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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 290 KB, 1500x670, eva-solo-splashart-krista-7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3277689 No.3277689 [Reply] [Original]

Guess who just got a 6k illustration gig.

That's right, yours truly. About 5 years I posted on here for the first time and posted my first drawing soon after anticipating all the praise and compliments. And was torn to shit. It's been a long road since then. Thanks for being such cunts /ic/, it's the tough love that aspiring artists need. 2018 is going to be the first year in which I don't just pay the bills and get by, but actually earn something resembling a professional salary. For a first-worlder.

Love you dicks

>inb4 kys

>> No.3277692

good job dude, also here comes all the /ic/ buttmad virgins

>> No.3277694

love you too glad you made and shits looking up also kys after your famous people love that shit

>> No.3277695

Grats! Post your first work!

>> No.3277696
File: 61 KB, 817x720, 1487810666079.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could I see the works you posted before and the works you do now? I love that sort of thing.

>> No.3277697
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>> No.3277698
File: 58 KB, 500x457, 06b8ca90418a152acf1e81afceb157fd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Congrats OP. May good draws and money keep coming to you in 2018.

>> No.3277702

Congratulations OP, seriously.
now what kind of illustration is it? book illustration? game?

>> No.3277707

>actually making it

(no seriously OP congratz, good luck in the future, you survived the battle royale that we all call /ic/)

>> No.3277709

>are you me?
literally the same thing happened to me, except I got a $4k gig, and have been coming to /ic/ for 3 years and also got ripped apart the first few times while i expected praise. I even thought about making a thread like this lol. I can't wait to make as much as a $6k gig, maybe it'll happen within the next 5 months. I'm upgrading my work station from a shit pile, so I think that'll motivate me to make better portfolio pieces. Godspeed anon!

>> No.3277713

OP please enlighten us for us plebs who havent made it yet.

Is that 6k for one illustration or many?

How are you gonna get paid for this? Full upfront or after the work is completed?

Did you send your stuff to them or they found you?

>> No.3277716

What was your original thread? It could be found within the archive

Congrats on your success m8

>> No.3277734
File: 266 KB, 480x640, 1504817211301.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got a 6k gig as well but it took me 5 months to complete

>> No.3277736
File: 64 KB, 600x614, BrWQFLN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

heh, I also joined around that time, I finished a 10k comic book gig recently, with royalties cause I didn't want to change a ton of things "for free". feels so good to have 15k saved man, it's not very much for some but when you grow up poor as hell that changes your whole goddamn plans for life. That's literally 5 years of rent+food in a big ass 3 room appartment I got from a family deal, and i'm in a great European city, life is good.

Congrats folks, now we need to keep making it.

>> No.3277758


>> No.3277781

if pic related is your work than im way better than you. you dont see me bragging about anything

>> No.3277786

How do you get gigs like that? I'm planning on posting illustration stuff on deviantart and artstation and hoping someone hires me. Is this the correct way?

>> No.3277790

>5 years of rent + food

lol, no

>> No.3277791

>things that never happened

>> No.3277794

So, it's just a one time thing? You're barely making 6 grand for your first gig?

Get a real job, homo. When are you fucking cucks going to get it through you thick, retarted skulls that art doesn't pay?

Stop sucking OP's dick faggots, get baited with no actual proof of this "6k illustration gig."

You fuckers WILL fall for anything on here, jesus fucking christ.

>> No.3277798

I don't think the art posted belongs to OP but
All social media accounts are about one year old, no /beg/ tier drawings.

>> No.3277799


Hi crab

>> No.3277802

Hey cuck. Feel good shoving that crab word around like some deviantArt buzz word; makes you feel all shiny and important?

>> No.3277804


Shinier than your dirty bucket, crab

>> No.3277805

are you autistic

>> No.3277806

Are you? What kind of response is that?

>> No.3277812

That's really the best you got, you beta cuck? Shinier than your dirty bucket, crab?

What the fuck. Are all of you a bunch of devianArt pussies around here'?

>> No.3277814

Oooh, you got me. Dang nabbit. I should have known you'd get me with that comeback. Gee whiz.

>> No.3277816


You sound angry. Feeling crabby today?

>> No.3277817

Shove that crab buzz word up your ass. Now I know that dipshits who answer with ANYTHING remotely close to a crab reply are fucking idiots from deviantArt.

>> No.3277819

Sup homo. Feeling that cock up your ass today?

>> No.3277820


Why don't you go have a gay crab sex with that other crab? You clearly enjoy piling up on each other.

>> No.3277823

Thanks, international cuck!

>> No.3277824


Says the crab who plays grab ass with his pinchers on the other crabs in the bucket

>> No.3277831

Not him but as a spic, 15k is the annual income of a low wage job times 4, a specialized blue collar job or a regular white collar one. If you know how to budget that's easily enough money to last around 2 years, 3 if you're stretching it

>> No.3277838
File: 605 KB, 485x200, 200.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

congrats op

>> No.3277880

>For a first-worlder.
Thanks, I almost forgot I was on 4 chan

>> No.3277882

cuck cuck snib snib snab snab cuck cuck

>> No.3277921

>appartment I got from a family deal
a.k.a. next-to-free rent

It'll last that long for any non-burger

>> No.3277979


Congrats OP! Happy for you finally making it! (ಥ⌣ಥ)

>> No.3277999

I second this !

>> No.3278011

No offense, but without any solid, actual proof, it's hard to be happy for you. Just seems like any ordinary bait thread.

>> No.3278020
File: 983 KB, 240x257, 1463687236476.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Congratulations, OP!

I also kinda made it, I know that feeling!

>> No.3278036

i want to suck her teeth

>> No.3278047

>6k illustration gig
What does that mean? You have to draw 1 illustration? A comic book? 100 illustrations.
Your gig could be a great thing or something mediocre.
Tell us more so we can either be jelly, meh, or just laugh at you.

>> No.3278124

op here. thanks for the nice wishes guise. op pic is obviously not me and i'm too shy to post my art. it is most definitely not amazing and i don't doubt that there's plenty of artists on /ic/ that are better than me.

the gig s a single illustration, they contacted me. half upfront half after completion. i anticipate that it'll take me 5-10 days to finish.

i've noticed that you don't have to be a godlike art prodigy genious to make it financially. just be reasonably good, have a large body of work that is consistant in style and quality, and you can start getting 4 digit commissions. just gotta put in a little bit of leg work.

ty men!

>> No.3278133

>consistant in style and quality
this is a problem for me

>> No.3278136
File: 82 KB, 216x268, 1515356794904.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>jerk me off: the thread

>> No.3278143

Writing style is different, I don't think you're OP.

>> No.3278184

Good luck OP, someone from this hellhole making it makes me really happy.

>> No.3278427

>too shy to post my art. it is most definitely not amazing and i don't doubt that there's plenty of artists on /ic/ that are better than me.
>single illustration gig for 6k that I'll finish in 5-10 days
pick one and only one. fucking kek.

>> No.3279281 [DELETED] 

congratz my dude we'll be there with you soon enough

>> No.3279282

>>3277689 (OP)
congratz my dude we'll be there with you soon enough

>> No.3279302

Congrats dude you're going to make 2/3 of my monthly income on a 2-3 month gig.

>> No.3279327

>jerk me off
Will do it, for some of that money, OP.

>> No.3281726 [DELETED] 

G-guys, I think I finally made it for good. literally 2 days after posting this I just got another offer for a 17k job, and this time only for a third of the work I previously had to do for 10k, and that's on an international comic.

holy shit I'm happy as fuck.

>> No.3281730
File: 121 KB, 567x582, 80311179.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

G-guys, I think I finally made it for good. literally 2 days after posting this I just got another offer for a 17k job, and this time only for a third of the work I previously had to do for 10k, and that's on an international comic.

holy shit I'm happy as fuck.

I have a 150€ rent. +50 for food, and 50 for going out or shitty useless things. I'm not a spend all my money in the new gadget type of person, grew too poor for that shit. that's 5 years, plus all the profit i'll make in between.

>> No.3281732

Good shit, OP.

>> No.3281778

>17k job for a comic

>6k job for one illustration

>first will take him 3 times more work and it suddenly changed to a 10k job


Great attempt at baiting, OP. I guess you're just too stupid for that.

>> No.3281809 [DELETED] 

you're either baiting, or are just that fucking dumb, which is sad. where did you learn to read anon?

17k job is literally for character drawing alone, which would be done in 1 to 2 months.

You're one of those NGMI people huh? well get your shit figured out, we're supposed to be in this together.

>> No.3281811

you're either baiting, or are just that fucking dumb, which is sad. where did you learn to read anon? I'm not the Op of the thread.

17k job is literally for character drawing alone, which would be done in 1 to 2 months.

You're one of those NGMI people huh? well get your shit figured out, we're supposed to be in this together.

>> No.3281818

>ITT guy who gets mad that his no-proof bait thread/blogpost has disbelievers
No shit, really? BRB Going to go post my new car on /o/ but use a stock image instead, not going to prove it and if anyone doubts me I'll just accuse them of being trolls.

>> No.3281839

Did you draw that pic?

>> No.3281844

>professional artists don't want to be related to 4chan in any fucking way by posting their work here
you don't say.

>> No.3281969

Oh men, 6k in my country is like 18k, i need to get better quickly. People here think art does not make money, i would be drawing earning 18k a single illustration and laughing at these no-life shallow 8h wage normie stem people, holy fuck. Even med doctors here does not make more than 15k. This is absurd. I live in brazil.

>> No.3282043

Yeah, my bad. I didn't check the post you quoted.
Also, I already made it. I make around 4k on a slow month from Patreon and commissions combined.
Inb4 4k is minimum wage. Nope, 800 is minimum wage where I live.

>> No.3282045

>professional artists don't post on 4chan, period
then who was phone?

>> No.3282056

phone was pete mobracher

>> No.3282057

>sinix did an ama on here last week

>> No.3282068

that's literally the exception, and I'm still not sure about that thread.

>> No.3282106

I'm envious as fuck but I hope I can push forward. Someone that works at Disney followed me awhile ago and it gave me a lot of hope that they see something in my work even at my current skill level, like my dreams are attainable if I don't give up. That's how we should all feel because really the only thing holding us back is ourselves.

There's like, single moms working two jobs out there and some of them find time to chill out and do what they enjoy, so what's any of our excuses?

I keep whining about being tired from working 40 hours a week but fuck, there's people working MORE and still getting their practice in, I have NO EXCUSE.

If you're not dead or your wrists aren't broken you have no excuse, and even if your wrists are broken you can still study visually and by reading.

You don't have to draw the body to learn placement and how things work (I mean, doctors have to learn anatomy too, do you think they're all in life drawing classes?)

FUCK IT. LET'S DO THIS D/IC/KS! Let's not let OP be the only one to finally win!

>> No.3282148

Ngmi. If you dont practice 10h a day you are a ngmi.

>> No.3284880

I work 0 hours a week and never leave the desk in my bedroom where my tablet is.

Even I rarely get in more than an hour a day.

what even is commitment

>> No.3284886

That's the spirit, anon!

>> No.3284915

Too real.

>> No.3285203
File: 5 KB, 275x275, Pointless Arguing_Talking Shit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3287970

For real man, congrats!

>> No.3288137

I know who op is.

>> No.3288420

Félicitations et bonne continuation!

>> No.3288428


For some reason people like OP and this poster never answer, just post stuff like this and leave, but I'll ask anyway.

What kind of art landed you this gig for 10~17k, and what kind of work were you expected to do? Is is illustration for a magazine, logo, etc? Answering things like these help begginners like myself a lot.

>> No.3288543

How many hours a day do you draw OP?

>> No.3288609
File: 9 KB, 125x121, 1366745880227.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

go for it dude

>> No.3288896

Cool if true, OP. Curious about the first art you posted here.

>> No.3288995

15,000 for 5 years is 3,000 a year
3,000 euros (I assume you mean euros) is equal to 3734.97 usd
The poverty line in the U.S. is about $12,000 for one person

were the fuck do you live?

>> No.3289017

I'm the one you're quoting. As i said, I had an amateur comic gig for 10k for one of my first professional job. I wasn't into it at all, still am not, but it was the first "high pay" job, relative to me of course. The guy was searching for a colorist, I contacted him, showed him some paintings completely unrelated to comics and he still showed interest. At first it was a 7k proposition. I then saw how horrendous the art was, and told him that I could do a lot better than the other artist, and proposed redrawing faces and other small details for 3k. He agreed and that's it. What I didn't expect was an actual editorial house being interested in publishing it professionaly, since it was just a personal project for the author, to be published online and for free.

What I also didn't expect, was how much legitimacy actually being a professionaly published comic artist gave you in this field and others. People are interested a lot more quickly, and more accepting of high prices. To be completely honest, I still am not thrilled about working on comics that are not mine, but shit it's a lot of money for 2/3 months of simple work, and it's an international comic studio, so I expect a lot more legitimacy after that.

Godamnit I said it above, it's only hypothetical, but i spend around 250 per month on everything, and that's not "starving myself, not having fun, or not eating fresh delicious food". I'm lucky to just have a cheap but great appartment family deal, and that's not counting money I would make on top of that. I live in a great city in france.

>> No.3289723
File: 96 KB, 750x975, 1516486995053.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3289908

God job Anon I'm jealous. Is pic related yours?

What was the deadline?

>> No.3290572

Thanks for answering

>> No.3290581

>I don't have any friends or gf to celebrate with so I'll post on /ic/
Congrats, m8.

>> No.3290591

so OP still hasn't posted their work? what is even the point of this thread

>> No.3292732
File: 1.12 MB, 1338x900, okhand.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

congrats op! always makes me happy to see d/ic/s who make it
seeing you post your story makes me think i can make it too (maybe)

>> No.3293380

Not the other anon but your story gives me a lot of hope. Even though it's not your comic, you're still working in the big leagues.

I'm still working a wage cuck job and serving up low-cost commission pieces to make ends meet.