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File: 295 KB, 1002x566, Kim-Jung-Gi-Neo-Smartpen-10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3282357 No.3282357 [Reply] [Original]

Stop shading you drawings

>> No.3282358

literally 99% of a drawing

>> No.3282359

And worrying about making perfectly straight lines.

>> No.3282360

Used to like this guys work a lot when I sucked, but now that I'm good, I can see that he's actually shit. To put it bluntly.

>> No.3282374

Just by this post I know for a fact your act is shit

>> No.3282376
File: 49 KB, 720x653, FB_IMG_1516428908018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

KING Jung Gi shades by smearing the ink though.

Stay jealous boi

>> No.3282377



>> No.3282382

I just needed some artist that does a reasonable amount of line drawings to go along with this advice for fledgling artists.

>> No.3282384

>dunning kruger in action

>> No.3282388
File: 688 KB, 683x999, 1443e813522ba4636fd038645c28d6c1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok I know it may sound like I'm a jealous fag because it seems like I'm hating on this dude, but I feel like he honestly stagnated for the longest time ever. I mean, I've seen his amazing drawings where he draws on these huge boards with just a brush pen and what not, and yeah it's pretty amazing, but this is a drawing he drew quite recently, and I find the faces that he draws now are a lot less appealing. It's like a mixture of korean manwha with westernized features. Maybe I'm a sucker for aesthetic cute attractive girls, but whenever I see a drawing to judge whether it's good or not, I picture myself in the shoes of the creator, and for this piece in particular I'm more than willing to say that I wouldn't be happy with what I'm drawing, even if it sounds like I'm just bashing him because I'm some jealous fag.

>> No.3282400

fuck yourself

>> No.3282401

>I don't like it so its bad


>> No.3282403

how is that good advice?

>> No.3282405

Fair enough. I can't exactly agree with the stagnation thing but I did think the same when i saw him drawing that face.

>> No.3282408

if you shade bad anatomy it can still look realistic because it has a 3d appearance. Only competent artists should shade or color

>> No.3282489

>not seeing anatomical errors even when rendered



>> No.3282502

Well beginners aren't going to. That's kind of the issue at hand

>> No.3282518

hes korean, not japanese. of course the women are not going to be as appealing - they literally do not care as much as the japs, who have an intimate connection with the notion of 'cuteness.' Kim Jung Gi is indeed very korean as an artist in that he focuses on portraying vitality, and in this case, not only in the dynamism of his actors, but in the execution. Half of his art is the performance of the execution. I dont know why you dont get that.

>> No.3282522
File: 312 KB, 1280x912, tumblr_naxvr421LP1roqk6oo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's kind of fascinating to me that there are a lot of beginner artists with your kind of mindset. They do this all the time when judging manga or comic book artists too. They look at some slightly wonky anatomy or weird face and then call the artist shit while ignoring everything else in the image, no matter how well done and impressive the rest may be. Just look at those guns in that drawing as a perfect example. Even considering the photo is blurry and low-res you can see so much believable detail and accuracy there. Could it be that because you have never attempted to draw guns yourself but only faces and figures, the only thing you can appreciate is what you have attempted yourself? That's one of the possible explanations I can think of.

It's the Toriyama phenomenon. Every wannabe artist who just started studying anatomy will tell you how shit Akira Toriyama is at drawing, while being completely blind to the incredible level of skill and draftmanship with which he draws virtually everything else.

>> No.3282606

>the girls aren't cute enough so the guy is shit
holy, genuinely kill yourself you shitty weeb.

>> No.3282617

lol faces are uneven and look like shit

>> No.3283021
File: 203 KB, 466x503, nottodaydoc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not that guy but I'd disagree.
His vehicles have a lot of detail but they all seem to be either motorcycles or ambiguously futuristic egg-shaped cars. Not saying the guy wasn't skillful, but to me the reason he became an inspiration is his composition skills. Every action piece in the manga feels amazing. As someone who started to draw after watching Dragon Ball as a kid, I have to say I'm kind of upset Toriyama influenced my drawing style for the worse (which of course is also my fault). I should've learned the poses and expressions, but I learned his anatomy.

>> No.3283040

stop giving shit advice.

>> No.3283208
File: 384 KB, 552x613, b25c3c48260202231a5b260e1c36e816.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To be honest, I can't get enough of his vehicles, I really dig that typically old futuristic kinda style.

>> No.3283216
File: 190 KB, 1024x961, mr_ho001-1024x961.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3283217
File: 172 KB, 1024x675, sandland-1-1024x675.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3283222

>Thinking the animated work and weekly chapters are the height of a man's artistic abilities.

>> No.3283256
File: 1.49 MB, 956x1500, vilppu-woman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought the same thing about vilppu. He can draw perfect renaissance level figures from imagination but his faces are like a slapped arse.

>> No.3283311

I mean it does look like some woman. Not a beautiful one but I don't see the problem

>> No.3283544
File: 2.75 MB, 825x1602, vilppu-consistently-unaesthetic-faces.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here are more examples. Remember that he doesn't like to copy the model so he is intentionally drawing them this way so it's not that his models all have coincidentally meh faces and he's just drawing their likeness.

>> No.3283549

>it's bad because it's not pwetty wike my chinese cawtoons
kill yourself

>> No.3283555

Yes that's the point of the post I replied to. Very good.

>> No.3283631

I think he's just not idealizing the faces. The really ugly one on the bottom right might be exaggerated for the purposes of caricature, or to study the various, detailed lumps of the face.

>> No.3283643

>I picture myself in the shoes of the creator
and then
>If I drew this I wouldn't be happy with it
How is that picturing yourself in his shoes at all? How is that in any way different than "I didn't draw this and I don't like it"?

>> No.3283754

its called style. Not every drawing of a woman should be valued based on fapability. The guy draws convincing real people. Leave him alone

>> No.3283760

vilppus shading pushed around their features a bit, no big deal.

>> No.3283770

real people made out of melting rubber maybe.

>> No.3283779

bottom right=cringe..

>> No.3283784

It's called aesthetic and appeal. We are not in the 19th century anymore bro.

>> No.3283807

>Not every drawing of a woman should be valued based on fapability.
if they don't have anything else going for them why not just take a photo then

>> No.3283817


>> No.3283823

>idolizes villpu
>is beginner so have no fucking clue the linked images are just training and not meant as art
>tries to teach smarter people about art based on that lack of understanding

There's only one brainlet here and that is you.

>> No.3284118

that doesn't look like bad anatomy. Toriyama strikes me as an artist that knows what he is drawing but intentionally avoids realism for the sake of style in their work.
not saying that hes a bad artist but maybe he draws realistically when he isn't focusing on selling his style?

>> No.3284150

Who gives a shit if you stagnate if you're already at a GOD level? Also, the fact that you even brought up stagnation indicates to me that you're a beginner. When you're beginner, you can probably see improvement in your work everyday but as time goes on you'll progress will get slower and slower until it's almost indistinguishable. For kim Jung gi, he's already achieved great technical ability so for him it's less about that and more about being able to express yourself at this point. Literally, that's the goal of art. People don't draw to get better, people draw so they can express themselves.