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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 343 KB, 750x694, E7163E06-6FFB-4B6F-9FD3-C8DB4AFF4284.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3281088 No.3281088 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.3281089

Couldn't agree more. Thank goodness this world is becoming a better place.

>> No.3281095

>posted by second wave feminist
build a house, you fucking sensitive cunts

>> No.3281097

saw that earlier. the guy is a total qt to be honest

>> No.3281100

So brave.

>> No.3281104


Art has become a meaningless word. I don't see the purpose of your statement.

>> No.3281118

hahahahahh , this was the most gay shit i saw this week, and i saw some fucking trainnes getting blacked really hard. Holy fuck. Look at her glaze to him. Look his gesture, look his fucking hair ahahahha.

>> No.3281119

bit sad the artist couldn't do them as drawings. probably they are more effective as photos but idk, cuter as drawings.

>> No.3281121

>being this buttmad,

you wouldn't give a shit if the first one was made today.

>> No.3281122

a feminist woman dont have any talent or skillset. So yeah, lets take a picture

>> No.3281129

where i can get a gf like that?

>> No.3281130

>Lives in a time where women pretty much are as equal as they can be if they still want to be actually seen as women
>Goes back to a time where women couldnt even vote, to find old art
>Reverse the roles
>suddenly art

This is the equivalent of finding some old nigger plowing in the fields and turning him into a white guy with a black master. Art sure got easy lately.

>> No.3281139
File: 14 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>in art history today
>someone mentions patriarchy
>for a half hour class talks about how women can do things as good as men if they try
>professor says to study what we missed in class at home

>> No.3281145

woman trying hard in something?

>> No.3281147

You think that’s bad, you should see the others.

PS: The men are all gay as fuck.


>> No.3281153
File: 21 KB, 368x350, yawn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can you guys enjoy making provocative threads with topics where you already know already what kind of replies you are going to get?

And how can you enjoy replying to these kind of topics the same way every time?

How do you not get bored and start desiring having actual discussions where you might learn something and not just exchanges of buzzwords?

>> No.3281156

Kinda interesting desu. I wish she'd kept the same facial expressions, though. In the original ad both people look happy. In her version, she looks smug and he looks annoyed with the situation.

>> No.3281163

they're all teenagers,

>> No.3281166

Now this answer was really original and refreshing tho.

>> No.3281169

>He decided to highlight this point by using ads from the “Mad Men” era.
I personally prefer ads from the Great Gatsby era.

>> No.3281173


>> No.3281177
File: 40 KB, 638x370, f0a73089d0755e4d2073696e80ad1d02d31cf95facabd5f2202c49c99026b761.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I remember correctly, feminism meant "Equality between men and women."
I fail to see how reversing the roles and putting men at the bottom constitutes as "equality" or even an "improvement" at all.

After all, if you throw a vase to the floor and break it, you don't toss the pieces to the ceiling to fix it, right?

>> No.3281179

That jumped out at me too, really makes you think.

>> No.3281182

It's called a social statement, whitey.

>> No.3281187

perfect example of feminists. obsessed with the past and projecting it onto the present. nothing wrong with the original art though

>> No.3281188

feminist artwork =/= all men are going to be forcefully castrated you know

>> No.3281190

just socially castrated

>> No.3281196

>It's called a social statement
Of what?
Last time I looked at the streets women were free and without any shackles in their feet.
What's to make a statement at?

>> No.3281210

...metaphorical shackles

they're not real but we're oppressed and shit now pay me equally even if i do less work

>> No.3281211

>ads from the 50's
Way to stay relevant. What's next? Is he gonna tell us why slavery is bad, or how the earth is round?

>> No.3281222

Do some extra shifts, chop down some trees and risk your life going to war and then we'll talk.

>> No.3281226

Wrong board.

>> No.3281297

Make it stop. Fucking stop,make it stop. Stop. Fucking stop.

>> No.3281357

>if you throw a vase to the floor and break it, you don't toss the pieces to the ceiling to fix it, right?
you don't? works on my end

>> No.3281366

>it was unjust
>let's swap the injustice for revenge

As usually "feminist" is just another word for man-hater. An idea of equality is never a part of their viewpoint.

>> No.3281377

Lol all the men getting triggered

>> No.3281382
File: 42 KB, 1280x720, hamill1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

every time

>> No.3281390

Silk robes are way more comfy than shirt and tie.
I have no problem with this.

>> No.3281394

When will men finally wake up and realize that they need to reintroduce physical discipline on their womenfolk in order to get shit back in order? Dont abuse them, but discipline them and dont let them try to make you believe both are the same. thats how they win, manipulation.

>> No.3281396

lol at the women that are putting themselves at the business end of a trigger.

>> No.3281450

>calling things for what they are

men actually don't care that much in my experience. It's not like reality change. These days the biggest critiques of feminism I encounter are usually disillusioned women who once bought into those ideas. In the meantime women who are independent and successful tend not to be feminists.

>> No.3281454

The difference is that the original ad actually presents a dynamic which most men and women would be happy with where as the "improved" version is just a feminist power fantasy that exceedingly few women would find attractive.

>> No.3281470

Please don't break the simulation, I can't handle reality

>> No.3281481

At least in the original they were smiling at each other.
Also who the fuck get sout of bed, puts on a suit and tie, then gets back in bed to have breakfast? That defeats the whole purpose.

>> No.3281575
File: 130 KB, 513x939, tg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is a high probablity the artist has fetish of being dominated by a woman.


>> No.3281589

>didn't even bother to make another painting
>neither of the models are smiling like in the original
does this imply that a woman's world is devoid of happiness?

>> No.3281596

>not even illustrated like the original
no, see any cunt can aim a camera at models, there's no talent in this, no knowledge of composition, just replicating what men of a bygone era are doing in reverse, Christ, this puts illustrators and photographers on edge

>> No.3281618

This shit isn't even shot well, it looks like bottom of the barrel shitty stock images. It is downright insulting to all set designers and good photographers to call the subhuman who created this an artist.
This isn't art (or extremely shitty art), it's mindless feminist screeching propaganda absolute morons are mistaking for art.

>> No.3281765


>> No.3281779

>sellout artists rides a wave of public resentment to rake in views
holy shit this literally never happened before in the history of human kind

>> No.3281781

he's into doms apparently

>> No.3281794

i like how the man is overjoyed to have his woman whom he provides for bring him a nice meal. While the woman just sneers at the man. This is saying something.

>> No.3281896

Left: Man looks happy to receive food in bed and the woman is happy to provide it knowing it will be appreciated.

Right: Woman looks disgusted that there's a man in her presence while the man looks like he's there against his will.

>> No.3281901
File: 265 KB, 1213x1463, FEAD61F8-514E-4EC6-9CB4-55550CEC559B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even this is art.

>> No.3281917
File: 26 KB, 345x336, 15157756536600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so feminism IS about hating men and not about equality

i mean its not like we didn't know this but...

>> No.3281948

So brave
Feminists have outdone themselves this time
I hope this will be made into a film

>> No.3281964

>physical discipline
That's illegal now. It's classified as domestic violence. Even just touching your family counts if they said they were hurt in some way (even through they don't).
Hell, there are cops who will put you in jail just for defending yourself from your female partner. As if, she punches you several times, you cover yourself without even hitting her, she breaks a nail and that's enough to get you a 3-year sentence.

Too much for "justice".

>> No.3281973

SJWs don't care about equality, they just want modern whites to face the shit their ancestors forced upon others.

>> No.3281982

So, since feminists can't find actual contemporary mysoginistic ads, they resort to attacking ads from 70 years ago. I think it proves how their whole movement is bullshit.

>> No.3282019

>I think it proves how their whole movement is bullshit.
The whole movement has been proved bullshit since the late 70's.
Yet, like cockroaches, it refuses to die.

It's funny how in the 90's and 00's everybody was kind of OK with each other and things were going well, then the nu10's appeared and SUDDENLY WE HAVE BEEN LIVING IN AN OPPRESSIVE RACIST MISOGYNIST PATRIARCHY ALL OF OUR LIVES

Like, suddenly all men were scum, all women were oppressed saints, all non-whites were suddenly victims of white people and the SCUM Manifesto went for being a laughing stock to required university reading overnight.

>> No.3282053

Okay let's see, obviously photography because drawing is hard, and the first is clearly a tie advertisement even though the second isn't, no, the one thing I want to review is the actual expressions.

Now, not only have they changed, but the resulting mood change makes the work LESS EFFECTIVE AS A COMMENTARY.

Okay, consider the following: Look at the first picture. She's subservient and he's smug, but it's in a kind of pathetic way - she has her head sort of slouched forward. He's happy and enjoying it. He likes the subservience for its own sake. Even the woman looks like she isn't outwardly hating the experience. Now, it's obviously a weird domination fantasy, that reads just fine. That's the point of the advertisement. And women with backbone might find it offensive. Okay, fine. Cool.

But then look at the remake. Look at their expressions. She's looking down at him with smug disdain. He's looking up at her in defiant rage. The entire dynamic is different. It looks like he's barely containing his desire to stand up and kick her in the face. His posture is stronger.

But consider if the mood changed. Consider if she looked happy, but patronizing. If he looked happy to be there, but completely emasculated. Basically, look at the scene like it's about to turn into porn. Right now it looks like it's about to turn into her getting fucked in the ass doggy style. But change it around, make her look happier, make him look more subservient, and suddenly, it's cuck porn. He's a slave to her and she's about to fuck Chad in front of him and he's going to happily watch while jacking off in the corner or something. Now you take THAT, and that's probably likely to piss off the people it's meant to piss off.

My main objection isn't that this targets a particular group, it's that it's such a fucking poor attempt. If you're going to make provocative garbage, at least make it QUALITY provocative garbage.

>> No.3282312

basic: fishing for likes , by doing controversial images... a plain and mediocre what if...

>> No.3282348

>wrong font

>> No.3282351
File: 238 KB, 1145x1460, 1513736362700.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>doing anything right
Pick one.

>> No.3282368

you weren't alive during the 90s i presume.

>> No.3282951

Real cutting edge satire, these ads went out of print well before the artist was born.
It's really annoying that when people do swaps like this, they always put the male in a feminine position. It's still the "male idea" of what's desirable, but with the genders swapped. So of course it looks weird and uncomfy.
The dude on the floor looks genuinely turbogay, too. He has a more fucking feminine pose than the girl in the original ad. On top of that he seems resentful and she's looking down at him coldly instead of being cheeky. On the original you can imagine the husband and wife having a bit of a playful banter while this is happening, not so on the remake.
The atmosphere is a lot more contemptuous so I feel like I'm looking at some kind of bizarre femdom humiliation bdsm fantasy... for the guy.
Even after all that work they did trying to reverse the genders it's STILL male-focused. Now it's about making males uncomfortable, but it's still 100% all about men.
I mean woman don't even wear ties, so this is a misleading/false comparison on every count. It's an ad that would literally never exist. The entire conceit fails, it really just says "serving a woman is degrading and uncomfortable," the point is literally just to sneer at men over fossilized ads from five million years ago..

A proper swap would have the woman looking feminine and the man looking masculine. It'd be a fantasy targeted at the woman, instead of at the man.
It'd probably be a necklace ad instead of a necktie ad. It'd play into the idea of being catered to but focus on feminine beauty instead of masculine... tie wearing.
The woman would be looking delighted and smug and the man would be giving her the breakfast or whatever else adoringly, but in a more male way, so it's like she's being treated like a queen by this guy who adores her or being served by a cute and smitten butler, instead of being glared at by a weird kidnapped twinkslave whom she has nothing but contempt for.