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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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3278224 No.3278224[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why are male artists more successful than women?

>> No.3278227

All the female artists that /ic/ like to talk shit about aren't successful? Even though they make like 20k a month? lol what

>> No.3278228

these days not

>> No.3278233

This isn't true. I've seen many ugly bitches, with mediocre works (at their best), and they still had plenty of white-knights asskissing them

Doing anything as a woman is playing on easy mode

>> No.3278237

Why do you think that anon?

>> No.3278259
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>I've seen many ugly bitches, with mediocre works (at their best), and they still had plenty of white-knights asskissing them

What is this, lolcow?
They're just good at marketing themselves to people or appealing to the right crowd
Some people even just get lucky

That's hardly true anymore

>> No.3278265

>All the female artists that /ic/ like to talk shit about aren't successful?
>They're just good at marketing themselves to people or appealing to the right crowd
>Some people even just get lucky
Is this a Sakimichan thread in disguise?

>> No.3278271

Let's make a true observation without being biased.
1. In the more competitive art industries like game and movie concept art, males dominate. This could be b/c more males than females are willing to work extra hours both to improve skill and to keep job. Another reason is these industries are more predicated on design and functionality and are less artsy.
2. The instagram art of pretty girls, flowers... Is more dominated by girls for obvious reasons.
Maybe you are only thinking of the concept art world but both men and women dominate diferent genres of art.
>no, pointing out a female concept artist or a male artist with pretty paintings doesnt disprove my argument. We are talking about the average.

>> No.3278272

Reword your question OP
success has nothing to do with skill, it's entirely about popularity and sex appeal is huge

>Why are male artists more skilled than women
Now we can have a good honest politcally incorrect thread

>> No.3278292

Because men have higher IQ's.
Mine for example is 129 and I really notice how much better I am than the entirety of /ic

>> No.3278301
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I'd defend Sakimi over any crabby d/ic/klet any time

>> No.3278311
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Virgin whiteknight
How much do you enjoy paying this kike for her mediocre artworks

>> No.3278340

Men used to be more successful artists than women because art was one of the few things where you couldn't subsist on pity bucks from people who don't give a shit about anything but the chance to put their pee pee in your vagoo.

Patreon ended those days.

>> No.3278342

129 is barely above college average.
If wanna peacock start at 136.

>> No.3278348
File: 26 KB, 486x309, main-qimg-929b67e5b164c180d10d9ece5773f03f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Women are very average at everything

>> No.3278361

cauze woman paint useless thumbl bs most of the time.

>> No.3278379

The ratio of men to women with aspergers is 9:1, and spectrum disorders are a great asset for a hobby like art

>> No.3278384

>Let's make an observation without bias
>Makes an observation filled with bias

>> No.3278394

fuck women

>> No.3278395

Most women are alright. Female artists are scum though.

>> No.3278397

>Female artists are scum though.
Why? Because they get more attention than you?

>> No.3278405
File: 1.96 MB, 540x304, tumblr_o5yokmDeMV1qc3ju8o1_540.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i feel like everyone in this thread are just hating artists that are successful cos...well theyre successful.

like why bother to hate sakimi or whoever when u can focus on your own studies and try to get to a level where you make consistently good work?

>> No.3278426

Because these d/ic/ks likes to argue about stupid stuff to avoid drawing and coming to the realization that they'll never be good enough.

>> No.3278430

Men are more successful in general

>> No.3278443

They kinda like being fucked.

>> No.3278452

They're not, men have been slacking in the last decade, what you're seeing is the older generation in senior positions.

Through the internet, where gender can be hidden, women have found more success than men. Most new recruits for film and games now are women and non-binary. The number of successful freelancers have been consistently high too, believe it or not.

Male artists need to either pick up the pace or get replaced, studios are looking for fresh talent.

>> No.3278455

is this bait?

>> No.3278461

Looks like bait
Smells like bait

>> No.3278483

Majority of the students at my uni who landed an art job straight away were female, it is moving that way.

>> No.3278502

It think its a mixture of diversity hiring, and more talented female artists entering the public eye through social media. I don't feel that men are inherently better or worse, just female artists are getting more attention and the current PC trend is causing more women to be hired over men when competition between the two is present.

>> No.3278504

> hate sakimi or whoever
Easy to do.
>focus on your own studies
Hard to do.

>> No.3278505

>no one in this thread has posted their work
No one has hired you because you absolutely fucking suck.

>> No.3278507

>no one in this thread has posted their work
>doesn't post any of their own work
Snip snip, crab.

>> No.3278518

I don't want to derail the thread but what's the deal with OP's image? I fucking see this Star Trek guy everywhere, am I missing a meme or something?

>> No.3278537

It's from the newest Black Mirror season

Based on nearly all of my art history/art general classes, women were placed into a social role lesser than men (which is arguably still true despite reform efforts, some of which I support and some of which I don't). Most wealthy women were skilled painters in the past, they were just encouraged not to say anything in their work or try to sell it as art or they'd be shunned. Also, most of their work was just kind of thrown on the back burner or attributed to a man if it was "of value" to whoever was in charge of the art world at the time. There's a painting in some famous museum (too lazy to google) that's been attributed to a guy for hundreds of years, but they just discovered that a completely separate - and female - individual had actually been the author. I don't know, I think women were just written out of art history so when you think of art history, you think of it as male dominant. As the years progressed with this type of knowledge or understanding of art as a job market, what jobs women ended up working over time continued to be looked upon under that "hey you're a woman you can't be an artist because there's no such thing" kind of mentality
All of my art classes mostly consist of women too, so I'm not sure where the split is coming from in the job market. It might just be that famous women are more likely to make "likeable" or "cutesy" stuff if they're particularly feminine in their work, or men tend to be more focused on the masculine, aka "violent" or "tough," like concept art mentioned beforehand. Also, there's probably just a lot of men and women working in between those two extremes.
To wrap it up, there's also the possibility that the majority of art you're seeing in a day (including advertisements, fashion, etc.) aren't being directly attributed to an artist. Who knows how diverse THAT pool of people is. Anyway, stop bitching and go work

>> No.3278550

bait thread, but there's no one more successful than Sakimichan

>> No.3279037

hey I bet I could use the divide and conquer thing between men and women

no fucking way

watch this

>> No.3279066

You have to prove that something is so before asking if it is so, OP.

>> No.3279761
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Ooh neat, one of those bullshit online IQ tests told me I was 136!

>> No.3279804

Wait is she actually a Jew? That would be a bummer.