understood why niggaz travel hundreds of miles for an art education. Go to a state school and build relationships with the few good artists there. There will be at least one. I got engaged to the one I met at my school. Have them teach u EVERYTHING and use the as your motivation to git gud. The school doesn’t matter. The experience does.

>> No.3290401

Ofc, but I'm a filthy crab that wants industry connections similiar to a jewish nephew.

>> No.3290402
File: 263 KB, 845x465, 2818571-katemarsh_lifeisstrange.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3290403

this would be good advice if you weren't very bad

>> No.3290404

No way that's his, must be b8. Not sold.

>> No.3290405
File: 1.92 MB, 4032x3024, EC941BC3-3BAF-4D39-9140-E5388FE949CD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


<state school art.

I fuck her every night

>> No.3290407
File: 141 KB, 2039x1378, IMG_20180120_002451.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bet industry pros are flocking down to those state schools looking for interns

>> No.3290408

Post that soldier next and say your transgender gardener shit it out.

>> No.3290409
File: 854 KB, 1550x2048, 230D34E0-739C-4EC2-9F0D-9D3C5F5E10BE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Truth is, you need the credentials and experience. Saying you are self taught looks bad. Despite all the people that say I am shit you’ll never take the fact that I went to art school away from me. If you don’t go most likely u ngmi.

>> No.3290410

Stop shitting up the thread with your lame trolling efforts. Not even reasonably believable or good at all.

>> No.3290413

My girl makes 5oo dollars a day cash. Hell I make at least 100-200 a day vending in an hour or two.

Don’t listen to these fools. My professor had an hbo documentary, won the top award for any young artist in the country and also teaches at duke. She shows art around the world. Look up Beverly mcivar

>> No.3290415

It’s funny that I’m being completely honest

>> No.3290416

I wish i didn't.
Affirmative action was a mistake desu.

>> No.3290419

My girl paint it

Inb4 u say she looks Ike a linebacker. I have an amazon fetish


>> No.3290427

Lol, did you fucking upload this? It has like 14 views. Gross.

>> No.3290429

U suck and won’t gonna make it anyway if u think the school matters. Also I went to a historically black college, one of the best. Affirmative action had nothing to do with it

>> No.3290430


U are so stupid. The vid reveals a very pivotal technique. Ucould actually learn a lot from it

>> No.3290544

Apply for scholarships friendo, they're so easy to get.

>> No.3290549

I need that poopoo skin boost.

>> No.3290556

who'd want to cosign some artists 200k loans

>> No.3290582
File: 3.55 MB, 3262x4982, ARB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't despair, anons.

>> No.3290584
File: 3.90 MB, 749x1050, Bahi JD.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3290586
File: 366 KB, 2149x702, Lois van Baarle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3290588
File: 373 KB, 2149x702, Tom Bancroft.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3290590
File: 48 KB, 534x202, Emmy Cicierega.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3290596

Art school is a good experience and enhances what you already know. I am sure if you don’t go you will regret it. Most of those artists mentioned would be infinitely better it they went. Plus like I said you establish priceless connections with other artists.

>> No.3290598


Lois went to art school in the Netherlands though, one that is very focused on digital media, even has a game design/art department. The education there is pretry much shit, but still.

>> No.3290602
File: 831 KB, 1796x2378, 927BC438-6FF6-44D3-BDC7-8873F099C8E7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those quotes are misleading. Artists that make it have a great deal of NATURAL talent. They make it regardless. Just because you go to art school doesn’t mean you are a natural. Most of these schools don’t even require a portfolio like my school. Anyone could get in including hacks. Those are the ones that ngmi. But the naturals in art school are the ones that flourish. Hell only a handful of artists at my school had “the passion.” Like I always say, u ngmi if u are NOT a natural anyway. School won’t hurt and gives you the experience. All those artists mentioned wonder everyday what if. That being said, I learned nothing in art school. Everything I know now came from y’all believe it or not and my girl.

>> No.3290606

>muh minorities stealing all da scholarships
You haven't even looked, have you?

>> No.3290607

… says the one with the absolute shittiest fucking obnoxious paintings on /ic/

>> No.3290609

>I learned nothing in art school.
we can see that!

>> No.3290625

I make money off my art. Can u say the same.

Also, Ima stop trolling ic. Ic is a useful tool. It’s the racist fuck that ain’t good and ngmi. This site is serious. The ones goofing off are the losers that ngmi.

>> No.3290628
File: 145 KB, 800x1067, 2269CF73-73AC-4E56-B31F-4654B133841D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am comfortable with my skill level. I am not the best but I am progressing

>> No.3290638

/ic/: fuck off retard

>> No.3290641

ooh, look at that! the moron has sold one painting in the coffee club, wow much impressed!
i work in the art field three months in summer for stage design and the wage is so high, i spend the rest of the year working on my own art and planning exhibits, applying for scholarships etc.

do you get it now? you're not special.

>> No.3290653
File: 124 KB, 482x604, 8185F375-2A85-4FD5-9BC6-E2F1635EB07C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I sell probably three paintings a week vending, have super fans and is insanely popular on the net. My girl is the top artist/tattoo in “the triangle”. I could die now and feel fulfilled. I love my life. Can u say the same.

Also, I don’t even do commissions.

>> No.3290655

She did, that's still a genuine quote-it's more about her anecdote about knowing multiple people who did not. She must not have focused on traditional media while she was there, at least that's my best guess as to why she'd call herself a self-taught digital artist. Tom Bancroft also attended Calarts (for a year, I think) but didn't graduate so that's noteworthy as well.

The point I think more than anything is that at many of these schools, with the cost of the degree, you could start a small business and pay someone to staff it for a few years, or put a huge mortgage on a home. Pay as you go classes, ateliers, apprenticeships (your artistic relationship with your girlfriend would be one example) and inexpensive or free online resources are simply a more financially ethical means of learning art, and they have the added bonus of keeping the money spent in the "artistic community" if you gnometalmbout.

>> No.3290657

Go to a cheaper place like Otis or ACCD or even LAAFA
Finish there then attend an atelier like Safehouse or Brainstorm School for like a year to be competitive

>> No.3290661

No I don’t know what you are talking about. I can’t relate, I went to art school. All I know is that my real artistic work started there. Also, art school in state is like 3000 a semester. That’s not a house. Also what you learn is indespensible. Like technically I learned nothing but going to nyc, painting with others, nude figure drawing and completely actual works of art and not chicken scratch has helped me. Plus I met and begun creating with the mother of my child. It gives you credibility

>> No.3290714

SCAD is okay esp. if you come from the state. A lot of recruits for cartoon network and adult swim are from SCAD.

If you can drive to Art Center, you can go to the ateliers around it. Los Angeles is full of good ateliers, which is one thing I miss about that place.

Don't go to OTIS lmao

>> No.3291489

Fucking bump this shit.

>> No.3291502

Youtube isnt a dependable source of views for an animator anymore and newgrounds has gone to shit, how do I make it on my own in this day and age? These people come from a different generation, a diploma is what's expected.
I just can't see myself knocking on the chamber doors of cartoon network studios and asking for a job like a baby boomer. Damnit.
I'm not keen on becoming a tumblr socialite either, I need tips on networking in that case, something that will get me somewhere.
Fucked if I do, fucked if I don't.

>> No.3291516

No clue where you got this idea that you need a diploma to get hired as an artist somewhere.
Your diploma only proves you paid a lot of money to go to xyz school, but it means nothing to your actual ability. Your proof of being a capable artist is your art itself. The only thing you're really paying for in college (even in CalArts) is just the connections, the education is all the same though. It's up to you as an artist to get fucking good and pursue improvement.

Nowadays, to get into the art field is all about networking--both online and offline. It's laughable you think tumblr is the only option since everyone has been avoiding it like the plague. Social media like twitter and instagram exist too. The next step is all a matter of throwing yourself out there.

>> No.3291538

>believing a bunch of people who just want to shill you art tutorial videos as a school alternative and therefore have every reason to bash art school
fuckin tom bancroft and his shitty books

>> No.3292413

Dominating the box office with another bump. Bamp.

>> No.3292452

I get that motivation and it seems legitimate, could negatively effect stupid, gullible artists.

However, those living in a 1st world country have PLENTY of access to free resources through public libraries and tutorials. Hell, Since Loomis fell into public domain it's now offered as a free PDF online.

Finding a mentor would be the only challenging though. Those seeking a truly free education would have to follow LeSean Thomas' footsteps and find them through jobs and career.