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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 123 KB, 736x413, art feels.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3283592 No.3283592 [Reply] [Original]

Got a confession that's art related or affects your art? Need to get something off your chest and maybe get advice on it?
Post here.

This thread is being made to give advice and keep blogposts contained.

>> No.3283610

>putting feng "the yellow jew" zhu on the same level as loomis and vilppu

>> No.3283615

I'm always afraid that I'm too far behind. I'm 20 and I really only ever draw practice sketches and studies. I don't paint in black and white or color at all (I haven't since my digital painting course in 2016). I feel like I have been improving, but whether or not I've been improving at the same speed as everyone else concerns me.

>> No.3283620
File: 568 KB, 1440x1455, Screenshot_20170609-193923.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry, i should have said

>I've been studing the figure for three years and I really only ever draw practice sketches and studies.

I put in the age because I see how some of the artists that I enjoy when they were in their early 20s, and I get jealous/concerned that I am not at that level.

>> No.3283810

Don't know why I draw anymore. Don't even draw anymore. I thought (you)s would be nice but they feel like nothing. Where did it all go wrong?

>> No.3283864

I'm 27 and just starting 4 year 2d/3d animation course. If everything goes well I'll be 31 when I actually start working.

Luckily animators these days can't draw for shit so I fit right in but I would give my left nut to be 20 again and get back all those years of not knowing what I want to do.

Do my old, arthritic bones a favor and don't give a shit about "being too far behind".

>> No.3283897

>draw every day for months
>take vacation for a week
>get back
>no motivation to draw

I squandered it all

>> No.3283903

The only one who can truly (you) you is you

>> No.3283908

>drawing my whole life,everyday
>filled hundreds of sketchbooks
>start living alone

>draw a few days a week on a good month

>> No.3284116

I regret not having a social life because i put more emphasis on my work and art than making friends.
I also regret trying to "make it" as a lonely teenager with my art when it was all for nothing in the end.
and finally: drawing porn. shit has fucked my perception of myself and the world completely in the last number of years. i can't believe what i have done to myself thanks to it. don't get involved with the scene if you value yourself as an artist.

>> No.3284120
File: 148 KB, 645x772, 1477341724679.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like I really want to draw all the time, but literally no subjects, styles or ideas attract my attention at all anymore.

I'm in an artistic depressive slump. Everything looks so unoriginal and overdone by now that I can't find the energy to even get my pencils out anymore.

I'm not even good at drawing, but can't help feel like this.

Help me /ic/

>> No.3284122
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>> No.3284478

do you still look at art, on instagram or tumblr or wherever? if something's interesting enough to like or save, then try just copying that in your sketchbook. It at least gets you started, and then you can do your own things from there

what are you doing instead, working?

>> No.3284504

I just broke up with my girlfriend and cut off contact with every single one of my friends
There is no chance of ever talking to them ever again
I have nobody left
I'm completely alone
I have absolutely no desire to draw or improve myself in anyway
I just don't care about anything anymore

>> No.3284520

At least you can know there's someone who is exactly like you out there in the world.

>> No.3284570

Ive been drawing for 3 years coming up 4 soon and I haven't made a single finished piece just studies and fundies

>> No.3284580

I love art but it feels like art doesn't love me back. It's like an abusive relationship, and not the fun kind.

>> No.3284588

People have started in their late 20s or even 30s and gone on to be good artists so you're fine there.

Quit doing exercises, they're a meme, especially once you get out of the absolute beginner stage. Just think of what you actually want to draw, i.e. what you would draw right now if your personal ability was no obstacle, and then just start trying to draw it. If you get stuck on something, e.g. you feel like you can't finish a part of the piece because you lack enough knowledge in anatomy, lighting, whatever, then go study just enough of that specific thing to the point where you can continue with your drawing, then get back to work. Why draw at all if you're not going to be working on the things you want to work on?

If you just do practice sketches all day you'll feel like you're spinning your wheels and wasting your time, because you are.

>> No.3284590

you're prolly doing some unfun type of art or something really incompatible to your preferences.

>> No.3284595

Lmao fucking retarded babby, what are you like 20? Just graduated college? Do you even have hair on your balls yet pussy?

>> No.3284597

post work

>> No.3287240

I can't keep art as a hobby. I gave up on becoming a professional after 5 years and it's tearing me apart, but I don't have the skills to make it and probably never will. At some point I hit a wall and I stopped learning. I don't have the money for art education, even minimal. But I feel no motivation to draw if I'm not focused on making it. Practicing has sucked all the fun from the act of drawing.

>> No.3287253

Good post

>> No.3287264

hey bud, stop practicing and just draw when you want and what you want. and when you see the finished result being all shitty go and practice with motivation

>> No.3287284
File: 24 KB, 312x209, dep.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know anymore if I draw because I like to draw or just because I liked it in the past and I don't want to let it go. Repeating over and over the same thing to hide the fear of losing what I have now. If I don't draw, I don't have any much to do in my life.
Drawing in kind of a cure not to feel empty.
In the past I had some friends to share my art and to draw with. It was fun. That's not the case anymore.
I think I still like it but it just feels off. I also had ideas before. Now my skills are better but I lack of imagination.

>> No.3287288

Hey sometimes that happens, you need to get back in slowly, a change of scenery is always good for general mental health.

Next time when you take a break, don't look at it like an opportunity to let yourself go but rather a change from routine. Try these:

Keep a sketchbook on you and force yourself to draw in it from your surroundings as much as possible, at least once a day.

Sketch down ideas as they come to you so you have things to look forward to drawing when you get back.

Use this as an opportunity to try something new, if you're used to sketching in pencil, bring only pens and watercolours with you, etc.

>> No.3287294

Hey man I went through this over the summer, take this time to focus on getting your personal life in order. Reduced output for a couple months doesn't matter at all in the long run. Do things you have to do and make sure you are working enough to make a living but know that yyour artwork is not going to be your best work.

Everyone has their ups and downs, it's the process of growing up and learning from your mistakes. When you're feeling better it'll come naturally to make good work again.

Try to fix your social life first, and don't beat yourself up about it.

>> No.3287296
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Stop it anon

>> No.3287302

Over the last like 4 years my social circle went from countless people to about 30 to a 7 man group then to a 3 man group, then just talking privately to 2 people and now 0

I want to rebuild but I'm worried that there's a reason it declined in the first place, is it possible to get worse at socialising? is it the depression?

>> No.3287318
File: 420 KB, 1236x673, 56d2e05c677269190b34eb5868cd412e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After having drawn over 10,000 spaceships, it has gone from incredibly entertaining to downright painful. As I get better and better, I see my spaceships as something that could become real, like I could take it out of my painting and ride it. Every piece I do is now just a cruel reminder that no matter how realistic, or logical my ships are, they'll always just be that: a piece of art. My dreams will always stay dreams. I've created a physical vessel into my dreams, but can only look through the glass pane. I never knew getting gud(er) would entail this pain.

>> No.3287324

It's the depression

>> No.3287332

beg or worse tier drawing, enjoy as I draw, look at my drawings next day realize how shit they are but I'm too incompetent to pick up a book. ngmi feelsbadman

>> No.3287333

Holy shit, is this me from another place?
relate too much

>> No.3287335
File: 303 KB, 1040x539, 43232421ihopihijpiohoi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just found out my drawing is linked to me losing my virginity. It seems, whenever im outside my dorm, the only time i feel confident to talk to girls and ask them out, is after drawing for hours a day. If i dont draw for a day, i more of just lurk outside depressed. i hate this new power.

>> No.3287336
File: 20 KB, 306x306, 1420391630102.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>me losing my virginity
fuck out of here you filthy normie scum.

>> No.3287341

no. i havent even had first kiss yet. im just saying, my ability to talk to girls completely depends on whether i draw in the same day

>> No.3287350

Other way around, silly. You feel better than usual leading to you drawing for hours a day, and so on so forth.

>> No.3287380

t. losers

>> No.3287381

>Being a virgin is associated with going on 4chan
>having any sex at all makes you normie scum

Fuckin come on man, seriously? We're not all that depraved.

>> No.3287419
File: 157 KB, 624x734, 2928097820768.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a 3 months /beg/ and nothing I do ends up looking good so far. How do I become more obsessed with art?
I'd like to spend hours upon hour trying to improve, I constantly think about drawing when I'm not doing it but when comes the time to actually sit down and do it I often end up blocking or procrastinating, and work way, way less than I expected.

>> No.3287461
File: 57 KB, 640x753, 1421461400558.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Progress thread
>Some guy made a huge fucking leap in only 2 months
>Meanwhile I'm still shit after 3 years of practice
How do you accept you just can't draw?

>> No.3287474

>wojack posting
you deserve it

>> No.3287475
File: 22 KB, 485x443, 1509671082163.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>>>""""wojack posting""""

>> No.3287483

definitely deserve it

>> No.3287522
File: 61 KB, 736x1076, johnharris.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Art of spaceships inspires real space progress anon. How many people working at NASA do you think grew up looking at art by John Harris or Syd Mead? Your work could be the difference that makes some kid decide to go into aerodynamics instead of accounting, and then in 25 years time a ship designed by that kid will be on its way to orbit Venus, and it couldn't have happened without you.

>> No.3287534

I think that was mostly fear of nuclear holocaust.

>> No.3287537

Sometimes i want to burn all my drawings. I still think is a good alternative to the suicide. What do?

>> No.3287618

Wtf, I didn't know, this'd be a feels thread! Thanks anon for giving me that sliver of hope. I now have hope for the autistic Jimmy at the back of the class, who is as into spaceships as I am. Please exist, Jimmy...

>> No.3287628

I'm 28, and still haven't found my place as an artist. I find myself with severe art block no matter what I want to pursue.

Illustration? Can't think of any pieces to draw except fanart.
Concept art? I enjoy coming up with character designs but my painting skills suck.
Comics? I have ideas for an overall story, but have trouble executing it since I'm not a writer.
Try drawing comics for someone else? Maybe, but I feel like I don't have that much control over the content.

I went to the Kubert School because I thought I wanted to do comics, but I realize my true passion lies in animation. I did some storyboards for a friend of a friend who was pitching a cartoon to Nickelodeon. I really enjoyed that so I think I may pursue it.

So now I've gone back to a regular college. I would've loved to go to another art college but I already paid a lot going to the Kubert School. I'm just going to a local college to pursue a degree in Design and Digital Media while building a story artist portfolio on my own time.

I still would like to earn some income from my freelance work, and establish myself as an artist. But I'm having trouble gaining clients with the portfolio I already have.
I'm not sure what clients I should go after with a portfolio full of comic and video game fanart, and original character designs

>> No.3287630

Are you me. I'm in the same boat. I went to an art school to be an artist too. I've become tired trying to better myself to impress clients enough to get work. I wish I knew this was a field you really have to hustle to get anywhere.

>> No.3287633

where are you getting the money to go to all these schools?

>> No.3287639

I'm insecure about my color ability

>> No.3287641

>being a poorfag

>> No.3287660
File: 13 KB, 64x64, Undying_Rage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fuck, how do you deal with the unequivocal fury of attempting to learn to draw? Perspective, art theory, whatever the FUCK that circle line shit is, no matter how far I break it down into tiny bits, it's so infuriating. Art's rules are, at once, extremely vague and yet unrelentingly strict. The attitude "just wing it!" applies to most things, but "just winging it" is NEVER the correct option, and tutorials never have anything for the multitude of scenarios that may arise. I've learned to draw a face facing foward, I know how to do the line circle thing for that, wonderful. But what about at any other angle? What if my guy is facing left? Or diagonally down? Where do I put the eyes then, fuckface? where do the lines go? Where's the OBJECTIVE measure of where this shit should be placed? It's so fucking frustrating. Art is so goddamn nebulous and yet the extreme rigidity with which you must draw is choking, anything less than perfect and you've got an anime cavewoman with down's syndrome instead of a cute OC.

How does anyone deal with this? How can anyone handle it being so slow? So incomplete? So vague? And so full of the expectation that you already know dozens of art concepts? Not to mention the myriad of problems that arise with actually DOING it, like having old lines that, despite being erased and barely being there, you can't stop going over again and again, or the fact that you can NEVER fucking draw a good enough circle, or that you messed up a key section 2000 lines back and now you have to start over

>> No.3287669

>mommy and daddy paid for it
Lmao, knew it


>> No.3287671


I was that Jimmy, not just with spaceships but with robots and virtual reality. Ended up studying a bit of mechanical engineering as result and joined the military for intel work. Those dreams came from somewhere, anon.

>> No.3287684

Regarding your face questions (how to draw faces at angles other than facing forward) check out Hampton's videos. It's actually a pretty intuitive system.

>> No.3287685

hey here's an art feel
don't you hate it when you're working on larger piece and you suddenly realize you're going to die alone with no one who will even notice or care even if they did notice? haha, gets me everytime

>> No.3287691

I went on reddit as well and i decided to follow their advice to not learn anatomy and just study pictures of people but i still hesitate somehow. Generally finding motivation to draw is hard although ive collected a lot of tutorials and references, actually starting to draw is just hard. I spend my time on netflix and gaming instead

>> No.3287734

meh, fuck art

>> No.3287755
File: 46 KB, 451x444, didnt make it.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have the most hellish life in existence. I know I'll never get good but it makes me forget I just want to kill myself.

>> No.3287770


You guys are my lost clones.
At least is nice to know you aren't alone in your struggles.

>> No.3287781

I get so frustrated by my shitty habits. All day at work I think about how much I'm going to get done when I get home. Then when I do, I spend all my time setting up my work space, searching for references, and reading /ic/ (like I'm doing right now). I probably do a total of half an hour of drawing per day.

Anyone have any tips for habitforming?

>> No.3287783

>Now my skills are better but I lack of imagination.

Damn this is me, I don't know what to do other than copy photos.

>> No.3287843

Savings, brokerage account, etc.
First school was helped paid for by my parents, which I'm very grateful for and hope to return the favor.

I worked at a mobile casino game studio for 3.5 years until I was laid off exactly a year ago and haven't found a new full time job since. Its another reason I went back to college, to at least earn a Bachelors degree until a good job comes along. I figured if I end up getting another fulltime job, I can just drop out and always continue school down the line. Freelance just isn't stable unless youre continuously getting clients and commissions, and having your health insurance covered by an employer is a great benefit in itself. I'm living back with parents and college is only $3600 a semester, which is still less than what I earned in a month from my mobile casino job. I'm looking for a part-time job too which I have trouble getting.

I enjoy drawing, but I want to see what other skills I have to get a well paying job if an illustration or storyboard career doesn't come through.

>> No.3288167

i wanna scan my art but i am afraid to take them to the place where they do it cause i think they would steal my stuff

>> No.3288177

>tfw be 18, fresh out of highschool, want to learn classic frame to frame 2d animation, while also learning a high standard of drawing
>currently studying some random classes in uni because I dont know how to get into the industry/schools (I need a years worth of internships just to enter the schools, apparently)
>dont know how I'm supposed to get internships since I have neither skills or experience
>feel like I'm starting "too late" because I never took drawing seriously or ever attempted Animation in high school
>fear that even if I somehow get into a school I'll end up animating lifeless cartoon puppets because classic frame to frame 2d Animation is pretty much dead in the west
But you know what, you're right. There's always still time. I'm just kinda overwhelmed by how I should go about this stuff.

But I appreciate the kick in the butt, anon. I needed that reminder.
I wish you all the best of luck.

>> No.3288252

>not looking right
>give up and walk away
>see it from across the room
>looks great
>re-appoach it
>dog shit again

tl;dr I suck at rendering, but it's such a tease

>> No.3288262


>> No.3288387

>be me
>broke up with gf
>no friends
>no job for a year
>spend time 'practicing' perspective
>want to draw fashion illustration
>barely can draw a fucking face
>family tired of me being a neet
>feeling useless
>this two last weeks thinking about ending off
I'm fucking done with 3/4 faces tbqh

>> No.3288404

>want to draw fashion illustration
>barely can draw a fucking face
You dont need to be able draw a face for that AFAIK, right?

Keep on, anon. You'll get through it.

>> No.3288418

I'm 20, trying to get an internship at Nickelodeon this summer (earliest possible entry).

I really don't know what they want and it's driving me mad. I have a pretty good, academic foundation (even a rec from one of USC's animation faculty) but they could very well pass me over just because I'm at a real uni liberal arts program and not animation meme school.

I have a pitch bible for my movie and am trying to make audioplays for two scenes, but who'll look at any of it other than my professors?

>> No.3288419

I don't understand anything you meant by this post. Why has pornography fucked up your perception? Thousands of artists make their living that way, for example, and they're fine. Seems like you just couldn't take being alone, man. That's perfectly fine, but it's not measure for anything else.

>> No.3288423

Pornography mess with ur perception about wmns so you can't build healthy relationships. Idk.

>> No.3288434

Can you post like you're not having a stroke?

>> No.3288440
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>> No.3288922
File: 2.05 MB, 1126x1200, __PZK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone else spend all day thinking about art, worrying about things or it just being in the back of your head and you delay and do other things, but then within like 5 mins of sitting down and drawing you relax and enjoy it?

I feel like such a retard but the feeling is right back when I wake up each day.

>> No.3288955

Maybe if you're jerking off to it all day, but merely drawing it is just going to make you better at drawing.

>> No.3288966

Is there a more miserable place on the internet than /ic/?

I stopped coming here so much, and only after a decent break did I realize upon returning what an awful and caustic board this is. I got used to the constant depression and cynicism for a while but after losing a bit of the immunity I'm just reminded why everyone leaves after they get even mildly competent. The people who aren't bitching about how miserable they are are just trying to make everyone else miserable. There are good resources and touches of good advice, but you have to dig through so much shit to get to it that I'm not sure it's even worth it.

my advice to anyone - the less you come here the happier you'll be. 4chan makes for an unusual addiction, but don't fail for the "tough but honest" meme. /ic/ isn't tough but honest, it's just a circlejerk of people being shitheads and trolls. It's people acting tough because they think it makes their otherwise useless 'advice' valuable. It doesn't.

>> No.3288979
File: 566 KB, 720x822, anatomy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw laugh at this but realize I can't do better

>> No.3288993

post work, let's see all the progress you've made from "not coming here"

>> No.3288994

>Is there a more miserable place on the internet than /ic/?
I dunno, r/incels probably.

>> No.3289030

Life is hard when the people around you encourage you to draw more girls bc "muh feminism" + women empowerment.

It sucks because years ago when I was still new at art I thought people would care if you do a lot of fun concept art/fanart/studies/figure drawings or whatever, and I drove myself to improve as an artist. Fast forward to today, I improved a lot, tried to ease myself at times by drawing some fanart but people nowadays only care about what I mentioned in the first paragraph.

I feel like I have the wrong audience, and it sucks bc ppl really want me to draw girls + flowers. I am much more than those cookie cutter artworks. I'd rather do a lot of concept art/visual development than follow the things that are ~trending~ in the art scene. It's more fun anyway.

>> No.3289031

>Is there a more miserable place on the internet than /ic/?
maybe lolcow.

>> No.3289036
File: 66 KB, 215x328, 1507902038415.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't pay attention to the neo-marxists fucks trying to politicize your drawings, don't let any of their bullshit get to you. Really.
And draw what you want to draw. It must come from a honest place of desire, anon, otherwise you won't find pleasure in it. If you follow trending things you will attract more followers, it will make up for the potential loss of wymyn loving tumblrinas who want you to draw what they want you to draw.

>> No.3289065

but if you *do* draw more women, you're objectifying them huehuehue

>> No.3289079

All I want to do today is art and exercise, but I can't do either because one of them hurt my wrist and I'm scared to aggravate and prolong it.

>> No.3289082
File: 55 KB, 457x533, unnamed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

name two things you don't need for fashion illustration
next you'll be worrying that you don't have a good enough handle on proportions

>> No.3289084

NGMI pussy

>> No.3289085
File: 898 KB, 487x560, 1516311834688.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like shit. I know I'm just experiencing a low right now, but it feels like nothing I put on the canvas feels right. I dunno, hopefully it passes soon.

>> No.3289089

>And draw what you want to draw. It must come from a honest place of desire, anon, otherwise you won't find pleasure in it.
It actually feels nice doing it. And I try my best not to let them bother me and let me draw girls when I want to.

I guess it depends on the character's clothes and the way I frame said character.

I feel the same way at times too. Makes me want to scrap the artwork and start all over again.

>> No.3289114

I draw all of my characters happy because it's the only way I can bring any positivity into my life.

>> No.3289140

>/ic/ is so negative
>makes negative post

>> No.3289145

been feeling this for over 6 years...nothing is ever good enough. God do I want it to pass so I can start enjoying life again.

>> No.3289151

You're aiming at the wrong audience.

>> No.3289169

I used to have a friend in high school who somehow did insanely good drawings on the spot.
I've been trying to catch up to even just their old drawings for years, but even now I'm still. not. good enough.
It's kinda soul crushing, honestly.

>> No.3289186

As you practice your designs become more refined but not necessarily more appealing. Maybe add more depth to your art: making bigger and more detailed spaceships or adding some background to them (i.e scientific realism / story).

>> No.3289188


>> No.3289189

I feel like I've damaged my brain with stress and alcohol. I can't stop drinking because my life is so bleak and I always take my work home with me. The only thing I have to look forward to is getting one or two days a week to draw. I know what I need to focus on to get better, but I'm running out of time constantly. I hate this bullshit world where I'm forced to do things I hate 85% of the time, just to survive. It's infuriating getting told your entire life by soulless boomers that being an artist is impractical and stupid, especially when it's just about the only thing which is truly rewarding.

>> No.3289437
File: 128 KB, 895x592, 1508362351538.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like I'm not very creative. I always wanted to do some cool post apocalyptic sci fi stuff, like power armors and futuristic landscapes, but i just can't, there's a block in my head that doesn't let me doodle my ideas. I have the knowledge in rendering, perspective and linework techniques, i do studies all the time but i just can't create something with my ideas, not even with reference.

>> No.3289453

Sorry, not Michelle.

>> No.3289540

Have you seen those drawings since then? Depending on how long it's been, you might have grow to a point where it turns out they were never that good to begin with.

>> No.3289544
File: 11 KB, 363x349, 123123.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be shit
>start work at as a corporate software monkey
>two years go past without much drawing
>decide to take it up again
>so shit that it's painful to draw as I cringe at every single thing

god why did I ever stop

>> No.3289564

What about some good art feels, you self-loathing lumps of meat?

I feel good with my progress. Sure, /ic/ always has something so say, but I feel getting closer to what I want to create. Whatever the world is doing with this is another thing, but I feel good.

Also, I went to the pinakothek in Munich a few days ago and it was great. Square metres over square metres of Rubens, it was fantastric. The scale of some paintings was spectacular.

>> No.3289575

You are a beginner, don't give this kind of advice. It's bad.

>> No.3289611

Not anon, but I had the opposite problem. I was the weakest link in high school, with two other artists in our group of weebs being better than me in every way with me thinking they're so good and wanting to be as good as them. I'm turning 27 this year, and I still follow them on their tumblrs, one draws nearly the exact same cringy anime style as they did when we were 15, the other one can draw decent but hasn't improved for 5+ years and actually seemed to decline in anatomy skills (that tumblr aesthetic) looking at their recent works.
I've gotten to the point where I'm making decent money with my work both online and IRL and my improvements seem to be speeding up the more I get serious with art as a career. It feels weird every time I see the differences in our skill levels, kinda like some twilight zone shit.
I use artists better than me as positive aspirations and for lessons, but I use my past classmates as a negative reinforcement to remind myself to never stop improving.

>> No.3289629

I feel that all my drawings turn out the same, but only after I've finished it. I always feel that the new piece I'm working on is going to stand out, but when it's all inked and scanned in, it just looks samey... I guess I can just keep trying new things and techniques, but I feel like I ain't goin anywhere, and I ain't goin anywhere real fast.

>> No.3289641

What do you do? Do you draw human or non human figures? What style? For example, if you're just drawing human females in an anime style with no variation on subject matter or style, it look the same. Whatever you draw, take time away from both/either the style or subject matter and do studies of something completely different for a month. I focus on human figures, so last month I did a lot of landscape studies with no humans what so ever in the scenes.
Focus on studies more than finished pieces, don't worry about inking or scanning them, just find references online or IRL that have subject matter you don't do and do them. Not just once, make it a goal to draw them daily for a month. Then after that, you can go back to drawing your go to, If you do that you'll be surprised how much change in your work you'll see, but you have to take the effort and keep up with the practice. 5, 10 or 30 minutes a day, just be consistent with it even if you miss a day.

>> No.3289755


I didn't say I made more progress, I said I was less miserable. I made about as much progress as I would if I came here more regularly, only I was happier about it because I didn't have to put up with the shitty crab-bucket atmosphere.

But that's clearly part of the problem - this board is more obsessed with getting good than being satisfied with their art. Even when you 'make it' you won't be happy if you keep this board's shitty attitude in your head. Better you learn sooner that self-criticism doesn't mean self hate, and critiquing others doesn't mean hating them either.

>> No.3289796

Why does /ic/ feel so dead compared to the last few months
Lots of threads are dead and no one's replacing them
Was every crab's new year resolution to hop off this board and finally improve or what

>> No.3289822

This is where I can just spill my purse?

>Too cowardly to actually post any of my shit online past on 4chan
>Grow fearful as I get older, I'll be shut out regardless if I even get my skills up to snuff. Even now I feel ancient for someone who hasn't even broken in.
>Shit social skills so it's not like I could sell my art to anyone.
>The vision in my head always seems so far from what I can accomplish
>Every time I try to study I always seem to find a new area I'm weak in without even becoming proficient in what I set out to study. So it just seems studying just gets me further from my goal

>> No.3289868

Word of encourangement to anyone who reads this (depending on your perspective) but a lot of art I love as a viewer is shit. There's a million beautifully rendered nudes out there. If I wanted those I'd look one up. But to me the subject matter, if it's sone thing you truly like and has probably never been done before, I appreciate the heart more than the actual render. I get more joy out of bad sonic oc's, than great landscapes. I prefer to be surprised and think "wow, I can't believe someone took time out of there day to draw this" than to see something beautiful I fully understand comes from real life.
But I'm probably in the minority. Just know that there's a file on my computer for artworks that I fill with things with good concepts and bad execution. And you might be in there. And I cherish your work very much. (Pic unrelated)